Interface SearchService

All Superinterfaces:
GroupableResource<,>, HasId, HasInner<>, HasManager<>, HasName, HasResourceGroup, Indexable, Refreshable<SearchService>, Resource, Updatable<SearchService.Update>

@Beta(V1_2_0) public interface SearchService extends GroupableResource<,>, Refreshable<SearchService>, Updatable<SearchService.Update>
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure registry.
  • Method Details

    • hostingMode

      HostingMode hostingMode()
      The hosting mode value.

      Applicable only for the standard3 SKU. You can set this property to enable up to 3 high density partitions that allow up to 1000 indexes, which is much higher than the maximum indexes allowed for any other SKU. For the standard3 SKU, the value is either 'default' or 'highDensity'. For all other SKUs, this value must be 'default'.

      the hosting mode value.
    • partitionCount

      int partitionCount()
      the number of partitions used by the service
    • provisioningState

      ProvisioningState provisioningState()
      The state of the last provisioning operation performed on the Search service.

      Provisioning is an intermediate state that occurs while service capacity is being established. After capacity is set up, provisioningState changes to either 'succeeded' or 'failed'. Client applications can poll provisioning status (the recommended polling interval is from 30 seconds to one minute) by using the Get Search Service operation to see when an operation is completed. If you are using the free service, this value tends to come back as 'succeeded' directly in the call to Create Search service. This is because the free service uses capacity that is already set up.

      the provisioning state of the resource
    • replicaCount

      int replicaCount()
      the number of replicas used by the service
    • sku

      Sku sku()
      the SKU type of the service
    • status

      The status of the Search service.

      Possible values include: 'running': the Search service is running and no provisioning operations are underway. 'provisioning': the Search service is being provisioned or scaled up or down. 'deleting': the Search service is being deleted. 'degraded': the Search service is degraded. This can occur when the underlying search units are not healthy. The Search service is most likely operational, but performance might be slow and some requests might be dropped. 'disabled': the Search service is disabled. In this state, the service will reject all API requests. 'error': the Search service is in an error state. If your service is in the degraded, disabled, or error states, it means the Azure Search team is actively investigating the underlying issue. Dedicated services in these states are still chargeable based on the number of search units provisioned.

      the status of the service
    • statusDetails

      String statusDetails()
      the details of the status.
    • getAdminKeys

      AdminKeys getAdminKeys()
      The primary and secondary admin API keys for the specified Azure Search service.
      the AdminKeys object if successful
      IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation - thrown if the request is rejected by server
      RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
    • getAdminKeysAsync

      rx.Observable<AdminKeys> getAdminKeysAsync()
      The primary and secondary admin API keys for the specified Azure Search service.
      a representation of the future computation of this call
      IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
    • listQueryKeys

      List<QueryKey> listQueryKeys()
      Returns the list of query API keys for the given Azure Search service.
      the List<QueryKey> object if successful
      IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation - thrown if the request is rejected by server
      RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
    • listQueryKeysAsync

      rx.Observable<QueryKey> listQueryKeysAsync()
      Returns the list of query API keys for the given Azure Search service.
      the observable to the List<QueryKey> object
      IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
    • regenerateAdminKeys

      AdminKeys regenerateAdminKeys(AdminKeyKind keyKind)
      Regenerates either the primary or secondary admin API key.

      You can only regenerate one key at a time.

      keyKind - specifies which key to regenerate
      the AdminKeys object if successful
      IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation - thrown if the request is rejected by server
      RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
    • regenerateAdminKeysAsync

      rx.Observable<AdminKeys> regenerateAdminKeysAsync(AdminKeyKind keyKind)
      Regenerates either the primary or secondary admin API key. You can only regenerate one key at a time.
      keyKind - Specifies which key to regenerate
      a representation of the future computation of this call
      IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
    • createQueryKey

      QueryKey createQueryKey(String name)
      Regenerates either the primary or secondary admin API key.

      You can only regenerate one key at a time.

      name - The name of the new query API key.
      the <QueryKey> object if successful
      IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation - thrown if the request is rejected by server
      RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
    • createQueryKeyAsync

      rx.Observable<QueryKey> createQueryKeyAsync(String name)
      Regenerates either the primary or secondary admin API key.

      You can only regenerate one key at a time.

      name - The name of the new query API key.
      a representation of the future computation of this call
      IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
    • deleteQueryKey

      void deleteQueryKey(String key)
      Deletes the specified query key.

      Unlike admin keys, query keys are not regenerated. The process for regenerating a query key is to delete and then recreate it.

      key - The query key to be deleted. Query keys are identified by value, not by name.
      IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation - thrown if the request is rejected by server
      RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent
    • deleteQueryKeyAsync

      rx.Completable deleteQueryKeyAsync(String key)
      Deletes the specified query key.

      Unlike admin keys, query keys are not regenerated. The process for regenerating a query key is to delete and then recreate it.

      key - The query key to be deleted. Query keys are identified by value, not by name.
      a representation of the future computation of this call
      IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation