2023-05: Installing only selected CRDs


Outstanding issues:

  1. #2920: kube-apiserver persistently high memory usage with large number of CRDs.
  2. #1433: Allow users to control which CRDs are installed

CRDs consume kube-apiserver resources even if no instances of the CRDs are ever created. For more details, see #2920.

We have had a longstanding item (#1433) to allow users to be more selective about what CRDs to install. As the number of CRDs installed by ASO increases, this becomes more critical in order to mitigate the kube-apiserver memory usage problem.


Before getting into different options for solving this problem we should go over the requirements.

  1. Reduction in default number of CRDs installed.
    • The goal is that the default ASO configuration should fit into a minimal memory environment (such as a small kind cluster or a Free tier AKS cluster).
  2. Seamless upgrade experience for existing users.
    • If the user has installed a previous version of ASO and upgrade to a new version, whatever resources they had installed should continue to function. The previous default was “everything”.
  3. Seamless upgrade experience going forward.
    • If a user selects a subset of CRDs when initially installing ASO, they should get that exact subset automatically during upgrade unless they say otherwise.
    • No “oops I forgot to select any CRDs, so none were installed”
    • No “oops I forgot to filter CRDs, so they were all installed”
    • Exactly the CRDs the user originally specified should be upgraded, and only those CRDs.
  4. No CRDs uninstalled ever.
    • CRD uninstallation is dangerous. If users want to remove CRDs they can do it manually.
    • TODO: A reduction in the list of CRDs to install should result in only the new list CRDs of CRDs getting new versions? Or maybe it needs to actually upgrade those versions too even though they weren’t specified, to maintain a consistent storage version?

Question 1: What to install by default?

As mentioned above, a key goal is a reduction in the default number of CRDs installed. That means we somehow need to choose which CRDs we will install and which CRDs we will not.

Answer 1a: Handpicked default

We handpick a set of resources we feel are “critical” and install just those by default


  • Has at least a chance of working for some user-scenarios out of the box.
  • Ensures that resources which are extremely likely to be needed (such as Microsoft.Resources/resourceGroup) are included by default.


  • Arbitrary.
  • May result in higher kube-apiserver memory consumption than is strictly needed for users as it is likely to include some resources which they may not use.

Answer 1b: Nothing by default

We install nothing by default. The operator may treat “no CRDs” as an error case and exit or it may treat it as a standard case and run but do nothing.


  • Users choose exactly what they need.


  • The operator is nonfunctional out of the box, which is a poor new-user experience.

Answer 1c: Mandatory configuration

Selection of CRDs to install is required and the operator pod will not launch without it.

Can also use Helm required values to ensure that the value is required at the Helm chart level, although making it required may run afoul of requirement #3.


  • Users choose exactly what they need.


  • The operator is nonfunctional out of the box, but at least it’s clearly nonfunctional and has a good error why.

Question 2: How do users specify what CRDs to install?

Answer 2a: Using the existing command line parameter

Continue using the existing --crd-pattern command line parameter on the operator pod


  • Mostly exists today


  • Command-line isn’t preserved between upgrades, which may fail requirement #3 (seamless upgrade experience).

Answer 2b: Use a ConfigMap

A ConfigMap would persist between upgrades and so in theory could be used to remember what was installed previously without the user needing to re-specify it.

One challenge is that in the Helm context if the ConfigMap is created by Helm, Helm will overwrite it in subsequent upgrades. This could be dealt with by using a pre-install hook. We would create and patch the ConfigMap in the pre-install hook.

One possible ConfigMap structure:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: managed-resources
  namespace: azureserviceoperator-system
  "all": ""  # magic key meaning "*" which isn't supported in keys
  microsoft.resources: "*"
  microsoft.storage: "StorageAccount,StorageAccountsBlobService"

The following patch commands could be run either directly by the user or by our pre-install hook:

  • Addition of new resources: kubectl patch configmap managed-resources -n azureserviceoperator-system --patch '{"data":{"microsoft.storage":"*"}}'
  • Removal of old resources: kubectl patch configmap managed-resources -n azureserviceoperator-system --type=json -p='[{"op": "remove", "path": "/data/microsoft.resources"}]'

If nothing is specified as part of the upgrade, the set of supported resources will not change.

If the ConfigMap doesn’t exist when we go to upgrade, we can assume we’re coming from an older ASO version that didn’t support the ConfigMap and default to creating one that signals to install all resources.


  • Meets all the requirements.
  • Works for both Helm and raw-YAML situations. Helm as discussed above and raw YAML by having users.


  • Complicated to implement.
  • Not the behavior that Helm users would necessarily expect for Helm values.
  • Upgrade scenario from versions prior to this feature will still have all CRDs and thus still have the memory usage problem.

Open questions:

  • Do we even need to support a Helm value for configuring this? Technically speaking the only reason we would need to is to enable ASO as an Extension or Addon, as there everything must be done through Helm. For users of Helm itself we likely can just tell them to run a kubectl command afterwards to create the ConfigMap. That does make the Helm install experience worse though.
  • We may be able to create the ConfigMap as empty given Helms use of 3 way strategic merge and then patch it afterwards.
  • Is it OK that providers would be patchable, but you would need to include all the resources when patching something like microsoft.storage: "StorageAccount,StorageAccountsBlobService"? We could just disallow individual resource selection for now, although that might eventually become a problem for certain large providers (Microsoft.Network comes to mind).

See also Helm post rendering, which we could also consider. pre-install hook (or post-install) seems easier though.

Answer 2c: Using a CRD

We investigated doing this originally for Helm chart size limitations


  • More structured than a ConfigMap.


  • Chicken and egg problem of using the CRD that’s part of the operator to configure the operator behavior. Helm has a very hard time creating a CRD and an instance of the CRD in the same deployment.
  • May need to implement collection strategic merge behavior that already exists for ConfigMap.

Question 3: How do we ensure consistent configuration as ASO is upgraded

Answer 3a: Require the user to be consistent when upgrading

The user would need re-specify what resources they want every time they upgrade


  • Easy for us


  • Very easy to make a mistake and accidentally leave a resource off they want.

Answer 3b: Use a configuration technique that persists across upgrades


  • Satisfies the requirement.


  • Would augment/complicate the approach we already have
  • More complex for us to implement, especially with Helm. Helm owns any resource it creates, and deletes it if not specified on the next upgrade. See Using a ConfigMap for some workarounds.

Variant: Store the configuration independently

For example user could specify configuration in a non-durable way (Helm variables that pass to cmdline) and then we could merge this configuration into a “store” such as a ConfigMap. This differs from the above pattern only in that the user would not interact with this ConfigMap directly, it would be managed by ASO.

It has similar pros/cons as above.

Answer 3c: Query existing CRDs and always support those

Combined with some form of non-persistent storage such as command line we would query all existing CRDs and install/upgrade them, while adding whatever new CRDs were specified in the non-persistent storage.


  • Automatically supports seamless upgrades.
  • Installed resources are always upgrade to the latest version, even if user has forgotten about them.
  • Could be built onto existing cmdline configuration.
  • Hard for users to get wrong.
  • Single source of truth.


  • ???


Answer to question #1: What to install by default?

A combination of Answer 1b: Nothing by default and Answer 1c: Mandatory configuration.

Specifically, the operator pod should exit with an error if there are no CRDs configured in --crd-pattern and no existing CRDs in the cluster. If a --crd-pattern is specified, or if there are already existing ASO CRDs in the cluster then the pod will launch without an error, install/upgrade the required CRDs and then start watches on those CRDs.

Answer to question #2: How do users specify what CRDs to install?

Answer 2a: Using the existing command line parameter

This parameter will come to mean: “New CRDs to install to the cluster”.

Answer to question #3: How do we ensure consistent configuration as ASO is upgraded?

Answer 3c: Query existing CRDs and always support those.

Note that users may manage their own CRDs. In Helm, they can do this by setting installCRDs in values.yaml to false. When installCRDs is set to false, the operator only has CRD read,list,watch permissions and cannot update CRDs. We need to ensure that we cater to this case. Doing so doesn’t really fundamentally change the algorithm at pod start, which will still be:

  • Pod launches and reads the --crd-pattern variable, containing new CRDs to install.
  • Pod reads the expected CRDs from disk.
  • Pod reads the currently installed CRDs in the cluster.
  • Set of CRDs to install is determined by comparing expected CRDs (--crd-pattern + already installed CRDs) with the CRDs from disk. Any CRDs with differences (or which don’t exist) are candidates for installation/upgrade.
  • Operator installs the CRDs (will fail if --installCRDs is false). We may need to improve the error here to ensure users understand it.

Open questions and their answers

Should we do “graph-based” inclusions of resources?

If a user imports microsoft.storage/storageAccountsBlobService should we automatically determine that they also want microsoft.storage/storageAccounts since that’s the owner type?

Conclusion: No, users must list all resources they want explicitly. We strongly recommend using full provider imports such as microsoft.networking/* rather than tightly scoping to specific resources.





Experience Report


