Interface RegistryTaskRuns

@Beta(V1_17_0) public interface RegistryTaskRuns
An immutable client-side representation of collection of Azure registry task runs.
  • Method Details

    • scheduleRun

      The function that begins the steps to schedule a run.
      the next step in the execution of a run.
    • listByRegistryAsync

      rx.Observable<RegistryTaskRun> listByRegistryAsync(String rgName, String acrName)
      The function that lists the RegistryTaskRun instances in a registry asynchronously.
      rgName - the resource group of the parent registry.
      acrName - the name of the parent registry.
      the list of RegistryTaskRun instances.
    • listByRegistry<RegistryTaskRun> listByRegistry(String rgName, String acrName)
      The function that lists the RegistryTaskRun instances in a registry asynch.
      rgName - the resource group of the parent registry.
      acrName - the name of the parent registry.
      the list of RegistryTaskRun instances.
    • getLogSasUrlAsync

      rx.Observable<String> getLogSasUrlAsync(String rgName, String acrName, String runId)
      The function that returns the URI to the task run logs asynchronously.
      rgName - the resource group of the parent registry.
      acrName - the name of the parent registry.
      runId - the id of the task run.
      the URI to the task run logs.
    • getLogSasUrl

      String getLogSasUrl(String rgName, String acrName, String runId)
      The function that returns the URI to the task run logs.
      rgName - the resource group of the parent registry.
      acrName - the name of the parent registry.
      runId - the id of the task run.
      the URI to the task run logs.
    • cancelAsync

      rx.Completable cancelAsync(String rgName, String acrName, String runId)
      The function that cancels a task run asynchronously.
      rgName - the resource group of the parent registry.
      acrName - the name of the parent registry.
      runId - the id of the task run.
      handle to the request.
    • cancel

      void cancel(String rgName, String acrName, String runId)
      The function that cancels a task run.
      rgName - the resource group of the parent registry.
      acrName - the name of the parent registry.
      runId - the id of the task run.