2022-12: Conversion Augmentation


The Kubernetes ecosystem has strong requirements around backward and forward compatibility of resource versions:

In Kubernetes, all versions must be safely round-tripable through each other. This means that if we convert from version 1 to version 2, and then back to version 1, we must not lose information. Thus, any change we make to our API must be compatible with whatever we supported in v1, and also need to make sure anything we add in v2 is supported in v1.

To achieve this, we are code generating conversions between versions of our resources.

However, we’ve always known that we’d need the capability to augment these conversions with some hand-written code, if only because we would quickly hit a point of diminishing returns if we try to handle everything with the generator.

To minimize the amount of work needed to augment the conversions, we will trigger the extension point after the code generator has done its work. This means that the user will only need to write the code to handle the differences between the two versions, and not the common properties that are handled by the code generator.

Thus, the extension point allows augmentation or modification of the conversions already performed; it doesn’t provide replacement of the conversion.

There are three different approaches we can take to writing the code for the extension:

  • Generic interfaces
  • Code-gen interfaces
  • Configuration

and there are two different scopes we can apply the augmentation to:

  • Resources only
  • Resources and objects

Generic interface implementation

In our genruntime package, we’ll define a new generic interface to capture the semantics of conversion augmentation:

type Assignable[T any] interface {
	AssignPropertiesTo(dst T) error
	AssignPropertiesFrom(src T) error

Conversions always need to be bi-directional, so we force both AssignPropertiesTo and AssignPropertiesFrom to be implemented together. (We can’t implement the conversions by implementing AssignPropertiesTo() on both sides of the link because the types are declared in different packages, for different API versions, and we need to avoid a circular package dependency.)

We then update the code generation for the already generated AssignProperties_To_* and AssignProperties_From_* methods to look for this interface and call it if it’s present. The type used for the type parameter will be the “upstream” type in our conversion chain.

For example, for the v1beta20210101 version of BatchAccount, the existing method AssignProperties_From_BatchAccount will updated with the following additional code:

var sourceAsAny any = source
if src, ok := sourceAsAny.(genruntime.Assignable[*v20210101s.BatchAccount]); ok {
    err := src.AssignPropertiesFrom(source)
    if err != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(
            "calling custom AssignFrom() for conversion from v20210101s.BatchAccount")

Pro: Minimizes the amount of code we need to generate because we only need an extra clause in the existing conversion methods to invoke the implementation when it’s present.

Con: Requires the user to correctly provide the right type parameter when implementing the interface to augment the property conversions. For example, in this above situation, only an implementation of genruntime.Assignable[*v20210101s.BatchAccount] will be invoked; if the user instead implemented genruntime.Assignable[*v20210101.BatchAccount] the code would compile, but be silently ignored. (BTW: The difference between those two is a single s character.)

Con: Go prohibits doing a type cast on a concrete type, so we need to stash source in an intermediate variable first.

Code-gen interface implementation

Instead of using a generic interface, we can define a new interface for each version of each resource that’s not visible outside of the package. This interface will be implemented by the user and will be called by the code generator.

For example, in the v1beta20210101 package, we’ll generate an interface for the conversion hook:

type assignableBatchAccount interface {
	AssignPropertiesTo(dst *v20210101s.BatchAccount) error
	AssignPropertiesFrom(src *v20210101s.BatchAccount) error

This interface would then be detected and used if present:

var sourceAsAny any = source
if src, ok := sourceAsAny.(assignableBatchAccount); ok {
    err := src.AssignPropertiesFrom(source)
    if err != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(
            "calling custom AssignPropertiesFrom() for conversion from v20210101s.BatchAccount")

Pro: The interface is only accessible (visible) within the package and has the correct parameter types specified. It’s therefore not possible for the user to think they’ve implemented the hook point and have it silently ignored. Either the compiler will complain, or the code will work.

Con: We don’t have any other interfaces being defined by the code generator, so this is a new pattern. (We do have interface implementations).

Con: Go prohibits doing a type cast on a concrete type, so we once again need to stash source in an intermediate variable first.

Configuration implementation

Add new configuration where we can specify that a particular resource needs tweaking. For the Batch account, above, this might look like:

        $customConversion: true

When found, we’d directly generate a call to the conversion functions were needed:

err := source.AssignPropertiesFromBatchAccount(source)
if err != nil {
    return errors.Wrap(
        "calling custom AssignFrom() for conversionfrom v20210101s.BatchAccount")

Pro: The configuration is very explicit and easy to understand.

Con: We need to add a new configuration option and the code to process it.

Con: The generator project won’t even build until the new extension point has been implemented, and this may not be obvious to the user.

Con: This is inconsistent with other extension points we have, which don’t use configuration and are automatically detected once implemented.

All Resources Scope

We could make the extension point available only to the root resource types. Theoretically this is sufficient as it gives access to intercept all conversions.

Pro: Minimizes the impact on our codebase

Con: Intercepting conversions for objects that are not root resources requires the user to walk both copies of the object tree themselves, correctly navigating optional fields. This gets even more complex when slices and or maps are involved.

All resources and objects

Our other option is to make the extension point available to all resources and and all objects.

Pro: This would allow the user to intercept conversions for any object in the object graph without needing to (re)implement any logic to walk the object graph. Pro: Matching up items in slices and maps will be taken care of by the generated code we already have.


We’ve previously placed a high value on making things as simple as possible for future developers. Internal consistency within the code generator and making it difficult to do things the wrong way are both important, so we’ll adopt the code-gen interface approach, and we’ll provide the extension point to all resources and objects.





Experience Report


Our object conversion graph is shaped a bit like a comb:

Sample Conversion Graph

The API versions of resources inter-convert with Storage versions of those same resources (shown as vertical links, above). These types have (by design) identical shapes, so there’s no need for any custom conversion logic. Conversions between different versions of a resource are handled by conversions between storage versions (shown as horizontal links), so those are the only versions that need to implement the conversion hook.

Property Bags

Storage types contain property bags, allowing values to be stashed when a destination property can’t be identified for a conversion. Hand written conversions will need to be aware of these property bags, and will need to remove items that shouldn’t be stored.
