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Set Microsoft Defender for Containers to the Standard tier#

Security · Microsoft Defender for Cloud · Rule · 2022_09 · Critical

Enable Microsoft Defender for Containers.


Container-based workloads should be carefully monitored the following three core security aspects:

  • Environment hardening : continuously assess your clusters to provide visibility into misconfigurations and threats.
  • Runtime threat protection : to generate security alerts for suspicious activities.
  • Vulnerability assessment : for images stored in ACR registries and running in Azure Kubernetes Service.

It is important to adopt a strategy to actively perform those three aspects. One option for doing so is to use Microsoft Defender for Containers.

Defender for Cloud continuously assesses the configurations of your clusters. If any misconfigurations is found, it generates security recommendations. The recommendations available in the Recommendations page allow you to investigate and remediate issues.

Defender for Containers also provides real-time threat protection for your containerized environments. If any suspicious activities is detected, Defender for Container generates an alert. Threat protection at the cluster level is provided by the Defender agent and analysis of the Kubernetes audit logs.

Defender for Containers scans images on push, import, and recently pulled images. Recently pulled images are scanned on a regular basis when they have been pulled within the last 30 days. When scanned, the container image is pulled and executed in an isolated sandbox for scanning. Any detected vulnerabilities are reported to Microsoft Defender for Cloud.


Consider using Microsoft Defender for Containers to protect your container-based workloads.


Configure with Azure template#

To enable Microsoft Defender for Containers:

  • Set the Standard pricing tier for Microsoft Defender for Containers.

For example:

Azure Template snippet
    "type": "Microsoft.Security/pricings",
    "apiVersion": "2022-03-01",
    "name": "Containers",
    "properties": {
        "pricingTier": "Standard"

Configure with Bicep#

To enable Microsoft Defender for Containers:

  • Set the Standard pricing tier for Microsoft Defender for Containers.

For example:

Azure Bicep snippet
resource defenderForContainers 'Microsoft.Security/pricings@2022-03-01' = {
  name: 'Containers'
  properties: {
    pricingTier: 'Standard'

Configure with Azure CLI#

To enable Microsoft Defender for Containers:

  • Set the Standard pricing tier for Microsoft Defender for Containers.

For example:

Azure CLI snippet
az security pricing create -n 'Containers' --tier 'standard'

Configure with Azure PowerShell#

To enable Microsoft Defender for Containers:

  • Set the Standard pricing tier for Microsoft Defender for Containers.

For example:

Azure PowerShell snippet
Set-AzSecurityPricing -Name 'Containers' -PricingTier 'Standard'


This rule applies when analyzing resources deployed (in-flight) to Azure.
