Interface CosmosDBAccounts

All Superinterfaces:
HasInner<>, HasManager<>, SupportsBatchCreation<CosmosDBAccount>, SupportsCreating<CosmosDBAccount.DefinitionStages.Blank>, SupportsDeletingById, SupportsDeletingByResourceGroup, SupportsGettingById<CosmosDBAccount>, SupportsGettingByResourceGroup<CosmosDBAccount>, SupportsListing<CosmosDBAccount>, SupportsListingByResourceGroup<CosmosDBAccount>

@Beta(V1_2_0) public interface CosmosDBAccounts extends SupportsCreating<CosmosDBAccount.DefinitionStages.Blank>, HasManager<>, HasInner<>, SupportsBatchCreation<CosmosDBAccount>, SupportsGettingById<CosmosDBAccount>, SupportsDeletingById, SupportsDeletingByResourceGroup, SupportsListing<CosmosDBAccount>, SupportsListingByResourceGroup<CosmosDBAccount>, SupportsGettingByResourceGroup<CosmosDBAccount>
Entry point to Cosmos DB management API.
  • Method Details

    • failoverPriorityChange

      void failoverPriorityChange(String groupName, String accountName, List<Location> failoverPolicies)
      Changes the failover priority for the Azure CosmosDB database account. A failover priority of 0 indicates a write region. The maximum value for a failover priority = (total number of regions - 1). Failover priority values must be unique for each of the regions in which the database account exists.
      groupName - the group name
      accountName - the account name
      failoverPolicies - the list of failover policies
    • listKeys

      DatabaseAccountListKeysResult listKeys(String groupName, String accountName)
      Lists the access keys for the specified Azure CosmosDB database account.
      groupName - the group name
      accountName - the account name
      a list of keys
    • listReadOnlyKeys

      DatabaseAccountListReadOnlyKeysResult listReadOnlyKeys(String groupName, String accountName)
      Lists the read-only access keys for the specified Azure CosmosDB database account.
      groupName - the group name
      accountName - the account name
      a list of keys
    • listConnectionStrings

      DatabaseAccountListConnectionStringsResult listConnectionStrings(String groupName, String accountName)
      Lists the connection strings for the specified Azure CosmosDB database account.
      groupName - the group name
      accountName - the account name
      a list of connection strings
    • regenerateKey

      void regenerateKey(String groupName, String accountName, KeyKind keyKind)
      Regenerates an access key for the specified Azure CosmosDB database account.
      groupName - the group name
      accountName - the account name
      keyKind - the key kind
    • failoverPriorityChangeAsync

      rx.Observable<Void> failoverPriorityChangeAsync(String groupName, String accountName, List<Location> failoverPolicies)
      Changes the failover priority for the Azure CosmosDB database account. A failover priority of 0 indicates a write region. The maximum value for a failover priority = (total number of regions - 1). Failover priority values must be unique for each of the regions in which the database account exists.
      groupName - the group name
      accountName - the account name
      failoverPolicies - the list of failover policies
      the ServiceResponse object if successful.
    • listKeysAsync

      rx.Observable<DatabaseAccountListKeysResult> listKeysAsync(String groupName, String accountName)
      Lists the access keys for the specified Azure CosmosDB database account.
      groupName - the group name
      accountName - the account name
      a list of keys
    • listReadOnlyKeysAsync

      rx.Observable<DatabaseAccountListReadOnlyKeysResult> listReadOnlyKeysAsync(String groupName, String accountName)
      Lists the read-only access keys for the specified Azure CosmosDB database account.
      groupName - the group name
      accountName - the account name
      a list of keys
    • listConnectionStringsAsync

      rx.Observable<DatabaseAccountListConnectionStringsResult> listConnectionStringsAsync(String groupName, String accountName)
      Lists the connection strings for the specified Azure CosmosDB database account.
      groupName - the group name
      accountName - the account name
      a list of connection strings
    • regenerateKeyAsync

      rx.Observable<Void> regenerateKeyAsync(String groupName, String accountName, KeyKind keyKind)
      Regenerates an access key for the specified Azure CosmosDB database account.
      groupName - the group name
      accountName - the account name
      keyKind - the key kind
      the ServiceResponse object if successful.