Interface LoadBalancerProbe

All Superinterfaces:
ChildResource<LoadBalancer>, HasInner<>, HasLoadBalancingRules, HasName, HasParent<LoadBalancer>, HasPort, HasProtocol<ProbeProtocol>, Indexable
All Known Subinterfaces:
LoadBalancerHttpProbe, LoadBalancerTcpProbe

public interface LoadBalancerProbe extends HasInner<>, ChildResource<LoadBalancer>, HasLoadBalancingRules, HasProtocol<ProbeProtocol>, HasPort
A client-side representation of a load balancing probe.
  • Method Details

    • intervalInSeconds

      int intervalInSeconds()
      number of seconds between probes
    • numberOfProbes

      int numberOfProbes()
      number of failed probes before the node is determined to be unhealthy