Interface Subnet

All Superinterfaces:
ChildResource<Network>, HasInner<>, HasName, HasParent<Network>, Indexable

public interface Subnet extends HasInner<>, ChildResource<Network>
A client-side representation of a subnet of a virtual network.
  • Method Details

    • getNetworkInterfaceIPConfigurations

      @Deprecated Set<NicIPConfiguration> getNetworkInterfaceIPConfigurations()
      network interface IP configurations that are associated with this subnet

      Note that this call may result in multiple calls to Azure to fetch all the referenced interfaces each time it is invoked.

    • listNetworkInterfaceIPConfigurations

      Collection<NicIPConfiguration> listNetworkInterfaceIPConfigurations()
      network interface IP configurations that are associated with this subnet

      Note that this call may result in multiple calls to Azure to fetch all the referenced interfaces each time it is invoked.

    • listAvailablePrivateIPAddresses

      @Beta(V1_3_0) Set<String> listAvailablePrivateIPAddresses()
      available private IP addresses within this network
    • networkInterfaceIPConfigurationCount

      int networkInterfaceIPConfigurationCount()
      number of network interface IP configurations associated with this subnet
    • addressPrefix

      String addressPrefix()
      the address space prefix, in CIDR notation, assigned to this subnet
    • getNetworkSecurityGroup

      NetworkSecurityGroup getNetworkSecurityGroup()
      the network security group associated with this subnet, if any

      Note that this method will result in a call to Azure each time it is invoked.

    • networkSecurityGroupId

      String networkSecurityGroupId()
      the resource ID of the network security group associated with this subnet, if any
    • getRouteTable

      RouteTable getRouteTable()
      the route table associated with this subnet, if any

      Note that this method will result in a call to Azure each time it is invoked.

    • routeTableId

      String routeTableId()
      the resource ID of the route table associated with this subnet, if any
    • servicesWithAccess

      @Beta(V1_6_0) Map<ServiceEndpointType,List<Region>> servicesWithAccess()
      the services that has access to the subnet.