Interface WebAppBase.UpdateStages.WithScmSiteAlsoStopped<FluentT>

Type Parameters:
FluentT - the type of the resource
All Known Subinterfaces:
DeploymentSlot.Update, DeploymentSlotBase.Update<FluentT>, FunctionApp.Update, WebApp.Update, WebApp.UpdateStages.WithStartUpCommand, WebAppBase.Update<FluentT>
Enclosing interface:

public static interface WebAppBase.UpdateStages.WithScmSiteAlsoStopped<FluentT>
The stage of the web app update allowing setting if SCM site is also stopped when the web app is stopped.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    withScmSiteAlsoStopped(boolean scmSiteAlsoStopped)
    Specifies if SCM site is also stopped when the web app is stopped.
  • Method Details

    • withScmSiteAlsoStopped

      WebAppBase.Update<FluentT> withScmSiteAlsoStopped(boolean scmSiteAlsoStopped)
      Specifies if SCM site is also stopped when the web app is stopped.
      scmSiteAlsoStopped - true if SCM site is also stopped
      the next stage of web app update