2022-12: Reconciliation Extensions


The current behaviour of Azure Service Operator (ASO) is to unilaterally issue a PUT to Azure each time reconciliation of a resource is triggered.

For some resources this doesn’t work particularly well because the resources can be in a transient state that precludes the PUT from succeeding. The resulting error message pushes ASO into retrying the operation over and over again when it can’t possibly succeed. Not only does this cause needless load on both the cluster and Azure, it can trigger rate limiting and other throttling mechanisms.

Examples of this include:

This list not exhaustive.

We need a way to allow the operator to handle these cases gracefully, by introducing an extension point where we can tweak the reconciliation flow and skip the PUT if the resource is in a state that we know will cause the PUT to fail.

Complicating matters, we are also looking switch from using a unilateral PUT to a more discerning workflow where we do a GET first and only issue a PUT if the resource has changed (See #2600 for the design). Ideally, our design for this extension point will be compatible with both the current PUT-only reconciliation flow and the new GET-PUT reconciliation flow.

In the most common scenario, this extension point will be used to skip reconciliation based on the current status of the resource. However, we also want to allow implementers to use this extension point to perform other actions, such as issuing a GET to check on the status of other Azure resources.

As with other extension points, we want to give implementers the option of acting either before or after the standard action.


We’ll define a new extension point called PreReconciliationChecker in a style similar to our already existing extension points.

The extension point will receive the following parameters:

  • The current resource, with a status freshly updated from Azure.
  • A Kubernetes client allowing for Cluster operations.
  • An ARM client allowing for ARM operations.
  • A logger to allow for tracing of what the extension did.
  • A context to allow cancellation of long running operations.
  • A function that represents the next action to take.

The return will be one of three possibilities:

  • Proceed if the resource should be reconciled
  • Skip and a human readable reason if reconciliation should be skipped
  • error if something went wrong.

For the initial implementation, we’ll only do the GET if the extension exists, and the default next action will be hard coded to request a reconciliation.

Initial Sequence

Down the track when we switch to a GET/PUT workflow, we’ll always do the GET, and the default ‘next` action will do the comparison to see if the resource has changed.

GET/PUT Sequence



  • Extension point created in PR #2683.
  • Implementation for Managed Cluster and Agent Pool added in PR #2686.
  • Implementation for PostgreSQL Flexible Server added in PR #2688.



Experience Report

In use, we identified that providing a kubeclient.Client instance for cluster operations wasn’t particularly useful because of an impedance mismatch: the cluster API is expressed in terms of GVKs, namespaces and names, whereas the extensions often had a genruntime.ResourceReference in hand, and mapping between the two was awkward to do manually.

We’re addressing this by modifying the extensions to provide resolver.Resolver instead - this is an existing piece of the reconciler that handles resolution of GVK from a genruntime.ResourceReference. The object contains a kubeclient.Client should one be needed by an implementation of the extension.
