Generator information: - Generated from: /monitor/resource-manager/Microsoft.Insights/stable/2023-01-01/actionGroups_API.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Insights/actionGroups/{actionGroupName}
Used by: ActionGroupList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | ActionGroup_Spec Optional |
status | ActionGroupResource_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
armRoleReceivers | The list of ARM role receivers that are part of this action group. Roles are Azure RBAC roles and only built-in roles are supported. | ArmRoleReceiver[] Optional |
automationRunbookReceivers | The list of AutomationRunbook receivers that are part of this action group. | AutomationRunbookReceiver[] Optional |
azureAppPushReceivers | The list of AzureAppPush receivers that are part of this action group. | AzureAppPushReceiver[] Optional |
azureFunctionReceivers | The list of azure function receivers that are part of this action group. | AzureFunctionReceiver[] Optional |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
emailReceivers | The list of email receivers that are part of this action group. | EmailReceiver[] Optional |
enabled | Indicates whether this action group is enabled. If an action group is not enabled, then none of its receivers will receive communications. | bool Required |
eventHubReceivers | The list of event hub receivers that are part of this action group. | EventHubReceiver[] Optional |
groupShortName | The short name of the action group. This will be used in SMS messages. | string Required |
itsmReceivers | The list of ITSM receivers that are part of this action group. | ItsmReceiver[] Optional |
location | Resource location | string Required |
logicAppReceivers | The list of logic app receivers that are part of this action group. | LogicAppReceiver[] Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ActionGroupOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
smsReceivers | The list of SMS receivers that are part of this action group. | SmsReceiver[] Optional |
tags | Resource tags | map[string]string Optional |
voiceReceivers | The list of voice receivers that are part of this action group. | VoiceReceiver[] Optional |
webhookReceivers | The list of webhook receivers that are part of this action group. | WebhookReceiver[] Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
armRoleReceivers | The list of ARM role receivers that are part of this action group. Roles are Azure RBAC roles and only built-in roles are supported. | ArmRoleReceiver_STATUS[] Optional |
automationRunbookReceivers | The list of AutomationRunbook receivers that are part of this action group. | AutomationRunbookReceiver_STATUS[] Optional |
azureAppPushReceivers | The list of AzureAppPush receivers that are part of this action group. | AzureAppPushReceiver_STATUS[] Optional |
azureFunctionReceivers | The list of azure function receivers that are part of this action group. | AzureFunctionReceiver_STATUS[] Optional |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
emailReceivers | The list of email receivers that are part of this action group. | EmailReceiver_STATUS[] Optional |
enabled | Indicates whether this action group is enabled. If an action group is not enabled, then none of its receivers will receive communications. | bool Optional |
eventHubReceivers | The list of event hub receivers that are part of this action group. | EventHubReceiver_STATUS[] Optional |
groupShortName | The short name of the action group. This will be used in SMS messages. | string Optional |
id | Azure resource Id | string Optional |
itsmReceivers | The list of ITSM receivers that are part of this action group. | ItsmReceiver_STATUS[] Optional |
location | Resource location | string Optional |
logicAppReceivers | The list of logic app receivers that are part of this action group. | LogicAppReceiver_STATUS[] Optional |
name | Azure resource name | string Optional |
smsReceivers | The list of SMS receivers that are part of this action group. | SmsReceiver_STATUS[] Optional |
tags | Resource tags | map[string]string Optional |
type | Azure resource type | string Optional |
voiceReceivers | The list of voice receivers that are part of this action group. | VoiceReceiver_STATUS[] Optional |
webhookReceivers | The list of webhook receivers that are part of this action group. | WebhookReceiver_STATUS[] Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /monitor/resource-manager/Microsoft.Insights/stable/2023-01-01/actionGroups_API.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Insights/actionGroups/{actionGroupName}
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | ActionGroup[] Optional |
Value | Description |
“2023-01-01” |
Used by: ActionGroup.
Property | Description | Type |
armRoleReceivers | The list of ARM role receivers that are part of this action group. Roles are Azure RBAC roles and only built-in roles are supported. | ArmRoleReceiver[] Optional |
automationRunbookReceivers | The list of AutomationRunbook receivers that are part of this action group. | AutomationRunbookReceiver[] Optional |
azureAppPushReceivers | The list of AzureAppPush receivers that are part of this action group. | AzureAppPushReceiver[] Optional |
azureFunctionReceivers | The list of azure function receivers that are part of this action group. | AzureFunctionReceiver[] Optional |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
emailReceivers | The list of email receivers that are part of this action group. | EmailReceiver[] Optional |
enabled | Indicates whether this action group is enabled. If an action group is not enabled, then none of its receivers will receive communications. | bool Required |
eventHubReceivers | The list of event hub receivers that are part of this action group. | EventHubReceiver[] Optional |
groupShortName | The short name of the action group. This will be used in SMS messages. | string Required |
itsmReceivers | The list of ITSM receivers that are part of this action group. | ItsmReceiver[] Optional |
location | Resource location | string Required |
logicAppReceivers | The list of logic app receivers that are part of this action group. | LogicAppReceiver[] Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ActionGroupOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
smsReceivers | The list of SMS receivers that are part of this action group. | SmsReceiver[] Optional |
tags | Resource tags | map[string]string Optional |
voiceReceivers | The list of voice receivers that are part of this action group. | VoiceReceiver[] Optional |
webhookReceivers | The list of webhook receivers that are part of this action group. | WebhookReceiver[] Optional |
An action group resource.
Used by: ActionGroup.
Property | Description | Type |
armRoleReceivers | The list of ARM role receivers that are part of this action group. Roles are Azure RBAC roles and only built-in roles are supported. | ArmRoleReceiver_STATUS[] Optional |
automationRunbookReceivers | The list of AutomationRunbook receivers that are part of this action group. | AutomationRunbookReceiver_STATUS[] Optional |
azureAppPushReceivers | The list of AzureAppPush receivers that are part of this action group. | AzureAppPushReceiver_STATUS[] Optional |
azureFunctionReceivers | The list of azure function receivers that are part of this action group. | AzureFunctionReceiver_STATUS[] Optional |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
emailReceivers | The list of email receivers that are part of this action group. | EmailReceiver_STATUS[] Optional |
enabled | Indicates whether this action group is enabled. If an action group is not enabled, then none of its receivers will receive communications. | bool Optional |
eventHubReceivers | The list of event hub receivers that are part of this action group. | EventHubReceiver_STATUS[] Optional |
groupShortName | The short name of the action group. This will be used in SMS messages. | string Optional |
id | Azure resource Id | string Optional |
itsmReceivers | The list of ITSM receivers that are part of this action group. | ItsmReceiver_STATUS[] Optional |
location | Resource location | string Optional |
logicAppReceivers | The list of logic app receivers that are part of this action group. | LogicAppReceiver_STATUS[] Optional |
name | Azure resource name | string Optional |
smsReceivers | The list of SMS receivers that are part of this action group. | SmsReceiver_STATUS[] Optional |
tags | Resource tags | map[string]string Optional |
type | Azure resource type | string Optional |
voiceReceivers | The list of voice receivers that are part of this action group. | VoiceReceiver_STATUS[] Optional |
webhookReceivers | The list of webhook receivers that are part of this action group. | WebhookReceiver_STATUS[] Optional |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: ActionGroup_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
An arm role receiver.
Used by: ActionGroup_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the arm role receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group. | string Required |
roleId | The arm role id. | string Required |
useCommonAlertSchema | Indicates whether to use common alert schema. | bool Optional |
An arm role receiver.
Used by: ActionGroupResource_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the arm role receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group. | string Optional |
roleId | The arm role id. | string Optional |
useCommonAlertSchema | Indicates whether to use common alert schema. | bool Optional |
The Azure Automation Runbook notification receiver.
Used by: ActionGroup_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
automationAccountId | The Azure automation account Id which holds this runbook and authenticate to Azure resource. | string Required |
isGlobalRunbook | Indicates whether this instance is global runbook. | bool Required |
name | Indicates name of the webhook. | string Optional |
runbookName | The name for this runbook. | string Required |
serviceUri | The URI where webhooks should be sent. | string Optional |
useCommonAlertSchema | Indicates whether to use common alert schema. | bool Optional |
webhookResourceReference | The resource id for webhook linked to this runbook. | genruntime.ResourceReference Required |
The Azure Automation Runbook notification receiver.
Used by: ActionGroupResource_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
automationAccountId | The Azure automation account Id which holds this runbook and authenticate to Azure resource. | string Optional |
isGlobalRunbook | Indicates whether this instance is global runbook. | bool Optional |
name | Indicates name of the webhook. | string Optional |
runbookName | The name for this runbook. | string Optional |
serviceUri | The URI where webhooks should be sent. | string Optional |
useCommonAlertSchema | Indicates whether to use common alert schema. | bool Optional |
webhookResourceId | The resource id for webhook linked to this runbook. | string Optional |
The Azure mobile App push notification receiver.
Used by: ActionGroup_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
emailAddress | The email address registered for the Azure mobile app. | string Required |
name | The name of the Azure mobile app push receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group. | string Required |
The Azure mobile App push notification receiver.
Used by: ActionGroupResource_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
emailAddress | The email address registered for the Azure mobile app. | string Optional |
name | The name of the Azure mobile app push receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group. | string Optional |
An azure function receiver.
Used by: ActionGroup_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
functionAppResourceReference | The azure resource id of the function app. | genruntime.ResourceReference Required |
functionName | The function name in the function app. | string Required |
httpTriggerUrl | The http trigger url where http request sent to. | string Required |
name | The name of the azure function receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group. | string Required |
useCommonAlertSchema | Indicates whether to use common alert schema. | bool Optional |
An azure function receiver.
Used by: ActionGroupResource_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
functionAppResourceId | The azure resource id of the function app. | string Optional |
functionName | The function name in the function app. | string Optional |
httpTriggerUrl | The http trigger url where http request sent to. | string Optional |
name | The name of the azure function receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group. | string Optional |
useCommonAlertSchema | Indicates whether to use common alert schema. | bool Optional |
An email receiver.
Used by: ActionGroup_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
emailAddress | The email address of this receiver. | string Required |
name | The name of the email receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group. | string Required |
useCommonAlertSchema | Indicates whether to use common alert schema. | bool Optional |
An email receiver.
Used by: ActionGroupResource_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
emailAddress | The email address of this receiver. | string Optional |
name | The name of the email receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group. | string Optional |
status | The receiver status of the e-mail. | ReceiverStatus_STATUS Optional |
useCommonAlertSchema | Indicates whether to use common alert schema. | bool Optional |
An Event hub receiver.
Used by: ActionGroup_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
eventHubName | The name of the specific Event Hub queue | string Required |
eventHubNameSpace | The Event Hub namespace | string Required |
name | The name of the Event hub receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group. | string Required |
subscriptionId | The Id for the subscription containing this event hub | string Required |
tenantId | The tenant Id for the subscription containing this event hub | string Optional |
useCommonAlertSchema | Indicates whether to use common alert schema. | bool Optional |
An Event hub receiver.
Used by: ActionGroupResource_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
eventHubName | The name of the specific Event Hub queue | string Optional |
eventHubNameSpace | The Event Hub namespace | string Optional |
name | The name of the Event hub receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group. | string Optional |
subscriptionId | The Id for the subscription containing this event hub | string Optional |
tenantId | The tenant Id for the subscription containing this event hub | string Optional |
useCommonAlertSchema | Indicates whether to use common alert schema. | bool Optional |
An Itsm receiver.
Used by: ActionGroup_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
connectionId | Unique identification of ITSM connection among multiple defined in above workspace. | string Required |
name | The name of the Itsm receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group. | string Required |
region | Region in which workspace resides. Supported values:‘centralindia’,‘japaneast’,‘southeastasia’,‘australiasoutheast’,‘uksouth’,‘westcentralus’,‘canadacentral’,’eastus’,‘westeurope’ | string Required |
ticketConfiguration | JSON blob for the configurations of the ITSM action. CreateMultipleWorkItems option will be part of this blob as well. | string Required |
workspaceId | OMS LA instance identifier. | string Required |
An Itsm receiver.
Used by: ActionGroupResource_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
connectionId | Unique identification of ITSM connection among multiple defined in above workspace. | string Optional |
name | The name of the Itsm receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group. | string Optional |
region | Region in which workspace resides. Supported values:‘centralindia’,‘japaneast’,‘southeastasia’,‘australiasoutheast’,‘uksouth’,‘westcentralus’,‘canadacentral’,’eastus’,‘westeurope’ | string Optional |
ticketConfiguration | JSON blob for the configurations of the ITSM action. CreateMultipleWorkItems option will be part of this blob as well. | string Optional |
workspaceId | OMS LA instance identifier. | string Optional |
A logic app receiver.
Used by: ActionGroup_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
callbackUrl | The callback url where http request sent to. | string Required |
name | The name of the logic app receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group. | string Required |
resourceReference | The azure resource id of the logic app receiver. | genruntime.ResourceReference Required |
useCommonAlertSchema | Indicates whether to use common alert schema. | bool Optional |
A logic app receiver.
Used by: ActionGroupResource_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
callbackUrl | The callback url where http request sent to. | string Optional |
name | The name of the logic app receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group. | string Optional |
resourceId | The azure resource id of the logic app receiver. | string Optional |
useCommonAlertSchema | Indicates whether to use common alert schema. | bool Optional |
An SMS receiver.
Used by: ActionGroup_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
countryCode | The country code of the SMS receiver. | string Required |
name | The name of the SMS receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group. | string Required |
phoneNumber | The phone number of the SMS receiver. | string Required |
An SMS receiver.
Used by: ActionGroupResource_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
countryCode | The country code of the SMS receiver. | string Optional |
name | The name of the SMS receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group. | string Optional |
phoneNumber | The phone number of the SMS receiver. | string Optional |
status | The status of the receiver. | ReceiverStatus_STATUS Optional |
A voice receiver.
Used by: ActionGroup_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
countryCode | The country code of the voice receiver. | string Required |
name | The name of the voice receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group. | string Required |
phoneNumber | The phone number of the voice receiver. | string Required |
A voice receiver.
Used by: ActionGroupResource_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
countryCode | The country code of the voice receiver. | string Optional |
name | The name of the voice receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group. | string Optional |
phoneNumber | The phone number of the voice receiver. | string Optional |
A webhook receiver.
Used by: ActionGroup_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
identifierUri | Indicates the identifier uri for aad auth. | string Optional |
name | The name of the webhook receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group. | string Required |
objectId | Indicates the webhook app object Id for aad auth. | string Optional |
serviceUri | The URI where webhooks should be sent. | string Required |
tenantId | Indicates the tenant id for aad auth. | string Optional |
useAadAuth | Indicates whether or not use AAD authentication. | bool Optional |
useCommonAlertSchema | Indicates whether to use common alert schema. | bool Optional |
A webhook receiver.
Used by: ActionGroupResource_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
identifierUri | Indicates the identifier uri for aad auth. | string Optional |
name | The name of the webhook receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group. | string Optional |
objectId | Indicates the webhook app object Id for aad auth. | string Optional |
serviceUri | The URI where webhooks should be sent. | string Optional |
tenantId | Indicates the tenant id for aad auth. | string Optional |
useAadAuth | Indicates whether or not use AAD authentication. | bool Optional |
useCommonAlertSchema | Indicates whether to use common alert schema. | bool Optional |
Indicates the status of the receiver. Receivers that are not Enabled will not receive any communications.
Used by: EmailReceiver_STATUS, and SmsReceiver_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Disabled” | |
“Enabled” | |
“NotSpecified” |