Interface EventHubNamespace.DefinitionStages.WithEventHub

All Known Subinterfaces:
EventHubNamespace.Definition, EventHubNamespace.DefinitionStages.WithCreate
Enclosing interface:

@Beta(V1_7_0) public static interface EventHubNamespace.DefinitionStages.WithEventHub
The stage of the event hub namespace definition allowing to add new event hub in the namespace.
  • Method Details

    • withNewEventHub

      @Beta(V1_7_0) EventHubNamespace.DefinitionStages.WithCreate withNewEventHub(String eventHubName)
      Specifies that a new event hub should be created in the namespace.
      eventHubName - event hub name
      next stage of the event hub namespace definition
    • withNewEventHub

      @Beta(V1_7_0) EventHubNamespace.DefinitionStages.WithCreate withNewEventHub(String eventHubName, int partitionCount)
      Specifies that a new event hub should be created in the namespace.
      eventHubName - event hub name
      partitionCount - the number of partitions in the event hub
      next stage of the event hub namespace definition
    • withNewEventHub

      @Beta(V1_7_0) EventHubNamespace.DefinitionStages.WithCreate withNewEventHub(String eventHubName, int partitionCount, int retentionPeriodInDays)
      Specifies that a new event hub should be created in the namespace.
      eventHubName - event hub name
      partitionCount - the number of partitions in the event hub
      retentionPeriodInDays - the retention period for events in days
      next stage of the event hub namespace definition