Interface ApplicationSecurityGroup

All Superinterfaces:
GroupableResource<,>, HasId, HasInner<>, HasManager<>, HasName, HasResourceGroup, Indexable, Refreshable<ApplicationSecurityGroup>, Resource, Updatable<ApplicationSecurityGroup.Update>

@Beta(V1_10_0) public interface ApplicationSecurityGroup extends GroupableResource<,>, Refreshable<ApplicationSecurityGroup>, Updatable<ApplicationSecurityGroup.Update>
Application security group.
  • Method Details

    • resourceGuid

      String resourceGuid()
      the resource GUID property of the application security group resource. It uniquely identifies a resource, even if the user changes its name or migrate the resource across subscriptions or resource groups.
    • provisioningState

      ProvisioningState provisioningState()
      the provisioning state of the application security group resource