Value | Description |
“2021-11-01” |
Generator information: - Generated from: /sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/stable/2021-11-01/Servers.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}
Used by: ServerList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | Server_Spec Optional |
status | Server_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
administratorLogin | Administrator username for the server. Once created it cannot be changed. | string Optional |
administratorLoginPassword | The administrator login password (required for server creation). | genruntime.SecretReference Optional |
administrators | The Azure Active Directory administrator of the server. | ServerExternalAdministrator Optional |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
federatedClientId | The Client id used for cross tenant CMK scenario | string Optional |
identity | The Azure Active Directory identity of the server. | ResourceIdentity Optional |
keyId | A CMK URI of the key to use for encryption. | string Optional |
location | Resource location. | string Required |
minimalTlsVersion | Minimal TLS version. Allowed values: ‘1.0’, ‘1.1’, ‘1.2’ | string Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ServerOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a resources.azure.com/ResourceGroup resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
primaryUserAssignedIdentityReference | The resource id of a user assigned identity to be used by default. | genruntime.ResourceReference Optional |
publicNetworkAccess | Whether or not public endpoint access is allowed for this server. Value is optional but if passed in, must be ‘Enabled’ or ‘Disabled’ | ServerProperties_PublicNetworkAccess Optional |
restrictOutboundNetworkAccess | Whether or not to restrict outbound network access for this server. Value is optional but if passed in, must be ‘Enabled’ or ‘Disabled’ | ServerProperties_RestrictOutboundNetworkAccess Optional |
tags | Resource tags. | map[string]string Optional |
version | The version of the server. | string Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
administratorLogin | Administrator username for the server. Once created it cannot be changed. | string Optional |
administrators | The Azure Active Directory administrator of the server. | ServerExternalAdministrator_STATUS Optional |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
federatedClientId | The Client id used for cross tenant CMK scenario | string Optional |
fullyQualifiedDomainName | The fully qualified domain name of the server. | string Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
identity | The Azure Active Directory identity of the server. | ResourceIdentity_STATUS Optional |
keyId | A CMK URI of the key to use for encryption. | string Optional |
kind | Kind of sql server. This is metadata used for the Azure portal experience. | string Optional |
location | Resource location. | string Optional |
minimalTlsVersion | Minimal TLS version. Allowed values: ‘1.0’, ‘1.1’, ‘1.2’ | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
primaryUserAssignedIdentityId | The resource id of a user assigned identity to be used by default. | string Optional |
privateEndpointConnections | List of private endpoint connections on a server | ServerPrivateEndpointConnection_STATUS[] Optional |
publicNetworkAccess | Whether or not public endpoint access is allowed for this server. Value is optional but if passed in, must be ‘Enabled’ or ‘Disabled’ | ServerProperties_PublicNetworkAccess_STATUS Optional |
restrictOutboundNetworkAccess | Whether or not to restrict outbound network access for this server. Value is optional but if passed in, must be ‘Enabled’ or ‘Disabled’ | ServerProperties_RestrictOutboundNetworkAccess_STATUS Optional |
state | The state of the server. | string Optional |
tags | Resource tags. | map[string]string Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
version | The version of the server. | string Optional |
workspaceFeature | Whether or not existing server has a workspace created and if it allows connection from workspace | ServerProperties_WorkspaceFeature_STATUS Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/stable/2021-11-01/Servers.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | Server[] Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/stable/2021-11-01/ServerAzureADAdministrators.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/administrators/{administratorName}
Used by: ServersAdministratorList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | ServersAdministrator_Spec Optional |
status | ServersAdministrator_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
administratorType | Type of the sever administrator. | AdministratorProperties_AdministratorType Required |
login | Login name of the server administrator. | string Required |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ServersAdministratorOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a sql.azure.com/Server resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
sid | SID (object ID) of the server administrator. | string Optional |
sidFromConfig | SID (object ID) of the server administrator. | genruntime.ConfigMapReference Optional |
tenantId | Tenant ID of the administrator. | string Optional |
tenantIdFromConfig | Tenant ID of the administrator. | genruntime.ConfigMapReference Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
administratorType | Type of the sever administrator. | AdministratorProperties_AdministratorType_STATUS Optional |
azureADOnlyAuthentication | Azure Active Directory only Authentication enabled. | bool Optional |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
login | Login name of the server administrator. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
sid | SID (object ID) of the server administrator. | string Optional |
tenantId | Tenant ID of the administrator. | string Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/stable/2021-11-01/ServerAzureADAdministrators.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/administrators/{administratorName}
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | ServersAdministrator[] Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/stable/2021-11-01/ServerAdvancedThreatProtectionSettings.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/advancedThreatProtectionSettings/Default
Used by: ServersAdvancedThreatProtectionSettingList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | ServersAdvancedThreatProtectionSetting_Spec Optional |
status | ServersAdvancedThreatProtectionSetting_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ServersAdvancedThreatProtectionSettingOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a sql.azure.com/Server resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
state | Specifies the state of the Advanced Threat Protection, whether it is enabled or disabled or a state has not been applied yet on the specific database or server. | AdvancedThreatProtectionProperties_State Required |
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
creationTime | Specifies the UTC creation time of the policy. | string Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
state | Specifies the state of the Advanced Threat Protection, whether it is enabled or disabled or a state has not been applied yet on the specific database or server. | AdvancedThreatProtectionProperties_State_STATUS Optional |
systemData | SystemData of AdvancedThreatProtectionResource. | SystemData_STATUS Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/stable/2021-11-01/ServerAdvancedThreatProtectionSettings.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/advancedThreatProtectionSettings/Default
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | ServersAdvancedThreatProtectionSetting[] Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/stable/2021-11-01/BlobAuditing.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/auditingSettings/default
Used by: ServersAuditingSettingList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | ServersAuditingSetting_Spec Optional |
status | ServersAuditingSetting_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
auditActionsAndGroups | Specifies the Actions-Groups and Actions to audit. The recommended set of action groups to use is the following combination - this will audit all the queries and stored procedures executed against the database, as well as successful and failed logins: BATCH_COMPLETED_GROUP, SUCCESSFUL_DATABASE_AUTHENTICATION_GROUP, FAILED_DATABASE_AUTHENTICATION_GROUP. This above combination is also the set that is configured by default when enabling auditing from the Azure portal. The supported action groups to audit are (note: choose only specific groups that cover your auditing needs. Using unnecessary groups could lead to very large quantities of audit records): APPLICATION_ROLE_CHANGE_PASSWORD_GROUP BACKUP_RESTORE_GROUP DATABASE_LOGOUT_GROUP DATABASE_OBJECT_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_OBJECT_OWNERSHIP_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_OBJECT_PERMISSION_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_OPERATION_GROUP DATABASE_PERMISSION_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_IMPERSONATION_GROUP DATABASE_ROLE_MEMBER_CHANGE_GROUP FAILED_DATABASE_AUTHENTICATION_GROUP SCHEMA_OBJECT_ACCESS_GROUP SCHEMA_OBJECT_CHANGE_GROUP SCHEMA_OBJECT_OWNERSHIP_CHANGE_GROUP SCHEMA_OBJECT_PERMISSION_CHANGE_GROUP SUCCESSFUL_DATABASE_AUTHENTICATION_GROUP USER_CHANGE_PASSWORD_GROUP BATCH_STARTED_GROUP BATCH_COMPLETED_GROUP DBCC_GROUP DATABASE_OWNERSHIP_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_CHANGE_GROUP LEDGER_OPERATION_GROUP These are groups that cover all sql statements and stored procedures executed against the database, and should not be used in combination with other groups as this will result in duplicate audit logs. For more information, see Database-Level Audit Action Groups. For Database auditing policy, specific Actions can also be specified (note that Actions cannot be specified for Server auditing policy). The supported actions to audit are: SELECT UPDATE INSERT DELETE EXECUTE RECEIVE REFERENCES The general form for defining an action to be audited is: {action} ON {object} BY {principal} Note that | string[] Optional |
isAzureMonitorTargetEnabled | Specifies whether audit events are sent to Azure Monitor. In order to send the events to Azure Monitor, specify ‘State’ as ‘Enabled’ and ‘IsAzureMonitorTargetEnabled’ as true. When using REST API to configure auditing, Diagnostic Settings with ‘SQLSecurityAuditEvents’ diagnostic logs category on the database should be also created. Note that for server level audit you should use the ‘master’ database as {databaseName}. Diagnostic Settings URI format: PUT https://management.azure.com/​subscriptions/​{subscriptionId}/​resourceGroups/​{resourceGroup}/​providers/​Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/providers/microsoft.insights/diagnosticSettings/{settingsName}?api-version=2017-05-01-preview For more information, see Diagnostic Settings REST API or Diagnostic Settings PowerShell | bool Optional |
isDevopsAuditEnabled | Specifies the state of devops audit. If state is Enabled, devops logs will be sent to Azure Monitor. In order to send the events to Azure Monitor, specify ‘State’ as ‘Enabled’, ‘IsAzureMonitorTargetEnabled’ as true and ‘IsDevopsAuditEnabled’ as true When using REST API to configure auditing, Diagnostic Settings with ‘DevOpsOperationsAudit’ diagnostic logs category on the master database should also be created. Diagnostic Settings URI format: PUT https://management.azure.com/​subscriptions/​{subscriptionId}/​resourceGroups/​{resourceGroup}/​providers/​Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/master/providers/microsoft.insights/diagnosticSettings/{settingsName}?api-version=2017-05-01-preview For more information, see Diagnostic Settings REST API or Diagnostic Settings PowerShell | bool Optional |
isManagedIdentityInUse | Specifies whether Managed Identity is used to access blob storage | bool Optional |
isStorageSecondaryKeyInUse | Specifies whether storageAccountAccessKey value is the storage’s secondary key. | bool Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ServersAuditingSettingOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a sql.azure.com/Server resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
queueDelayMs | Specifies the amount of time in milliseconds that can elapse before audit actions are forced to be processed. The default minimum value is 1000 (1 second). The maximum is 2,147,483,647. | int Optional |
retentionDays | Specifies the number of days to keep in the audit logs in the storage account. | int Optional |
state | Specifies the state of the audit. If state is Enabled, storageEndpoint or isAzureMonitorTargetEnabled are required. | ServerBlobAuditingPolicyProperties_State Required |
storageAccountAccessKey | Specifies the identifier key of the auditing storage account. If state is Enabled and storageEndpoint is specified, not specifying the storageAccountAccessKey will use SQL server system-assigned managed identity to access the storage. Prerequisites for using managed identity authentication: 1. Assign SQL Server a system-assigned managed identity in Azure Active Directory (AAD). 2. Grant SQL Server identity access to the storage account by adding ‘Storage Blob Data Contributor’ RBAC role to the server identity. For more information, see Auditing to storage using Managed Identity authentication | genruntime.SecretReference Optional |
storageAccountSubscriptionId | Specifies the blob storage subscription Id. | string Optional |
storageEndpoint | Specifies the blob storage endpoint (e.g. https://MyAccount.blob.core.windows.net). If state is Enabled, storageEndpoint or isAzureMonitorTargetEnabled is required. | string Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
auditActionsAndGroups | Specifies the Actions-Groups and Actions to audit. The recommended set of action groups to use is the following combination - this will audit all the queries and stored procedures executed against the database, as well as successful and failed logins: BATCH_COMPLETED_GROUP, SUCCESSFUL_DATABASE_AUTHENTICATION_GROUP, FAILED_DATABASE_AUTHENTICATION_GROUP. This above combination is also the set that is configured by default when enabling auditing from the Azure portal. The supported action groups to audit are (note: choose only specific groups that cover your auditing needs. Using unnecessary groups could lead to very large quantities of audit records): APPLICATION_ROLE_CHANGE_PASSWORD_GROUP BACKUP_RESTORE_GROUP DATABASE_LOGOUT_GROUP DATABASE_OBJECT_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_OBJECT_OWNERSHIP_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_OBJECT_PERMISSION_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_OPERATION_GROUP DATABASE_PERMISSION_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_IMPERSONATION_GROUP DATABASE_ROLE_MEMBER_CHANGE_GROUP FAILED_DATABASE_AUTHENTICATION_GROUP SCHEMA_OBJECT_ACCESS_GROUP SCHEMA_OBJECT_CHANGE_GROUP SCHEMA_OBJECT_OWNERSHIP_CHANGE_GROUP SCHEMA_OBJECT_PERMISSION_CHANGE_GROUP SUCCESSFUL_DATABASE_AUTHENTICATION_GROUP USER_CHANGE_PASSWORD_GROUP BATCH_STARTED_GROUP BATCH_COMPLETED_GROUP DBCC_GROUP DATABASE_OWNERSHIP_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_CHANGE_GROUP LEDGER_OPERATION_GROUP These are groups that cover all sql statements and stored procedures executed against the database, and should not be used in combination with other groups as this will result in duplicate audit logs. For more information, see Database-Level Audit Action Groups. For Database auditing policy, specific Actions can also be specified (note that Actions cannot be specified for Server auditing policy). The supported actions to audit are: SELECT UPDATE INSERT DELETE EXECUTE RECEIVE REFERENCES The general form for defining an action to be audited is: {action} ON {object} BY {principal} Note that | string[] Optional |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
isAzureMonitorTargetEnabled | Specifies whether audit events are sent to Azure Monitor. In order to send the events to Azure Monitor, specify ‘State’ as ‘Enabled’ and ‘IsAzureMonitorTargetEnabled’ as true. When using REST API to configure auditing, Diagnostic Settings with ‘SQLSecurityAuditEvents’ diagnostic logs category on the database should be also created. Note that for server level audit you should use the ‘master’ database as {databaseName}. Diagnostic Settings URI format: PUT https://management.azure.com/​subscriptions/​{subscriptionId}/​resourceGroups/​{resourceGroup}/​providers/​Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/providers/microsoft.insights/diagnosticSettings/{settingsName}?api-version=2017-05-01-preview For more information, see Diagnostic Settings REST API or Diagnostic Settings PowerShell | bool Optional |
isDevopsAuditEnabled | Specifies the state of devops audit. If state is Enabled, devops logs will be sent to Azure Monitor. In order to send the events to Azure Monitor, specify ‘State’ as ‘Enabled’, ‘IsAzureMonitorTargetEnabled’ as true and ‘IsDevopsAuditEnabled’ as true When using REST API to configure auditing, Diagnostic Settings with ‘DevOpsOperationsAudit’ diagnostic logs category on the master database should also be created. Diagnostic Settings URI format: PUT https://management.azure.com/​subscriptions/​{subscriptionId}/​resourceGroups/​{resourceGroup}/​providers/​Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/master/providers/microsoft.insights/diagnosticSettings/{settingsName}?api-version=2017-05-01-preview For more information, see Diagnostic Settings REST API or Diagnostic Settings PowerShell | bool Optional |
isManagedIdentityInUse | Specifies whether Managed Identity is used to access blob storage | bool Optional |
isStorageSecondaryKeyInUse | Specifies whether storageAccountAccessKey value is the storage’s secondary key. | bool Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
queueDelayMs | Specifies the amount of time in milliseconds that can elapse before audit actions are forced to be processed. The default minimum value is 1000 (1 second). The maximum is 2,147,483,647. | int Optional |
retentionDays | Specifies the number of days to keep in the audit logs in the storage account. | int Optional |
state | Specifies the state of the audit. If state is Enabled, storageEndpoint or isAzureMonitorTargetEnabled are required. | ServerBlobAuditingPolicyProperties_State_STATUS Optional |
storageAccountSubscriptionId | Specifies the blob storage subscription Id. | string Optional |
storageEndpoint | Specifies the blob storage endpoint (e.g. https://MyAccount.blob.core.windows.net). If state is Enabled, storageEndpoint or isAzureMonitorTargetEnabled is required. | string Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/stable/2021-11-01/BlobAuditing.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/auditingSettings/default
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | ServersAuditingSetting[] Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/stable/2021-11-01/ServerAzureADOnlyAuthentications.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/azureADOnlyAuthentications/Default
Used by: ServersAzureADOnlyAuthenticationList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | ServersAzureADOnlyAuthentication_Spec Optional |
status | ServersAzureADOnlyAuthentication_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
azureADOnlyAuthentication | Azure Active Directory only Authentication enabled. | bool Required |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ServersAzureADOnlyAuthenticationOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a sql.azure.com/Server resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
Property | Description | Type |
azureADOnlyAuthentication | Azure Active Directory only Authentication enabled. | bool Optional |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/stable/2021-11-01/ServerAzureADOnlyAuthentications.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/azureADOnlyAuthentications/Default
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | ServersAzureADOnlyAuthentication[] Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/stable/2021-11-01/ServerConnectionPolicies.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/connectionPolicies/default
Used by: ServersConnectionPolicyList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | ServersConnectionPolicy_Spec Optional |
status | ServersConnectionPolicy_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
connectionType | The server connection type. | ServerConnectionPolicyProperties_ConnectionType Required |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ServersConnectionPolicyOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a sql.azure.com/Server resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
connectionType | The server connection type. | ServerConnectionPolicyProperties_ConnectionType_STATUS Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
kind | Metadata used for the Azure portal experience. | string Optional |
location | Resource location. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/stable/2021-11-01/ServerConnectionPolicies.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/connectionPolicies/default
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | ServersConnectionPolicy[] Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/stable/2021-11-01/Databases.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}
Used by: ServersDatabaseList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | ServersDatabase_Spec Optional |
status | ServersDatabase_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
autoPauseDelay | Time in minutes after which database is automatically paused. A value of -1 means that automatic pause is disabled | int Optional |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
catalogCollation | Collation of the metadata catalog. | DatabaseProperties_CatalogCollation Optional |
collation | The collation of the database. | string Optional |
createMode | Specifies the mode of database creation. Default: regular database creation. Copy: creates a database as a copy of an existing database. sourceDatabaseId must be specified as the resource ID of the source database. Secondary: creates a database as a secondary replica of an existing database. sourceDatabaseId must be specified as the resource ID of the existing primary database. PointInTimeRestore: Creates a database by restoring a point in time backup of an existing database. sourceDatabaseId must be specified as the resource ID of the existing database, and restorePointInTime must be specified. Recovery: Creates a database by restoring a geo-replicated backup. sourceDatabaseId must be specified as the recoverable database resource ID to restore. Restore: Creates a database by restoring a backup of a deleted database. sourceDatabaseId must be specified. If sourceDatabaseId is the database’s original resource ID, then sourceDatabaseDeletionDate must be specified. Otherwise sourceDatabaseId must be the restorable dropped database resource ID and sourceDatabaseDeletionDate is ignored. restorePointInTime may also be specified to restore from an earlier point in time. RestoreLongTermRetentionBackup: Creates a database by restoring from a long term retention vault. recoveryServicesRecoveryPointResourceId must be specified as the recovery point resource ID. Copy, Secondary, and RestoreLongTermRetentionBackup are not supported for DataWarehouse edition. | DatabaseProperties_CreateMode Optional |
elasticPoolReference | The resource identifier of the elastic pool containing this database. | genruntime.ResourceReference Optional |
federatedClientId | The Client id used for cross tenant per database CMK scenario | string Optional |
highAvailabilityReplicaCount | The number of secondary replicas associated with the database that are used to provide high availability. Not applicable to a Hyperscale database within an elastic pool. | int Optional |
identity | The Azure Active Directory identity of the database. | DatabaseIdentity Optional |
isLedgerOn | Whether or not this database is a ledger database, which means all tables in the database are ledger tables. Note: the value of this property cannot be changed after the database has been created. | bool Optional |
licenseType | The license type to apply for this database. LicenseIncluded if you need a license, or BasePrice if you have a license and are eligible for the Azure Hybrid Benefit. |
DatabaseProperties_LicenseType Optional |
location | Resource location. | string Required |
longTermRetentionBackupResourceReference | The resource identifier of the long term retention backup associated with create operation of this database. | genruntime.ResourceReference Optional |
maintenanceConfigurationId | Maintenance configuration id assigned to the database. This configuration defines the period when the maintenance updates will occur. | string Optional |
maxSizeBytes | The max size of the database expressed in bytes. | int Optional |
minCapacity | Minimal capacity that database will always have allocated, if not paused | float64 Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ServersDatabaseOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a sql.azure.com/Server resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
readScale | The state of read-only routing. If enabled, connections that have application intent set to readonly in their connection string may be routed to a readonly secondary replica in the same region. Not applicable to a Hyperscale database within an elastic pool. | DatabaseProperties_ReadScale Optional |
recoverableDatabaseReference | The resource identifier of the recoverable database associated with create operation of this database. | genruntime.ResourceReference Optional |
recoveryServicesRecoveryPointReference | The resource identifier of the recovery point associated with create operation of this database. | genruntime.ResourceReference Optional |
requestedBackupStorageRedundancy | The storage account type to be used to store backups for this database. | DatabaseProperties_RequestedBackupStorageRedundancy Optional |
restorableDroppedDatabaseReference | The resource identifier of the restorable dropped database associated with create operation of this database. | genruntime.ResourceReference Optional |
restorePointInTime | Specifies the point in time (ISO8601 format) of the source database that will be restored to create the new database. | string Optional |
sampleName | The name of the sample schema to apply when creating this database. | DatabaseProperties_SampleName Optional |
secondaryType | The secondary type of the database if it is a secondary. Valid values are Geo and Named. | DatabaseProperties_SecondaryType Optional |
sku | The database SKU. The list of SKUs may vary by region and support offer. To determine the SKUs (including the SKU name, tier/edition, family, and capacity) that are available to your subscription in an Azure region, use the Capabilities_ListByLocation REST API or one of the following commands: azurecli az sql db list-editions -l <location> -o table``powershell Get-AzSqlServerServiceObjective -Location <location> `` |
Sku Optional |
sourceDatabaseDeletionDate | Specifies the time that the database was deleted. | string Optional |
sourceDatabaseReference | The resource identifier of the source database associated with create operation of this database. | genruntime.ResourceReference Optional |
sourceResourceReference | The resource identifier of the source associated with the create operation of this database. This property is only supported for DataWarehouse edition and allows to restore across subscriptions. When sourceResourceId is specified, sourceDatabaseId, recoverableDatabaseId, restorableDroppedDatabaseId and sourceDatabaseDeletionDate must not be specified and CreateMode must be PointInTimeRestore, Restore or Recover. When createMode is PointInTimeRestore, sourceResourceId must be the resource ID of the existing database or existing sql pool, and restorePointInTime must be specified. When createMode is Restore, sourceResourceId must be the resource ID of restorable dropped database or restorable dropped sql pool. When createMode is Recover, sourceResourceId must be the resource ID of recoverable database or recoverable sql pool. When source subscription belongs to a different tenant than target subscription, “x-ms-authorization-auxiliary” header must contain authentication token for the source tenant. For more details about “x-ms-authorization-auxiliary” header see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/management/authenticate-multi-tenant | genruntime.ResourceReference Optional |
tags | Resource tags. | map[string]string Optional |
zoneRedundant | Whether or not this database is zone redundant, which means the replicas of this database will be spread across multiple availability zones. | bool Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
autoPauseDelay | Time in minutes after which database is automatically paused. A value of -1 means that automatic pause is disabled | int Optional |
catalogCollation | Collation of the metadata catalog. | DatabaseProperties_CatalogCollation_STATUS Optional |
collation | The collation of the database. | string Optional |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
createMode | Specifies the mode of database creation. Default: regular database creation. Copy: creates a database as a copy of an existing database. sourceDatabaseId must be specified as the resource ID of the source database. Secondary: creates a database as a secondary replica of an existing database. sourceDatabaseId must be specified as the resource ID of the existing primary database. PointInTimeRestore: Creates a database by restoring a point in time backup of an existing database. sourceDatabaseId must be specified as the resource ID of the existing database, and restorePointInTime must be specified. Recovery: Creates a database by restoring a geo-replicated backup. sourceDatabaseId must be specified as the recoverable database resource ID to restore. Restore: Creates a database by restoring a backup of a deleted database. sourceDatabaseId must be specified. If sourceDatabaseId is the database’s original resource ID, then sourceDatabaseDeletionDate must be specified. Otherwise sourceDatabaseId must be the restorable dropped database resource ID and sourceDatabaseDeletionDate is ignored. restorePointInTime may also be specified to restore from an earlier point in time. RestoreLongTermRetentionBackup: Creates a database by restoring from a long term retention vault. recoveryServicesRecoveryPointResourceId must be specified as the recovery point resource ID. Copy, Secondary, and RestoreLongTermRetentionBackup are not supported for DataWarehouse edition. | DatabaseProperties_CreateMode_STATUS Optional |
creationDate | The creation date of the database (ISO8601 format). | string Optional |
currentBackupStorageRedundancy | The storage account type used to store backups for this database. | DatabaseProperties_CurrentBackupStorageRedundancy_STATUS Optional |
currentServiceObjectiveName | The current service level objective name of the database. | string Optional |
currentSku | The name and tier of the SKU. | Sku_STATUS Optional |
databaseId | The ID of the database. | string Optional |
defaultSecondaryLocation | The default secondary region for this database. | string Optional |
earliestRestoreDate | This records the earliest start date and time that restore is available for this database (ISO8601 format). | string Optional |
elasticPoolId | The resource identifier of the elastic pool containing this database. | string Optional |
failoverGroupId | Failover Group resource identifier that this database belongs to. | string Optional |
federatedClientId | The Client id used for cross tenant per database CMK scenario | string Optional |
highAvailabilityReplicaCount | The number of secondary replicas associated with the database that are used to provide high availability. Not applicable to a Hyperscale database within an elastic pool. | int Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
identity | The Azure Active Directory identity of the database. | DatabaseIdentity_STATUS Optional |
isInfraEncryptionEnabled | Infra encryption is enabled for this database. | bool Optional |
isLedgerOn | Whether or not this database is a ledger database, which means all tables in the database are ledger tables. Note: the value of this property cannot be changed after the database has been created. | bool Optional |
kind | Kind of database. This is metadata used for the Azure portal experience. | string Optional |
licenseType | The license type to apply for this database. LicenseIncluded if you need a license, or BasePrice if you have a license and are eligible for the Azure Hybrid Benefit. |
DatabaseProperties_LicenseType_STATUS Optional |
location | Resource location. | string Optional |
longTermRetentionBackupResourceId | The resource identifier of the long term retention backup associated with create operation of this database. | string Optional |
maintenanceConfigurationId | Maintenance configuration id assigned to the database. This configuration defines the period when the maintenance updates will occur. | string Optional |
managedBy | Resource that manages the database. | string Optional |
maxLogSizeBytes | The max log size for this database. | int Optional |
maxSizeBytes | The max size of the database expressed in bytes. | int Optional |
minCapacity | Minimal capacity that database will always have allocated, if not paused | float64 Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
pausedDate | The date when database was paused by user configuration or action(ISO8601 format). Null if the database is ready. | string Optional |
readScale | The state of read-only routing. If enabled, connections that have application intent set to readonly in their connection string may be routed to a readonly secondary replica in the same region. Not applicable to a Hyperscale database within an elastic pool. | DatabaseProperties_ReadScale_STATUS Optional |
recoverableDatabaseId | The resource identifier of the recoverable database associated with create operation of this database. | string Optional |
recoveryServicesRecoveryPointId | The resource identifier of the recovery point associated with create operation of this database. | string Optional |
requestedBackupStorageRedundancy | The storage account type to be used to store backups for this database. | DatabaseProperties_RequestedBackupStorageRedundancy_STATUS Optional |
requestedServiceObjectiveName | The requested service level objective name of the database. | string Optional |
restorableDroppedDatabaseId | The resource identifier of the restorable dropped database associated with create operation of this database. | string Optional |
restorePointInTime | Specifies the point in time (ISO8601 format) of the source database that will be restored to create the new database. | string Optional |
resumedDate | The date when database was resumed by user action or database login (ISO8601 format). Null if the database is paused. | string Optional |
sampleName | The name of the sample schema to apply when creating this database. | DatabaseProperties_SampleName_STATUS Optional |
secondaryType | The secondary type of the database if it is a secondary. Valid values are Geo and Named. | DatabaseProperties_SecondaryType_STATUS Optional |
sku | The database SKU. The list of SKUs may vary by region and support offer. To determine the SKUs (including the SKU name, tier/edition, family, and capacity) that are available to your subscription in an Azure region, use the Capabilities_ListByLocation REST API or one of the following commands: azurecli az sql db list-editions -l <location> -o table``powershell Get-AzSqlServerServiceObjective -Location <location> `` |
Sku_STATUS Optional |
sourceDatabaseDeletionDate | Specifies the time that the database was deleted. | string Optional |
sourceDatabaseId | The resource identifier of the source database associated with create operation of this database. | string Optional |
sourceResourceId | The resource identifier of the source associated with the create operation of this database. This property is only supported for DataWarehouse edition and allows to restore across subscriptions. When sourceResourceId is specified, sourceDatabaseId, recoverableDatabaseId, restorableDroppedDatabaseId and sourceDatabaseDeletionDate must not be specified and CreateMode must be PointInTimeRestore, Restore or Recover. When createMode is PointInTimeRestore, sourceResourceId must be the resource ID of the existing database or existing sql pool, and restorePointInTime must be specified. When createMode is Restore, sourceResourceId must be the resource ID of restorable dropped database or restorable dropped sql pool. When createMode is Recover, sourceResourceId must be the resource ID of recoverable database or recoverable sql pool. When source subscription belongs to a different tenant than target subscription, “x-ms-authorization-auxiliary” header must contain authentication token for the source tenant. For more details about “x-ms-authorization-auxiliary” header see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/management/authenticate-multi-tenant | string Optional |
status | The status of the database. | DatabaseProperties_Status_STATUS Optional |
tags | Resource tags. | map[string]string Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
zoneRedundant | Whether or not this database is zone redundant, which means the replicas of this database will be spread across multiple availability zones. | bool Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/stable/2021-11-01/Databases.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | ServersDatabase[] Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/stable/2021-11-01/DatabaseAdvancedThreatProtectionSettings.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/advancedThreatProtectionSettings/Default
Used by: ServersDatabasesAdvancedThreatProtectionSettingList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | ServersDatabasesAdvancedThreatProtectionSetting_Spec Optional |
status | ServersDatabasesAdvancedThreatProtectionSetting_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ServersDatabasesAdvancedThreatProtectionSettingOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a sql.azure.com/ServersDatabase resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
state | Specifies the state of the Advanced Threat Protection, whether it is enabled or disabled or a state has not been applied yet on the specific database or server. | AdvancedThreatProtectionProperties_State Required |
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
creationTime | Specifies the UTC creation time of the policy. | string Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
state | Specifies the state of the Advanced Threat Protection, whether it is enabled or disabled or a state has not been applied yet on the specific database or server. | AdvancedThreatProtectionProperties_State_STATUS Optional |
systemData | SystemData of AdvancedThreatProtectionResource. | SystemData_STATUS Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/stable/2021-11-01/DatabaseAdvancedThreatProtectionSettings.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/advancedThreatProtectionSettings/Default
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | ServersDatabasesAdvancedThreatProtectionSetting[] Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/stable/2021-11-01/BlobAuditing.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/auditingSettings/default
Used by: ServersDatabasesAuditingSettingList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | ServersDatabasesAuditingSetting_Spec Optional |
status | ServersDatabasesAuditingSetting_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
auditActionsAndGroups | Specifies the Actions-Groups and Actions to audit. The recommended set of action groups to use is the following combination - this will audit all the queries and stored procedures executed against the database, as well as successful and failed logins: BATCH_COMPLETED_GROUP, SUCCESSFUL_DATABASE_AUTHENTICATION_GROUP, FAILED_DATABASE_AUTHENTICATION_GROUP. This above combination is also the set that is configured by default when enabling auditing from the Azure portal. The supported action groups to audit are (note: choose only specific groups that cover your auditing needs. Using unnecessary groups could lead to very large quantities of audit records): APPLICATION_ROLE_CHANGE_PASSWORD_GROUP BACKUP_RESTORE_GROUP DATABASE_LOGOUT_GROUP DATABASE_OBJECT_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_OBJECT_OWNERSHIP_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_OBJECT_PERMISSION_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_OPERATION_GROUP DATABASE_PERMISSION_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_IMPERSONATION_GROUP DATABASE_ROLE_MEMBER_CHANGE_GROUP FAILED_DATABASE_AUTHENTICATION_GROUP SCHEMA_OBJECT_ACCESS_GROUP SCHEMA_OBJECT_CHANGE_GROUP SCHEMA_OBJECT_OWNERSHIP_CHANGE_GROUP SCHEMA_OBJECT_PERMISSION_CHANGE_GROUP SUCCESSFUL_DATABASE_AUTHENTICATION_GROUP USER_CHANGE_PASSWORD_GROUP BATCH_STARTED_GROUP BATCH_COMPLETED_GROUP DBCC_GROUP DATABASE_OWNERSHIP_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_CHANGE_GROUP LEDGER_OPERATION_GROUP These are groups that cover all sql statements and stored procedures executed against the database, and should not be used in combination with other groups as this will result in duplicate audit logs. For more information, see Database-Level Audit Action Groups. For Database auditing policy, specific Actions can also be specified (note that Actions cannot be specified for Server auditing policy). The supported actions to audit are: SELECT UPDATE INSERT DELETE EXECUTE RECEIVE REFERENCES The general form for defining an action to be audited is: {action} ON {object} BY {principal} Note that | string[] Optional |
isAzureMonitorTargetEnabled | Specifies whether audit events are sent to Azure Monitor. In order to send the events to Azure Monitor, specify ‘State’ as ‘Enabled’ and ‘IsAzureMonitorTargetEnabled’ as true. When using REST API to configure auditing, Diagnostic Settings with ‘SQLSecurityAuditEvents’ diagnostic logs category on the database should be also created. Note that for server level audit you should use the ‘master’ database as {databaseName}. Diagnostic Settings URI format: PUT https://management.azure.com/​subscriptions/​{subscriptionId}/​resourceGroups/​{resourceGroup}/​providers/​Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/providers/microsoft.insights/diagnosticSettings/{settingsName}?api-version=2017-05-01-preview For more information, see Diagnostic Settings REST API or Diagnostic Settings PowerShell | bool Optional |
isManagedIdentityInUse | Specifies whether Managed Identity is used to access blob storage | bool Optional |
isStorageSecondaryKeyInUse | Specifies whether storageAccountAccessKey value is the storage’s secondary key. | bool Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ServersDatabasesAuditingSettingOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a sql.azure.com/ServersDatabase resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
queueDelayMs | Specifies the amount of time in milliseconds that can elapse before audit actions are forced to be processed. The default minimum value is 1000 (1 second). The maximum is 2,147,483,647. | int Optional |
retentionDays | Specifies the number of days to keep in the audit logs in the storage account. | int Optional |
state | Specifies the state of the audit. If state is Enabled, storageEndpoint or isAzureMonitorTargetEnabled are required. | DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicyProperties_State Required |
storageAccountAccessKey | Specifies the identifier key of the auditing storage account. If state is Enabled and storageEndpoint is specified, not specifying the storageAccountAccessKey will use SQL server system-assigned managed identity to access the storage. Prerequisites for using managed identity authentication: 1. Assign SQL Server a system-assigned managed identity in Azure Active Directory (AAD). 2. Grant SQL Server identity access to the storage account by adding ‘Storage Blob Data Contributor’ RBAC role to the server identity. For more information, see Auditing to storage using Managed Identity authentication | genruntime.SecretReference Optional |
storageAccountSubscriptionId | Specifies the blob storage subscription Id. | string Optional |
storageEndpoint | Specifies the blob storage endpoint (e.g. https://MyAccount.blob.core.windows.net). If state is Enabled, storageEndpoint or isAzureMonitorTargetEnabled is required. | string Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
auditActionsAndGroups | Specifies the Actions-Groups and Actions to audit. The recommended set of action groups to use is the following combination - this will audit all the queries and stored procedures executed against the database, as well as successful and failed logins: BATCH_COMPLETED_GROUP, SUCCESSFUL_DATABASE_AUTHENTICATION_GROUP, FAILED_DATABASE_AUTHENTICATION_GROUP. This above combination is also the set that is configured by default when enabling auditing from the Azure portal. The supported action groups to audit are (note: choose only specific groups that cover your auditing needs. Using unnecessary groups could lead to very large quantities of audit records): APPLICATION_ROLE_CHANGE_PASSWORD_GROUP BACKUP_RESTORE_GROUP DATABASE_LOGOUT_GROUP DATABASE_OBJECT_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_OBJECT_OWNERSHIP_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_OBJECT_PERMISSION_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_OPERATION_GROUP DATABASE_PERMISSION_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_IMPERSONATION_GROUP DATABASE_ROLE_MEMBER_CHANGE_GROUP FAILED_DATABASE_AUTHENTICATION_GROUP SCHEMA_OBJECT_ACCESS_GROUP SCHEMA_OBJECT_CHANGE_GROUP SCHEMA_OBJECT_OWNERSHIP_CHANGE_GROUP SCHEMA_OBJECT_PERMISSION_CHANGE_GROUP SUCCESSFUL_DATABASE_AUTHENTICATION_GROUP USER_CHANGE_PASSWORD_GROUP BATCH_STARTED_GROUP BATCH_COMPLETED_GROUP DBCC_GROUP DATABASE_OWNERSHIP_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_CHANGE_GROUP LEDGER_OPERATION_GROUP These are groups that cover all sql statements and stored procedures executed against the database, and should not be used in combination with other groups as this will result in duplicate audit logs. For more information, see Database-Level Audit Action Groups. For Database auditing policy, specific Actions can also be specified (note that Actions cannot be specified for Server auditing policy). The supported actions to audit are: SELECT UPDATE INSERT DELETE EXECUTE RECEIVE REFERENCES The general form for defining an action to be audited is: {action} ON {object} BY {principal} Note that | string[] Optional |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
isAzureMonitorTargetEnabled | Specifies whether audit events are sent to Azure Monitor. In order to send the events to Azure Monitor, specify ‘State’ as ‘Enabled’ and ‘IsAzureMonitorTargetEnabled’ as true. When using REST API to configure auditing, Diagnostic Settings with ‘SQLSecurityAuditEvents’ diagnostic logs category on the database should be also created. Note that for server level audit you should use the ‘master’ database as {databaseName}. Diagnostic Settings URI format: PUT https://management.azure.com/​subscriptions/​{subscriptionId}/​resourceGroups/​{resourceGroup}/​providers/​Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/providers/microsoft.insights/diagnosticSettings/{settingsName}?api-version=2017-05-01-preview For more information, see Diagnostic Settings REST API or Diagnostic Settings PowerShell | bool Optional |
isManagedIdentityInUse | Specifies whether Managed Identity is used to access blob storage | bool Optional |
isStorageSecondaryKeyInUse | Specifies whether storageAccountAccessKey value is the storage’s secondary key. | bool Optional |
kind | Resource kind. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
queueDelayMs | Specifies the amount of time in milliseconds that can elapse before audit actions are forced to be processed. The default minimum value is 1000 (1 second). The maximum is 2,147,483,647. | int Optional |
retentionDays | Specifies the number of days to keep in the audit logs in the storage account. | int Optional |
state | Specifies the state of the audit. If state is Enabled, storageEndpoint or isAzureMonitorTargetEnabled are required. | DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicyProperties_State_STATUS Optional |
storageAccountSubscriptionId | Specifies the blob storage subscription Id. | string Optional |
storageEndpoint | Specifies the blob storage endpoint (e.g. https://MyAccount.blob.core.windows.net). If state is Enabled, storageEndpoint or isAzureMonitorTargetEnabled is required. | string Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/stable/2021-11-01/BlobAuditing.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/auditingSettings/default
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | ServersDatabasesAuditingSetting[] Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/stable/2021-11-01/LongTermRetentionPolicies.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/backupLongTermRetentionPolicies/default
Used by: ServersDatabasesBackupLongTermRetentionPolicyList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | ServersDatabasesBackupLongTermRetentionPolicy_Spec Optional |
status | ServersDatabasesBackupLongTermRetentionPolicy_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
monthlyRetention | The monthly retention policy for an LTR backup in an ISO 8601 format. | string Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ServersDatabasesBackupLongTermRetentionPolicyOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a sql.azure.com/ServersDatabase resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
weeklyRetention | The weekly retention policy for an LTR backup in an ISO 8601 format. | string Optional |
weekOfYear | The week of year to take the yearly backup in an ISO 8601 format. | int Optional |
yearlyRetention | The yearly retention policy for an LTR backup in an ISO 8601 format. | string Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
monthlyRetention | The monthly retention policy for an LTR backup in an ISO 8601 format. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
weeklyRetention | The weekly retention policy for an LTR backup in an ISO 8601 format. | string Optional |
weekOfYear | The week of year to take the yearly backup in an ISO 8601 format. | int Optional |
yearlyRetention | The yearly retention policy for an LTR backup in an ISO 8601 format. | string Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/stable/2021-11-01/LongTermRetentionPolicies.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/backupLongTermRetentionPolicies/default
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | ServersDatabasesBackupLongTermRetentionPolicy[] Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/stable/2021-11-01/BackupShortTermRetentionPolicies.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/backupShortTermRetentionPolicies/default
Used by: ServersDatabasesBackupShortTermRetentionPolicyList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | ServersDatabasesBackupShortTermRetentionPolicy_Spec Optional |
status | ServersDatabasesBackupShortTermRetentionPolicy_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
diffBackupIntervalInHours | The differential backup interval in hours. This is how many interval hours between each differential backup will be supported. This is only applicable to live databases but not dropped databases. | BackupShortTermRetentionPolicyProperties_DiffBackupIntervalInHours Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ServersDatabasesBackupShortTermRetentionPolicyOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a sql.azure.com/ServersDatabase resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
retentionDays | The backup retention period in days. This is how many days Point-in-Time Restore will be supported. | int Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
diffBackupIntervalInHours | The differential backup interval in hours. This is how many interval hours between each differential backup will be supported. This is only applicable to live databases but not dropped databases. | BackupShortTermRetentionPolicyProperties_DiffBackupIntervalInHours_STATUS Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
retentionDays | The backup retention period in days. This is how many days Point-in-Time Restore will be supported. | int Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/stable/2021-11-01/BackupShortTermRetentionPolicies.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/backupShortTermRetentionPolicies/default
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | ServersDatabasesBackupShortTermRetentionPolicy[] Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/stable/2021-11-01/DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicies.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/securityAlertPolicies/default
Used by: ServersDatabasesSecurityAlertPolicyList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | ServersDatabasesSecurityAlertPolicy_Spec Optional |
status | ServersDatabasesSecurityAlertPolicy_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
disabledAlerts | Specifies an array of alerts that are disabled. Allowed values are: Sql_Injection, Sql_Injection_Vulnerability, Access_Anomaly, Data_Exfiltration, Unsafe_Action, Brute_Force | string[] Optional |
emailAccountAdmins | Specifies that the alert is sent to the account administrators. | bool Optional |
emailAddresses | Specifies an array of e-mail addresses to which the alert is sent. | string[] Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ServersDatabasesSecurityAlertPolicyOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a sql.azure.com/ServersDatabase resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
retentionDays | Specifies the number of days to keep in the Threat Detection audit logs. | int Optional |
state | Specifies the state of the policy, whether it is enabled or disabled or a policy has not been applied yet on the specific database. | DatabaseSecurityAlertPoliciesSecurityAlertsPolicyProperties_State Required |
storageAccountAccessKey | Specifies the identifier key of the Threat Detection audit storage account. | genruntime.SecretReference Optional |
storageEndpoint | Specifies the blob storage endpoint (e.g. https://MyAccount.blob.core.windows.net). This blob storage will hold all Threat Detection audit logs. | string Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
creationTime | Specifies the UTC creation time of the policy. | string Optional |
disabledAlerts | Specifies an array of alerts that are disabled. Allowed values are: Sql_Injection, Sql_Injection_Vulnerability, Access_Anomaly, Data_Exfiltration, Unsafe_Action, Brute_Force | string[] Optional |
emailAccountAdmins | Specifies that the alert is sent to the account administrators. | bool Optional |
emailAddresses | Specifies an array of e-mail addresses to which the alert is sent. | string[] Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
retentionDays | Specifies the number of days to keep in the Threat Detection audit logs. | int Optional |
state | Specifies the state of the policy, whether it is enabled or disabled or a policy has not been applied yet on the specific database. | DatabaseSecurityAlertPoliciesSecurityAlertsPolicyProperties_State_STATUS Optional |
storageEndpoint | Specifies the blob storage endpoint (e.g. https://MyAccount.blob.core.windows.net). This blob storage will hold all Threat Detection audit logs. | string Optional |
systemData | SystemData of SecurityAlertPolicyResource. | SystemData_STATUS Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/stable/2021-11-01/DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicies.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/securityAlertPolicies/default
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | ServersDatabasesSecurityAlertPolicy[] Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/stable/2021-11-01/TransparentDataEncryptions.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/transparentDataEncryption/{tdeName}
Used by: ServersDatabasesTransparentDataEncryptionList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | ServersDatabasesTransparentDataEncryption_Spec Optional |
status | ServersDatabasesTransparentDataEncryption_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ServersDatabasesTransparentDataEncryptionOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a sql.azure.com/ServersDatabase resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
state | Specifies the state of the transparent data encryption. | TransparentDataEncryptionProperties_State Required |
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
state | Specifies the state of the transparent data encryption. | TransparentDataEncryptionProperties_State_STATUS Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/stable/2021-11-01/TransparentDataEncryptions.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/transparentDataEncryption/{tdeName}
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | ServersDatabasesTransparentDataEncryption[] Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/stable/2021-11-01/DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessments.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/vulnerabilityAssessments/default
Used by: ServersDatabasesVulnerabilityAssessmentList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | ServersDatabasesVulnerabilityAssessment_Spec Optional |
status | ServersDatabasesVulnerabilityAssessment_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ServersDatabasesVulnerabilityAssessmentOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a sql.azure.com/ServersDatabase resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
recurringScans | The recurring scans settings | VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties Optional |
storageAccountAccessKey | Specifies the identifier key of the storage account for vulnerability assessment scan results. If ‘StorageContainerSasKey’ isn’t specified, storageAccountAccessKey is required. Applies only if the storage account is not behind a Vnet or a firewall | genruntime.SecretReference Optional |
storageContainerPath | A blob storage container path to hold the scan results (e.g. https://myStorage.blob.core.windows.net/VaScans/). It is required if server level vulnerability assessment policy doesn’t set | string Optional |
storageContainerPathFromConfig | A blob storage container path to hold the scan results (e.g. https://myStorage.blob.core.windows.net/VaScans/). It is required if server level vulnerability assessment policy doesn’t set | genruntime.ConfigMapReference Optional |
storageContainerSasKey | A shared access signature (SAS Key) that has write access to the blob container specified in ‘storageContainerPath’ parameter. If ‘storageAccountAccessKey’ isn’t specified, StorageContainerSasKey is required. Applies only if the storage account is not behind a Vnet or a firewall | genruntime.SecretReference Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
recurringScans | The recurring scans settings | VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties_STATUS Optional |
storageContainerPath | A blob storage container path to hold the scan results (e.g. https://myStorage.blob.core.windows.net/VaScans/). It is required if server level vulnerability assessment policy doesn’t set | string Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/stable/2021-11-01/DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessments.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/vulnerabilityAssessments/default
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | ServersDatabasesVulnerabilityAssessment[] Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/stable/2021-11-01/ElasticPools.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/elasticPools/{elasticPoolName}
Used by: ServersElasticPoolList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | ServersElasticPool_Spec Optional |
status | ServersElasticPool_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
highAvailabilityReplicaCount | The number of secondary replicas associated with the elastic pool that are used to provide high availability. Applicable only to Hyperscale elastic pools. | int Optional |
licenseType | The license type to apply for this elastic pool. | ElasticPoolProperties_LicenseType Optional |
location | Resource location. | string Required |
maintenanceConfigurationId | Maintenance configuration id assigned to the elastic pool. This configuration defines the period when the maintenance updates will will occur. | string Optional |
maxSizeBytes | The storage limit for the database elastic pool in bytes. | int Optional |
minCapacity | Minimal capacity that serverless pool will not shrink below, if not paused | float64 Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ServersElasticPoolOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a sql.azure.com/Server resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
perDatabaseSettings | The per database settings for the elastic pool. | ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings Optional |
sku | The elastic pool SKU. The list of SKUs may vary by region and support offer. To determine the SKUs (including the SKU name, tier/edition, family, and capacity) that are available to your subscription in an Azure region, use the Capabilities_ListByLocation REST API or the following command: azurecli az sql elastic-pool list-editions -l <location> -o table ` |
Sku Optional |
tags | Resource tags. | map[string]string Optional |
zoneRedundant | Whether or not this elastic pool is zone redundant, which means the replicas of this elastic pool will be spread across multiple availability zones. | bool Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
creationDate | The creation date of the elastic pool (ISO8601 format). | string Optional |
highAvailabilityReplicaCount | The number of secondary replicas associated with the elastic pool that are used to provide high availability. Applicable only to Hyperscale elastic pools. | int Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
kind | Kind of elastic pool. This is metadata used for the Azure portal experience. | string Optional |
licenseType | The license type to apply for this elastic pool. | ElasticPoolProperties_LicenseType_STATUS Optional |
location | Resource location. | string Optional |
maintenanceConfigurationId | Maintenance configuration id assigned to the elastic pool. This configuration defines the period when the maintenance updates will will occur. | string Optional |
maxSizeBytes | The storage limit for the database elastic pool in bytes. | int Optional |
minCapacity | Minimal capacity that serverless pool will not shrink below, if not paused | float64 Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
perDatabaseSettings | The per database settings for the elastic pool. | ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings_STATUS Optional |
sku | The elastic pool SKU. The list of SKUs may vary by region and support offer. To determine the SKUs (including the SKU name, tier/edition, family, and capacity) that are available to your subscription in an Azure region, use the Capabilities_ListByLocation REST API or the following command: azurecli az sql elastic-pool list-editions -l <location> -o table ` |
Sku_STATUS Optional |
state | The state of the elastic pool. | ElasticPoolProperties_State_STATUS Optional |
tags | Resource tags. | map[string]string Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
zoneRedundant | Whether or not this elastic pool is zone redundant, which means the replicas of this elastic pool will be spread across multiple availability zones. | bool Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/stable/2021-11-01/ElasticPools.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/elasticPools/{elasticPoolName}
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | ServersElasticPool[] Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/stable/2021-11-01/FailoverGroups.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/failoverGroups/{failoverGroupName}
Used by: ServersFailoverGroupList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | ServersFailoverGroup_Spec Optional |
status | ServersFailoverGroup_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
databasesReferences | List of databases in the failover group. | genruntime.ResourceReference[] Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ServersFailoverGroupOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a sql.azure.com/Server resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
partnerServers | List of partner server information for the failover group. | PartnerInfo[] Required |
readOnlyEndpoint | Read-only endpoint of the failover group instance. | FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint Optional |
readWriteEndpoint | Read-write endpoint of the failover group instance. | FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint Required |
tags | Resource tags. | map[string]string Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
databases | List of databases in the failover group. | string[] Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
location | Resource location. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
partnerServers | List of partner server information for the failover group. | PartnerInfo_STATUS[] Optional |
readOnlyEndpoint | Read-only endpoint of the failover group instance. | FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint_STATUS Optional |
readWriteEndpoint | Read-write endpoint of the failover group instance. | FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint_STATUS Optional |
replicationRole | Local replication role of the failover group instance. | FailoverGroupProperties_ReplicationRole_STATUS Optional |
replicationState | Replication state of the failover group instance. | string Optional |
tags | Resource tags. | map[string]string Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/stable/2021-11-01/FailoverGroups.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/failoverGroups/{failoverGroupName}
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | ServersFailoverGroup[] Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/stable/2021-11-01/FirewallRules.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/firewallRules/{firewallRuleName}
Used by: ServersFirewallRuleList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | ServersFirewallRule_Spec Optional |
status | ServersFirewallRule_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
endIpAddress | The end IP address of the firewall rule. Must be IPv4 format. Must be greater than or equal to startIpAddress. Use value ‘’ for all Azure-internal IP addresses. | string Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ServersFirewallRuleOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a sql.azure.com/Server resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
startIpAddress | The start IP address of the firewall rule. Must be IPv4 format. Use value ‘’ for all Azure-internal IP addresses. | string Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
endIpAddress | The end IP address of the firewall rule. Must be IPv4 format. Must be greater than or equal to startIpAddress. Use value ‘’ for all Azure-internal IP addresses. | string Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
startIpAddress | The start IP address of the firewall rule. Must be IPv4 format. Use value ‘’ for all Azure-internal IP addresses. | string Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/stable/2021-11-01/FirewallRules.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/firewallRules/{firewallRuleName}
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | ServersFirewallRule[] Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/stable/2021-11-01/IPv6FirewallRules.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/ipv6FirewallRules/{firewallRuleName}
Used by: ServersIPV6FirewallRuleList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | ServersIPV6FirewallRule_Spec Optional |
status | ServersIPV6FirewallRule_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
endIPv6Address | The end IP address of the firewall rule. Must be IPv6 format. Must be greater than or equal to startIpAddress. | string Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ServersIPV6FirewallRuleOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a sql.azure.com/Server resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
startIPv6Address | The start IP address of the firewall rule. Must be IPv6 format. | string Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
endIPv6Address | The end IP address of the firewall rule. Must be IPv6 format. Must be greater than or equal to startIpAddress. | string Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
startIPv6Address | The start IP address of the firewall rule. Must be IPv6 format. | string Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/stable/2021-11-01/IPv6FirewallRules.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/ipv6FirewallRules/{firewallRuleName}
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | ServersIPV6FirewallRule[] Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/stable/2021-11-01/OutboundFirewallRules.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/outboundFirewallRules/{outboundRuleFqdn}
Used by: ServersOutboundFirewallRuleList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | ServersOutboundFirewallRule_Spec Optional |
status | ServersOutboundFirewallRule_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ServersOutboundFirewallRuleOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a sql.azure.com/Server resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
provisioningState | The state of the outbound rule. | string Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/stable/2021-11-01/OutboundFirewallRules.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/outboundFirewallRules/{outboundRuleFqdn}
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | ServersOutboundFirewallRule[] Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/stable/2021-11-01/ServerSecurityAlertPolicies.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/securityAlertPolicies/Default
Used by: ServersSecurityAlertPolicyList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | ServersSecurityAlertPolicy_Spec Optional |
status | ServersSecurityAlertPolicy_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
disabledAlerts | Specifies an array of alerts that are disabled. Allowed values are: Sql_Injection, Sql_Injection_Vulnerability, Access_Anomaly, Data_Exfiltration, Unsafe_Action, Brute_Force | string[] Optional |
emailAccountAdmins | Specifies that the alert is sent to the account administrators. | bool Optional |
emailAddresses | Specifies an array of e-mail addresses to which the alert is sent. | string[] Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ServersSecurityAlertPolicyOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a sql.azure.com/Server resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
retentionDays | Specifies the number of days to keep in the Threat Detection audit logs. | int Optional |
state | Specifies the state of the policy, whether it is enabled or disabled or a policy has not been applied yet on the specific database. | ServerSecurityAlertPoliciesSecurityAlertsPolicyProperties_State Required |
storageAccountAccessKey | Specifies the identifier key of the Threat Detection audit storage account. | genruntime.SecretReference Optional |
storageEndpoint | Specifies the blob storage endpoint (e.g. https://MyAccount.blob.core.windows.net). This blob storage will hold all Threat Detection audit logs. | string Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
creationTime | Specifies the UTC creation time of the policy. | string Optional |
disabledAlerts | Specifies an array of alerts that are disabled. Allowed values are: Sql_Injection, Sql_Injection_Vulnerability, Access_Anomaly, Data_Exfiltration, Unsafe_Action, Brute_Force | string[] Optional |
emailAccountAdmins | Specifies that the alert is sent to the account administrators. | bool Optional |
emailAddresses | Specifies an array of e-mail addresses to which the alert is sent. | string[] Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
retentionDays | Specifies the number of days to keep in the Threat Detection audit logs. | int Optional |
state | Specifies the state of the policy, whether it is enabled or disabled or a policy has not been applied yet on the specific database. | ServerSecurityAlertPoliciesSecurityAlertsPolicyProperties_State_STATUS Optional |
storageEndpoint | Specifies the blob storage endpoint (e.g. https://MyAccount.blob.core.windows.net). This blob storage will hold all Threat Detection audit logs. | string Optional |
systemData | SystemData of SecurityAlertPolicyResource. | SystemData_STATUS Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/stable/2021-11-01/ServerSecurityAlertPolicies.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/securityAlertPolicies/Default
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | ServersSecurityAlertPolicy[] Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/stable/2021-11-01/VirtualNetworkRules.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/virtualNetworkRules/{virtualNetworkRuleName}
Used by: ServersVirtualNetworkRuleList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | ServersVirtualNetworkRule_Spec Optional |
status | ServersVirtualNetworkRule_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
ignoreMissingVnetServiceEndpoint | Create firewall rule before the virtual network has vnet service endpoint enabled. | bool Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ServersVirtualNetworkRuleOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a sql.azure.com/Server resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
virtualNetworkSubnetReference | The ARM resource id of the virtual network subnet. | genruntime.ResourceReference Required |
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
ignoreMissingVnetServiceEndpoint | Create firewall rule before the virtual network has vnet service endpoint enabled. | bool Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
state | Virtual Network Rule State | VirtualNetworkRuleProperties_State_STATUS Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
virtualNetworkSubnetId | The ARM resource id of the virtual network subnet. | string Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/stable/2021-11-01/VirtualNetworkRules.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/virtualNetworkRules/{virtualNetworkRuleName}
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | ServersVirtualNetworkRule[] Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/stable/2021-11-01/ServerVulnerabilityAssessments.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/vulnerabilityAssessments/default
Used by: ServersVulnerabilityAssessmentList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | ServersVulnerabilityAssessment_Spec Optional |
status | ServersVulnerabilityAssessment_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ServersVulnerabilityAssessmentOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a sql.azure.com/Server resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
recurringScans | The recurring scans settings | VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties Optional |
storageAccountAccessKey | Specifies the identifier key of the storage account for vulnerability assessment scan results. If ‘StorageContainerSasKey’ isn’t specified, storageAccountAccessKey is required. Applies only if the storage account is not behind a Vnet or a firewall | genruntime.SecretReference Optional |
storageContainerPath | A blob storage container path to hold the scan results (e.g. https://myStorage.blob.core.windows.net/VaScans/). | string Optional |
storageContainerPathFromConfig | A blob storage container path to hold the scan results (e.g. https://myStorage.blob.core.windows.net/VaScans/). | genruntime.ConfigMapReference Optional |
storageContainerSasKey | A shared access signature (SAS Key) that has write access to the blob container specified in ‘storageContainerPath’ parameter. If ‘storageAccountAccessKey’ isn’t specified, StorageContainerSasKey is required. Applies only if the storage account is not behind a Vnet or a firewall | genruntime.SecretReference Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
recurringScans | The recurring scans settings | VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties_STATUS Optional |
storageContainerPath | A blob storage container path to hold the scan results (e.g. https://myStorage.blob.core.windows.net/VaScans/). | string Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/stable/2021-11-01/ServerVulnerabilityAssessments.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/vulnerabilityAssessments/default
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | ServersVulnerabilityAssessment[] Optional |
Used by: Server.
Property | Description | Type |
administratorLogin | Administrator username for the server. Once created it cannot be changed. | string Optional |
administratorLoginPassword | The administrator login password (required for server creation). | genruntime.SecretReference Optional |
administrators | The Azure Active Directory administrator of the server. | ServerExternalAdministrator Optional |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
federatedClientId | The Client id used for cross tenant CMK scenario | string Optional |
identity | The Azure Active Directory identity of the server. | ResourceIdentity Optional |
keyId | A CMK URI of the key to use for encryption. | string Optional |
location | Resource location. | string Required |
minimalTlsVersion | Minimal TLS version. Allowed values: ‘1.0’, ‘1.1’, ‘1.2’ | string Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ServerOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a resources.azure.com/ResourceGroup resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
primaryUserAssignedIdentityReference | The resource id of a user assigned identity to be used by default. | genruntime.ResourceReference Optional |
publicNetworkAccess | Whether or not public endpoint access is allowed for this server. Value is optional but if passed in, must be ‘Enabled’ or ‘Disabled’ | ServerProperties_PublicNetworkAccess Optional |
restrictOutboundNetworkAccess | Whether or not to restrict outbound network access for this server. Value is optional but if passed in, must be ‘Enabled’ or ‘Disabled’ | ServerProperties_RestrictOutboundNetworkAccess Optional |
tags | Resource tags. | map[string]string Optional |
version | The version of the server. | string Optional |
An Azure SQL Database server.
Used by: Server.
Property | Description | Type |
administratorLogin | Administrator username for the server. Once created it cannot be changed. | string Optional |
administrators | The Azure Active Directory administrator of the server. | ServerExternalAdministrator_STATUS Optional |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
federatedClientId | The Client id used for cross tenant CMK scenario | string Optional |
fullyQualifiedDomainName | The fully qualified domain name of the server. | string Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
identity | The Azure Active Directory identity of the server. | ResourceIdentity_STATUS Optional |
keyId | A CMK URI of the key to use for encryption. | string Optional |
kind | Kind of sql server. This is metadata used for the Azure portal experience. | string Optional |
location | Resource location. | string Optional |
minimalTlsVersion | Minimal TLS version. Allowed values: ‘1.0’, ‘1.1’, ‘1.2’ | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
primaryUserAssignedIdentityId | The resource id of a user assigned identity to be used by default. | string Optional |
privateEndpointConnections | List of private endpoint connections on a server | ServerPrivateEndpointConnection_STATUS[] Optional |
publicNetworkAccess | Whether or not public endpoint access is allowed for this server. Value is optional but if passed in, must be ‘Enabled’ or ‘Disabled’ | ServerProperties_PublicNetworkAccess_STATUS Optional |
restrictOutboundNetworkAccess | Whether or not to restrict outbound network access for this server. Value is optional but if passed in, must be ‘Enabled’ or ‘Disabled’ | ServerProperties_RestrictOutboundNetworkAccess_STATUS Optional |
state | The state of the server. | string Optional |
tags | Resource tags. | map[string]string Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
version | The version of the server. | string Optional |
workspaceFeature | Whether or not existing server has a workspace created and if it allows connection from workspace | ServerProperties_WorkspaceFeature_STATUS Optional |
Used by: ServersAdministrator.
Property | Description | Type |
administratorType | Type of the sever administrator. | AdministratorProperties_AdministratorType Required |
login | Login name of the server administrator. | string Required |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ServersAdministratorOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a sql.azure.com/Server resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
sid | SID (object ID) of the server administrator. | string Optional |
sidFromConfig | SID (object ID) of the server administrator. | genruntime.ConfigMapReference Optional |
tenantId | Tenant ID of the administrator. | string Optional |
tenantIdFromConfig | Tenant ID of the administrator. | genruntime.ConfigMapReference Optional |
Used by: ServersAdministrator.
Property | Description | Type |
administratorType | Type of the sever administrator. | AdministratorProperties_AdministratorType_STATUS Optional |
azureADOnlyAuthentication | Azure Active Directory only Authentication enabled. | bool Optional |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
login | Login name of the server administrator. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
sid | SID (object ID) of the server administrator. | string Optional |
tenantId | Tenant ID of the administrator. | string Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Used by: ServersAdvancedThreatProtectionSetting.
Property | Description | Type |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ServersAdvancedThreatProtectionSettingOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a sql.azure.com/Server resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
state | Specifies the state of the Advanced Threat Protection, whether it is enabled or disabled or a state has not been applied yet on the specific database or server. | AdvancedThreatProtectionProperties_State Required |
Used by: ServersAdvancedThreatProtectionSetting.
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
creationTime | Specifies the UTC creation time of the policy. | string Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
state | Specifies the state of the Advanced Threat Protection, whether it is enabled or disabled or a state has not been applied yet on the specific database or server. | AdvancedThreatProtectionProperties_State_STATUS Optional |
systemData | SystemData of AdvancedThreatProtectionResource. | SystemData_STATUS Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Used by: ServersAuditingSetting.
Property | Description | Type |
auditActionsAndGroups | Specifies the Actions-Groups and Actions to audit. The recommended set of action groups to use is the following combination - this will audit all the queries and stored procedures executed against the database, as well as successful and failed logins: BATCH_COMPLETED_GROUP, SUCCESSFUL_DATABASE_AUTHENTICATION_GROUP, FAILED_DATABASE_AUTHENTICATION_GROUP. This above combination is also the set that is configured by default when enabling auditing from the Azure portal. The supported action groups to audit are (note: choose only specific groups that cover your auditing needs. Using unnecessary groups could lead to very large quantities of audit records): APPLICATION_ROLE_CHANGE_PASSWORD_GROUP BACKUP_RESTORE_GROUP DATABASE_LOGOUT_GROUP DATABASE_OBJECT_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_OBJECT_OWNERSHIP_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_OBJECT_PERMISSION_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_OPERATION_GROUP DATABASE_PERMISSION_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_IMPERSONATION_GROUP DATABASE_ROLE_MEMBER_CHANGE_GROUP FAILED_DATABASE_AUTHENTICATION_GROUP SCHEMA_OBJECT_ACCESS_GROUP SCHEMA_OBJECT_CHANGE_GROUP SCHEMA_OBJECT_OWNERSHIP_CHANGE_GROUP SCHEMA_OBJECT_PERMISSION_CHANGE_GROUP SUCCESSFUL_DATABASE_AUTHENTICATION_GROUP USER_CHANGE_PASSWORD_GROUP BATCH_STARTED_GROUP BATCH_COMPLETED_GROUP DBCC_GROUP DATABASE_OWNERSHIP_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_CHANGE_GROUP LEDGER_OPERATION_GROUP These are groups that cover all sql statements and stored procedures executed against the database, and should not be used in combination with other groups as this will result in duplicate audit logs. For more information, see Database-Level Audit Action Groups. For Database auditing policy, specific Actions can also be specified (note that Actions cannot be specified for Server auditing policy). The supported actions to audit are: SELECT UPDATE INSERT DELETE EXECUTE RECEIVE REFERENCES The general form for defining an action to be audited is: {action} ON {object} BY {principal} Note that | string[] Optional |
isAzureMonitorTargetEnabled | Specifies whether audit events are sent to Azure Monitor. In order to send the events to Azure Monitor, specify ‘State’ as ‘Enabled’ and ‘IsAzureMonitorTargetEnabled’ as true. When using REST API to configure auditing, Diagnostic Settings with ‘SQLSecurityAuditEvents’ diagnostic logs category on the database should be also created. Note that for server level audit you should use the ‘master’ database as {databaseName}. Diagnostic Settings URI format: PUT https://management.azure.com/​subscriptions/​{subscriptionId}/​resourceGroups/​{resourceGroup}/​providers/​Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/providers/microsoft.insights/diagnosticSettings/{settingsName}?api-version=2017-05-01-preview For more information, see Diagnostic Settings REST API or Diagnostic Settings PowerShell | bool Optional |
isDevopsAuditEnabled | Specifies the state of devops audit. If state is Enabled, devops logs will be sent to Azure Monitor. In order to send the events to Azure Monitor, specify ‘State’ as ‘Enabled’, ‘IsAzureMonitorTargetEnabled’ as true and ‘IsDevopsAuditEnabled’ as true When using REST API to configure auditing, Diagnostic Settings with ‘DevOpsOperationsAudit’ diagnostic logs category on the master database should also be created. Diagnostic Settings URI format: PUT https://management.azure.com/​subscriptions/​{subscriptionId}/​resourceGroups/​{resourceGroup}/​providers/​Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/master/providers/microsoft.insights/diagnosticSettings/{settingsName}?api-version=2017-05-01-preview For more information, see Diagnostic Settings REST API or Diagnostic Settings PowerShell | bool Optional |
isManagedIdentityInUse | Specifies whether Managed Identity is used to access blob storage | bool Optional |
isStorageSecondaryKeyInUse | Specifies whether storageAccountAccessKey value is the storage’s secondary key. | bool Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ServersAuditingSettingOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a sql.azure.com/Server resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
queueDelayMs | Specifies the amount of time in milliseconds that can elapse before audit actions are forced to be processed. The default minimum value is 1000 (1 second). The maximum is 2,147,483,647. | int Optional |
retentionDays | Specifies the number of days to keep in the audit logs in the storage account. | int Optional |
state | Specifies the state of the audit. If state is Enabled, storageEndpoint or isAzureMonitorTargetEnabled are required. | ServerBlobAuditingPolicyProperties_State Required |
storageAccountAccessKey | Specifies the identifier key of the auditing storage account. If state is Enabled and storageEndpoint is specified, not specifying the storageAccountAccessKey will use SQL server system-assigned managed identity to access the storage. Prerequisites for using managed identity authentication: 1. Assign SQL Server a system-assigned managed identity in Azure Active Directory (AAD). 2. Grant SQL Server identity access to the storage account by adding ‘Storage Blob Data Contributor’ RBAC role to the server identity. For more information, see Auditing to storage using Managed Identity authentication | genruntime.SecretReference Optional |
storageAccountSubscriptionId | Specifies the blob storage subscription Id. | string Optional |
storageEndpoint | Specifies the blob storage endpoint (e.g. https://MyAccount.blob.core.windows.net). If state is Enabled, storageEndpoint or isAzureMonitorTargetEnabled is required. | string Optional |
Used by: ServersAuditingSetting.
Property | Description | Type |
auditActionsAndGroups | Specifies the Actions-Groups and Actions to audit. The recommended set of action groups to use is the following combination - this will audit all the queries and stored procedures executed against the database, as well as successful and failed logins: BATCH_COMPLETED_GROUP, SUCCESSFUL_DATABASE_AUTHENTICATION_GROUP, FAILED_DATABASE_AUTHENTICATION_GROUP. This above combination is also the set that is configured by default when enabling auditing from the Azure portal. The supported action groups to audit are (note: choose only specific groups that cover your auditing needs. Using unnecessary groups could lead to very large quantities of audit records): APPLICATION_ROLE_CHANGE_PASSWORD_GROUP BACKUP_RESTORE_GROUP DATABASE_LOGOUT_GROUP DATABASE_OBJECT_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_OBJECT_OWNERSHIP_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_OBJECT_PERMISSION_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_OPERATION_GROUP DATABASE_PERMISSION_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_IMPERSONATION_GROUP DATABASE_ROLE_MEMBER_CHANGE_GROUP FAILED_DATABASE_AUTHENTICATION_GROUP SCHEMA_OBJECT_ACCESS_GROUP SCHEMA_OBJECT_CHANGE_GROUP SCHEMA_OBJECT_OWNERSHIP_CHANGE_GROUP SCHEMA_OBJECT_PERMISSION_CHANGE_GROUP SUCCESSFUL_DATABASE_AUTHENTICATION_GROUP USER_CHANGE_PASSWORD_GROUP BATCH_STARTED_GROUP BATCH_COMPLETED_GROUP DBCC_GROUP DATABASE_OWNERSHIP_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_CHANGE_GROUP LEDGER_OPERATION_GROUP These are groups that cover all sql statements and stored procedures executed against the database, and should not be used in combination with other groups as this will result in duplicate audit logs. For more information, see Database-Level Audit Action Groups. For Database auditing policy, specific Actions can also be specified (note that Actions cannot be specified for Server auditing policy). The supported actions to audit are: SELECT UPDATE INSERT DELETE EXECUTE RECEIVE REFERENCES The general form for defining an action to be audited is: {action} ON {object} BY {principal} Note that | string[] Optional |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
isAzureMonitorTargetEnabled | Specifies whether audit events are sent to Azure Monitor. In order to send the events to Azure Monitor, specify ‘State’ as ‘Enabled’ and ‘IsAzureMonitorTargetEnabled’ as true. When using REST API to configure auditing, Diagnostic Settings with ‘SQLSecurityAuditEvents’ diagnostic logs category on the database should be also created. Note that for server level audit you should use the ‘master’ database as {databaseName}. Diagnostic Settings URI format: PUT https://management.azure.com/​subscriptions/​{subscriptionId}/​resourceGroups/​{resourceGroup}/​providers/​Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/providers/microsoft.insights/diagnosticSettings/{settingsName}?api-version=2017-05-01-preview For more information, see Diagnostic Settings REST API or Diagnostic Settings PowerShell | bool Optional |
isDevopsAuditEnabled | Specifies the state of devops audit. If state is Enabled, devops logs will be sent to Azure Monitor. In order to send the events to Azure Monitor, specify ‘State’ as ‘Enabled’, ‘IsAzureMonitorTargetEnabled’ as true and ‘IsDevopsAuditEnabled’ as true When using REST API to configure auditing, Diagnostic Settings with ‘DevOpsOperationsAudit’ diagnostic logs category on the master database should also be created. Diagnostic Settings URI format: PUT https://management.azure.com/​subscriptions/​{subscriptionId}/​resourceGroups/​{resourceGroup}/​providers/​Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/master/providers/microsoft.insights/diagnosticSettings/{settingsName}?api-version=2017-05-01-preview For more information, see Diagnostic Settings REST API or Diagnostic Settings PowerShell | bool Optional |
isManagedIdentityInUse | Specifies whether Managed Identity is used to access blob storage | bool Optional |
isStorageSecondaryKeyInUse | Specifies whether storageAccountAccessKey value is the storage’s secondary key. | bool Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
queueDelayMs | Specifies the amount of time in milliseconds that can elapse before audit actions are forced to be processed. The default minimum value is 1000 (1 second). The maximum is 2,147,483,647. | int Optional |
retentionDays | Specifies the number of days to keep in the audit logs in the storage account. | int Optional |
state | Specifies the state of the audit. If state is Enabled, storageEndpoint or isAzureMonitorTargetEnabled are required. | ServerBlobAuditingPolicyProperties_State_STATUS Optional |
storageAccountSubscriptionId | Specifies the blob storage subscription Id. | string Optional |
storageEndpoint | Specifies the blob storage endpoint (e.g. https://MyAccount.blob.core.windows.net). If state is Enabled, storageEndpoint or isAzureMonitorTargetEnabled is required. | string Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Used by: ServersAzureADOnlyAuthentication.
Property | Description | Type |
azureADOnlyAuthentication | Azure Active Directory only Authentication enabled. | bool Required |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ServersAzureADOnlyAuthenticationOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a sql.azure.com/Server resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
Used by: ServersAzureADOnlyAuthentication.
Property | Description | Type |
azureADOnlyAuthentication | Azure Active Directory only Authentication enabled. | bool Optional |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Used by: ServersConnectionPolicy.
Property | Description | Type |
connectionType | The server connection type. | ServerConnectionPolicyProperties_ConnectionType Required |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ServersConnectionPolicyOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a sql.azure.com/Server resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
Used by: ServersConnectionPolicy.
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
connectionType | The server connection type. | ServerConnectionPolicyProperties_ConnectionType_STATUS Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
kind | Metadata used for the Azure portal experience. | string Optional |
location | Resource location. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Used by: ServersDatabase.
Property | Description | Type |
autoPauseDelay | Time in minutes after which database is automatically paused. A value of -1 means that automatic pause is disabled | int Optional |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
catalogCollation | Collation of the metadata catalog. | DatabaseProperties_CatalogCollation Optional |
collation | The collation of the database. | string Optional |
createMode | Specifies the mode of database creation. Default: regular database creation. Copy: creates a database as a copy of an existing database. sourceDatabaseId must be specified as the resource ID of the source database. Secondary: creates a database as a secondary replica of an existing database. sourceDatabaseId must be specified as the resource ID of the existing primary database. PointInTimeRestore: Creates a database by restoring a point in time backup of an existing database. sourceDatabaseId must be specified as the resource ID of the existing database, and restorePointInTime must be specified. Recovery: Creates a database by restoring a geo-replicated backup. sourceDatabaseId must be specified as the recoverable database resource ID to restore. Restore: Creates a database by restoring a backup of a deleted database. sourceDatabaseId must be specified. If sourceDatabaseId is the database’s original resource ID, then sourceDatabaseDeletionDate must be specified. Otherwise sourceDatabaseId must be the restorable dropped database resource ID and sourceDatabaseDeletionDate is ignored. restorePointInTime may also be specified to restore from an earlier point in time. RestoreLongTermRetentionBackup: Creates a database by restoring from a long term retention vault. recoveryServicesRecoveryPointResourceId must be specified as the recovery point resource ID. Copy, Secondary, and RestoreLongTermRetentionBackup are not supported for DataWarehouse edition. | DatabaseProperties_CreateMode Optional |
elasticPoolReference | The resource identifier of the elastic pool containing this database. | genruntime.ResourceReference Optional |
federatedClientId | The Client id used for cross tenant per database CMK scenario | string Optional |
highAvailabilityReplicaCount | The number of secondary replicas associated with the database that are used to provide high availability. Not applicable to a Hyperscale database within an elastic pool. | int Optional |
identity | The Azure Active Directory identity of the database. | DatabaseIdentity Optional |
isLedgerOn | Whether or not this database is a ledger database, which means all tables in the database are ledger tables. Note: the value of this property cannot be changed after the database has been created. | bool Optional |
licenseType | The license type to apply for this database. LicenseIncluded if you need a license, or BasePrice if you have a license and are eligible for the Azure Hybrid Benefit. |
DatabaseProperties_LicenseType Optional |
location | Resource location. | string Required |
longTermRetentionBackupResourceReference | The resource identifier of the long term retention backup associated with create operation of this database. | genruntime.ResourceReference Optional |
maintenanceConfigurationId | Maintenance configuration id assigned to the database. This configuration defines the period when the maintenance updates will occur. | string Optional |
maxSizeBytes | The max size of the database expressed in bytes. | int Optional |
minCapacity | Minimal capacity that database will always have allocated, if not paused | float64 Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ServersDatabaseOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a sql.azure.com/Server resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
readScale | The state of read-only routing. If enabled, connections that have application intent set to readonly in their connection string may be routed to a readonly secondary replica in the same region. Not applicable to a Hyperscale database within an elastic pool. | DatabaseProperties_ReadScale Optional |
recoverableDatabaseReference | The resource identifier of the recoverable database associated with create operation of this database. | genruntime.ResourceReference Optional |
recoveryServicesRecoveryPointReference | The resource identifier of the recovery point associated with create operation of this database. | genruntime.ResourceReference Optional |
requestedBackupStorageRedundancy | The storage account type to be used to store backups for this database. | DatabaseProperties_RequestedBackupStorageRedundancy Optional |
restorableDroppedDatabaseReference | The resource identifier of the restorable dropped database associated with create operation of this database. | genruntime.ResourceReference Optional |
restorePointInTime | Specifies the point in time (ISO8601 format) of the source database that will be restored to create the new database. | string Optional |
sampleName | The name of the sample schema to apply when creating this database. | DatabaseProperties_SampleName Optional |
secondaryType | The secondary type of the database if it is a secondary. Valid values are Geo and Named. | DatabaseProperties_SecondaryType Optional |
sku | The database SKU. The list of SKUs may vary by region and support offer. To determine the SKUs (including the SKU name, tier/edition, family, and capacity) that are available to your subscription in an Azure region, use the Capabilities_ListByLocation REST API or one of the following commands: azurecli az sql db list-editions -l <location> -o table``powershell Get-AzSqlServerServiceObjective -Location <location> `` |
Sku Optional |
sourceDatabaseDeletionDate | Specifies the time that the database was deleted. | string Optional |
sourceDatabaseReference | The resource identifier of the source database associated with create operation of this database. | genruntime.ResourceReference Optional |
sourceResourceReference | The resource identifier of the source associated with the create operation of this database. This property is only supported for DataWarehouse edition and allows to restore across subscriptions. When sourceResourceId is specified, sourceDatabaseId, recoverableDatabaseId, restorableDroppedDatabaseId and sourceDatabaseDeletionDate must not be specified and CreateMode must be PointInTimeRestore, Restore or Recover. When createMode is PointInTimeRestore, sourceResourceId must be the resource ID of the existing database or existing sql pool, and restorePointInTime must be specified. When createMode is Restore, sourceResourceId must be the resource ID of restorable dropped database or restorable dropped sql pool. When createMode is Recover, sourceResourceId must be the resource ID of recoverable database or recoverable sql pool. When source subscription belongs to a different tenant than target subscription, “x-ms-authorization-auxiliary” header must contain authentication token for the source tenant. For more details about “x-ms-authorization-auxiliary” header see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/management/authenticate-multi-tenant | genruntime.ResourceReference Optional |
tags | Resource tags. | map[string]string Optional |
zoneRedundant | Whether or not this database is zone redundant, which means the replicas of this database will be spread across multiple availability zones. | bool Optional |
Used by: ServersDatabase.
Property | Description | Type |
autoPauseDelay | Time in minutes after which database is automatically paused. A value of -1 means that automatic pause is disabled | int Optional |
catalogCollation | Collation of the metadata catalog. | DatabaseProperties_CatalogCollation_STATUS Optional |
collation | The collation of the database. | string Optional |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
createMode | Specifies the mode of database creation. Default: regular database creation. Copy: creates a database as a copy of an existing database. sourceDatabaseId must be specified as the resource ID of the source database. Secondary: creates a database as a secondary replica of an existing database. sourceDatabaseId must be specified as the resource ID of the existing primary database. PointInTimeRestore: Creates a database by restoring a point in time backup of an existing database. sourceDatabaseId must be specified as the resource ID of the existing database, and restorePointInTime must be specified. Recovery: Creates a database by restoring a geo-replicated backup. sourceDatabaseId must be specified as the recoverable database resource ID to restore. Restore: Creates a database by restoring a backup of a deleted database. sourceDatabaseId must be specified. If sourceDatabaseId is the database’s original resource ID, then sourceDatabaseDeletionDate must be specified. Otherwise sourceDatabaseId must be the restorable dropped database resource ID and sourceDatabaseDeletionDate is ignored. restorePointInTime may also be specified to restore from an earlier point in time. RestoreLongTermRetentionBackup: Creates a database by restoring from a long term retention vault. recoveryServicesRecoveryPointResourceId must be specified as the recovery point resource ID. Copy, Secondary, and RestoreLongTermRetentionBackup are not supported for DataWarehouse edition. | DatabaseProperties_CreateMode_STATUS Optional |
creationDate | The creation date of the database (ISO8601 format). | string Optional |
currentBackupStorageRedundancy | The storage account type used to store backups for this database. | DatabaseProperties_CurrentBackupStorageRedundancy_STATUS Optional |
currentServiceObjectiveName | The current service level objective name of the database. | string Optional |
currentSku | The name and tier of the SKU. | Sku_STATUS Optional |
databaseId | The ID of the database. | string Optional |
defaultSecondaryLocation | The default secondary region for this database. | string Optional |
earliestRestoreDate | This records the earliest start date and time that restore is available for this database (ISO8601 format). | string Optional |
elasticPoolId | The resource identifier of the elastic pool containing this database. | string Optional |
failoverGroupId | Failover Group resource identifier that this database belongs to. | string Optional |
federatedClientId | The Client id used for cross tenant per database CMK scenario | string Optional |
highAvailabilityReplicaCount | The number of secondary replicas associated with the database that are used to provide high availability. Not applicable to a Hyperscale database within an elastic pool. | int Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
identity | The Azure Active Directory identity of the database. | DatabaseIdentity_STATUS Optional |
isInfraEncryptionEnabled | Infra encryption is enabled for this database. | bool Optional |
isLedgerOn | Whether or not this database is a ledger database, which means all tables in the database are ledger tables. Note: the value of this property cannot be changed after the database has been created. | bool Optional |
kind | Kind of database. This is metadata used for the Azure portal experience. | string Optional |
licenseType | The license type to apply for this database. LicenseIncluded if you need a license, or BasePrice if you have a license and are eligible for the Azure Hybrid Benefit. |
DatabaseProperties_LicenseType_STATUS Optional |
location | Resource location. | string Optional |
longTermRetentionBackupResourceId | The resource identifier of the long term retention backup associated with create operation of this database. | string Optional |
maintenanceConfigurationId | Maintenance configuration id assigned to the database. This configuration defines the period when the maintenance updates will occur. | string Optional |
managedBy | Resource that manages the database. | string Optional |
maxLogSizeBytes | The max log size for this database. | int Optional |
maxSizeBytes | The max size of the database expressed in bytes. | int Optional |
minCapacity | Minimal capacity that database will always have allocated, if not paused | float64 Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
pausedDate | The date when database was paused by user configuration or action(ISO8601 format). Null if the database is ready. | string Optional |
readScale | The state of read-only routing. If enabled, connections that have application intent set to readonly in their connection string may be routed to a readonly secondary replica in the same region. Not applicable to a Hyperscale database within an elastic pool. | DatabaseProperties_ReadScale_STATUS Optional |
recoverableDatabaseId | The resource identifier of the recoverable database associated with create operation of this database. | string Optional |
recoveryServicesRecoveryPointId | The resource identifier of the recovery point associated with create operation of this database. | string Optional |
requestedBackupStorageRedundancy | The storage account type to be used to store backups for this database. | DatabaseProperties_RequestedBackupStorageRedundancy_STATUS Optional |
requestedServiceObjectiveName | The requested service level objective name of the database. | string Optional |
restorableDroppedDatabaseId | The resource identifier of the restorable dropped database associated with create operation of this database. | string Optional |
restorePointInTime | Specifies the point in time (ISO8601 format) of the source database that will be restored to create the new database. | string Optional |
resumedDate | The date when database was resumed by user action or database login (ISO8601 format). Null if the database is paused. | string Optional |
sampleName | The name of the sample schema to apply when creating this database. | DatabaseProperties_SampleName_STATUS Optional |
secondaryType | The secondary type of the database if it is a secondary. Valid values are Geo and Named. | DatabaseProperties_SecondaryType_STATUS Optional |
sku | The database SKU. The list of SKUs may vary by region and support offer. To determine the SKUs (including the SKU name, tier/edition, family, and capacity) that are available to your subscription in an Azure region, use the Capabilities_ListByLocation REST API or one of the following commands: azurecli az sql db list-editions -l <location> -o table``powershell Get-AzSqlServerServiceObjective -Location <location> `` |
Sku_STATUS Optional |
sourceDatabaseDeletionDate | Specifies the time that the database was deleted. | string Optional |
sourceDatabaseId | The resource identifier of the source database associated with create operation of this database. | string Optional |
sourceResourceId | The resource identifier of the source associated with the create operation of this database. This property is only supported for DataWarehouse edition and allows to restore across subscriptions. When sourceResourceId is specified, sourceDatabaseId, recoverableDatabaseId, restorableDroppedDatabaseId and sourceDatabaseDeletionDate must not be specified and CreateMode must be PointInTimeRestore, Restore or Recover. When createMode is PointInTimeRestore, sourceResourceId must be the resource ID of the existing database or existing sql pool, and restorePointInTime must be specified. When createMode is Restore, sourceResourceId must be the resource ID of restorable dropped database or restorable dropped sql pool. When createMode is Recover, sourceResourceId must be the resource ID of recoverable database or recoverable sql pool. When source subscription belongs to a different tenant than target subscription, “x-ms-authorization-auxiliary” header must contain authentication token for the source tenant. For more details about “x-ms-authorization-auxiliary” header see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/management/authenticate-multi-tenant | string Optional |
status | The status of the database. | DatabaseProperties_Status_STATUS Optional |
tags | Resource tags. | map[string]string Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
zoneRedundant | Whether or not this database is zone redundant, which means the replicas of this database will be spread across multiple availability zones. | bool Optional |
Used by: ServersDatabasesAdvancedThreatProtectionSetting.
Property | Description | Type |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ServersDatabasesAdvancedThreatProtectionSettingOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a sql.azure.com/ServersDatabase resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
state | Specifies the state of the Advanced Threat Protection, whether it is enabled or disabled or a state has not been applied yet on the specific database or server. | AdvancedThreatProtectionProperties_State Required |
Used by: ServersDatabasesAdvancedThreatProtectionSetting.
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
creationTime | Specifies the UTC creation time of the policy. | string Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
state | Specifies the state of the Advanced Threat Protection, whether it is enabled or disabled or a state has not been applied yet on the specific database or server. | AdvancedThreatProtectionProperties_State_STATUS Optional |
systemData | SystemData of AdvancedThreatProtectionResource. | SystemData_STATUS Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Used by: ServersDatabasesAuditingSetting.
Property | Description | Type |
auditActionsAndGroups | Specifies the Actions-Groups and Actions to audit. The recommended set of action groups to use is the following combination - this will audit all the queries and stored procedures executed against the database, as well as successful and failed logins: BATCH_COMPLETED_GROUP, SUCCESSFUL_DATABASE_AUTHENTICATION_GROUP, FAILED_DATABASE_AUTHENTICATION_GROUP. This above combination is also the set that is configured by default when enabling auditing from the Azure portal. The supported action groups to audit are (note: choose only specific groups that cover your auditing needs. Using unnecessary groups could lead to very large quantities of audit records): APPLICATION_ROLE_CHANGE_PASSWORD_GROUP BACKUP_RESTORE_GROUP DATABASE_LOGOUT_GROUP DATABASE_OBJECT_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_OBJECT_OWNERSHIP_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_OBJECT_PERMISSION_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_OPERATION_GROUP DATABASE_PERMISSION_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_IMPERSONATION_GROUP DATABASE_ROLE_MEMBER_CHANGE_GROUP FAILED_DATABASE_AUTHENTICATION_GROUP SCHEMA_OBJECT_ACCESS_GROUP SCHEMA_OBJECT_CHANGE_GROUP SCHEMA_OBJECT_OWNERSHIP_CHANGE_GROUP SCHEMA_OBJECT_PERMISSION_CHANGE_GROUP SUCCESSFUL_DATABASE_AUTHENTICATION_GROUP USER_CHANGE_PASSWORD_GROUP BATCH_STARTED_GROUP BATCH_COMPLETED_GROUP DBCC_GROUP DATABASE_OWNERSHIP_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_CHANGE_GROUP LEDGER_OPERATION_GROUP These are groups that cover all sql statements and stored procedures executed against the database, and should not be used in combination with other groups as this will result in duplicate audit logs. For more information, see Database-Level Audit Action Groups. For Database auditing policy, specific Actions can also be specified (note that Actions cannot be specified for Server auditing policy). The supported actions to audit are: SELECT UPDATE INSERT DELETE EXECUTE RECEIVE REFERENCES The general form for defining an action to be audited is: {action} ON {object} BY {principal} Note that | string[] Optional |
isAzureMonitorTargetEnabled | Specifies whether audit events are sent to Azure Monitor. In order to send the events to Azure Monitor, specify ‘State’ as ‘Enabled’ and ‘IsAzureMonitorTargetEnabled’ as true. When using REST API to configure auditing, Diagnostic Settings with ‘SQLSecurityAuditEvents’ diagnostic logs category on the database should be also created. Note that for server level audit you should use the ‘master’ database as {databaseName}. Diagnostic Settings URI format: PUT https://management.azure.com/​subscriptions/​{subscriptionId}/​resourceGroups/​{resourceGroup}/​providers/​Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/providers/microsoft.insights/diagnosticSettings/{settingsName}?api-version=2017-05-01-preview For more information, see Diagnostic Settings REST API or Diagnostic Settings PowerShell | bool Optional |
isManagedIdentityInUse | Specifies whether Managed Identity is used to access blob storage | bool Optional |
isStorageSecondaryKeyInUse | Specifies whether storageAccountAccessKey value is the storage’s secondary key. | bool Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ServersDatabasesAuditingSettingOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a sql.azure.com/ServersDatabase resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
queueDelayMs | Specifies the amount of time in milliseconds that can elapse before audit actions are forced to be processed. The default minimum value is 1000 (1 second). The maximum is 2,147,483,647. | int Optional |
retentionDays | Specifies the number of days to keep in the audit logs in the storage account. | int Optional |
state | Specifies the state of the audit. If state is Enabled, storageEndpoint or isAzureMonitorTargetEnabled are required. | DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicyProperties_State Required |
storageAccountAccessKey | Specifies the identifier key of the auditing storage account. If state is Enabled and storageEndpoint is specified, not specifying the storageAccountAccessKey will use SQL server system-assigned managed identity to access the storage. Prerequisites for using managed identity authentication: 1. Assign SQL Server a system-assigned managed identity in Azure Active Directory (AAD). 2. Grant SQL Server identity access to the storage account by adding ‘Storage Blob Data Contributor’ RBAC role to the server identity. For more information, see Auditing to storage using Managed Identity authentication | genruntime.SecretReference Optional |
storageAccountSubscriptionId | Specifies the blob storage subscription Id. | string Optional |
storageEndpoint | Specifies the blob storage endpoint (e.g. https://MyAccount.blob.core.windows.net). If state is Enabled, storageEndpoint or isAzureMonitorTargetEnabled is required. | string Optional |
Used by: ServersDatabasesAuditingSetting.
Property | Description | Type |
auditActionsAndGroups | Specifies the Actions-Groups and Actions to audit. The recommended set of action groups to use is the following combination - this will audit all the queries and stored procedures executed against the database, as well as successful and failed logins: BATCH_COMPLETED_GROUP, SUCCESSFUL_DATABASE_AUTHENTICATION_GROUP, FAILED_DATABASE_AUTHENTICATION_GROUP. This above combination is also the set that is configured by default when enabling auditing from the Azure portal. The supported action groups to audit are (note: choose only specific groups that cover your auditing needs. Using unnecessary groups could lead to very large quantities of audit records): APPLICATION_ROLE_CHANGE_PASSWORD_GROUP BACKUP_RESTORE_GROUP DATABASE_LOGOUT_GROUP DATABASE_OBJECT_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_OBJECT_OWNERSHIP_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_OBJECT_PERMISSION_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_OPERATION_GROUP DATABASE_PERMISSION_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_IMPERSONATION_GROUP DATABASE_ROLE_MEMBER_CHANGE_GROUP FAILED_DATABASE_AUTHENTICATION_GROUP SCHEMA_OBJECT_ACCESS_GROUP SCHEMA_OBJECT_CHANGE_GROUP SCHEMA_OBJECT_OWNERSHIP_CHANGE_GROUP SCHEMA_OBJECT_PERMISSION_CHANGE_GROUP SUCCESSFUL_DATABASE_AUTHENTICATION_GROUP USER_CHANGE_PASSWORD_GROUP BATCH_STARTED_GROUP BATCH_COMPLETED_GROUP DBCC_GROUP DATABASE_OWNERSHIP_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_CHANGE_GROUP LEDGER_OPERATION_GROUP These are groups that cover all sql statements and stored procedures executed against the database, and should not be used in combination with other groups as this will result in duplicate audit logs. For more information, see Database-Level Audit Action Groups. For Database auditing policy, specific Actions can also be specified (note that Actions cannot be specified for Server auditing policy). The supported actions to audit are: SELECT UPDATE INSERT DELETE EXECUTE RECEIVE REFERENCES The general form for defining an action to be audited is: {action} ON {object} BY {principal} Note that | string[] Optional |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
isAzureMonitorTargetEnabled | Specifies whether audit events are sent to Azure Monitor. In order to send the events to Azure Monitor, specify ‘State’ as ‘Enabled’ and ‘IsAzureMonitorTargetEnabled’ as true. When using REST API to configure auditing, Diagnostic Settings with ‘SQLSecurityAuditEvents’ diagnostic logs category on the database should be also created. Note that for server level audit you should use the ‘master’ database as {databaseName}. Diagnostic Settings URI format: PUT https://management.azure.com/​subscriptions/​{subscriptionId}/​resourceGroups/​{resourceGroup}/​providers/​Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/databases/{databaseName}/providers/microsoft.insights/diagnosticSettings/{settingsName}?api-version=2017-05-01-preview For more information, see Diagnostic Settings REST API or Diagnostic Settings PowerShell | bool Optional |
isManagedIdentityInUse | Specifies whether Managed Identity is used to access blob storage | bool Optional |
isStorageSecondaryKeyInUse | Specifies whether storageAccountAccessKey value is the storage’s secondary key. | bool Optional |
kind | Resource kind. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
queueDelayMs | Specifies the amount of time in milliseconds that can elapse before audit actions are forced to be processed. The default minimum value is 1000 (1 second). The maximum is 2,147,483,647. | int Optional |
retentionDays | Specifies the number of days to keep in the audit logs in the storage account. | int Optional |
state | Specifies the state of the audit. If state is Enabled, storageEndpoint or isAzureMonitorTargetEnabled are required. | DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicyProperties_State_STATUS Optional |
storageAccountSubscriptionId | Specifies the blob storage subscription Id. | string Optional |
storageEndpoint | Specifies the blob storage endpoint (e.g. https://MyAccount.blob.core.windows.net). If state is Enabled, storageEndpoint or isAzureMonitorTargetEnabled is required. | string Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Used by: ServersDatabasesBackupLongTermRetentionPolicy.
Property | Description | Type |
monthlyRetention | The monthly retention policy for an LTR backup in an ISO 8601 format. | string Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ServersDatabasesBackupLongTermRetentionPolicyOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a sql.azure.com/ServersDatabase resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
weeklyRetention | The weekly retention policy for an LTR backup in an ISO 8601 format. | string Optional |
weekOfYear | The week of year to take the yearly backup in an ISO 8601 format. | int Optional |
yearlyRetention | The yearly retention policy for an LTR backup in an ISO 8601 format. | string Optional |
Used by: ServersDatabasesBackupLongTermRetentionPolicy.
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
monthlyRetention | The monthly retention policy for an LTR backup in an ISO 8601 format. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
weeklyRetention | The weekly retention policy for an LTR backup in an ISO 8601 format. | string Optional |
weekOfYear | The week of year to take the yearly backup in an ISO 8601 format. | int Optional |
yearlyRetention | The yearly retention policy for an LTR backup in an ISO 8601 format. | string Optional |
Used by: ServersDatabasesBackupShortTermRetentionPolicy.
Property | Description | Type |
diffBackupIntervalInHours | The differential backup interval in hours. This is how many interval hours between each differential backup will be supported. This is only applicable to live databases but not dropped databases. | BackupShortTermRetentionPolicyProperties_DiffBackupIntervalInHours Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ServersDatabasesBackupShortTermRetentionPolicyOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a sql.azure.com/ServersDatabase resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
retentionDays | The backup retention period in days. This is how many days Point-in-Time Restore will be supported. | int Optional |
Used by: ServersDatabasesBackupShortTermRetentionPolicy.
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
diffBackupIntervalInHours | The differential backup interval in hours. This is how many interval hours between each differential backup will be supported. This is only applicable to live databases but not dropped databases. | BackupShortTermRetentionPolicyProperties_DiffBackupIntervalInHours_STATUS Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
retentionDays | The backup retention period in days. This is how many days Point-in-Time Restore will be supported. | int Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Used by: ServersDatabasesSecurityAlertPolicy.
Property | Description | Type |
disabledAlerts | Specifies an array of alerts that are disabled. Allowed values are: Sql_Injection, Sql_Injection_Vulnerability, Access_Anomaly, Data_Exfiltration, Unsafe_Action, Brute_Force | string[] Optional |
emailAccountAdmins | Specifies that the alert is sent to the account administrators. | bool Optional |
emailAddresses | Specifies an array of e-mail addresses to which the alert is sent. | string[] Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ServersDatabasesSecurityAlertPolicyOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a sql.azure.com/ServersDatabase resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
retentionDays | Specifies the number of days to keep in the Threat Detection audit logs. | int Optional |
state | Specifies the state of the policy, whether it is enabled or disabled or a policy has not been applied yet on the specific database. | DatabaseSecurityAlertPoliciesSecurityAlertsPolicyProperties_State Required |
storageAccountAccessKey | Specifies the identifier key of the Threat Detection audit storage account. | genruntime.SecretReference Optional |
storageEndpoint | Specifies the blob storage endpoint (e.g. https://MyAccount.blob.core.windows.net). This blob storage will hold all Threat Detection audit logs. | string Optional |
Used by: ServersDatabasesSecurityAlertPolicy.
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
creationTime | Specifies the UTC creation time of the policy. | string Optional |
disabledAlerts | Specifies an array of alerts that are disabled. Allowed values are: Sql_Injection, Sql_Injection_Vulnerability, Access_Anomaly, Data_Exfiltration, Unsafe_Action, Brute_Force | string[] Optional |
emailAccountAdmins | Specifies that the alert is sent to the account administrators. | bool Optional |
emailAddresses | Specifies an array of e-mail addresses to which the alert is sent. | string[] Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
retentionDays | Specifies the number of days to keep in the Threat Detection audit logs. | int Optional |
state | Specifies the state of the policy, whether it is enabled or disabled or a policy has not been applied yet on the specific database. | DatabaseSecurityAlertPoliciesSecurityAlertsPolicyProperties_State_STATUS Optional |
storageEndpoint | Specifies the blob storage endpoint (e.g. https://MyAccount.blob.core.windows.net). This blob storage will hold all Threat Detection audit logs. | string Optional |
systemData | SystemData of SecurityAlertPolicyResource. | SystemData_STATUS Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Used by: ServersDatabasesTransparentDataEncryption.
Property | Description | Type |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ServersDatabasesTransparentDataEncryptionOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a sql.azure.com/ServersDatabase resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
state | Specifies the state of the transparent data encryption. | TransparentDataEncryptionProperties_State Required |
Used by: ServersDatabasesTransparentDataEncryption.
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
state | Specifies the state of the transparent data encryption. | TransparentDataEncryptionProperties_State_STATUS Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Used by: ServersDatabasesVulnerabilityAssessment.
Property | Description | Type |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ServersDatabasesVulnerabilityAssessmentOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a sql.azure.com/ServersDatabase resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
recurringScans | The recurring scans settings | VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties Optional |
storageAccountAccessKey | Specifies the identifier key of the storage account for vulnerability assessment scan results. If ‘StorageContainerSasKey’ isn’t specified, storageAccountAccessKey is required. Applies only if the storage account is not behind a Vnet or a firewall | genruntime.SecretReference Optional |
storageContainerPath | A blob storage container path to hold the scan results (e.g. https://myStorage.blob.core.windows.net/VaScans/). It is required if server level vulnerability assessment policy doesn’t set | string Optional |
storageContainerPathFromConfig | A blob storage container path to hold the scan results (e.g. https://myStorage.blob.core.windows.net/VaScans/). It is required if server level vulnerability assessment policy doesn’t set | genruntime.ConfigMapReference Optional |
storageContainerSasKey | A shared access signature (SAS Key) that has write access to the blob container specified in ‘storageContainerPath’ parameter. If ‘storageAccountAccessKey’ isn’t specified, StorageContainerSasKey is required. Applies only if the storage account is not behind a Vnet or a firewall | genruntime.SecretReference Optional |
Used by: ServersDatabasesVulnerabilityAssessment.
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
recurringScans | The recurring scans settings | VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties_STATUS Optional |
storageContainerPath | A blob storage container path to hold the scan results (e.g. https://myStorage.blob.core.windows.net/VaScans/). It is required if server level vulnerability assessment policy doesn’t set | string Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Used by: ServersElasticPool.
Property | Description | Type |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
highAvailabilityReplicaCount | The number of secondary replicas associated with the elastic pool that are used to provide high availability. Applicable only to Hyperscale elastic pools. | int Optional |
licenseType | The license type to apply for this elastic pool. | ElasticPoolProperties_LicenseType Optional |
location | Resource location. | string Required |
maintenanceConfigurationId | Maintenance configuration id assigned to the elastic pool. This configuration defines the period when the maintenance updates will will occur. | string Optional |
maxSizeBytes | The storage limit for the database elastic pool in bytes. | int Optional |
minCapacity | Minimal capacity that serverless pool will not shrink below, if not paused | float64 Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ServersElasticPoolOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a sql.azure.com/Server resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
perDatabaseSettings | The per database settings for the elastic pool. | ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings Optional |
sku | The elastic pool SKU. The list of SKUs may vary by region and support offer. To determine the SKUs (including the SKU name, tier/edition, family, and capacity) that are available to your subscription in an Azure region, use the Capabilities_ListByLocation REST API or the following command: azurecli az sql elastic-pool list-editions -l <location> -o table ` |
Sku Optional |
tags | Resource tags. | map[string]string Optional |
zoneRedundant | Whether or not this elastic pool is zone redundant, which means the replicas of this elastic pool will be spread across multiple availability zones. | bool Optional |
Used by: ServersElasticPool.
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
creationDate | The creation date of the elastic pool (ISO8601 format). | string Optional |
highAvailabilityReplicaCount | The number of secondary replicas associated with the elastic pool that are used to provide high availability. Applicable only to Hyperscale elastic pools. | int Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
kind | Kind of elastic pool. This is metadata used for the Azure portal experience. | string Optional |
licenseType | The license type to apply for this elastic pool. | ElasticPoolProperties_LicenseType_STATUS Optional |
location | Resource location. | string Optional |
maintenanceConfigurationId | Maintenance configuration id assigned to the elastic pool. This configuration defines the period when the maintenance updates will will occur. | string Optional |
maxSizeBytes | The storage limit for the database elastic pool in bytes. | int Optional |
minCapacity | Minimal capacity that serverless pool will not shrink below, if not paused | float64 Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
perDatabaseSettings | The per database settings for the elastic pool. | ElasticPoolPerDatabaseSettings_STATUS Optional |
sku | The elastic pool SKU. The list of SKUs may vary by region and support offer. To determine the SKUs (including the SKU name, tier/edition, family, and capacity) that are available to your subscription in an Azure region, use the Capabilities_ListByLocation REST API or the following command: azurecli az sql elastic-pool list-editions -l <location> -o table ` |
Sku_STATUS Optional |
state | The state of the elastic pool. | ElasticPoolProperties_State_STATUS Optional |
tags | Resource tags. | map[string]string Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
zoneRedundant | Whether or not this elastic pool is zone redundant, which means the replicas of this elastic pool will be spread across multiple availability zones. | bool Optional |
Used by: ServersFailoverGroup.
Property | Description | Type |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
databasesReferences | List of databases in the failover group. | genruntime.ResourceReference[] Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ServersFailoverGroupOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a sql.azure.com/Server resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
partnerServers | List of partner server information for the failover group. | PartnerInfo[] Required |
readOnlyEndpoint | Read-only endpoint of the failover group instance. | FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint Optional |
readWriteEndpoint | Read-write endpoint of the failover group instance. | FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint Required |
tags | Resource tags. | map[string]string Optional |
Used by: ServersFailoverGroup.
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
databases | List of databases in the failover group. | string[] Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
location | Resource location. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
partnerServers | List of partner server information for the failover group. | PartnerInfo_STATUS[] Optional |
readOnlyEndpoint | Read-only endpoint of the failover group instance. | FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint_STATUS Optional |
readWriteEndpoint | Read-write endpoint of the failover group instance. | FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint_STATUS Optional |
replicationRole | Local replication role of the failover group instance. | FailoverGroupProperties_ReplicationRole_STATUS Optional |
replicationState | Replication state of the failover group instance. | string Optional |
tags | Resource tags. | map[string]string Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Used by: ServersFirewallRule.
Property | Description | Type |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
endIpAddress | The end IP address of the firewall rule. Must be IPv4 format. Must be greater than or equal to startIpAddress. Use value ‘’ for all Azure-internal IP addresses. | string Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ServersFirewallRuleOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a sql.azure.com/Server resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
startIpAddress | The start IP address of the firewall rule. Must be IPv4 format. Use value ‘’ for all Azure-internal IP addresses. | string Optional |
Used by: ServersFirewallRule.
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
endIpAddress | The end IP address of the firewall rule. Must be IPv4 format. Must be greater than or equal to startIpAddress. Use value ‘’ for all Azure-internal IP addresses. | string Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
startIpAddress | The start IP address of the firewall rule. Must be IPv4 format. Use value ‘’ for all Azure-internal IP addresses. | string Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Used by: ServersIPV6FirewallRule.
Property | Description | Type |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
endIPv6Address | The end IP address of the firewall rule. Must be IPv6 format. Must be greater than or equal to startIpAddress. | string Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ServersIPV6FirewallRuleOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a sql.azure.com/Server resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
startIPv6Address | The start IP address of the firewall rule. Must be IPv6 format. | string Optional |
Used by: ServersIPV6FirewallRule.
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
endIPv6Address | The end IP address of the firewall rule. Must be IPv6 format. Must be greater than or equal to startIpAddress. | string Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
startIPv6Address | The start IP address of the firewall rule. Must be IPv6 format. | string Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Used by: ServersOutboundFirewallRule.
Property | Description | Type |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ServersOutboundFirewallRuleOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a sql.azure.com/Server resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
Used by: ServersOutboundFirewallRule.
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
provisioningState | The state of the outbound rule. | string Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Used by: ServersSecurityAlertPolicy.
Property | Description | Type |
disabledAlerts | Specifies an array of alerts that are disabled. Allowed values are: Sql_Injection, Sql_Injection_Vulnerability, Access_Anomaly, Data_Exfiltration, Unsafe_Action, Brute_Force | string[] Optional |
emailAccountAdmins | Specifies that the alert is sent to the account administrators. | bool Optional |
emailAddresses | Specifies an array of e-mail addresses to which the alert is sent. | string[] Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ServersSecurityAlertPolicyOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a sql.azure.com/Server resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
retentionDays | Specifies the number of days to keep in the Threat Detection audit logs. | int Optional |
state | Specifies the state of the policy, whether it is enabled or disabled or a policy has not been applied yet on the specific database. | ServerSecurityAlertPoliciesSecurityAlertsPolicyProperties_State Required |
storageAccountAccessKey | Specifies the identifier key of the Threat Detection audit storage account. | genruntime.SecretReference Optional |
storageEndpoint | Specifies the blob storage endpoint (e.g. https://MyAccount.blob.core.windows.net). This blob storage will hold all Threat Detection audit logs. | string Optional |
Used by: ServersSecurityAlertPolicy.
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
creationTime | Specifies the UTC creation time of the policy. | string Optional |
disabledAlerts | Specifies an array of alerts that are disabled. Allowed values are: Sql_Injection, Sql_Injection_Vulnerability, Access_Anomaly, Data_Exfiltration, Unsafe_Action, Brute_Force | string[] Optional |
emailAccountAdmins | Specifies that the alert is sent to the account administrators. | bool Optional |
emailAddresses | Specifies an array of e-mail addresses to which the alert is sent. | string[] Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
retentionDays | Specifies the number of days to keep in the Threat Detection audit logs. | int Optional |
state | Specifies the state of the policy, whether it is enabled or disabled or a policy has not been applied yet on the specific database. | ServerSecurityAlertPoliciesSecurityAlertsPolicyProperties_State_STATUS Optional |
storageEndpoint | Specifies the blob storage endpoint (e.g. https://MyAccount.blob.core.windows.net). This blob storage will hold all Threat Detection audit logs. | string Optional |
systemData | SystemData of SecurityAlertPolicyResource. | SystemData_STATUS Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Used by: ServersVirtualNetworkRule.
Property | Description | Type |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
ignoreMissingVnetServiceEndpoint | Create firewall rule before the virtual network has vnet service endpoint enabled. | bool Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ServersVirtualNetworkRuleOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a sql.azure.com/Server resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
virtualNetworkSubnetReference | The ARM resource id of the virtual network subnet. | genruntime.ResourceReference Required |
Used by: ServersVirtualNetworkRule.
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
ignoreMissingVnetServiceEndpoint | Create firewall rule before the virtual network has vnet service endpoint enabled. | bool Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
state | Virtual Network Rule State | VirtualNetworkRuleProperties_State_STATUS Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
virtualNetworkSubnetId | The ARM resource id of the virtual network subnet. | string Optional |
Used by: ServersVulnerabilityAssessment.
Property | Description | Type |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ServersVulnerabilityAssessmentOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a sql.azure.com/Server resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
recurringScans | The recurring scans settings | VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties Optional |
storageAccountAccessKey | Specifies the identifier key of the storage account for vulnerability assessment scan results. If ‘StorageContainerSasKey’ isn’t specified, storageAccountAccessKey is required. Applies only if the storage account is not behind a Vnet or a firewall | genruntime.SecretReference Optional |
storageContainerPath | A blob storage container path to hold the scan results (e.g. https://myStorage.blob.core.windows.net/VaScans/). | string Optional |
storageContainerPathFromConfig | A blob storage container path to hold the scan results (e.g. https://myStorage.blob.core.windows.net/VaScans/). | genruntime.ConfigMapReference Optional |
storageContainerSasKey | A shared access signature (SAS Key) that has write access to the blob container specified in ‘storageContainerPath’ parameter. If ‘storageAccountAccessKey’ isn’t specified, StorageContainerSasKey is required. Applies only if the storage account is not behind a Vnet or a firewall | genruntime.SecretReference Optional |
Used by: ServersVulnerabilityAssessment.
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
recurringScans | The recurring scans settings | VulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansProperties_STATUS Optional |
storageContainerPath | A blob storage container path to hold the scan results (e.g. https://myStorage.blob.core.windows.net/VaScans/). | string Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Used by: ServersAdministrator_Spec.
Value | Description |
“ActiveDirectory” |
Used by: ServersAdministrator_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“ActiveDirectory” |
Used by: ServersAdvancedThreatProtectionSetting_Spec, and ServersDatabasesAdvancedThreatProtectionSetting_Spec.
Value | Description |
“Disabled” | |
“Enabled” | |
“New” |
Used by: ServersAdvancedThreatProtectionSetting_STATUS, and ServersDatabasesAdvancedThreatProtectionSetting_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Disabled” | |
“Enabled” | |
“New” |
Used by: ServersDatabasesBackupShortTermRetentionPolicy_Spec.
Value | Description |
12 | |
24 |
Used by: ServersDatabasesBackupShortTermRetentionPolicy_STATUS.
Value | Description |
12 | |
24 |
Used by: ServersDatabasesAuditingSetting_Spec.
Value | Description |
“Disabled” | |
“Enabled” |
Used by: ServersDatabasesAuditingSetting_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Disabled” | |
“Enabled” |
Azure Active Directory identity configuration for a resource.
Used by: ServersDatabase_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
type | The identity type | DatabaseIdentity_Type Optional |
userAssignedIdentities | The resource ids of the user assigned identities to use | UserAssignedIdentityDetails[] Optional |
Azure Active Directory identity configuration for a resource.
Used by: ServersDatabase_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
tenantId | The Azure Active Directory tenant id. | string Optional |
type | The identity type | DatabaseIdentity_Type_STATUS Optional |
userAssignedIdentities | The resource ids of the user assigned identities to use | map[string]DatabaseUserIdentity_STATUS Optional |
Used by: ServersDatabase_Spec.
Value | Description |
“SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS” |
Used by: ServersDatabase_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS” |
Used by: ServersDatabase_Spec.
Value | Description |
“Copy” | |
“Default” | |
“OnlineSecondary” | |
“PointInTimeRestore” | |
“Recovery” | |
“Restore” | |
“RestoreExternalBackup” | |
“RestoreExternalBackupSecondary” | |
“RestoreLongTermRetentionBackup” | |
“Secondary” |
Used by: ServersDatabase_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Copy” | |
“Default” | |
“OnlineSecondary” | |
“PointInTimeRestore” | |
“Recovery” | |
“Restore” | |
“RestoreExternalBackup” | |
“RestoreExternalBackupSecondary” | |
“RestoreLongTermRetentionBackup” | |
“Secondary” |
Used by: ServersDatabase_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Geo” | |
“GeoZone” | |
“Local” | |
“Zone” |
Used by: ServersDatabase_Spec.
Value | Description |
“BasePrice” | |
“LicenseIncluded” |
Used by: ServersDatabase_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“BasePrice” | |
“LicenseIncluded” |
Used by: ServersDatabase_Spec.
Value | Description |
“Disabled” | |
“Enabled” |
Used by: ServersDatabase_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Disabled” | |
“Enabled” |
Used by: ServersDatabase_Spec.
Value | Description |
“Geo” | |
“GeoZone” | |
“Local” | |
“Zone” |
Used by: ServersDatabase_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Geo” | |
“GeoZone” | |
“Local” | |
“Zone” |
Used by: ServersDatabase_Spec.
Value | Description |
“AdventureWorksLT” | |
“WideWorldImportersFull” | |
“WideWorldImportersStd” |
Used by: ServersDatabase_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“AdventureWorksLT” | |
“WideWorldImportersFull” | |
“WideWorldImportersStd” |
Used by: ServersDatabase_Spec.
Value | Description |
“Geo” | |
“Named” |
Used by: ServersDatabase_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Geo” | |
“Named” |
Used by: ServersDatabase_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“AutoClosed” | |
“Copying” | |
“Creating” | |
“Disabled” | |
“EmergencyMode” | |
“Inaccessible” | |
“Offline” | |
“OfflineChangingDwPerformanceTiers” | |
“OfflineSecondary” | |
“Online” | |
“OnlineChangingDwPerformanceTiers” | |
“Paused” | |
“Pausing” | |
“Recovering” | |
“RecoveryPending” | |
“Restoring” | |
“Resuming” | |
“Scaling” | |
“Shutdown” | |
“Standby” | |
“Starting” | |
“Stopped” | |
“Stopping” | |
“Suspect” |
Used by: ServersDatabasesSecurityAlertPolicy_Spec.
Value | Description |
“Disabled” | |
“Enabled” |
Used by: ServersDatabasesSecurityAlertPolicy_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Disabled” | |
“Enabled” |
Per database settings of an elastic pool.
Used by: ServersElasticPool_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
maxCapacity | The maximum capacity any one database can consume. | float64 Optional |
minCapacity | The minimum capacity all databases are guaranteed. | float64 Optional |
Per database settings of an elastic pool.
Used by: ServersElasticPool_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
maxCapacity | The maximum capacity any one database can consume. | float64 Optional |
minCapacity | The minimum capacity all databases are guaranteed. | float64 Optional |
Used by: ServersElasticPool_Spec.
Value | Description |
“BasePrice” | |
“LicenseIncluded” |
Used by: ServersElasticPool_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“BasePrice” | |
“LicenseIncluded” |
Used by: ServersElasticPool_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Creating” | |
“Disabled” | |
“Ready” |
Used by: ServersFailoverGroup_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Primary” | |
“Secondary” |
Read-only endpoint of the failover group instance.
Used by: ServersFailoverGroup_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
failoverPolicy | Failover policy of the read-only endpoint for the failover group. | FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint_FailoverPolicy Optional |
Read-only endpoint of the failover group instance.
Used by: ServersFailoverGroup_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
failoverPolicy | Failover policy of the read-only endpoint for the failover group. | FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint_FailoverPolicy_STATUS Optional |
Read-write endpoint of the failover group instance.
Used by: ServersFailoverGroup_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
failoverPolicy | Failover policy of the read-write endpoint for the failover group. If failoverPolicy is Automatic then failoverWithDataLossGracePeriodMinutes is required. | FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint_FailoverPolicy Required |
failoverWithDataLossGracePeriodMinutes | Grace period before failover with data loss is attempted for the read-write endpoint. If failoverPolicy is Automatic then failoverWithDataLossGracePeriodMinutes is required. | int Optional |
Read-write endpoint of the failover group instance.
Used by: ServersFailoverGroup_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
failoverPolicy | Failover policy of the read-write endpoint for the failover group. If failoverPolicy is Automatic then failoverWithDataLossGracePeriodMinutes is required. | FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint_FailoverPolicy_STATUS Optional |
failoverWithDataLossGracePeriodMinutes | Grace period before failover with data loss is attempted for the read-write endpoint. If failoverPolicy is Automatic then failoverWithDataLossGracePeriodMinutes is required. | int Optional |
Partner server information for the failover group.
Used by: ServersFailoverGroup_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
reference | Resource identifier of the partner server. | genruntime.ResourceReference Required |
Partner server information for the failover group.
Used by: ServersFailoverGroup_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
id | Resource identifier of the partner server. | string Optional |
location | Geo location of the partner server. | string Optional |
replicationRole | Replication role of the partner server. | PartnerInfo_ReplicationRole_STATUS Optional |
Azure Active Directory identity configuration for a resource.
Used by: Server_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
type | The identity type. Set this to ‘SystemAssigned’ in order to automatically create and assign an Azure Active Directory principal for the resource. | ResourceIdentity_Type Optional |
userAssignedIdentities | The resource ids of the user assigned identities to use | UserAssignedIdentityDetails[] Optional |
Azure Active Directory identity configuration for a resource.
Used by: Server_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
principalId | The Azure Active Directory principal id. | string Optional |
tenantId | The Azure Active Directory tenant id. | string Optional |
type | The identity type. Set this to ‘SystemAssigned’ in order to automatically create and assign an Azure Active Directory principal for the resource. | ResourceIdentity_Type_STATUS Optional |
userAssignedIdentities | The resource ids of the user assigned identities to use | map[string]UserIdentity_STATUS Optional |
Used by: ServersAuditingSetting_Spec.
Value | Description |
“Disabled” | |
“Enabled” |
Used by: ServersAuditingSetting_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Disabled” | |
“Enabled” |
Used by: ServersConnectionPolicy_Spec.
Value | Description |
“Default” | |
“Proxy” | |
“Redirect” |
Used by: ServersConnectionPolicy_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Default” | |
“Proxy” | |
“Redirect” |
Properties of a active directory administrator.
Used by: Server_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
administratorType | Type of the sever administrator. | ServerExternalAdministrator_AdministratorType Optional |
azureADOnlyAuthentication | Azure Active Directory only Authentication enabled. | bool Optional |
login | Login name of the server administrator. | string Optional |
principalType | Principal Type of the sever administrator. | ServerExternalAdministrator_PrincipalType Optional |
sid | SID (object ID) of the server administrator. | string Optional |
tenantId | Tenant ID of the administrator. | string Optional |
Properties of a active directory administrator.
Used by: Server_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
administratorType | Type of the sever administrator. | ServerExternalAdministrator_AdministratorType_STATUS Optional |
azureADOnlyAuthentication | Azure Active Directory only Authentication enabled. | bool Optional |
login | Login name of the server administrator. | string Optional |
principalType | Principal Type of the sever administrator. | ServerExternalAdministrator_PrincipalType_STATUS Optional |
sid | SID (object ID) of the server administrator. | string Optional |
tenantId | Tenant ID of the administrator. | string Optional |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: Server_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
configMaps | configures where to place operator written ConfigMaps. | ServerOperatorConfigMaps Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
A private endpoint connection under a server
Used by: Server_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
properties | Private endpoint connection properties | PrivateEndpointConnectionProperties_STATUS Optional |
Used by: Server_Spec.
Value | Description |
“Disabled” | |
“Enabled” |
Used by: Server_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Disabled” | |
“Enabled” |
Used by: Server_Spec.
Value | Description |
“Disabled” | |
“Enabled” |
Used by: Server_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Disabled” | |
“Enabled” |
Used by: Server_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Connected” | |
“Disconnected” |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: ServersAdministrator_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: ServersAdvancedThreatProtectionSetting_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: ServersAuditingSetting_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: ServersAzureADOnlyAuthentication_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: ServersConnectionPolicy_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: ServersDatabase_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: ServersDatabasesAdvancedThreatProtectionSetting_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: ServersDatabasesAuditingSetting_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: ServersDatabasesBackupLongTermRetentionPolicy_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: ServersDatabasesBackupShortTermRetentionPolicy_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: ServersDatabasesSecurityAlertPolicy_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: ServersDatabasesTransparentDataEncryption_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: ServersDatabasesVulnerabilityAssessment_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
Used by: ServersSecurityAlertPolicy_Spec.
Value | Description |
“Disabled” | |
“Enabled” |
Used by: ServersSecurityAlertPolicy_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Disabled” | |
“Enabled” |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: ServersElasticPool_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: ServersFailoverGroup_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: ServersFirewallRule_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: ServersIPV6FirewallRule_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: ServersOutboundFirewallRule_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: ServersSecurityAlertPolicy_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: ServersVirtualNetworkRule_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: ServersVulnerabilityAssessment_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
An ARM Resource SKU.
Used by: ServersDatabase_Spec, and ServersElasticPool_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
capacity | Capacity of the particular SKU. | int Optional |
family | If the service has different generations of hardware, for the same SKU, then that can be captured here. | string Optional |
name | The name of the SKU, typically, a letter + Number code, e.g. P3. | string Required |
size | Size of the particular SKU | string Optional |
tier | The tier or edition of the particular SKU, e.g. Basic, Premium. | string Optional |
An ARM Resource SKU.
Used by: ServersDatabase_STATUS, ServersDatabase_STATUS, and ServersElasticPool_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
capacity | Capacity of the particular SKU. | int Optional |
family | If the service has different generations of hardware, for the same SKU, then that can be captured here. | string Optional |
name | The name of the SKU, typically, a letter + Number code, e.g. P3. | string Optional |
size | Size of the particular SKU | string Optional |
tier | The tier or edition of the particular SKU, e.g. Basic, Premium. | string Optional |
Metadata pertaining to creation and last modification of the resource.
Used by: ServersAdvancedThreatProtectionSetting_STATUS, ServersDatabasesAdvancedThreatProtectionSetting_STATUS, ServersDatabasesSecurityAlertPolicy_STATUS, and ServersSecurityAlertPolicy_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
createdAt | The timestamp of resource creation (UTC). | string Optional |
createdBy | The identity that created the resource. | string Optional |
createdByType | The type of identity that created the resource. | SystemData_CreatedByType_STATUS Optional |
lastModifiedAt | The timestamp of resource last modification (UTC) | string Optional |
lastModifiedBy | The identity that last modified the resource. | string Optional |
lastModifiedByType | The type of identity that last modified the resource. | SystemData_LastModifiedByType_STATUS Optional |
Used by: ServersDatabasesTransparentDataEncryption_Spec.
Value | Description |
“Disabled” | |
“Enabled” |
Used by: ServersDatabasesTransparentDataEncryption_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Disabled” | |
“Enabled” |
Used by: ServersVirtualNetworkRule_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Deleting” | |
“Failed” | |
“InProgress” | |
“Initializing” | |
“Ready” | |
“Unknown” |
Properties of a Vulnerability Assessment recurring scans.
Used by: ServersDatabasesVulnerabilityAssessment_Spec, and ServersVulnerabilityAssessment_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
emails | Specifies an array of e-mail addresses to which the scan notification is sent. | string[] Optional |
emailSubscriptionAdmins | Specifies that the schedule scan notification will be is sent to the subscription administrators. | bool Optional |
isEnabled | Recurring scans state. | bool Optional |
Properties of a Vulnerability Assessment recurring scans.
Used by: ServersDatabasesVulnerabilityAssessment_STATUS, and ServersVulnerabilityAssessment_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
emails | Specifies an array of e-mail addresses to which the scan notification is sent. | string[] Optional |
emailSubscriptionAdmins | Specifies that the schedule scan notification will be is sent to the subscription administrators. | bool Optional |
isEnabled | Recurring scans state. | bool Optional |
Used by: DatabaseIdentity.
Value | Description |
“None” | |
“UserAssigned” |
Used by: DatabaseIdentity_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“None” | |
“UserAssigned” |
Azure Active Directory identity configuration for a resource.
Used by: DatabaseIdentity_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
clientId | The Azure Active Directory client id. | string Optional |
principalId | The Azure Active Directory principal id. | string Optional |
Used by: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint.
Value | Description |
“Disabled” | |
“Enabled” |
Used by: FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Disabled” | |
“Enabled” |
Used by: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint.
Value | Description |
“Automatic” | |
“Manual” |
Used by: FailoverGroupReadWriteEndpoint_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Automatic” | |
“Manual” |
Used by: PartnerInfo_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Primary” | |
“Secondary” |
Properties of a private endpoint connection.
Used by: ServerPrivateEndpointConnection_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
groupIds | Group IDs. | string[] Optional |
privateEndpoint | Private endpoint which the connection belongs to. | PrivateEndpointProperty_STATUS Optional |
privateLinkServiceConnectionState | Connection state of the private endpoint connection. | PrivateLinkServiceConnectionStateProperty_STATUS Optional |
provisioningState | State of the private endpoint connection. | PrivateEndpointConnectionProperties_ProvisioningState_STATUS Optional |
Used by: ResourceIdentity.
Value | Description |
“None” | |
“SystemAssigned” | |
“SystemAssigned,UserAssigned” | |
“UserAssigned” |
Used by: ResourceIdentity_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“None” | |
“SystemAssigned” | |
“SystemAssigned,UserAssigned” | |
“UserAssigned” |
Used by: ServerExternalAdministrator.
Value | Description |
“ActiveDirectory” |
Used by: ServerExternalAdministrator_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“ActiveDirectory” |
Used by: ServerExternalAdministrator.
Value | Description |
“Application” | |
“Group” | |
“User” |
Used by: ServerExternalAdministrator_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Application” | |
“Group” | |
“User” |
Used by: ServerOperatorSpec.
Property | Description | Type |
fullyQualifiedDomainName | indicates where the FullyQualifiedDomainName config map should be placed. If omitted, no config map will be created. | genruntime.ConfigMapDestination Optional |
Used by: SystemData_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Application” | |
“Key” | |
“ManagedIdentity” | |
“User” |
Used by: SystemData_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Application” | |
“Key” | |
“ManagedIdentity” | |
“User” |
Information about the user assigned identity for the resource
Used by: DatabaseIdentity, and ResourceIdentity.
Property | Description | Type |
reference | genruntime.ResourceReference Optional |
Azure Active Directory identity configuration for a resource.
Used by: ResourceIdentity_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
clientId | The Azure Active Directory client id. | string Optional |
principalId | The Azure Active Directory principal id. | string Optional |
Used by: PrivateEndpointConnectionProperties_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Approving” | |
“Dropping” | |
“Failed” | |
“Ready” | |
“Rejecting” |
Used by: PrivateEndpointConnectionProperties_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
id | Resource id of the private endpoint. | string Optional |
Used by: PrivateEndpointConnectionProperties_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
actionsRequired | The actions required for private link service connection. | PrivateLinkServiceConnectionStateProperty_ActionsRequired_STATUS Optional |
description | The private link service connection description. | string Optional |
status | The private link service connection status. | PrivateLinkServiceConnectionStateProperty_Status_STATUS Optional |
Used by: PrivateLinkServiceConnectionStateProperty_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“None” |
Used by: PrivateLinkServiceConnectionStateProperty_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Approved” | |
“Disconnected” | |
“Pending” | |
“Rejected” |