
Prometheus metrics are exposed for ASOv2 which can be helpful in diagnosability and tracing. The metrics exposed fall into two groups: Azure based metrics, and reconciler metrics (from controller-runtime).

Toggling the metrics

By default, secure metrics for ASOv2 are turned on and can be toggled by the following options:

ASOv2 Helm Chart

While installing the Helm chart, we can turn the metrics _**on**_ and _**off**_ and set the metrics expose address using the 
below settings. Also, we can change the settings inside `values.yaml` file for ASOv2 Helm chart.

--set metrics.enable=true/false (default: true)
--set (default: true)
--set metrics.profiling=true/false (default: false)
--set metrics.address= (default)

Deployment YAML

In the deployment yaml, we can turn _**off**_ the metrics by omitting the `metrics-addr` flag. We can also change to use 
a different metrics-addr by changing the default value of that same flag.

   - args:
     - --metrics-addr= (default)    
     - --secure-metrics=true/false (default: true)
     - --profiling-metrics=true/false (default: false)

Scraping Metrics Securely via HTTPs using RBAC

A ServiceAccount token is required to scrape metrics securely. The corresponding ServiceAccount needs permissions on the “/metrics” and “debug/pprof” paths. This can be achieved e.g. by following the Kubernetes documentation.

Follow the steps below to scrape metrics securely.

--set metrics.enable=true
--set metrics.profiling=true
--set metrics.address=
 - args:
   - --metrics-addr=  
   - --secure-metrics=true 
   - --profiling-metrics=true

Deploy the following RBAC configuration. This creates a role that can scrape metrics.

cat << EOT | kubectl apply -f -
kind: ClusterRole
name: default-metrics
- nonResourceURLs:
    - "/metrics"
    - "/debug/pprof/*"
    - get
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
name: default-metrics
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: default-metrics
- kind: ServiceAccount
  name: default
  namespace: default

Test locally:

  • Open a port-forward

    kubectl port-forward deployments/azureserviceoperator-controller-manager -n azureserviceoperator-system 8443
  • Create a ServiceAccount token and scrape metrics

    TOKEN=$(kubectl create token default)
    curl https://localhost:8443/metrics --header "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -k

Understanding the ASOv2 Metrics

Metric Description Label 1 Label 2 Label 3
controller_runtime_reconcile_total A prometheus counter metric with total number of reconcilations per controller. Controller Result
controller_runtime_errors_total A prometheus counter metric with total number of errors from reconciler Controller
controller_runtime_reconcile_time_seconds A prometheus histogram metric which keeps track of the duration of reconcilations Controller
controller_runtime_max_concurrent_reconciles A prometheus gauge metric with number of concurrent reconciles per controller Controller
controller_runtime_active_workers A prometheus gauge metric with number of active workers per controller Controller
azure_successful_requests_total A prometheus counter metric with total number of successful requests to Azure ResourceName RequestType ResponseCode
azure_failed_requests_total A prometheus counter metric with total number of failed requests to Azure ResourceName RequestType
azure_requests_time_seconds A prometheus histogram metric which keeps track of the duration of round-trip time taken by request to Azure ResourceName RequestType


Labels are used to differentiate the characteristics of the metric that is being measured. Each metric with distinct labels is an independent metric. Below are the labels used in ASOv2 metrics:

  • Controller: Each resource being reconciled against Azure ARM has a separate dedicated controller
  • Result: Reconcile result returned by controller ( error | requeue | requeue_after | success )
  • ResourceName: Resource name for which the request is sent
  • RequestType: Http request method ( GET | PUT | DELETE )
  • ResponseCode: Http code in response from Azure