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API management services should use Availability zones in supported regions#

Reliability · API Management · Rule · 2021_12 · Important

API management services deployed with Premium SKU should use availability zones in supported regions for high availability.


API management services using availability zones improve reliability and ensure availability during failure scenarios affecting a data center within a region. With zone redundancy, the gateway and the control plane of your API Management instance (Management API, developer portal, Git configuration) are replicated across data centers in physically separated zones, making it resilient to a zone failure.


Consider using availability zones for API management services deployed with Premium SKU.


This rule applies when analyzing resources deployed to Azure using pre-flight and in-flight data.

This rule fails when "zones" is null, [] or less than two zones when API management service is deployed with Premium SKU and there are supported availability zones for the given region.

Configure AZURE_APIM_ADDITIONAL_REGION_AVAILABILITY_ZONE_LIST to set additional availability zones that need to be supported which are not in the existing providers for namespace Microsoft.ApiManagement and resource type services.



Configure with Azure template#

To set availability zones for a API management service

  • Set zones to a minimum of two zones from ["1", "2", "3"], ensuring the number of zones match sku.capacity.
  • Set properties.additionalLocations[*].zones to a minimum of two zones from ["1", "2", "3"], ensuring the number of zones match properties.additionalLocations[*].sku.capacity.
  • Set and/or properties.additionalLocations[*] to Premium.

For example:

Azure Template snippet
    "type": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service",
    "apiVersion": "2021-01-01-preview",
    "name": "[parameters('service_api_mgmt_test2_name')]",
    "location": "Australia East",
    "sku": {
        "name": "Premium",
        "capacity": 3
    "zones": [
    "properties": {
        "publisherEmail": "",
        "publisherName": "contoso",
        "notificationSenderEmail": "",
        "hostnameConfigurations": [
                "type": "Proxy",
                "hostName": "[concat(parameters('service_api_mgmt_test2_name'), '')]",
                "negotiateClientCertificate": false,
                "defaultSslBinding": true,
                "certificateSource": "BuiltIn"
        "additionalLocations": [
                "location": "East US",
                "sku": {
                    "name": "Premium",
                    "capacity": 3
                "zones": [
                "disableGateway": false
        "customProperties": {
            "Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Ciphers.TripleDes168": "false",
            "Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Protocols.Tls11": "false",
            "Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Protocols.Tls10": "false",
            "Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Protocols.Ssl30": "false",
            "Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Backend.Protocols.Tls11": "false",
            "Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Backend.Protocols.Tls10": "false",
            "Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Backend.Protocols.Ssl30": "false",
            "Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Protocols.Server.Http2": "false"
        "virtualNetworkType": "None",
        "disableGateway": false,
        "apiVersionConstraint": {}

Configure with Bicep#

To set availability zones for a API management service

  • Set zones to a minimum of two zones from ["1", "2", "3"], ensuring the number of zones match sku.capacity.
  • Set properties.additionalLocations[*].zones to a minimum of two zones from ["1", "2", "3"], ensuring the number of zones match properties.additionalLocations[*].sku.capacity.
  • Set and/or properties.additionalLocations[*] to Premium.

For example:

Azure Bicep snippet
resource service_api_mgmt_test2_name_resource 'Microsoft.ApiManagement/service@2021-01-01-preview' = {
  name: service_api_mgmt_test2_name
  location: 'Australia East'
  sku: {
    name: 'Premium'
    capacity: 3
  zones: [
  properties: {
    publisherEmail: ''
    publisherName: 'contoso'
    notificationSenderEmail: ''
    hostnameConfigurations: [
        type: 'Proxy'
        hostName: '${service_api_mgmt_test2_name}'
        negotiateClientCertificate: false
        defaultSslBinding: true
        certificateSource: 'BuiltIn'
    additionalLocations: [
        location: 'East US'
        sku: {
          name: 'Premium'
          capacity: 1
        zones: [
        disableGateway: false
    customProperties: {
      'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Ciphers.TripleDes168': 'false'
      'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Protocols.Tls11': 'false'
      'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Protocols.Tls10': 'false'
      'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Protocols.Ssl30': 'false'
      'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Backend.Protocols.Tls11': 'false'
      'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Backend.Protocols.Tls10': 'false'
      'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Backend.Protocols.Ssl30': 'false'
      'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Protocols.Server.Http2': 'false'
    virtualNetworkType: 'None'
    disableGateway: false
    apiVersionConstraint: {}
