v2.9.0 Breaking Changes

DelegatedManagedIdentityResourceId is now a secret

The RoleAssignment property .spec.delegatedManagedIdentityResourceId has been changed from a string to a SecretReference and renamed to .spec.delegatedManagedIdentityResourceReference.

We try to avoid breaking changes, but in this case, allowing raw passwords in the spec is a security problem and as such we’ve decided to make a break to correct this issue.

Action required: If the authorization.azure.com/RoleAssignment resource is used in your cluster, and if you are using the DelegatedManagedIdentityResourceId property, you’ll need to change your resource to use the new DelegatedManagedIdentityResourceReference property, pulling the value from a secret.

ContainerService version v1api20230202preview has been deleted

The AKS preview version 2023-02-02-preview has been deprecated by AKS and is no longer supported. We’ve removed it from the operator to prevent unrecoverable errors from occurring.

Action required:

  • If you are using this specific version, change your resources to use a different version before you upgrade to v2.9.0.
  • Check if the trustedaccessrolebindings.containerservice.azure.com CRD is installed. If it is, check if the status.storedVersions field contains the v1api20230202previewstorage API.
    • If it doesn’t, no action is needed.
    • If it does, download the latest experimental or v2.11.0+ asoctl and run asoctl clean crds.