Interface BatchAICluster.DefinitionStages.WithVirtualMachineImage

All Known Subinterfaces:
BatchAICluster.Definition, BatchAICluster.DefinitionStages.WithCreate
Enclosing interface:

@Beta(V1_8_0) public static interface BatchAICluster.DefinitionStages.WithVirtualMachineImage
Specifies virtual machine image.
  • Method Details

    • withVirtualMachineImage

      BatchAICluster.DefinitionStages.WithCreate withVirtualMachineImage(String publisher, String offer, String sku, String version)
      Specifies virtual machine image.
      publisher - publisher of the image
      offer - offer of the image
      sku - sku of the image
      version - version of the image
      the next stage of the definition
    • withVirtualMachineImage

      BatchAICluster.DefinitionStages.WithCreate withVirtualMachineImage(String publisher, String offer, String sku)
      Specifies virtual machine image.
      publisher - publisher of the image
      offer - offer of the image
      sku - sku of the image
      the next stage of the definition
    • withVirtualMachineImageId

      BatchAICluster.DefinitionStages.WithCreate withVirtualMachineImageId(String virtualMachineImageId, String publisher, String offer, String sku)
      Computes nodes of the cluster will be created using this custom image. This is of the form /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroup}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/images/{imageName}. The virtual machine image must be in the same region and subscription as the cluster. For information about the firewall settings for the Batch node agent to communicate with the Batch service see Note, you need to provide publisher, offer and sku of the base OS image of which the custom image has been derived from.
      virtualMachineImageId - the ARM resource identifier of the virtual machine image
      publisher - publisher of the image
      offer - offer of the image
      sku - sku of the image
      the next stage of the definition