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public interface TaskItem
Type representing a unit of work, upon invocation produces result of Indexable type.

The TaskGroup holds a group of these TaskItems those depends on each other.

  • Method Details

    • result

      Indexable result()
      the result of the task invocation
    • beforeGroupInvoke

      void beforeGroupInvoke()
      The method that gets called before invoking all the tasks in the TaskGroup this task belongs to.
    • isHot

      boolean isHot()
      true if the observable returned by invokeAsync(cxt) is a hot observable, false if its a cold observable.
    • invokeAsync

      rx.Observable<Indexable> invokeAsync(TaskGroup.InvocationContext context)
      The method that gets called to perform the unit of work asynchronously.
      context - the context shared across the the all task items in the group this task item belongs to.
      an observable upon subscription does the unit of work and produces result of type Indexable
    • invokeAfterPostRunAsync

      rx.Completable invokeAfterPostRunAsync(boolean isGroupFaulted)
      The method that gets called after invocation of "post run" task items depends on this TaskItem.

      This method will be invoked only if this TaskItem had "post run" dependents.

      isGroupFaulted - true if one or more tasks in the group this TaskItem belongs to are in faulted state.
      a completable representing any asynchronous work initiated