Interface Webhook.UpdateResourceStages.WithDefaultStatus<ParentT>

Type Parameters:
ParentT - the stage of the parent definition to return to after attaching this definition
All Known Subinterfaces:
Webhook.UpdateResource<ParentT>, Webhook.UpdateResourceStages.Blank<ParentT>, Webhook.UpdateResourceStages.WithAttach<ParentT>
Enclosing interface:

public static interface Webhook.UpdateResourceStages.WithDefaultStatus<ParentT>
The stage of the webhook definition allowing to specify the default status of the webhook after being created.
  • Method Details

    • enabled

      Webhook.UpdateResourceStages.WithAttach<ParentT> enabled(boolean defaultStatus)
      Updates the default status of the webhook.
      defaultStatus - indicates whether the webhook is enabled or disabled after being created
      the next stage of the resource update