Interface RegistryDockerTaskStep.UpdateStages.OverridingArgumentUpdate

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Enclosing interface:

public static interface RegistryDockerTaskStep.UpdateStages.OverridingArgumentUpdate
The stage of the container registry DockerTaskStep update allowing to specify any overriding arguments.
  • Method Details

    • withOverridingArguments

      RegistryDockerTaskStep.Update withOverridingArguments(Map<String,OverridingArgument> overridingArguments)
      The function that specifies the overriding arguments and what they will override.
      overridingArguments - map with key of the name of the value to be overridden and value OverridingArgument specifying the content of the overriding argument.
      the next stage of the container Docker task step update.
    • withOverridingArgument

      RegistryDockerTaskStep.Update withOverridingArgument(String name, OverridingArgument overridingArgument)
      The function that specifies the overriding argument and what it will override.
      name - the name of the value to be overridden.
      overridingArgument - the content of the overriding argument.
      the next stage of the container Docker task step update.