Interface LoadBalancerInboundNatRule

All Superinterfaces:
ChildResource<LoadBalancer>, HasBackendPort, HasFloatingIP, HasFrontend, HasFrontendPort, HasInner<>, HasName, HasParent<LoadBalancer>, HasProtocol<TransportProtocol>, Indexable

public interface LoadBalancerInboundNatRule extends HasFrontend, HasBackendPort, HasProtocol<TransportProtocol>, HasFloatingIP, HasFrontendPort, HasInner<>, ChildResource<LoadBalancer>
An immutable client-side representation of an inbound NAT rule.
  • Method Details

    • backendNicIPConfigurationName

      String backendNicIPConfigurationName()
      the name of the IP configuration within the network interface associated with this NAT rule
    • backendNetworkInterfaceId

      String backendNetworkInterfaceId()
      the resource ID of the network interface assigned as the backend of this inbound NAT rule
    • idleTimeoutInMinutes

      int idleTimeoutInMinutes()
      the number of minutes before an idle connection is closed