Interface StorageAccounts

All Superinterfaces:
HasInner<>, HasManager<>, SupportsBatchCreation<StorageAccount>, SupportsBatchDeletion, SupportsCreating<StorageAccount.DefinitionStages.Blank>, SupportsDeletingById, SupportsDeletingByResourceGroup, SupportsGettingById<StorageAccount>, SupportsGettingByResourceGroup<StorageAccount>, SupportsListing<StorageAccount>, SupportsListingByResourceGroup<StorageAccount>

public interface StorageAccounts extends SupportsListing<StorageAccount>, SupportsCreating<StorageAccount.DefinitionStages.Blank>, SupportsDeletingById, SupportsListingByResourceGroup<StorageAccount>, SupportsGettingByResourceGroup<StorageAccount>, SupportsGettingById<StorageAccount>, SupportsDeletingByResourceGroup, SupportsBatchCreation<StorageAccount>, SupportsBatchDeletion, HasManager<>, HasInner<>
Entry point for storage accounts management API.
  • Method Details

    • checkNameAvailability

      CheckNameAvailabilityResult checkNameAvailability(String name)
      Checks that account name is valid and is not in use.
      name - the account name to check
      whether the name is available and other info if not
    • checkNameAvailabilityAsync

      rx.Observable<CheckNameAvailabilityResult> checkNameAvailabilityAsync(String name)
      Checks that account name is valid and is not in use asynchronously.
      name - the account name to check
      a representation of the deferred computation of this call, returning whether the name is available and other info if not
    • checkNameAvailabilityAsync<CheckNameAvailabilityResult> checkNameAvailabilityAsync(String name,<CheckNameAvailabilityResult> callback)
      Checks that account name is valid and is not in use asynchronously.
      name - the account name to check
      callback - the callback to call on success or failure
      a handle to cancel the request
    • createSasToken

      String createSasToken(String resourceGroupName, String accountName, ServiceSasParameters parameters)
      Creates an Sas token for the storage account.
      resourceGroupName - the name of the account's resource group
      accountName - the account name to check
      parameters - the parameters to list service SAS credentials of a specific resource
      the created Sas token
    • createSasTokenAsync

      rx.Observable<String> createSasTokenAsync(String resourceGroupName, String accountName, ServiceSasParameters parameters)
      Creates an Sas token for the storage account asynchronously.
      resourceGroupName - the name of the account's resource group
      accountName - the account name to check
      parameters - the parameters to list service SAS credentials of a specific resource
      an observable of the created Sas token
    • failover

      void failover(String resourceGroupName, String accountName)
      Sets a failover request that can be triggered for a storage account in case of availability issues.
      resourceGroupName - the resource group name of the storage account
      accountName - the account name to check
    • failoverAsync

      rx.Completable failoverAsync(String resourceGroupName, String accountName)
      Sets a failover request asynchronously that can be triggered for a storage account in case of availability issues.
      resourceGroupName - the resource group name of the storage account
      accountName - the account name to check
      a completable