This package contains the classes for MonitorManagementClient.
Monitor Management Client.
ClassDescriptionAction descriptor.An immutable client-side representation of an Azure Action Group.ActionGroup.ActionDefinition<ParentT>Receivers action definition allowing to set each receiver's configuration.The entirety of a Action Group definition.Grouping of Action Group definition stages.The first stage of a Action Group definition allowing the resource group to be specified.The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.The template for an update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.Grouping of Action Group update stages.The stage of update which contains all the top level fields and transition stages to receiver updates.Receivers action update stage allowing to set each receiver's configuration.An action group object for the body of patch operations.Entry point for Action Group management API.An immutable client-side representation of an Azure Activity Log Alert.The entirety of a activity log alerts definition.Grouping of activity log alerts definition stages.The first stage of a activity log alert definition.The stage of the definition which specifies actions that will be activated when the conditions are met in the activity log alert rules.The stage of the definition which specifies if the activity log alert should be enabled upon creation.The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.The stage of the definition which specifies condition that will cause this alert to activate.The stage of the definition which specifies description text for activity log alert.The stage of the definition which specifies target resource or subscription for activity log alert.The template for an update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.Grouping of activity log alerts update stages.The stage of a activity log alerts update allowing to modify settings.A pointer to an Azure Action Group.A list of activity log alert actions.An Activity Log alert condition that is met when all its member conditions are met.An Activity Log alert condition that is met by comparing an activity log field and value.An activity log alert object for the body of patch operations.Entry point for Activity Log Alert management API.Entry point for Monitor Activity logs API.The entirety of a Activity Logs query definition.Grouping of Activity log query stages.The stage of the Activity log query execution.The stage of the Activity log filtering by type and query execution.The stage of a Activity Log query allowing to specify end time filter.The stage of a Activity Log query allowing to specify data fields in the server response.The stage of a Activity Log query allowing to specify start time filter.Defines values for AggregationType.Specify action need to be taken when rule type is Alert.The alert rule object for patch operations.Entry point to Alert Rules management API.Defines values for AlertSeverity.An arm role receiver.The Azure Automation Runbook notification receiver.Autoscale notification.An immutable client-side representation of an Azure autoscale profile.The entirety of an autoscale profile definition.Grouping of autoscale profile definition stages.The first stage of autoscale profile definition.The final stage of the definition which attaches defined profile to the current Autoscale settings.The stage of the definition which adds scale rules.The stage of the definition which adds optional scale rules and schedules.The stage of the definition which specifies autoscale profile schedule.Grouping of autoscale profile update stages.The entirety of an autoscale profile definition during current autoscale settings update.Grouping of autoscale profile definition stages during current autoscale settings update stage.The first stage of autoscale profile definition.The final stage of the definition which attaches defined profile to the current Autoscale settings.The stage of the definition which adds scale rules.The stage of the definition which adds optional scale rules and schedules.The stage of the definition which specifies autoscale profile schedule.An immutable client-side representation of an Azure autoscale setting.The entirety of an autoscale setting definition.Grouping of autoscale setting definition stages.The first stage of autoscale setting definition.The stage of the definition which specifies autoscale notifications.The stage of the definition which specifies autoscale profile.The stage of the definition which specifies if the current autoscale setting should be disabled upon creation.The stage of the definition which selects target resource.The stage of the definition which allows autoscale setting creation.The stage of the definition which selects resource group.Grouping of autoscale setting update stages.Grouping of autoscale setting update stages.The stage of the update which adds or updates autoscale profiles in the current setting.The stage of the update which updates current autoscale setting.The autoscale setting object for patch operations.Entry point to autoscale management API in Azure.Azure action group.The Azure mobile App push notification receiver.An azure function receiver.Represents a baseline metadata value.Represents a baseline metadata value.Defines values for BaselineSensitivity.Defines values for CategoryType.Defines values for ComparisonOperationType.Defines values for ConditionalOperator.Defines values for ConditionOperator.Specifies the criteria for converting log to metric.Information about a container with data for a given resource.Defines values for DataStatus.Defines values for DayOfWeek.An immutable client-side representation of an Azure diagnostic settings.The entirety of a diagnostic settings definition.Grouping of diagnostic settings definition stages.The first stage of a diagnostic setting definition.The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.The stage of the definition which contains minimum required properties to be specified for Diagnostic Settings creation.The template for an update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.Grouping of diagnostic setting update stages.The stage of a Diagnostic Settings update allowing to modify EventHub settings.The stage of a Diagnostic Settings update allowing to modify Log Analytics settings.The stage of a Diagnostic Settings update allowing to modify Storage Account settings.Entry point for diagnostic settings management API.The Azure event log entries are of type DiagnosticSettingsCategory.Specifies the criteria for converting log to metric.Criterion for dynamic threshold.The minimum number of violations required within the selected lookback time window required to raise an alert.Defines values for DynamicThresholdOperator.Defines values for DynamicThresholdSensitivity.Email notification of an autoscale event.An email receiver.Defines values for Enabled.Describes a receiver that should be resubscribed.Error details.Describes the format of Error response.Exception thrown for an invalid response with ErrorResponse information.The Azure event log entries are of type EventData.Defines values for EventDataPropertyName.Defines values for EventLevel.The Http request info.An Itsm receiver.The localizable string class.A rule condition based on a certain number of locations failing.A logic app receiver.A log metrics trigger descriptor.The log profile resource for patch operations.The log search rule resource for patch operations.Part of MultiTenantDiagnosticSettings.Specify action need to be taken when rule type is converting log to metric.How the data that is collected should be combined over time.A management event rule condition.Represents a metric metadata value.The Azure metric entries are of type Metric.An immutable client-side representation of a Metric Alert.The entirety of a Metric Alert definition.Metric Alert definition for multiple resource.Grouping of metric alerts definition stages.The first stage of a Metric Alert definition.The stage of the definition which specifies actions that will be activated when the conditions are met in the metric alert rules.The stage of the definition which specifies actions that will be activated when the conditions are met in the metric alert rules.The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.The stage of the definition which specifies condition that will cause this alert to activate.The stage of the definition which specifies condition that will cause this alert to activate.The stage of the definition which specifies evaluation frequency for metric alert.The stage of the definition which specifies evaluation frequency for metric alert.The stage of the definition which specifies target resource for metric alert.The stage of the definition which specifies severity for metric alert.The stage of the definition which specifies severity for metric alert.The stage of the definition which specifies monitoring window for metric alert.The stage of the definition which specifies monitoring window for metric alert.The template for an update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.Grouping of metric alerts update stages.The stage of a metric alerts update allowing to modify settings.An alert action.An immutable client-side representation of an Azure metric dynamic alert criteria.Grouping of metric alerts condition definition stages.The first stage of a Metric Alert condition definition.The stage of the definition which specifies metric signal name.The stage of the definition which specifies metric alert additional filtering options.The stage of the definition which specifies metric alert condition.The entirety of a metric alert condition definition as a part of a parent metric alert update.The first stage of a Metric Alert condition definition.The stage of the definition which specifies metric signal name.The stage of the definition which specifies metric alert additional filtering options.The stage of the definition which specifies metric alert condition.Grouping of metric alert condition update stages.The rule criteria that defines the conditions of the alert rule.Specifies the metric alert criteria for multiple resource that has multiple metric criteria.The metric alert resource for patch operations.Defines values for MetricAlertRuleCondition.Defines values for MetricAlertRuleTimeAggregation.Entry point for Metric Alert management API.Specifies the metric alert criteria for a single resource that has multiple metric criteria.An alert status.An alert status properties.Metric availability specifies the time grain (aggregation interval or frequency) and the retention period for that time grain.The MetricCollection representing wrapper over ResponseInner type.Criterion to filter metrics.The Azure metric definition entries are of type MetricDefinition.The entirety of a Metrics query definition.Grouping of Metric query stages.The stage of a Metric query allowing to specify end time filter.The stage of a Metric query allowing to specify optional filters and execute the query.The stage of a Metric query allowing to specify start time filter.Entry point for Monitor Metric Definitions API.Specifies a metric dimension.An immutable client-side representation of an Azure metric alert criteria.Grouping of metric alerts condition definition stages.The first stage of a Metric Alert condition definition.The stage of the definition which specifies metric signal name.The stage of the definition which specifies metric alert additional filtering options.The stage of the definition which specifies metric alert condition.The stage of the definition which specifies metric alert condition.The entirety of a metric alert condition definition as a part of a parent metric alert update.The first stage of a Metric Alert condition definition.The stage of the definition which specifies metric signal name.The stage of the definition which specifies metric alert additional filtering options.The stage of the definition which specifies metric alert condition.The stage of the definition which specifies metric alert condition.Grouping of metric alert condition update stages.The fully qualified metric namespace name.Part of MultiTenantDiagnosticSettings.The metric dimension name and value.Defines values for MetricStatisticType.The trigger that results in a scaling action.Defines values for MetricTriggerType.Represents a metric value.The types of conditions for a multi resource alert.Defines values for OnboardingStatus.Display metadata associated with the operation.Defines values for ProvisioningState.A proxy only azure resource object.Defines values for QueryType.Defines values for ReceiverStatus.The repeating times at which this profile begins.Defines values for RecurrenceFrequency.The scheduling constraints for when the profile begins.An error response from the API.Exception thrown for an invalid response with ResponseWithError information.Defines values for ResultType.Specifies the retention policy for the log.The action that is performed when the alert rule becomes active, and when an alert condition is resolved.The condition that results in the alert rule being activated.The resource from which the rule collects its data.Specifies the action to send email when the rule condition is evaluated.The claims for a rule management event data source.A rule management event data source.A rule metric data source.Specifies the action to post to service when the rule condition is evaluated.The parameters for the scaling action.The number of instances that can be used during this profile.Defines values for ScaleDirection.An immutable client-side representation of an Azure autoscale profile scale rule.The entirety of an autoscale profile scale rule definition.Grouping of autoscale profile scale rule definition stages.The first stage of autoscale profile scale rule definition.The final stage of the definition which attaches defined scale rule to the current Autoscale profile.The stage of the definition which specifies metric alert condition.The stage of the definition which specifies metric name.The stage of the definition which specifies action to take when the metric alert will be triggered.The stage of the definition which specifies what kind of statistics should be used to calculate autoscale trigger action.The entirety of an autoscale profile scale rule definition during parent Autoscale Profile definition in Autoscale Settings update stage.Grouping of autoscale profile scale rule definition stages during definition of Autoscale Profile in the Autoscale update stage.The first stage of autoscale profile scale rule definition.The final stage of the definition which attaches defined scale rule to the current Autoscale profile.The stage of the definition which specifies metric alert condition.The stage of the definition which specifies metric name.The stage of the definition which specifies action to take when the metric alert will be triggered.The stage of the definition which specifies what kind of statistics should be used to calculate autoscale trigger action.Grouping of scale rule update stages.The entirety of an autoscale profile scale rule definition during parent Autoscale Profile update in Autoscale Settings update stage.Grouping of autoscale profile scale rule definition stages during update of Autoscale Profile in the Autoscale update stage.The first stage of autoscale profile scale rule definition.The final stage of the definition which attaches defined scale rule to the current Autoscale profile.The stage of the definition which specifies metric alert condition.The stage of the definition which specifies metric name.The stage of the definition which specifies action to take when the metric alert will be triggered.The stage of the definition which specifies what kind of statistics should be used to calculate autoscale trigger action.Defines values for ScaleType.Defines how often to run the search and the time interval.the authorization used by the user who has performed the operation that led to this event.Defines values for Sensitivity.The baseline values for a single sensitivity value.An SMS receiver.Specifies the log search query.A rule condition based on a metric crossing a threshold.Defines values for TimeAggregationOperator.Defines values for TimeAggregationType.The baseline values for a single time series.A time series result type.The time series info needed for calculating the baseline.A specific date-time for the profile.The condition that results in the Log Search rule.Defines values for Unit.A voice receiver.Webhook notification of an autoscale event.A webhook receiver.Information about a Log Analytics Workspace.