Interface WebAppBase.UpdateStages.WithManagedServiceIdentity<FluentT>

Type Parameters:
FluentT - the type of the resource
All Known Subinterfaces:
DeploymentSlot.Update, DeploymentSlotBase.Update<FluentT>, FunctionApp.Update, WebApp.Update, WebApp.UpdateStages.WithStartUpCommand, WebAppBase.Update<FluentT>
Enclosing interface:

public static interface WebAppBase.UpdateStages.WithManagedServiceIdentity<FluentT>
A web app definition stage allowing System Assigned Managed Service Identity to be set.
  • Method Details

    • withSystemAssignedManagedServiceIdentity

      WebAppBase.Update<FluentT> withSystemAssignedManagedServiceIdentity()
      Specifies that System Assigned Managed Service Identity needs to be enabled in the web app.
      the next stage of the web app definition
    • withUserAssignedManagedServiceIdentity

      WebAppBase.Update<FluentT> withUserAssignedManagedServiceIdentity()
      Specifies that User Assigned Managed Service Identity needs to be enabled in the web app.
      the next stage of the web app definition