Interface Network

All Superinterfaces:
GroupableResource<,>, HasId, HasInner<>, HasManager<>, HasName, HasResourceGroup, Indexable, Refreshable<Network>, Resource, Updatable<Network.Update>, UpdatableWithTags<Network>

public interface Network extends GroupableResource<,>, Refreshable<Network>, Updatable<Network.Update>, UpdatableWithTags<Network>
Entry point for Virtual Network management API in Azure.
  • Method Details

    • isPrivateIPAddressAvailable

      @Beta(V1_3_0) boolean isPrivateIPAddressAvailable(String ipAddress)
      Checks if the specified private IP address is available in this network.
      ipAddress - an IP address from this network's address space
      true if the address is within this network's address space and is available
    • isPrivateIPAddressInNetwork

      @Beta(V1_3_0) boolean isPrivateIPAddressInNetwork(String ipAddress)
      Checks if the specified private IP address is within this network's address space.
      ipAddress - an IP address
      true if the specified IP address is within this network's address space, otherwise false
    • addressSpaces

      List<String> addressSpaces()
      list of address spaces associated with this virtual network, in the CIDR notation
    • dnsServerIPs

      List<String> dnsServerIPs()
      list of DNS server IP addresses associated with this virtual network
    • subnets

      Map<String,Subnet> subnets()
      subnets of this virtual network as a map indexed by subnet name

      Note that when a virtual network is created with no subnets explicitly defined, a default subnet is automatically created with the name "subnet1".

    • peerings

      @Beta(V1_3_0) NetworkPeerings peerings()
      entry point to managing virtual network peerings for this network
    • isDdosProtectionEnabled

      boolean isDdosProtectionEnabled()
      whether DDoS protection is enabled for all the protected resources in the virtual network. It requires a DDoS protection plan associated with the resource.
    • isVmProtectionEnabled

      boolean isVmProtectionEnabled()
      whether VM protection is enabled for all the subnets in the virtual network
    • ddosProtectionPlanId

      String ddosProtectionPlanId()
      the DDoS protection plan id associated with the virtual network