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Configure geo-redundant backup#

Reliability · Azure Database for MariaDB · Rule · 2022_12 · Important

Azure Database for MariaDB should store backups in a geo-redundant storage.


Geo-redundant backup helps to protect your Azure Database for MariaDB Servers against outages impacting backup storage in the primary region and allows you to restore your server to the geo-paired region in the event of a disaster.

When the backups are stored in geo-redundant backup storage, they are not only stored within the region in which your server is hosted, but are also replicated to a paired data center.

Check out the NOTES and the LINKS section for more details about geo-redundant backup.


Configure geo-redundant backup for Azure Database for MariaDB.


Configure with Azure template#

To deploy Azure Database for MariaDB Servers that pass this rule:

  • Set the properties.storageProfile.geoRedundantBackup property to Enabled.

For example:

Azure Template snippet
  "type": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers",
  "apiVersion": "2018-06-01",
  "name": "[parameters('name')]",
  "location": "[parameters('location')]",
  "sku": {
    "name": "[parameters('sku')]",
    "tier": "GeneralPurpose",
    "capacity": "[parameters('skuCapacity')]",
    "size": "[format('{0}', parameters('skuSizeMB'))]",
    "family": "Gen5"
  "properties": {
    "sslEnforcement": "Enabled",
    "minimalTlsVersion": "TLS1_2",
    "createMode": "Default",
    "version": "10.3",
    "administratorLogin": "[parameters('administratorLogin')]",
    "administratorLoginPassword": "[parameters('administratorLoginPassword')]",
    "publicNetworkAccess": "Disabled",
    "storageProfile": {
      "storageMB": "[parameters('skuSizeMB')]",
      "backupRetentionDays": 7,
      "geoRedundantBackup": "Enabled"

Configure with Bicep#

To deploy Azure Database for MariaDB Servers that pass this rule:

  • Set the properties.storageProfile.geoRedundantBackup property to Enabled.

For example:

Azure Bicep snippet
resource server 'Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers@2018-06-01' = {
  name: name
  location: location
  sku: {
    name: sku
    tier: 'GeneralPurpose'
    capacity: skuCapacity
    size: '${skuSizeMB}'
    family: 'Gen5'
  properties: {
    sslEnforcement: 'Enabled'
    minimalTlsVersion: 'TLS1_2'
    createMode: 'Default'
    version: '10.3'
    administratorLogin: administratorLogin
    administratorLoginPassword: administratorLoginPassword
    publicNetworkAccess: 'Disabled'
    storageProfile: {
      storageMB: skuSizeMB
      backupRetentionDays: 7
      geoRedundantBackup: 'Enabled'


This rule is only applicable for Azure Database for Maria DB Servers with General Purpose and Memory Optimized tiers. The Basic tier does not support geo-redundant backup storage.
