Interface VirtualMachineScaleSetVMs

All Superinterfaces:
HasInner<>, SupportsListing<VirtualMachineScaleSetVM>

public interface VirtualMachineScaleSetVMs extends SupportsListing<VirtualMachineScaleSetVM>, HasInner<>
Entry point to virtual machine scale set instance management API.
  • Method Details

    • deleteInstancesAsync

      rx.Completable deleteInstancesAsync(Collection<String> instanceIds)
      Deletes the specified virtual machine instances from the scale set.
      instanceIds - instance IDs of the virtual machine scale set instances to be deleted
      a representation of the deferred computation of this call.
    • deleteInstancesAsync

      rx.Completable deleteInstancesAsync(String... instanceIds)
      Deletes the specified virtual machine instances from the scale set.
      instanceIds - instance IDs of the virtual machine scale set instances to be deleted
      a representation of the deferred computation of this call.
    • deleteInstances

      void deleteInstances(String... instanceIds)
      Deletes the specified virtual machine instances from the scale set.
      instanceIds - instance IDs of the virtual machine scale set instances to be deleted
    • deleteInstancesAsync

      rx.Completable deleteInstancesAsync(Collection<String> instanceIds, boolean forceDeletion)
      Deletes the specified virtual machine instances from the scale set.
      instanceIds - instance IDs of the virtual machine scale set instances to be deleted
      forceDeletion - force delete without graceful shutdown
      a representation of the deferred computation of this call.
    • deleteInstances

      void deleteInstances(Collection<String> instanceIds, boolean forceDeletion)
      Deletes the specified virtual machine instances from the scale set.
      instanceIds - instance IDs of the virtual machine scale set instances to be deleted
      forceDeletion - force delete without graceful shutdown
    • getInstance

      VirtualMachineScaleSetVM getInstance(String instanceId)
      Get the specified virtual machine instance from the scale set.
      instanceId - instance ID of the virtual machine scale set instance to be fetched
      the virtual machine scale set instance.
    • getInstanceAsync

      rx.Observable<VirtualMachineScaleSetVM> getInstanceAsync(String instanceId)
      Get the specified virtual machine instance from the scale set.
      instanceId - instance ID of the virtual machine scale set instance to be fetched.
      the virtual machine scale set instance.
    • updateInstancesAsync

      rx.Completable updateInstancesAsync(Collection<String> instanceIds)
      Updates the specified virtual machine instances from the scale set.
      instanceIds - instance IDs of the virtual machine scale set instances to be updated
      a representation of the deferred computation of this call.
    • updateInstancesAsync

      rx.Completable updateInstancesAsync(String... instanceIds)
      Updates the specified virtual machine instances from the scale set.
      instanceIds - instance IDs of the virtual machine scale set instances to be updated
      a representation of the deferred computation of this call.
    • updateInstances

      void updateInstances(String... instanceIds)
      Updates the specified virtual machine instances from the scale set.
      instanceIds - instance IDs of the virtual machine scale set instances to be updated
    • simulateEvictionAsync

      rx.Completable simulateEvictionAsync(String instanceId)
      Simulates the eviction of the specified spot virtual machine in the scale set asynchronously. The eviction will occur with 30 minutes after calling this API.
      instanceId - The instance ID of the virtual machine.
      a representation of the deferred computation of this call
    • simulateEviction

      void simulateEviction(String instanceId)
      Simulates the eviction of the specified spot virtual machine in the scale set. The eviction will occur with 30 minutes after calling this API.
      instanceId - The instance ID of the virtual machine.