Microsoft Azure Well-Architected Framework - Performance Efficiency pillar specific baseline.
The following rules are included within the Azure.Pillar.PerformanceEfficiency
This baseline includes a total of 18 rules.
Name | Synopsis | Severity |
Azure.AKS.AutoScaling | Use autoscaling to scale clusters based on workload requirements. | Important |
Azure.AKS.EphemeralOSDisk | AKS clusters should use ephemeral OS disks which can provide lower read/write latency, along with faster node scaling and cluster upgrades. | Important |
Azure.AKS.NodeMinPods | Azure Kubernetes Cluster (AKS) nodes should use a minimum number of pods. | Important |
Azure.AKS.PoolScaleSet | Deploy AKS clusters with nodes pools based on VM scale sets. | Important |
Azure.AKS.StandardLB | Azure Kubernetes Clusters (AKS) should use a Standard load balancer SKU. | Important |
Azure.AppService.ARRAffinity | Disable client affinity for stateless services. | Awareness |
Azure.AppService.HTTP2 | Use HTTP/2 instead of HTTP/1.x to improve protocol efficiency. | Awareness |
Azure.AppService.MinPlan | Use at least a Standard App Service Plan. | Important |
Azure.CDN.UseFrontDoor | Use Azure Front Door Standard or Premium SKU to improve the performance of web pages with dynamic content and overall capabilities. | Important |
Azure.ContainerApp.DisableAffinity | Disable session affinity to prevent unbalanced distribution. | Important |
Azure.Databricks.SKU | Ensure Databricks workspaces are non-trial SKUs for production workloads. | Critical |
Azure.FrontDoor.UseCaching | Use caching to reduce retrieving contents from origins. | Important |
Azure.Redis.MaxMemoryReserved | Configure maxmemory-reserved to reserve memory for non-cache operations. | Important |
Azure.Redis.MinSKU | Use Azure Cache for Redis instances of at least Standard C1. | Important |
Azure.Search.SKU | Use the basic and standard tiers for entry level workloads. | Critical |
Azure.VM.AcceleratedNetworking | Use accelerated networking for supported operating systems and VM types. | Important |
Azure.VM.DiskCaching | Check disk caching is configured correctly for the workload. | Important |
Azure.VM.SQLServerDisk | Use Premium SSD disks or greater for data and log files for production SQL Server workloads. | Important |