Interface MetricDynamicAlertCondition
- All Superinterfaces:
public interface MetricDynamicAlertCondition
extends HasInner<DynamicMetricCriteria>, HasParent<MetricAlert>
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure metric alert criteria.
Nested Class Summary
Nested ClassesModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptionstatic interface
Grouping of metric alerts condition definition stages.static interface
The entirety of a metric alert condition definition as a part of a parent metric alert update.static interface
Grouping of metric alert condition update stages. -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionGet the extent of deviation required to trigger an alert.Get the operator used to compare the metric value against the threshold.Get list of dimension conditions.Get the minimum number of violations required within the selected lookback time window required to raise an
Get the date from which to start learning the metric historical data and calculate the dynamic thresholds (in ISO8601 format).Get name of the metric signal.Get namespace of the
Get name of the criteria.Get the criteria time aggregation types.
Method Details
String name()Get name of the criteria.- Returns:
- the name value
String metricName()Get name of the metric signal.- Returns:
- the metricName value
String metricNamespace()Get namespace of the metric.- Returns:
- the metricNamespace value
DynamicThresholdOperator condition()Get the operator used to compare the metric value against the threshold.- Returns:
- the operator value
MetricAlertRuleTimeAggregation timeAggregation()Get the criteria time aggregation types. Possible values include: 'Average', 'Minimum', 'Maximum', 'Total'.- Returns:
- the timeAggregation value
DynamicThresholdSensitivity alertSensitivity()Get the extent of deviation required to trigger an alert. This will affect how tight the threshold is to the metric series pattern.- Returns:
- the threshold value
Collection<MetricDimension> dimensions()Get list of dimension conditions.- Returns:
- the dimensions value
DynamicThresholdFailingPeriods failingPeriods()Get the minimum number of violations required within the selected lookback time window required to raise an alert.- Returns:
- the failingPeriods value
org.joda.time.DateTime ignoreDataBefore()Get the date from which to start learning the metric historical data and calculate the dynamic thresholds (in ISO8601 format).- Returns:
- the ignoreDataBefore value