Interface NetworkWatcher

All Superinterfaces:
GroupableResource<,>, HasId, HasInner<>, HasManager<>, HasName, HasResourceGroup, Indexable, Refreshable<NetworkWatcher>, Resource, Updatable<NetworkWatcher.Update>, UpdatableWithTags<NetworkWatcher>

@Beta(V1_2_0) public interface NetworkWatcher extends GroupableResource<,>, Refreshable<NetworkWatcher>, Updatable<NetworkWatcher.Update>, UpdatableWithTags<NetworkWatcher>
Entry point for Network Watcher API in Azure.
  • Method Details

    • packetCaptures

      PacketCaptures packetCaptures()
      entry point to manage packet captures associated with network watcher
    • connectionMonitors

      @Beta(V1_10_0) ConnectionMonitors connectionMonitors()
      entry point to manage connection monitors associated with network watcher
    • topology

      First step specifying parameters to get topology of a resource group.
      current network topology by resource group
    • getSecurityGroupView

      SecurityGroupView getSecurityGroupView(String vmId)
      Gets the configured and effective security group rules on the specified VM.
      vmId - ID of the target VM
      the configured and effective security group rules on the specified VM
    • getSecurityGroupViewAsync

      rx.Observable<SecurityGroupView> getSecurityGroupViewAsync(String vmId)
      Gets the configured and effective security group rules on the specified VM asynchronously.
      vmId - ID of the target VM
      the configured and effective security group rules on the specified VM
    • getFlowLogSettings

      FlowLogSettings getFlowLogSettings(String nsgId)
      Gets the information on the configuration of flow log.
      nsgId - the name of the target resource group to get flow log status for
      information on the configuration of flow log
    • getFlowLogSettingsAsync

      rx.Observable<FlowLogSettings> getFlowLogSettingsAsync(String nsgId)
      Gets the information on the configuration of flow log asynchronously.
      nsgId - the name of the target resource group to get flow log status for
      information on the configuration of flow log
    • nextHop

      First step specifying the parameters to get next hop for the VM.
      a stage to specify parameters for next hop
    • verifyIPFlow

      Verify IP flow from the specified VM to a location given the currently configured NSG rules.
      a stage to specify parameters for ip flow verification
    • checkConnectivity

      Verifies the possibility of establishing a direct TCP connection from a virtual machine to a given endpoint including another virtual machine or an arbitrary remote server.
      a stage to specify parameters for connectivity check
    • troubleshoot

      Initiate troubleshooting on a specified resource (virtual network gateway or virtual network gateway connection).
      troubleshooting result information
    • availableProviders

      @Beta(V1_10_0) AvailableProviders.DefinitionStages.WithExecute availableProviders()
      Lists all available internet service providers for a specified Azure region.
      a stage to specify parameters for internet providers list
    • azureReachabilityReport

      @Beta(V1_10_0) AzureReachabilityReport.DefinitionStages.WithProviderLocation azureReachabilityReport()
      Gets the relative latency score for internet service providers from a specified location to Azure regions.
      a stage to specify parameters for internet providers list