Package v1api20211101 contains API Schema definitions for the eventhub v1api20211101 API group
Value | Description |
"2021-11-01" |
(Appears on:Namespaces_Eventhub_Spec)
Properties to configure capture description for eventhub
Field | Description |
destination Destination |
Destination: Properties of Destination where capture will be stored. (Storage Account, Blob Names) |
enabled bool |
Enabled: A value that indicates whether capture description is enabled. |
encoding CaptureDescription_Encoding |
Encoding: Enumerates the possible values for the encoding format of capture description. Note: ‘AvroDeflate’ will be deprecated in New API Version |
intervalInSeconds int |
IntervalInSeconds: The time window allows you to set the frequency with which the capture to Azure Blobs will happen, value should between 60 to 900 seconds |
sizeLimitInBytes int |
SizeLimitInBytes: The size window defines the amount of data built up in your Event Hub before an capture operation, value should be between 10485760 to 524288000 bytes |
skipEmptyArchives bool |
SkipEmptyArchives: A value that indicates whether to Skip Empty Archives |
(Appears on:Namespaces_Eventhub_Properties_Spec_ARM)
Properties to configure capture description for eventhub
Field | Description |
destination Destination_ARM |
Destination: Properties of Destination where capture will be stored. (Storage Account, Blob Names) |
enabled bool |
Enabled: A value that indicates whether capture description is enabled. |
encoding CaptureDescription_Encoding_ARM |
Encoding: Enumerates the possible values for the encoding format of capture description. Note: ‘AvroDeflate’ will be deprecated in New API Version |
intervalInSeconds int |
IntervalInSeconds: The time window allows you to set the frequency with which the capture to Azure Blobs will happen, value should between 60 to 900 seconds |
sizeLimitInBytes int |
SizeLimitInBytes: The size window defines the amount of data built up in your Event Hub before an capture operation, value should be between 10485760 to 524288000 bytes |
skipEmptyArchives bool |
SkipEmptyArchives: A value that indicates whether to Skip Empty Archives |
(Appears on:CaptureDescription)
Value | Description |
"Avro" |
"AvroDeflate" |
(Appears on:CaptureDescription_ARM)
Value | Description |
"Avro" |
"AvroDeflate" |
(Appears on:CaptureDescription_STATUS)
Value | Description |
"Avro" |
"AvroDeflate" |
(Appears on:CaptureDescription_STATUS_ARM)
Value | Description |
"Avro" |
"AvroDeflate" |
(Appears on:Namespaces_Eventhub_STATUS)
Properties to configure capture description for eventhub
Field | Description |
destination Destination_STATUS |
Destination: Properties of Destination where capture will be stored. (Storage Account, Blob Names) |
enabled bool |
Enabled: A value that indicates whether capture description is enabled. |
encoding CaptureDescription_Encoding_STATUS |
Encoding: Enumerates the possible values for the encoding format of capture description. Note: ‘AvroDeflate’ will be deprecated in New API Version |
intervalInSeconds int |
IntervalInSeconds: The time window allows you to set the frequency with which the capture to Azure Blobs will happen, value should between 60 to 900 seconds |
sizeLimitInBytes int |
SizeLimitInBytes: The size window defines the amount of data built up in your Event Hub before an capture operation, value should be between 10485760 to 524288000 bytes |
skipEmptyArchives bool |
SkipEmptyArchives: A value that indicates whether to Skip Empty Archives |
(Appears on:Namespaces_Eventhub_Properties_STATUS_ARM)
Properties to configure capture description for eventhub
Field | Description |
destination Destination_STATUS_ARM |
Destination: Properties of Destination where capture will be stored. (Storage Account, Blob Names) |
enabled bool |
Enabled: A value that indicates whether capture description is enabled. |
encoding CaptureDescription_Encoding_STATUS_ARM |
Encoding: Enumerates the possible values for the encoding format of capture description. Note: ‘AvroDeflate’ will be deprecated in New API Version |
intervalInSeconds int |
IntervalInSeconds: The time window allows you to set the frequency with which the capture to Azure Blobs will happen, value should between 60 to 900 seconds |
sizeLimitInBytes int |
SizeLimitInBytes: The size window defines the amount of data built up in your Event Hub before an capture operation, value should be between 10485760 to 524288000 bytes |
skipEmptyArchives bool |
SkipEmptyArchives: A value that indicates whether to Skip Empty Archives |
(Appears on:CaptureDescription)
Capture storage details for capture description
Field | Description |
archiveNameFormat string |
ArchiveNameFormat: Blob naming convention for archive, e.g. {Namespace}/{EventHub}/{PartitionId}/{Year}/{Month}/{Day}/{Hour}/{Minute}/{Second}. Here all the parameters (Namespace,EventHub .. etc) are mandatory irrespective of order |
blobContainer string |
BlobContainer: Blob container Name |
dataLakeAccountName string |
DataLakeAccountName: The Azure Data Lake Store name for the captured events |
dataLakeFolderPath string |
DataLakeFolderPath: The destination folder path for the captured events |
dataLakeSubscriptionId string |
DataLakeSubscriptionId: Subscription Id of Azure Data Lake Store |
name string |
Name: Name for capture destination |
storageAccountResourceReference genruntime.ResourceReference |
StorageAccountResourceReference: Resource id of the storage account to be used to create the blobs |
(Appears on:CaptureDescription_ARM)
Capture storage details for capture description
Field | Description |
name string |
Name: Name for capture destination |
properties Destination_Properties_ARM |
Properties: Properties describing the storage account, blob container and archive name format for capture destination |
(Appears on:Destination_ARM)
Field | Description |
archiveNameFormat string |
ArchiveNameFormat: Blob naming convention for archive, e.g. {Namespace}/{EventHub}/{PartitionId}/{Year}/{Month}/{Day}/{Hour}/{Minute}/{Second}. Here all the parameters (Namespace,EventHub .. etc) are mandatory irrespective of order |
blobContainer string |
BlobContainer: Blob container Name |
dataLakeAccountName string |
DataLakeAccountName: The Azure Data Lake Store name for the captured events |
dataLakeFolderPath string |
DataLakeFolderPath: The destination folder path for the captured events |
dataLakeSubscriptionId string |
DataLakeSubscriptionId: Subscription Id of Azure Data Lake Store |
storageAccountResourceId string |
(Appears on:Destination_STATUS_ARM)
Field | Description |
archiveNameFormat string |
ArchiveNameFormat: Blob naming convention for archive, e.g. {Namespace}/{EventHub}/{PartitionId}/{Year}/{Month}/{Day}/{Hour}/{Minute}/{Second}. Here all the parameters (Namespace,EventHub .. etc) are mandatory irrespective of order |
blobContainer string |
BlobContainer: Blob container Name |
dataLakeAccountName string |
DataLakeAccountName: The Azure Data Lake Store name for the captured events |
dataLakeFolderPath string |
DataLakeFolderPath: The destination folder path for the captured events |
dataLakeSubscriptionId string |
DataLakeSubscriptionId: Subscription Id of Azure Data Lake Store |
storageAccountResourceId string |
StorageAccountResourceId: Resource id of the storage account to be used to create the blobs |
(Appears on:CaptureDescription_STATUS)
Capture storage details for capture description
Field | Description |
archiveNameFormat string |
ArchiveNameFormat: Blob naming convention for archive, e.g. {Namespace}/{EventHub}/{PartitionId}/{Year}/{Month}/{Day}/{Hour}/{Minute}/{Second}. Here all the parameters (Namespace,EventHub .. etc) are mandatory irrespective of order |
blobContainer string |
BlobContainer: Blob container Name |
dataLakeAccountName string |
DataLakeAccountName: The Azure Data Lake Store name for the captured events |
dataLakeFolderPath string |
DataLakeFolderPath: The destination folder path for the captured events |
dataLakeSubscriptionId string |
DataLakeSubscriptionId: Subscription Id of Azure Data Lake Store |
name string |
Name: Name for capture destination |
storageAccountResourceId string |
StorageAccountResourceId: Resource id of the storage account to be used to create the blobs |
(Appears on:CaptureDescription_STATUS_ARM)
Capture storage details for capture description
Field | Description |
name string |
Name: Name for capture destination |
properties Destination_Properties_STATUS_ARM |
Properties: Properties describing the storage account, blob container and archive name format for capture destination |
(Appears on:Namespace_Spec)
Properties to configure Encryption
Field | Description |
keySource Encryption_KeySource |
KeySource: Enumerates the possible value of keySource for Encryption |
keyVaultProperties []KeyVaultProperties |
KeyVaultProperties: Properties of KeyVault |
requireInfrastructureEncryption bool |
RequireInfrastructureEncryption: Enable Infrastructure Encryption (Double Encryption) |
(Appears on:Namespace_Properties_Spec_ARM)
Properties to configure Encryption
Field | Description |
keySource Encryption_KeySource_ARM |
KeySource: Enumerates the possible value of keySource for Encryption |
keyVaultProperties []KeyVaultProperties_ARM |
KeyVaultProperties: Properties of KeyVault |
requireInfrastructureEncryption bool |
RequireInfrastructureEncryption: Enable Infrastructure Encryption (Double Encryption) |
(Appears on:Encryption)
Value | Description |
"Microsoft.KeyVault" |
(Appears on:Encryption_ARM)
Value | Description |
"Microsoft.KeyVault" |
(Appears on:Encryption_STATUS)
Value | Description |
"Microsoft.KeyVault" |
(Appears on:Encryption_STATUS_ARM)
Value | Description |
"Microsoft.KeyVault" |
(Appears on:Namespace_STATUS)
Properties to configure Encryption
Field | Description |
keySource Encryption_KeySource_STATUS |
KeySource: Enumerates the possible value of keySource for Encryption |
keyVaultProperties []KeyVaultProperties_STATUS |
KeyVaultProperties: Properties of KeyVault |
requireInfrastructureEncryption bool |
RequireInfrastructureEncryption: Enable Infrastructure Encryption (Double Encryption) |
(Appears on:Namespace_Properties_STATUS_ARM)
Properties to configure Encryption
Field | Description |
keySource Encryption_KeySource_STATUS_ARM |
KeySource: Enumerates the possible value of keySource for Encryption |
keyVaultProperties []KeyVaultProperties_STATUS_ARM |
KeyVaultProperties: Properties of KeyVault |
requireInfrastructureEncryption bool |
RequireInfrastructureEncryption: Enable Infrastructure Encryption (Double Encryption) |
(Appears on:Namespace_Spec)
Properties to configure Identity for Bring your Own Keys
Field | Description |
type Identity_Type |
Type: Type of managed service identity. |
userAssignedIdentities []UserAssignedIdentityDetails |
UserAssignedIdentities: Properties for User Assigned Identities |
(Appears on:Namespace_Spec_ARM)
Properties to configure Identity for Bring your Own Keys
Field | Description |
type Identity_Type_ARM |
Type: Type of managed service identity. |
userAssignedIdentities map[string]./api/eventhub/v1api20211101.UserAssignedIdentityDetails_ARM |
(Appears on:Namespace_STATUS)
Properties to configure Identity for Bring your Own Keys
Field | Description |
principalId string |
PrincipalId: ObjectId from the KeyVault |
tenantId string |
TenantId: TenantId from the KeyVault |
type Identity_Type_STATUS |
Type: Type of managed service identity. |
userAssignedIdentities map[string]./api/eventhub/v1api20211101.UserAssignedIdentity_STATUS |
UserAssignedIdentities: Properties for User Assigned Identities |
(Appears on:Namespace_STATUS_ARM)
Properties to configure Identity for Bring your Own Keys
Field | Description |
principalId string |
PrincipalId: ObjectId from the KeyVault |
tenantId string |
TenantId: TenantId from the KeyVault |
type Identity_Type_STATUS_ARM |
Type: Type of managed service identity. |
userAssignedIdentities map[string]./api/eventhub/v1api20211101.UserAssignedIdentity_STATUS_ARM |
UserAssignedIdentities: Properties for User Assigned Identities |
(Appears on:Identity)
Value | Description |
"None" |
"SystemAssigned" |
"SystemAssigned, UserAssigned" |
"UserAssigned" |
(Appears on:Identity_ARM)
Value | Description |
"None" |
"SystemAssigned" |
"SystemAssigned, UserAssigned" |
"UserAssigned" |
(Appears on:Identity_STATUS)
Value | Description |
"None" |
"SystemAssigned" |
"SystemAssigned, UserAssigned" |
"UserAssigned" |
(Appears on:Identity_STATUS_ARM)
Value | Description |
"None" |
"SystemAssigned" |
"SystemAssigned, UserAssigned" |
"UserAssigned" |
(Appears on:Encryption)
Properties to configure keyVault Properties
Field | Description |
identity UserAssignedIdentityProperties |
keyName string |
KeyName: Name of the Key from KeyVault |
keyVaultUri string |
KeyVaultUri: Uri of KeyVault |
keyVersion string |
KeyVersion: Key Version |
(Appears on:Encryption_ARM)
Properties to configure keyVault Properties
Field | Description |
identity UserAssignedIdentityProperties_ARM |
keyName string |
KeyName: Name of the Key from KeyVault |
keyVaultUri string |
KeyVaultUri: Uri of KeyVault |
keyVersion string |
KeyVersion: Key Version |
(Appears on:Encryption_STATUS)
Properties to configure keyVault Properties
Field | Description |
identity UserAssignedIdentityProperties_STATUS |
keyName string |
KeyName: Name of the Key from KeyVault |
keyVaultUri string |
KeyVaultUri: Uri of KeyVault |
keyVersion string |
KeyVersion: Key Version |
(Appears on:Encryption_STATUS_ARM)
Properties to configure keyVault Properties
Field | Description |
identity UserAssignedIdentityProperties_STATUS_ARM |
keyName string |
KeyName: Name of the Key from KeyVault |
keyVaultUri string |
KeyVaultUri: Uri of KeyVault |
keyVersion string |
KeyVersion: Key Version |
Generator information: - Generated from: /eventhub/resource-manager/Microsoft.EventHub/stable/2021-11-01/namespaces-preview.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/{namespaceName}p>
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec Namespace_Spec |
status Namespace_STATUS |
(Appears on:NamespaceOperatorSpec)
Field | Description |
primaryConnectionString genruntime.SecretDestination |
PrimaryConnectionString: indicates where the PrimaryConnectionString secret should be placed. If omitted, the secret will not be retrieved from Azure. |
primaryKey genruntime.SecretDestination |
PrimaryKey: indicates where the PrimaryKey secret should be placed. If omitted, the secret will not be retrieved from Azure. |
secondaryConnectionString genruntime.SecretDestination |
SecondaryConnectionString: indicates where the SecondaryConnectionString secret should be placed. If omitted, the secret will not be retrieved from Azure. |
secondaryKey genruntime.SecretDestination |
SecondaryKey: indicates where the SecondaryKey secret should be placed. If omitted, the secret will not be retrieved from Azure. |
(Appears on:Namespace_Spec)
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Field | Description |
secrets NamespaceOperatorSecrets |
Secrets: configures where to place Azure generated secrets. |
(Appears on:Namespace_STATUS_ARM)
Field | Description |
alternateName string |
AlternateName: Alternate name specified when alias and namespace names are same. |
clusterArmId string |
ClusterArmId: Cluster ARM ID of the Namespace. |
createdAt string |
CreatedAt: The time the Namespace was created. |
disableLocalAuth bool |
DisableLocalAuth: This property disables SAS authentication for the Event Hubs namespace. |
encryption Encryption_STATUS_ARM |
Encryption: Properties of BYOK Encryption description |
isAutoInflateEnabled bool |
IsAutoInflateEnabled: Value that indicates whether AutoInflate is enabled for eventhub namespace. |
kafkaEnabled bool |
KafkaEnabled: Value that indicates whether Kafka is enabled for eventhub namespace. |
maximumThroughputUnits int |
MaximumThroughputUnits: Upper limit of throughput units when AutoInflate is enabled, value should be within 0 to 20 throughput units. ( ‘0’ if AutoInflateEnabled = true) |
metricId string |
MetricId: Identifier for Azure Insights metrics. |
privateEndpointConnections []PrivateEndpointConnection_STATUS_ARM |
PrivateEndpointConnections: List of private endpoint connections. |
provisioningState string |
ProvisioningState: Provisioning state of the Namespace. |
serviceBusEndpoint string |
ServiceBusEndpoint: Endpoint you can use to perform Service Bus operations. |
status string |
Status: Status of the Namespace. |
updatedAt string |
UpdatedAt: The time the Namespace was updated. |
zoneRedundant bool |
ZoneRedundant: Enabling this property creates a Standard Event Hubs Namespace in regions supported availability zones. |
(Appears on:Namespace_Spec_ARM)
Field | Description |
alternateName string |
AlternateName: Alternate name specified when alias and namespace names are same. |
clusterArmId string |
disableLocalAuth bool |
DisableLocalAuth: This property disables SAS authentication for the Event Hubs namespace. |
encryption Encryption_ARM |
Encryption: Properties of BYOK Encryption description |
isAutoInflateEnabled bool |
IsAutoInflateEnabled: Value that indicates whether AutoInflate is enabled for eventhub namespace. |
kafkaEnabled bool |
KafkaEnabled: Value that indicates whether Kafka is enabled for eventhub namespace. |
maximumThroughputUnits int |
MaximumThroughputUnits: Upper limit of throughput units when AutoInflate is enabled, value should be within 0 to 20 throughput units. ( ‘0’ if AutoInflateEnabled = true) |
zoneRedundant bool |
ZoneRedundant: Enabling this property creates a Standard Event Hubs Namespace in regions supported availability zones. |
(Appears on:Namespace)
Field | Description |
alternateName string |
AlternateName: Alternate name specified when alias and namespace names are same. |
clusterArmId string |
ClusterArmId: Cluster ARM ID of the Namespace. |
conditions []genruntime/conditions.Condition |
Conditions: The observed state of the resource |
createdAt string |
CreatedAt: The time the Namespace was created. |
disableLocalAuth bool |
DisableLocalAuth: This property disables SAS authentication for the Event Hubs namespace. |
encryption Encryption_STATUS |
Encryption: Properties of BYOK Encryption description |
id string |
Id: Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName}p> |
identity Identity_STATUS |
Identity: Properties of BYOK Identity description |
isAutoInflateEnabled bool |
IsAutoInflateEnabled: Value that indicates whether AutoInflate is enabled for eventhub namespace. |
kafkaEnabled bool |
KafkaEnabled: Value that indicates whether Kafka is enabled for eventhub namespace. |
location string |
Location: Resource location. |
maximumThroughputUnits int |
MaximumThroughputUnits: Upper limit of throughput units when AutoInflate is enabled, value should be within 0 to 20 throughput units. ( ‘0’ if AutoInflateEnabled = true) |
metricId string |
MetricId: Identifier for Azure Insights metrics. |
name string |
Name: The name of the resource |
privateEndpointConnections []PrivateEndpointConnection_STATUS |
PrivateEndpointConnections: List of private endpoint connections. |
provisioningState string |
ProvisioningState: Provisioning state of the Namespace. |
serviceBusEndpoint string |
ServiceBusEndpoint: Endpoint you can use to perform Service Bus operations. |
sku Sku_STATUS |
Sku: Properties of sku resource |
status string |
Status: Status of the Namespace. |
systemData SystemData_STATUS |
SystemData: The system meta data relating to this resource. |
tags map[string]string |
Tags: Resource tags. |
type string |
Type: The type of the resource. E.g. “Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines” or “Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts” |
updatedAt string |
UpdatedAt: The time the Namespace was updated. |
zoneRedundant bool |
ZoneRedundant: Enabling this property creates a Standard Event Hubs Namespace in regions supported availability zones. |
Field | Description |
id string |
Id: Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName}p> |
identity Identity_STATUS_ARM |
Identity: Properties of BYOK Identity description |
location string |
Location: Resource location. |
name string |
Name: The name of the resource |
properties Namespace_Properties_STATUS_ARM |
Properties: Namespace properties supplied for create namespace operation. |
sku Sku_STATUS_ARM |
Sku: Properties of sku resource |
systemData SystemData_STATUS_ARM |
SystemData: The system meta data relating to this resource. |
tags map[string]string |
Tags: Resource tags. |
type string |
Type: The type of the resource. E.g. “Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines” or “Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts” |
(Appears on:Namespace)
Field | Description |
alternateName string |
AlternateName: Alternate name specified when alias and namespace names are same. |
azureName string |
AzureName: The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. |
clusterArmReference genruntime.ResourceReference |
ClusterArmReference: Cluster ARM ID of the Namespace. |
disableLocalAuth bool |
DisableLocalAuth: This property disables SAS authentication for the Event Hubs namespace. |
encryption Encryption |
Encryption: Properties of BYOK Encryption description |
identity Identity |
Identity: Properties of BYOK Identity description |
isAutoInflateEnabled bool |
IsAutoInflateEnabled: Value that indicates whether AutoInflate is enabled for eventhub namespace. |
kafkaEnabled bool |
KafkaEnabled: Value that indicates whether Kafka is enabled for eventhub namespace. |
location string |
Location: Resource location. |
maximumThroughputUnits int |
MaximumThroughputUnits: Upper limit of throughput units when AutoInflate is enabled, value should be within 0 to 20 throughput units. ( ‘0’ if AutoInflateEnabled = true) |
operatorSpec NamespaceOperatorSpec |
OperatorSpec: The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure |
owner genruntime.KnownResourceReference |
Owner: The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a resources.azure.com/ResourceGroup resource |
sku Sku |
Sku: Properties of sku resource |
tags map[string]string |
Tags: Resource tags. |
zoneRedundant bool |
ZoneRedundant: Enabling this property creates a Standard Event Hubs Namespace in regions supported availability zones. |
Field | Description |
identity Identity_ARM |
Identity: Properties of BYOK Identity description |
location string |
Location: Resource location. |
name string |
properties Namespace_Properties_Spec_ARM |
Properties: Namespace properties supplied for create namespace operation. |
sku Sku_ARM |
Sku: Properties of sku resource |
tags map[string]string |
Tags: Resource tags. |
Generator information: - Generated from: /eventhub/resource-manager/Microsoft.EventHub/stable/2021-11-01/AuthorizationRules.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/{namespaceName}/authorizationRules/{authorizationRuleName}p>
Field | Description | ||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec Namespaces_AuthorizationRule_Spec |
status Namespaces_AuthorizationRule_STATUS |
(Appears on:NamespacesAuthorizationRuleOperatorSpec)
Field | Description |
primaryConnectionString genruntime.SecretDestination |
PrimaryConnectionString: indicates where the PrimaryConnectionString secret should be placed. If omitted, the secret will not be retrieved from Azure. |
primaryKey genruntime.SecretDestination |
PrimaryKey: indicates where the PrimaryKey secret should be placed. If omitted, the secret will not be retrieved from Azure. |
secondaryConnectionString genruntime.SecretDestination |
SecondaryConnectionString: indicates where the SecondaryConnectionString secret should be placed. If omitted, the secret will not be retrieved from Azure. |
secondaryKey genruntime.SecretDestination |
SecondaryKey: indicates where the SecondaryKey secret should be placed. If omitted, the secret will not be retrieved from Azure. |
(Appears on:Namespaces_AuthorizationRule_Spec)
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Field | Description |
secrets NamespacesAuthorizationRuleOperatorSecrets |
Secrets: configures where to place Azure generated secrets. |
Generator information: - Generated from: /eventhub/resource-manager/Microsoft.EventHub/stable/2021-11-01/eventhubs.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/{namespaceName}/eventhubs/{eventHubName}p>
Field | Description | ||||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec Namespaces_Eventhub_Spec |
status Namespaces_Eventhub_STATUS |
Generator information: - Generated from: /eventhub/resource-manager/Microsoft.EventHub/stable/2021-11-01/AuthorizationRules.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/{namespaceName}/eventhubs/{eventHubName}/authorizationRules/{authorizationRuleName}p>
Field | Description | ||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec Namespaces_Eventhubs_AuthorizationRule_Spec |
status Namespaces_Eventhubs_AuthorizationRule_STATUS |
(Appears on:NamespacesEventhubsAuthorizationRuleOperatorSpec)
Field | Description |
primaryConnectionString genruntime.SecretDestination |
PrimaryConnectionString: indicates where the PrimaryConnectionString secret should be placed. If omitted, the secret will not be retrieved from Azure. |
primaryKey genruntime.SecretDestination |
PrimaryKey: indicates where the PrimaryKey secret should be placed. If omitted, the secret will not be retrieved from Azure. |
secondaryConnectionString genruntime.SecretDestination |
SecondaryConnectionString: indicates where the SecondaryConnectionString secret should be placed. If omitted, the secret will not be retrieved from Azure. |
secondaryKey genruntime.SecretDestination |
SecondaryKey: indicates where the SecondaryKey secret should be placed. If omitted, the secret will not be retrieved from Azure. |
(Appears on:Namespaces_Eventhubs_AuthorizationRule_Spec)
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Field | Description |
secrets NamespacesEventhubsAuthorizationRuleOperatorSecrets |
Secrets: configures where to place Azure generated secrets. |
Generator information: - Generated from: /eventhub/resource-manager/Microsoft.EventHub/stable/2021-11-01/consumergroups.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/{namespaceName}/eventhubs/{eventHubName}/consumergroups/{consumerGroupName}p>
Field | Description | ||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec Namespaces_Eventhubs_Consumergroup_Spec |
status Namespaces_Eventhubs_Consumergroup_STATUS |
(Appears on:Namespaces_AuthorizationRule_STATUS)
Value | Description |
"Listen" |
"Manage" |
"Send" |
(Appears on:Namespaces_AuthorizationRule_Properties_STATUS_ARM)
Value | Description |
"Listen" |
"Manage" |
"Send" |
(Appears on:Namespaces_AuthorizationRule_Spec)
Value | Description |
"Listen" |
"Manage" |
"Send" |
(Appears on:Namespaces_AuthorizationRule_Properties_Spec_ARM)
Value | Description |
"Listen" |
"Manage" |
"Send" |
(Appears on:Namespaces_AuthorizationRule_STATUS_ARM)
Field | Description |
rights []Namespaces_AuthorizationRule_Properties_Rights_STATUS_ARM |
Rights: The rights associated with the rule. |
(Appears on:Namespaces_AuthorizationRule_Spec_ARM)
Field | Description |
rights []Namespaces_AuthorizationRule_Properties_Rights_Spec_ARM |
Rights: The rights associated with the rule. |
(Appears on:NamespacesAuthorizationRule)
Field | Description |
conditions []genruntime/conditions.Condition |
Conditions: The observed state of the resource |
id string |
Id: Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName}p> |
location string |
Location: The geo-location where the resource lives |
name string |
Name: The name of the resource |
rights []Namespaces_AuthorizationRule_Properties_Rights_STATUS |
Rights: The rights associated with the rule. |
systemData SystemData_STATUS |
SystemData: The system meta data relating to this resource. |
type string |
Type: The type of the resource. E.g. “Microsoft.EventHub/Namespaces” or “Microsoft.EventHub/Namespaces/EventHubs” |
Field | Description |
id string |
Id: Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName}p> |
location string |
Location: The geo-location where the resource lives |
name string |
Name: The name of the resource |
properties Namespaces_AuthorizationRule_Properties_STATUS_ARM |
Properties: Properties supplied to create or update AuthorizationRule |
systemData SystemData_STATUS_ARM |
SystemData: The system meta data relating to this resource. |
type string |
Type: The type of the resource. E.g. “Microsoft.EventHub/Namespaces” or “Microsoft.EventHub/Namespaces/EventHubs” |
(Appears on:NamespacesAuthorizationRule)
Field | Description |
azureName string |
AzureName: The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. |
operatorSpec NamespacesAuthorizationRuleOperatorSpec |
OperatorSpec: The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure |
owner genruntime.KnownResourceReference |
Owner: The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a eventhub.azure.com/Namespace resource |
rights []Namespaces_AuthorizationRule_Properties_Rights_Spec |
Rights: The rights associated with the rule. |
Field | Description |
name string |
properties Namespaces_AuthorizationRule_Properties_Spec_ARM |
Properties: Properties supplied to create or update AuthorizationRule |
(Appears on:Namespaces_Eventhub_STATUS_ARM)
Field | Description |
captureDescription CaptureDescription_STATUS_ARM |
CaptureDescription: Properties of capture description |
createdAt string |
CreatedAt: Exact time the Event Hub was created. |
messageRetentionInDays int |
MessageRetentionInDays: Number of days to retain the events for this Event Hub, value should be 1 to 7 days |
partitionCount int |
PartitionCount: Number of partitions created for the Event Hub, allowed values are from 1 to 32 partitions. |
partitionIds []string |
PartitionIds: Current number of shards on the Event Hub. |
status Namespaces_Eventhub_Properties_Status_STATUS_ARM |
Status: Enumerates the possible values for the status of the Event Hub. |
updatedAt string |
UpdatedAt: The exact time the message was updated. |
(Appears on:Namespaces_Eventhub_Spec_ARM)
Field | Description |
captureDescription CaptureDescription_ARM |
CaptureDescription: Properties of capture description |
messageRetentionInDays int |
MessageRetentionInDays: Number of days to retain the events for this Event Hub, value should be 1 to 7 days |
partitionCount int |
PartitionCount: Number of partitions created for the Event Hub, allowed values are from 1 to 32 partitions. |
(Appears on:Namespaces_Eventhub_STATUS)
Value | Description |
"Active" |
"Creating" |
"Deleting" |
"Disabled" |
"ReceiveDisabled" |
"Renaming" |
"Restoring" |
"SendDisabled" |
"Unknown" |
(Appears on:Namespaces_Eventhub_Properties_STATUS_ARM)
Value | Description |
"Active" |
"Creating" |
"Deleting" |
"Disabled" |
"ReceiveDisabled" |
"Renaming" |
"Restoring" |
"SendDisabled" |
"Unknown" |
(Appears on:NamespacesEventhub)
Field | Description |
captureDescription CaptureDescription_STATUS |
CaptureDescription: Properties of capture description |
conditions []genruntime/conditions.Condition |
Conditions: The observed state of the resource |
createdAt string |
CreatedAt: Exact time the Event Hub was created. |
id string |
Id: Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName}p> |
location string |
Location: The geo-location where the resource lives |
messageRetentionInDays int |
MessageRetentionInDays: Number of days to retain the events for this Event Hub, value should be 1 to 7 days |
name string |
Name: The name of the resource |
partitionCount int |
PartitionCount: Number of partitions created for the Event Hub, allowed values are from 1 to 32 partitions. |
partitionIds []string |
PartitionIds: Current number of shards on the Event Hub. |
status Namespaces_Eventhub_Properties_Status_STATUS |
Status: Enumerates the possible values for the status of the Event Hub. |
systemData SystemData_STATUS |
SystemData: The system meta data relating to this resource. |
type string |
Type: The type of the resource. E.g. “Microsoft.EventHub/Namespaces” or “Microsoft.EventHub/Namespaces/EventHubs” |
updatedAt string |
UpdatedAt: The exact time the message was updated. |
Field | Description |
id string |
Id: Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName}p> |
location string |
Location: The geo-location where the resource lives |
name string |
Name: The name of the resource |
properties Namespaces_Eventhub_Properties_STATUS_ARM |
Properties: Properties supplied to the Create Or Update Event Hub operation. |
systemData SystemData_STATUS_ARM |
SystemData: The system meta data relating to this resource. |
type string |
Type: The type of the resource. E.g. “Microsoft.EventHub/Namespaces” or “Microsoft.EventHub/Namespaces/EventHubs” |
(Appears on:NamespacesEventhub)
Field | Description |
azureName string |
AzureName: The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. |
captureDescription CaptureDescription |
CaptureDescription: Properties of capture description |
messageRetentionInDays int |
MessageRetentionInDays: Number of days to retain the events for this Event Hub, value should be 1 to 7 days |
owner genruntime.KnownResourceReference |
Owner: The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a eventhub.azure.com/Namespace resource |
partitionCount int |
PartitionCount: Number of partitions created for the Event Hub, allowed values are from 1 to 32 partitions. |
Field | Description |
name string |
properties Namespaces_Eventhub_Properties_Spec_ARM |
Properties: Properties supplied to the Create Or Update Event Hub operation. |
(Appears on:Namespaces_Eventhubs_AuthorizationRule_STATUS)
Value | Description |
"Listen" |
"Manage" |
"Send" |
(Appears on:Namespaces_Eventhubs_AuthorizationRule_Properties_STATUS_ARM)
Value | Description |
"Listen" |
"Manage" |
"Send" |
(Appears on:Namespaces_Eventhubs_AuthorizationRule_Spec)
Value | Description |
"Listen" |
"Manage" |
"Send" |
(Appears on:Namespaces_Eventhubs_AuthorizationRule_Properties_Spec_ARM)
Value | Description |
"Listen" |
"Manage" |
"Send" |
(Appears on:Namespaces_Eventhubs_AuthorizationRule_STATUS_ARM)
Field | Description |
rights []Namespaces_Eventhubs_AuthorizationRule_Properties_Rights_STATUS_ARM |
Rights: The rights associated with the rule. |
(Appears on:Namespaces_Eventhubs_AuthorizationRule_Spec_ARM)
Field | Description |
rights []Namespaces_Eventhubs_AuthorizationRule_Properties_Rights_Spec_ARM |
Rights: The rights associated with the rule. |
(Appears on:NamespacesEventhubsAuthorizationRule)
Field | Description |
conditions []genruntime/conditions.Condition |
Conditions: The observed state of the resource |
id string |
Id: Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName}p> |
location string |
Location: The geo-location where the resource lives |
name string |
Name: The name of the resource |
rights []Namespaces_Eventhubs_AuthorizationRule_Properties_Rights_STATUS |
Rights: The rights associated with the rule. |
systemData SystemData_STATUS |
SystemData: The system meta data relating to this resource. |
type string |
Type: The type of the resource. E.g. “Microsoft.EventHub/Namespaces” or “Microsoft.EventHub/Namespaces/EventHubs” |
Field | Description |
id string |
Id: Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName}p> |
location string |
Location: The geo-location where the resource lives |
name string |
Name: The name of the resource |
properties Namespaces_Eventhubs_AuthorizationRule_Properties_STATUS_ARM |
Properties: Properties supplied to create or update AuthorizationRule |
systemData SystemData_STATUS_ARM |
SystemData: The system meta data relating to this resource. |
type string |
Type: The type of the resource. E.g. “Microsoft.EventHub/Namespaces” or “Microsoft.EventHub/Namespaces/EventHubs” |
(Appears on:NamespacesEventhubsAuthorizationRule)
Field | Description |
azureName string |
AzureName: The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. |
operatorSpec NamespacesEventhubsAuthorizationRuleOperatorSpec |
OperatorSpec: The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure |
owner genruntime.KnownResourceReference |
Owner: The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a eventhub.azure.com/NamespacesEventhub resource |
rights []Namespaces_Eventhubs_AuthorizationRule_Properties_Rights_Spec |
Rights: The rights associated with the rule. |
Field | Description |
name string |
properties Namespaces_Eventhubs_AuthorizationRule_Properties_Spec_ARM |
Properties: Properties supplied to create or update AuthorizationRule |
(Appears on:Namespaces_Eventhubs_Consumergroup_STATUS_ARM)
Field | Description |
createdAt string |
CreatedAt: Exact time the message was created. |
updatedAt string |
UpdatedAt: The exact time the message was updated. |
userMetadata string |
UserMetadata: User Metadata is a placeholder to store user-defined string data with maximum length 1024. e.g. it can be used to store descriptive data, such as list of teams and their contact information also user-defined configuration settings can be stored. |
(Appears on:Namespaces_Eventhubs_Consumergroup_Spec_ARM)
Field | Description |
userMetadata string |
UserMetadata: User Metadata is a placeholder to store user-defined string data with maximum length 1024. e.g. it can be used to store descriptive data, such as list of teams and their contact information also user-defined configuration settings can be stored. |
(Appears on:NamespacesEventhubsConsumerGroup)
Field | Description |
conditions []genruntime/conditions.Condition |
Conditions: The observed state of the resource |
createdAt string |
CreatedAt: Exact time the message was created. |
id string |
Id: Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName}p> |
location string |
Location: The geo-location where the resource lives |
name string |
Name: The name of the resource |
systemData SystemData_STATUS |
SystemData: The system meta data relating to this resource. |
type string |
Type: The type of the resource. E.g. “Microsoft.EventHub/Namespaces” or “Microsoft.EventHub/Namespaces/EventHubs” |
updatedAt string |
UpdatedAt: The exact time the message was updated. |
userMetadata string |
UserMetadata: User Metadata is a placeholder to store user-defined string data with maximum length 1024. e.g. it can be used to store descriptive data, such as list of teams and their contact information also user-defined configuration settings can be stored. |
Field | Description |
id string |
Id: Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName}p> |
location string |
Location: The geo-location where the resource lives |
name string |
Name: The name of the resource |
properties Namespaces_Eventhubs_Consumergroup_Properties_STATUS_ARM |
Properties: Single item in List or Get Consumer group operation |
systemData SystemData_STATUS_ARM |
SystemData: The system meta data relating to this resource. |
type string |
Type: The type of the resource. E.g. “Microsoft.EventHub/Namespaces” or “Microsoft.EventHub/Namespaces/EventHubs” |
(Appears on:NamespacesEventhubsConsumerGroup)
Field | Description |
azureName string |
AzureName: The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. |
owner genruntime.KnownResourceReference |
Owner: The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a eventhub.azure.com/NamespacesEventhub resource |
userMetadata string |
UserMetadata: User Metadata is a placeholder to store user-defined string data with maximum length 1024. e.g. it can be used to store descriptive data, such as list of teams and their contact information also user-defined configuration settings can be stored. |
Field | Description |
name string |
properties Namespaces_Eventhubs_Consumergroup_Properties_Spec_ARM |
Properties: Single item in List or Get Consumer group operation |
(Appears on:Namespace_STATUS)
Properties of the PrivateEndpointConnection.
Field | Description |
id string |
Id: Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName}p> |
(Appears on:Namespace_Properties_STATUS_ARM)
Properties of the PrivateEndpointConnection.
Field | Description |
id string |
Id: Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName}p> |
(Appears on:Namespace_Spec)
SKU parameters supplied to the create namespace operation
Field | Description |
capacity int |
Capacity: The Event Hubs throughput units for Basic or Standard tiers, where value should be 0 to 20 throughput units. The Event Hubs premium units for Premium tier, where value should be 0 to 10 premium units. |
name Sku_Name |
Name: Name of this SKU. |
tier Sku_Tier |
Tier: The billing tier of this particular SKU. |
(Appears on:Namespace_Spec_ARM)
SKU parameters supplied to the create namespace operation
Field | Description |
capacity int |
Capacity: The Event Hubs throughput units for Basic or Standard tiers, where value should be 0 to 20 throughput units. The Event Hubs premium units for Premium tier, where value should be 0 to 10 premium units. |
name Sku_Name_ARM |
Name: Name of this SKU. |
tier Sku_Tier_ARM |
Tier: The billing tier of this particular SKU. |
(Appears on:Sku)
Value | Description |
"Basic" |
"Premium" |
"Standard" |
(Appears on:Sku_ARM)
Value | Description |
"Basic" |
"Premium" |
"Standard" |
(Appears on:Sku_STATUS)
Value | Description |
"Basic" |
"Premium" |
"Standard" |
(Appears on:Sku_STATUS_ARM)
Value | Description |
"Basic" |
"Premium" |
"Standard" |
(Appears on:Namespace_STATUS)
SKU parameters supplied to the create namespace operation
Field | Description |
capacity int |
Capacity: The Event Hubs throughput units for Basic or Standard tiers, where value should be 0 to 20 throughput units. The Event Hubs premium units for Premium tier, where value should be 0 to 10 premium units. |
name Sku_Name_STATUS |
Name: Name of this SKU. |
tier Sku_Tier_STATUS |
Tier: The billing tier of this particular SKU. |
(Appears on:Namespace_STATUS_ARM)
SKU parameters supplied to the create namespace operation
Field | Description |
capacity int |
Capacity: The Event Hubs throughput units for Basic or Standard tiers, where value should be 0 to 20 throughput units. The Event Hubs premium units for Premium tier, where value should be 0 to 10 premium units. |
name Sku_Name_STATUS_ARM |
Name: Name of this SKU. |
tier Sku_Tier_STATUS_ARM |
Tier: The billing tier of this particular SKU. |
(Appears on:Sku)
Value | Description |
"Basic" |
"Premium" |
"Standard" |
(Appears on:Sku_ARM)
Value | Description |
"Basic" |
"Premium" |
"Standard" |
(Appears on:Sku_STATUS)
Value | Description |
"Basic" |
"Premium" |
"Standard" |
(Appears on:Sku_STATUS_ARM)
Value | Description |
"Basic" |
"Premium" |
"Standard" |
(Appears on:SystemData_STATUS)
Value | Description |
"Application" |
"Key" |
"ManagedIdentity" |
"User" |
(Appears on:SystemData_STATUS_ARM)
Value | Description |
"Application" |
"Key" |
"ManagedIdentity" |
"User" |
(Appears on:SystemData_STATUS)
Value | Description |
"Application" |
"Key" |
"ManagedIdentity" |
"User" |
(Appears on:SystemData_STATUS_ARM)
Value | Description |
"Application" |
"Key" |
"ManagedIdentity" |
"User" |
(Appears on:Namespace_STATUS, Namespaces_AuthorizationRule_STATUS, Namespaces_Eventhub_STATUS, Namespaces_Eventhubs_AuthorizationRule_STATUS, Namespaces_Eventhubs_Consumergroup_STATUS)
Metadata pertaining to creation and last modification of the resource.
Field | Description |
createdAt string |
CreatedAt: The timestamp of resource creation (UTC). |
createdBy string |
CreatedBy: The identity that created the resource. |
createdByType SystemData_CreatedByType_STATUS |
CreatedByType: The type of identity that created the resource. |
lastModifiedAt string |
LastModifiedAt: The type of identity that last modified the resource. |
lastModifiedBy string |
LastModifiedBy: The identity that last modified the resource. |
lastModifiedByType SystemData_LastModifiedByType_STATUS |
LastModifiedByType: The type of identity that last modified the resource. |
(Appears on:Namespace_STATUS_ARM, Namespaces_AuthorizationRule_STATUS_ARM, Namespaces_Eventhub_STATUS_ARM, Namespaces_Eventhubs_AuthorizationRule_STATUS_ARM, Namespaces_Eventhubs_Consumergroup_STATUS_ARM)
Metadata pertaining to creation and last modification of the resource.
Field | Description |
createdAt string |
CreatedAt: The timestamp of resource creation (UTC). |
createdBy string |
CreatedBy: The identity that created the resource. |
createdByType SystemData_CreatedByType_STATUS_ARM |
CreatedByType: The type of identity that created the resource. |
lastModifiedAt string |
LastModifiedAt: The type of identity that last modified the resource. |
lastModifiedBy string |
LastModifiedBy: The identity that last modified the resource. |
lastModifiedByType SystemData_LastModifiedByType_STATUS_ARM |
LastModifiedByType: The type of identity that last modified the resource. |
(Appears on:Identity)
Information about the user assigned identity for the resource
Field | Description |
reference genruntime.ResourceReference |
(Appears on:Identity_ARM)
Information about the user assigned identity for the resource
(Appears on:KeyVaultProperties)
Field | Description |
userAssignedIdentityReference genruntime.ResourceReference |
UserAssignedIdentityReference: ARM ID of user Identity selected for encryption |
(Appears on:KeyVaultProperties_ARM)
Field | Description |
userAssignedIdentity string |
(Appears on:KeyVaultProperties_STATUS)
Field | Description |
userAssignedIdentity string |
UserAssignedIdentity: ARM ID of user Identity selected for encryption |
(Appears on:KeyVaultProperties_STATUS_ARM)
Field | Description |
userAssignedIdentity string |
UserAssignedIdentity: ARM ID of user Identity selected for encryption |
(Appears on:Identity_STATUS)
Recognized Dictionary value.
Field | Description |
clientId string |
ClientId: Client Id of user assigned identity |
principalId string |
PrincipalId: Principal Id of user assigned identity |
(Appears on:Identity_STATUS_ARM)
Recognized Dictionary value.
Field | Description |
clientId string |
ClientId: Client Id of user assigned identity |
principalId string |
PrincipalId: Principal Id of user assigned identity |