Class ConsistencyPolicy


public class ConsistencyPolicy extends Object
The consistency policy for the Cosmos DB database account.
  • Constructor Details

    • ConsistencyPolicy

      public ConsistencyPolicy()
  • Method Details

    • defaultConsistencyLevel

      public DefaultConsistencyLevel defaultConsistencyLevel()
      Get the default consistency level and configuration settings of the Cosmos DB account. Possible values include: 'Eventual', 'Session', 'BoundedStaleness', 'Strong', 'ConsistentPrefix'.
      the defaultConsistencyLevel value
    • withDefaultConsistencyLevel

      public ConsistencyPolicy withDefaultConsistencyLevel(DefaultConsistencyLevel defaultConsistencyLevel)
      Set the default consistency level and configuration settings of the Cosmos DB account. Possible values include: 'Eventual', 'Session', 'BoundedStaleness', 'Strong', 'ConsistentPrefix'.
      defaultConsistencyLevel - the defaultConsistencyLevel value to set
      the ConsistencyPolicy object itself.
    • maxStalenessPrefix

      public Long maxStalenessPrefix()
      Get when used with the Bounded Staleness consistency level, this value represents the number of stale requests tolerated. Accepted range for this value is 1 – 2,147,483,647. Required when defaultConsistencyPolicy is set to 'BoundedStaleness'.
      the maxStalenessPrefix value
    • withMaxStalenessPrefix

      public ConsistencyPolicy withMaxStalenessPrefix(Long maxStalenessPrefix)
      Set when used with the Bounded Staleness consistency level, this value represents the number of stale requests tolerated. Accepted range for this value is 1 – 2,147,483,647. Required when defaultConsistencyPolicy is set to 'BoundedStaleness'.
      maxStalenessPrefix - the maxStalenessPrefix value to set
      the ConsistencyPolicy object itself.
    • maxIntervalInSeconds

      public Integer maxIntervalInSeconds()
      Get when used with the Bounded Staleness consistency level, this value represents the time amount of staleness (in seconds) tolerated. Accepted range for this value is 5 - 86400. Required when defaultConsistencyPolicy is set to 'BoundedStaleness'.
      the maxIntervalInSeconds value
    • withMaxIntervalInSeconds

      public ConsistencyPolicy withMaxIntervalInSeconds(Integer maxIntervalInSeconds)
      Set when used with the Bounded Staleness consistency level, this value represents the time amount of staleness (in seconds) tolerated. Accepted range for this value is 5 - 86400. Required when defaultConsistencyPolicy is set to 'BoundedStaleness'.
      maxIntervalInSeconds - the maxIntervalInSeconds value to set
      the ConsistencyPolicy object itself.