Interface NetworkPeerings

All Superinterfaces:
HasInner<>, HasManager<>, SupportsBatchCreation<NetworkPeering>, SupportsCreating<NetworkPeering.DefinitionStages.Blank>, SupportsDeletingById, SupportsDeletingByParent, SupportsGettingById<NetworkPeering>, SupportsListing<NetworkPeering>

@Beta(V1_3_0) public interface NetworkPeerings extends SupportsCreating<NetworkPeering.DefinitionStages.Blank>, SupportsDeletingById, SupportsGettingById<NetworkPeering>, SupportsBatchCreation<NetworkPeering>, SupportsDeletingByParent, SupportsListing<NetworkPeering>, HasManager<>, HasInner<>
Entry point to network peering management API.
  • Method Details

    • getByRemoteNetwork

      NetworkPeering getByRemoteNetwork(Network network)
      Finds the peering, if any, that is associated with the specified network.

      (Note that this makes a separate call to Azure.)

      network - an existing network
      a network peering, or null if none exists
    • getByRemoteNetwork

      NetworkPeering getByRemoteNetwork(String remoteNetworkResourceId)
      Finds the peering, if any, that is associated with the specified network.

      (Note that this makes a separate call to Azure.)

      remoteNetworkResourceId - the resource ID of an existing network
      a network peering, or null if none exists
    • getByRemoteNetworkAsync

      rx.Observable<NetworkPeering> getByRemoteNetworkAsync(Network network)
      Asynchronously finds the peering, if any, that is associated with the specified network.

      (Note that this makes a separate call to Azure.)

      network - an existing network
      a representation of the future computation of this call, evaluating to null if no such peering is found
    • getByRemoteNetworkAsync

      rx.Observable<NetworkPeering> getByRemoteNetworkAsync(String remoteNetworkResourceId)
      Asynchronously finds the peering, if any, that is associated with the specified network.

      (Note that this makes a separate call to Azure.)

      remoteNetworkResourceId - the resource ID of an existing network
      a representation of the future computation of this call, evaluating to null if no such peering is found