Interface ApplicationGatewayProbe

All Superinterfaces:
ChildResource<ApplicationGateway>, HasInner<>, HasName, HasParent<ApplicationGateway>, HasProtocol<ApplicationGatewayProtocol>, Indexable

public interface ApplicationGatewayProbe extends HasInner<>, ChildResource<ApplicationGateway>, HasProtocol<ApplicationGatewayProtocol>
A client-side representation of an application gateway probe.
  • Method Details

    • timeBetweenProbesInSeconds

      int timeBetweenProbesInSeconds()
      the number of seconds between probe retries
    • healthyHttpResponseStatusCodeRanges

      @Beta(V1_4_0) Set<String> healthyHttpResponseStatusCodeRanges()
      HTTP response code ranges in the format ###-### returned by the backend which the probe considers healthy.
    • healthyHttpResponseBodyContents

      @Beta(V1_4_0) String healthyHttpResponseBodyContents()
      the body contents of an HTTP response to a probe to check for to determine backend health, or null if none specified
    • path

      String path()
      the relative path to be called by the probe
    • timeoutInSeconds

      int timeoutInSeconds()
      the number of seconds waiting for a response after which the probe times out and it is marked as failed

      Acceptable values are from 1 to 86400 seconds.

    • retriesBeforeUnhealthy

      int retriesBeforeUnhealthy()
      the number of failed retry probes before the backend server is marked as being down

      Acceptable values are from 1 second to 20.

    • host

      String host()
      host name to send the probe to