All Classes and Interfaces

An AAAA record.
An immutable client-side representation of a AAAA (IPv6) record set in Azure DNS Zone.
Entry point to AAAA record sets in a DNS zone.
AAD Vpn authentication type related parameters.
Defines values for AADObjectType.
Class representing Abnormal Time Period identified in diagnosis.
Defines values for Access.
Defines values for AccessControlEntryAction.
Defines values for admin user access key names.
Defines values for AccessLevel.
Exposes methods related to managing access permissions in Azure.
An immutable client-side representation of a key vault access policy.
The entirety of an access policy definition.
Grouping of access policy definition stages applicable as part of a key vault creation.
The first stage of an access policy definition.
The final stage of the access policy definition.
The access policy definition stage allowing the Active Directory identity to be specified.
The access policy definition stage allowing permissions to be added.
The entirety of an access policy update as part of a key vault update.
The entirety of an access policy definition as part of a key vault update.
Grouping of access policy definition stages applicable as part of a key vault update.
The first stage of an access policy definition.
The final stage of the access policy definition.
The access policy definition stage allowing the Active Directory identity to be specified.
The access policy definition stage allowing permissions to be added.
Grouping of all the key vault update stages.
The access policy update stage allowing permissions to be added or removed.
An identity that have access to the key vault.
Defines values for AccessPolicyUpdateKind.
Defines values for AccessRights.
Defines values for AccessRights.
Defines values for AccessTier.
Defines values for AccountKeyType.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in Accounts.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in Accounts.
The parameters to list SAS credentials of a storage account.
Defines values for AccountStatus.
A Data Lake Analytics catalog access control list (ACL) entry.
The parameters used to create or update an access control list (ACL) entry.
The parameters used to delete an access control list (ACL) entry.
Defines values for AclType.
Action descriptor.
Defines values for Action.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure Action Group.
Receivers action definition allowing to set each receiver's configuration.
The entirety of a Action Group definition.
Grouping of Action Group definition stages.
The first stage of a Action Group definition allowing the resource group to be specified.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The template for an update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of Action Group update stages.
The stage of update which contains all the top level fields and transition stages to receiver updates.
Receivers action update stage allowing to set each receiver's configuration.
An action group object for the body of patch operations.
Entry point for Action Group management API.
Defines values for ActionType.
Parameters for an activating an application package.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure AD application.
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
Grouping of all the application definition stages.
The first stage of the application definition.
An application definition with sufficient inputs to create a new application in the cloud, but exposing additional optional inputs to specify.
The stage of application definition allowing specifying identifier keys.
The stage of application definition allowing specifying identifier URLs.
The stage of application definition allowing specifying if the application can be used in multiple tenants.
The stage of application definition allowing specifying reply URLs.
The stage of application definition allowing specifying the sign on URL.
The template for an application update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of all the application update stages.
The stage of application update allowing specifying identifier keys.
The stage of application update allowing specifying identifier URLs.
The stage of application update allowing specifying if the application can be used in multiple tenants.
The stage of application update allowing specifying reply URLs.
The stage of application update allowing specifying the sign on URL.
Entry point to application management API.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure AD group.
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
Grouping of all the AD group definition stages.
The first stage of the AD group definition.
An AD group definition with sufficient inputs to create a new group in the cloud, but exposing additional optional inputs to specify.
An AD Group definition allowing mail nickname to be specified.
An AD Group definition allowing members to be added.
The template for a group update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of all the AD group update stages.
An AD Group definition allowing members to be added or removed.
Entry point to AD group management API.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure AD object.
Settings properties for Active Directory (AD).
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure AD user.
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
Grouping of all the user definition stages.
The first stage of the user definition.
A user definition allowing specifying whether the account is enabled.
An AD user definition with sufficient inputs to create a new user in the cloud, but exposing additional optional inputs to specify.
A user definition allowing password to be specified.
A user definition allowing setting whether the user should change password on the next login.
A user definition allowing usage location to be specified.
A user definition allowing user principal name to be specified.
The template for a user update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Group of all the user update stages.
A user update allowing specifying whether the account is enabled.
A user update allowing password to be specified.
A user update allowing setting whether the user should change password on the next login.
A user update allowing usage location to be specified.
Entry point to AD user management API.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure Activity Log Alert.
The entirety of a activity log alerts definition.
Grouping of activity log alerts definition stages.
The first stage of a activity log alert definition.
The stage of the definition which specifies actions that will be activated when the conditions are met in the activity log alert rules.
The stage of the definition which specifies if the activity log alert should be enabled upon creation.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of the definition which specifies condition that will cause this alert to activate.
The stage of the definition which specifies description text for activity log alert.
The stage of the definition which specifies target resource or subscription for activity log alert.
The template for an update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of activity log alerts update stages.
The stage of a activity log alerts update allowing to modify settings.
A pointer to an Azure Action Group.
A list of activity log alert actions.
An Activity Log alert condition that is met when all its member conditions are met.
An Activity Log alert condition that is met by comparing an activity log field and value.
An activity log alert object for the body of patch operations.
Entry point for Activity Log Alert management API.
Entry point for Monitor Activity logs API.
The entirety of a Activity Logs query definition.
Grouping of Activity log query stages.
The stage of the Activity log query execution.
The stage of the Activity log filtering by type and query execution.
The stage of a Activity Log query allowing to specify end time filter.
The stage of a Activity Log query allowing to specify data fields in the server response.
The stage of a Activity Log query allowing to specify start time filter.
The agent that initiated the event.
The parameters used to add a new Data Lake Store account.
The parameters used to add a new Data Lake Store account while creating a new Data Lake Analytics account.
Enables or disables a capability on the virtual machine or virtual machine scale set.
Specifies additional XML formatted information that can be included in the Unattend.xml file, which is used by Windows Setup.
Address information for domain registration.
AddressSpace contains an array of IP address ranges that can be used by subnets of the virtual network.
The parameters used to add a new Azure Storage account.
The parameters used to add a new Azure Storage account while creating a new Data Lake Analytics account.
Defines values for AdminKeyKind.
Response containing the primary and secondary admin API keys for a given Azure Search service.
Defines values for AfdCertificateType.
The JSON object that contains the properties to secure a domain.
The domain JSON object required for domain creation or update.
Defines values for AFDEndpointProtocols.
Properties required to create or update an endpoint.
Error response.
Exception thrown for an invalid response with AfdErrorResponse information.
Defines values for AfdMinimumTlsVersion.
AFDOrigin group properties needed for origin group creation or update.
AFDOrigin properties needed for origin update.
Defines values for AfdProvisioningState.
Parameters required for content purge.
Defines values for AfdQueryStringCachingBehavior.
The tracking states for afd resources.
The AgentPoolAvailableVersionsPropertiesAgentPoolVersionsItem model.
Defines values for AgentPoolMode.
Defines values for AgentPoolType.
The AgentPoolUpgradeProfilePropertiesUpgradesItem model.
Settings for upgrading an agentpool.
The properties that determine the run agent configuration.
Defines values for AggregatedReplicationState.
Defines values for AggregationType.
Specify action need to be taken when rule type is Alert.
The alert rule object for patch operations.
Entry point to Alert Rules management API.
Defines values for AlertSeverity.
Defines values for Algorithm.
The alias type.
The type of the paths for alias.
Defines values for AliasPathAttributes.
The AliasPathMetadata model.
Defines values for AliasPathTokenType.
The type of the paths for alias.
The type of the pattern for an alias path.
Defines values for AliasPatternType.
Defines values for AliasType.
Defines values for AllocationState.
Defines values for AllocationState.
Class Representing Detector Evidence used for analysis.
Information about the formal API definition for the app.
The API entity reference.
Api error.
Api error base.
Description of site key vault references.
Azure API management (APIM) configuration linked to the app.
The ApiProfile model.
Azure Application Insights information for performance counters reporting.
The base interface for all template interfaces that support update operations.
The base interface for all template interfaces that support update tags operations.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure Batch account application.
The entirety of a Batch application definition as a part of a Batch account definition.
Grouping of all the application package definition stages.
The first stage of a batch application definition.
The stage of a Batch application definition that allows the creation of an application package.
The final stage of the application definition.
The entirety of a Batch application update as a part of a Batch account update.
The entirety of a Batch application definition as a part of parent update.
Grouping of application definition stages as part of a Batch account update.
The first stage of a Batch application definition.
The stage of a Batch application definition allowing the creation of an application package.
The final stage of a Batch application definition.
Grouping of Batch application update stages.
The stage of a Batch application update allowing the creation of an application package.
The stage of an application update allowing to enable or disable auto upgrade of the application.
Entry point for application gateway management API in Azure.
The entirety of the application gateway definition.
Grouping of application gateway definition stages.
The first stage of an application gateway definition.
The stage of an application gateway definition allowing to add an authentication certificate for the backends to use.
The stage of the application gateway definition allowing to specify availability zone.
The stage of an application gateway definition allowing to add a backend.
The stage of an application gateway definition allowing to add a backend HTTP configuration.
The stage of an application gateway definition containing all the required inputs for the resource to be created, but also allowing for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of an application gateway definition allowing to specify the SSL protocols to disable.
The stage of an application gateway definition allowing to specify the subnet the app gateway is getting its private IP address from.
The stage of an application gateway definition allowing to add a frontend port.
The stage of an application gateway definition allowing to specify the resource group.
The stage of the application gateway definition allowing to specify whether HTTP2 is enabled on the application gateway.
The stage of an application gateway definition allowing to specify the capacity (number of instances) of the application gateway.
The stage of an application gateway definition allowing to add a listener.
The stage of an application gateway definition allowing to specify Managed Service Identities.
The stage of an internal application gateway definition allowing to make the application gateway accessible to its virtual network.
The stage of an application gateway definition allowing to specify the default IP address the app gateway will be internally available at, if a default private frontend has been enabled.
The stage of an application gateway definition allowing to add a probe.
The stage of an application gateway definition allowing to define one or more public, or Internet-facing, frontends.
The stage of an application gateway definition allowing to add a new Internet-facing frontend with a public IP address.
The stage of an application gateway definition allowing to add a redirect configuration.
The stage of an application gateway definition allowing to add a request routing rule.
The stage of an application gateway definition allowing to continue adding more request routing rules, or start specifying optional settings, or create the application gateway.
The stage of an application gateway update allowing to specify the sku.
The stage of an application gateway definition allowing to add an SSL certificate to be used by HTTPS listeners.
The stage of the applicationgateway update allowing to specify WebApplicationFirewallConfiguration.
The template for an application gateway update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of application gateway update stages.
The stage of an application gateway update allowing to manage authentication certificates for the backends to use.
The stage of an application gateway update allowing to modify backends.
The stage of an application gateway update allowing to modify backend HTTP configurations.
The stage of an application gateway definition allowing to specify the SSL protocols to disable.
The stage of an application gateway update allowing to specify the subnet the app gateway is getting its private IP address from.
The stage of an application gateway update allowing to modify frontend IP configurations.
The stage of an application gateway update allowing to modify front end ports.
The stage of the application gateway update allowing to specify whether HTTP2 is enabled on the application gateway.
The stage of an application gateway update allowing to specify the capacity (number of instances) of the application gateway.
The stage of an application gateway update allowing to modify IP configurations.
The stage of an application gateway update allowing to modify frontend listeners.
The stage of an application gateway update allowing to specify Managed Service Identities.
The stage of an internal application gateway update allowing to make the application gateway accessible to its virtual network.
The stage of an application gateway update allowing to modify probes.
The stage of an application gateway update allowing to specify a public IP address for the public frontend.
The stage of an application gateway definition allowing to add a redirect configuration.
The stage of an application gateway update allowing to modify request routing rules.
The stage of an application gateway update allowing to specify the sku.
The stage of an application gateway update allowing to modify SSL certificates.
The stage of an application gateway definition allowing to modify URL path maps.
The stage of the applicationgateway update allowing to specify WebApplicationFirewallConfiguration.
A client-side representation of an application gateway authentication certificate.
The entirety of an application gateway authentication certificate definition.
Grouping of application gateway authentication certificate stages.
The first stage of an application gateway authentication certificate definition.
The final stage of an application gateway authentication certificate definition.
The stage of an application gateway authentication certificate definition allowing to specify the data of the certificate.
The entirety of an application gateway authentication certificate update as part of an application gateway update.
The entirety of an application gateway authentication certificate definition as part of an application gateway update.
Grouping of application gateway authentication certificate definition stages applicable as part of an application gateway update.
The first stage of an application gateway authentication certificate definition.
The final stage of an application gateway authentication certificate definition.
The stage of an application gateway authentication certificate definition allowing to specify the data of the certificate.
Grouping of application gateway authentication certificate update stages.
Application Gateway autoscale configuration.
A client-side representation of an application gateway backend.
The entirety of an application gateway backend definition.
Grouping of application gateway backend definition stages.
The first stage of an application gateway backend definition.
The stage of an application gateway backend definition allowing to add an address to the backend.
The final stage of an application gateway backend definition.
The entirety of an application gateway backend update as part of an application gateway update.
The entirety of an application gateway backend definition as part of an application gateway update.
Grouping of application gateway backend definition stages applicable as part of an application gateway update.
The first stage of an application gateway backend definition.
The stage of an application gateway backed definition allowing to add an address to the backend.
The final stage of an application gateway backend definition.
Grouping of application gateway backend update stages.
The stage of an application gateway backend update allowing to add an address to the backend.
Backend address of an application gateway.
Backend Address Pool of an application gateway.
A client-side representation of the health information of an application gateway backend.
Application gateway BackendHealthHttp settings.
Application gateway BackendHealth pool.
Application gateway backendhealth http settings.
Defines values for ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthServerHealth.
Application gateway backend health status.
A client-side representation of an application gateway's backend HTTP configuration.
The entirety of an application gateway backend HTTPS configuration definition.
Grouping of application gateway backend HTTPS configuration stages.
The first stage of an application gateway backend HTTP configuration.
The stage of an application gateway backend HTTP configuration allowing to enable cookie based affinity.
The final stage of an application gateway backend HTTP configuration.
The stage of an application gateway backend HTTP configuration allowing to add an authentication certificate, specify other options or attach to the parent application gateway definition.
The stage of an application gateway backend HTTP configuration allowing to add an authentication certificate.
The stage of an application gateway backend HTTP configuration allowing to control connection draining.
The stage of an application gateway backend HTTP configuration allowing to specify the name for the affinity cookie.
The stage of an application gateway backend HTTP configuration allowing to specify the host header.
The stage of an application gateway backend HTTP configuration allowing to specify the path to use as the prefix for all HTTP requests.
The stage of an application gateway backend HTTP configuration allowing to specify the port number.
The stage of an application gateway backend HTTP configuration allowing to associate an existing probe.
The stage of an application gateway backend HTTP configuration allowing to specify the protocol.
The stage of an application gateway backend HTTP configuration allowing to specify the request timeout.
The entirety of an application gateway backend HTTPS configuration update as part of an application gateway update.
The entirety of an application gateway backend HTTPS configuration definition as part of an application gateway update.
Grouping of application gateway backend HTTPS configuration definition stages applicable as part of an application gateway update.
The first stage of an application gateway backend HTTP configuration definition.
The stage of an application gateway backend HTTP configuration allowing to enable or disable cookie based affinity.
The final stage of an application gateway backend HTTP configuration definition.
The stage of an application gateway backend HTTP configuration allowing to add an authentication certificate, specify other options or attach to the parent application gateway update.
The stage of an application gateway backend HTTP configuration allowing to add an authentication certificate.
The stage of an application gateway backend HTTP configuration allowing to control connection draining.
The stage of an application gateway backend HTTP configuration allowing to specify the name for the affinity cookie.
The stage of an application gateway backend HTTP configuration allowing to specify the host header.
The stage of an application gateway backend HTTP configuration allowing to specify the path to use as the prefix for all HTTP requests.
The stage of an application gateway backend HTTP configuration allowing to specify the port number.
The stage of an application gateway backend HTTP configuration allowing to associate an existing probe.
The stage of an application gateway backend HTTP configuration allowing to specify the protocol.
The stage of an application gateway backend HTTP configuration allowing to specify the request timeout.
Grouping of application gateway backend HTTPS configuration update stages.
The stage of an application gateway backend HTTP configuration allowing to enable or disable cookie based affinity.
The stage of an application gateway backend HTTP configuration allowing to add an authentication certificate.
The stage of an application gateway backend HTTP configuration allowing to control connection draining.
The stage of an application gateway backend HTTP configuration allowing to specify the name for the affinity cookie.
The stage of an application gateway backend HTTP configuration allowing to specify the host header.
The stage of an application gateway backend HTTP configuration allowing to specify the path to use as the prefix for all HTTP requests.
The stage of an application gateway backend HTTP configuration allowing to specify the port number.
The stage of an application gateway backend HTTP configuration allowing to associate an existing probe.
The stage of an application gateway backend HTTP configuration allowing to specify the protocol.
The stage of an application gateway backend HTTP configuration allowing to specify the request timeout.
A client-side representation of the health information of an application gateway backend HTTP settings configuration.
Backend address pool settings of an application gateway.
A client-side representation of the health information of an application gateway backend server.
Connection draining allows open connections to a backend server to be active for a specified time after the backend server got removed from the configuration.
Defines values for ApplicationGatewayCookieBasedAffinity.
Customer error of an application gateway.
Defines values for ApplicationGatewayCustomErrorStatusCode.
Allows to disable rules within a rule group or an entire rule group.
Allow to exclude some variable satisfy the condition for the WAF check.
Defines values for ApplicationGatewayFirewallMode.
A web application firewall rule.
A web application firewall rule group.
A web application firewall rule set.
A client-side representation of an application gateway frontend.
The entirety of an application gateway frontend definition.
Grouping of application gateway frontend definition stages.
The first stage of an application gateway frontend definition.
The final stage of an application gateway frontend definition.
The stage of an application gateway frontend definition allowing to specify the private IP address this application gateway should be available at within the selected subnet.
The stage of an application gateway frontend definition allowing to specify an existing public IP address to make the application gateway available at as Internet-facing.
The stage of an application gateway frontend definition allowing to specify a subnet from the selected network to make this application gateway visible to.
The entirety of an application gateway frontend update as part of an application gateway update.
The entirety of an application gateway frontend definition as part of an application gateway update.
Grouping of application gateway frontend definition stages applicable as part of an application gateway update.
The first stage of an application gateway frontend definition.
The final stage of an application gateway frontend definition.
The stage of an application gateway frontend definition allowing to specify the private IP address this application gateway should be available at within the selected virtual network.
The stage of an application gateway frontend definition allowing to specify an existing public IP address to make the application gateway available at as Internet-facing.
The stage of an application gateway frontend definition allowing to specify a subnet from the selected network to make this application gateway visible to.
Grouping of application gateway frontend update stages.
The stage of an application gateway frontend definition allowing to specify an existing public IP address to make the application gateway available at as Internet-facing.
Frontend IP configuration of an application gateway.
Frontend port of an application gateway.
Header configuration of the Actions set in Application Gateway.
Http listener of an application gateway.
A client-side representation of an application gateway IP configuration.
The entirety of an application gateway IP configuration definition.
Grouping of application gateway IP configuration definition stages.
The first stage of an application gateway IP configuration definition.
The final stage of the application gateway IP configuration definition.
The stage of an application gateway IP configuration definition allowing to specify the subnet the application gateway is on.
The entirety of an application gateway IP configuration update as part of an application gateway update.
The entirety of an application gateway IP configuration definition as part of an application gateway update.
Grouping of application gateway IP configuration definition stages applicable as part of an application gateway update.
The first stage of an application gateway IP configuration definition.
The final stage of an application gateway IP configuration definition.
The stage of an application gateway IP configuration definition allowing to specify the subnet the application gateway is on.
Grouping of application gateway IP configuration update stages.
The stage of an application gateway IP configuration update allowing to modify the subnet the application gateway is part of.
A client-side representation of an application gateway's HTTP listener.
The entirety of an application gateway HTTP listener definition.
Grouping of application gateway HTTP listener configuration stages.
The first stage of an application gateway HTTP listener.
The final stage of an application gateway HTTP listener.
The stage of an application gateway frontend listener definition allowing to specify the frontend IP configuration to associate the listener with.
The stage of an application gateway frontend listener definition allowing to specify the frontend port to associate the listener with.
The stage of an application gateway frontend listener definition allowing to specify the hostname of the website for which the traffic is received.
The stage of an application gateway frontend listener definition allowing to specify the protocol.
The stage of an application gateway frontend listener definition allowing to require server name indication (SNI).
The stage of an application gateway frontend listener definition allowing to specify the SSL certificate to associate with the listener.
The stage of an application gateway frontend listener definition allowing to specify the password for the private key of the imported SSL certificate.
The entirety of an application gateway HTTP listener update as part of an application gateway update.
The entirety of an application gateway HTTP listener definition as part of an application gateway update.
Grouping of application gateway HTTP listener definition stages applicable as part of an application gateway update.
The first stage of an application gateway HTTP listener configuration definition.
The final stage of an application gateway HTTP listener definition.
The stage of an application gateway frontend listener definition allowing to specify the frontend IP configuration to associate the listener with.
The stage of an application gateway frontend listener definition allowing to specify the frontend port to associate the listener with.
The stage of an application gateway frontend listener definition allowing to specify the hostname of the website for which the traffic is received.
The stage of an application gateway frontend listener definition allowing to specify the protocol.
The stage of an application gateway frontend listener definition allowing to require server name indication (SNI).
The stage of an application gateway frontend listener definition allowing to specify the SSL certificate to associate with the listener.
The stage of an application gateway frontend listener definition allowing to specify the password for the private key of the imported SSL certificate.
Grouping of application gateway HTTP listener update stages.
The stage of an application gateway frontend listener update allowing to specify the frontend IP configuration to associate the listener with.
The stage of an application gateway frontend listener update allowing to specify the frontend port to associate the listener with.
The stage of an application gateway frontend listener update allowing to specify the hostname of the website for which the traffic is received.
The stage of an application gateway frontend listener update allowing to specify the protocol.
The stage of an application gateway frontend listener update allowing to require server name indication (SNI).
The stage of an application gateway frontend listener update allowing to specify the SSL certificate to associate with the listener.
The stage of an application gateway frontend listener update allowing to specify the password for the private key of the imported SSL certificate.
Details of on demand test probe request.
Defines values for ApplicationGatewayOperationalState.
A client-side representation of an application gateway's URL path map.
The entirety of a path rule of URL path map definition.
Grouping of application gateway URL path map definition stages.
The first stage of an application gateway URL path map definition.
The final stage of a path rule of URL path map definition.
The stage of an application gateway request routing rule definition allowing to specify the backend to associate the routing rule with.
The stage of an application gateway request routing rule definition allowing to specify the backend HTTP settings configuration to associate the routing rule with.
The stage of an application gateway path rule definition allowing to specify the the paths to associate with path rule.
The stage of path rule of URL path map definition allowing to associate the rule with a redirect configuration.
The entirety of path rule of URL path map update as part of an application gateway update.
The entirety of path rule of URL path map definition as part of an application gateway update.
Grouping of path rule of URL path map definition stages applicable as part of an application gateway update.
The first stage of path rule of URL path map definition.
The final stage of path rule of URL path map definition.
The stage of an application gateway path rule definition allowing to specify the backend to associate with path rule.
The stage of path rule of URL path map allowing to specify the backend HTTP settings configuration to associate the path rule with.
The stage of an application gateway path rule definition allowing to specify the the paths to associate with path rule.
The stage of path rule of URL path map definition allowing to associate the rule with a redirect configuration.
A client-side representation of an application gateway probe.
The entirety of an application gateway probe definition.
Grouping of application gateway probe definition stages.
The first stage of an application gateway probe definition.
The final stage of an application gateway probe definition.
The stage of an application gateway probe definition allowing to specify the body contents of a healthy HTTP response to a probe.
The stage of an application gateway probe definition allowing to specify healthy HTTP response status code ranges.
Stage of an application gateway probe definition allowing to specify the host to send the probe to.
Stage of an application gateway probe definition allowing to specify the time interval between consecutive probes.
Stage of an application gateway probe definition allowing to specify the relative path to send the probe to.
Stage of an application gateway probe update allowing to specify the protocol of the probe.
Stage of an application gateway probe definition allowing to specify the number of retries before the server is considered unhealthy.
Stage of an application gateway probe definition allowing to specify the amount of time to after which the probe is considered failed.
The entirety of an application gateway probe update as part of an application gateway update.
The entirety of an application gateway probe definition as part of an application gateway update.
Grouping of application gateway probe definition stages applicable as part of an application gateway update.
The first stage of an application gateway probe definition.
The final stage of an application gateway probe definition.
The stage of an application gateway probe definition allowing to specify the body contents of a healthy HTTP response to a probe.
The stage of an application gateway probe definition allowing to specify healthy HTTP response status code ranges.
Stage of an application gateway probe definition allowing to specify the host to send the probe to.
Stage of an application gateway probe definition allowing to specify the time interval between consecutive probes.
Stage of an application gateway probe definition allowing to specify the path to send the probe to.
Stage of an application gateway probe definition allowing to specify the protocol of the probe.
Stage of an application gateway probe definition allowing to specify the number of retries before the server is considered unhealthy.
Stage of an application gateway probe definition allowing to specify the amount of time to after which the probe is considered failed.
Grouping of application gateway probe update stages.
The stage of an application gateway probe update allowing to specify the body contents of a healthy HTTP response to a probe.
The stage of an application gateway probe update allowing to specify healthy HTTP response status code ranges.
Stage of an application gateway probe update allowing to specify the host to send the probe to.
Stage of an application gateway probe update allowing to specify the time interval between consecutive probes.
Stage of an application gateway probe update allowing to specify the path to send the probe to.
Stage of an application gateway probe update allowing to specify the protocol of the probe.
Stage of an application gateway probe update allowing to specify the number of retries before the server is considered unhealthy.
Stage of an application gateway probe update allowing to specify the amount of time to after which the probe is considered failed.
Application gateway probe health response match.
Defines values for ApplicationGatewayProtocol.
A client-side representation of an application gateway's redirect configuration.
The entirety of an application gateway redirect configuration definition.
Grouping of application gateway redirect configuration configuration stages.
The first stage of an application gateway redirect configuration.
The final stage of an application gateway redirect configuration.
The stage of an application gateway redirect configuration allowing to specify whether the query string should be included in the redirected URL or other optional settings.
The stage of an application gateway redirect configuration allowing to specify whether the path should be included in the redirected URL.
The stage of an application gateway redirect configuration allowing to specify whether the query string should be included in the redirected URL.
The stage of an application gateway redirect configuration allowing to specify the target URL or listener for the redirection.
The stage of an application gateway redirect configuration allowing to specify the type of the redirection.
The entirety of an application gateway redirect configuration update as part of an application gateway update.
The entirety of an application gateway redirect configuration definition as part of an application gateway update.
Grouping of application gateway redirect configuration definition stages applicable as part of an application gateway update.
The first stage of an application gateway redirect configuration configuration definition.
The final stage of an application gateway redirect configuration definition.
The stage of an application gateway redirect configuration allowing to specify whether the query string should be included in the redirected URL or other optional settings.
The stage of an application gateway redirect configuration allowing to specify whether the path should be included in the redirected URL.
The stage of an application gateway redirect configuration allowing to specify whether the query string should be included in the redirected URL.
The stage of an application gateway redirect configuration allowing to specify the target URL or listener for the redirection.
The stage of an application gateway redirect configuration allowing to specify the type of the redirection.
Grouping of application gateway redirect configuration update stages.
The stage of an application gateway redirect configuration allowing to specify whether the path should be included in the redirected URL.
The stage of an application gateway redirect configuration allowing to specify whether the query string should be included in the redirected URL.
The stage of an application gateway redirect configuration allowing to specify the target URL or listener for the redirection.
The stage of an application gateway redirect configuration allowing to specify the type of the redirection.
Defines values for ApplicationGatewayRedirectType.
A client-side representation of an application gateway request routing rule.
The entirety of an application gateway request routing rule definition.
Grouping of application gateway request routing rule definition stages.
The first stage of an application gateway request routing rule definition.
The final stage of an application gateway request routing rule definition.
The stage of an application gateway request routing rule definition allowing to specify the backend to associate the routing rule with.
The stage of an application gateway request routing rule definition allowing to add an address to the backend used by this request routing rule.
The stage of an application gateway request routing rule definition allowing to add more backend addresses, start specifying optional settings, or finish the definition by attaching it to the parent application gateway.
The stage of an application gateway request routing rule definition allowing to select either a backend or a redirect configuration.
The stage of an application gateway request routing rule allowing to specify backend HTTP settings, or SNI, or a redirect configuration.
The stage of an application gateway request routing rule definition allowing to specify the backend HTTP settings configuration to associate the routing rule with.
The stage of an application gateway request routing rule definition allowing to require server name indication if the application gateway is serving multiple websites in its backends and SSL is required.
The stage of an application gateway request routing rule definition allowing to add an address to specify an existing backend to associate with this request routing rule or create a new backend with an auto-generated name and addresses to it.
The stage of an application gateway request routing rule allowing to enable cookie based affinity.
The stage of an application gateway request routing rule definition allowing to specify the frontend for the rule to apply to.
The stage of an application gateway request routing rule definition allowing to create an associate listener and frontend for a specific port number and protocol.
The stage of an application gateway request routing rule definition allowing to specify the host name of a backend website for the listener to receive traffic for.
The stage of an application gateway request routing rule definition allowing to specify an existing listener to associate the routing rule with.
The stage of an application gateway request routing rule definition allowing to associate an existing listener with the rule, or create a new one implicitly by specifying the frontend to listen to.
The stage of an application gateway request routing rule definition allowing to associate the rule with a redirect configuration.
The stage of an application gateway request routing rule definition allowing to require server name indication.
The stage of an application gateway request routing rule allowing to specify an SSL certificate.
The stage of an application gateway request routing rule allowing to specify an SSL certificate.
The entirety of an application gateway request routing rule update as part of an application gateway update.
The entirety of an application gateway request routing rule definition as part of an application gateway update.
Grouping of application gateway request routing rule definition stages applicable as part of an application gateway update.
The first stage of an application gateway request routing rule definition.
The final stage of an application gateway request routing rule definition.
The stage of an application gateway request routing rule definition allowing to specify the backend to associate the routing rule with.
The stage of an application gateway request routing rule definition allowing to add an address to the backend used by this request routing rule.
The stage of an application gateway request routing rule definition allowing to add more backend addresses, start specifying optional settings, or finish the definition by attaching it to the parent application gateway.
The stage of an application gateway request routing rule definition allowing to select either a backend or a redirect configuration.
The stage of an application gateway request routing rule allowing to specify backend HTTP settings, or SNI, or a redirect configuration.
The stage of an application gateway request routing rule definition allowing to specify the backend HTTP settings configuration to associate the routing rule with.
The stage of an application gateway request routing rule definition allowing to require server name indication if the application gateway is serving multiple websites in its backends and SSL is required.
The stage of an application gateway request routing rule definition allowing to add an address to specify an existing backend to associate with this request routing rule or create a new backend with an auto-generated name and addresses to it.
The stage of an application gateway request routing rule allowing to enable cookie based affinity.
The stage of an application gateway request routing rule definition allowing to specify the frontend for the rule to apply to.
The stage of an application gateway request routing rule definition allowing to create an associate listener and frontend for a specific port number and protocol.
The stage of an application gateway request routing rule definition allowing to specify the host name of a backend website for the listener to receive traffic for.
The stage of an application gateway request routing rule definition allowing to specify an existing listener to associate the routing rule with.
The stage of an application gateway request routing rule definition allowing to associate an existing listener with the rule, or create a new one implicitly by specifying the frontend to listen to.
The stage of an application gateway request routing rule definition allowing to associate the rule with a redirect configuration.
The stage of an application gateway request routing rule definition allowing to require server name indication.
The stage of an application gateway request routing rule allowing to specify an SSL certificate.
The stage of an application gateway request routing rule allowing to specify an SSL certificate.
Grouping of application gateway request routing rule update stages.
The stage of an application gateway request routing rule update allowing to specify the backend to associate the routing rule with.
The stage of an application gateway request routing rule update allowing to specify the backend HTTP settings configuration to associate the routing rule with.
The stage of an application gateway request routing rule update allowing to specify an existing listener to associate the routing rule with.
The stage of an application gateway request routing rule update allowing to associate the rule with a redirect configuration.
The stage of an application gateway request routing rule allowing to specify an SSL certificate.
The stage of an application gateway request routing rule allowing to specify password of the SSL certificate pfx file.
Defines values for ApplicationGatewayRequestRoutingRuleType.
Rewrite rule of an application gateway.
Set of actions in the Rewrite Rule in Application Gateway.
Set of conditions in the Rewrite Rule in Application Gateway.
Rewrite rule set of an application gateway.
Entry point to application gateway management API in Azure.
SKU of an application gateway.
Defines values for ApplicationGatewaySkuName.
A client-side representation of an application gateway SSL certificate.
The entirety of an application gateway SSL certificate definition.
Grouping of application gateway SSL certificate definition stages.
The first stage of an application gateway SSL certificate.
The final stage of an application gateway SSL certificate definition.
The stage of an SSL certificate definition allowing to specify the contents of the SSL certificate.
The stage of an SSL certificate definition allowing to specify the password for the private key (PFX) content of the certificate.
The entirety of an application gateway SSL certificate update as part of an application gateway update.
The entirety of an application gateway SSL certificate definition as part of an application gateway update.
Grouping of application gateway SSL certificate definition stages applicable as part of an application gateway update.
The first stage of an application gateway authentication certificate definition.
The final stage of an application gateway SSL certificate definition.
The stage of an SSL certificate definition allowing to specify the contents of the SSL certificate.
The stage of an SSL certificate definition allowing to specify the password for the private key (PFX) content of the certificate.
Grouping of application gateway SSL certificate update stages.
Defines values for ApplicationGatewaySslCipherSuite.
Application Gateway Ssl policy.
Defines values for ApplicationGatewaySslPolicyName.
Defines values for ApplicationGatewaySslPolicyType.
Defines values for ApplicationGatewaySslProtocol.
Defines values for ApplicationGatewayTier.
Trusted Root certificates of an application gateway.
Url configuration of the Actions set in Application Gateway.
A client-side representation of an application gateway's URL path map.
The entirety of an application gateway URL path map definition.
Grouping of application gateway URL path map definition stages.
The first stage of an application gateway URL path map definition.
The final stage of an application gateway URL path map definition.
The stage of an application gateway URL path map definition allowing to specify the backend to associate the URL path map with.
The stage of an application gateway URL path map definition allowing to specify the backend HTTP settings configuration to associate the routing rule with.
The stage of an application gateway URL path map definition allowing to specify an existing listener to associate the URL path map with.
The stage of an application gateway URL path map definition allowing to specify path rules.
The stage of an application gateway URL path map definition allowing to associate the URL path map with a redirect configuration.
The entirety of an application gateway URL path map update as part of an application gateway update.
The entirety of an application gateway URL path map definition as part of an application gateway update.
Grouping of application gateway URL path map definition stages applicable as part of an application gateway update.
The first stage of an application gateway URL path map definition.
The final stage of an application gateway URL path map definition.
The stage of an application gateway URL path map definition allowing to specify the backend to associate the URL path map with.
The stage of an application gateway URL path map definition allowing to add an address to the backend used by this URL path map.
The stage of an application gateway URL path map definition allowing to add more backend addresses, start specifying optional settings, or finish the definition by attaching it to the parent application gateway.
The stage of an application gateway URL path map definition allowing to specify the backend HTTP settings configuration to associate the URL path map with.
The stage of an application gateway URL path map definition allowing to add an address to specify an existing backend to associate with this URL path map or create a new backend with an auto-generated name and addresses to it.
The stage of an application gateway URL path map definition allowing to specify an existing listener to associate the URL path map with.
The stage of an application gateway URL path map definition allowing to associate the URL path map with a redirect configuration.
Application gateway web application firewall configuration.
Application logs configuration.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure Batch application package.
Link to an application package inside the batch account.
Rule condition of type application.
Application security group.
The entirety of the application security group definition.
Grouping of application security group definition stages.
The first stage of the definition.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created (via Creatable.create()), but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage allowing to specify the resource group.
The template for an update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Entry point to application security group management.
Application stack.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure app service certificate.
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
Grouping of all the site definition stages.
An app service certificate definition allowing region to be set.
An app service certificate definition allowing PFX certificate file to be set.
An app service certificate definition with sufficient inputs to create a new app service certificate in the cloud, but exposing additional optional inputs to specify.
An app service certificate definition allowing resource group to be set.
An app service certificate definition allowing PFX certificate password to be set.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure App Service Key Vault binding.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure App Service certificate order.
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
Grouping of all the app service certificate order definition stages.
An app service certificate order definition allowing resource group to be set.
An app service certificate order definition allowing auto-renew settings to be set.
An app service certificate order definition allowing SKU to be set.
An app service certificate order definition with sufficient inputs to create a new app service certificate order in the cloud, but exposing additional optional inputs to specify.
An app service certificate order definition allowing domain verification method to be set.
An app service certificate order definition allowing more domain verification methods to be set.
An app service certificate order definition allowing hostname to be set.
An app service certificate order definition allowing more domain verification methods to be set.
An app service certificate order definition allowing valid years to be set.
The template for an app service certificate order update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of all the app service certificate order update stages.
An app service certificate order definition allowing auto-renew settings to be set.
ARM resource for a certificate order that is purchased through Azure.
Entry point for app service certificate order management API.
Key Vault container ARM resource for a certificate that is purchased through Azure.
Entry point for certificate management API.
An immutable client-side representation of a domain.
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
Grouping of all the domain definition stages.
The first stage of the domain definition.
A domain definition allowing admin contact to be set.
A domain definition allowing auto-renew setting to be set.
A domain definition allowing billing contact to be set.
A domain definition with sufficient inputs to create a new domain in the cloud, but exposing additional optional inputs to specify.
A domain definition allowing DNS zone to be set.
A domain definition allowing domain privacy to be set.
A domain definition allowing registrant contact to be set.
A domain definition allowing tech contact to be set.
The template for a domain update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of all the domain update stages.
A domain definition allowing admin contact to be set.
A domain definition allowing auto-renew setting to be set.
A domain definition allowing billing contact to be set.
A domain definition allowing DNS zone to be set.
A domain definition allowing domain privacy to be set.
A domain definition allowing tech contact to be set.
Entry point for domain management API.
ARM resource for a app service environment.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure App service plan.
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
Grouping of all the site definition stages.
The first stage of the app service plan definition.
An app service plan definition allowing instance capacity to be set.
An app service plan definition with sufficient inputs to create a new website in the cloud, but exposing additional optional inputs to specify.
An app service plan definition allowing resource group to be set.
An app service plan definition allowing the operating system to be set.
An app service plan definition allowing per site scaling configuration to be set.
An app service plan definition allowing pricing tier to be set.
The template for a site update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of all the site update stages.
An app service plan definition allowing instance capacity to be set.
An app service plan update allowing per site scaling configuration to be set.
An app service plan definition allowing pricing tier to be set.
ARM resource for a app service plan.
Defines values for AppServicePlanRestrictions.
Entry point for App Service plan management API.
An immutable client-side representation of an app setting on a web app.
Defines values for Architecture.
An A record.
An immutable client-side representation of a A (IPv4) record set in Azure DNS Zone.
Entry point to A record sets in a DNS zone.
The properties of a run argument.
The resource model definition for a ARM proxy resource.
The core properties of ARM resources.
An arm role receiver.
Defines values for AssociationType.
The final stage of the child object definition, at which it can be attached to the parent.
The final stage of the child object definition, as which it can be attached to the parent.
The final stage of the child object definition, as which it can be attached to the parent.
The final stage of the child object definition, as which it can be attached to the parent.
The final stage of the child object definition, as which it can be attached to the parent.
Defines values for AuthenticationMethod.
Defines values for AuthenticationMode.
Defines values for AuthenticationType.
The authorization properties for accessing the source code repository.
The authorization properties for accessing the source code repository.
Authorization key and connection string of authorization rule associated with Service Bus entities.
The base type representing authorization rule of event hub namespace and event hub.
Type representing authorization rule.
Grouping of commons authorization rule definition stages shared between event hub namespace authorization rule and event hub authorization rule.
Grouping of commons authorization rule definition stages shared between different Service Bus entities (namespace, queue, topic, subscription) access rules.
The stage of the event hub namespace or event hub authorization rule definition allowing to enable listen policy.
The stage of the Service Bus authorization rule definition allowing to enable listen policy.
The stage of the event hub namespace or event hub authorization rule definition allowing to enable listen, send or manage policy.
The stage of the Service Bus authorization rule definition allowing to enable listen, send or manage policy.
The stage of the event hub namespace or event hub authorization rule definition allowing to enable manage policy.
The stage of the Service Bus authorization rule definition allowing to enable manage policy.
The stage of the event hub namespace or event hub authorization rule definition allowing to enable send policy.
The stage of the Service Bus authorization rule definition allowing to enable send policy.
The stage of the event hub namespace or event hub authorization rule definition allowing to enable send or manage policy.
The stage of the Service Bus authorization rule definition allowing to enable send or manage policy.
Grouping of commons authorization rule update stages shared between event hub namespace authorization rule and event hub authorization rule.
Grouping of commons authorization rule update stages shared between different Service Bus entities (namespace, queue, topic, subscription) access rules.
The stage of the event hub namespace or event hub authorization rule update allowing to enable listen policy.
The stage of the Service Bus authorization rule update allowing to enable listen policy.
The stage of the event hub namespace or event hub authorization rule update allowing to enable listen, send or manage policy.
The stage of the Service Bus authorization rule update allowing to enable listen, send or manage policy.
The stage of event hub namespace or event hub authorization rule update allowing to enable manage policy.
The stage of Service Bus authorization rule update allowing to enable manage policy.
The stage of the event hub namespace or event hub authorization rule update allowing to enable send policy.
The stage of the Service Bus authorization rule update allowing to enable send policy.
The stage of the event hub namespace or event hub authorization rule update allowing to enable send or manage policy.
The stage of the Service Bus authorization rule update allowing to enable send or manage policy.
Entry point to authorization rules management API.
Defines values for AuthorizationUseStatus.
Actions which to take by the auto-heal module when a rule is triggered.
Defines values for AutoHealActionType.
Custom action to be executed when an auto heal rule is triggered.
Rules that can be defined for auto-heal.
Triggers for auto-heal.
The configuration parameters used for performing automatic OS upgrade.
Describes automatic OS upgrade properties on the image.
Specifies the configuration parameters for automatic repairs on the virtual machine scale set.
Defines values for AutomaticTuningDisabledReason.
Defines values for AutomaticTuningMode.
Defines values for AutomaticTuningOptionModeActual.
Defines values for AutomaticTuningOptionModeDesired.
Automatic tuning properties for individual advisors.
Defines values for AutomaticTuningServerMode.
Automatic tuning properties for individual advisors.
Defines values for AutomaticTuningServerReason.
The Azure Automation Runbook notification receiver.
Autoscale notification.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure autoscale profile.
The entirety of an autoscale profile definition.
Grouping of autoscale profile definition stages.
The first stage of autoscale profile definition.
The final stage of the definition which attaches defined profile to the current Autoscale settings.
The stage of the definition which adds scale rules.
The stage of the definition which adds optional scale rules and schedules.
The stage of the definition which specifies autoscale profile schedule.
Grouping of autoscale profile update stages.
The entirety of an autoscale profile definition during current autoscale settings update.
Grouping of autoscale profile definition stages during current autoscale settings update stage.
The first stage of autoscale profile definition.
The final stage of the definition which attaches defined profile to the current Autoscale settings.
The stage of the definition which adds scale rules.
The stage of the definition which adds optional scale rules and schedules.
The stage of the definition which specifies autoscale profile schedule.
The results and errors from an execution of a pool autoscale formula.
An error that occurred when autoscaling a pool.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure autoscale setting.
The entirety of an autoscale setting definition.
Grouping of autoscale setting definition stages.
The first stage of autoscale setting definition.
The stage of the definition which specifies autoscale notifications.
The stage of the definition which specifies autoscale profile.
The stage of the definition which specifies if the current autoscale setting should be disabled upon creation.
The stage of the definition which selects target resource.
The stage of the definition which allows autoscale setting creation.
The stage of the definition which selects resource group.
Grouping of autoscale setting update stages.
Grouping of autoscale setting update stages.
The stage of the update which adds or updates autoscale profiles in the current setting.
The stage of the update which updates current autoscale setting.
The autoscale setting object for patch operations.
Entry point to autoscale management API in Azure.
AutoScale settings for the pool.
Auto-scale settings for the cluster.
Defines values for AutoStorageAuthenticationMode.
The properties related to the auto-storage account.
Contains information about the auto-storage account associated with a Batch account.
Defines values for AutoUserScope.
Specifies the parameters for the auto user that runs a task on the Batch service.
Availability of the metric.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure availability set.
Container interface for all the definitions related to an availability set.
Grouping of availability set definition stages.
The first stage of an availability set definition.
The stage of an availability set definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of the availability set definition allowing to specify the fault domain count.
The stage of the availability set definition allowing to specify the resource group.
The stage of the availability set definition setting ProximityPlacementGroup.
The stage of the availability set definition allowing enable or disable for managed disk.
The stage of the availability set definition allowing to specify the update domain count.
The template for an availability set update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of availability set update stages.
The stage of the availability set definition setting ProximityPlacementGroup.
The stage of the availability set definition allowing to specify SKU.
Entry point to availability set management API.
Defines values for AvailabilitySetSkuTypes.
Specifies information about the availability set that the virtual machine should be assigned to.
Availability zone identifiers.
Describes the properties of an virtual machine instance view for available patch summary.
An immutable client-side representation of available Internet service providers.
The entirety of available providers parameters definition.
Grouping of available providers parameters definition stages.
The first stage of available providers parameters definition.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for execution, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of the definition which allows to specify city or execute the query.
The stage of the definition which allows to specify country or execute the query.
The stage of the definition which allows to specify state or execute the query.
City or town details.
Country details.
Constraints that determine the list of available Internet service providers.
State details.
Azure action group.
The entry point for accessing resource management APIs in Azure.
Provides authenticated access to a subset of Azure APIs that do not require a specific subscription.
The interface allowing configurations to be made on the client.
The Azure mobile App push notification receiver.
The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is in progress, or has failed.
Client-side representation for AzureBlobFileSystemReference.
Definition of azure blob file system reference.
Definition stages for azure blob file system reference.
Information used to connect to an Azure Storage Container using Blobfuse.
Azure Blob Storage Container mounting configuration.
Application logs azure blob storage configuration.
Http logs to azure blob storage configuration.
The base interface for allowing configurations to be made on the HTTP client.
The resource model definition for a Azure Resource Manager resource with an etag.
The resource model definition for a Azure Resource Manager resource with an etag.
Client-side representation for AzureFileShareReference.
Definition of azure file share reference.
Definition stages for azure file share reference.
Information used to connect to an Azure Fileshare.
Azure File Share mounting configuration.
Settings for Azure Files identity based authentication.
The properties of the Azure File volume.
Properties of an application rule.
Application rule collection resource.
Properties of the application rule protocol.
Defines values for AzureFirewallApplicationRuleProtocolType.
IP configuration of an Azure Firewall.
IpGroups associated with azure firewall.
AzureFirewall NAT Rule Collection Action.
Defines values for AzureFirewallNatRCActionType.
Properties of a NAT rule.
NAT rule collection resource.
Properties of the network rule.
Network rule collection resource.
Defines values for AzureFirewallNetworkRuleProtocol.
Public IP Address associated with azure firewall.
Properties of the AzureFirewallRCAction.
Defines values for AzureFirewallRCActionType.
SKU of an Azure Firewall.
Defines values for AzureFirewallSkuName.
Defines values for AzureFirewallSkuTier.
Defines values for AzureFirewallThreatIntelMode.
An azure function receiver.
An immutable client-side representation of Azure reachability report details.
The entirety of Azure reachability report parameters definition.
Grouping of Azure reachability report definition stages.
Sets Azure regions to scope the query to.
Sets the end time for the Azure reachability report.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for execution, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The first stage of Azure reachability report parameters definition.
Sets the list of Internet service providers.
Sets the start time for the Azure reachability report.
Azure reachability report details for a given provider location.
Details on latency for a time series.
Parameters that define a geographic location.
Geographic and time constraints for Azure reachability report.
Defines values for AzureResourceType.
Azure storage account credentials.
Azure Files or Blob Storage access information value for dictionary storage.
Defines values for AzureStorageState.
Defines values for AzureStorageType.
Application logs to Azure table storage configuration.
Defines values for BackupItemStatus.
Defines values for BackupLongTermRetentionPolicyState.
Defines values for BackupRestoreOperationType.
Description of a backup schedule.
Properties that describe a base image dependency.
Defines values for BaseImageDependencyType.
The trigger based on base image dependency.
Defines values for BaseImageTriggerType.
The properties for updating base image dependency trigger.
Data Lake Analytics Job Parameters base class for build and submit.
Represents a baseline metadata value.
Represents a baseline metadata value.
Defines values for BaselineSensitivity.
Deployment dependency information.
Defines values for BastionConnectProtocol.
IP configuration of an Bastion Host.
Post request for all the Bastion Shareable Link endpoints.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure Batch account.
The entirety of a Batch account definition.
Grouping of all the Batch account definition stages.
The first stage of a Batch account definition.
The stage of a Batch account definition allowing the creation of a Batch application.
The stage of a Batch account definition allowing adding an application and a storage account.
A Batch account definition with sufficient inputs to create a new Batch account in the cloud, but exposing additional optional inputs to specify.
The stage of a Batch account definition allowing the adding of a Batch application or creating the Batch account.
The stage of a Batch account definition allowing the resource group to be specified.
The stage of a Batch account definition allowing the creation of a Batch pool.
The stage of a Batch account definition allowing to associate storage accounts with the Batch account.
The template for a Batch account update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of all Batch account update stages.
The stage of a Batch account definition allowing the creation of a Batch application.
The stage of a Batch account definition allowing the creation of a Batch pool.
The stage of a Batch account update allowing to specify a storage account.
Defines headers for Create operation.
Parameters supplied to the Create operation.
Defines headers for Delete operation.
The identity of the Batch account, if configured.
This class represents the access keys for the batch account.
Parameters supplied to the RegenerateKey operation.
Entry point to Azure Batch account management API.
Parameters for updating an Azure Batch account.
Entry point for Batch AI cluster management API in Azure.
The entirety of a Batch AI cluster definition.
Grouping of Batch AI cluster definition stages.
The first stage of a Batch AI cluster definition.
Specifies Azure Application Insights information for performance counters reporting.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
Specifies scale settings for the cluster.
Specifies a setup task which can be used to customize the compute nodes of the cluster.
Defines subnet for the cluster.
Specifies the credentials to use for authentication on each of the nodes of a cluster.
Specifies the name of the administrator account that gets created on each of the nodes of a cluster.
Specifies virtual machine image.
The stage of a Batch AI cluster definition allowing to specify virtual machine size.
The template for an update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of Batch AI cluster update stages.
Entry point to Batch AI cluster management API in Azure.
An error response from the Batch AI service.
Entry point for Batch AI Experiment management API in Azure.
The entirety of a Batch AI experiment definition.
Grouping of Batch AI experiment definition stages.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
Entry point to Batch AI experiments management API in Azure.
Entry point for Batch AI file server management API in Azure.
The entirety of a Batch AI file server definition.
Grouping of Batch AI file server definition stages.
The first stage of a Batch AI file server definition.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
This stage of a Batch AI file server definition allows to specify data disks parameters.
Defines subnet for the file server.
This stage of a Batch AI file server definition allows to specify user credentials.
This stage of a Batch AI file server definition allows to specify administrator account name.
This stage of a Batch AI file server definition allows to specify virtual machine size.
Entry point to Batch AI file servers management API in Azure.
Client-side representation of Batch AI Job object, associated with Batch AI Cluster.
The entirety of the Batch AI job definition.
Grouping of Batch AI job definition stages.
The first stage of Batch AI job definition.
The stage of the Batch AI job definition allowing to specify cluster for the job.
Specifies details of the container registry and image such as name, URL and credentials.
The stage of a virtual network gateway connection definition with sufficient inputs to create a new connection in the cloud, but exposing additional optional settings to specify.
Allows to specify environment variables.
The stage of the Batch AI job definition allowing to specify environment variables with secrets.
Specifies the command line to be executed before tool kit is launched.
The stage of the definition allowing to specify number of compute nodes to run the job on.
The stage of the job definition allowing to specify where Batch AI will upload stdout and stderr of the job.
Entry point for Batch AI jobs management API in Azure.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure Batch AI resource usage info object.
Entry point for Batch AI resource usage management API.
Type representing Workspace.
The entirety of the Workspace definition.
Grouping of Workspace definition stages.
The first stage of a Workspace definition.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created (via Creatable.create()), but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of the Workspace definition allowing to specify the resource group.
The template for a Workspace update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Entry point to virtual network gateways management API in Azure.
The identity of the Batch pool, if configured.
Contains bgp community information offered in Service Community resources.
Defines values for BgpPeerState.
BGP peer status details.
BGP settings details.
Specifies the billing related details of a Azure Spot VM or VMSS.
Defines values for BlobAuditingPolicyState.
Type representing BlobContainer.
The entirety of the BlobContainer definition.
Grouping of BlobContainer definition stages.
The first stage of a BlobContainer definition.
The stage of the blobcontainer definition allowing to specify BlobService.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created (via Creatable.create()), but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of the blobcontainer definition allowing to specify Metadata.
The stage of the blobcontainer definition allowing to specify PublicAccess.
The template for a BlobContainer update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of BlobContainer update stages.
The stage of the blobcontainer update allowing to specify Metadata.
The stage of the blobcontainer update allowing to specify PublicAccess.
Type representing BlobContainers.
Defines headers for CreateOrUpdateImmutabilityPolicy operation.
Defines headers for DeleteImmutabilityPolicy operation.
Defines headers for ExtendImmutabilityPolicy operation.
Defines headers for GetImmutabilityPolicy operation.
Defines headers for LockImmutabilityPolicy operation.
Blob restore parameters.
Defines values for BlobRestoreProgressStatus.
Blob range.
Type representing BlobServiceProperties.
The entirety of the BlobServiceProperties definition.
Grouping of BlobServiceProperties definition stages.
The first stage of a BlobServiceProperties definition.
The stage of the blobserviceproperties definition allowing to specify Cors.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created (via Creatable.create()), but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of the blobserviceproperties definition allowing to specify DefaultServiceVersion.
The stage of the blobserviceproperties definition allowing to specify DeleteRetentionPolicy.
The stage of the blobserviceproperties definition allowing to specify StorageAccount.
The template for a BlobServiceProperties update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of BlobServiceProperties update stages.
The stage of the blobserviceproperties update allowing to specify Cors.
The stage of the blobserviceproperties update allowing to specify DefaultServiceVersion.
The stage of the blobserviceproperties update allowing to specify DeleteRetentionPolicy.
Type representing BlobServices.
Defines values for GeoReplicationStatus.
Boot Diagnostics is a debugging feature which allows you to view Console Output and Screenshot to diagnose VM status.
The instance view of a virtual machine boot diagnostics.
The parameters used to build a new Data Lake Analytics job.
Defines values for BuiltInAuthenticationProvider.
Defines values for roles.
Defines values for Bypass.
A CAA record.
An immutable client-side representation of an CAA (service) record set in Azure DNS Zone.
Entry point to Caa record sets in a DNS zone.
Defines values for CacheBehavior.
The cached image and OS type.
Defines the parameters for the cache expiration action.
Defines the parameters for the cache-key query string action.
Defines values for CachingType.
Defines values for CachingType.
Defines values for CachingTypes.
Caffe2 job settings.
Caffe job settings.
The regional capabilities.
The supported capabilities.
Cosmos DB capability object.
Subscription-level properties and limits for Data Lake Analytics.
Subscription-level properties and limits for Data Lake Store.
Defines values for CapabilityStatus.
Properties to configure capture description for eventhub.
Parameters to create and update Cosmos DB Cassandra keyspace.
Cosmos DB Cassandra keyspace resource object.
Cosmos DB Cassandra table partition key.
Cosmos DB Cassandra table schema.
Parameters to create and update Cosmos DB Cassandra table.
Cosmos DB Cassandra table resource object.
Defines values for CatalogCollationType.
A Data Lake Analytics catalog item.
A Data Lake Analytics catalog item list.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in Catalogs.
Defines values for CategoryType.
Defines the parameters for using CDN managed certificate for securing custom domain.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure CDN endpoint.
Grouping of CDN profile endpoint definition stages as a part of parent CDN profile definition.
The final stage of the Premium Verizon endpoint definition, at which it can be attached to the parent.
The final stage of a Standard endpoint definition, at which it can be attached to the parent.
The first stage of a CDN profile endpoint definition.
The stage of a CDN profile endpoint definition allowing to specify the origin for the CDN profile with teh Premium Verizon SKU.
The stage of a CDN profile endpoint definition allowing to specify the origin.
The final stage of the CDN profile Premium Verizon endpoint definition.
The final stage of the CDN profile Standard Akamai or Standard Verizon endpoint definition.
The entirety of a CDN endpoint update as part of a CDN profile update.
The entirety of a CDN profile endpoint definition as a part of a parent CDN profile update.
The final stage of the Premium Verizon endpoint object definition, at which it can be attached to the parent.
The final stage of the Standard endpoint object definition, at which it can be attached to the parent.
The first stage of a CDN profile endpoint definition.
The stage of the CDN profile endpoint definition allowing to specify the origin for CDN Profile with the Premium Verizon SKU.
The stage of the CDN profile endpoint definition allowing to specify the origin.
The final stage of a CDN profile Premium Verizon endpoint definition.
The final stage of the CDN profile Standard Akamai or Standard Verizon endpoint definition.
The stage of an CDN profile endpoint update allowing to specify endpoint properties.
The stage of an CDN profile endpoint update allowing to specify endpoint properties.
Defines the certificate source parameters using CDN managed certificate for enabling SSL.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure CDN profile.
The entirety of a CDN profile definition.
Grouping of CDN profile definition stages.
The first stage of a CDN profile definition.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of a CDN profile definition allowing the resource group to be specified.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
A CDN profile definition allowing the SKU to be specified.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The template for an update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of CDN manager update stages.
The stage of a CDN profile update allowing to modify the endpoints for the profile.
Entry point for CDN profile management API.
Properties required to update a CdnWebApplicationFirewallPolicy.
Certificate used for https.
Base certificate properties.
Defines headers for CancelDeletion operation.
Defines headers for Create operation.
Contains information about a certificate.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure AD credential.
The entirety of a credential definition.
Grouping of credential definition stages applicable as part of a application or service principal creation.
The first stage of a credential definition.
The final stage of the credential definition.
A credential definition stage allowing exporting the auth file for the service principal.
A credential definition stage allowing specifying the private key for exporting an auth file.
A credential definition stage allowing specifying the password for the private key for exporting an auth file.
The credential definition stage allowing the certificate type to be set.
The credential definition stage allowing the duration of key validity to be set.
The credential definition stage allowing the public key to be set.
The credential definition stage allowing start date to be set.
The credential definition stage allowing the secret key to be set.
The entirety of a credential definition as part of a application or service principal update.
Grouping of credential definition stages applicable as part of a application or service principal update.
The first stage of a credential definition.
The final stage of the credential definition.
A credential definition stage allowing exporting the auth file for the service principal.
A credential definition stage allowing specifying the private key for exporting an auth file.
A credential definition stage allowing specifying the password for the private key for exporting an auth file.
The credential definition stage allowing the certificate type to be set.
The credential definition stage allowing the duration of key validity to be set.
The credential definition stage allowing the public key to be set.
The credential definition stage allowing start date to be set.
The credential definition stage allowing the secret key to be set.
Defines headers for Delete operation.
SSL certificate details.
Defines values for CertificateFormat.
Defines headers for Get operation.
Defines values for CertificateOrderActionType.
Defines values for CertificateOrderStatus.
ARM resource for a certificate.
Defines values for CertificatePermissions.
Defines values for CertificateProductType.
Defines values for CertificateProvisioningState.
A reference to a certificate to be installed on compute nodes in a pool.
Defines values for CertificateStoreLocation.
Defines values for CertificateType.
Defines values for certificate types.
Defines headers for Update operation.
Defines values for CertificateVisibility.
Chainer job settings.
The blob service properties for change feed events.
Defines values for ChangeType.
Defines values for Channels.
Description of a Check Name availability request properties.
Input of CheckNameAvailability API.
Input of check name availability API.
Parameter supplied to check Namespace name availability operation.
Parameters for a check name availability request.
Data Lake Analytics account name availability check parameters.
Data Lake Store account name availability check parameters.
Parameters body to pass for resource name availability check.
Defines values for CheckNameAvailabilityReason.
A request to check whether the specified name for a resource is available.
Result of the custom domain validation.
The result of checking for container registry name availability.
The CheckNameAvailability operation response wrapper.
The result of checking for Search service name availability.
The result of checking for Service Bus namespace name availability.
The result of checking for the SQL server name availability.
Defines values for CheckNameResourceTypes.
Request body of the CheckPrivateLinkServiceVisibility API service call.
The result of checking for DNS name availability.
Parameters supplied to check Traffic Manager name operation.
Base interface used by child resources.
CIDR Ip address.
Information used to connect to a CIFS file system.
Defines values for CircuitConnectionStatus.
Defines values for CloneAbilityResult.
Information needed for cloning operation.
The configuration for nodes in a pool based on the Azure Cloud Services platform.
Cluster creation operation.
Cosmos DB Cassandra table cluster key.
Additional parameters for listByWorkspace operation.
Cluster update parameters.
A CNAME record.
An immutable client-side representation of a CNAME (canonical name) record set in Azure DNS Zone.
Entry point to CNAME record sets in a DNS zone.
CNTK (aka Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit) job settings.
Defines values for Code.
Cosmos DB Cassandra table column.
Defines values for ComparisonOperationType.
Defines values for CompileMode.
Contains the information necessary to perform a complete database restore operation.
Defines values for ComponentNames.
settings for compression.
Defines values for ComputeModeOptions.
Defines values for ComputeNodeDeallocationOption.
Defines values for ComputeNodeFillType.
The reference to a user assigned identity associated with the Batch pool which a compute node will use.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in ComputePolicies.
Data Lake Analytics compute policy information.
Compute resource types.
Defines values for ComputeRoles.
Type representing sku for an Azure compute resource.
Compute resource sku names.
Entry point to compute service SKUs.
Compute resource sku tier.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure compute resource usage info object.
Entry point for compute resource usage management API.
Compute usage units.
Defines values for ConditionalOperator.
Defines values for ConditionOperator.
Defines values for ConfigReferenceLocation.
Defines values for ConfigReferenceSource.
Defines values for ConflictResolutionMode.
The conflict resolution policy for the container.
Client-side representation of Connection Monitor object, associated with Network Watcher.
The entirety of the connection monitor definition.
Grouping of connection monitor definition stages.
Determines if the connection monitor will start automatically once created.
Sets the destination.
Sets the destination port used by connection monitor.
Sets monitoring interval in seconds.
Sets the source property.
Sets the source port used by connection monitor.
The stage of the connection monitor definition allowing to add or update tags.
Describes the destination of connection monitor.
Describes the connection monitor endpoint.
Describes the connection monitor endpoint filter.
Describes the connection monitor endpoint filter item.
Defines values for ConnectionMonitorEndpointFilterItemType.
Defines values for ConnectionMonitorEndpointFilterType.
Describes the HTTP configuration.
Describes the ICMP configuration.
Describes a connection monitor output destination.
Parameters that define the operation to create a connection monitor.
List of connection states snaphots.
Entry point to connection monitors management API in Azure.
Describes the source of connection monitor.
Defines values for ConnectionMonitorSourceStatus.
Describes the threshold for declaring a test successful.
Describes the TCP configuration.
Describes a connection monitor test configuration.
Defines values for ConnectionMonitorTestConfigurationProtocol.
Describes the connection monitor test group.
Defines values for ConnectionMonitorType.
Describes the settings for producing output into a log analytics workspace.
Defines values for ConnectionState.
Connection state snapshot.
Defines values for ConnectionStatus.
Defines values for ConnectionStatus.
An immutable client-side representation of a connection string on a web app.
Defines values for ConnectionStringType.
A client-side representation allowing user to verify the possibility of establishing a direct TCP connection from a virtual machine to a given endpoint including another VM or an arbitrary remote server.
The entirety of connectivity check parameters definition.
Grouping of connectivity check parameters definition stages.
Sets the source port from which a connectivity check will be performed.
Sets the source property.
Sets the destination property.
Sets the destination port on which check connectivity will be performed.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for execution, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
Parameters that define destination of connection.
Information about a hop between the source and the destination.
Information about an issue encountered in the process of checking for connectivity.
Parameters that determine how the connectivity check will be performed.
Parameters that define the source of the connection.
Defines values for ConnectorOffer.
Database connection string information.
Database connection string value to type pair.
The consistency policy for the Cosmos DB database account.
Contact information for domain registration.
A container instance.
Reference to container resource in remote resource provider.
The configuration for container-enabled pools.
The ContainerCpuStatistics model.
The ContainerCpuUsage model.
The container execution command, for liveness or readiness probe.
The container exec request.
The size of the terminal.
Response containing the container exec command.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure Container Group.
Starts the exec command for a specific container instance within the current group asynchronously.
Grouping of the container group definition stages.
The first stage of the container group definition.
Grouping of volume definition stages.
Grouping of the container group's volume definition stages.
The first stage of the container instance definition.
The final stage of the container instance definition.
The stage of the container instance definition allowing to specify the number of CPU cores.
The stage of the container instance definition allowing to specify the environment variables.
The stage of the container instance definition allowing to specify the container image.
The stage of the container instance definition allowing to specify the memory size in GB.
The stage of the container instance definition allowing to specify (or not) the container ports.
The stage of the container instance definition allowing not to specify any container ports internal or external.
The stage of the container instance definition allowing to specify the container ports.
The stage of the container instance definition allowing to specify one or more container ports.
The stage of the container instance definition allowing to specify the starting command line.
The stage of the container instance definition allowing to specify volume mount setting.
Grouping of volume definition stages.
Grouping of the container group's volume definition stages.
The first stage of the volume definition.
The stage of the volume definition allowing to specify a read only Azure File Share name.
The stage of the volume definition allowing to specify the Git target directory name mappings.
The stage of the volume definition allowing to specify the Git revision.
The stage of the volume definition allowing to specify the Git URL mappings.
The stage of the volume definition allowing to specify the secrets map.
The stage of the volume definition allowing to specify the storage account key to access to the Azure file.
The stage of the volume definition allowing to specify the storage account name to access to the Azure file.
The final stage of the volume definition.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created (via Creatable.create()), but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of the container group definition allowing to specify the DNS configuration of the container group.
The stage of the container group definition allowing to specify the DNS prefix label.
The stage of the container group definition allowing to specify first required container instance.
The stage of the container group definition allowing to specify the resource group.
The stage of the container group definition allowing to specify the log analytics platform for the container group.
The stage of the container group definition allowing to specify the network profile id.
The stage of the container group definition allowing to specify a container instance.
The stage of the container group definition allowing to specify the OS type.
The stage of the container group definition allowing to specify a private image registry.
The stage of the container group definition allowing to specify a private image registry or a volume.
The stage of the container group definition allowing to skip the private image registry.
The stage of the container group definition allowing to specify a public only or private image registry.
The stage of the container group definition allowing to specify the container group restart policy.
The stage of the container instance definition allowing to specify system assigned managed service identity with specific role based access.
The stage of the container instance definition allowing to specify having system assigned managed service identity.
The stage of the container instance definition allowing to specify user assigned managed service identity.
The stage of the container group definition allowing to specify a volume that can be mounted by a container instance.
The template for an update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Container group diagnostic information.
Identity for the container group.
The ContainerGroupIdentityUserAssignedIdentitiesValue model.
Defines values for ContainerGroupIpAddressType.
Container group network profile information.
Defines values for ContainerGroupNetworkProtocol.
The instance view of the container group.
Defines values for ContainerGroupRestartPolicy.
Entry point to the container instance management API.
Defines values for ContainerGroupSku.
The container Http Get settings, for liveness or readiness probe.
Specifies settings for container image.
Definition of ContainerImage settings.
Definition stages for container image settings.
The first stage of the output directory settings definition.
The final stage of the output directory settings definition.
Specifies container registry credentials.
Specifies size of /dev/shm.
The ContainerInfo model.
Defines values for ContainerInstanceOperationsOrigin.
The ContainerMemoryStatistics model.
Container network interface child resource.
Container network interface configuration child resource.
The ip configuration for a container network interface.
The ContainerNetworkInterfaceStatistics model.
Defines values for ContainerNetworkProtocol.
The configuration of the partition key to be used for partitioning data into multiple partitions.
The port exposed on the container instance.
The container probe, for liveness or readiness.
The instance view of the container instance.
A private container registry.
A client-side representation for a container service.
Container interface for all the definitions related to a container service.
Grouping of container service definition stages.
The first stage of a container service definition.
The stage of the container service definition allowing to specify an agent pool profile.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of the container service definition allowing to enable diagnostics.
The stage of the container service definition allowing to specify the resource group.
The stage of the container service definition allowing the start of defining Linux specific settings.
The stage of the container service definition allowing to specific the Linux root username.
The stage of the container service definition allowing to specific the Linux SSH key.
The stage of the container service definition allowing to specify the master DNS prefix label.
The stage of the container service definition allowing to specify the master node count.
The stage of a container service definition allowing to specify the master pool OS disk size.
The stage of a container service definition allowing to specify the master's virtual machine storage kind.
The stage of the container service definition allowing to specify the master VM size.
The stage of the container service definition allowing to specify orchestration type.
The stage allowing properties for cluster service principals to be specified.
The stage of the container service definition allowing to specify the virtual network and subnet for the machines.
The template for an update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of container service update stages.
The stage of the container service update allowing to enable or disable diagnostics.
The stage of the container service update allowing to specify the number of agents in the specified pool.
A client-side representation for a container service agent pool.
The entirety of a container service agent pool definition as a part of a parent definition.
Grouping of container service agent pool definition stages as a part of parent container service definition.
The first stage of a container service agent pool definition.
The final stage of a container service agent pool definition.
The stage of a container service agent pool definition allowing to specify the DNS prefix.
The stage of a container service agent pool definition allowing to specify the agent pool OS disk size.
The stage of a container service agent pool definition allowing to specify the agent pool OS type.
The stage of a container service agent pool definition allowing to specify the agent pool ports to be exposed.
The stage of a container service agent pool definition allowing to specify the agent pool storage kind.
The stage of a container service agent pool definition allowing to specify a virtual network to be used for the agents.
The stage of a container service agent pool definition allowing to specify the agent virtual machine size.
Profile for the container service agent pool.
Properties to configure a custom container service cluster.
Profile for diagnostics on the container service cluster.
Profile for Linux VMs in the container service cluster.
Profile for the container service master.
The minimum valid number of master nodes.
Profile of network configuration.
Profile for the container service orchestrator.
Defines values for ContainerServiceOrchestratorTypes.
Entry point to container service management API.
Information about a service principal identity for the cluster to use for manipulating Azure APIs.
SSH configuration for Linux-based VMs running on Azure.
Contains information about SSH certificate public key data.
Defines values for ContainerServiceStorageProfileTypes.
Profile for diagnostics on the container service VMs.
Defines values for ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes.
Profile for Windows VMs in the container service cluster.
Docker container settings.
The container instance state.
The ContainerThrottlingData model.
Defines values for ContainerWorkingDirectory.
The immutable context for ARM request.
The context builder.
The ContinentsResponseContinentsItem model.
The ContinentsResponseCountryOrRegionsItem model.
Defines values for ContinuousWebJobStatus.
Defines the parameters for Cookies match conditions.
Defines values for CookiesOperator.
Specifies a CORS rule for the Blob service.
Sets the CORS rules.
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) settings for the app.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure Cosmos DB.
Grouping of cosmos db definition stages.
Grouping of cosmos db definition stages.
The first stage of a cosmos db definition.
The stage of the cosmos db definition allowing to specify cassandra connector offer.
The stage of the cosmos db definition allowing to set the consistency policy.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of the cosmos db definition allowing to specify the resource group.
The stage of the cosmos db definition allowing to set the IP range filter.
The stage of the cosmos db definition allowing to specify metadata write access.
The stage of the cosmos db definition allowing to set the database account kind.
The stage of the cosmos db definition allowing to specify whether multiple write locations will be enabled.
The stage of the cosmos db definition allowing to specify private endpoint connection.
The stage of the cosmos db definition allowing the definition of a write location.
The stage of the cosmos db definition allowing the definition of a Virtual Network ACL Rule.
The stage of the cosmos db definition allowing the definition of a read location.
Grouping of cosmos db update stages.
Grouping of cosmos db update stages.
The stage of the cosmos db update allowing to specify cassandra connector offer.
The stage of the cosmos db update allowing to set the consistency policy.
The stage of the cosmos db definition allowing to set the IP range filter.
The stage of the cosmos db update allowing to specify metadata write access.
The stage of the Cosmos DB update definition allowing to specify whether multiple write locations are enabled or not.
Grouping of cosmos db update stages.
The stage of the cosmos db update allowing to specify private endpoint connection.
The stage of the cosmos db definition allowing the definition of a write location.
The stage of the Cosmos DB update definition allowing the definition of a Virtual Network ACL Rule.
Entry point to Cosmos DB management API.
Defines values for country codes in ISO standard.
Defines values for country codes for phone number prefixes.
The final stage of the resource definition, at which it can be created using create().
The parameters used to create a new compute policy while creating a new Data Lake Analytics account.
Contains the information necessary to perform a create database restore point operation.
The parameters to use for creating a Data Lake Analytics account.
The CreateDataLakeStoreAccountParameters model.
Represents the results of batch of create operations.
The parameters used to create a new firewall rule while creating a new Data Lake Analytics account.
The parameters used to create a new firewall rule while creating a new Data Lake Store account.
The parameters used to submit a new Data Lake Analytics job.
The common Data Lake Analytics job properties for job submission.
Defines values for CreateMode.
Defines values for CreateMode.
The parameters used to create a new compute policy.
The parameters used to create a new firewall rule.
The parameters used to create a new firewall rule.
The parameters used to create a new trusted identity provider.
The parameters used to submit a new Data Lake Analytics Scope job.
Scope job properties used when submitting Scope jobs.
The parameters used to create a new trusted identity provider while creating a new Data Lake Store account.
U-SQL job properties used when submitting U-SQL jobs.
Data used when creating a disk.
The source from which managed disk or snapshot is created.
The source type of managed disk or snapshot.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure AD credential.
The credential result response.
Specifies the criteria for converting log to metric.
Copy deployment slot parameters.
Object with a list of the resources that need to be moved and the resource group they should be moved to.
Properties available for a Microsoft.Web resource provider operation.
Meta data about operation used for display in portal.
Publishing options for requested profile.
Deployment slot parameters.
The custom domain assigned to this storage account.
The JSON object that contains the properties to secure a custom domain.
The customDomain JSON object required for custom domain creation or update.
Defines values for CustomDomainResourceState.
Customer Certificate used for https.
Customer Certificate used for https.
Defines values for CustomHostNameDnsRecordType.
Defines values for CustomHttpsProvisioningState.
Defines values for CustomHttpsProvisioningSubstate.
Custom MPI job settings.
Defines the common attributes for a custom rule that can be included in a waf policy.
Defines values for CustomRuleEnabledState.
Defines contents of custom rules.
Custom tool kit job settings.
The type representing node in a DAGraph.
Type representing a DAG (directed acyclic graph).
Connection string for the Cosmos DB account.
Parameters to create and update Cosmos DB database accounts.
Defines values for DatabaseAccountKind.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure Cosmos DB DatabaseAccountListConnectionStringsResult.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure Cosmos DB DatabaseAccountListKeysResult.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure Cosmos DB DatabaseAccountListReadOnlyKeysResult.
Defines values for DatabaseAccountOfferType.
Parameters to regenerate the keys within the database account.
Parameters for patching Azure Cosmos DB database account properties.
Database backup settings.
Defines values for DatabaseEdition.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure SQL DatabaseMetric.
Defines values for DatabaseType.
Represents a database update.
Properties for an Azure SQL Database Vulnerability Assessment rule baseline's result.
Information about a container with data for a given resource.
Settings which will be used by the data disks associated to Compute Nodes in the Pool.
Describes a data disk.
Contains the data disk images information.
Contains encryption settings for a data disk image.
Data disks settings.
A Data Lake Analytics account object, containing all information associated with the named Data Lake Analytics account.
A Data Lake Analytics account object, containing all information associated with the named Data Lake Analytics account.
The interface for DataLakeAnalyticsAccountManagementClient class.
Defines values for DataLakeAnalyticsAccountState.
Defines values for DataLakeAnalyticsAccountStatus.
Data Lake Analytics catalog credential creation parameters.
Data Lake Analytics catalog credential deletion parameters.
Data Lake Analytics catalog credential update parameters.
The interface for DataLakeAnalyticsCatalogManagementClient class.
Data Lake Analytics catalog secret creation and update parameters.
The interface for DataLakeAnalyticsJobManagementClient class.
Data Lake Store account information.
Basic Data Lake Store account information, returned on list calls.
Data Lake Store account information.
The interface for DataLakeStoreAccountManagementClient class.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in DataLakeStoreAccounts.
Defines values for DataLakeStoreAccountState.
Defines values for DataLakeStoreAccountStatus.
Defines values for DataMaskingFunction.
Defines values for DataMaskingRuleState.
Defines values for DataMaskingState.
Class representing data source used by the detectors.
Defines values for DataStatus.
Column definition.
Data Table which defines columns and raw row values.
Defines values for DataType.
Object to define the number of days after creation.
Object to define the number of days after last modification.
Defines values for DayOfWeek.
Defines values for DayOfWeek.
A Data Lake Analytics DDL name item.
Defines values for DdosCustomPolicyProtocol.
Defines values for DdosCustomPolicyTriggerSensitivityOverride.
DDoS protection plan.
The entirety of the DDoS protection plan definition.
Grouping of DDoS protection plan definition stages.
The first stage of the definition.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created (via Creatable.create()), but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage allowing to specify the resource group.
The template for an update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Entry point to DDoS protection plans management.
Contains the DDoS protection settings of the public IP.
Defines values for DdosSettingsProtectionCoverage.
Defines values for DeallocationOption.
The debug setting.
Represents the dedicated host unutilized capacity in terms of a specific VM size.
Dedicated host unutilized capacity.
The DedicatedHostGroupInstanceView model.
Specifies information about the dedicated host group that the dedicated host should be assigned to.
The instance view of a dedicated host.
The instance view of a dedicated host that includes the name of the dedicated host.
Defines values for DedicatedHostLicenseTypes.
Specifies information about the dedicated host.
The main origin of CDN content which is added when creating a CDN endpoint.
The origin group for CDN content which is added when creating a CDN endpoint.
Defines values for DefaultAction.
Defines values for DefaultAction.
Defines values for DefaultConsistencyLevel.
App Service error response.
Error model.
Detailed errors.
Exception thrown for an invalid response with DefaultErrorResponse information.
Details the service to which the subnet is delegated.
An error response from the Batch service.
Details about restoring a deleted app.
The deleted share to be restored.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure Key Vault.
Properties of the deleted vault.
The service properties for soft delete.
A rule that specifies a set of actions and conditions.
An action for the delivery rule.
Defines the cache expiration action for the delivery rule.
Defines the cache-key query string action for the delivery rule.
A condition for the delivery rule.
Defines the Cookies condition for the delivery rule.
Defines the HttpVersion condition for the delivery rule.
Defines the IsDevice condition for the delivery rule.
Defines the PostArgs condition for the delivery rule.
Defines the QueryString condition for the delivery rule.
Defines the RemoteAddress condition for the delivery rule.
Defines the RequestBody condition for the delivery rule.
Defines the request header action for the delivery rule.
Defines the RequestHeader condition for the delivery rule.
Defines the RequestMethod condition for the delivery rule.
Defines the RequestScheme condition for the delivery rule.
Defines the RequestUri condition for the delivery rule.
Defines the response header action for the delivery rule.
Defines the UrlFileExtension condition for the delivery rule.
Defines the UrlFileName condition for the delivery rule.
Defines the UrlPath condition for the delivery rule.
Deployment dependency information.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure deployment.
Container interface for all the deployment definitions.
Grouping of all the deployment definition stages.
The first stage of deployment definition.
A deployment definition with sufficient inputs to create a new deployment in the cloud, but exposing additional optional inputs to specify.
A deployment definition allowing resource group to be specified.
A deployment definition allowing the deployment mode to be specified.
A deployment definition allowing the parameters to be specified.
A deployment definition allowing the template to be specified.
Container interface for all the deployment execution.
Grouping of all the deployment execution stages.
The first stage of deployment execution.
A deployment execution allowing What-if parameters to be specified.
A deployment execution allowing deployment mode to be specified.
A deployment execution allowing data storage location to be specified.
A deployment execution allowing on error deployment type to be specified.
A deployment execution allowing parameter to be specified.
A deployment execution allowing result format to be specified.
A deployment execution allowing template to be specified.
The template for a deployment update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of all the deployment updates stages.
A deployment update allowing to change the deployment mode.
A deployment update allowing to change the parameters.
A deployment update allowing to change the template.
Deployment configuration properties.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure deployment template export result.
Deployment filter.
Defines values for DeploymentMode.
An immutable client-side representation of a deployment operation.
Deployment operation properties.
Entry point to deployment operation management API.
Deployment properties.
Deployment properties with additional details.
Entry point to template deployment in Azure.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure Web App deployment slot.
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
Grouping of all the deployment slot definition stages.
The first stage of the deployment slot definition.
A deployment slot definition allowing the configuration to clone from to be specified.
A site definition with sufficient inputs to create a new web app / deployments slot in the cloud, but exposing additional optional inputs to specify.
The template for a web app update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure Web App deployment slot.
Grouping of all the deployment slot update stages.
A deployment slot update allowing docker hub credentials to be set.
A deployment slot update allowing docker image source to be specified.
A deployment slot update allowing runtime version to be specified.
Entry point for Azure web app deployment slot management API.
Defines values for DeploymentStatus.
Defines headers for WhatIfAtManagementGroupScope operation.
Defines headers for WhatIfAtSubscriptionScope operation.
Defines headers for WhatIfAtTenantScope operation.
Defines headers for WhatIf operation.
Deployment What-if operation parameters.
Deployment What-if properties.
Deployment What-If operation settings.
The options for OneDeploy.
OneDeploy type.
Capture storage details for capture description.
Defines values for DestinationProtocol.
Class representing Abnormal Time Period detected.
Definition of Detector.
List of properties of the device.
DhcpOptions contains an array of DNS servers available to VMs deployed in the virtual network.
Defines values for DhGroup.
Set of data with rendering instructions.
Class representing Diagnostic Metric.
Class representing Diagnostic Metric information.
Error diagnostic information for failed jobs.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure diagnostic settings.
The entirety of a diagnostic settings definition.
Grouping of diagnostic settings definition stages.
The first stage of a diagnostic setting definition.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of the definition which contains minimum required properties to be specified for Diagnostic Settings creation.
The template for an update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of diagnostic setting update stages.
The stage of a Diagnostic Settings update allowing to modify EventHub settings.
The stage of a Diagnostic Settings update allowing to modify Log Analytics settings.
The stage of a Diagnostic Settings update allowing to modify Storage Account settings.
Entry point for diagnostic settings management API.
The Azure event log entries are of type DiagnosticSettingsCategory.
Specifies the boot diagnostic settings state.
Defines values for DiffDiskOptions.
Defines values for DiffDiskPlacement.
Defines values for DiffDiskPlacement.
Specifies the ephemeral Disk Settings for the operating system disk used by the virtual machine.
Describes the parameters of ephemeral disk settings that can be specified for operating system disk.
Dimension of a resource metric.
Specifies the criteria for converting log to metric.
Dimension of the metric.
Dimension of blobs, possibly be blob type or access tier.
Defines values for Direction.
Defines values for DirectoryServiceOptions.
Describes the disallowed disk types.
Specifies the disallowed configuration for a virtual machine image.
Type representing access key of DisasterRecoveryPairingAuthorizationRule.
Type representing authorization rule of EventHubDisasterRecoveryPairing.
Entry point to manage disaster recovery pairing authorization rules.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure managed disk.
The entirety of the managed disk definition.
Grouping of managed disk definition stages.
The first stage of a managed disk definition.
The stage of the managed disk definition allowing to specify availability zone.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of the managed disk definition allowing to create the disk or optionally specify size.
The stage of the managed disk definition that specifies it hold data.
The stage of the managed disk definition allowing to choose managed disk containing data.
The stage of the managed disk definition allowing to choose source data disk image.
The stage of the managed disk definition allowing to choose managed snapshot containing data.
The stage of the managed disk definition allowing to create disk from upload.
The stage of the managed disk definition allowing to choose source data disk VHD.
The stage of the managed disk definition allowing to choose data source.
The stage of the managed disk definition allowing to configure disk encryption.
The stage of a managed disk definition allowing to choose OS source or data source.
The stage of a managed disk definition allowing to specify the resource group.
The stage of the managed disk definition allowing to choose Linux OS source.
The stage of the managed disk definition allowing to choose source operating system image.
The stage of the managed disk definition allowing to choose account type.
The stage of the managed disk definition allowing to specify storage account that contains disk information.
The stage of a managed disk definition allowing to choose a Windows OS source.
The template for an update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of managed disk update stages.
The stage of the managed disk definition allowing to configure disk encryption.
The stage of the managed disk update allowing to specify OS settings.
The stage of the managed disk definition allowing to specify new size.
The stage of the managed disk update allowing to choose the SKU type.
Used for updating a disk access resource.
Defines values for DiskCreateOption.
Defines values for DiskCreateOptionTypes.
Defines values for DiskDetachOptionTypes.
The disk encryption configuration applied on compute nodes in the pool.
Defines values for DiskEncryptionSetIdentityType.
Describes the parameter of customer managed disk encryption set resource id that can be specified for disk.
Describes a Encryption Settings for a Disk.
Defines values for DiskEncryptionSetType.
disk encryption set update resource.
Defines values for DiskEncryptionTarget.
This is the disk image encryption base class.
The instance view of the disk.
Entry point to managed disk management API in Azure.
The disks sku name.
Defines values for DiskSkuTypes.
Defines values for DiskState.
Defines values for DiskStorageAccountTypes.
Disk update resource.
Type that can be used to monitor encryption enable and disable status of a virtual machine.
Defines values for DiskVolumeType.
Class containing DNS settings in a Traffic Manager profile.
DNS configuration for the container group.
An immutable client-side representation of a record set in Azure DNS Zone.
The entirety of a DNS zone record set definition as a part of parent definition.
Grouping of DNS zone record set definition stages as a part of parent DNS zone definition.
The first stage of a AAAA record definition.
The first stage of an A record definition.
The first stage of a Caa record definition.
The first stage of a CNAME record set definition.
The first stage of a MX record definition.
The first stage of a NS record definition.
The first stage of a PTR record definition.
The first stage of a SRV record definition.
The first stage of a TXT record definition.
The stage of the AAAA record set definition allowing to add first AAAA record.
The stage of the AAAA record set definition allowing to add additional AAAA records or attach the record set to the parent.
The stage of the A record set definition allowing to add first A record.
The stage of the A record set definition allowing to add additional A records or attach the record set to the parent.
The final stage of the DNS zone record set definition.
The stage of the Caa record definition allowing to add first service record.
The stage of the Caa record set definition allowing to add additional Caa records or attach the record set to the parent.
The stage of a CNAME record definition allowing to add alias.
The stage of the CNAME record set definition allowing attach the record set to the parent.
The stage of the record set definition allowing to enable ETag validation.
The stage of the record set definition allowing to specify metadata.
The stage of the MX record set definition allowing to add first MX record.
The stage of the MX record set definition allowing to add additional MX records or attach the record set to the parent.
The stage of the NS record set definition allowing to add a NS record.
The stage of the NS record set definition allowing to add additional NS records or attach the record set to the parent.
The stage of the PTR record set definition allowing to add first CNAME record.
The stage of the PTR record set definition allowing to add additional PTR records or attach the record set to the parent.
The stage of the SRV record definition allowing to add first service record.
The stage of the SRV record set definition allowing to add additional SRV records or attach the record set to the parent.
The stage of the record set definition allowing to specify the Time To Live (TTL) for the records in this record set.
The stage of the TXT record definition allowing to add first TXT record.
The stage of the TXT record set definition allowing to add additional TXT records or attach the record set to the parent.
the set of configurations that can be updated for DNS record set irrespective of their type RecordType.
The entirety of an AAAA record set update as a part of parent DNS zone update.
The entirety of an A record set update as a part of parent DNS zone update.
The entirety of a Caa record set update as a part of parent DNS zone update.
The entirety of CNAME record set update as part of parent DNS zone update.
The entirety of a record sets update as a part of parent DNS zone update.
The entirety of a DNS zone record set definition as a part of parent update.
Grouping of DNS zone record set definition stages as a part of parent DNS zone update.
The first stage of a AAAA record definition.
The first stage of a A record definition.
The first stage of a Caa record definition.
The first stage of a CNAME record set definition.
The first stage of an MX record definition.
The first stage of a NS record definition.
The first stage of a PTR record definition.
The first stage of a SRV record definition.
The first stage of a TXT record definition.
The stage of the AAAA record set definition allowing to add first AAAA record.
The stage of the AAAA record set definition allowing to add additional A records or attach the record set to the parent.
The stage of the A record set definition allowing to add first A record.
The stage of the A record set definition allowing to add additional A records or attach the record set to the parent.
The final stage of the DNS zone record set definition.
The stage of the Caa record definition allowing to add first service record.
The stage of the Caa record set definition allowing to add additional Caa records or attach the record set to the parent.
The stage of a CNAME record definition allowing to add alias.
The stage of the CNAME record set definition allowing attach the record set to the parent.
The stage of the record set definition allowing to enable ETag validation.
The stage of the record set definition allowing to specify metadata.
The stage of the MX record set definition allowing to add first MX record.
The stage of the MX record set definition allowing to add additional MX records or attach the record set to the parent.
The stage of the NS record set definition allowing to add a NS record.
The stage of the NS record set definition allowing to add additional NS records or attach the record set to the parent.
The stage of the PTR record set definition allowing to add first CNAME record.
The stage of the PTR record set definition allowing to add additional PTR records or attach the record set to the parent.
The stage of the SRV record definition allowing to add first service record.
The stage of the SRV record set definition allowing to add additional SRV records or attach the record set to the parent.
The stage of the record set definition allowing to specify TTL for the records in this record set.
The stage of the TXT record definition allowing to add first Txt record.
The stage of the TXT record set definition allowing to add additional TXT records or attach the record set to the parent.
The entirety of a MX record set update as a part of parent DNS zone update.
The entirety of a NS record set update as a part of parent DNS zone update.
The entirety of a PTR record set update as a part of parent DNS zone update.
The entirety of a SOA record update as a part of parent DNS zone update.
The entirety of a SRV record set update as a part of parent DNS zone update.
Grouping of DNS zone record set update stages.
The stage of the AAAA record set update allowing to add or remove AAAA record.
The stage of the A record set update allowing to add or remove A record.
The stage of the Caa record definition allowing to add or remove service record.
The stage of the CNAME record set update allowing to update the CNAME record.
The stage of the record set update allowing to enable ETag validation.
An update allowing metadata to be modified for the resource.
The stage of the MX record set definition allowing to add or remove MX record.
The stage of the NS record set definition allowing to add or remove a NS record.
The stage of the CName record set definition allowing to add or remove CName record.
The stage of the SOA record definition allowing to update its attributes.
The stage of the SRV record definition allowing to add or remove service record.
The stage of the record set update allowing to specify TTL for the records in this record set.
The stage of the Txt record definition allowing to add or remove TXT record.
The entirety of a TXT record set update as a part of parent DNS zone update.
Base interface for all record sets.
Defines values for DnsType.
Defines values for DnsVerificationTestResult.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure DNS Zone.
The entirety of the DNS zone definition.
Grouping of DNS zone definition stages.
The stage of the DNS zone definition allowing to specify the resource group.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created (via Creatable.create()), but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of the DNS zone definition allowing to enable ETag validation.
The stage of the DNS zone definition allowing to specify record set.
The stage of the DNS zone definition allowing to specify Zone access type.
The template for an update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of DNS zone update stages.
The stage of the DNS zone update allowing to enable ETag validation.
The stage of the DNS zone update allowing to specify record set.
The stage of the DNS zone update allowing to specify Zone access type.
Entry point to DNS zone management API in Azure.
The parameters for a docker quick build.
The properties for updating a docker build step.
The Docker build step.
A domain contact definition.
The entirety of a domain contact definition.
Grouping of domain contact stages applicable as part of a domain creation.
The first stage of a domain contact definition.
The stage of contact definition allowing 1st line of address to be set.
The stage of contact definition allowing 2nd line of address to be set.
The final stage of the domain contact definition.
The stage of contact definition allowing city to be set.
The stage of contact definition allowing country to be set.
The stage of contact definition allowing email to be set.
The stage of contact definition allowing fax number to be set.
The stage of contact definition allowing first name to be set.
The stage of contact definition allowing job title to be set.
The stage of contact definition allowing last name to be set.
The stage of contact definition allowing middle name to be set.
The stage of contact definition allowing organization to be set.
The stage of contact definition allowing phone country code to be set.
The stage of contact definition allowing phone number to be set.
The stage of contact definition allowing postal/zip code to be set.
The stage of contact definition allowing state/province to be set.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure domain legal agreement.
ARM resource for a domain.
Domain purchase consent object, representing acceptance of applicable legal agreements.
Domain recommendation search parameters.
Defines values for DomainStatus.
Defines values for DomainType.
The JSON object that contains the properties to validate a domain.
Defines values for DomainValidationState.
Criterion for dynamic threshold.
The minimum number of violations required within the selected lookback time window required to raise an alert.
Defines values for DynamicThresholdOperator.
Defines values for DynamicThresholdSensitivity.
Provides information about edge node of CDN service.
The database edition capabilities.
Effective network security group.
The effective network security group association.
Effective network security rules.
Effective Route.
Defines values for EffectiveRouteSource.
Defines values for EffectiveRouteState.
Defines values for EffectiveSecurityRuleProtocol.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure SQL ElasticPool's Activity.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure SQL ElasticPool's Database Activity.
The Elastic Pool DTU capability.
Defines values for ElasticPoolEdition.
The elastic pool edition capabilities.
The max per-database DTU capability.
The minimum per-database DTU capability.
Defines values for ElasticPoolState.
Represents an elastic pool update.
Defines values for ElevationLevel.
Email notification of an autoscale event.
An email receiver.
Defines values for Enabled.
Enabled configuration.
Defines values for EnabledProtocols.
Defines values for EnabledState.
Describes a receiver that should be resubscribed.
The parameters for a quick task run request.
The properties of an EncodedTask step.
The properties for updating encoded task step.
Defines values for EncodingCaptureDescription.
Encryption at rest settings for disk or snapshot.
The encryption settings on the storage account.
The encryption configuration for the account.
Defines values for EncryptionConfigType.
The encryption identity properties.
Configures how customer data is encrypted inside the Batch account.
The container group encryption properties.
Defines values for EncryptionProvisioningState.
The key vault properties for the encryption scope.
Defines values for EncryptionScopeSource.
Defines values for EncryptionScopeState.
A service that allows server-side encryption to be used.
A list of services that support encryption.
The managed identity for the disk encryption set.
Encryption settings for disk or snapshot.
Encryption settings for one disk volume.
Defines values for EncryptionState.
Defines values for EncryptionStatuses.
Defines values for EncryptionType.
A domain name that a service is reached at, including details of the current connection status.
A domain name and connection details used to access a dependency.
Current TCP connectivity information from the App Service Environment to a single endpoint.
Details about the connection between the Batch service and the endpoint.
Defines values for EndpointMonitorStatus.
Custom header name and value.
Subnet first address, scope, and/or last address.
A policy that specifies the delivery rules to be used for an endpoint.
Defines the Web Application Firewall policy for the endpoint (if applicable).
Defines the ARM Resource ID for the linked endpoints.
Defines values for EndpointResourceState.
The URIs that are used to perform a retrieval of a public blob, queue, table, web or dfs object.
Defines values for EndpointStatus.
Possible endpoint types supported in a Traffic manager profile.
Properties required to create or update an endpoint.
A Data Lake Analytics catalog entity identifier object.
Defines values for EntityStatus.
Defines values for EntityStatus.
An environment variable to be set on a task process.
An environment variable definition.
The environment variable to set within the container instance.
An environment variable with secret value definition.
Error details.
Common error representation.
The resource management error additional info.
Error description and code explaining why resource name is invalid.
Common error details representation.
Body of the error response returned from the API.
Exception thrown for an invalid response with Error information.
Error response indicates CDN service is not able to process the incoming request.
Error Response.
Error response indicates EventHub service is not able to process the incoming request.
Describes the format of Error response.
The error object.
Error Response.
An error response from the storage resource provider.
Exception thrown for an invalid response with ErrorResponse information.
Exception thrown for an invalid response with ErrorResponse information.
Exception thrown for an invalid response with ErrorResponse information.
Exception thrown for an invalid response with ErrorResponse information.
Exception thrown for an invalid response with ErrorResponse information.
Exception thrown for an invalid response with ErrorResponse information.
Exception thrown for an invalid response with ErrorResponse information.
Results of network security group evaluation.
Defines values for EvaluationState.
A container group or container instance event.
The content of the event request message.
The Azure event log entries are of type EventData.
Defines values for EventDataPropertyName.
Type representing an Azure EventHub.
The entirety of the event hub definition.
Grouping of event hub definition stages.
The first stage of a event hub definition.
The stage of the event hub definition allowing to add authorization rule for accessing the event hub.
The stage of the event hub definition allowing to enable or disable data capturing.
The stage of the event hub definition allowing to configure data capturing.
The stage of the event hub definition allowing to specify provider to store captured data when data capturing is enabled.
The stage of the event hub definition allowing to add consumer group for the event hub.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created (via Creatable.create()), but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of the event hub definition allowing to specify the name space in which event hub needs to be created.
The stage of the event hub definition allowing to specify partition count for event hub.
The stage of the event hub definition allowing to specify retention period for event hub events.
The template for a event hub update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of event hub update stages.
The stage of the event hub definition allowing to add an authorization rule for accessing the event hub.
The stage of the event hub update allowing to configure data capture.
The stage of the event hub update allowing to add consumer group for event hub.
The stage of the event hub update allowing to specify partition count for event hub.
The stage of the event hub definition allowing to specify retention period for event hub events.
Type representing access key of EventHubNamespaceAuthorizationRule.
Type representing authorization rule of an event hub.
The entirety of the event hub namespace authorization rule definition.
Grouping of event hub authorization rule definition stages.
The first stage of event hub authorization rule definition.
Stage of the authorization rule definition allowing to specify access policy.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created (via Creatable.create()), but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
Stage of the authorization rule definition allowing to specify the event for which rule needs to be created.
The entirety of the event hub authorization rule update.
Entry point to manage event hub authorization rules.
Type representing consumer group of an event hub.
The entirety of the consumer group definition.
Grouping of consumer group definition stages.
The first stage of a event hub definition.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created (via Creatable.create()), but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of the consumer group definition allowing to specify the event hub to be associated with it.
The stage of the consumer group definition allowing to specify user metadata.
The template for a consumer group update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of consumer group update stages.
The stage of the consumer group update allowing to specify user metadata.
Entry point to manage event hub consumer groups.
Type representing disaster recovery pairing for event hub namespaces.
The entirety of the event hub disaster recovery pairing definition.
Grouping of disaster recovery pairing definition stages.
The first stage of a disaster recovery pairing definition.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created (via Creatable.create()), but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of the disaster recovery pairing definition allowing to specify primary event hub namespace.
The stage of the disaster recovery pairing definition allowing to specify the secondary event hub namespace.
The template for a disaster recovery pairing update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of disaster recovery pairing update stages.
The stage of the disaster recovery pairing definition allowing to specify primary event hub namespace.
Entry point to manage disaster recovery pairing of event hub namespaces.
Type representing an Azure EventHub namespace.
The entirety of the event hub namespace definition.
Grouping of event hub namespace definition stages.
The first stage of a event hub namespace definition.
The stage of the event hub namespace definition allowing to add authorization rule for accessing the event hub.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created (via Creatable.create()), but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of the event hub namespace definition allowing to add new event hub in the namespace.
The stage of the event hub namespace definition allowing to specify the resource group.
The stage of the event hub namespace definition allowing to specify the sku.
The stage of the event hub namespace definition allowing to specify the throughput unit settings.
The template for a event hub namespace update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of all the event hub namespace update stages.
The stage of the event hub namespace update allowing to add authorization rule for accessing the event hub.
The stage of the event hub namespace update allowing to add new event hub in the namespace.
The stage of the event hub namespace update allowing to change the sku.
The stage of the event hub namespace update allowing to specify the throughput unit settings.
Type representing authorization rule of an event hub namespace.
The entirety of the event hub namespace authorization rule definition.
Grouping of Event Hub namespace authorization rule definition stages.
The first stage of event hub namespace authorization rule definition.
Stage of the authorization rule definition allowing to specify access policy.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created (via Creatable.create()), but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
Stage of the authorization rule definition allowing to specify the event namespace for which rule needs to be created.
The entirety of the event hub namespace authorization rule update.
Entry point to manage event hub namespace authorization rules.
Entry point to manage EventHub namespaces.
Defines values for EventHubNamespaceSkuType.
Entry point to manage event hubs.
Defines values for EventLevel.
The event request message sent to the service URI.
The event response message received from the service URI.
The ExcludedPath model.
The base interface for all template interfaces that support execute operations.
Defines values for ExecutionState.
Defines values for ExecutionState.
Base implementation for expandable, single string enums.
Defines values for Expander.
Routing rules in production experiments.
Additional parameters for listByWorkspace operation.
Parameters for Redis export operation.
Export database parameters.
Export resource group template request parameters.
Specifies whether template expressions are evaluated within the scope of the parent template or nested template.
Defines values for ExpressionEvaluationOptionsScopeType.
Entry point for Express Route Circuit management API in Azure.
The entirety of the express route circuit definition.
Grouping of express route circuit definition stages.
The first stage of express route circuit definition.
The stage of express route circuit definition allowing to enable/disable classic operations.
The stage of definition allowing to add authorization.
The stage of express route circuit definition allowing to specify service provider bandwidth.
The stage of the express route circuit definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of express route circuit definition allowing to specify the resource group.
The stage of express route circuit definition allowing to specify service provider peering location.
The stage of express route circuit definition allowing to specify service provider name.
The stage of express route circuit definition allowing to specify SKU tier and family.
The template for a express route circuit update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of express route circuit update stages.
The stage of express route circuit update allowing to enable/disable classic operations.
The stage of express route circuit update allowing to add authorization.
The stage of express route circuit update allowing to specify service provider bandwidth.
The stage of express route circuit update allowing to specify SKU tier and family.
The ARP table associated with the ExpressRouteCircuit.
Client-side representation of express route circuit peering object, associated with express route circuit.
The entirety of the express route circuit peering definition.
Grouping of express route circuit peering definition stages.
The stage of Express Route Circuit Peering definition allowing to specify advertised address prefixes.
The stage of Express Route Circuit Peering definition allowing to specify AS number for peering.
The stage of Express Route Circuit Peering definition allowing to specify primary address prefix.
The stage of Express Route Circuit Peering definition allowing to specify secondary address prefix.
The stage of Express Route Circuit Peering definition allowing to specify VLAN ID.
Grouping of express route circuit peering update stages.
The template for express route circuit peering update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
The stage of Express Route Circuit Peering update allowing to specify advertised address prefixes.
The stage of Express Route Circuit Peering update allowing to specify AS number for peering.
The stage of Express Route Circuit Peering update allowing to specify primary address prefix.
The stage of Express Route Circuit Peering update allowing to specify secondary address prefix.
The stage of Express Route Circuit Peering update allowing to specify VLAN ID.
Defines values for ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringAdvertisedPublicPrefixState.
Specifies the peering configuration.
ExpressRoute circuit peering identifier.
Entry point for express route circuit peerings management API in Azure.
Defines values for ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringState.
Reference to an express route circuit.
The routes table associated with the ExpressRouteCircuit.
The routes table associated with the ExpressRouteCircuit.
Entry point to express route circuits management API in Azure.
Contains ServiceProviderProperties in an ExpressRouteCircuit.
Contains SKU in an ExpressRouteCircuit.
Defines values for ExpressRouteCircuitSkuFamily.
Defines values for ExpressRouteCircuitSkuTier.
Express route circuit sku type.
Contains stats associated with the peering.
The ID of the ExpressRouteConnection.
Entry point for Express Route Cross Connection management API in Azure.
The template for a express route cross connection update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of express route cross connection update stages.
The stage of express route cross connection update allowing to specify service provider notes.
The stage of express route cross connection update allowing to specify service provider provisioning state.
Client-side representation of express route cross connection peering object, associated with express route cross connection.
The entirety of the express route Cross Connection peering definition.
Grouping of express route Cross Connection peering definition stages.
The stage of Express Route Cross Connection Peering definition allowing to specify advertised address prefixes.
The stage of Cross Connection Peering configuration definition allowing to specify customer ASN.
The stage of Express Route Cross Connection Peering definition allowing to specify AS number for peering.
The stage of Express Route Cross Connection Peering definition allowing to specify primary address prefix.
The stage of Cross Connection Peering definition allowing to specify routing registry name.
The stage of Express Route Cross Connection Peering definition allowing to specify secondary address prefix.
The stage of Express Route Cross Connection Peering definition allowing to specify the peering state.
The stage of Express Route Cross Connection Peering definition allowing to specify VLAN ID.
Grouping of express route cross connection peering update stages.
The template for express route Cross Connection peering update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
The stage of Express Route Cross Connection Peering update allowing to specify advertised address prefixes.
The stage of Cross Connection Peering configuration definition allowing to specify customer ASN.
Specifies IPv6 configuration.
The stage of Express Route Cross Connection Peering update allowing to specify AS number for peering.
The stage of Express Route Cross Connection Peering update allowing to specify primary address prefix.
The stage of Cross Connection Peering definition allowing to specify routing registry name.
The stage of Express Route Cross Connection Peering update allowing to specify secondary address prefix.
The stage of Express Route Cross Connection Peering update allowing to specify the peering state.
The stage of Express Route Cross Connection Peering update allowing to specify VLAN ID.
Entry point for express route cross connection peerings management API in Azure.
The routes table associated with the ExpressRouteCircuit.
Entry point to express route crosss connections management API in Azure.
Configuration for auto scaling.
Minimum and maximum number of scale units to deploy.
Defines values for ExpressRouteLinkAdminState.
Defines values for ExpressRouteLinkConnectorType.
Defines values for ExpressRouteLinkMacSecCipher.
Definition of ExpressRouteLink Mac Security configuration.
Defines values for ExpressRoutePeeringState.
Defines values for ExpressRoutePeeringType.
Defines values for ExpressRoutePortsEncapsulation.
ExpressRoutePorts Location Bandwidths.
Contains bandwidths offered in ExpressRouteServiceProvider resources.
The complex type of the extended location.
Defines values for ExtendedLocationTypes.
The system generated resource properties associated with SQL databases, SQL containers, Gremlin databases and Gremlin graphs.
Represents an external child resource.
A Data Lake Analytics catalog external table item.
Read-only endpoint of the failover group instance.
Read-write endpoint of the failover group instance.
Defines values for FailoverGroupReplicationRole.
A failover group update request.
The list of new failover policies for the failover priority change.
The failover policy for a given region of a database account.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure feature.
Information about feature.
Entry point to features management API.
Client-side representation for FileServerReference.
Definition of file server reference.
Definition stages for azure blob file system reference.
File Server creation parameters.
Defines values for FileServerProvisioningState.
File Server mounting configuration.
Additional parameters for listByWorkspace operation.
Application logs to file system configuration.
Http logs to file system configuration.
The request parameters for a scheduling run against a task file.
The properties of a FileTask step.
The properties of updating a task step.
Defines values for FileType.
Defines values for FileType.
Defines values for FirewallAllowAzureIpsState.
Defines values for FirewallAllowAzureIpsState.
Firewall Policy Filter Rule.
Properties of the FirewallPolicyFilterRuleAction.
Defines values for FirewallPolicyFilterRuleActionType.
Firewall Policy NAT Rule.
Properties of the FirewallPolicyNatRuleAction.
Defines values for FirewallPolicyNatRuleActionType.
Properties of the rule.
Properties of a rule.
Properties of the application rule protocol.
Defines values for FirewallPolicyRuleConditionApplicationProtocolType.
Defines values for FirewallPolicyRuleConditionNetworkProtocol.
Data Lake Analytics firewall rule information.
Data Lake Store firewall rule information.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in FirewallRules.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in FirewallRules.
Defines values for FirewallState.
Defines values for FirewallState.
Fixed scale settings for the pool.
Parameters that define the flow log format.
Defines values for FlowLogFormatType.
Client-side representation of the configuration of flow log, associated with network watcher and an Azure resource.
The template for a flow log information update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of flow log information update stages.
The stage of the flow log information update allowing to set enable/disable property.
The stage of the flow log information update allowing to configure retention policy.
The stage of the flow log information update allowing to specify storage account.
Parameters that define a resource to query flow log and traffic analytics (optional) status.
Resource type for force deletion.
Defines values for ForwardingProtocol.
Defines values for FrequencyUnit.
Defines values for FtpsState.
Simplified functional interface equivalent to abstract class IndexableTaskItem.
Type representing context of an FunctionalTaskItem.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure Function App.
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
Grouping of all the function app definition stages.
The first stage of the function app definition.
A function app definition allowing resource group to be specified when an existing app service plan is used.
A function app definition allowing resource group to be specified when an existing app service plan is used.
A function app definition allowing resource group to be specified when a new app service plan is to be created.
A function app definition with sufficient inputs to create a new function app in the cloud, but exposing additional optional inputs to specify.
A function app definition allowing docker registry credentials to be set.
A function app definition allowing daily usage quota to be specified.
A function app definition allowing docker image source to be specified.
A function app definition allowing app service plan to be set.
A function app definition allowing runtime version to be specified.
A function app definition allowing storage account to be specified.
The template for a function app update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of all the function app update stages.
A function app update allowing app service plan to be set.
A function app update allowing docker hub credentials to be set.
A function app definition allowing daily usage quota to be specified.
A function app update allowing docker image source to be specified.
A function app update allowing runtime version to be specified.
A function app definition allowing storage account to be specified.
Entry point for web app management API.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure Function App deployment slot.
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
Grouping of all the function deployment slot definition stages.
The first stage of the function deployment slot definition.
A function deployment slot definition allowing the configuration to clone from to be specified.
A site definition with sufficient inputs to create a new web app / deployments slot in the cloud, but exposing additional optional inputs to specify.
Entry point for Azure function app deployment slot management API.
An immutable representation of function Information.
Defines function app runtime for Linux operating system.
Entry point to galleries management API in Azure.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure gallery.
The entirety of the gallery definition.
Grouping of gallery definition stages.
The first stage of a gallery definition.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created (via Creatable.create()), but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of the gallery definition allowing to specify description.
The stage of the gallery definition allowing to specify the resource group.
The template for a Gallery update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of gallery update stages.
The stage of the gallery update allowing to specify description.
Specifies information about the gallery Application Definition that you want to update.
The publishing profile of a gallery image version.
Specifies information about the gallery Application Version that you want to update.
Describes the basic gallery artifact publishing profile.
The source image from which the Image Version is going to be created.
The gallery artifact version source.
This is the data disk image.
This is the disk image base class.
Describes the gallery unique name.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure gallery image.
The entirety of the gallery image definition.
Grouping of gallery image definition stages.
The first stage of a gallery image definition.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created (via Creatable.create()), but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of the gallery image definition allowing to specify description.
The stage of the gallery image definition allowing to specify settings disallowed for a virtual machine based on the image.
The stage of the gallery image definition allowing to specify end of life of the version.
The stage of the gallery image definition allowing to specify eula.
The stage of the gallery image definition allowing to specify parent gallery it belongs to.
The stage of the gallery image definition allowing to specify identifier that identifies publisher, offer and sku of the image.
The stage of the gallery image definition allowing to specify location of the image.
The stage of the gallery image definition allowing to specify privacy statement uri.
The stage of the gallery image definition allowing to specify purchase plan.
The stage of the gallery image definition allowing to specify recommended configuration for the virtual machine.
The stage of the gallery image definition allowing to specify uri to release note.
The stage of the gallery image definition allowing to specify tags.
The template for a gallery image update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of gallery image update stages.
The stage of the gallery image update allowing to specify description.
The stage of the gallery image update allowing to specify settings disallowed for a virtual machine based on the image.
The stage of the gallery image update allowing to specify EndOfLifeDate.
The stage of the gallery image update allowing to specify Eula.
The stage of the gallery image update allowing to specify OsState.
The stage of the gallery image update allowing to specify privacy statement uri.
The stage of the gallery image definition allowing to specify recommended configuration for the virtual machine.
The stage of the gallery image update allowing to specify uri to release note.
The stage of the gallery image update allowing to specify Tags.
This is the gallery Image Definition identifier.
Entry point to gallery images management API in Azure.
Specifies information about the gallery Image Definition that you want to update.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure gallery image version.
The entirety of the gallery image version definition.
Grouping of gallery image version definition stages.
The first stage of a gallery image version definition.
The stage of image version definition allowing to specify the regions in which the image version has to be available.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created (via Creatable.create()), but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of the gallery image version definition allowing to specify end of life of the version.
The stage of the gallery image version definition allowing to specify that the version should not be considered as a candidate version when VM is deployed with 'latest' as version of the image.
The stage of the gallery image version definition allowing to specify parent image.
The stage of the gallery image version definition allowing to specify location.
The stage of the image version definition allowing to specify the source.
The stage of the gallery image version definition allowing to specify Tags.
The template for a gallery image version update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of gallery image version update stages.
The stage of image version update allowing to specify the regions in which the image version has to be available.
The stage of the gallery image version update allowing to specify end of life of the version.
The stage of the gallery image version definition allowing to specify whether this version should be a candidate version to be considered when VM is deployed with 'latest' as version of the image.
The stage of the gallery image version update allowing to specify Tags.
The publishing profile of a gallery Image Version.
Entry point to gallery image versions management API in Azure.
This is the storage profile of a Gallery Image Version.
Specifies information about the gallery Image Version that you want to update.
This is the OS disk image.
Specifies information about the Shared Image Gallery that you want to update.
Gateway routing details.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure generic resource.
The entirety of the generic resource definition.
Grouping of generic resource definition stages.
A generic resource definition allowing region to be specified.
A generic resource definition allowing api version to be specified.
A deployment definition with sufficient inputs to create a new resource in the cloud, but exposing additional optional inputs to specify.
A generic resource definition allowing resource group to be specified.
A generic resource definition allowing parent resource to be specified.
A generic resource definition allowing plan to be specified.
A generic resource definition allowing provider namespace to be specified.
A generic resource definition allowing resource type to be specified.
The template for a generic resource update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of generic resource update stages.
The template for a generic resource update operation for specifying the resource provider API version.
A generic resource update allowing to change the parent resource.
A generic resource update allowing to change the resource plan.
A generic resource update allowing to change the resource properties.
Resource filter.
Entry point to generic resources management API.
Defines values for GeoBackupPolicyState.
Rules defining user's geo access within a CDN endpoint.
Defines values for GeoFilterActions.
Entry point to Azure traffic manager geographic hierarchy management API in Azure.
Type representing Geographic Hierarchy region (location).
Statistics related to replication for storage account's Blob, Table, Queue and File services.
Defines values for GeoReplicationStatus.
Defines values for GetShareExpand.
List of Vpn-Sites.
Represents a volume that is populated with the contents of a git repository.
A Global SKU Description.
The GPU resource.
Defines values for GpuSku.
Data used for requesting a SAS.
Type representing a directed graph data structure.
Active Directory error information.
Exception thrown for an invalid response with GraphError information.
Parameters to create and update Cosmos DB Gremlin database.
Cosmos DB Gremlin database resource object.
Parameters to create and update Cosmos DB Gremlin graph.
Cosmos DB Gremlin graph resource object.
GroupableParentResourceWithTagsImpl<FluentModelT extends Resource,InnerModelT extends,FluentModelImplT extends GroupableParentResourceWithTagsImpl<FluentModelT,InnerModelT,FluentModelImplT,ManagerT>,ManagerT extends>
The implementation for GroupableResource that can update tags as a separate operation.
Base interface for resources in resource groups.
Grouping of all the definition stages.
A resource definition allowing a new creatable resource group to be specified.
A resource definition allowing an existing resource group to be selected.
A resource definition allowing a resource group to be selected.
A resource definition allowing a resource group to be selected.
A resource definition allowing a new resource group to be created in the same region as groupable resource.
A resource definition allowing a new resource group to be created in a different region .
The IIS handler mappings used to define which handler processes HTTP requests with certain extension.
Specifies the hardware settings for the virtual machine.
An interface representing a model's ability to reference a list of associated subnets.
An interface representing a backend's ability to reference a list of associated network interfaces.
An interface representing a model's ability to reference a backend port.
Grouping of definition stages involving specifying a backend port.
The stage of a definition allowing to specify the backend port.
Grouping of definition stages applicable as part of a resource update, involving modifying the backend port.
The stage of a definition allowing to specify the backend port.
Grouping of update stages involving modifying a backend port.
The stage of an update allowing to modify the backend port.
An interface representing a model's ability to support cookie based affinity.
Grouping of definition stages involving enabling cookie based affinity.
The stage of a definition allowing to enable cookie based affinity.
Grouping of definition stages applicable as part of a resource update, involving modifying cookie based affinity.
The stage of a definition allowing to enable or disable cookie based affinity.
Grouping of update stages involving modifying cookie based affinity.
The stage of an update allowing to modify cookie based affinity.
An interface representing a model's ability to have floating IP support.
Grouping of definition stages involving enabling or disabling floating IP support.
The stage of a definition allowing to control floating IP support.
Grouping of definition stages applicable as part of a load balancer update, involving enabling or disabling floating IP support.
The stage of a definition allowing to control floating IP support.
Grouping of update stages involving enabling or disabling floating IP support.
The stage of an update allowing to control floating IP support.
An interface representing a model's ability to references a frontend.
Grouping of definition stages involving specifying the frontend.
The stage of a definition allowing to specify a load balancer frontend.
Grouping of definition stages applicable as part of a resource update involving modifying the frontend.
The stage of a definition allowing to specify a frontend from to associate.
Grouping of update stages involving specifying the frontend.
The stage of an update allowing to specify a frontend.
An interface representing a model's ability to reference a frontend port.
Grouping of definition stages involving specifying a frontend port.
The stage of a definition allowing to specify the frontend port.
Grouping of definition stages applicable as part of a resource update, involving modifying the frontend port.
The stage of a definition allowing to specify the frontend port.
Grouping of update stages involving modifying a frontend port.
The stage of an update allowing to specify the frontend port.
An interface representing a model's ability to reference a host name.
Grouping of definition stages involving specifying the host name.
The stage of a definition allowing to specify a host name.
Grouping of definition stages applicable as part of a parent resource update.
The stage of a definition allowing to specify a host name.
Grouping of update stages involving specifying the host name.
The stage of an update allowing to specify a host name.
An interface representing a model that has a resource group name.
The wrapper around an inner object providing extended functionalities.
An interface representing a model's ability to reference load balancing rules.
An interface representing a model that exposes a management client.
An interface representing a model's ability to attach mount volumes.
Grouping of definition stages involving specifying mount volume to mount.
Defines the volumes to mount on the cluster.
An interface representing a model that has a name.
Interface exposing a list of network interfaces.
An interface representing a child that has an immediately available parent.
An interface representing a model's ability to have a port number.
Grouping of definition stages involving specifying a port number.
The stage of a definition allowing to specify the port number.
Grouping of definition stages of a parent resource update involving specifying a port number.
The stage of a definition allowing to specify the port number.
Grouping of update stages involving specifying the port number.
The stage of a definition allowing to specify a port number.
An interface representing a model's ability to reference a private IP address.
Grouping of definition stages involving specifying the private IP address.
The stage of a definition allowing to specify the private IP address.
Grouping of definition stages applicable as part of a parent resource update, involving specifying the private IP address.
The stage of a definition allowing to specify the private IP address.
Grouping of update stages involving modifying the private IP address.
The stage of an update allowing to modify the private IP address.
An interface representing a model's ability to reference a transport protocol.
Grouping of definition stages involving specifying the protocol.
The stage of a definition allowing to specify the protocol.
Grouping of definition stages applicable as part of a load balancer update, involving specifying the protocol.
The stage of a definition allowing to specify the protocol.
Grouping of update stages involving modifying the protocol.
The stage of an update allowing to modify the transport protocol.
An interface representing a model's ability to reference a public IP address.
Grouping of definition stages involving specifying the public IP address.
The stage of the definition allowing to associate the resource with an existing public IP address.
The stage of the definition allowing to associate the resource with a new public IP address.
The stage of the definition allowing to associate the resource with a new public IP address.
The stage of the definition allowing to associate the resource with a public IP address.
The stage of the definition allowing to associate the resource with a public IP address, but not allowing to create one with a DNS leaf label.
Grouping of definition stages applicable as part of a parent resource update, involving specifying a public IP address.
The stage of the definition allowing to associate the resource with an existing public IP address.
The stage of the definition allowing to associate the resource with a new public IP address.
The stage of the definition allowing to associate the resource with a new public IP address.
The stage of the definition allowing to associate the resource with a public IP address.
The stage of the definition allowing to associate the resource with a public IP address, but not allowing to create one with a DNS leaf label.
Grouping of update stages involving modifying an existing reference to a public IP address.
The stage of the update allowing to associate the resource with an existing public IP address.
The stage of the update allowing to associate the resource with a new public IP address.
The stage of the update allowing to associate the resource with a new public IP address.
The stage definition allowing to associate the resource with a public IP address.
The stage of the update allowing to associate the resource with a public IP address, but not allowing to create one with a DNS leaf label.
An interface representing a model that has a resource group name.
An interface representing a model's ability to require server name indication.
Grouping of definition stages involving requiring the server name indication.
The stage of a definition allowing to require server name indication (SNI).
Grouping of definition stages applicable as part of a parent resource update.
The stage of a definition allowing to require server name indication (SNI).
Grouping of update stages involving requiring the server name indication.
The stage of an update allowing to require server name indication (SNI).
An interface representing a model's ability to reference an SSL certificate.
Grouping of definition stages involving specifying an SSL certificate.
The stage of a resource definition allowing to specify the SSL certificate to associate with it.
The stage of a resource definition allowing to specify the password for the private key of the imported SSL certificate.
Grouping of definition stages applicable as part of a resource update, involving modifying the SSL certificates.
The stage of a resource definition allowing to specify the SSL certificate to associate with it.
The stage of a resource definition allowing to specify the password for the private key of the imported SSL certificate.
Grouping of update stages involving modifying SSL certificates.
The stage of a resource update allowing to specify the SSL certificate to associate with it.
The stage of a resource update allowing to specify the password for the private key of the imported SSL certificate.
An interface representing a model's ability to reference a subnet by its name and network's ID.
Grouping of definition stages involving associating an existing subnet with a resource.
The stage of a definition allowing to associate a subnet with a resource.
Grouping of definition stages applicable as part of a parent resource update, involving associating a subnet with a resource.
The stage of a definition allowing to associate a subnet with a resource.
Grouping of update stages involving associating an existing subnet with a resource.
The stage of an update allowing to associate a subnet with a resource.
Defines values for HeaderAction.
Defines the parameters for the request header action.
The JSON object that contains the properties to send health probes to origin.
Defines values for HealthProbeRequestType.
Class which is a sparse representation of a Traffic Manager endpoint.
Hive job properties used when retrieving Hive jobs.
Specifies the settings for Horovod job.
Defines values for HostCaching.
Information needed to create resources on an App Service Environment.
Specification for an App Service Environment to use for this resource.
Defines values for HostingEnvironmentStatus.
Defines values for HostingMode.
Details of a hostname derived from a domain.
An immutable representation of a host name binding.
The entirety of a hostname binding definition.
Grouping of hostname binding definition stages applicable as part of a web app creation.
The first stage of a host name binding definition.
The final stage of the hostname binding definition.
The stage of a hostname binding definition allowing domain to be specified.
The stage of a hostname binding definition allowing DNS record type to be set.
The stage of a hostname binding definition allowing sub-domain to be specified.
The entirety of a hostname binding definition as part of a web app update.
Grouping of host name binding definition stages applicable as part of a web app creation.
The first stage of a host name binding definition.
The final stage of the hostname binding definition.
The stage of a hostname binding definition allowing domain to be specified.
The stage of a hostname binding definition allowing DNS record type to be set.
The stage of a hostname binding definition allowing sub-domain to be specified.
An immutable representation of an host name SSL binding.
The entirety of a hostname SSL binding definition.
Grouping of hostname SSL binding definition stages applicable as part of a web app creation.
The first stage of a hostname SSL binding definition.
The final stage of the hostname SSL binding definition.
The stage of a hostname SSL binding definition allowing certificate information to be specified.
The stage of a hostname SSL binding definition allowing hostname to be specified.
The stage of a hostname SSL binding definition allowing key vault for certificate store to be specified.
The stage of a hostname SSL binding definition allowing SSL type to be specified.
The entirety of a hostname SSL binding definition as part of a web app update.
Grouping of hostname SSL binding definition stages applicable as part of a web app update.
The first stage of a hostname SSL binding definition.
The final stage of the hostname SSL binding definition.
The stage of a hostname SSL binding definition allowing certificate information to be specified.
The stage of a hostname SSL binding definition allowing hostname to be specified.
The stage of a hostname SSL binding definition allowing key vault for certificate store to be specified.
The stage of a hostname SSL binding definition allowing SSL type to be specified.
SSL-enabled hostname.
Defines values for HostNameType.
Defines values for HostType.
HTTP configuration of the connectivity check.
Defines values for HTTPConfigurationMethod.
The JSON object that represents the range for http status codes.
The HTTP header.
The HTTP headers.
Http logs configuration.
HTTP message.
Defines values for HTTPMethod.
Defines values for HttpProtocol.
The Http request info.
Defines values for HttpsRedirect.
Defines the parameters for HttpVersion match conditions.
IP addresses associated with azure firewall.
Defines values for HubVirtualNetworkConnectionStatus.
Defines values for HyperVGeneration.
Defines values for HyperVGenerationType.
Defines values for HyperVGenerationTypes.
Entry point to Azure Managed Service Identity (MSI) Identity resource management API.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure Managed Service Identity (MSI) Identity resource.
Identity for the resource.
Identity for the resource.
Container interface for all the definitions related to identity.
Grouping of identity definition stages.
The first stage of an identity definition.
The stage of the identity definition allowing to set access role (permission) for it to access a resource.
The stage of the identity definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of the identity definition allowing to specify the resource group.
The template for an identity update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of identity update stages.
The stage of the identity update allowing to set access role (permission) for it to access a resource or remove an assigned role.
Defines values for IdentityType.
Defines values for IdentityType.
The IdentityUserAssignedIdentitiesValue model.
Defines values for IkeEncryption.
Defines values for IkeIntegrity.
Describes a data disk.
Properties for a registry image.
Describes a image disk.
The source image used for creating the disk.
Describes an Operating System disk.
Describes the gallery Image Definition purchase plan.
A reference to an Azure Virtual Machines Marketplace image or the Azure Image resource of a custom Virtual Machine.
The OS image reference.
Specifies information about the image to use.
Image registry credential.
Information about docker image for the job.
Describes a storage profile.
The source user image virtual hard disk.
The image update trigger that caused a build.
Type representing ImmutabilityPolicy.
The entirety of the ImmutabilityPolicy definition.
Grouping of ImmutabilityPolicy definition stages.
The first stage of a ImmutabilityPolicy definition.
The stage of the immutabilitypolicy definition allowing to specify Container.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created (via Creatable.create()), but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of the immutabilitypolicy definition allowing to specify IfMatch.
The stage of the immutabilitypolicy definition allowing to specify ImmutabilityPeriodSinceCreationInDays.
The template for a ImmutabilityPolicy update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of ImmutabilityPolicy update stages.
The stage of the immutabilitypolicy update allowing to specify IfMatch.
The stage of the immutabilitypolicy update allowing to specify ImmutabilityPeriodSinceCreationInDays.
The properties of an ImmutabilityPolicy of a blob container.
Defines values for ImmutabilityPolicyState.
Defines values for ImmutabilityPolicyUpdateType.
Import database parameters.
The ImportImageParameters model.
Defines values for ImportMode.
Parameters for Redis import operation.
Import database parameters.
The ImportSource model.
The ImportSourceCredentials model.
Defines values for InAvailabilityReasonType.
Defines values for InboundEndpointProtocol.
A inbound NAT pool that can be used to address specific ports on compute nodes in a Batch pool externally.
Inbound NAT pool of the load balancer.
The paths that are included in indexing.
Interface for the child resource which can be CRUDed independently from the parent resource.
Grouping of all the definition stages.
A resource definition allowing a new resource group to be created.
Interface for the child resource which can be CRUDed independently from the parent resource.
Base interface for all models that can be indexed by a key.
An index-able TaskItem with a TaskGroup.
The indexes for the path.
Defines values for IndexingMode.
Cosmos DB indexing policy.
Defines values for IndexKind.
The init container definition.
The instance view of the init container.
Inner error details.
Provides access to delete Azure resources of a specific type in a subscription.
Provides access to listing Azure resources of a specific type in a subscription.
Provides access to listing Azure resources of a specific type in a subscription.
Input directory for the job.
Read-only endpoint of the failover group instance.
Read-write endpoint of the failover group instance.
Defines values for InstanceFailoverGroupReplicationRole.
Defines values for InstancePoolLicenseType.
An update to an Instance pool.
Instance view status.
Defines values for InstanceViewTypes.
Defines values for InternalLoadBalancingMode.
Defines values for InterNodeCommunicationState.
Defines values for IntervalInMins.
IP address for the container group.
CDN Ip address group.
Defines values for IPAddressProvisioningType.
Defines values for IPAllocationMethod.
IP configuration.
IP configuration profile child resource.
Defines values for IpFilterTag.
Defines values for IpFlowProtocol.
A rule governing the accesibility of a vault from a specific ip address or ip range.
IP rule with specific IP or IP range in CIDR format.
Defines values for IpsecEncryption.
Defines values for IpsecIntegrity.
An IPSec Policy configuration for a virtual network gateway connection.
IP security restriction on an app.
Contains the IpTag associated with the object.
Contains IPv6 peering config.
An client-side representation of a load balancer frontend.
The entirety of a public frontend definition.
Grouping of public frontend definition stages.
The first stage of a public frontend definition.
The stage of Cross Connection Peering IPv6 configuration definition allowing to specify secondary address prefix.
The final stage of a public frontend definition.
The stage of Cross Connection Peering IPv6 configuration definition allowing to specify customer ASN.
The stage of Cross Connection Peering IPv6 configuration definition allowing to specify primary address prefix.
The stage of Cross Connection Peering IPv6 configuration definition allowing to specify route filter.
The stage of Cross Connection Peering IPv6 configuration definition allowing to specify routing registry name.
The stage of Cross Connection Peering IPv6 configuration definition allowing to specify secondary address prefix.
The entirety of a public frontend update as part of an Internet-facing load balancer update.
The entirety of Cross Connection Peering IPv6 configuration definition as part of Cross Connection Peering update.
Grouping of public frontend definition stages applicable as part of an Internet-facing load balancer update.
The first stage of a public frontend definition.
The final stage of peering IPv6 configuration definition.
The stage of Cross Connection Peering IPv6 configuration definition allowing to specify secondary customer ASN.
The stage of Cross Connection Peering IPv6 configuration definition allowing to specify primary address prefix.
The stage of Cross Connection Peering IPv6 configuration definition allowing to specify route filter.
The stage of Cross Connection Peering IPv6 configuration definition allowing to specify routing registry name.
The stage of Cross Connection Peering IPv6 configuration definition allowing to specify secondary address prefix.
Grouping of public frontend update stages.
The stage of a public frontend update allowing to specify an existing public IP address.
The stage of Cross Connection Peering IPv6 configuration update allowing to specify secondary customer ASN.
The stage of Cross Connection Peering IPv6 configuration update allowing to specify primary address prefix.
The stage of Cross Connection Peering IPv6 configuration update allowing to specify route filter.
The stage of Cross Connection Peering IPv6 configuration update allowing to specify routing registry name.
The stage of Cross Connection Peering IPv6 configuration update allowing to specify secondary address prefix.
Defines values for IPVersion.
Defines values for IPVersion.
Defines the parameters for IsDevice match conditions.
Defines values for IssueType.
Defines values for IssueType.
An Itsm receiver.
Defines values for Java versions.
Defines values for JobAgentState.
An update to an Azure SQL job agent.
Constraints associated with the Job.
Job creation parameters.
A Data Lake Analytics job data path item.
The Data Lake Analytics job error details.
Defines values for JobExecutionLifecycle.
The target that a job execution is executed on.
The extended Data Lake Analytics job information properties returned when retrieving a specific job.
The common Data Lake Analytics job information properties.
The Data Lake Analytics job error details.
Job Pipeline Information, showing the relationship of jobs and recurrences of those jobs in a pipeline.
Run info for a specific job pipeline.
Job preparation settings.
Defines values for JobPriority.
The common Data Lake Analytics job properties.
Constraints associated with the Job.
Information about the execution of a job.
Recurrence job information for a specific recurrence.
Job relationship information properties including pipeline information, correlation information, etc.
The Data Lake Analytics job resources.
Defines values for JobResourceType.
Defines values for JobResult.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in Jobs.
Scheduling properties of a job.
Defines values for JobScheduleType.
Additional parameters for listByExperiment operation.
Additional parameters for listOutputFiles operation.
Defines values for JobState.
The Data Lake Analytics job state audit records for tracking the lifecycle of a job.
The Data Lake Analytics job execution statistics.
The detailed information for a vertex.
The Data Lake Analytics job statistics vertex stage information.
The action to be executed by a job step.
Defines values for JobStepActionSource.
Defines values for JobStepActionType.
The execution options of a job step.
The output configuration of a job step.
Defines values for JobStepOutputType.
A job target, for example a specific database or a container of databases that is evaluated during job execution.
Defines values for JobTargetGroupMembershipType.
Defines values for JobTargetType.
Defines values for JobType.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure Key Vault key.
Container interface for all the definitions.
Grouping of key definition stages.
The first stage of a key definition.
The stage of a key definition allowing to specify the attributes of the key.
The stage of the key definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the key to be created but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The base stage of the key definition allowing for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of a key definition allowing to specify whether to store the key in hardware security modules.
The stage of the key definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the key to be imported but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of a key definition allowing to specify whether to create a key or to import a key.
The stage of a key definition allowing to specify the allowed operations for the key.
The stage of a key definition allowing to specify the key size.
The stage of a key definition allowing to specify the tags of the key.
The template for a key update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of key update stages.
The stage of a key update allowing to specify the attributes of the key.
The stage of a key update allowing to specify whether to store the key in hardware security modules.
The stage of a key update allowing to create a new version of the key.
The stage of a key update allowing to specify the allowed operations for the key.
The stage of a key update allowing to specify the key size.
The stage of a key update allowing to specify the tags of the key.
The template for a key vault update operation, with a new key version to be created.
The template for a key vault update operation, with a new key version to be imported.
Request parameters for a KeyCredentials update operation.
Key Vault Key Url to be used for server side encryption of Managed Disks and Snapshots.
Defines values for KeyKind.
Defines values for KeyPermission.
Defines values for KeyPermissions.
Entry point for Key Vault keys API.
Defines values for KeySource.
Defines values for KeySource.
Defines values for KeyType.
Defines values for KeyType.
Key Vault Key Url and vault id of KeK, KeK is optional and when provided is used to unwrap the encryptionKey.
Key Vault Secret Url and vault id of the encryption key.
Describes the parameters for using a user's KeyVault certificate for securing custom domain.
Describes a reference to Key Vault Key.
Metadata information used by account encryption.
KeyVault configuration when using an encryption KeySource of Microsoft.KeyVault.
Properties of key vault.
Identifies the Azure key vault associated with a Batch account.
Reference to a secret stored in Azure Key Vault.
Key Vault Secret reference.
Describes a reference to Key Vault Secret.
Defines values for KeyVaultSecretStatus.
Describes the parameters for using a user's KeyVault for URL Signing Key.
Defines values for Kind.
The popular Azure Linux images.
The popular Azure Windows images.
A client-side representation for a managed Kubernetes cluster.
Interface for all the definitions related to a Kubernetes cluster.
Grouping of Kubernetes cluster definition stages.
The first stage of a container service definition.
The Kubernetes cluster network profile definition.
The Kubernetes cluster definition allowing to specify a network profile.
The first stage of a network profile definition.
The final stage of a network profile definition.
The stage of a network profile definition allowing to specify an IP address assigned to the Kubernetes DNS service.
The stage of a network profile definition allowing to specify a CIDR notation IP range assigned to the Docker bridge network.
The stage of a network profile definition allowing to specify the network policy.
The stage of a network profile definition allowing to specify a CIDR notation IP range from which to assign pod IPs when kubenet is used.
The stage of a network profile definition allowing to specify a CIDR notation IP range from which to assign service cluster IPs.
The stage of the Kubernetes cluster definition allowing to specify the cluster's add-on's profiles.
The stage of the Kubernetes cluster definition allowing to specify an agent pool profile.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of the Kubernetes cluster definition allowing to specify the DNS prefix label.
The stage of the Kubernetes cluster definition allowing to specify the resource group.
The stage of the Kubernetes cluster definition allowing to specific the Linux root username.
The stage of the Kubernetes cluster definition allowing to specific the Linux SSH key.
The stage of the Kubernetes cluster definition allowing to specify a network profile.
The stage of the Kubernetes cluster definition allowing to specify the service principal client ID.
The stage of the Kubernetes cluster definition allowing to specify the service principal secret.
The stage of the Kubernetes cluster definition allowing to specify the cluster's sku.
The stage of the Kubernetes cluster definition allowing to specify orchestration type.
The template for an update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of the Kubernetes cluster update stages.
The stage of the Kubernetes cluster update definition allowing to specify the cluster's add-on's profiles.
The stage of the Kubernetes cluster update definition allowing to specify the agent poll in the cluster.
The stage of the Kubernetes cluster update definition allowing to specify the cluster's network profile.
The stage of the Kubernetes cluster update definition allowing to specify if Kubernetes Role-Based Access Control is enabled or disabled.
Defines values for Kubernetes cluster access profile roles.
A client-side representation for a Kubernetes cluster agent pool.
The entirety of a container service agent pool definition as a part of a parent definition.
Grouping of container service agent pool definition stages as a part of parent container service definition.
The first stage of a container service agent pool definition allowing to specify the agent virtual machine size.
The stage of a container service agent pool definition allowing to specify the type of agent pool.
The stage of a container service agent pool definition allowing to specify the number of agents (Virtual Machines) to host docker containers.
The final stage of a container service agent pool definition.
The stage of a container service agent pool definition allowing to specify the maximum number of pods that can run on a node.
The stage of a container service agent pool definition allowing to specify the mode of the agents.
The stage of a container service agent pool definition allowing to specify the agent pool OS disk size.
The stage of a container service agent pool definition allowing to specify the agent pool OS type.
The stage of a container service agent pool definition allowing to specify a virtual network to be used for the agents.
The template for an update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of agent pool update stages.
The stage of a container service agent pool update allowing to specify the agent pool mode.
The stage of a container service agent pool update allowing to specify the number of agents (Virtual Machines) to host docker containers.
Entry point to managed Kubernetes service management API.
The result of checking for the Kubernetes cluster's upgrade profile.
Defines values for Kubernetes versions.
Defines values for LargeFileSharesState.
Describes the properties of the last installed patch summary.
Lease Container request schema.
Defines values for LeaseDuration.
Defines values for LeaseState.
Defines values for LeaseStatus.
Type representing LegalHold.
The LegalHold property of a blob container.
Defines values for LicenseType.
Defines values for LinkToDefaultDomain.
Specifies the Linux operating system settings on the virtual machine.
Input for InstallPatches on a Linux VM, as directly received by the API.
Specifies settings related to VM Guest Patching on Linux.
Properties used to create a user account on a Linux node.
Type representing encryption settings to be applied to a Linux virtual machine.
Defines values for LinuxVMGuestPatchMode.
Defines values for ListContainersInclude.
Defines values for ListKeyExpand.
Defines values for ListSharesExpand.
Entry point for load balancer management API in Azure.
The entirety of the load balancer definition.
Grouping of load balancer definition stages.
The first stage of a load balancer definition.
The stage of a load balancer definition allowing to add a backend.
The stage of a load balancer definition containing all the required inputs for the resource to be created, but also allowing for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of a load balancer definition allowing to create the load balancer or add an inbound NAT pool.
The stage of a load balancer definition allowing to create the load balancer or add an inbound NAT rule.
The stage of a load balancer definition allowing to create the load balancer or start configuring optional inbound NAT rules or pools.
The stage of a load balancer definition describing the nature of the frontend of the load balancer: internal or Internet-facing.
The stage of the load balancer definition allowing to specify the resource group.
The stage of a load balancer definition allowing to create a new inbound NAT pool for a virtual machine scale set.
The stage of a load balancer definition allowing to create a new inbound NAT rule.
The stage of a load balancer definition allowing to add a load blanacing rule, or an inbound NAT rule or pool.
The stage of a load balancer definition allowing to create a load balancing rule or create the load balancer.
The stage of a load balancer definition allowing to create a load balancing rule.
The stage of an internal load balancer definition allowing to define one or more private frontends.
The stage of the load balancer definition allowing to add a load balancing probe.
The stage of an Internet-facing load balancer definition allowing to define one or more public frontends.
The stage of the load balancer definition allowing to specify SKU.
The template for a load balancer update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of load balancer update stages.
The stage of the load balancer update allowing to add or remove backends.
The stage of a load balancer update allowing to create a new inbound NAT pool for a virtual machine scale set.
The stage of a load balancer update allowing to define, remove or edit inbound NAT rules.
The stage of the load balancer update allowing to add, remove or modify load balancing rules.
The stage of a load balancer update allowing to define one or more private frontends.
The stage of the load balancer update allowing to add, remove or modify probes.
The stage of a load balancer update allowing to define, remove or edit Internet-facing frontends.
A client-side representation of a load balancer backend address pool.
The entirety of a load balancer backend definition.
Grouping of load balancer backend definition stages.
The first stage of a load balancer backend definition.
The final stage of a load balancer backend definition.
The stage of a load balancer backend definition allowing to select a set of virtual machines to load balance the network traffic among.
The entirety of a load balancer backend update as part of a load balancer update.
The entirety of a load balancer backend definition as part of a load balancer update.
Grouping of load balancer backend definition stages applicable as part of a load balancer update.
The first stage of a load balancer backend definition.
The final stage of a load balancer backend definition.
The stage of a load balancer backend definition allowing to select a set of virtual machines to load balance the network traffic among.
Grouping of load balancer backend update stages.
An client-side representation of a load balancer frontend.
A client-side representation of an HTTP load balancing probe.
The entirety of a probe definition.
Grouping of probe definition stages.
The first stage of the probe definition.
The final stage of the probe definition.
The stage of the HTTP probe definition allowing to specify the probe interval.
The stage of the HTTP probe definition allowing to specify the number of unsuccessful probes before failure is determined.
The stage of the probe definition allowing to specify the port to monitor.
The stage of the probe definition allowing to specify the HTTP request path for the probe to monitor.
The entirety of a probe update as part of a load balancer update.
The entirety of a probe definition as part of a load balancer update.
Grouping of probe definition stages applicable as part of a load balancer update.
The first stage of the probe definition.
The final stage of the probe definition.
The stage of the HTTP probe definition allowing to specify the probe interval.
The stage of the HTTP probe definition allowing to specify the number of unsuccessful probes before failure is determined.
The stage of the probe definition allowing to specify the port to monitor.
The stage of the probe definition allowing to specify the HTTP request path for the probe to monitor.
Grouping of probe update stages.
The stage of the HTTP probe update allowing to modify the probe interval.
The stage of the HTTP probe update allowing to modify the number of unsuccessful probes before failure is determined.
The stage of the HTTP probe update allowing to modify the port number to monitor.
The stage of the HTTP probe update allowing to modify the HTTP request path for the probe to monitor.
A client-side representation of an inbound NAT pool.
The entirety of an inbound NAT pool definition.
Grouping of inbound NAT pool definition stages.
The first stage of the inbound NAT pool definition.
The final stage of the inbound NAT pool definition.
The stage of an inbound NAT pool definition allowing to specify the backend port.
The stage of an inbound NAT pool definition allowing to specify the frontend for the inbound NAT rules in the pool to apply to.
The stage of an inbound NAT pool definition allowing to specify the frontend port range.
The stage of an inbound NAT pool definition allowing to specify the transport protocol for the pool to apply to.
The entirety of an inbound NAT pool update as part of a load balancer update.
The entirety of an inbound NAT pool definition as part of a load balancer update.
Grouping of inbound NAT pool definition stages applicable as part of a load balancer update.
The first stage of the inbound NAT pool definition.
The final stage of the inbound NAT pool definition.
The stage of an inbound NAT pool definition allowing to specify the backend port.
The stage of an inbound NAT pool definition allowing to specify the frontend for the inbound NAT rules in the pool to apply to.
The stage of an inbound NAT pool definition allowing to specify the frontend port range.
The stage of an inbound NAT pool definition allowing to specify the transport protocol for the pool to apply to.
Grouping of inbound NAT pool update stages.
The stage of an inbound NAT pool update allowing to specify the backend port.
The stage of an inbound NAT pool update allowing to specify the frontend for the inbound NAT rules in the pool to apply to.
The stage of an inbound NAT pool update allowing to specify the frontend port range.
The stage of an inbound NAT pool update allowing to specify the transport protocol for the pool to apply to.
An immutable client-side representation of an inbound NAT rule.
The entirety of an inbound NAT rule definition.
Grouping of inbound NAT rule definition stages.
The first stage of the inbound NAT rule definition.
The final stage of the inbound NAT rule definition.
The stage of an inbound NAT rule definition allowing to specify the backend port.
The stage of an inbound NAT rule definition allowing to specify whether floating IP should be enabled.
The stage of an inbound NAT rule definition allowing to specify a frontend for the rule to apply to.
The stage of an inbound NAT rule definition allowing to specify the frontend port.
The stage of an inbound NAT rule definition allowing to specify the idle connection timeout for this inbound NAT rule.
The stage of an inbound NAT rule definition allowing to specify the transport protocol.
The entirety of an inbound NAT rule update as part of a load balancer update.
The entirety of an inbound NAT rule definition.
Grouping of inbound NAT rule definition stages as part of a load balancer update.
The first stage of the inbound NAT rule definition.
The final stage of the inbound NAT rule definition.
The stage of an inbound NAT rule definition allowing to specify the backend port.
The stage of an inbound NAT rule definition allowing to specify whether floating IP should be enabled.
The stage of an inbound NAT rule definition allowing to specify a frontend for the rule to apply to.
The stage of an inbound NAT rule definition allowing to specify the frontend port.
The stage of an inbound NAT rule definition allowing to specify the idle connection timeout for this inbound NAT rule.
The stage of an inbound NAT rule definition allowing to specify the transport protocol.
Grouping of inbound NAT rule update stages.
The stage of an inbound NAT rule update allowing to specify the backend port.
The stage of an inbound NAT rule update allowing to specify whether floating IP should be enabled.
The stage of an inbound NAT rule update allowing to specify a frontend for the rule to apply to.
The stage of an inbound NAT rule update allowing to specify the frontend port.
The stage of an inbound NAT rule update allowing to specify the idle connection timeout for this inbound NAT rule.
The stage of an inbound NAT rule update allowing to specify the transport protocol for the rule to apply to.
Defines values for LoadBalancerOutboundRuleProtocol.
A client-side representation of a private frontend of an internal load balancer.
The entirety of a private frontend definition.
Grouping of private frontend definition stages.
The first stage of a private frontend definition.
The final stage of a private frontend definition.
The stage of a private frontend definition allowing to specify availability zone.
The stage of a private frontend definition allowing to specify a subnet from the selected network.
The entirety of a private frontend update as part of a load balancer update.
The entirety of a private frontend definition as part of a load balancer update.
Grouping of private frontend definition stages applicable as part of a load balancer update.
The first stage of a private frontend definition.
The final stage of an internal frontend definition.
The stage of a private frontend definition allowing to specify availability zone.
The stage of a private frontend definition allowing to specify a subnet from the selected network.
Grouping of private frontend update stages.
The stage of a private frontend update allowing to specify a subnet from the selected network.
A client-side representation of a load balancing probe.
A client-side representation of a public frontend of an Internet-facing load balancer.
The entirety of a public frontend definition.
Grouping of public frontend definition stages.
The first stage of a public frontend definition.
The final stage of a public frontend definition.
The stage of a public frontend definition allowing to specify an existing public IP address.
The entirety of a public frontend update as part of an Internet-facing load balancer update.
The entirety of a public frontend definition as part of an Internet-facing load balancer update.
Grouping of public frontend definition stages applicable as part of an Internet-facing load balancer update.
The first stage of a public frontend definition.
The final stage of the public frontend definition.
The stage of a public frontend definition allowing to specify an existing public IP address.
Grouping of public frontend update stages.
The stage of a public frontend update allowing to specify an existing public IP address.
Entry point to load balancer management API in Azure.
Defines values for LoadBalancerSku.
SKU of a load balancer.
Defines values for LoadBalancerSkuName.
Defines values for LoadBalancerSkuType.
A client-side representation of a TCP load balancing probe.
The entirety of a probe definition.
Grouping of probe definition stages.
The first stage of the probe definition.
The final stage of the probe definition.
The stage of the TCP probe definition allowing to specify the probe interval.
The stage of the TCP probe definition allowing to specify the number of unsuccessful probes before failure is determined.
The stage of the TCP probe definition allowing to specify the port number to monitor.
The entirety of a probe update as part of a load balancer update.
The entirety of a probe definition as part of a load balancer update.
Grouping of probe definition stages applicable as part of a load balancer update.
The first stage of the probe definition.
The final stage of the probe definition.
The stage of the TCP probe definition allowing to specify the probe interval.
The stage of the TCP probe definition allowing to specify the number of unsuccessful probes before failure is determined.
The stage of the TCP probe definition allowing to specify the port number to monitor.
Grouping of probe update stages.
The stage of the TCP probe update allowing to modify the probe interval.
The stage of the TCP probe update allowing to modify the number of unsuccessful probes before failure is determined.
The stage of the TCP probe update allowing to modify the port number to monitor.
A client-side representation of an HTTP load balancing rule.
The entirety of a load balancing rule definition.
Grouping of load balancing rule definition stages.
The first stage of the load balancing rule definition.
The final stage of the load balancing rule definition.
The stage of a load balancing rule definition allowing to specify the backend to associate the rule with.
The stage of a load balancing rule definition allowing to specify the backend port to send the load-balanced traffic to.
The stage of a load balancing rule definition allowing to enable the floating IP functionality.
The stage of a load balancing rule definition allowing to specify the frontend to associate with the rule.
The stage of a load balancing rule definition allowing to specify the frontend port to load balance.
The stage of a load balancing rule definition allowing to specify the connection timeout for idle connections.
The stage of a load balancing rule definition allowing to specify the load distribution.
The stage of a load balancing rule definition allowing to specify the probe to associate with the rule.
The stage of a load balancing rule definition allowing to specify the transport protocol to apply the rule to.
The stage of a load balancing rule definition allowing to select a set of virtual machines to load balance the network traffic among.
The entirety of a load balancing rule update as part of a load balancer update.
The entirety of a load balancing rule definition as part of a load balancer update.
Grouping of load balancing rule definition stages applicable as part of a load balancer update.
The first stage of the load balancing rule definition.
The final stage of the load balancing rule definition.
The stage of a load balancing rule definition allowing to specify the backend to associate the rule with.
The stage of a load balancing rule definition allowing to specify the backend port to send the load-balanced traffic to.
The stage of a load balancing rule definition allowing to enable the floating IP functionality.
The stage of a load balancing rule definition allowing to specify the frontend to associate with the rule.
The stage of a load balancing rule definition allowing to specify the frontend port to load balance.
The stage of a load balancing rule definition allowing to specify the connection timeout for idle connections.
The stage of a load balancing rule definition allowing to specify the load distribution.
The stage of a load balancing rule definition allowing to specify the probe to associate with the rule.
The stage of a load balancing rule definition allowing to specify the transport protocol to apply the rule to.
The stage of a load balancing rule definition allowing to select a set of virtual machines to load balance the network traffic among.
Grouping of load balancing rule update stages.
The stage of a load balancing rule update allowing to modify the backend port.
The stage of a load balancing rule update allowing to enable the floating IP functionality.
The stage of a load balancing rule update allowing to modify the frontend reference.
The stage of a load balancing rule update allowing to modify the frontend port.
The stage of a load balancing rule update allowing to modify the connection timeout for idle connections.
The stage of a load balancing rule update allowing to modify the load distribution.
The stage of a load balancing rule update allowing to specify the probe to associate with the rule.
The stage of a load balancing rule update allowing to modify the transport protocol the rule applies to.
Round-Robin load balancing settings for a backend pool.
Defines values for LoadDistribution.
Parameters required for content load.
Localizable string object containing the name and a localized value.
The localizable string class.
Entry point for Local Network Gateway management API in Azure.
The entirety of the local network gateway definition.
Grouping of local network gateway definition stages.
The first stage of a local network gateway definition.
The stage of the local network gateway definition allowing to specify the address space.
The stage of definition allowing to specify local network gateway's BGP speaker settings.
The stage of the local network gateway definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created (via Creatable.create()).
The stage of the local network gateway definition allowing to specify the resource group.
The stage of the local network gateway definition allowing to specify IP address of local network gateway.
The template for a local network gateway update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of local network gateway update stages.
The stage of the local network gateway update allowing to specify the address spaces.
The stage of update allowing to specify local network gateway's BGP speaker settings.
The stage of the local network gateway update allowing to change IP address of local network gateway.
Entry point to local network gateways management API in Azure.
A region in which the Azure Cosmos DB database account is deployed.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure location.
Location metadata information.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in Locations.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in Locations.
A rule condition based on a certain number of locations failing.
Defines values for LockLevel.
Container group log analytics information.
Api input base class for LogAnalytics Api.
Defines values for LogAnalyticsLogType.
LogAnalytics output properties.
A logic app receiver.
Defines values for LoginMode.
Defines values for LogLevel.
Defines values for LogMetric.
Defines values for LogMetricsGranularity.
Defines values for LogMetricsGroupBy.
A log metrics trigger descriptor.
The log profile resource for patch operations.
Defines values for LogRanking.
Defines values for LogRankingMetric.
The log search rule resource for patch operations.
Part of MultiTenantDiagnosticSettings.
Log Definition of a single resource metric.
Log specification of operation.
Description of logging specification.
Specify action need to be taken when rule type is converting log to metric.
Defines values for MaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypes.
Maintenance Operation Status.
The managed artifact.
Information about a tenant managing the subscription.
Managed Certificate used for https.
Managed Certificate used for https.
AADProfile specifies attributes for Azure Active Directory integration.
A Kubernetes add-on profile for a managed cluster.
Information of user assigned identity used by this add-on.
Profile for the container service agent pool.
Properties for the container service agent pool profile.
Access profile for managed cluster API server.
Identity for the managed cluster.
The ManagedClusterIdentityUserAssignedIdentitiesValue model.
Profile of the managed cluster load balancer.
Desired managed outbound IPs for the cluster load balancer.
Desired outbound IP Prefix resources for the cluster load balancer.
Desired outbound IP resources for the cluster load balancer.
The list of available upgrade versions.
The ManagedClusterPoolUpgradeProfileUpgradesItem model.
Parameters to be applied to the cluster-autoscaler when enabled.
The ManagedClusterPropertiesIdentityProfileValue model.
Information about a service principal identity for the cluster to use for manipulating Azure APIs.
The ManagedClusterSKU model.
Defines values for ManagedClusterSKUName.
Defines values for ManagedClusterSKUTier.
Profile for Windows VMs in the container service cluster.
Defines values for ManagedDatabaseCreateMode.
Defines values for ManagedDatabaseStatus.
An managed database update.
The parameters of a managed disk.
Defines values for ManagedInstanceLicenseType.
Pairs of Managed Instances in the failover group.
Defines values for ManagedInstanceProxyOverride.
An update request for an Azure SQL Database managed instance.
Defines values for ManagedPipelineMode.
Describes a managed rule definition.
Defines values for ManagedRuleEnabledState.
Defines values for ManagedRuleEnabledState.
Describes a managed rule group.
Defines a managed rule group override setting.
Defines a managed rule group override setting.
Defines a managed rule group override setting.
Defines a managed rule group override setting.
Allow to exclude some variable satisfy the condition for the WAF check.
Defines a managed rule set.
Defines the list of managed rule sets for the policy.
Defines values for ManagedServerCreateMode.
Managed service identity.
Identity for the resource.
Defines values for ManagedServiceIdentityType.
The ManagedServiceIdentityUserAssignedIdentitiesValue model.
The ManagedServiceIdentityUserAssignedIdentitiesValue model.
Azure managed service identity sample.
How the data that is collected should be combined over time.
A management event rule condition.
Management lock.
Container interface for all the definitions.
Grouping of management lock definition stages.
The first stage of a management lock definition.
The stage of the management lock definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of a management lock definition allowing to specify notes for the lock.
The stage of a management lock definition allowing to specify the resource to lock.
The stage of a management lock definition allowing to specify the level of the lock.
Container interface for all the updates.
Grouping of management lock update stages.
The stage of a management lock update allowing to modify the level of the lock.
The stage of a management lock update allowing to specify the resource to lock.
The stage of a management lock definition allowing to specify the level of the lock.
Lock owner properties.
Entry point to management lock management.
Defines values for ManagementOperationState.
Type representing ManagementPolicies.
Type representing ManagementPolicy.
The entirety of the ManagementPolicy definition.
Grouping of ManagementPolicy definition stages.
The first stage of a ManagementPolicy definition.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created (via Creatable.create()), but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of the management policy definition allowing to specify a rule to add to the management policy.
The stage of the managementpolicy definition allowing to specify StorageAccount.
The template for a ManagementPolicy update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of ManagementPolicy update stages.
The stage of the management policy update allowing to update a rule.
The stage of the management policy update allowing to specify Policy.
Actions are applied to the filtered blobs when the execution condition is met.
Management policy action for base blob.
An object that defines the Lifecycle rule.
Filters limit rule actions to a subset of blobs within the storage account.
An object that wraps the Lifecycle rule.
The Storage Account ManagementPolicies Rules.
Management policy action for snapshot.
Manual scale settings for the cluster.
Define match conditions.
Define match conditions.
Matched rule.
Defines values for MatchProcessingBehavior.
Defines values for MatchVariable.
Define match variables.
The maximum size limits for a database.
Defines values for MaxSizeUnits.
Message Count Details.
The MessagingRegionsProperties model.
A name-value pair associated with a Batch service resource.
Represents a metric metadata value.
The Azure metric entries are of type Metric.
An immutable client-side representation of a Metric Alert.
The entirety of a Metric Alert definition.
Metric Alert definition for multiple resource.
Grouping of metric alerts definition stages.
The first stage of a Metric Alert definition.
The stage of the definition which specifies actions that will be activated when the conditions are met in the metric alert rules.
The stage of the definition which specifies actions that will be activated when the conditions are met in the metric alert rules.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of the definition which specifies condition that will cause this alert to activate.
The stage of the definition which specifies condition that will cause this alert to activate.
The stage of the definition which specifies evaluation frequency for metric alert.
The stage of the definition which specifies evaluation frequency for metric alert.
The stage of the definition which specifies target resource for metric alert.
The stage of the definition which specifies severity for metric alert.
The stage of the definition which specifies severity for metric alert.
The stage of the definition which specifies monitoring window for metric alert.
The stage of the definition which specifies monitoring window for metric alert.
The template for an update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of metric alerts update stages.
The stage of a metric alerts update allowing to modify settings.
An alert action.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure metric dynamic alert criteria.
Grouping of metric alerts condition definition stages.
The first stage of a Metric Alert condition definition.
The stage of the definition which specifies metric signal name.
The stage of the definition which specifies metric alert additional filtering options.
The stage of the definition which specifies metric alert condition.
The entirety of a metric alert condition definition as a part of a parent metric alert update.
The first stage of a Metric Alert condition definition.
The stage of the definition which specifies metric signal name.
The stage of the definition which specifies metric alert additional filtering options.
The stage of the definition which specifies metric alert condition.
Grouping of metric alert condition update stages.
The rule criteria that defines the conditions of the alert rule.
Specifies the metric alert criteria for multiple resource that has multiple metric criteria.
The metric alert resource for patch operations.
Defines values for MetricAlertRuleCondition.
Defines values for MetricAlertRuleTimeAggregation.
Entry point for Metric Alert management API.
Specifies the metric alert criteria for a single resource that has multiple metric criteria.
An alert status.
An alert status properties.
Retention policy of a resource metric.
The availability of the metric.
Metric availability specifies the time grain (aggregation interval or frequency) and the retention period for that time grain.
A metric availability value.
The MetricCollection representing wrapper over ResponseInner type.
Criterion to filter metrics.
The Azure metric definition entries are of type MetricDefinition.
The entirety of a Metrics query definition.
Grouping of Metric query stages.
The stage of a Metric query allowing to specify end time filter.
The stage of a Metric query allowing to specify optional filters and execute the query.
The stage of a Metric query allowing to specify start time filter.
Entry point for Monitor Metric Definitions API.
Specifies a metric dimension.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure metric alert criteria.
Grouping of metric alerts condition definition stages.
The first stage of a Metric Alert condition definition.
The stage of the definition which specifies metric signal name.
The stage of the definition which specifies metric alert additional filtering options.
The stage of the definition which specifies metric alert condition.
The stage of the definition which specifies metric alert condition.
The entirety of a metric alert condition definition as a part of a parent metric alert update.
The first stage of a Metric Alert condition definition.
The stage of the definition which specifies metric signal name.
The stage of the definition which specifies metric alert additional filtering options.
The stage of the definition which specifies metric alert condition.
The stage of the definition which specifies metric alert condition.
Grouping of metric alert condition update stages.
A metric name.
A database metric name.
The fully qualified metric namespace name.
Part of MultiTenantDiagnosticSettings.
The metric dimension name and value.
Definition of a single resource metric.
Description of metrics specification.
Metric specification of operation.
The MetricsResponseSeriesItem model.
The MetricsResponseSeriesItemDataItem model.
The MetricsResponseSeriesItemGroupsItem model.
Defines values for MetricStatisticType.
The trigger that results in a scaling action.
Defines values for MetricTriggerType.
Represents metrics values.
Represents a metric value.
Represents database metrics.
MySQL migration request.
Defines values for MinimumTlsVersion.
Defines values for MinimumTlsVersion.
Parameters to create and update Cosmos DB MongoDB collection.
Cosmos DB MongoDB collection resource object.
Parameters to create and update Cosmos DB MongoDB database.
Cosmos DB MongoDB database resource object.
Cosmos DB MongoDB collection index key.
Cosmos DB MongoDB collection resource object.
Cosmos DB MongoDB collection index options.
Class containing endpoint monitoring settings in a Traffic Manager profile.
Custom header name and value.
Min and max value of a status code range.
Defines values for MonitorProtocol.
The file system to mount on each node.
File Server mount Information.
Details of volumes to mount on the cluster.
MSDeploy ARM PUT information.
MSDeploy ARM PUT core information.
MSDeploy log entry.
Defines values for MSDeployLogEntryType.
Defines values for MSDeployProvisioningState.
The types of conditions for a multi resource alert.
An MX record.
An immutable client-side representation of an MX (mail exchange) record set in an Azure DNS Zone.
Entry point to MX record sets in an Azure DNS zone.
Defines values for MySqlMigrationType.
ARM Usage Name.
Data Lake Analytics account name availability result information.
Data Lake Store account name availability result information.
Defines values for NameAvailabilityReason.
Type representing authorization rule defined for namespace.
The entirety of the namespace authorization rule definition.
Grouping of Service Bus namespace authorization rule definition stages.
The first stage of namespace authorization rule definition.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created (via Creatable.create()), but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The entirety of the namespace authorization rule update.
Entry point to namespace authorization rules management API.
Defines values for NamespaceSku.
Name value pair.
Name-value pair.
SKU of nat gateway.
Defines values for NatGatewaySkuName.
A type contains subset of ARM envelop properties in Resource namely id, name and type.
Defines values for .NET framework version.
Entry point for Virtual Network management API in Azure.
The entirety of the virtual network definition.
Grouping of virtual network definition stages.
The first stage of a virtual network definition.
The stage of the virtual network definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified, except for adding subnets.
The stage of the public IP definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created (via Creatable.create()), but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified, including adding subnets.
The stage of the virtual network definition allowing to specify DDoS protection plan.
The stage of the virtual network definition allowing to specify the resource group.
The stage of the virtual network definition allowing to add subnets.
The stage of the virtual network definition allowing to enable VM protection for all the subnets in the virtual network.
The template for a virtual network update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of virtual network update stages.
The stage of the virtual network update allowing to specify the address space.
The stage of the virtual network update allowing to specify DDoS protection plan.
The stage of the virtual network update allowing to specify the DNS server.
The stage of the virtual network update allowing to add or remove subnets.
The stage of the virtual network update allowing to enable/disable VM protection for all the subnets in the virtual network.
Network access control entry.
Defines values for NetworkAccessPolicy.
The network configuration for a pool.
Parameters to get network configuration diagnostic.
Parameters to compare with network configuration.
Network configuration diagnostic result corresponded to provided traffic query.
Network Intent Policy resource.
Details of NetworkIntentPolicyConfiguration for PrepareNetworkPoliciesRequest.
Network interface.
The entirety of the network interface definition.
Grouping of network interface definition stages.
The first stage of the network interface.
The stage of the network interface definition allowing to enable accelerated networking.
The stage of the network interface definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of the network interface definition allowing to specify the resource group.
The stage of the network interface definition allowing to associate it with a load balancer.
The stage of the network interface definition allowing to associate a network security group.
The stage of the network interface definition allowing to specify the virtual network for primary IP configuration.
The stage of the network interface definition allowing to specify subnet.
The stage of the network interface definition allowing to specify private IP address within a virtual network subnet.
The stage of the network interface definition allowing to associate public IP address with it's primary IP configuration.
The stage of the network interface definition allowing to associate a secondary IP configurations.
The template for an update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of network interface update stages.
The stage of the network interface definition allowing to specify accelerated networking.
The stage of the network interface update allowing to specify DNS servers.
The stage of the network interface update allowing to configure IP configuration.
The stage of the network interface update allowing to enable or disable IP forwarding.
The stage of the network interface update allowing to associate it with a load balancer.
The stage of the network interface update allowing to associate network security group.
The stage of the network interface update allowing to specify subnet.
The stage of the network interface update allowing to specify private IP address within a virtual network subnet.
The stage of the network interface update allowing to associate public IP address with it's primary IP configuration.
Network interface and its custom security rules.
The base network interface shared across regular and virtual machine scale set network interface.
DNS settings of a network interface.
PrivateLinkConnection properties for the network interface.
Describes a network interface reference.
Entry point to network interface management.
Defines values for NetworkMode.
Defines values for NetworkOperationStatus.
An client-side representation of a network peering.
The entirety of the network peering definition.
Grouping of all the network peering definition stages.
The first stage of a network peering definition.
The stage of a network peering definition allowing to control access from and to the remote network.
The stage of a network peering definition with sufficient inputs to create a new network peering in the cloud, but exposing additional optional settings to specify.
The stage of a network peering definition allowing to control the gateway use by or on the remote network.
The stage of a network peering definition allowing to specify the remote virtual network.
The stage of a network peering definition allowing to control traffic forwarding from or to the remote network.
The template for a network peering update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of all the network peering update stages.
The stage of a network peering update allowing to control access from and to the remote network.
The stage of a network peering update allowing to control the gateway use by or on the remote network.
The stage of a network peering update allowing to control traffic forwarding from or to the remote network.
Possible gateway use scenarios.
Entry point to network peering management API.
Defines values for NetworkPlugin.
Defines values for NetworkPolicy.
Specifies the network interfaces of the virtual machine.
Represents the OpenShift networking configuration.
Defines values for NetworkRuleAction.
Defines values for NetworkRuleBypassOptions.
Rule condition of type network.
Defines values for NetworkRuleIPAction.
A set of rules governing the network accessibility of a vault.
Network rule set.
Entry point to virtual network management API in Azure.
Network security group.
The entirety of the network security group definition.
Grouping of network security group definition stages.
The first stage of the definition.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created (via Creatable.create()), but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage allowing to specify the resource group.
The stage allowing to define a new security rule.
The template for an update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of network security group update stages.
The stage of the resource definition allowing to add or remove security rules.
Network configuration diagnostic result corresponded provided traffic query.
A network security group rule to apply to an inbound endpoint.
Defines values for NetworkSecurityGroupRuleAccess.
Entry point to network security group management.
A network security rule in a network security group.
The entirety of a network security rule definition.
Grouping of security rule definition stages applicable as part of a network security group creation.
The first stage of a security rule definition.
The final stage of the security rule definition.
The stage of the network rule definition allowing the description to be specified.
The stage of the network rule definition allowing the destination address to be specified.
The stage of the network rule definition allowing the destination port(s) to be specified.
The stage of the network rule definition allowing the direction and the access type to be specified.
The stage of the network rule definition allowing the priority to be specified.
The stage of the security rule definition allowing the protocol that the rule applies to to be specified.
The stage of the network rule definition allowing the source address to be specified.
The stage of the network rule definition allowing the source port(s) to be specified.
The entirety of a security rule update as part of a network security group update.
The entirety of a network security rule definition as part of a network security group update.
Grouping of security rule definition stages applicable as part of a network security group update.
The first stage of a security rule description as part of an update of a networking security group.
The final stage of the security rule definition.
The stage of the network rule definition allowing the destination address to be specified.
The stage of the network rule definition allowing the destination port(s) to be specified.
The stage of the network rule description allowing the direction and the access type to be specified.
The stage of the security rule definition allowing the protocol that the rule applies to to be specified.
The stage of the network rule definition allowing the source address to be specified.
The stage of the network rule definition allowing the source port(s) to be specified.
Grouping of security rule update stages.
The stage of the network rule description allowing the destination address to be specified.
The stage of the network rule description allowing the destination port(s) to be specified.
The stage of the network rule description allowing the direction and the access type to be specified.
The stage of the security rule description allowing the protocol that the rule applies to to be specified.
The stage of the network rule description allowing the source address to be specified.
The stage of the network rule description allowing the source port(s) to be specified.
Network security rules evaluation result.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure compute resource usage info object.
Entry point for network resource usage management API.
Network usage units.
Entry point for Network Watcher API in Azure.
Container interface for all the definitions.
Grouping of network watcher definition stages.
The first stage of a network watcher definition.
A network watcher with sufficient inputs to create a new network watcher in the cloud, but exposing additional optional inputs to specify.
The stage of the network watcher definition allowing to specify the resource group.
The template for update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Entry point for Network Watcher API in Azure.
A client-side representation allowing user to get next hop for a packet from specific vm.
The entirety of next hop parameters definition.
Grouping of next hop definition stages.
Sets the destination IP address.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for execution, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
Sets the NIC ID.
Sets the source IP address.
The first stage of next hop parameters definition.
Parameters that define the source and destination endpoint.
Defines values for NextHopType.
Information used to connect to an NFS file system.
An IP configuration in a network interface.
The entirety of the network interface IP configuration definition.
Grouping of network interface IP configuration definition stages applicable as part of a network interface update.
The first stage of network interface IP configuration definition.
The stage of the network interface IP configuration definition allowing to specify the load balancer to associate this IP configuration with.
The final stage of network interface IP configuration.
The stage of the network interface IP configuration definition allowing to specify the load balancer to associate this IP configuration with.
The stage of the network interface IP configuration definition allowing to specify the virtual network.
The stage of the network interface IP configuration definition allowing to specify private IP address within a virtual network subnet.
The stage of the network interface IP configuration definition allowing to associate it with a public IP address.
The stage of the network interface IP configuration definition allowing to specify subnet.
The entirety of a network interface IP configuration update as part of a network interface update.
The entirety of a network interface IP configuration definition as part of a network interface update.
Grouping of network interface IP configuration definition stages.
The first stage of network interface IP configuration definition.
The stage of the network interface IP configuration definition allowing to specify the load balancer to associate this IP configuration with.
The final stage of network interface IP configuration.
The stage of the network interface IP configuration definition allowing to specify the load balancer to associate this IP configuration with.
The stage of the network interface IP configuration definition allowing to specify the virtual network.
The stage of the network interface IP configuration definition allowing to specify private IP address within a virtual network subnet.
The stage of the network interface IP configuration definition allowing to associate it with a public IP address.
The stage of the network interface IP configuration definition allowing to specify subnet.
Grouping of network interface IP configuration update stages.
The stage of the network interface IP configuration update allowing to specify the load balancer to associate this IP configuration with.
The stage of the network interface's IP configuration allowing to specify the load balancer to associate this IP configuration with.
The stage of the network interface IP configuration update allowing to specify private IP.
The stage of the network interface IP configuration update allowing to specify public IP address.
The stage of the network interface IP configuration update allowing to specify subnet.
The base IP configuration shared across IP configurations in regular and virtual machine scale set network interface.
Type represents a node in a Graph.
Node placement configuration for batch pools.
Defines values for NodePlacementPolicyType.
Node setup settings.
A client-side representation of a mode setup task of a Batch AI cluster.
The entirety of a setup task definition.
Grouping of node setup definition stages.
The first stage of the node setup definition.
The final stage of the setup task definition.
The stage of the setup task definition allowing to specify the command line instructions.
The stage of the setup task definition allowing to specify environment variables.
The stage of the setup task definition allowing to specify environment variables with secrets.
The stage of the setup task definition allowing to specify where Batch AI will upload stdout and stderr of the setup task.
Counts of various compute node states on the cluster.
Defines values for NotificationLevel.
An NS record.
An immutable client-side representation of an NS (name server) record set in Azure DNS Zone.
Entry point to NS record sets in an Azure DNS zone.
Description of NetWorkRuleSet - IpRules resource.
Description of VirtualNetworkRules - NetworkRules resource.
Filters limit replication to a subset of blobs within the storage account.
The replication policy rule between two containers.
Defines values for OfficeTrafficCategory.
Defines values for OnboardingStatus.
Deployment on error behavior.
Deployment on error behavior with additional details.
Defines values for OnErrorDeploymentType.
Defines values for OpenShiftAgentPoolProfileRole.
Defines values for OpenShiftContainerServiceVMSize.
Defines the Identity provider for MS AAD.
Defines the configuration of the OpenShift cluster VMs.
Defines all possible authentication profiles for the OpenShift cluster.
Structure for any Identity provider.
Defines the configuration of the identity providers to be used in the OpenShift cluster.
OpenShiftManagedClusterMaterPoolProfile contains configuration for OpenShift master VMs.
Represents an OpenShift router.
Defines values for AppServiceOperatingSystem.
Defines values for OperatingSystemStateTypes.
Defines values for OperatingSystemTypes.
Defines values for OperatingSystemTypes.
Operation that CDN service supports.
An operation for Azure Container Instance service.
An available operation for Data Lake Analytics.
An available operation for Data Lake Store.
The object that describes the operation.
The object that describes the operation.
The object that represents the operation.
The display information of the operation.
The object that represents the operation.
The display information for a particular operation.
The display information for a particular operation.
The object that represents the operation.
Display metadata associated with the operation.
Display metadata associated with the operation.
Operation Display.
Display metadata associated with the operation.
The object that describes the operation.
The object that represents the operation.
The object that represents the operation.
Display metadata associated with the operation.
Display metadata associated with the operation.
The display information for a container registry operation.
The impact of an operation, both in absolute and relative terms.
The list of available operations for Data Lake Analytics.
The list of available operations for Data Lake Store.
The definition of Azure Monitoring metric.
Defines values for OperationOrigin.
Defines values for OperationOrigin.
Defines values for OperationOrigin.
Specification of the service.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in Operations.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in Operations.
The definition of Azure Monitoring metrics list.
Defines values for OperationStatus.
Defines values for Operator.
Defines values for OptimizationType.
Defines values for OrchestrationMode.
Defines values for OrchestrationServiceNames.
Defines values for OrchestrationServiceState.
Defines values for OrchestrationServiceStateAction.
The input for OrchestrationServiceState.
Summary for an orchestration service of a virtual machine scale set.
Contains information about orchestrator.
A common representation for Azure container services orchestrators.
The profile of an orchestrator and its available versions.
Defines values for Origin.
Defines the origin group override action for the delivery rule.
Defines the parameters for the origin group override action.
Defines values for OriginGroupResourceState.
Origin group properties needed for origin group creation or update.
Defines values for OriginResourceState.
Origin properties needed for origin update.
Defines values for OS.
Settings for the operating system disk of the virtual machine.
Specifies information about the operating system disk used by the virtual machine.
Contains the os disk image information.
Contains encryption settings for an OS disk image.
Defines values for OSDiskType.
Specifies the operating system settings for the virtual machine.
Defines values for OSType.
Defines values for OutboundType.
Output directory for the job.
Specifies the settings for output directory.
Definition of output directory settings.
Definition stages for OutputDirectory settings.
The first stage of the output directory settings definition.
The final stage of the output directory settings definition.
Specifies the prefix path where the output directory will be created.
Specifies the suffix path where the output directory will be created.
An immutable client-side representation of Batch AI output file.
Defines values for OutputType.
Defines an overriding argument that overrides arguments passed in for RegistryDockerTaskStep and RegistryDockerTaskRunRequest.
Defines an overriding value that overrides values passed in for RegistryFileTaskStep, RegistryFileTaskRunRequest, RegistryEncodedTaskStep, and RegistryEncodedTaskRunRequest.
Allow to exclude some variable satisfy the condition for the WAF check.
Defines values for OwaspCrsExclusionEntryMatchVariable.
Defines values for OwaspCrsExclusionEntrySelectorMatchOperator.
P2SConnectionConfiguration Resource.
List of P2S Vpn connection health request.
List of p2s vpn connections to be disconnected.
Vpn Client Parameters for package generation.
Defines values for PackageState.
Client-side representation of Packet capture object, associated with Network Watcher.
The entirety of the packet capture definition.
Grouping of Packet Capture definition stages.
Filter that is applied to packet capture request.
Parameters that define the create packet capture operation.
Entry point to packet captures management API in Azure.
Status of packet capture session.
The storage location for a packet capture session.
An instance of this class defines a page of Azure resources and a link to get the next page of resources, if any.
An instance of this class defines a page of Azure resources and a link to get the next page of resources, if any.
Information regarding paired region.
Entity representing the reference to the deployment parameters.
Defines values for ParamIndicator.
Base interface used by child resources that do not immediately have their parent attached to them but are instead available directly off other entry points.
Defines values for PartitionKind.
Partner server information for the failover group.
Partner region information for the failover group.
Defines values for PassNames.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure AD credential.
The entirety of a credential definition.
Grouping of credential definition stages applicable as part of a application or service principal creation.
The first stage of a credential definition.
The final stage of the credential definition.
A credential definition stage allowing exporting the auth file for the service principal.
The credential definition stage allowing the duration of key validity to be set.
The credential definition stage allowing the the password or certificate to be set.
The credential definition stage allowing start date to be set.
A credential definition stage allowing the subscription in the auth file to be set.
The entirety of a credential definition as part of a application or service principal update.
Grouping of credential definition stages applicable as part of a application or service principal update.
The first stage of a credential definition.
The final stage of the credential definition.
A credential definition stage allowing exporting the auth file for the service principal.
The credential definition stage allowing the duration of key validity to be set.
The credential definition stage allowing the the password or certificate to be set.
The credential definition stage allowing start date to be set.
A credential definition stage allowing the subscription in the auth file to be set.
Request parameters for a PasswordCredentials update operation.
Defines values for PasswordName.
The password profile associated with a user.
Defines values for PatchAssessmentState.
Information about a specific patch that was encountered during an installation action.
Defines values for PatchInstallationState.
Defines values for PatchOperationStatus.
Route Filter Resource.
Route Filter Rule Resource.
Specifies settings related to VM Guest Patching on Windows.
Defines values for PcError.
Client-side representation of packet capture filter.
Definition of packet capture filter.
Definition stages for packet capture filter.
Set local IP Address to be filtered on.
Set local port to be filtered on.
Set remote IP Address to be filtered on.
Set local port to be filtered on.
Defines values for PcProtocol.
Defines values for PcStatus.
Represents percentile metrics values.
Performance monitor sample in a set.
Metric information.
Performance counters reporting settings.
Defines values for PerformanceLevelUnit.
An immutable client-side representation of a permission.
Permissions the identity has for keys, secrets, certificates and storage.
Defines values for Permissions.
Defines values for PermissionType.
Defines values for PfsGroup.
Defines values for PHP version.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in Pipelines.
Specifies information about the marketplace image used to create the virtual machine.
Plan for the resource.
Defines values for app service platform architecture.
The platform properties against which the run has to happen.
The properties for updating the platform configuration.
A client-side representation of point-to-site configuration for a virtual network gateway.
The entirety of a point-to-site configuration definition.
Grouping of point-to-site configuration definition stages.
The first stage of the point-to-site configuration definition.
The final stage of the point-to-site configuration definition.
The final stage of the point-to-site configuration definition.
The stage of the point-to-site configuration definition allowing to specify authentication type.
The stage of the point-to-site configuration definition allowing to add root certificate for Azure authentication.
The stage of a point-to-site configuration definition allowing to specify which tunnel type will be used.
The entirety of a subnet update as part of a network update.
Grouping of point-to-site configuration update stages.
The stage of the point-to-site configuration definition allowing to specify address pool.
Specifies authentication type of the point-to-site configuration.
Specifies Azure certificate for authentication.
Specifies revoked certificate for azure authentication.
The stage of a point-to-site configuration definition allowing to specify which tunnel type will be used.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure policy assignment.
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
Grouping of all the policy assignment definition stages.
The first stage of the policy assignment.
A policy assignment with sufficient inputs to create a new policy assignment in the cloud, but exposing additional optional inputs to specify.
A policy assignment allowing the display name to be set.
A policy assignment allowing the policy definition to be set.
A policy assignment specifying the scope of the policy.
Entry point to policy assignment management API.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure policy.
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
Grouping of all the policy definition stages.
The first stage of the policy definition.
A policy definition with sufficient inputs to create a new policy in the cloud, but exposing additional optional inputs to specify.
A policy definition allowing policy description to be set.
A policy definition allowing the display name to be set.
A policy definition allowing the policy rule to be set.
A policy definition specifying the policy type to be blob.
The template for a policy update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of all the policy update stages.
A policy definition allowing the policy description to be set.
A policy definition allowing the display name to be set.
A policy definition allowing the policy rule to be set.
A policy definition allowing the policy type to be set.
The policy definition reference.
Entry point to tenant management API.
Defines values for PolicyEnabledState.
Defines values for Policykey.
Defines values for PolicyMode.
Defines values for PolicyMode.
Defines values for PolicyResourceState.
An immutable client-side representation of a rule in an Azure Management Policy.
Container interface for all of the definitions related to a rule in a management policy.
Grouping of management policy rule definition stages.
The first stage of a management policy rule definition.
The stage of the management policy rule definition allowing input an optional blob prefix to filter for before specifying the actions.
The stage of the management policy rule definition allowing to specify the blob types that the rule will apply to.
The stage of the definition which contains all of the minimum required inputs for the resource to be attached, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of the management policy rule definition allowing to specify the type of the rule.
The stage of the management policy rule definition allowing the specify the prefixes for the blobs that the rule will apply to.
The stage of the management policy rule definition allowing to specify the actions to perform on the selected blobs.
Container interface for all of the updates related to a rule in a management policy.
Grouping of management policy rule update stages.
The stage of the management policy rule update allowing to specify the actions to perform on the selected blobs.
The stage of the management policy rule update allowing to specify the blob types that the rule will apply to.
THe stage of the management policy rule update allowing to specify the prefixes for the blobs that the rule will apply to.
Defines contents of a web application firewall global configuration.
Defines contents of a web application firewall global configuration.
The policy sku.
Defines values for PolicyStatus.
Defines values for PolicyType.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure Batch account pool.
The entirety of a Batch pool definition as a part of a Batch account definition.
Grouping of all the pool definition stages.
The first stage of a batch pool definition.
The stage of a Batch pool definition that allows the creation of a pool.
The entirety of a Batch pool update as a part of a Batch account update.
The entirety of a Batch pool definition as a part of parent update.
Grouping of pool definition stages as part of a Batch account update.
The first stage of a Batch pool definition.
The stage of a Batch pool definition allowing the creation of configurations.
Grouping of Batch pool update stages.
The stage of a Batch pool update allowing the creation of configurations.
Defines values for PoolAllocationMode.
Defines headers for Create operation.
Defines headers for Delete operation.
Defines headers for DisableAutoScale operation.
The endpoint configuration for a pool.
Defines headers for Get operation.
Defines values for PoolIdentityType.
Defines values for PoolProvisioningState.
Defines headers for StopResize operation.
Defines headers for Update operation.
The port exposed on the container group.
Defines the parameters for PostArgs match conditions.
Defines values for PostArgsOperator.
A collection of "Post Run" tasks.
Possible power states of a virtual machine.
Describes the Power State of the cluster.
Defines values for PreferredIPVersion.
ARM resource for a PremierAddOn.
Details of PrepareNetworkPolicies for Subnet.
Defines App service pricing tiers.
Defines values for PrimaryAggregationType.
Defines values for PrimaryAggregationType.
Description of a Virtual Network subnet that is useable for private site access.
Description of a Virtual Network that is useable for private site access.
The private endpoint of the private endpoint connection.
The Private Endpoint resource.
Private endpoint which a connection belongs to.
The Private Endpoint resource.
A private endpoint connection.
The entirety of a private endpoint connection definition as a part of parent definition.
Grouping of private endpoint connection definition stages as a port of cosmos db account definition.
The first stage of a private endpoint connection definition.
The final stage of the private endpoint connection definition.
The stage of the private endpoint connection definition allowing to set state.
The entirety of private endpoint connection update as a part of parent virtual machine update.
The entirety of a private endpoint connection definition definition as a part of parent update.
Grouping of private endpoint connection definition stages as part of parent cosmos db account update.
The first stage of a private endpoint connection definition.
The final stage of the private endpoint connection definition.
The stage of the private endpoint connection definition allowing to set state.
Grouping of private endpoint connection update stages.
The stage of the private endpoint connection update allowing to specify state.
Defines values for PrivateEndpointConnectionProvisioningState.
Defines values for PrivateEndpointConnectionProvisioningState.
Defines values for PrivateEndpointConnectionProvisioningState.
Defines values for PrivateEndpointConnectionProvisioningState.
Defines headers for Update operation.
Private endpoint which the connection belongs to.
Defines values for PrivateEndpointServiceConnectionStatus.
Defines values for PrivateEndpointServiceConnectionStatus.
Defines values for PrivateEndpointStatus.
A private link resource.
A private link resource.
PrivateLinkServiceConnection resource.
The private link service connection state of the private endpoint connection.
A collection of information about the state of the connection between service consumer and provider.
The state of a private link service connection.
A collection of information about the state of the connection between service consumer and provider.
A collection of information about the state of the connection between service consumer and provider.
Connection State of the Private Endpoint Connection.
Defines values for PrivateLinkServiceConnectionStatus.
The private link service ip configuration.
The auto-approval list of the private link service.
The visibility list of the private link service.
Credentials to access a container image in a private repository.
Defines values for ProbeProtocol.
Defines values for ProbeProtocol.
Defines values for ProcessorArchitecture.
The reason for unavailability of traffic manager profile DNS name.
Defines values for ProfileMonitorStatus.
Defines values for ProfileResourceState.
Defines values for ProfileStatus.
Properties required to update a profile.
Defines values for PropertyChangeType.
Defines values for Protocol.
Configuration of the protocol.
DDoS custom policy properties.
Defines values for ProtocolType.
Defines values for ProtocolTypes.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure resource provider.
Resource type managed by the resource provider.
Entry point to providers management API.
Defines values for ProvisioningOperation.
Defines values for ProvisioningState.
Defines values for ProvisioningState.
Defines values for ProvisioningState.
Defines values for ProvisioningState.
Defines values for ProvisioningState.
Defines values for ProvisioningState.
Defines values for ProvisioningState.
Defines values for ProvisioningState.
Defines values for ProvisioningState.
Defines values for ProvisioningState.
Defines values for ProvisioningState.
Defines values for ProvisioningState.
Defines values for ProvisioningStateDR.
Type representing Proximity Placement Group for an Azure compute resource.
Defines values for ProximityPlacementGroupType.
Specifies information about the proximity placement group.
Azure proxy only resource.
The ProxyOnly Resource model definition.
A proxy only azure resource object.
A PTR record.
An immutable client-side representation of a PTR (pointer) record set in Azure DNS Zone.
Entry point to PTR record sets in a DNS zone.
Defines values for PublicAccess.
Defines values for PublicCertificateLocation.
An instance of this class stores the The URIs associated with a storage account that are used to perform a retrieval of a public blob, queue or table object.
Public IP address.
Container interface for all the definitions.
Grouping of public IP address definition stages.
The first stage of a public IP address definition.
The stage of the IP address definition allowing to specify availability zone.
The stage of the public IP definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created (via Creatable.create()), but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of the public IP address definition allowing to specify the resource group.
A public IP address definition allowing the idle timeout to be specified.
A public IP address definition allowing to set the IP allocation method (static or dynamic).
The stage of the definition allowing to specify ipTags associated with the public IP address.
A public IP address definition allowing to specify the leaf domain label, if any.
A public IP address definition allowing the reverse FQDN to be specified.
The stage of the IP address definition allowing to specify SKU.
Container interface for all the updates.
Grouping of public IP address update stages.
A public IP address update allowing the idle timeout to be changed.
A public IP address update allowing to change the IP allocation method (static or dynamic).
The stage of the update allowing to specify ipTags associated with the public IP address.
A public IP address update allowing to change the leaf domain label, if any.
A public IP address update allowing the reverse FQDN to be changed.
The public IP Address configuration of the networking configuration of a Pool.
Contains FQDN of the DNS record associated with the public IP address.
Entry point to public IP address management.
SKU of a public IP address.
Defines values for PublicIPAddressSkuName.
Type representing PublicIPPrefix.
The entirety of the PublicIPPrefix definition.
Grouping of PublicIPPrefix definition stages.
The first stage of a PublicIPPrefix definition.
The stage of the IP public prefix definition allowing to specify availability zone.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created (via Creatable.create()), but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of the PublicIPPrefix definition allowing to specify the resource group.
The stage of the publicipprefix definition allowing to specify IpTags.
The stage of the publicipprefix definition allowing to specify PrefixLength.
The stage of the publicipprefix definition allowing to specify PublicIPAddressVersion.
The stage of the publicipprefix definition allowing to specify Sku.
The template for a PublicIPPrefix update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of PublicIPPrefix update stages.
The stage of the publicipprefix update allowing to specify IpTags.
Type representing PublicIPPrefixes.
SKU of a public IP prefix.
Defines values for PublicIPPrefixSkuName.
Defines values for PublicIPSkuType.
Defines values for PublicNetworkAccessType.
Endpoints and credentials for publishing to a web app.
Defines values for PublishingProfileFormat.
Used for establishing the purchase context of any 3rd Party artifact through MarketPlace.
Used for establishing the purchase context of any 3rd Party artifact through MarketPlace.
Parameters required for content purge.
Defines values for Python version.
pyTorch job settings.
An object that represents quarantine policy for a container registry.
Class representing a Traffic Manager HeatMap query experience properties.
Describes an API key for a given Azure Search service that has permissions for query operations only.
Defines values for QueryStringBehavior.
Defines values for QueryStringCachingBehavior.
Defines the parameters for QueryString match conditions.
Defines values for QueryStringOperator.
Parameters that define the resource to query the troubleshooting result.
Defines values for QueryType.
Type representing Service Bus queue.
The entirety of the Service Bus queue definition.
Grouping of Service Bus queue definition stages.
The first stage of a queue definition.
The stage of the queue definition allowing to add an authorization rule for accessing the queue.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created (via Creatable.create()), but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of the queue definition allowing to define default TTL for messages.
The stage of the queue definition allowing to define auto delete behaviour.
The stage of the queue definition allowing to specify duration of the duplicate message detection history.
The stage of the queue definition allowing to specify whether expired message can be moved to secondary dead-letter queue.
The stage of the queue definition allowing to mark messages as express messages.
The stage of the queue definition allowing specify batching behaviour.
The stage of the queue definition allowing to define duration for message lock.
The stage of the queue definition allowing to specify maximum delivery count of message before moving it to dead-letter queue.
The stage of the queue definition allowing to specify partitioning behaviour.
The stage of the queue definition allowing to enable session support.
The stage of the queue definition allowing to specify size.
The template for Service Bus queue update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of Service Bus queue update stages.
The stage of the queue definition allowing to add an authorization rule for accessing the queue.
The stage of the queue definition allowing to define default TTL for messages.
The stage of the queue definition allowing to define auto delete behaviour.
The stage of the queue definition allowing to specify duration of the duplicate message detection history.
The stage of the queue definition allowing to specify whether expired message can be moved to secondary dead-letter queue.
The stage of the queue definition allowing to mark it as either holding regular or express messages.
The stage of the queue definition allowing configure message batching behaviour.
The stage of the queue definition allowing to define duration for message lock.
The stage of the queue definition allowing to specify maximum delivery count of message before moving it to dead-letter queue.
The stage of the queue definition allowing to enable session support.
The stage of the queue definition allowing to specify size.
Type representing authorization rule defined for queue.
The entirety of the queue authorization rule definition.
Grouping of Service Bus queue authorization rule definition stages.
The first stage of queue authorization rule definition.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created (via Creatable.create()), but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The entirety of the queue authorization rule update.
Entry point to queue authorization rules management API.
Grouping of container registry queued build actions.
Entry point to service bus queue management API in Azure.
Routing rules for ramp up testing.
The RankingsResponseTablesItem model.
The RankingsResponseTablesItemDataItem model.
The RankingsResponseTablesItemDataItemMetricsItem model.
Defines a rate limiting rule that can be included in a waf policy.
Defines contents of rate limit rules.
Defines values for ReadOnlyEndpointFailoverPolicy.
Defines values for ReadScale.
Defines values for ReadWriteEndpointFailoverPolicy.
Defines values for Reason.
Defines values for Reason.
Defines values for ReasonCode.
Defines values for RebootType.
Defines values for ReceiverStatus.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure SQL Recommended ElasticPool.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure SQL Replication link.
Represents a database recommended index.
Defines values for RecommendedIndexAction.
Defines values for RecommendedIndexState.
Defines values for RecommendedIndexType.
The properties describe the recommended machine configuration for this Image Definition.
Parameters supplied to update a record set.
Defines values for RecordType.
The repeating times at which this profile begins.
Defines values for RecurrenceFrequency.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in Recurrences.
The scheduling constraints for when the profile begins.
Defines values for RedirectType.
The RedisCache.keys() action result.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure Redis Cache.
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
Grouping of all the Redis Cache definition stages.
The first stage of the Redis Cache definition.
A Redis Cache definition with sufficient inputs to create a new Redis Cache in the cloud, but exposing additional optional inputs to specify.
A Redis Cache definition allowing resource group to be set.
A Redis Cache definition with Premium Sku specific functionality.
A Redis Cache definition allowing the sku to be set.
The template for a Redis Cache update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of all the Redis Cache update stages.
A Redis Cache update allowing non SSL port to be enabled or disabled.
A Redis Cache update allowing Redis configuration to be modified.
A Redis Cache update stage allowing to change the parameters.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure Redis cache with Premium SKU.
Entry point for Redis Cache management API.
Parameters supplied to the Create Redis operation.
The Azure Redis Firewall rule entries are of type RedisFirewallRule.
Parameters required for creating a firewall rule on redis cache.
Defines values for RedisKeyType.
Linked server Id.
Parameter required for creating a linked server to redis cache.
The Azure Redis Patch Schedule entries are of type ScheduleEntry.
Specifies which Redis node(s) to reboot.
Specifies which Redis access keys to reset.
Parameters supplied to the Update Redis operation.
Defines values for RedundancyMode.
Reference to a public IP address.
Base class for resources that can be refreshed to get the latest state.
Parameters supplied to the Regenerate Authorization Rule operation, specifies which key needs to be reset.
The parameters used to regenerate the login credential.
Parameters supplied to the Regenerate Authorization Rule operation.
Enumeration of the Azure datacenter regions.
Class representing a region in the Geographic hierarchy used with the Geographic traffic routing method.
This is the regional replication status.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure SQL server capabilities for a given region.
Defines values for RegionCategory.
Cosmos DB region to online or offline.
Defines values for RegionType.
Entry point to the registry management API.
Grouping of registry webhook actions.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure registry.
Container interface for all the definitions related to a registry.
Grouping of registry definition stages.
The first stage of a container registry definition.
The stage of the registry definition allowing to enable admin user.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of the container service definition allowing to specify the resource group.
The stage of the registry definition allowing to specify the SKU type.
The stage of the registry definition allowing to specify the storage account.
The stage of the container registry definition allowing to add or remove a webhook.
The template for an update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of container service update stages.
The stage of the registry update allowing to enable admin user.
The stage of the registry definition allowing to specify the SKU type.
The stage of the container registry update allowing to add or remove a webhook.
Response containing the login credentials for a container registry.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure registry Docker task run request.
Container interface for all the definitions related to a registry Docker task run request.
Grouping of registry Docker task run request definition stages.
The first stage of a container registry Docker task run request definition.
The stage of the container Docker task run request definition that specifies the path to the Docker file.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be attached, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure RegistryDockerTaskStep registry task.
Container interface for all the definitions related to a RegistryDockerTaskStep.
Grouping of registry Docker task definition stages.
The first stage of a DockerFileTaskStep definition.
The stage of the container registry DockerTaskStep definition allowing to specify the path to the Docker file.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be attached, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
Container interface for all the updates related to a RegistryDockerTaskStep.
Grouping of registry Docker task update stages.
The stage of the container registry DockerTaskStep update allowing to specify whether to have a cache or not.
The stage of the container registry DockerTaskStep update allowing to specify the Docker file path.
The stage of the container registry DockerTaskStep update allowing to specify the image names.
The stage of the container registry DockerTaskStep update allowing to specify any overriding arguments.
The stage of the container registry DockerTaskStep update allowing to specify whether push is enabled or not.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure registry Encoded task run request.
Container interface for all the definitions related to a registry Encoded task run request.
Grouping of registry encoded task run request definition stages.
The first stage of an encoded task run request definition.
The stage of the container encoded task run request definition that specifies the base64 encoded task content.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be attached, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure RegistryEncodedTaskStep registry task.
Container interface for all the definitions related to a RegistryEncodedTaskStep.
Grouping of registry encoded task definition stages.
The first stage of a RegistryEncodedTaskStep definition.
The stage of the container registry EncodedTaskStep definition allowing to specify the base64 encoded task content.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be attached, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
Container interface for all the updates related to a RegistryEncodedTaskStep.
Grouping of registry encoded task update stages.
The stage of the container registry EncodedTaskStep update allowing to specify the task path.
The stage of the container registry EncodedTaskStep update allowing to specify the overriding values.
The stage of the container registry EncodedTaskStep update allowing to specify the path to the values.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure registry file task run request.
Container interface for all the definitions related to a registry file task run request.
Grouping of registry file task run request definition stages.
The first stage of a file task run request definition.
The stage of the container file task run request definition that specifies the path to the task file.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be attached, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure RegistryFileTaskStep registry task.
Container interface for all the definitions related to a RegistryFileTaskStep.
Grouping of registry file task definition stages.
The first stage of a RegistryFileTaskStep definition.
The stage of the container registry FileTaskStep definition allowing to specify the task path.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be attached, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
Container interface for all the updates related to a RegistryFileTaskStep.
Grouping of registry file task update stages.
The stage of the container registry FileTaskStep update allowing to specify the task path.
The stage of the container registry FileTaskStep update allowing to specify the overriding values.
The stage of the container registry FileTaskStep update allowing to specify the path to the values.
A request to check whether a container registry name is available.
The login password for the container registry.
An immutable client-side representation of a Container Registry source trigger.
Container interface for all of the definitions related to a container registry source trigger.
Grouping of source trigger definition stages.
The first stage of a source trigger definition.
The stage of the container registry source trigger definition allowing to specify the branch of the repository and authentication credentials if needed to interact with the source control repository.
The stage of the container registry source trigger definition allowing to specify the URL of the source control repository.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be attached, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of the container registry source trigger definition allowing to specify the type of actions that will trigger a run.
The stage of the container registry source trigger definition allowing to specify the status of the trigger.
Container interface for all of the updates related to a container registry source trigger.
Container interface for defining a new trigger during a task update.
Grouping of source trigger update definition stages.
The first stage of a source trigger definition.
The stage of the container registry source trigger definition allowing to specify the branch of the repository and authentication credentials if needed to interact with the source control repository.
The stage of the container registry source trigger definition allowing to specify the URL of the source control repository.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be attached, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of the container registry source trigger definition allowing to specify the type of actions that will trigger a run.
The stage of the container registry source trigger definition allowing to specify the status of the trigger.
Grouping of source trigger update stages.
The stage of the container registry source trigger update allowing to specify the branch of the repository and authentication credentials if needed to interact with the source control repository.
The stage of the container registry source trigger update allowing to specify the URL of the source control repository.
The stage of the container registry source trigger update allowing to specify the type of source control.
The stage of the container registry source trigger update allowing to specify the type of actions that will trigger a run.
The stage of the container registry source trigger update allowing to specify the status of the trigger.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure registry task.
Container interface for all the definitions related to a registry task.
Grouping of registry task definition stages.
The stage of the container registry task definition that specifies the AgentConfiguration for the container registry task.
The first stage of a container registry task definition.
The stage of the container registry task definition allowing to specify location.
The stage of the container registry task definition allowing to specify the platform.
The stage of the container registry task definition that allows users to define a source trigger.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of the container registry task definition that specifies the type of task step.
The stage of the container registry task definition that specifies the timeout for the container registry task.
The stage of the container registry task definition that allows users to define either a source trigger and/or a base image trigger.
Container interface for all the updates related to a registry task.
Grouping of registry task update stages.
The stage of the container registry task update that updates the AgentConfiguration for the container registry task.
The stage of the container registry task update allowing to update the platform.
The stage of the container registry task definition that specifies the type of task step.
The stage of the container registry task update that updates the timeout for the container registry task.
The stage of the container registry task update that allows users to update either a source trigger and/or a base image trigger.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure RegistryDockerTaskRunRequest registry task run request.
Container interface for all the definitions related to a RegistryTaskRun.
Grouping of registry task run definition stages.
The stage of the container registry task run that specifies the AgentConfiguration for the container registry task run.
The stage of the container registry task run definition that specifies the enabling and disabling of archiving.
The first stage of a a RegistryTaskRun definition if originating from a call on a registry.
The first stage of a RegistryTaskRun definition if definition is originating from a call on an existing RegistryTaskRun.
The stage of the container registry task definition that specifies the platform for the container registry task run.
The stage of the container registry task run definition that allows to specify the task run is going to be run with a TaskRunRequest.
The stage of the container registry task definition for TaskRunRequests that allows the user to specify overriding values and whether archiving is enabled or not.
The stage of the definition in the case of using a TaskRunRequest which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be executed, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of the container registry task run definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be executed if the task run request type is either file, encoded, or Docker, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of the definition that specifies the task run request type.
An immutable client-side representation of collection of Azure registry task runs.
Interface to define the RegistryTasks collection.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure RegistryTaskStep registry task.
The parameters for updating a container registry.
The quota usage for a container registry.
Defines values for RegistryUsageUnit.
Class representing certificate reissue request.
Defines the parameters for RemoteAddress match conditions.
Defines values for RemoteAddressOperator.
An immutable client-side representation of Batch AI remote login details to SSH/RDP to a compute node in cluster.
Defines values for remote visual studio version for remote debugging.
Instructions for rendering the data.
Defines values for RenderingType.
Class representing certificate renew request.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure SQL Replication link.
Defines values for ReplicationRole.
Defines values for ReplicationRole.
Defines values for ReplicationState.
Defines values for ReplicationState.
This is the replication status of the gallery Image Version.
Defines values for ReplicationStatusTypes.
The parameters for updating a replication.
The type of a repository.
The request that generated the event.
Defines the parameters for RequestBody match conditions.
Defines values for RequestBodyOperator.
Defines the parameters for RequestHeader match conditions.
Defines values for RequestHeaderOperator.
Defines the parameters for RequestMethod match conditions.
Api request input for LogAnalytics getRequestRateByInterval Api.
Trigger based on total requests.
Defines the parameters for RequestScheme match conditions.
Defines the parameters for RequestUri match conditions.
Defines values for RequestUriOperator.
Specifies the set of OAuth 2.0 permission scopes and app roles under the specified resource that an application requires access to.
An error that occurred when resizing a pool.
Details about the current or last completed resize operation.
Defines values for ResolveStatus.
Base interfaces for fluent resources.
A resource definition allowing a location be selected for the resource.
A resource definition allowing tags to be modified for the resource.
An update allowing tags to be modified for the resource.
Specifies an OAuth 2.0 permission scope or an app role that an application requires.
Defines a connector that connects other resources to a resource group.
Implementations of this interface defines how to create a connector.
Error response indicates ARM is not able to process the incoming request.
A single file or multiple files to be downloaded to a compute node.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure resource group.
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
Grouping of all the resource group definition stages.
A resource group definition allowing location to be set.
A resource group definition with sufficient inputs to create a new resource group in the cloud, but exposing additional optional inputs to specify.
The template for a resource group update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of all the resource group update stages.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure deployment template export result.
The export template options.
Resource group filter.
Resource group information.
The resource group properties.
Entry point to resource group management API.
Represents a resource ID.
Instantiate itself from a resource id, and give easy access to resource information like subscription, resourceGroup, resource name.
Azure Active Directory identity configuration for a resource.
Defines values for ResourceIdentityType.
Defines values for ResourceIdentityType.
Defines values for ResourceIdentityType.
Defines values for ResourceIdentityType.
Defines values for ResourceIdentityType.
Defines values for ResourceIdentityType.
The resource limits.
The detailed error message of resource management.
Metrics availability and retention.
Contains the information necessary to perform a resource move (rename).
Name and Type of the Resource.
Resource name availability request content.
Defines values for ResourceNameStatus.
Resource provider operation's display properties.
Describes the resource range.
Reference to another resource.
A reference to an Azure resource.
The resource Id model.
The resource requests.
The resource requirements.
Defines values for ResourceScopeType.
The base resource set for visibility and auto-approval.
Describes The SKU capabilities object.
Describes scaling information of a SKU.
Defines values for ResourceSkuCapacityScaleType.
Describes metadata for retrieving price info.
The ResourceSkuLocationInfo model.
The ResourceSkuRestrictionInfo model.
Describes scaling information of a SKU.
Defines values for ResourceSkuRestrictionsReasonCode.
Defines values for ResourceSkuRestrictionsType.
Describes The zonal capabilities of a SKU.
Parameters of move resources.
The ResourcesResponseCustomDomainsItem model.
The ResourcesResponseEndpointsItem model.
The ResourcesResponseEndpointsItemCustomDomainsItem model.
Defines values for ResourceType.
Resource Type.
Provides information about CDN resource usages.
The statistics information for resource usage.
Utility methods for Azure resource IDs.
Defines values for ResponseBasedDetectedErrorTypes.
The JSON object that contains the properties to determine origin health using real requests/responses.
The ResponseMetaData model.
An error response from the API.
Exception thrown for an invalid response with ResponseWithError information.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure SQL database's Restore Point.
Defines values for RestorePointType.
The blob service properties for blob restore policy.
The restriction because of which SKU cannot be used.
Defines values for ResultType.
Specifies the retention policy for the log.
Parameters that define the retention policy for flow log.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure AD role assignment.
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
Grouping of all the role assignment definition stages.
The first stage of the role assignment definition.
The stage of role assignment definition allowing specifying the assignee information.
An role assignment definition with sufficient inputs to create a new role assignment in the cloud, but exposing additional optional inputs to specify.
The stage of role assignment definition allowing specifying the role.
The stage of role assignment definition allowing specifying the scope of the assignment.
Role Assignments filter.
Entry point to role assignment management API.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure AD role definition.
Role Definitions filter.
Entry point to role definition management API.
Defines values for RoleDisasterRecovery.
Information about rollback on failed VM instances after a OS Upgrade operation.
Defines values for RollingUpgradeActionType.
The configuration parameters used while performing a rolling upgrade.
Information about the number of virtual machine instances in each upgrade state.
Information about the current running state of the overall upgrade.
Defines values for RollingUpgradeStatusCode.
Defines values for RootSquashType.
An immutable client-side representation of a route of a route table.
The entirety of a route definition.
Grouping of route definition stages.
The first stage of a route definition.
The final stage of a route definition.
The stage of a route definition allowing to specify the destination address prefix.
The stage of a route definition allowing to specify the next hop type.
The entirety of a route update as part of a route table update.
The entirety of a route definition as part of a route table update.
Grouping of route definition stages applicable as part of a route table update.
The first stage of a route definition.
The final stage of a route definition.
The stage of a route definition allowing to specify the destination address prefix.
The stage of a route definition allowing to specify the next hop type.
Grouping of route update stages.
The stage of a route update allowing to modify the destination address prefix.
The stage of a route update allowing to specify the next hop type.
Route filter.
The entirety of the aroute filter definition.
Grouping of route filter definition stages.
The first stage of the definition.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created (via Creatable.create()), but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage allowing to specify the resource group.
The template for an update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of route filter update stages.
The stage of the resource update allowing to add or remove route filter rules.
A route filter rule in a route filter group.
The entirety of a route filter rule definition.
Grouping of route filter rule definition stages applicable as part of a route filter group creation.
The first stage of a route filter rule definition.
The stage of the route filter rule definition allowing access type of the rule.
The final stage of the route filter rule definition.
The stage of the route filter rule definition allowing bgp service communities to be specified.
The entirety of a route filter rule update as part of a route filter group update.
The entirety of a route filter rule definition as part of a route filter group update.
Grouping of route filter rule definition stages applicable as part of a route filter group update.
The first stage of a route filter rule description as part of an update of a networking route filter group.
The stage of the route filter rule definition allowing access type of the rule.
The final stage of the route filter rule definition.
The stage of the route filter rule definition allowing bgp service communities to be specified.
Grouping of route filter rule update stages.
The stage of the route filter rule definition allowing access type of the rule.
The stage of the route filter rule description allowing bgp service communities to be specified.
Entry point to application security group management.
Defines values for RouteNextHopType.
Entry point for route table management.
The entirety of a route table definition.
Grouping of route table definition stages.
The first stage of a route table definition.
The stage of the route table definition allowing to specify whether to disable the routes learned by BGP on that route table.
The stage of a route table definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created (via Creatable.create()), but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of a route table definition allowing to specify the resource group.
The stage of the route table definition allowing to add routes.
The template for a route table update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of route table update stages.
The stage of the route table update allowing to specify whether to disable the routes learned by BGP on that route table.
The stage of the route table definition allowing to add, remove or modify routes.
Entry point to route table management.
Defines values for RouteType.
The domain JSON object required for domain creation or update.
Defines values for RoutingChoice.
Routing preference defines the type of network, either microsoft or internet routing to be used to deliver the user data, the default option is microsoft routing.
The action that is performed when the alert rule becomes active, and when an alert condition is resolved.
The condition that results in the alert rule being activated.
The resource from which the rule collects its data.
Specifies the action to send email when the rule condition is evaluated.
The claims for a rule management event data source.
A rule management event data source.
A rule metric data source.
The domain JSON object required for domain creation or update.
Specifies the action to post to service when the rule condition is evaluated.
Capture Virtual Machine parameters.
Describes the properties of a run command parameter.
Describes the properties of a run command parameter.
Type representing sku for an Azure compute resource.
Properties that are enabled for Odata querying on runs.
The request parameters for scheduling a run.
Defines values for RunStatus.
Defines App service pricing tiers.
Defines values for RunType.
The set of run properties that can be updated.
Defines values for SampleName.
SAS token information.
The parameters for the scaling action.
The number of instances that can be used during this profile.
Defines values for ScaleDirection.
Describes a scale-in policy for a virtual machine scale set.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure autoscale profile scale rule.
The entirety of an autoscale profile scale rule definition.
Grouping of autoscale profile scale rule definition stages.
The first stage of autoscale profile scale rule definition.
The final stage of the definition which attaches defined scale rule to the current Autoscale profile.
The stage of the definition which specifies metric alert condition.
The stage of the definition which specifies metric name.
The stage of the definition which specifies action to take when the metric alert will be triggered.
The stage of the definition which specifies what kind of statistics should be used to calculate autoscale trigger action.
The entirety of an autoscale profile scale rule definition during parent Autoscale Profile definition in Autoscale Settings update stage.
Grouping of autoscale profile scale rule definition stages during definition of Autoscale Profile in the Autoscale update stage.
The first stage of autoscale profile scale rule definition.
The final stage of the definition which attaches defined scale rule to the current Autoscale profile.
The stage of the definition which specifies metric alert condition.
The stage of the definition which specifies metric name.
The stage of the definition which specifies action to take when the metric alert will be triggered.
The stage of the definition which specifies what kind of statistics should be used to calculate autoscale trigger action.
Grouping of scale rule update stages.
The entirety of an autoscale profile scale rule definition during parent Autoscale Profile update in Autoscale Settings update stage.
Grouping of autoscale profile scale rule definition stages during update of Autoscale Profile in the Autoscale update stage.
The first stage of autoscale profile scale rule definition.
The final stage of the definition which attaches defined scale rule to the current Autoscale profile.
The stage of the definition which specifies metric alert condition.
The stage of the definition which specifies metric name.
The stage of the definition which specifies action to take when the metric alert will be triggered.
The stage of the definition which specifies what kind of statistics should be used to calculate autoscale trigger action.
Defines values for ScaleSetEvictionPolicy.
Defines values for ScaleSetPriority.
Scale settings for the pool.
At least one of manual or autoScale settings must be specified.
Defines values for ScaleType.
Defines how often to run the search and the time interval.
The ScheduledEventsProfile model.
Patch schedule entry for a Premium Redis Cache.
Defines values for Scheme.
Defines values for ScmType.
Deployment operation parameters.
Deployment What-if operation parameters.
Scope job properties used when submitting and retrieving Scope jobs.
The Scope job resources.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure registry.
The entirety of the Search service definition.
Grouping of virtual network definition stages.
The first stage of the Search service definition.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created (via Creatable.create()), but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of the Search service definition allowing to specify the resource group.
The stage of the Search service definition allowing to specify the SKU.
The template for a Search service update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of all the Search service update stages.
The stage of the Search service update allowing to modify the number of partitions used.
The stage of the Search service update allowing to modify the number of replicas used.
Entry point to Search service management API in Azure.
Defines values for SearchServiceStatus.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure Key Vault secret.
Container interface for all the definitions.
Grouping of secret definition stages.
The first stage of a secret definition.
The stage of a secret definition allowing to specify the secret attributes.
The stage of a secret definition allowing to specify the secret content type.
The stage of the secret definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the secret to be created but also allows for any optional settings to be specified.
The stage of a secret definition allowing to specify the tags.
The stage of a secret definition allowing to specify the secret value.
The template for a secret update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of secret update stages.
The stage of a secret update allowing to specify the secret attributes.
The stage of a secret update allowing to set the content type of the secret.
The stage of a secret update allowing to specify the tags.
The stage of a secret update allowing to create a new version of the secret value.
The stage of a secret update allowing to set the secret to a different version.
The json object containing secret parameters.
Defines values for SecretPermissions.
The JSON object that contains the properties of the Secret to create.
Entry point for Key Vault secrets API.
Defines values for SecurityAlertPolicyEmailAccountAdmins.
Defines values for SecurityAlertPolicyState.
Defines values for SecurityAlertPolicyUseServerDefault.
Network interface and all its associated security rules.
The information about security rules applied to the specified VM..
Parameters that define the VM to check security groups for.
The json object containing security policy parameters.
The json object that contains properties required to create a security policy.
settings for security policy patterns to match.
The json object containing security policy waf parameters.
Specifies the Security profile settings for the virtual machine or virtual machine scale set.
Defines values for SecurityRuleAccess.
All security rules associated with the network interface.
Defines values for SecurityRuleDirection.
Defines values for SecurityRuleProtocol.
Defines values for SecurityTypes.
the authorization used by the user who has performed the operation that led to this event.
Defines values for Sensitivity.
Defines values for SensitivityLabelSource.
Defines values for ServerConnectionType.
A server DNS alias acquisition request.
Defines values for ServerKeyType.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure SQL ServerMetric.
An update request for an Azure SQL Database server.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure SQL server usage metric.
The server capabilities.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure Service Bus namespace.
The entirety of the Service Bus namespace definition.
Grouping of Service Bus namespace definition stages.
The first stage of a Service Bus namespace definition.
The stage of the Service Bus namespace definition allowing to add an authorization rule for accessing the namespace.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created (via Creatable.create()), but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of the Service Bus namespace definition allowing to specify the resource group.
The stage of the Service Bus namespace definition allowing to add a new queue in the namespace.
The stage of the Service Bus namespace definition allowing to specify the sku.
The stage of the Service Bus namespace definition allowing to add a new topic in the namespace.
The template for a Service Bus namespace update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of all the Service Bus namespace update stages.
The stage of the Service Bus namespace update allowing manage authorization rules for the namespace.
The stage of the Service Bus namespace update allowing to manage queues in the namespace.
The stage of the Service Bus namespace update allowing to change the sku.
The stage of the Service Bus namespace update allowing to manage topics in the namespace.
Entry point to Service Bus namespace API in Azure.
Type representing service bus topic subscription.
The entirety of the subscription definition.
Grouping of queue definition stages.
The first stage of a subscription definition.
The stage of the queue definition allowing to add an authorization rule for accessing the subscription.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created (via Creatable.create()), but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of the subscription definition allowing to define default TTL for messages.
The stage of the subscription definition allowing to define auto delete behaviour.
The stage of the subscription definition allowing to specify whether expired message can be moved to secondary dead-letter subscription.
The stage of the subscription definition allowing specify batching behaviour.
The stage of the subscription definition allowing to define duration for message lock.
The stage of the subscription definition allowing to specify whether message those are failed on filter evaluation can be moved to secondary dead-letter subscription.
The stage of the subscription definition allowing to specify maximum delivery count of message before moving it to dead-letter subscription.
The stage of the subscription definition allowing to enable session support.
The template for a subscription update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of subscription update stages.
The stage of the queue definition allowing to add an authorization rule for accessing the subscription.
The stage of the subscription definition allowing to define default TTL for messages.
The stage of the subscription definition allowing to define auto delete behaviour.
The stage of the subscription update allowing to specify whether expired message can be moved to secondary dead-letter subscription.
The stage of the subscription definition allowing configure message batching behaviour.
The stage of the subscription definition allowing to define duration for message lock.
The stage of the subscription definition allowing to specify maximum delivery count of message before moving it to dead-letter queue.
The stage of the subscription definition allowing to specify whether message those are failed on filter evaluation can be moved to secondary dead-letter subscription.
The stage of the subscription definition allowing to enable session support.
Entry point to service bus queue management API in Azure.
The service endpoint properties.
Defines values for ServiceEndpointType.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure SQL database's service level objective usage metric.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure SQL Service Objective.
The service objectives capability.
Defines values for ServiceObjectiveName.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure AD service principal.
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
Grouping of all the service principal definition stages.
The first stage of the service principal definition.
A service principal definition allowing application to be specified.
A service principal definition with sufficient inputs to create a new service principal in the cloud, but exposing additional optional inputs to specify.
A service principal definition allowing credentials to be specified.
A service principal definition allowing role assignments to be added.
The template for a service principal update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of all the service principal update stages.
A service principal update allowing credentials to be specified.
A service principal update allowing role assignments to be added.
Entry point to service principal management API.
Defines values for ServiceProviderProvisioningState.
Defines values for Services.
The parameters to list service SAS credentials of a specific resource.
Resource metrics service provided by Microsoft.Insights resource provider.
One property of operation, include log specifications.
One property of operation, include metric specifications.
The service tag information.
Properties of the service tag information.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure SQL Service tier advisor.
List of session IDs.
The base interface for all template interfaces for child resources that support update operations.
Defines values for SettingNames.
Specifies a setup task which can be used to customize the compute nodes of the cluster.
The properties of a overridable value that can be passed to a task template.
Defines values for Severity.
Defines values for SeverityTypes.
Defines values for ShareAccessTier.
Describes the properties of an existing Shared Private Link Resource to use when connecting to a private origin.
Defines values for SharedPrivateLinkResourceStatus.
The ShareInfoElement model.
Defines values for SignedResource.
Defines values for SignedResourceTypes.
Contains information about a sign-in name of a local account user in an Azure Active Directory B2C tenant.
The baseline values for a single sensitivity value.
Defines values for SiteAvailabilityState.
An app cloneability criterion.
Configuration of an App Service app.
Defines values for SiteExtensionType.
Metric limits set on an app.
Defines values for SiteLoadBalancing.
MachineKey of an app.
ARM resource for a site.
Defines values for SiteRuntimeState.
Site seal request.
The pricing tier (defines a CDN provider, feature list and rate) of the CDN profile.
Describes a virtual machine scale set sku.
The SKU of a container registry.
SKU parameters supplied to the create namespace operation.
SKU details.
SKU parameters supplied to the create Redis operation.
SKU for the resource.
Defines the SKU of an Azure Search Service, which determines price tier and capacity limits.
SKU of the namespace.
The resource model definition representing SKU.
The SKU of the storage account.
A SKU capability, such as the number of cores.
The capability information in the specified SKU, including file encryption, network ACLs, change notification, etc.
Description of the App Service plan scale options.
Description of a SKU for a scalable resource.
Defines values for SkuFamily.
Defines values for SkuName.
Defines values for SkuName.
Defines values for SkuName.
Defines values for SkuName.
Defines values for SkuName.
Defines values for SkuName.
Defines values for SkuName.
Defines values for SkuName.
Defines values for SkuName.
Defines values for SkuTier.
Defines values for SkuTier.
Defines values for SkuTier.
Defines values for SkuTier.
The status of the last successful slot swap operation.
A Slo Usage Metric.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure SQL database's SloUsageMetric.
Trigger based on request execution time.
An SMS receiver.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure managed snapshot.
The entirety of the managed snapshot definition.
Grouping of managed snapshot definition stages.
The first stage of a managed snapshot definition.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of the managed disk definition allowing to choose managed disk containing data.
The stage of the managed disk definition allowing to choose source data disk image.
The stage of the managed disk definition allowing to choose managed snapshot containing data.
The stage of the managed disk definition allowing to choose source data disk VHD.
The stage of the managed snapshot definition allowing to choose data source.
The stage of the managed snapshot definition allowing to specify the resource group.
The stage of the managed snapshot allowing to specify incremental snapshot.
The stage of the managed snapshot definition allowing to choose a Linux OS source.
The stage of the managed disk definition allowing to choose a source operating system image.
The stage of the managed snapshot allowing to specify the size.
The stage of the snapshot definition allowing to choose account type.
The stage of the managed snapshot definition allowing to choose OS source or data source.
The stage of the managed snapshot definition allowing to choose Windows OS source.
The template for an update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of managed snapshot update stages.
The stage of the managed snapshot update allowing to specify OS settings.
The stage of the managed snapshot update allowing to choose account type.
Specifies the web app that snapshot contents will be retrieved from.
Details about app recovery operation.
Entry point to managed snapshot management API in Azure.
The snapshots sku name.
Defines values for SnapshotSkuType.
Defines values for SnapshotStorageAccountTypes.
Snapshot update resource.
An SOA record.
An immutable client-side representation of a SOA (start of authority) record set in Azure DNS Zone.
Class Representing Solution for problems detected.
Defines values for SolutionType.
The registry node that generated the event.
Specifies the log search query.
Defines values for SourceControlType.
The properties of the source code repository.
The properties of a source based trigger.
The source trigger that caused a run.
Defines values for SourceTriggerEvent.
The properties for updating a source based trigger.
The properties for updating the source code repository.
The source repository properties for a build task.
The vault id is an Azure Resource Manager Resource id in the form /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/{vaultName}.
Defines values for SpendingLimit.
Response containing the Azure SQL Active Directory administrator.
Base class for Azure SQL Server child resource operations.
Base interface for Azure SQL Server child resource actions.
Parameters to create and update Cosmos DB container.
Cosmos DB SQL container resource object.
An Azure Cosmos DB SQL database.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure SQL Server Database.
Grouping of all the SQL Database definition stages.
The first stage of the SQL Server Firewall rule definition.
The SQL database interface with all starting options for definition.
The final stage of the SQL Database definition after the SQL Elastic Pool definition.
The final stage of the SQL Database definition with all the other options.
The final stage of the SQL Database definition.
Sets the authentication type and SQL or Active Directory administrator login and password.
Sets the authentication type and SQL or Active Directory administrator login and password.
The SQL Database definition to set the collation for database.
The SQL Database definition to set the collation for database.
The SQL Database definition to set the create mode for database.
The SQL Database definition to set the edition for database.
The SQL Database definition to set the edition default for database.
The SQL Database definition to set the collation for database.
The SQL Database definition to set the elastic pool for database.
The stage to decide whether using existing database or not.
The SQL Database definition to import a BACPAC file as the source database.
The SQL Database definition to import a BACPAC file as the source database within an elastic pool.
The SQL Database definition to set the Max Size in Bytes for database.
The SQL Database definition to set the Max Size in Bytes for database.
The SQL Database definition to set a restorable dropped database as the source database.
The SQL Database definition to set a restore point as the source database.
The SQL Database definition to set a restore point as the source database within an elastic pool.
The SQL Database definition to set a sample database as the source database.
The SQL Database definition to set a sample database as the source database within an elastic pool.
The SQL Database definition to set the service level objective.
The SQL Database definition to set the source database id for database.
Sets the storage key type and value to use.
Sets the storage key type and value to use.
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
The template for a SqlDatabase update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of all the SqlDatabase update stages.
The SQL Database definition to set the edition for database.
The SQL Database definition to set the elastic pool for database.
The SQL Database definition to set the Max Size in Bytes for database.
The SQL Database definition to set the service level objective.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure SQL database automatic tuning object.
The template for a SqlDatabaseAutomaticTuning update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of all the SqlDatabaseAutomaticTuning update stages.
The update stage setting the database automatic tuning desired state.
The update stage setting the database automatic tuning options.
The maximum allowed storage capacity for a "Basic" edition of an Azure SQL Elastic Pool.
Parameters to create and update Cosmos DB SQL database.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure SQL Database export operation request.
Grouping of database export definition stages.
Sets the storage URI to use.
Sets the authentication type and SQL or Active Directory administrator login and password.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for execution, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
Sets the storage key type and value to use.
The entirety of database export operation definition.
Response containing result of the Azure SQL Database import or export operation.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure SQL Database import operation request.
Grouping of database import definition stages.
Sets the storage URI to use.
Sets the authentication type and SQL or Active Directory administrator login and password.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for execution, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
Sets the storage key type and value to use.
The entirety of database import operation definition.
Response containing the Azure SQL Database metric.
Response containing the Azure SQL Database metric availability.
Response containing the Azure SQL Database metric definition.
Response containing the Azure SQL Database metric value.
A representation of the Azure SQL Database operations.
Grouping of all the SQL database definition stages.
The first stage of the SQL database definition.
The SQL database interface with all starting options for definition.
Sets the authentication type and SQL or Active Directory administrator login and password.
Sets the authentication type and SQL or Active Directory administrator login and password.
The SQL Database definition to set the collation for database.
The SQL Database definition to set the collation for database.
The final stage of the SQL Database definition after the SQL Elastic Pool definition.
A SQL Database definition with sufficient inputs to create a new SQL database in the cloud, but exposing additional optional settings to specify.
A SQL Database definition with sufficient inputs to create a new SQL Server in the cloud, but exposing additional optional inputs to specify.
The SQL Database definition to set the create mode for database.
The SQL Database definition to set the edition for database.
The SQL Database definition to set the edition for database with defaults.
The SQL Database definition to set the collation for database.
The SQL Database definition to set the elastic pool for database.
The stage to decide whether using existing database or not.
The SQL Database definition to import a BACPAC file as the source database.
The SQL Database definition to import a BACPAC file as the source database.
The SQL Database definition to set the Max Size in Bytes for database.
The SQL Database definition to set the Max Size in Bytes for database.
The SQL Database definition to set a restorable dropped database as the source database.
The SQL Database definition to set a restore point as the source database.
The SQL Database definition to set a restore point as the source database within an elastic pool.
The SQL Database definition to set a sample database as the source database.
The SQL Database definition to set a sample database as the source database within an elastic pool.
The SQL Database definition to set the service level objective.
The SQL Database definition to set the source database id for database.
The stage of the SQL Database rule definition allowing to specify the parent resource group, SQL server and location.
Sets the storage key type and value to use.
Sets the storage key type and value to use.
Grouping of the Azure SQL Database rule common actions.
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
The name of the configured Service Level Objective of a "Premium" Azure SQL Database.
The maximum allowed storage capacity for a "Premium" edition of an Azure SQL Elastic Pool.
Cosmos DB SQL database resource object.
The name of the configured Service Level Objective of a "Standard" Azure SQL Database.
The maximum allowed storage capacity for a "Standard" edition of an Azure SQL Elastic Pool.
A representation of the Azure SQL Database threat detection policy.
Grouping of all the SQL database threat detection policy definition stages.
The first stage of the SQL database threat detection policy definition.
The SQL database threat detection policy definition to set the security alert policy alerts to be disabled.
The final stage of the SQL database threat detection policy definition.
The SQL database threat detection policy definition to set the security alert policy email addresses.
The SQL database threat detection policy definition to set that the alert is sent to the account administrators.
The SQL database threat detection policy definition to set the number of days to keep in the Threat Detection audit logs.
The SQL database threat detection policy definition to set the state.
The SQL database threat detection policy definition to set the storage access key.
The SQL database threat detection policy definition to set the storage endpoint.
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
Container interface for SQL database threat detection policy operations.
The template for a SQL database threat detection policy update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of all the SQL database threat detection policy update stages.
The SQL database threat detection policy update definition to set the security alert policy alerts to be disabled.
The SQL database threat detection policy update definition to set the security alert policy email addresses.
The SQL database threat detection policy update definition to set that the alert is sent to the account administrators.
The SQL database threat detection policy update definition to set the number of days to keep in the Threat Detection audit logs.
The SQL database threat detection policy update definition to set the state.
The SQL database threat detection policy update definition to set the storage access key.
The SQL database threat detection policy update definition to set the storage endpoint.
The result of SQL server usages per SQL Database.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure SQL Elastic Pool.
Grouping of all the storage account definition stages.
The first stage of the SQL Server definition.
The final stage of the SQL Elastic Pool definition.
The SQL Elastic Pool definition to set the eDTU and storage capacity limits for a basic pool.
The SQL Elastic Pool definition to set the maximum DTU for one database.
The SQL Elastic Pool definition to set the minimum DTU for database.
The SQL Elastic Pool definition to set the number of shared DTU for elastic pool.
The SQL Elastic Pool definition to set the edition for database.
The SQL Elastic Pool definition to set the eDTU and storage capacity limits for a premium pool.
The SQL Elastic Pool definition to set the eDTU and storage capacity limits for a standard pool.
The SQL Elastic Pool definition to set the storage limit for the SQL Azure Database Elastic Pool in MB.
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
The template for a SQL Elastic Pool update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of all the SQL Elastic Pool update stages.
The SQL Elastic Pool definition to add the Database in the elastic pool.
The SQL Elastic Pool definition to set the maximum DTU for one database.
The SQL Elastic Pool definition to set the minimum DTU for database.
The SQL Elastic Pool definition to set the number of shared DTU for elastic pool.
The SQL Elastic Pool update definition to set the eDTU and storage capacity limits.
The SQL Elastic Pool definition to set the storage limit for the SQL Azure Database Elastic Pool in MB.
The reserved eDTUs value range for a "Basic" edition of an Azure SQL Elastic Pool.
The maximum limit of the reserved eDTUs value range for a "Basic" edition of an Azure SQL Elastic Pool.
The minimum limit of the reserved eDTUs value range for a "Basic" edition of an Azure SQL Elastic Pool.
A representation of the Azure SQL Elastic Pool operations.
Grouping of all the SQL Elastic Pool definition stages.
The SQL Elastic Pool definition to set the eDTU and storage capacity limits for a basic pool.
A SQL Server definition with sufficient inputs to create a new SQL Elastic Pool in the cloud, but exposing additional optional inputs to specify.
The SQL Elastic Pool definition to add the Database in the Elastic Pool.
The SQL Elastic Pool definition to set the maximum DTU for one database.
The SQL Elastic Pool definition to set the minimum DTU for database.
The SQL Elastic Pool definition to set the number of shared DTU for elastic pool.
The SQL Elastic Pool definition to set the edition type.
The SQL Elastic Pool definition to set the eDTU and storage capacity limits for a premium pool.
The first stage of the SQL Server Elastic Pool definition.
The SQL Elastic Pool definition to set the eDTU and storage capacity limits for a standard pool.
The SQL Elastic Pool definition to set the storage limit for the SQL Azure Database Elastic Pool in MB.
Grouping of the Azure SQL Elastic Pool common actions.
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
The reserved eDTUs value range for a "Premium" edition of an Azure SQL Elastic Pool.
The maximum limit of the reserved eDTUs value range for a "Premium" edition of an Azure SQL Elastic Pool.
The minimum limit of the reserved eDTUs value range for a "Premium" edition of an Azure SQL Elastic Pool.
The maximum allowed storage capacity for a "Premium" edition of an Azure SQL Elastic Pool.
The reserved eDTUs value range for a "Standard" edition of an Azure SQL Elastic Pool.
The maximum limit of the reserved eDTUs value range for a "Standard" edition of an Azure SQL Elastic Pool.
The minimum limit of the reserved eDTUs value range for a "Premium" edition of an Azure SQL Elastic Pool.
The maximum allowed storage capacity for a "Standard" edition of an Azure SQL Elastic Pool.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure SQL Encryption Protector.
The template for a SQL Encryption Protector update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of all the SQL Encryption Protector update stages.
The SQL Encryption Protector update definition to set the server key name and type.
A representation of the Azure SQL Encryption Protector operations.
Grouping of the Azure SQL Server Key common actions.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure SQL Failover Group.
The template for a SQL Failover Group update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of all the SQL Virtual Network Rule update stages.
The SQL Failover Group update definition to set the partner servers.
The SQL Failover Group update definition to set the failover policy of the read-only endpoint.
The SQL Failover Group update definition to set the read-write endpoint failover policy.
A representation of the Azure SQL Failover Group operations.
Grouping of all the SQL Failover Group definition stages.
The final stage of the SQL Failover Group definition.
The SQL Failover Group definition to set the partner servers.
The SQL Failover Group definition to set the partner servers.
The SQL Failover Group definition to set the failover policy of the read-only endpoint.
The SQL Failover Group definition to set the read-write endpoint failover policy.
The first stage of the SQL Failover Group definition.
Grouping of the Azure SQL Failover Group common actions.
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure SQL Server Firewall Rule.
Grouping of all the SQL Firewall Rule definition stages.
The first stage of the SQL Server Firewall Rule definition.
The final stage of the SQL Firewall Rule definition.
The SQL Firewall Rule definition to set the IP address for the parent SQL Server.
The SQL Firewall Rule definition to set the IP address range for the parent SQL Server.
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
The template for a SQL Firewall Rule update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of all the SQL Firewall Rule update stages.
The SQL Firewall Rule definition to set the starting IP Address for the server.
The SQL Firewall Rule definition to set the starting IP Address for the server.
A representation of the Azure SQL Firewall rule operations.
Grouping of all the SQL Firewall rule definition stages.
The final stage of the SQL Firewall Rule definition.
The SQL Firewall Rule definition to set the IP address range for the parent SQL Server.
The first stage of the SQL Server Firewall rule definition.
Grouping of the Azure SQL Server Firewall Rule common actions.
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
Response containing Azure SQL restorable dropped database.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure SQL Server.
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
Grouping of all the storage account definition stages.
The first stage of the SQL Server definition.
A SQL Server definition setting the Active Directory administrator.
A SQL Server definition setting administrator user name.
A SQL Server definition setting admin user password.
A SQL Server definition with sufficient inputs to create a new SQL Server in the cloud, but exposing additional optional inputs to specify.
A SQL Server definition for specifying the databases.
A SQL Server definition for specifying elastic pool.
The stage of the SQL Server definition allowing to specify the SQL Firewall rules.
A SQL Server definition allowing resource group to be set.
A SQL Server definition setting the managed service identity.
The stage of the SQL Server definition allowing to specify the SQL Virtual Network Rules.
The template for a SQLServer update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of all the SQLServer update stages.
A SQL Server update stage setting admin user password.
A SQL Server definition for specifying the databases.
A SQL Server definition for specifying elastic pool.
The stage of the SQL Server update definition allowing to specify the SQL Firewall rules.
A SQL Server definition setting the managed service identity.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure SQL Server automatic tuning object.
The template for a SqlServerAutomaticTuning update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of all the SqlServerAutomaticTuning update stages.
The update stage setting the SQL server automatic tuning desired state.
The update stage setting the server automatic tuning options.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure SQL Server DNS alias.
A representation of the Azure SQL Server DNS alias operations.
Grouping of all the SQL Server DNS alias definition stages.
The final stage of the SQL Server DNS alias definition.
The first stage of the SQL Server DNS alias definition.
Grouping of the Azure SQL Server DNS alias common actions.
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure SQL Server Key.
The template for a SQL Server Key update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of all the SQL Server Key update stages.
The SQL Server Key definition to set the server key creation date.
The SQL Server Key definition to set the thumbprint.
A representation of the Azure SQL Server Key operations.
Grouping of all the SQL Server Key definition stages.
The final stage of the SQL Server Key definition.
The SQL Server Key definition to set the server key creation date.
The SQL Server Key definition to set the server key type.
The first stage of the SQL Server Key definition.
The SQL Server Key definition to set the thumbprint.
Grouping of the Azure SQL Server Key common actions.
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
Entry point to SQL Server management API.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure SQL Server Security Alert Policy.
The template for a SQL Server Security Alert Policy update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of all the SQL Server Security Alert Policy update stages.
The SQL Server Security Alert Policy update definition to set an array of alerts that are disabled.
The SQL Server Security Alert Policy update definition to set if an alert will be sent to the account administrators.
The SQL Server Security Alert Policy update definition to set an array of e-mail addresses to which the alert is sent.
The SQL Server Security Alert Policy update definition to set the number of days to keep in the Threat Detection audit logs.
The SQL Server Security Alert Policy update definition to set the state.
The SQL Server Security Alert Policy update definition to specify the storage account blob endpoint and access key.
A representation of the Azure SQL Server Security Alert Policy operations.
Grouping of all the SQL Server Security Alert Policy definition stages.
The final stage of the SQL Server Security Alert Policy definition.
The SQL Server Security Alert Policy definition to set an array of alerts that are disabled.
The SQL Server Security Alert Policy definition to set if an alert will be sent to the account administrators.
The SQL Server Security Alert Policy definition to set an array of e-mail addresses to which the alert is sent.
The SQL Server Security Alert Policy definition to set the number of days to keep in the Threat Detection audit logs.
The first stage of the SQL Server Security Alert Policy definition.
The SQL Server Security Alert Policy definition to set the state.
The SQL Server Security Alert Policy definition to specify the storage account blob endpoint and access key.
Grouping of the Azure SQL Server Security Alert Policy common actions.
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
Parameters to create and update Cosmos DB storedProcedure.
Cosmos DB SQL storedProcedure resource object.
The result of SQL server usages per current subscription.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure SQL Server Sync Group.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure SQL Server Sync Group.
The template for a SQL Sync Group update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of all the SQL Sync Group update stages.
The SQL Sync Group definition to set the conflict resolution policy.
The SQL Sync Group definition to set the database login password.
The SQL Sync Group definition to set the database user name.
The SQL Sync Group definition to set the sync frequency.
The SQL Sync Group definition to set the schema.
The SQL Sync Group definition to set the database ID to sync with.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure SQL Server Sync Group.
A representation of the Azure SQL Sync Group operations.
Grouping of all the SQL Sync Group definition stages.
The SQL Sync Group definition to set the conflict resolution policy.
The final stage of the SQL Sync Group definition.
The SQL Sync Group definition to set the database login password.
The SQL Sync Group definition to set the database user name.
The SQL Sync Group definition to set the sync frequency.
The SQL Sync Group definition to set the schema.
The first stage of the SQL Sync Group definition.
The SQL Sync Group definition to set the database ID to sync with.
The SQL Sync Group definition to set the parent database name.
Grouping of the Azure SQL Server Sync Group common actions.
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure SQL Server Sync Member.
The template for a SQL Sync Group update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of all the SQL Sync Group update stages.
The SQL Sync Member definition to set the database type.
The SQL Sync Member definition to set the member database password.
The SQL Sync Member definition to set the member database user name.
The SQL Sync Member definition to set the sync direction.
A representation of the Azure SQL Sync Member operations.
Grouping of all the SQL Sync Member definition stages.
The final stage of the SQL Sync Member definition.
The SQL Sync Member definition to set the database type.
The SQL Sync Member definition to set the member database password.
The SQL Sync Member definition to set the member database.
The SQL Sync Member definition to set the member server and database.
The SQL Sync Member definition to set the member database user name.
The first stage of the SQL Sync Member definition.
The SQL Sync Member definition to set the sync direction.
The SQL Sync Member definition to set the parent database name.
The SQL Sync Member definition to set the parent database name.
Grouping of the Azure SQL Server Sync Member common actions.
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
Parameters to create and update Cosmos DB trigger.
Cosmos DB SQL trigger resource object.
Parameters to create and update Cosmos DB userDefinedFunction.
Cosmos DB SQL userDefinedFunction resource object.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure SQL Server Virtual Network Rule.
Grouping of all the SQL Virtual Network Rule definition stages.
The first stage of the SQL Server Virtual Network Rule definition.
The final stage of the SQL Virtual Network Rule definition.
The SQL Virtual Network Rule definition to set ignore flag for the missing subnet's SQL service endpoint entry.
The SQL Virtual Network Rule definition to set the virtual network ID and the subnet name.
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
The template for a SQL Virtual Network Rule update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of all the SQL Virtual Network Rule update stages.
The SQL Virtual Network Rule definition to set ignore flag for the missing subnet's SQL service endpoint entry.
The SQL Virtual Network Rule definition to set the virtual network ID and the subnet name.
A representation of the Azure SQL Virtual Network rule operations.
Grouping of all the SQL Virtual Network Rule definition stages.
The final stage of the SQL Virtual Network Rule definition.
The SQL Virtual Network Rule definition to set ignore flag for the missing subnet's SQL service endpoint entry.
The first stage of the SQL Server Virtual Network Rule definition.
The SQL Virtual Network Rule definition to set the virtual network ID and the subnet name.
Grouping of the Azure SQL Server Virtual Network Rule common actions.
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure SQL Warehouse.
An SRV record.
An immutable client-side representation of an SVR (service) record set in Azure DNS Zone.
Entry point to SRV record sets in a DNS zone.
SSH configuration.
SSH configuration for Linux based VMs running on Azure.
Specifies information about the SSH public key.
Defines values for SslState.
Application stack major version.
Application stack minor version.
A task which is run when a compute node joins a pool in the Azure Batch service, or when the compute node is rebooted or reimaged.
Defines values for State.
Defines values for Status.
The status of an Azure resource at the time the operation was called.
Trigger based on status code.
Defines values for StatusLevelTypes.
Operation status message object.
Defines values for StatusOptions.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure storage account.
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
Grouping of all the storage account definition stages.
The first stage of the storage account definition.
The stage of storage account definition allowing to restrict access protocol.
The stage of storage account definition allowing to specify whether azure files aad integration will be enabled.
The stage of storage account definition allowing to configure blob access.
The stage of a storage account definition allowing to specify account kind as blob storage.
The stage of a storage account definition allowing to specify account kind as block blob storage.
A storage account definition with sufficient inputs to create a new storage account in the cloud, but exposing additional optional inputs to specify.
The stage of storage account definition allowing to set access tier.
The stage of a storage account definition allowing to associate custom domain with the account.
The stage of a storage account definition allowing to specify encryption settings.
The stage of a storage account definition allowing to specify account kind as file storage.
The stage of a storage account definition allowing to specify account kind as general purpose.
The stage of a storage account definition allowing to specify the resource group.
The stage of the storage account definition allowing to specify whether Hns is enabled.
The stage of storage account definition allowing to specify whether large file shares will be enabled.
The stage of a storage account definition allowing to enable implicit managed service identity (MSI).
The stage of storage account definition allowing to configure network access settings.
The stage of a storage account definition allowing to specify sku.
The template for a storage account update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of all the storage account update stages.
A blob storage account update stage allowing access tier to be specified.
The stage of the storage account update allowing to specify the protocol to be used to access account.
The stage of storage account update allowing to configure blob access.
The stage of the storage account update allowing to associate custom domain.
The stage of the storage account update allowing to configure encryption settings.
The stage of the storage account update allowing to enable managed service identity (MSI).
The stage of storage account update allowing to configure network access.
The stage of the storage account update allowing to change the sku.
The parameters used to check the availability of the storage account name.
The parameters used when creating a storage account.
Azure storage account encryption key sources.
Type representing the encryption status of a storage service.
Defines values for StorageAccountExpand.
Azure Storage account information.
The URIs that are used to perform a retrieval of a public blob, file, web or dfs object via a internet routing endpoint.
An access key for the storage account.
The URIs that are used to perform a retrieval of a public blob, queue, table, web or dfs object via a microsoft routing endpoint.
The properties of a storage account for a container registry.
The parameters used to regenerate the storage account key.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in StorageAccounts.
Entry point for storage accounts management API.
Defines sku values for storage account resource.
Defines values for StorageAccountType.
Defines values for StorageAccountType.
Defines values for StorageAccountType.
Defines values for StorageAccountTypes.
The parameters that can be provided when updating the storage account properties.
Azure Storage blob container information.
Defines values for StorageKeyType.
Options for app content migration.
Defines values for StoragePermissions.
Specifies the storage settings for the virtual machine disks.
Storage resource types.
Azure storage service types.
Type representing sku for an Azure storage resource.
Entry point to storage service SKUs.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure storage resource usage info object.
Properties supplied for Subnet.
A client-side representation of a subnet of a virtual network.
The entirety of a Subnet definition.
Grouping of subnet definition stages.
The first stage of the subnet definition.
The stage of the subnet definition allowing to specify the address space for the subnet.
The final stage of the subnet definition.
The stage of the subnet definition allowing to specify the network security group to assign to the subnet.
The stage of a subnet definition allowing to specify a route table to associate with the subnet.
The stage of a subnet definition allowing to enable access from a service endpoint to the subnet.
The entirety of a subnet update as part of a network update.
The entirety of a subnet definition as part of a virtual network update.
Grouping of subnet definition stages applicable as part of a virtual network update.
The first stage of the subnet definition.
The stage of the subnet definition allowing to specify the address space for the subnet.
The final stage of the subnet definition.
The stage of the subnet definition allowing to specify the network security group to assign to the subnet.
The stage of a subnet definition allowing to specify a route table to associate with the subnet.
The stage of a subnet definition allowing to enable access from a service endpoint to the subnet.
Grouping of subnet update stages.
The stage of the subnet update allowing to change the address space for the subnet.
The stage of the subnet update allowing to change the network security group to assign to the subnet.
The stage of a subnet update allowing to specify a route table to associate with the subnet, or remove an existing association.
The stage of a subnet definition allowing to enable or disable access from a service endpoint to the subnet.
Subnet and it's custom security rules.
The resource model definition for a nested resource.
The resource model definition for a nested resource.
A reference to a another resource.
The SubResourceReadOnly model.
The SubResourceWithColocationStatus model.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure subscription.
Subscription policies.
Entry point to subscription management API.
Defines values for SubscriptionState.
Defines values for SubscriptionState.
Defines values for SubscriptionState.
Defines values for SupportedTlsVersions.
Providing access to creating a batch of Azure top level resources of same type.
Provides access to deleting multiple resource from Azure, identifying them by their IDs.
Provides access to deleting a resource from Azure, identifying it by its resource ID.
Providing access to creating Azure top level resources.
Provides access to deleting a resource from Azure, identifying it by its resource ID.
Provides access to deleting a resource from Azure, identifying it by its resource name.
Provides access to getting a specific Azure resource based on its resource group and parent.
Provides access to deleting a resource from Azure, identifying it by its name and its resource group.
Provides access to getting a specific Azure resource based on its resource ID.
Provides access to getting a specific Azure resource based on its name within the current resource group.
Provides access to getting a specific resource based on its name.
Provides access to getting a specific Azure resource based on its resource group and parent.
Provides access to getting a specific Azure resource based on its name and resource group.
Provides access to listing Azure resources of a specific type in a subscription.
Provides access to listing Azure resources of a specific type in a specific parent resource.
Provides access to listing Azure resources of a specific type based on their region.
Provides access to listing Azure resources of a specific type in a specific resource group.
Provides access to listing Azure resources of a specific type based on their tag.
Provides access to listing Azure resources of a specific type based on their tag.
Provides access to OneDeploy.
Defines values for SyncAgentState.
Defines values for SyncConflictResolutionPolicy.
Defines values for SyncDirection.
Properties of the table in the database full schema.
Properties of the column in the table of database full schema.
Defines values for SyncGroupLogType.
Properties of sync group schema.
Properties of table in sync group schema.
Properties of column in sync group table.
Defines values for SyncGroupState.
Defines values for SyncMemberDbType.
Defines values for SyncMemberState.
Read only system data.
Parameters to create and update Cosmos DB Table.
Tag count.
Blob index tag based filtering for blob objects.
Entry point to tag management API.
A tag of the LegalHold of a blob container.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure resource with tags.
A dictionary of name and value pairs.
Tags object for patch operations.
Tags object for patch operations.
Defines values for TagsPatchOperation.
Wrapper resource for tags patch API request only.
The target of the event.
Target Azure resource types supported for an Azure endpoint in a traffic manager profile.
Describes the target region information.
Target resource.
The container settings for a task.
Type representing a group of task entries with dependencies between them.
An interface representing a type composes a TaskGroup.
A mutable type that can be used to pass data around task items during the invocation of the TaskGroup.
Defines task group termination strategies to be used once a task error-ed.
Type representing a unit of work, upon invocation produces result of Indexable type.
The parameters for a task run request.
Specifies how tasks should be distributed across compute nodes.
Defines values for TaskStatus.
Base properties for any task step.
Base properties for updating any task step.
The parameters for updating a task.
Entity representing the reference to the template.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure tenant.
Defines values for TenantCategory.
Entry point to tenant management API.
TensorFlow job settings.
The TerminateNotificationProfile model.
A rule condition based on a metric crossing a threshold.
Api request input for LogAnalytics getThrottledRequests Api.
Cosmos DB resource throughput object.
Parameters to update Cosmos DB resource throughput.
Defines values for TierType.
Defines values for TierType.
Defines values for TimeAggregationOperator.
Defines values for TimeAggregationType.
The baseline values for a single time series.
A time series result type.
The time series info needed for calculating the baseline.
A specific date-time for the profile.
Defines values for TlsVersion.
Defines values for TokenType.
Defines values for ToolType.
Contains configuration definitions for different tool types.
Specifies the settings for Caffe job.
Definition of Caffe settings.
Definition stages for Caffe settings.
The first stage of the Caffe settings definition.
The final stage of the Caffe settings definition.
Specifies the path and file name of the python script to execute the job or the path of the config file.
Specifies the settings for Caffe2 job.
Definition of Caffe2 settings.
Definition stages for Caffe2 settings.
The first stage of the Caffe2 settings definition.
The final stage of the Caffe2 settings definition.
Specifies python script file path to execute the job.
Specifies the settings for Chainer job.
Definition of Chainer settings.
Definition stages for Chainer job settings.
The first stage of the Chainer settings definition.
The final stage of the Chainer settings definition.
Specifies python script file path to execute the job.
Client-side representation for Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit settings.
Definition of azure cognitive toolkit settings.
Definition stages for azure cognitive toolkit settings.
The first stage of the Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit settings definition.
The final stage of the Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit settings definition.
Specifies the language type and script/config file path to use for Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit job.
Client-side representation for the settings for a custom MPI job.
Definition of the settings for a custom MPI job.
Definition stages for a custom MPI job.
The first stage of the custom MPI job settings definition.
The final stage of the custom MPI job settings definition.
At this stage, any process count settings can be specified, or the custom MPI job settings definition can be attached to the parent Batch AI job definition.
Specifies the program and program command line parameters to be executed by mpi runtime.
Client-side representation for the settings for a custom toolkit job.
Definition of the settings for a custom toolkit job.
Definition stages for a custom toolkit job.
The first stage of the custom toolkit job settings definition.
The final stage of the custom toolkit job settings definition.
Specifies the command line to execute the custom toolkit Job.
Common definition stages.
Specifies command line arguments for the job.
Specifies number of processes parameter that is passed to MPI runtime.
Specifies the path to python interpreter.
Client-side representation for Horovod job settings.
Definition of the settings for Horovod job.
Definition stages for the Horovod job settings.
The first stage of the Horovode job settings definition.
The final stage of the Horovod job settings definition.
Specifies python script file path to execute the job.
Client-side representation for PyTorch toolkit settings.
Definition of PyTorch toolkit settings.
Definition stages for PyTorch toolkit settings.
The first stage of the PyTorch settings definition.
The final stage of the PyTorch Toolkit settings definition.
Specifies python script file path to execute the job.
Specifies the settings for TensorFlow job.
Definition of TensorFlow job settings.
Definition stages for TensorFlow job settings.
The first stage of the TensorFlow settings definition.
The final stage of the TensorFlow settings definition.
Specifies python script file path.
Type representing Service Bus topic.
The entirety of the Service Bus topic definition.
Grouping of Service Bus topic definition stages.
The first stage of a topic definition.
The stage of the topic definition allowing to add an authorization rule for accessing the topic.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created (via Creatable.create()), but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of the topic definition allowing to define default TTL for messages.
The stage of the topic definition allowing to define auto delete behaviour.
The stage of the topic definition allowing to specify duration of the duplicate message detection history.
The stage of the topic definition allowing to mark messages as express messages.
The stage of the topic definition allowing specify batching behaviour.
The stage of the topic definition allowing to specify partitioning behaviour.
The stage of the topic definition allowing to specify size.
The stage of the Service Bus namespace update allowing to manage subscriptions for the topic.
The template for a Service Bus topic update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of Service Bus topic update stages.
The stage of the topic definition allowing to add an authorization rule for accessing the topic.
The stage of the topic definition allowing to define default TTL for messages.
The stage of the topic definition allowing to define auto delete behaviour.
The stage of the topic definition allowing to specify duration of the duplicate message detection history.
The stage of the topic definition allowing to mark it as either holding regular or express messages.
The stage of the topic definition allowing configure message batching behaviour.
The stage of the topic definition allowing to specify size.
The stage of the Service Bus namespace update allowing to manage subscriptions for the topic.
Type representing authorization rule defined for topic.
The entirety of the topic authorization rule definition.
Grouping of Service Bus topic authorization rule definition stages.
The first stage of topic authorization rule definition.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created (via Creatable.create()), but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The entirety of the topic authorization rule update.
Entry point to topic authorization rules management API.
Entry point to Service Bus topic management API in Azure.
Options for retrieving the list of top level domain legal agreements.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure Topology info object, associated with network watcher.
The entirety of topology parameters definition.
Grouping of topology definition stages.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for execution, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
Sets the target virtual network.
The first stage of topology parameters definition.
Sets the target subnet.
Resources that have an association with the parent resource.
Parameters that define the representation of topology.
The network resource topology information for the given resource group.
Parameters that define the configuration of traffic analytics.
Parameters that define the configuration of traffic analytics.
Class representing a Traffic Manager HeatMap traffic flow properties.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure traffic manager profile Azure endpoint.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure traffic manager profile endpoint.
The entirety of a traffic manager profile endpoint definition as a part of parent definition.
Grouping of traffic manager profile endpoint definition stages as a part of parent traffic manager profile definition.
The first stage of a traffic manager profile Azure endpoint definition.
The first stage of a traffic manager profile external endpoint definition.
The first stage of a traffic manager profile nested profile endpoint definition.
The final stage of the traffic manager profile endpoint definition.
The stage of the traffic manager profile Azure endpoint definition allowing to specify the ID of the target Azure resource.
The stage of the traffic manager endpoint definition allowing to specify custom headers.
The stage of the nested traffic manager profile endpoint definition allowing to specify the minimum endpoints to be online in the nested profile to consider it as not degraded.
The stage of the traffic manager profile external endpoint definition allowing to specify the FQDN.
The stage of the traffic manager endpoint definition allowing to specify the geographic region.
The stage of the traffic manager nested profile endpoint definition allowing to specify the profile.
The stage of the traffic manager endpoint definition allowing to specify the endpoint priority.
The stage of the traffic manager endpoint definition allowing to specify the endpoint weight.
The stage of the traffic manager endpoint definition allowing to specify the location of the external endpoint.
The stage of the traffic manager endpoint definition allowing to specify the location of the nested profile endpoint.
The stage of the traffic manager endpoint definition allowing to specify subnets.
The stage of the traffic manager endpoint definition allowing to disable the endpoint.
the set of configurations that can be updated for all endpoint irrespective of their type (Azure, external, nested profile).
The entirety of an Azure endpoint update as a part of parent traffic manager profile profile update.
The entirety of a traffic manager profile endpoint definition as a part of parent update.
Grouping of traffic manager profile endpoint definition stages as a part of parent traffic manager profile update.
The first stage of a traffic manager profile Azure endpoint definition.
The first stage of a traffic manager profile external endpoint definition.
The first stage of a traffic manager profile nested profile endpoint definition.
The final stage of the traffic manager profile endpoint definition.
The stage of the traffic manager profile Azure endpoint definition allowing to specify the ID of the target Azure resource.
The stage of the traffic manager endpoint definition allowing to specify custom headers.
The stage of the nested traffic manager profile endpoint definition allowing to specify the minimum endpoints to be online in the nested profile to consider it as not degraded.
The stage of the traffic manager profile external endpoint definition allowing to specify the FQDN.
The stage of the traffic manager endpoint definition allowing to specify the geographic region.
The stage of the traffic manager nested profile endpoint definition allowing to specify the profile.
The stage of the traffic manager endpoint definition allowing to specify the endpoint priority.
The stage of the traffic manager endpoint definition allowing to specify the endpoint weight.
The stage of the traffic manager endpoint definition allowing to specify the location of the external endpoint.
The stage of the traffic manager endpoint definition allowing to specify the location of the nested endpoint.
The stage of the traffic manager endpoint definition allowing to specify subnets.
The stage of the traffic manager endpoint definition allowing to disable the endpoint.
The entirety of an external endpoint update as a part of parent traffic manager profile profile update.
The entirety of a nested profile endpoint update as a part of parent traffic manager profile profile update.
Grouping of traffic manager profile endpoint update stages.
The stage of an Azure endpoint update allowing to specify the target Azure resource.
The stage of the traffic manager endpoint update allowing to specify custom headers.
The stage of an external endpoint update allowing to specify the FQDN.
The stage of the traffic manager update definition allowing to specify the geographic region.
The stage of an nested profile endpoint update allowing to specify profile and minimum child endpoint.
The stage of the traffic manager profile endpoint update allowing to specify the endpoint priority.
The stage of the traffic manager profile endpoint update allowing to specify the endpoint weight.
The stage of the traffic manager endpoint update allowing to specify the location of the external or nested profile endpoints.
The stage of the traffic manager endpoint update allowing to specify subnets.
The stage of the traffic manager profile endpoint update allowing to enable or disable it.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure traffic manager profile external endpoint.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure traffic manager profile nested profile endpoint.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure traffic manager profile.
The entirety of the traffic manager profile definition.
Grouping of traffic manager profile definition stages.
The stage of the traffic manager profile definition allowing to specify the resource group.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created (via Creatable.create()), but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of the traffic manager profile definition allowing to specify endpoint.
The stage of the traffic manager profile definition allowing to specify the relative DNS name.
The stage of the traffic manager profile definition allowing to specify the endpoint monitoring configuration.
The stage of the traffic manager profile definition allowing to disable the profile.
The stage of the traffic manager profile definition allowing to specify the traffic routing method for the profile.
The stage of the traffic manager profile definition allowing to specify the DNS TTL.
The template for an update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of traffic manager update stages.
The stage of the traffic manager profile update allowing to specify endpoints.
The stage of the traffic manager profile update allowing to specify the endpoint monitoring configuration.
The stage of the traffic manager profile update allowing to disable or enable the profile.
The stage of the traffic manager profile update allowing to specify the traffic routing method for the profile.
The stage of the traffic manager profile update allowing to specify the DNS TTL.
Entry point to traffic manager profile management API in Azure.
Defines values for TrafficRoutingMethod.
An traffic selector policy for a virtual network gateway connection.
Defines values for TrafficViewEnrollmentStatus.
Defines values for Transform.
Defines values for TransformType.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure SQL database's TransparentDataEncryption.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure SQL database's TransparentDataEncryptionActivity.
Defines values for TransparentDataEncryptionActivityStatus.
Defines values for TransparentDataEncryptionStatus.
Defines values for TransportProtocol.
The condition that results in the Log Search rule.
Triggered Web Job Run Information.
Defines values for TriggeredWebJobStatus.
Defines values for TriggerOperation.
The properties of a trigger.
Defines values for TriggerStatus.
Defines values for TriggerType.
The properties for updating triggers.
A client-side representation allowing user to get troubleshooting information for virtual network gateway or virtual network gateway connection.
The entirety of troubleshooting parameters definition.
Grouping of troubleshooting definition stages.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for execution, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
Sets the storage account to save the troubleshoot result.
Sets the path to the blob to save the troubleshoot result in.
The first stage of troubleshooting parameters definition.
Information gained from troubleshooting of specified resource.
Parameters that define the resource to troubleshoot.
Recommended actions based on discovered issues.
Data Lake Store trusted identity provider information.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in TrustedIdProviders.
Defines values for TrustedIdProviderState.
An object that represents content trust policy for a container registry.
Defines values for TrustPolicyType.
VirtualNetworkGatewayConnection properties.
Defines values for TunnelConnectionStatus.
A TXT record.
An immutable client-side representation of a TXT (text) record set in Azure DNS Zone.
Entry point to TXT record sets in a DNS zone.
A Data Lake Analytics catalog type field information item.
Specifies the security settings like secure boot and vTPM used while creating the virtual machine.
Defines values for UnauthenticatedClientAction.
Defines values for UnavailableNameReason.
Defines values for UnavailableReason.
Defines values for UnavailableReason.
The unique key on that enforces uniqueness constraint on documents in the collection in the Azure Cosmos DB service.
The unique key policy configuration for specifying uniqueness constraints on documents in the collection in the Azure Cosmos DB service.
Defines values for Unit.
Defines values for UnitDefinitionType.
Defines values for UnitType.
Defines values for UnitType.
Unmananged file system mounting configuration.
Details of UnprepareNetworkPolicies for Subnet.
Base class for resource that can be updated.
Interface for a resource which tags can be updated as a separate operation.
An update allowing tags to be modified for the resource.
The parameters used to update a compute policy.
The parameters used to update a compute policy while updating a Data Lake Analytics account.
The parameters that can be used to update an existing Data Lake Analytics account.
Data Lake Store account information to update.
The parameters used to update a Data Lake Store account while updating a Data Lake Analytics account.
The encryption configuration used to update a user managed Key Vault key.
The parameters used to update a firewall rule.
The parameters used to update a firewall rule.
The parameters used to update a firewall rule while updating a Data Lake Analytics account.
The parameters used to update a firewall rule while updating a Data Lake Store account.
An update history of the ImmutabilityPolicy of a blob container.
The parameters that can be used to update existing Data Lake Analytics job information properties.
The Key Vault update information used for user managed key rotation.
The Update Resource model definition.
The Update Resource model definition.
The parameters used to update an Azure Storage account.
The parameters used to update an Azure Storage account while updating a Data Lake Analytics account.
The parameters used to update a trusted identity provider.
The parameters used to update a trusted identity provider while updating a Data Lake Store account.
Defines values for UpgradeMode.
Properties of upgrade notification.
Describes each OS upgrade on the Virtual Machine Scale Set.
Information about the current running state of the overall upgrade.
Defines values for UpgradeOperationInvoker.
Describes an upgrade policy - automatic, manual, or rolling.
Defines values for UpgradeState.
Defines the parameters for UrlFileExtension match conditions.
Defines values for UrlFileExtensionOperator.
Defines the parameters for UrlFilename match conditions.
Defines values for UrlFileNameOperator.
Defines the parameters for UrlPath match conditions.
Defines values for UrlPathOperator.
Defines the url redirect action for the delivery rule.
Defines the parameters for the url redirect action.
Defines the url rewrite action for the delivery rule.
Defines the parameters for the url rewrite action.
Defines the url signing action for the delivery rule.
Defines the parameters for the Url Signing action.
Url signing key.
Url signing key parameters.
Defines how to identify a parameter for a specific purpose e.g.
The Usage Names.
The usage names.
The Usage Names.
The name object of the resource.
The usage names.
The usage names that can be used; currently limited to StorageAccount.
Entry point for storage resource usage management API.
Defines values for UsageState.
Defines values for UsageUnit.
Defines values for UsageUnit.
Properties used to create a user on an Azure Batch node.
Settings for user account that gets created on each on the nodes of a cluster.
The UserArtifactManage model.
The source image from which the Image Version is going to be created.
The list of associated user identities.
Defines values for UserAssignedIdentities.
The UserAssignedIdentity model.
The UserBase model.
The definition of the user identity under which the task is run.
Defines the certificate source parameters using user's keyvault certificate for enabling SSL.
Defines values for UserType.
A Data Lake Analytics catalog U-SQL Assembly.
A Data Lake Analytics catalog U-SQL assembly CLR item.
A Data Lake Analytics catalog U-SQL dependency information item.
A Data Lake Analytics catalog U-SQL assembly file information item.
A Data Lake Analytics catalog U-SQL credential item.
A Data Lake Analytics catalog U-SQL database item.
A Data Lake Analytics catalog U-SQL directed column item.
A Data Lake Analytics catalog U-SQL distribution information object.
A Data Lake Analytics catalog U-SQL external datasource item.
A Data Lake Analytics catalog U-SQL table index item.
U-SQL job properties used when retrieving U-SQL jobs.
A Data Lake Analytics catalog U-SQL package item.
A Data Lake Analytics catalog U-SQL procedure item.
A Data Lake Analytics catalog U-SQL schema item.
A Data Lake Analytics catalog U-SQL secret item.
A Data Lake Analytics catalog U-SQL table item.
A Data Lake Analytics catalog U-SQL table column item.
A Data Lake Analytics catalog U-SQL table fragment item.
A Data Lake Analytics catalog U-SQL table partition item.
A Data Lake Analytics catalog table or partition preview rows item.
A Data Lake Analytics catalog U-SQL table statistics item.
A Data Lake Analytics catalog U-SQL table type item.
A Data Lake Analytics catalog U-SQL table valued function item.
A Data Lake Analytics catalog U-SQL type item.
A Data Lake Analytics catalog U-SQL view item.
Input of the custom domain to be validated for DNS mapping.
Input of the validate probe API.
Resource validation request content.
Defines values for ValidateResourceTypes.
Error details for when validation fails.
Input of the secret to be validated.
Defines values for ValidateSecretType.
Defines values for Variant.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure Key Vault.
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
Grouping of all the key vault definition stages.
The first stage of the key vault definition.
A key vault definition allowing access policies to be attached.
A key vault definition allowing various configurations to be set.
A key vault definition with sufficient inputs to create a new storage account in the cloud, but exposing additional optional inputs to specify.
A key vault definition allowing resource group to be set.
A key vault definition allowing the networkAcl to be set.
A key vault definition allowing the sku to be set.
The template for a key vault update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of all the key vault update stages.
A key vault update allowing access policies to be modified, attached, or removed.
A key vault update allowing various configurations to be set.
A key vault update allowing the NetworkRuleSet to be set.
Properties of the vault access policy.
Describes a single certificate reference in a Key Vault, and where the certificate should reside on the VM.
The parameters used to check the availability of the vault name.
Parameters for creating or updating a vault.
Parameters for creating or updating a vault.
Properties of the vault.
Properties of the vault.
Entry point for key vaults management API.
Describes a set of certificates which are all in the same Key Vault.
Defines values for VerbosityLevel.
A client-side representation allowing to verify IP packet flow from specific VM based on direction, protocol, local IP, remote IP, local port and remote port.
The entirety of verification ip flow parameters definition.
Grouping of verification ip flow parameters.
The direction of the packet represented as a 5-tuple.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required parameters to execute an action, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The local IP address.
The local port.
Protocol to be verified on.
The remote IP address.
The remote port.
The ID of the target resource to perform next-hop on.
Parameters that define the IP flow to be verified.
Virtual application in an app.
An update request for an Azure SQL Database virtual cluster.
Directory for virtual application.
Describes the uri of a disk.
Virtual Hub identifier.
VirtualHub route.
VirtualHub route table.
VirtualHubRouteTableV2 route.
Virtual IP mapping.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure virtual machine.
The entirety of the managed disk based virtual machine definition.
The entirety of the virtual machine definition.
The virtual machine scale set stages shared between managed and unmanaged based virtual machine definitions.
Grouping of virtual machine definition stages.
The first stage of a virtual machine definition.
The stage of the virtual machine definition allowing to specify availability set.
The stage of the VM definition allowing to specify availability zone.
The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to set the billing related details of a low priority virtual machine.
The stage of the virtual machine definition allowing to enable boot diagnostics.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of the virtual machine definition allowing to specify extensions.
The stage of a virtual machine definition containing various settings when virtual machine is created from image.
The stage of a virtual machine definition containing various settings when virtual machine is created from image.
The stage of a virtual machine definition containing various settings when virtual machine is created from image.
The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to specify the resource group.
The stage of the virtual machine definition allowing to specify that the image or disk that is being used was licensed on-premises.
The stage of a Linux virtual machine definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of the Linux virtual machine definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of a Linux virtual machine definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of a Linux virtual machine definition allowing to specify an SSH root password or public key.
The stage of a Linux virtual machine definition allowing to specify an SSH root password or public key.
The stage of a Linux virtual machine definition allowing to specify an SSH root password or public key.
The stage of a Linux virtual machine definition allowing to specify an SSH root user name.
The stage of a Linux virtual machine definition allowing to specify an SSH root user name.
The stage of a Linux virtual machine definition allowing to specify an SSH root user name.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the VM using managed OS disk to be created and optionally allow managed data disks specific settings to be specified.
The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to specify a managed data disk.
The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to specify a virtual network with the new primary network interface.
The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to specify the operating system image.
The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to specify OS disk configurations.
The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to specify a purchase plan.
The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to specify the primary network interface.
The stage of the virtual machine definition allowing to specify priority.
The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to specify a private IP address within a virtual network subnet.
The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to set information about the proximity placement group that the virtual machine scale set should be assigned to.
The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to associate a public IP address with its primary network interface.
The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to specify additional network interfaces.
The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to specify a storage account.
The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to specify the virtual network subnet for a new primary network interface.
The stage of the System Assigned (Local) Managed Service Identity enabled virtual machine allowing to set access role for the identity.
The stage of the virtual machine definition allowing to enable System Assigned (Local) Managed Service Identity.
The stage of a virtual machine definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the VM using storage account (unmanaged based OS disk to be created and optionally allow unmanaged data disk and settings specific to unmanaged OS disk to be specified.
The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to add an unmanaged data disk.
The stage of the virtual machine definition allowing to specify User Assigned (External) Managed Service Identities.
The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to select a VM size.
The stage of a Windows virtual machine definition allowing to specify an administrator user name.
The stage of a Windows virtual machine definition allowing to specify an administrator password.
The stage of a Windows virtual machine definition allowing to specify an administrator password.
The stage of a Windows virtual machine definition allowing to specify an administrator user name.
The stage of a Windows virtual machine definition allowing to specify an administrator user name.
The stage of the Windows virtual machine definition allowing to specify an administrator user name.
The stage of a Windows virtual machine definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of the Windows virtual machine definition allowing to enable unmanaged disks or continue the definition of the VM with managed disks only.
The stage of the Windows virtual machine definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The entirety of the unmanaged disk based virtual machine definition.
The template for an update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of virtual machine update stages.
The stage of the virtual machine update allowing to specify billing profile.
The stage of the virtual machine definition allowing to enable boot diagnostics.
The stage of a virtual machine update allowing to specify extensions.
The stage of the virtual machine update allowing to specify that the image or disk that is being used was licensed on-premises.
The stage of a virtual machine update allowing to specify a managed data disk.
The stage of a virtual machine update allowing to set/remove information about the proximity placement group that the virtual machine scale set should be assigned to.
The stage of a virtual machine update allowing to specify additional network interfaces.
The stage of the System Assigned (Local) Managed Service Identity enabled virtual machine allowing to set access role for the identity.
The stage of the virtual machine update allowing to enable System Assigned (Local) Managed Service Identity.
The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to specify unmanaged data disk configuration.
The stage of the virtual machine update allowing to add or remove User Assigned (External) Managed Service Identities.
The instance view of the VM Agent running on the virtual machine.
Capture Virtual Machine parameters.
The configuration for compute nodes in a pool based on the Azure Virtual Machines infrastructure.
VM configuration.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure virtual machine custom image.
An immutable client-side representation of a data disk image in an image resource.
The entirety of a data disk image definition.
Grouping of data disk image definition stages.
The first stage of the data disk image definition.
The final stage of the data disk image definition.
The stage of the image definition allowing to specify the LUN for the disk image.
The stage of data disk image definition allowing to specify configurations for the data disk when it is created from the same data disk image.
The stage of the image definition allowing to choose the source of the data disk image.
The entirety of the image definition.
Grouping of image definition stages.
The first stage of a image definition.
The stage of an image definition containing all the required inputs for the resource to be created, but also allowing for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of an image definition allowing to create the image or add optional data disk images and configure OS disk settings.
The stage of an image definition allowing to add a data disk image.
The stage of the image definition allowing to specify the resource group.
The stage of the image definition that allows us to choose a hyper V generation.
The stage of the image definition allowing to choose an OS source and an OS state for the OS image.
The stage of the image definition that allows choosing between using a virtual machine as the source for OS and the data disk images or beginning an OS disk image definition.
The stage of an image definition allowing to specify configurations for the OS disk when it is created from the image's OS disk image.
The stage of the image definition allowing to choose source virtual machine.
The stage of an image definition allowing to enable zone resiliency.
Entry point to custom virtual machine image management.
A managed data disk of a virtual machine.
Virtual machine encryption related operations.
Type representing encryption configuration to be applied to a virtual machine.
Defines values for VirtualMachineEvictionPolicyTypes.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure virtual machine extension.
The entirety of a virtual machine extension definition as a part of parent definition.
Grouping of virtual machine extension definition stages as a part of parent virtual machine definition.
The first stage of a virtual machine extension definition.
The final stage of the virtual machine extension definition.
The stage of the virtual machine extension definition allowing to enable or disable auto upgrade of the extension when when a new minor version of virtual machine extension image gets published.
The stage of the virtual machine extension definition allowing to specify extension image or specify name of the virtual machine extension publisher.
The stage of the virtual machine extension definition allowing to specify the publisher of the virtual machine extension image this extension is based on.
The stage of the virtual machine extension definition allowing to specify the public and private settings.
The stage of the virtual machine extension definition allowing to specify the tags.
The stage of the virtual machine extension definition allowing to specify the type of the virtual machine extension image this extension is based on.
The stage of the virtual machine extension definition allowing to specify the type of the virtual machine extension version this extension is based on.
The entirety of virtual machine extension update as a part of parent virtual machine update.
The entirety of a virtual machine extension definition as a part of parent update.
Grouping of virtual machine extension definition stages as part of parent virtual machine update.
The first stage of a virtual machine extension definition.
The final stage of the virtual machine extension definition.
The stage of the virtual machine extension definition allowing to enable or disable auto upgrade of the extension when when a new minor version of virtual machine extension image gets published.
The stage of the virtual machine extension allowing to specify extension image or specify name of the virtual machine extension publisher.
The stage of the virtual machine extension definition allowing to specify the publisher of the virtual machine extension image this extension is based on.
The stage of the virtual machine extension definition allowing to specify the public and private settings.
The stage of the virtual machine extension definition allowing to specify the tags.
The stage of the virtual machine extension definition allowing to specify the type of the virtual machine extension image this extension is based on.
The stage of the virtual machine extension definition allowing to specify the type of the virtual machine extension version this extension is based on.
Grouping of virtual machine extension update stages.
The stage of the virtual machine extension update allowing to enable or disable auto upgrade of the extension when when a new minor version of virtual machine extension image gets published.
The stage of the virtual machine extension update allowing to add or update public and private settings.
The stage of the virtual machine extension update allowing to add or update tags.
An immutable client-side representation of an extension associated with virtual machine.
The instance view of a virtual machine extension handler.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure virtual machine extension image.
Entry point to virtual machine extension image management.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure virtual machine extension image type.
Entry point to virtual machine image extension types.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure virtual machine extension image version.
Entry point to virtual machine image extension versions.
The instance view of a virtual machine extension.
Describes a Virtual Machine Extension.
A VM Family and its associated core quota for the Batch account.
The health status of the VM.
Identity for the virtual machine.
The VirtualMachineIdentityUserAssignedIdentitiesValue model.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure virtual machine image.
Specifies additional capabilities supported by the image.
Entry point to virtual machine image management API.
Entry point to virtual machine SKU images.
Input for InstallPatches as directly received by the API.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure VM Instance View object.
Represents a virtual machine image offer.
Entry point to virtual machine image offers.
The status of virtual machine patch operations.
Defines values for VirtualMachinePriorityTypes.
Represents a virtual machine image publisher.
Entry point to virtual machine image publishers.
Parameters for Reimaging Virtual Machine.
The instance view of a virtual machine run command.
Describes the script sources for run command.
Describes a Virtual Machine run command.
Entry point to virtual machine management API.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure virtual machine scale set.
The entirety of the managed disk based virtual machine scale set definition.
The entirety of the virtual machine scale set definition.
The virtual machine scale set stages shared between managed and unmanaged based virtual machine scale set definitions.
Grouping of virtual machine scale set definition stages.
The first stage of a virtual machine scale set definition.
The stage of the virtual machine scale set definition allowing to configure accelerated networking.
The stage of a virtual machine scale set definition allowing to set specifies additional capabilities enabled or disabled on the Virtual Machines in the Virtual Machine Scale Set.
The stage of the virtual machine scale set definition allowing to configure application gateway.
The stage of the virtual machine scale set definition allowing to configure application security group.
The stage of the virtual machine scale set definition allowing to specify availability zone.
The stage of the virtual machine definition allowing to specify billing profile.
The stage of the virtual machine scale set definition allowing to enable boot diagnostics.
The stage of the virtual machine scale set definition allowing to specify number of virtual machines in the scale set.
The stage of a virtual machine scale set definition allowing to specify the computer name prefix.
The stage of a virtual machine scale set definition containing all the required inputs for the resource to be created, but also allowing for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of the virtual machine scale set definition allowing to specify the custom data.
The stage of a virtual machine scale set definition allowing to set when Overprovision is enabled, extensions are launched only on the requested number of VMs which are finally kept.
The stage of a virtual machine scale set definition allowing to specify extensions.
The stage of a virtual machine scale set definition allowing to specify the resource group.
The stage of the virtual machine scale set definition allowing to associate inbound NAT pools of the selected internal load balancer with the primary network interface of the virtual machines in the scale set.
The stage of a virtual machine scale set definition allowing to associate backend pools and/or inbound NAT pools of the selected internal load balancer with the primary network interface of the virtual machines in the scale set.
The stage of the virtual machine scale set definition allowing to configure ip forwarding.
The stage of a Linux virtual machine scale set definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of a Linux virtual machine scale set definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of a Linux virtual machine scale set definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of the Linux virtual machine scale set definition allowing to specify SSH root password or public key.
The stage of the Linux virtual machine scale set definition allowing to specify SSH root password or public key.
The stage of the Linux virtual machine scale set definition allowing to specify SSH root password or public key.
The stage of the Linux virtual machine scale set definition allowing to specify SSH root user name.
The stage of the Linux virtual machine scale set definition allowing to specify SSH root user name.
The stage of the Linux virtual machine scale set definition allowing to specify SSH root user name.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the VM scale set to be created and optionally allow managed data disks specific settings to be specified.
The stage of a virtual machine scale set definition allowing to specify managed data disks.
The optionals applicable only for managed disks.
The stage of the virtual machine scale set definition allowing to configure network security group.
The stage of a virtual machine scale set definition allowing to specify the virtual network subnet for the primary network configuration.
The stage of the virtual machine scale set definition allowing to specify the operating system image.
The stage of a virtual machine scale set definition allowing to specify OS disk configurations.
The stage of a virtual machine scale set definition allowing to specify whether or not to over-provision virtual machines in the scale set.
The stage of a virtual machine scale set definition allowing to specify an internal load balancer for the primary network interface of the virtual machines in the scale set.
The stage of a virtual machine scale set definition allowing to specify an Internet-facing load balancer for the primary network interface of the virtual machines in the scale set.
The stage of a virtual machine scale set definition allowing to associate a backend pool and/or an inbound NAT pool of the selected Internet-facing load balancer with the primary network interface of the virtual machines in the scale set.
The stage of a virtual machine scale set definition allowing to associate an inbound NAT pool of the selected Internet-facing load balancer with the primary network interface of the virtual machines in the scale set.
The stage of a virtual machine scale set definition allowing to set information about the proximity placement group that the virtual machine scale set should be assigned to.
The stage of the virtual machine scale set definition allowing to specify the secrets.
The stage of the virtual machine scale set definition allowing to configure single placement group.
The stage of a virtual machine scale set definition allowing to specify SKU for the virtual machines.
The stage of a virtual machine scale set definition allowing to specify the storage account.
The stage of the System Assigned (Local) Managed Service Identity enabled virtual machine scale set allowing to set access for the identity.
The stage of the virtual machine scale set definition allowing to enable System Assigned (Local) Managed Service Identity.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the VM scale set to be created and optionally allow unmanaged data disks specific settings to be specified.
The stage of the virtual machine scale set definition allowing to specify unmanaged data disk.
The stage of a virtual machine scale set definition allowing to specify the upgrade policy.
The stage of the virtual machine scale set definition allowing to specify User Assigned (External) Managed Service Identities.
The stage of the virtual machine scale set definition allowing to enable public ip for vm instances.
The stage of the virtual machine scale set definition allowing to specify priority for vms in the scale-set.
The stage of the Windows virtual machine scale set definition allowing to specify administrator user name.
The stage of the Windows virtual machine scale set definition allowing to specify administrator user name.
The stage of the Windows virtual machine scale set definition allowing to specify administrator user name.
The stage of the Windows virtual machine scale set definition allowing to specify administrator user name.
The stage of the Windows virtual machine scale set definition allowing to specify administrator user name.
The stage of the Windows virtual machine scale set definition allowing to specify administrator user name.
The stage of a Windows virtual machine scale set definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of a Windows virtual machine scale set definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of a Windows virtual machine scale set definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The entirety of the unmanaged disk based virtual machine scale set definition.
The entirety of the virtual machine scale set update.
Grouping of virtual machine scale set update stages.
The stage of the virtual machine scale set update allowing to configure accelerated networking.
The stage of a virtual machine scale set update allowing to set specifies additional capabilities enabled or disabled on the Virtual Machines in the Virtual Machine Scale Set.
The stage of the virtual machine scale set update allowing to configure application gateway.
The stage of the virtual machine scale set update allowing to configure application security group.
The stage of a virtual machine scale set update containing inputs for the resource to be updated.
The stage of the virtual machine scale set update allowing to specify availability zone.
The stage of the virtual machine scale set update allowing to specify billing profile.
The stage of the virtual machine scale set definition allowing to enable boot diagnostics.
The stage of a virtual machine scale set definition allowing to specify the number of virtual machines in the scale set.
The stage of the virtual machine scale set definition allowing to specify the custom data.
The stage of the virtual machine definition allowing to specify extensions.
The stage of the virtual machine scale set update allowing to configure ip forwarding.
The stage of a virtual machine scale set update allowing to specify managed data disks.
The stage of the virtual machine scale set update allowing to configure network security group.
The stage of a virtual machine scale set update allowing to remove the public and internal load balancer from the primary network interface configuration.
The stage of a virtual machine scale set update allowing to remove the association between the primary network interface configuration and a backend of a load balancer.
A stage of the virtual machine scale set update allowing to remove the associations between the primary network interface configuration and the specified inbound NAT pools of the load balancer.
The stage of a virtual machine scale set update allowing to specify an internal load balancer for the primary network interface of the scale set virtual machines.
The stage of a virtual machine scale set update allowing to associate backend pools and/or inbound NAT pools of the selected internal load balancer with the primary network interface of the scale set virtual machines.
The stage of a virtual machine scale set update allowing to associate inbound NAT pools of the selected internal load balancer with the primary network interface of the virtual machines in the scale set.
The stage of a virtual machine scale set update allowing to associate a backend pool and/or inbound NAT pool of the selected Internet-facing load balancer with the primary network interface of the virtual machines in the scale set.
The stage of a virtual machine scale set update allowing to associate an inbound NAT pool of the selected Internet-facing load balancer with the primary network interface of the virtual machines in the scale set.
The stage of a virtual machine scale set update allowing to specify load balancers for the primary network interface of the scale set virtual machines.
The stage of the virtual machine definition allowing to specify extensions.
The stage of the virtual machine scale set update allowing to configure single placement group.
The stage of a virtual machine scale set update allowing to change the SKU for the virtual machines in the scale set.
The stage of the System Assigned (Local) Managed Service Identity enabled virtual machine scale set allowing to set access for the identity.
The stage of the virtual machine scale set update allowing to enable System Assigned (Local) Managed Service Identity.
The stage of the virtual machine scale set definition allowing to specify unmanaged data disk.
The stage of the virtual machine update allowing to add or remove User Assigned (External) Managed Service Identities.
The stage of the virtual machine scale set update allowing to enable public ip for vm instances.
Describes a virtual machine scale set data disk.
An immutable client-side representation of an extension associated with virtual machines in a scale set.
The entirety of a virtual machine scale set extension definition as a part of a parent definition.
Grouping of virtual machine scale set extension definition stages as a part of parent virtual machine scale set definition.
The first stage of a virtual machine scale set extension definition.
The final stage of a virtual machine scale set extension definition.
The stage of a virtual machine scale set extension definition allowing to enable or disable auto upgrade of the extension when when a new minor version of virtual machine scale set extension image gets published.
The stage of a virtual machines scale set extension definition allowing to specify an extension image or specify name of the virtual machine scale set extension publisher.
The stage of a virtual machine scale set extension definition allowing to specify the publisher of the extension image this extension is based on.
The stage of a virtual machine scale set extension definition allowing to specify the public and private settings.
The stage of a virtual machine scale set extension definition allowing to specify the type of the virtual machine scale set extension image this extension is based on.
The stage of a virtual machine scale set extension definition allowing to specify the type of the virtual machine scale set extension version this extension is based on.
The entirety of virtual machine scale set extension update as a part of parent virtual machine scale set update.
The entirety of a virtual machine scale set extension definition as a part of parent update.
Grouping of virtual machine scale set extension definition stages as part of parent virtual machine scale set update.
The first stage of a virtual machine scale set extension definition.
The final stage of the virtual machine scale set extension definition.
The stage of a virtual machine scale set extension definition allowing to enable or disable auto upgrade of the extension when when a new minor version of virtual machine scale set extension image gets published.
The stage of a virtual machine scale set extension allowing to specify an extension image or the name of the virtual machine extension publisher.
The stage of a virtual machine scale set extension definition allowing to specify the publisher of the virtual machine scale set extension image this extension is based on.
The stage of a virtual machine scale set extension definition allowing to specify the public and private settings.
The stage of a virtual machine scale set extension definition allowing to specify the type of the virtual machine scale set extension image this extension is based on.
The stage of a virtual machine scale set extension definition allowing to specify the type of the virtual machine scale set extension version this extension is based on.
Grouping of virtual machine extension update stages.
The stage of a virtual machine scale set extension update allowing to enable or disable auto upgrade of the extension when when a new minor version of virtual machine scale set extension image gets published.
The stage of a virtual machine scale set extension update allowing to add or update public and private settings.
Describes a virtual machine scale set extension profile.
Describes a Virtual Machine Scale Set Extension.
Identity for the virtual machine scale set.
The VirtualMachineScaleSetIdentityUserAssignedIdentitiesValue model.
Instance view statuses summary for virtual machines of a virtual machine scale set.
Describes a virtual machine scale set network profile's IP configuration.
Contains the IP tag associated with the public IP address.
Describes the parameters of a ScaleSet managed disk.
Describes a virtual machine scale set network profile's network configurations.
Describes a virtual machines scale sets network configuration's DNS settings.
Virtual machine scale set network interface.
Entry point to virtual machine scale set network interface management API.
Describes a virtual machine scale set network profile.
An IP configuration in a network interface associated with a virtual machine scale set.
Describes a virtual machine scale set operating system disk.
Describes a virtual machine scale set OS profile.
Describes a virtual machines scale set IP Configuration's PublicIPAddress configuration.
Describes a virtual machines scale sets network configuration's DNS settings.
Describes a Virtual Machine Scale Set VM Reimage Parameters.
Entry point to virtual machine scale set management API.
Defines values for VirtualMachineScaleSetScaleInRules.
A type representing a SKU available for virtual machines in a scale set.
Describes scaling information of a sku.
Defines values for VirtualMachineScaleSetSkuScaleType.
Scale set virtual machine SKU types.
Describes a virtual machine scale set storage profile.
Describes definition and update stages of unmanaged data disk of a scale set.
Grouping of unmanaged data disk definition stages applicable as part of a virtual machine scale set creation.
The first stage of a unmanaged data disk definition.
The final stage of the unmanaged data disk definition.
The stage of the unmanaged data disk definition allowing to choose the source.
The stage that allows configure the unmanaged disk based on an image.
The stage that allows configure the unmanaged disk based on new VHD.
The entirety of a unmanaged data disk of a virtual machine scale set definition.
The entirety of a unmanaged data disk of a virtual machine scale set definition.
The entirety of a unmanaged data disk update as part of a virtual machine scale set update.
The entirety of a unmanaged data disk of a virtual machine scale set definition.
Grouping of unamanged data disk definition stages applicable as part of a virtual machine scale set update.
The first stage of a unmanaged data disk definition.
The final stage of the unmanaged data disk definition.
The stage of the unmanaged data disk definition allowing to choose the source.
The stage that allows configure the unmanaged disk based on new VHD.
Grouping of unmanaged data disk update stages.
The stage of the unmanaged data disk update allowing to set the disk caching type.
The stage of the unmanaged data disk update allowing to set the disk LUN.
The stage of the unmanaged data disk update allowing to set the disk size.
Describes a Virtual Machine Scale Set.
Describes a virtual machine scale set network profile's IP configuration.
Describes a virtual machine scale set network profile's network configurations.
Describes a virtual machine scale set network profile.
Describes virtual machine scale set operating system disk Update Object.
Describes a virtual machine scale set OS profile.
Describes a virtual machines scale set IP Configuration's PublicIPAddress configuration.
Describes a virtual machine scale set storage profile.
Describes a virtual machine scale set virtual machine profile.
An immutable client-side representation of a virtual machine instance in an Azure virtual machine scale set.
The template for an update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Extensions summary for virtual machines of a virtual machine scale set.
Describes a VMSS VM Extension.
An immutable client-side representation of an extension associated with virtual machine instance in a scale set.
Specifies a list of virtual machine instance IDs from the VM scale set.
Specifies a list of virtual machine instance IDs from the VM scale set.
Describes a virtual machine scale set VM network profile.
Describes a virtual machine scale set virtual machine profile.
The protection policy of a virtual machine scale set VM.
Describes a Virtual Machine Scale Set VM Reimage Parameters.
Entry point to virtual machine scale set instance management API.
A type representing virtual machine size available for a subscription in a region.
Entry point to virtual machine sizes API.
Defines values for VirtualMachineSizeTypes.
Represents a virtual machine image SKU.
Entry point to virtual machine image offer SKUs.
Describes the properties of a Virtual Machine software patch.
The status code and count of the virtual machine scale set instance view status summary.
A native data disk of a virtual machine.
Grouping of data disk definition stages applicable as part of a virtual machine creation.
The first stage of a data disk definition.
The final stage of the data disk definition.
The stage of the data disk definition allowing to choose the source.
The stage that allows configure the disk based on an image.
The stage that allows configure the disk based on new VHD.
The stage that allows configure the disk based on existing VHD.
The entirety of a unmanaged data disk of a virtual machine scale set definition.
The entirety of a unmanaged data disk of a virtual machine scale set definition.
The entirety of a unmanaged data disk of a virtual machine scale set definition.
The entirety of a data disk update as part of a virtual machine update.
Grouping of data disk definition stages applicable as part of a virtual machine update.
The first stage of a data disk definition.
The final stage of the data disk definition.
The stage of the data disk definition allowing to choose the source.
The stage that allows configure the disk based on new VHD.
The stage that allows configure the disk based on existing VHD.
The entirety of a unmanaged data disk of a virtual machine scale set update.
The entirety of a unmanaged data disk of a virtual machine scale set update.
Grouping of data disk update stages.
The stage of the virtual machine data disk update allowing to set the disk caching type.
The stage of the virtual machine data disk update allowing to set the disk LUN.
The stage of the virtual machine data disk update allowing to set the disk size.
Describes a Virtual Machine Update.
Bgp Communities sent over ExpressRoute with each route corresponding to a prefix in this VNET.
A reference to VirtualNetworkGateway or LocalNetworkGateway resource.
Entry point for Virtual Network Gateway management API in Azure.
The entirety of the virtual network gateway definition.
Grouping of virtual network gateway definition stages.
The first stage of a virtual network gateway definition.
The stage of definition allowing to specify virtual network gateway's BGP speaker settings.
The stage of the virtual network gateway definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
The stage of virtual network gateway definition allowing to specify virtual network gateway type.
The stage of the virtual network gateway definition allowing to specify the resource group.
The stage of the virtual network gateway definition allowing to specify the virtual network.
The stage of virtual network gateway definition allowing to specify public IP address for IP configuration.
The stage of virtual network gateway definition allowing to specify SKU.
The template for a virtual network gateway update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of virtual network gateway update stages.
The stage of update allowing to specify virtual network gateway's BGP speaker settings.
The stage of update allowing to specify virtual network gateway's point-to-site configuration.
The stage of virtual network gateway update allowing to change SKU.
Client-side representation of Virtual Network Gateway Connection object, associated with Virtual Network Gateway.
The entirety of the virtual network gateway connection definition.
Grouping of virtual network gateway connection definition stages.
The first stage of virtual network gateway connection definition.
Stage of definition allowing to add authorization for the connection.
Stage of definition allowing to enable BGP for the connection.
Stage of definition allowing to specify connection type.
The stage of a virtual network gateway connection definition with sufficient inputs to create a new connection in the cloud, but exposing additional optional settings to specify.
Stage of definition allowing to specify local network gateway to connect to.
Stage of definition allowing to specify virtual network gateway to connect to.
Stage of definition allowing to specify shared key for the connection.
Grouping of virtual network gateway connection update stages.
Grouping of virtual network gateway connection update stages.
Stage of virtual network gateway connection update allowing to add authorization for the connection.
Stage of virtual network gateway connection update allowing to enable or disable BGP for the connection.
Stage of virtual network gateway connection update allowing to specify shared key for the connection.
Defines values for VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionProtocol.
Entry point for virtual network gateway connections management API in Azure.
Defines values for VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatus.
Defines values for VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionType.
A client-side representation of an virtual network gateway IP configuration.
The entirety of virtual network gateway IP configuration definition.
Grouping of virtual network gateway IP configuration definition stages.
The first stage of an virtual network gateway IP configuration definition.
The final stage of the virtual network gateway IP configuration definition.
The stage of virtual network gateway frontend definition allowing to specify an existing public IP address to make the virtual network gateway available at as Internet-facing.
The stage of virtual network gateway IP configuration definition allowing to specify the subnet the virtual network gateway is on.
The entirety of an application gateway IP configuration update as part of a virtual network gateway update.
The entirety of an application gateway IP configuration definition as part of a virtual network gateway update.
Grouping of application gateway IP configuration definition stages applicable as part of a virtual network gateway update.
The first stage of a virtual network gateway IP configuration definition.
The final stage of a virtual network gateway IP configuration definition.
Grouping of application gateway IP configuration update stages.
Entry point to virtual network gateways management API in Azure.
VirtualNetworkGatewaySku details.
Defines values for VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuName.
Defines values for VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTier.
Defines values for VirtualNetworkGatewayType.
Defines values for VirtualNetworkPeeringState.
Specification for using a Virtual Network.
Virtual Network ACL Rule object.
A rule governing the accesibility of a vault from a specific virtual network.
Virtual Network rule.
Defines values for VirtualNetworkRuleState.
Usage strings container.
Collection of SecurityProviders.
Defines values for VirtualWanSecurityProviderType.
Virtual Wan Vpn profile parameters Vpn profile generation.
Describes a Virtual Machine.
Defines values for VmDiskTypes.
The configuration for virtual machine extensions.
Defines values for VMGuestPatchClassificationLinux.
Defines values for VMGuestPatchClassificationWindows.
Defines values for VMGuestPatchRebootBehavior.
Defines values for VMGuestPatchRebootSetting.
Defines values for VMGuestPatchRebootStatus.
Defines values for VmPriority.
The VMScaleSetConvertToSinglePlacementGroupInput model.
The required set of inputs to validate a VNET.
A class that describes a test that failed during NSG and UDR validation.
A voice receiver.
Represents an index-able model, when used as return type of a method, it indicates invocation of the method may cause side-effect but does not produce a value.
The properties of the volume.
The properties of the volume mount.
Defines values for VpnAuthenticationType.
VpnClientConfiguration for P2S client.
VpnClientConnectionHealth properties.
VPN client connection health detail.
Vpn Client Parameters for package generation.
Defines values for VpnClientProtocol.
VPN client revoked certificate of virtual network gateway.
VPN client root certificate of virtual network gateway.
Defines values for VpnConnectionStatus.
Vpn device configuration script generation parameters.
Defines values for VpnGatewayGeneration.
Defines values for VpnGatewayTunnelingProtocol.
BGP settings details for a link.
List of properties of a link provider.
Start packet capture parameters on virtual network gateway.
Stop packet capture parameters.
Properties of the Radius client root certificate of VpnServerConfiguration.
Properties of Radius Server root certificate of VpnServerConfiguration.
Properties of the revoked VPN client certificate of VpnServerConfiguration.
Properties of VPN client root certificate of VpnServerConfiguration.
VpnSite Resource.
Defines values for VpnType.
Defines values for VulnerabilityAssessmentPolicyBaselineName.
Properties of a Vulnerability Assessment recurring scans.
Properties of a vulnerability assessment scan error.
Defines values for VulnerabilityAssessmentScanState.
Defines values for VulnerabilityAssessmentScanTriggerType.
Defines values for WafAction.
Defines values for WafGranularity.
Defines values for WafMetric.
The WafMetricsResponseSeriesItem model.
The WafMetricsResponseSeriesItemDataItem model.
The WafMetricsResponseSeriesItemGroupsItem model.
Defines values for WafRankingGroupBy.
The WafRankingsResponseDataItem model.
The WafRankingsResponseDataItemMetricsItem model.
Defines values for WafRankingType.
Defines values for WafRuleType.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure Web App.
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
Grouping of all the web app definition stages.
The first stage of the web app definition.
A web app definition allowing resource group to be specified when a new app service plan is to be created.
A web app definition allowing resource group to be specified when a new app service plan is to be created.
A web app definition allowing resource group to be specified when an existing app service plan is used.
A site definition with sufficient inputs to create a new web app / deployments slot in the cloud, but exposing additional optional inputs to specify.
A web app definition allowing docker registry credentials to be set.
A web app definition allowing docker image source to be specified.
A web app definition allowing app service plan to be set.
A web app definition allowing docker startup command to be specified.
A web app definition allowing runtime stack on Windows operating system to be specified.
The template for a web app update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of all the web app update stages.
A web app update allowing app service plan to be set.
A web app update allowing docker hub credentials to be set.
A web app update allowing docker image source to be specified.
A web app update allowing docker startup command to be specified.
A web app update allowing runtime stack on Windows operating system to be specified.
A web app authentication configuration in a web app.
The entirety of a web app authentication definition.
Grouping of web app authentication definition stages applicable as part of a web app creation.
The first stage of a web app authentication definition as part of a definition of a web app.
The final stage of the web app authentication definition.
A web app authentication definition allowing detailed provider information to be specified.
A web app authentication definition allowing the default authentication provider to be set.
A web app authentication definition allowing branch to be specified.
A web app authentication definition allowing token store to be specified.
The entirety of a web app authentication definition as part of a web app update.
Grouping of web app authentication definition stages applicable as part of a web app update.
The first stage of a web app authentication definition as part of a definition of a web app.
The final stage of the web app authentication definition.
A web app authentication definition allowing detailed provider information to be specified.
A web app authentication definition allowing the default authentication provider to be set.
A web app authentication definition allowing branch to be specified.
A web app authentication definition allowing token store to be specified.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure Web App or deployment slot.
The entirety of the web app base definition.
Grouping of all the site definition stages.
A web app definition stage allowing app settings to be set.
A web app definition stage allowing authentication to be set.
A web app definition stage allowing setting if client affinity is enabled.
A web app definition stage allowing setting if client cert is enabled.
A web app definition stage allowing connection strings to be set.
A site definition with sufficient inputs to create a new web app / deployments slot in the cloud, but exposing additional optional inputs to specify.
A web app definition stage allowing diagnostic logging to be set.
A web app definition stage allowing host name binding to be specified.
A web app definition stage allowing SSL binding to be set.
A web app definition stage allowing System Assigned Managed Service Identity to be set.
A web app definition stage allowing setting if SCM site is also stopped when the web app is stopped.
A web app definition stage allowing other configurations to be set.
A web app definition stage allowing disabling the web app upon creation.
A web app definition stage allowing source control to be set.
The stage of the System Assigned (Local) Managed Service Identity enabled web app allowing to set access role for the identity.
The stage of the web app update allowing to add User Assigned (External) Managed Service Identities.
A web app definition stage allowing Java web container to be set.
The template for a site update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of all the web app update stages.
A web app update stage allowing app settings to be set.
A web app definition stage allowing authentication to be set.
The stage of the web app update allowing setting if client affinity is enabled.
The stage of the web app update allowing setting if client cert is enabled.
A web app update stage allowing connection strings to be set.
A web app definition stage allowing diagnostic logging to be set.
The stage of the web app update allowing host name binding to be set.
The stage of the web app update allowing SSL binding to be set.
A web app definition stage allowing System Assigned Managed Service Identity to be set.
The stage of the web app update allowing setting if SCM site is also stopped when the web app is stopped.
The stage of the web app update allowing other configurations to be set.
The stage of the web app update allowing disabling the web app upon creation.
A web app update stage allowing source control to be set.
The stage of the System Assigned (Local) Managed Service Identity enabled web app allowing to set access role for the identity.
The stage of the web app update allowing to add User Assigned (External) Managed Service Identities.
The stage of the web app update allowing Java web container to be set.
A web app diagnostic log configuration in a web app.
The entirety of a web app diagnostic log definition.
Grouping of web app diagnostic log definition stages applicable as part of a web app creation.
The first stage of a web app diagnostic log definition as part of a definition of a web app.
A web app diagnostic log definition allowing application log level to be specified.
The final stage of the web app diagnostic log definition.
The final stage of the web app diagnostic log definition, plus extra settings for application logs stored in a Storage blob.
The final stage of the web app diagnostic log definition, plus extra settings for web server logs stored in the file system.
The final stage of the web app diagnostic log definition, plus extra settings for web server logs stored in a Storage blob.
A web app diagnostic log definition allowing detailed error messages to be specified.
A web app diagnostic log definition allowing the log source to be set.
A web app diagnostic log definition allowing failed request tracing to be specified.
A web app diagnostic log definition allowing web server file system logging quota to be specified.
A web app diagnostic log definition allowing retention days to be specified.
A web app diagnostic log definition allowing application log storage location to be specified.
A web app diagnostic log definition allowing web server log storage location to be specified.
The entirety of a web app diagnostic log definition as part of a web app update.
Grouping of web app diagnostic log update stages applicable as part of a web app update.
The first stage of a web app diagnostic log update as part of a update of a web app.
The final stage of the web app diagnostic log update.
A web app diagnostic log update allowing application log level to be specified.
The final stage of the web app diagnostic log update, plus extra settings for application logs stored in a Storage blob.
The final stage of the web app diagnostic log update, plus extra settings for web server logs stored in the file system.
The final stage of the web app diagnostic log update, plus extra settings for web server logs stored in a Storage blob.
A web app diagnostic log update allowing detailed error messages to be specified.
A web app diagnostic log update allowing the log source to be set.
A web app diagnostic log update allowing failed request tracing to be specified.
A web app diagnostic log update allowing application log storage location to be specified.
A web app diagnostic log update allowing web server file system logging quota to be specified.
A web app diagnostic log update allowing retention days to be specified.
A web app diagnostic log update allowing application log storage location to be specified.
A web app diagnostic log update allowing web server log storage location to be specified.
Defines values for WebApplicationFirewallAction.
Defines contents of a web application rule.
Defines values for WebApplicationFirewallEnabledState.
Defines values for WebApplicationFirewallMatchVariable.
Defines values for WebApplicationFirewallMode.
Defines values for WebApplicationFirewallOperator.
Defines values for WebApplicationFirewallPolicyResourceState.
Defines values for WebApplicationFirewallRuleType.
Defines values for WebApplicationFirewallTransform.
Defines web app runtime stack on Windows operating system.
Entry point for web app management API.
An immutable representation of a web app source control configuration in a web app.
The entirety of a web app source control definition.
Grouping of web app source control definition stages applicable as part of a web app creation.
The first stage of a web app source control definition as part of a definition of a web app.
The final stage of the web app source control definition that binds to a GitHub account.
The final stage of the web app source control definition.
A web app source control definition allowing branch to be specified.
A web app source control definition allowing GitHub access token to be specified.
A web app source control definition allowing branch to be specified.
A web app source control definition allowing repository type to be specified.
The entirety of a web app source control definition as part of a web app update.
Grouping of web app source control definition stages applicable as part of a web app update.
The first stage of a web app source control definition as part of an update of a web app.
The final stage of the web app source control definition that binds to a GitHub account.
The final stage of the web app source control definition.
A web app source control definition allowing branch to be specified.
A web app source control definition allowing GitHub access token to be specified.
A web app source control definition allowing branch to be specified.
A web app source control definition allowing repository type to be specified.
Defines values for Java web container.
A client-side representation allowing user to deploy to a web app through web deployment (MSDeploy).
The entirety of web deployment parameters definition.
Grouping of web deployment definition stages.
A web deployment definition stage allowing adding more packages.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
A web deployment definition stage allowing specifying whether to delete existing deployments.
The first stage of a web deployment definition.
A web deployment definition stage allowing specifying parameters.
An object that represents a webhook for a container registry.
Grouping of webhook definition stages.
The first stage of the webhook definition.
The final stage of the webhook definition.
The stage of the webhook definition allowing to specify the custom headers that will be added to the notifications.
The stage of the webhook definition allowing to specify the default status of the webhook after being created.
The stage of the webhook definition allowing to specify the scope of repositories where the event can be triggered.
The stage of the webhook definition allowing to specify the service URI for post notifications.
The stage of the webhook definition allowing to specify the actions that will trigger the webhook notifications.
The entirety of a webhook update.
Grouping of the container registry's webhook update definition.
Grouping of webhook update definition stages.
The first stage of the webhook definition.
The final stage of the webhook definition.
The stage of the webhook definition allowing to specify the custom headers that will be added to the notifications.
The stage of the webhook definition allowing to specify the default status of the webhook after being created.
The stage of the webhook definition allowing to specify the scope of repositories where the event can be triggered.
The stage of the webhook definition allowing to specify the service URI for post notifications.
The stage of the webhook definition allowing to specify the tags.
The stage of the webhook definition allowing to specify the actions that will trigger the webhook notifications.
The entirety of a webhook resource update as part of a container registry update.
Grouping of webhook update stages applicable as part of a container registry update.
The first stage of the webhook definition.
The final stage of the webhook definition.
The stage of the webhook definition allowing to specify the custom headers that will be added to the notifications.
The stage of the webhook definition allowing to specify the default status of the webhook after being created.
The stage of the webhook definition allowing to specify the tags.
The stage of the webhook definition allowing to specify the scope of repositories where the event can be triggered.
The stage of the webhook definition allowing to specify the service URI for post notifications.
Grouping of webhook update stages.
The stage of the webhook definition allowing to specify the custom headers that will be added to the notifications.
The stage of the webhook definition allowing to specify the default status of the webhook after being created.
The stage of the webhook definition allowing to specify the scope of repositories where the event can be triggered.
The stage of the webhook definition allowing to specify the service URI for post notifications.
Grouping of the container register webhook definitions.
Defines values for WebhookAction.
The parameters for creating a webhook.
Response containing the primary and secondary admin API keys for a given Azure Search service.
Webhook notification of an autoscale event.
Grouping of container registry webhook actions.
A webhook receiver.
Defines values for WebhookStatus.
The parameters for updating a webhook.
Defines values for WebJobType.
Information about a single resource change predicted by What-If operation.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure deployment What-if operation result.
The predicted change to the resource property.
Defines values for WhatIfResultFormat.
Windows operating system settings to apply to the virtual machine.
Specifies Windows operating system settings on the virtual machine.
Input for InstallPatches on a Windows VM, as directly received by the API.
Properties used to create a user account on a Windows node.
Type representing encryption configuration to be applied to a Windows virtual machine.
Defines values for WindowsVMGuestPatchMode.
Describes Windows Remote Management configuration of the VM.
Describes Protocol and thumbprint of Windows Remote Management listener.
Worker pool of an App Service Environment.
Defines values for WorkerSizeOptions.
Workspace creation parameters.
Information about a Log Analytics Workspace.
Additional parameters for listByResourceGroup operation.
Additional parameters for list operation.
Workspace update parameters.
Defines values for ZoneType.
Describes a request to update a DNS zone.