Package v1 contains hand-crafted API Schema definitions for the sql v1 API group
(Appears on:UserSpec)
Field | Description |
serverAdminUsername string |
ServerAdminUsername is the username of the Server administrator. If the administrator is a group, the ServerAdminUsername should be the group name, not the actual username of the identity to log in with. For example if the administrator group is “admin-group” and identity “my-identity” is a member of that group, the ServerAdminUsername should be “admin-group”. |
serverAdminPassword genruntime.SecretReference |
ServerAdminPassword is a reference to a secret containing the servers administrator password. |
password genruntime.SecretReference |
Password is the password to use for the user |
User is an Azure SQL user
Field | Description | ||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec UserSpec |
status UserStatus |
(Appears on:User)
Field | Description |
azureName string |
AzureName: The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. If not specified, the default is the name of the Kubernetes object. When creating a local user, this will be the name of the user created. When creating an AAD user, this must have a specific format depending on the type of AAD user being created. For managed identity: “my-managed-identity-name” For standard AAD user: “myuser@mydomain.onmicrosoft.com” For AAD group: “my-group” |
owner genruntime.KnownResourceReference |
Owner: The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to an sql.azure.com/ServersDatabase resource |
roles []string |
The roles assigned to the user. See https://learn.microsoft.com/sql/relational-databases/security/authentication-access/database-level-roles?view=sql-server-ver16#fixed-database-roles for the fixed set of roles supported by Azure SQL. Roles include the following: db_owner, db_securityadmin, db_accessadmin, db_backupoperator, db_ddladmin, db_datawriter, db_datareader, db_denydatawriter, and db_denydatareader. |
localUser LocalUserSpec |
LocalUser contains details for creating a standard (non-aad) Azure SQL User |
(Appears on:User)
Field | Description |
conditions []genruntime/conditions.Condition |
Conditions: The observed state of the resource |