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Microsoft Azure Well-Architected Framework - Performance Efficiency pillar specific baseline.


The following rules are included within the Azure.Pillar.PerformanceEfficiency baseline.

This baseline includes a total of 18 rules.

Name Synopsis Severity
Azure.AKS.AutoScaling Use autoscaling to scale clusters based on workload requirements. Important
Azure.AKS.EphemeralOSDisk AKS clusters should use ephemeral OS disks which can provide lower read/write latency, along with faster node scaling and cluster upgrades. Important
Azure.AKS.NodeMinPods Azure Kubernetes Cluster (AKS) nodes should use a minimum number of pods. Important
Azure.AKS.PoolScaleSet Deploy AKS clusters with nodes pools based on VM scale sets. Important
Azure.AKS.StandardLB Azure Kubernetes Clusters (AKS) should use a Standard load balancer SKU. Important
Azure.AppService.ARRAffinity Disable client affinity for stateless services. Awareness
Azure.AppService.HTTP2 Use HTTP/2 instead of HTTP/1.x to improve protocol efficiency. Awareness
Azure.AppService.MinPlan Use at least a Standard App Service Plan. Important
Azure.CDN.UseFrontDoor Use Azure Front Door Standard or Premium SKU to improve the performance of web pages with dynamic content and overall capabilities. Important
Azure.ContainerApp.DisableAffinity Disable session affinity to prevent unbalanced distribution. Important
Azure.Databricks.SKU Ensure Databricks workspaces are non-trial SKUs for production workloads. Critical
Azure.FrontDoor.UseCaching Use caching to reduce retrieving contents from origins. Important
Azure.Redis.MaxMemoryReserved Configure maxmemory-reserved to reserve memory for non-cache operations. Important
Azure.Redis.MinSKU Use Azure Cache for Redis instances of at least Standard C1. Important
Azure.Search.SKU Use the basic and standard tiers for entry level workloads. Critical
Azure.VM.AcceleratedNetworking Use accelerated networking for supported operating systems and VM types. Important
Azure.VM.DiskCaching Check disk caching is configured correctly for the workload. Important
Azure.VM.SQLServerDisk Use Premium SSD disks or greater for data and log files for production SQL Server workloads. Important