Interface ServiceBusSubscription.DefinitionStages.WithMessageLockDuration

All Known Subinterfaces:
ServiceBusSubscription.Definition, ServiceBusSubscription.DefinitionStages.Blank, ServiceBusSubscription.DefinitionStages.WithCreate
Enclosing interface:

public static interface ServiceBusSubscription.DefinitionStages.WithMessageLockDuration
The stage of the subscription definition allowing to define duration for message lock.
  • Method Details

    • withMessageLockDurationInSeconds

      ServiceBusSubscription.DefinitionStages.WithCreate withMessageLockDurationInSeconds(int durationInSeconds)
      Specifies the amount of time that the message is locked for other receivers. Note: unless it is explicitly overridden the default lock duration is 60 seconds, the maximum allowed value is 300 seconds.
      durationInSeconds - duration of a lock in seconds
      the next stage of subscription definition