Value | Description |
“2021-05-01-preview” |
Generator information: - Generated from: /monitor/resource-manager/Microsoft.Insights/preview/2021-05-01-preview/diagnosticsSettings_API.json - ARM URI: /{resourceUri}/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/{name}
Used by: DiagnosticSettingList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | DiagnosticSetting_Spec Optional |
status | DiagnosticSetting_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
eventHubAuthorizationRuleReference | The resource Id for the event hub authorization rule. | genruntime.ResourceReference Optional |
eventHubName | The name of the event hub. If none is specified, the default event hub will be selected. | string Optional |
logAnalyticsDestinationType | A string indicating whether the export to Log Analytics should use the default destination type, i.e. AzureDiagnostics, or use a destination type constructed as follows: |
string Optional |
logs | The list of logs settings. | LogSettings[] Optional |
marketplacePartnerReference | The full ARM resource ID of the Marketplace resource to which you would like to send Diagnostic Logs. | genruntime.ResourceReference Optional |
metrics | The list of metric settings. | MetricSettings[] Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | DiagnosticSettingOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. This resource is an extension resource, which means that any other Azure resource can be its owner. | genruntime.ArbitraryOwnerReference Required |
serviceBusRuleId | The service bus rule Id of the diagnostic setting. This is here to maintain backwards compatibility. | string Optional |
storageAccountReference | The resource ID of the storage account to which you would like to send Diagnostic Logs. | genruntime.ResourceReference Optional |
workspaceReference | The full ARM resource ID of the Log Analytics workspace to which you would like to send Diagnostic Logs. Example: /subscriptions/4b9e8510-67ab-4e9a-95a9-e2f1e570ea9c/resourceGroups/insights-integration/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/viruela2 | genruntime.ResourceReference Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
eventHubAuthorizationRuleId | The resource Id for the event hub authorization rule. | string Optional |
eventHubName | The name of the event hub. If none is specified, the default event hub will be selected. | string Optional |
id | Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName} | string Optional |
logAnalyticsDestinationType | A string indicating whether the export to Log Analytics should use the default destination type, i.e. AzureDiagnostics, or use a destination type constructed as follows: |
string Optional |
logs | The list of logs settings. | LogSettings_STATUS[] Optional |
marketplacePartnerId | The full ARM resource ID of the Marketplace resource to which you would like to send Diagnostic Logs. | string Optional |
metrics | The list of metric settings. | MetricSettings_STATUS[] Optional |
name | The name of the resource | string Optional |
serviceBusRuleId | The service bus rule Id of the diagnostic setting. This is here to maintain backwards compatibility. | string Optional |
storageAccountId | The resource ID of the storage account to which you would like to send Diagnostic Logs. | string Optional |
systemData | The system metadata related to this resource. | SystemData_STATUS Optional |
type | The type of the resource. E.g. “Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines” or “Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts” | string Optional |
workspaceId | The full ARM resource ID of the Log Analytics workspace to which you would like to send Diagnostic Logs. Example: /subscriptions/4b9e8510-67ab-4e9a-95a9-e2f1e570ea9c/resourceGroups/insights-integration/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/viruela2 | string Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /monitor/resource-manager/Microsoft.Insights/preview/2021-05-01-preview/diagnosticsSettings_API.json - ARM URI: /{resourceUri}/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/{name}
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | DiagnosticSetting[] Optional |
Used by: DiagnosticSetting.
Property | Description | Type |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
eventHubAuthorizationRuleReference | The resource Id for the event hub authorization rule. | genruntime.ResourceReference Optional |
eventHubName | The name of the event hub. If none is specified, the default event hub will be selected. | string Optional |
logAnalyticsDestinationType | A string indicating whether the export to Log Analytics should use the default destination type, i.e. AzureDiagnostics, or use a destination type constructed as follows: |
string Optional |
logs | The list of logs settings. | LogSettings[] Optional |
marketplacePartnerReference | The full ARM resource ID of the Marketplace resource to which you would like to send Diagnostic Logs. | genruntime.ResourceReference Optional |
metrics | The list of metric settings. | MetricSettings[] Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | DiagnosticSettingOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. This resource is an extension resource, which means that any other Azure resource can be its owner. | genruntime.ArbitraryOwnerReference Required |
serviceBusRuleId | The service bus rule Id of the diagnostic setting. This is here to maintain backwards compatibility. | string Optional |
storageAccountReference | The resource ID of the storage account to which you would like to send Diagnostic Logs. | genruntime.ResourceReference Optional |
workspaceReference | The full ARM resource ID of the Log Analytics workspace to which you would like to send Diagnostic Logs. Example: /subscriptions/4b9e8510-67ab-4e9a-95a9-e2f1e570ea9c/resourceGroups/insights-integration/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/viruela2 | genruntime.ResourceReference Optional |
Used by: DiagnosticSetting.
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
eventHubAuthorizationRuleId | The resource Id for the event hub authorization rule. | string Optional |
eventHubName | The name of the event hub. If none is specified, the default event hub will be selected. | string Optional |
id | Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName} | string Optional |
logAnalyticsDestinationType | A string indicating whether the export to Log Analytics should use the default destination type, i.e. AzureDiagnostics, or use a destination type constructed as follows: |
string Optional |
logs | The list of logs settings. | LogSettings_STATUS[] Optional |
marketplacePartnerId | The full ARM resource ID of the Marketplace resource to which you would like to send Diagnostic Logs. | string Optional |
metrics | The list of metric settings. | MetricSettings_STATUS[] Optional |
name | The name of the resource | string Optional |
serviceBusRuleId | The service bus rule Id of the diagnostic setting. This is here to maintain backwards compatibility. | string Optional |
storageAccountId | The resource ID of the storage account to which you would like to send Diagnostic Logs. | string Optional |
systemData | The system metadata related to this resource. | SystemData_STATUS Optional |
type | The type of the resource. E.g. “Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines” or “Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts” | string Optional |
workspaceId | The full ARM resource ID of the Log Analytics workspace to which you would like to send Diagnostic Logs. Example: /subscriptions/4b9e8510-67ab-4e9a-95a9-e2f1e570ea9c/resourceGroups/insights-integration/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/viruela2 | string Optional |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: DiagnosticSetting_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
Part of MultiTenantDiagnosticSettings. Specifies the settings for a particular log.
Used by: DiagnosticSetting_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
category | Name of a Diagnostic Log category for a resource type this setting is applied to. To obtain the list of Diagnostic Log categories for a resource, first perform a GET diagnostic settings operation. | string Optional |
categoryGroup | Name of a Diagnostic Log category group for a resource type this setting is applied to. To obtain the list of Diagnostic Log categories for a resource, first perform a GET diagnostic settings operation. | string Optional |
enabled | a value indicating whether this log is enabled. | bool Required |
retentionPolicy | the retention policy for this log. | RetentionPolicy Optional |
Part of MultiTenantDiagnosticSettings. Specifies the settings for a particular log.
Used by: DiagnosticSetting_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
category | Name of a Diagnostic Log category for a resource type this setting is applied to. To obtain the list of Diagnostic Log categories for a resource, first perform a GET diagnostic settings operation. | string Optional |
categoryGroup | Name of a Diagnostic Log category group for a resource type this setting is applied to. To obtain the list of Diagnostic Log categories for a resource, first perform a GET diagnostic settings operation. | string Optional |
enabled | a value indicating whether this log is enabled. | bool Optional |
retentionPolicy | the retention policy for this log. | RetentionPolicy_STATUS Optional |
Part of MultiTenantDiagnosticSettings. Specifies the settings for a particular metric.
Used by: DiagnosticSetting_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
category | Name of a Diagnostic Metric category for a resource type this setting is applied to. To obtain the list of Diagnostic metric categories for a resource, first perform a GET diagnostic settings operation. | string Optional |
enabled | a value indicating whether this category is enabled. | bool Required |
retentionPolicy | the retention policy for this category. | RetentionPolicy Optional |
timeGrain | the timegrain of the metric in ISO8601 format. | string Optional |
Part of MultiTenantDiagnosticSettings. Specifies the settings for a particular metric.
Used by: DiagnosticSetting_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
category | Name of a Diagnostic Metric category for a resource type this setting is applied to. To obtain the list of Diagnostic metric categories for a resource, first perform a GET diagnostic settings operation. | string Optional |
enabled | a value indicating whether this category is enabled. | bool Optional |
retentionPolicy | the retention policy for this category. | RetentionPolicy_STATUS Optional |
timeGrain | the timegrain of the metric in ISO8601 format. | string Optional |
Metadata pertaining to creation and last modification of the resource.
Used by: DiagnosticSetting_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
createdAt | The timestamp of resource creation (UTC). | string Optional |
createdBy | The identity that created the resource. | string Optional |
createdByType | The type of identity that created the resource. | SystemData_CreatedByType_STATUS Optional |
lastModifiedAt | The timestamp of resource last modification (UTC) | string Optional |
lastModifiedBy | The identity that last modified the resource. | string Optional |
lastModifiedByType | The type of identity that last modified the resource. | SystemData_LastModifiedByType_STATUS Optional |
Specifies the retention policy for the log.
Used by: LogSettings, and MetricSettings.
Property | Description | Type |
days | the number of days for the retention in days. A value of 0 will retain the events indefinitely. | int Required |
enabled | a value indicating whether the retention policy is enabled. | bool Required |
Specifies the retention policy for the log.
Used by: LogSettings_STATUS, and MetricSettings_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
days | the number of days for the retention in days. A value of 0 will retain the events indefinitely. | int Optional |
enabled | a value indicating whether the retention policy is enabled. | bool Optional |
Used by: SystemData_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Application” | |
“Key” | |
“ManagedIdentity” | |
“User” |
Used by: SystemData_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Application” | |
“Key” | |
“ManagedIdentity” | |
“User” |