Interface TrafficManagerProfile.DefinitionStages.WithTrafficRoutingMethod

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public static interface TrafficManagerProfile.DefinitionStages.WithTrafficRoutingMethod
The stage of the traffic manager profile definition allowing to specify the traffic routing method for the profile.
  • Method Details

    • withPriorityBasedRouting

      Specifies that end user traffic should be routed to the endpoint based on its priority i.e. use the endpoint with highest priority and if it is not available fallback to next highest priority endpoint.
      the next stage of the definition
    • withWeightBasedRouting

      Specifies that end user traffic should be distributed to the endpoints based on the weight assigned to the endpoint.
      the next stage of the definition
    • withPerformanceBasedRouting

      Specifies that end user traffic should be routed based on the closest available endpoint in terms of the lowest network latency.
      the next stage of the definition
    • withGeographicBasedRouting

      Specifies that end user traffic should be routed to the endpoint that is designated to serve users geographic region.
      the next stage of the definition
    • withMultiValueBasedRouting

      TrafficManagerProfile.DefinitionStages.WithEndpoint withMultiValueBasedRouting(long maxReturn)
      Specifies that end user traffic should be routed to the endpoint that return multiple healthy endpoints.
      maxReturn - the maximum number of result to return
      the next stage of the definition
    • withSubnetBasedRouting

      Specifies that end user traffic should be routed to the endpoint which is decided based on the end-user ip address.
      the next stage of the definition
    • withTrafficRoutingMethod

      Specify the traffic routing method for the profile.
      routingMethod - the traffic routing method for the profile
      the next stage of the definition