Interface VirtualMachineScaleSet.DefinitionStages.WithManagedDataDisk

All Known Subinterfaces:
VirtualMachineScaleSet.DefinitionManaged, VirtualMachineScaleSet.DefinitionManagedOrUnmanaged, VirtualMachineScaleSet.DefinitionStages.WithLinuxCreateManaged, VirtualMachineScaleSet.DefinitionStages.WithLinuxCreateManagedOrUnmanaged, VirtualMachineScaleSet.DefinitionStages.WithManagedCreate, VirtualMachineScaleSet.DefinitionStages.WithWindowsCreateManaged, VirtualMachineScaleSet.DefinitionStages.WithWindowsCreateManagedOrUnmanaged
Enclosing interface:

public static interface VirtualMachineScaleSet.DefinitionStages.WithManagedDataDisk
The stage of a virtual machine scale set definition allowing to specify managed data disks.
  • Method Details

    • withNewDataDisk

      Specifies that a managed disk needs to be created implicitly with the given size.
      sizeInGB - the size of the managed disk
      the next stage of virtual machine definition
    • withNewDataDisk

      VirtualMachineScaleSet.DefinitionStages.WithManagedCreate withNewDataDisk(int sizeInGB, int lun, CachingTypes cachingType)
      Specifies that a managed disk needs to be created implicitly with the given settings.
      sizeInGB - the size of the managed disk
      lun - the disk LUN
      cachingType - the caching type
      the next stage of virtual machine definition
    • withNewDataDisk

      VirtualMachineScaleSet.DefinitionStages.WithManagedCreate withNewDataDisk(int sizeInGB, int lun, CachingTypes cachingType, StorageAccountTypes storageAccountType)
      Specifies that a managed disk needs to be created implicitly with the given settings.
      sizeInGB - the size of the managed disk
      lun - the disk LUN
      cachingType - the caching type
      storageAccountType - the storage account type
      the next stage of virtual machine definition
    • withNewDataDiskFromImage

      VirtualMachineScaleSet.DefinitionStages.WithManagedCreate withNewDataDiskFromImage(int imageLun)
      Specifies the data disk to be created from the data disk image in the virtual machine image.
      imageLun - the LUN of the source data disk image
      the next stage of virtual machine definition
    • withNewDataDiskFromImage

      VirtualMachineScaleSet.DefinitionStages.WithManagedCreate withNewDataDiskFromImage(int imageLun, int newSizeInGB, CachingTypes cachingType)
      Specifies the data disk to be created from the data disk image in the virtual machine image.
      imageLun - the LUN of the source data disk image
      newSizeInGB - the new size that overrides the default size specified in the data disk image
      cachingType - the caching type
      the next stage of virtual machine definition
    • withNewDataDiskFromImage

      VirtualMachineScaleSet.DefinitionStages.WithManagedCreate withNewDataDiskFromImage(int imageLun, int newSizeInGB, CachingTypes cachingType, StorageAccountTypes storageAccountType)
      Specifies the data disk to be created from the data disk image in the virtual machine image.
      imageLun - the LUN of the source data disk image
      newSizeInGB - the new size that overrides the default size specified in the data disk image
      cachingType - the caching type
      storageAccountType - the storage account type
      the next stage of virtual machine definition