Provision your own instance of ColoursWeb/ColoursAPI

Some of the demos use the ColoursWeb web application and the ColoursAPI API application. In this lab we will show you how to deploy your own instances of the Colours Web and Colours API. Note - ColoursWeb / ColoursAPI is new version of ColorsWeb/ColorsAPI … do not mix the web client and API versions.

The code for the ColoursWeb / ColoursAPI applications is available here:

Docker Containers exist for these applications and so provides an easy deployment option.

IMPORTANT : due to the new pull restrictions on Docker Hub images, in this lab we will be using the GitHub registry

  • Github (Colours)
    • docker pull
    • docker pull
  • DockerHub (Colors)
    • docker pull markharrison/colorweb:latest
    • docker pull markharrison/colorapi:latest

With the container we can deploy to multiple hosting options : VM’s, App Services, ACI and also AKS. In this lab we are going to show you how to do it with Azure Container Instances.

Deploying Web and API containers with Azure Container Instances

  1. Login to Azure Portal
  2. Open the Azure Cloud Shell and choose Bash Shell (do not choose Powershell)

    Azure Cloud Shell

  3. The first time Cloud Shell is started will require you to create a storage account.
  4. We proceed to create a unique identifier suffix for resources created in this Lab:

     # Remove Underscores and Dashes
     # Check Unique Suffix Value (Should be No Underscores or Dashes)
     # Persist for Later Sessions in Case of Timeout
  5. Now we proceed to create a resource group for our ACI objects:

     #we define some variables first
     # Persist for Later Sessions in Case of Timeout
     echo export APIMLAB_RGNAME=$APIMLAB_RGNAME >> ~/.bashrc
     echo export APIMLAB_LOCATION=$APIMLAB_LOCATION >> ~/.bashrc
     #we create the resource group
     az group create --name $APIMLAB_RGNAME --location $APIMLAB_LOCATION
  6. Now we create our ACI and specify our colors-web github container

    #we define some variables first
    # Persist for Later Sessions in Case of Timeout
    echo export APIMLAB_COLORS_WEB=$APIMLAB_COLORS_WEB >> ~/.bashrc
    echo export APIMLAB_IMAGE_WEB=$APIMLAB_IMAGE_WEB >> ~/.bashrc
    #we create the container instance for the colors web
    az container create --resource-group $APIMLAB_RGNAME --name $APIMLAB_COLORS_WEB --image $APIMLAB_IMAGE_WEB --dns-name-label $APIMLAB_DNSLABEL_WEB --ports 80 --restart-policy OnFailure --no-wait
  7. Now we run the following command to check the status of the deployment and get the FQDN to access the app:

     #we check the status
     az container show --resource-group $APIMLAB_RGNAME --name $APIMLAB_COLORS_WEB --query "{FQDN:ipAddress.fqdn,ProvisioningState:provisioningState}" --out table

    The output should something like this:

     FQDN                                                  ProvisioningState
     ----------------------------------------------------  -------------------  Succeeded

    Once we have a “Succeeded” message we proceed to navigate to the FQDN. And we should see our home page for our Colours Web:

  8. Now we proceed to create the ACI for the colors-api github container:

    #we define some variables first
    # Persist for Later Sessions in Case of Timeout
    echo export APIMLAB_COLORS_WEB=$APIMLAB_COLORS_WEB >> ~/.bashrc
    echo export APIMLAB_IMAGE_WEB=$APIMLAB_IMAGE_WEB >> ~/.bashrc
    #we create the container instance for the colors api
    az container create --resource-group $APIMLAB_RGNAME --name $APIMLAB_COLORS_API --image $APIMLAB_IMAGE_API --dns-name-label $APIMLAB_DNSLABEL_API --ports 80 --restart-policy OnFailure --no-wait
  9. Now we run the following command to check the status of the deployment and get the FQDN to access the app:

    #we check the status
    az container show --resource-group $APIMLAB_RGNAME --name $APIMLAB_COLORS_API --query "{FQDN:ipAddress.fqdn,ProvisioningState:provisioningState}" --out table

    The output should something like this:

    FQDN                                                  ProvisioningState
    ----------------------------------------------------  -------------------  Succeeded

    Once we have a “Succeeded” message we proceed to navigate to the FQDN. And we should see our home page (Swagger UI) for our Colours API: