Value | Description |
“2021-10-01” |
Generator information: - Generated from: /containerinstance/resource-manager/Microsoft.ContainerInstance/stable/2021-10-01/containerInstance.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups/{containerGroupName}
Used by: ContainerGroupList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | ContainerGroup_Spec Optional |
status | ContainerGroup_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
containers | The containers within the container group. | Container[] Required |
diagnostics | The diagnostic information for a container group. | ContainerGroupDiagnostics Optional |
dnsConfig | The DNS config information for a container group. | DnsConfiguration Optional |
encryptionProperties | The encryption properties for a container group. | EncryptionProperties Optional |
identity | The identity of the container group, if configured. | ContainerGroupIdentity Optional |
imageRegistryCredentials | The image registry credentials by which the container group is created from. | ImageRegistryCredential[] Optional |
initContainers | The init containers for a container group. | InitContainerDefinition[] Optional |
ipAddress | The IP address type of the container group. | IpAddress Optional |
location | The resource location. | string Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ContainerGroupOperatorSpec Optional |
osType | The operating system type required by the containers in the container group. | ContainerGroup_Properties_OsType_Spec Required |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
restartPolicy | Restart policy for all containers within the container group. - Always Always restart - OnFailure Restart on failure - Never Never restart |
ContainerGroup_Properties_RestartPolicy_Spec Optional |
sku | The SKU for a container group. | ContainerGroupSku Optional |
subnetIds | The subnet resource IDs for a container group. | ContainerGroupSubnetId[] Optional |
tags | The resource tags. | map[string]string Optional |
volumes | The list of volumes that can be mounted by containers in this container group. | Volume[] Optional |
zones | The zones for the container group. | string[] Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
containers | The containers within the container group. | Container_STATUS[] Optional |
diagnostics | The diagnostic information for a container group. | ContainerGroupDiagnostics_STATUS Optional |
dnsConfig | The DNS config information for a container group. | DnsConfiguration_STATUS Optional |
encryptionProperties | The encryption properties for a container group. | EncryptionProperties_STATUS Optional |
id | The resource id. | string Optional |
identity | The identity of the container group, if configured. | ContainerGroupIdentity_STATUS Optional |
imageRegistryCredentials | The image registry credentials by which the container group is created from. | ImageRegistryCredential_STATUS[] Optional |
initContainers | The init containers for a container group. | InitContainerDefinition_STATUS[] Optional |
instanceView | The instance view of the container group. Only valid in response. | ContainerGroup_Properties_InstanceView_STATUS Optional |
ipAddress | The IP address type of the container group. | IpAddress_STATUS Optional |
location | The resource location. | string Optional |
name | The resource name. | string Optional |
osType | The operating system type required by the containers in the container group. | ContainerGroup_Properties_OsType_STATUS Optional |
provisioningState | The provisioning state of the container group. This only appears in the response. | string Optional |
restartPolicy | Restart policy for all containers within the container group. - Always Always restart - OnFailure Restart on failure - Never Never restart |
ContainerGroup_Properties_RestartPolicy_STATUS Optional |
sku | The SKU for a container group. | ContainerGroupSku_STATUS Optional |
subnetIds | The subnet resource IDs for a container group. | ContainerGroupSubnetId_STATUS[] Optional |
tags | The resource tags. | map[string]string Optional |
type | The resource type. | string Optional |
volumes | The list of volumes that can be mounted by containers in this container group. | Volume_STATUS[] Optional |
zones | The zones for the container group. | string[] Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /containerinstance/resource-manager/Microsoft.ContainerInstance/stable/2021-10-01/containerInstance.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups/{containerGroupName}
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | ContainerGroup[] Optional |
Used by: ContainerGroup.
Property | Description | Type |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
containers | The containers within the container group. | Container[] Required |
diagnostics | The diagnostic information for a container group. | ContainerGroupDiagnostics Optional |
dnsConfig | The DNS config information for a container group. | DnsConfiguration Optional |
encryptionProperties | The encryption properties for a container group. | EncryptionProperties Optional |
identity | The identity of the container group, if configured. | ContainerGroupIdentity Optional |
imageRegistryCredentials | The image registry credentials by which the container group is created from. | ImageRegistryCredential[] Optional |
initContainers | The init containers for a container group. | InitContainerDefinition[] Optional |
ipAddress | The IP address type of the container group. | IpAddress Optional |
location | The resource location. | string Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ContainerGroupOperatorSpec Optional |
osType | The operating system type required by the containers in the container group. | ContainerGroup_Properties_OsType_Spec Required |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
restartPolicy | Restart policy for all containers within the container group. - Always Always restart - OnFailure Restart on failure - Never Never restart |
ContainerGroup_Properties_RestartPolicy_Spec Optional |
sku | The SKU for a container group. | ContainerGroupSku Optional |
subnetIds | The subnet resource IDs for a container group. | ContainerGroupSubnetId[] Optional |
tags | The resource tags. | map[string]string Optional |
volumes | The list of volumes that can be mounted by containers in this container group. | Volume[] Optional |
zones | The zones for the container group. | string[] Optional |
A container group.
Used by: ContainerGroup.
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
containers | The containers within the container group. | Container_STATUS[] Optional |
diagnostics | The diagnostic information for a container group. | ContainerGroupDiagnostics_STATUS Optional |
dnsConfig | The DNS config information for a container group. | DnsConfiguration_STATUS Optional |
encryptionProperties | The encryption properties for a container group. | EncryptionProperties_STATUS Optional |
id | The resource id. | string Optional |
identity | The identity of the container group, if configured. | ContainerGroupIdentity_STATUS Optional |
imageRegistryCredentials | The image registry credentials by which the container group is created from. | ImageRegistryCredential_STATUS[] Optional |
initContainers | The init containers for a container group. | InitContainerDefinition_STATUS[] Optional |
instanceView | The instance view of the container group. Only valid in response. | ContainerGroup_Properties_InstanceView_STATUS Optional |
ipAddress | The IP address type of the container group. | IpAddress_STATUS Optional |
location | The resource location. | string Optional |
name | The resource name. | string Optional |
osType | The operating system type required by the containers in the container group. | ContainerGroup_Properties_OsType_STATUS Optional |
provisioningState | The provisioning state of the container group. This only appears in the response. | string Optional |
restartPolicy | Restart policy for all containers within the container group. - Always Always restart - OnFailure Restart on failure - Never Never restart |
ContainerGroup_Properties_RestartPolicy_STATUS Optional |
sku | The SKU for a container group. | ContainerGroupSku_STATUS Optional |
subnetIds | The subnet resource IDs for a container group. | ContainerGroupSubnetId_STATUS[] Optional |
tags | The resource tags. | map[string]string Optional |
type | The resource type. | string Optional |
volumes | The list of volumes that can be mounted by containers in this container group. | Volume_STATUS[] Optional |
zones | The zones for the container group. | string[] Optional |
A container instance.
Used by: ContainerGroup_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
command | The commands to execute within the container instance in exec form. | string[] Optional |
environmentVariables | The environment variables to set in the container instance. | EnvironmentVariable[] Optional |
image | The name of the image used to create the container instance. | string Required |
livenessProbe | The liveness probe. | ContainerProbe Optional |
name | The user-provided name of the container instance. | string Required |
ports | The exposed ports on the container instance. | ContainerPort[] Optional |
readinessProbe | The readiness probe. | ContainerProbe Optional |
resources | The resource requirements of the container instance. | ResourceRequirements Required |
volumeMounts | The volume mounts available to the container instance. | VolumeMount[] Optional |
A container instance.
Used by: ContainerGroup_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
command | The commands to execute within the container instance in exec form. | string[] Optional |
environmentVariables | The environment variables to set in the container instance. | EnvironmentVariable_STATUS[] Optional |
image | The name of the image used to create the container instance. | string Optional |
instanceView | The instance view of the container instance. Only valid in response. | ContainerProperties_InstanceView_STATUS Optional |
livenessProbe | The liveness probe. | ContainerProbe_STATUS Optional |
name | The user-provided name of the container instance. | string Optional |
ports | The exposed ports on the container instance. | ContainerPort_STATUS[] Optional |
readinessProbe | The readiness probe. | ContainerProbe_STATUS Optional |
resources | The resource requirements of the container instance. | ResourceRequirements_STATUS Optional |
volumeMounts | The volume mounts available to the container instance. | VolumeMount_STATUS[] Optional |
Used by: ContainerGroup_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
events | The events of this container group. | Event_STATUS[] Optional |
state | The state of the container group. Only valid in response. | string Optional |
Used by: ContainerGroup_Spec.
Value | Description |
“Linux” | |
“Windows” |
Used by: ContainerGroup_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Linux” | |
“Windows” |
Used by: ContainerGroup_Spec.
Value | Description |
“Always” | |
“Never” | |
“OnFailure” |
Used by: ContainerGroup_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Always” | |
“Never” | |
“OnFailure” |
Container group diagnostic information.
Used by: ContainerGroup_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
logAnalytics | Container group log analytics information. | LogAnalytics Optional |
Container group diagnostic information.
Used by: ContainerGroup_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
logAnalytics | Container group log analytics information. | LogAnalytics_STATUS Optional |
Identity for the container group.
Used by: ContainerGroup_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
type | The type of identity used for the container group. The type ‘SystemAssigned, UserAssigned’ includes both an implicitly created identity and a set of user assigned identities. The type ‘None’ will remove any identities from the container group. | ContainerGroupIdentity_Type Optional |
userAssignedIdentities | The list of user identities associated with the container group. | UserAssignedIdentityDetails[] Optional |
Identity for the container group.
Used by: ContainerGroup_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
principalId | The principal id of the container group identity. This property will only be provided for a system assigned identity. | string Optional |
tenantId | The tenant id associated with the container group. This property will only be provided for a system assigned identity. | string Optional |
type | The type of identity used for the container group. The type ‘SystemAssigned, UserAssigned’ includes both an implicitly created identity and a set of user assigned identities. The type ‘None’ will remove any identities from the container group. | ContainerGroupIdentity_Type_STATUS Optional |
userAssignedIdentities | The list of user identities associated with the container group. | map[string]UserAssignedIdentities_STATUS Optional |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: ContainerGroup_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
The container group SKU.
Used by: ContainerGroup_Spec.
Value | Description |
“Dedicated” | |
“Standard” |
The container group SKU.
Used by: ContainerGroup_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Dedicated” | |
“Standard” |
Container group subnet information.
Used by: ContainerGroup_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
name | Friendly name for the subnet. | string Optional |
reference | Resource ID of virtual network and subnet. | genruntime.ResourceReference Required |
Container group subnet information.
Used by: ContainerGroup_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
id | Resource ID of virtual network and subnet. | string Optional |
name | Friendly name for the subnet. | string Optional |
DNS configuration for the container group.
Used by: ContainerGroup_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
nameServers | The DNS servers for the container group. | string[] Required |
options | The DNS options for the container group. | string Optional |
searchDomains | The DNS search domains for hostname lookup in the container group. | string Optional |
DNS configuration for the container group.
Used by: ContainerGroup_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
nameServers | The DNS servers for the container group. | string[] Optional |
options | The DNS options for the container group. | string Optional |
searchDomains | The DNS search domains for hostname lookup in the container group. | string Optional |
The container group encryption properties.
Used by: ContainerGroup_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
keyName | The encryption key name. | string Required |
keyVersion | The encryption key version. | string Required |
vaultBaseUrl | The keyvault base url. | string Required |
The container group encryption properties.
Used by: ContainerGroup_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
keyName | The encryption key name. | string Optional |
keyVersion | The encryption key version. | string Optional |
vaultBaseUrl | The keyvault base url. | string Optional |
Image registry credential.
Used by: ContainerGroup_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
identity | The identity for the private registry. | string Optional |
identityUrl | The identity URL for the private registry. | string Optional |
password | The password for the private registry. | genruntime.SecretReference Optional |
server | The Docker image registry server without a protocol such as “http” and “https”. | string Required |
username | The username for the private registry. | string Optional |
Image registry credential.
Used by: ContainerGroup_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
identity | The identity for the private registry. | string Optional |
identityUrl | The identity URL for the private registry. | string Optional |
server | The Docker image registry server without a protocol such as “http” and “https”. | string Optional |
username | The username for the private registry. | string Optional |
The init container definition.
Used by: ContainerGroup_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
command | The command to execute within the init container in exec form. | string[] Optional |
environmentVariables | The environment variables to set in the init container. | EnvironmentVariable[] Optional |
image | The image of the init container. | string Optional |
name | The name for the init container. | string Required |
volumeMounts | The volume mounts available to the init container. | VolumeMount[] Optional |
The init container definition.
Used by: ContainerGroup_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
command | The command to execute within the init container in exec form. | string[] Optional |
environmentVariables | The environment variables to set in the init container. | EnvironmentVariable_STATUS[] Optional |
image | The image of the init container. | string Optional |
instanceView | The instance view of the init container. Only valid in response. | InitContainerPropertiesDefinition_InstanceView_STATUS Optional |
name | The name for the init container. | string Optional |
volumeMounts | The volume mounts available to the init container. | VolumeMount_STATUS[] Optional |
IP address for the container group.
Used by: ContainerGroup_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
autoGeneratedDomainNameLabelScope | The value representing the security enum. The ‘Unsecure’ value is the default value if not selected and means the object’s domain name label is not secured against subdomain takeover. The ‘TenantReuse’ value is the default value if selected and means the object’s domain name label can be reused within the same tenant. The ‘SubscriptionReuse’ value means the object’s domain name label can be reused within the same subscription. The ‘ResourceGroupReuse’ value means the object’s domain name label can be reused within the same resource group. The ‘NoReuse’ value means the object’s domain name label cannot be reused within the same resource group, subscription, or tenant. | IpAddress_AutoGeneratedDomainNameLabelScope Optional |
dnsNameLabel | The Dns name label for the IP. | string Optional |
ip | The IP exposed to the public internet. | string Optional |
ports | The list of ports exposed on the container group. | Port[] Required |
type | Specifies if the IP is exposed to the public internet or private VNET. | IpAddress_Type Required |
IP address for the container group.
Used by: ContainerGroup_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
autoGeneratedDomainNameLabelScope | The value representing the security enum. The ‘Unsecure’ value is the default value if not selected and means the object’s domain name label is not secured against subdomain takeover. The ‘TenantReuse’ value is the default value if selected and means the object’s domain name label can be reused within the same tenant. The ‘SubscriptionReuse’ value means the object’s domain name label can be reused within the same subscription. The ‘ResourceGroupReuse’ value means the object’s domain name label can be reused within the same resource group. The ‘NoReuse’ value means the object’s domain name label cannot be reused within the same resource group, subscription, or tenant. | IpAddress_AutoGeneratedDomainNameLabelScope_STATUS Optional |
dnsNameLabel | The Dns name label for the IP. | string Optional |
fqdn | The FQDN for the IP. | string Optional |
ip | The IP exposed to the public internet. | string Optional |
ports | The list of ports exposed on the container group. | Port_STATUS[] Optional |
type | Specifies if the IP is exposed to the public internet or private VNET. | IpAddress_Type_STATUS Optional |
The properties of the volume.
Used by: ContainerGroup_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
azureFile | The Azure File volume. | AzureFileVolume Optional |
emptyDir | The empty directory volume. | map[string]v1.JSON Optional |
gitRepo | The git repo volume. | GitRepoVolume Optional |
name | The name of the volume. | string Required |
secret | The secret volume. | map[string]string Optional |
The properties of the volume.
Used by: ContainerGroup_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
azureFile | The Azure File volume. | AzureFileVolume_STATUS Optional |
emptyDir | The empty directory volume. | map[string]v1.JSON Optional |
gitRepo | The git repo volume. | GitRepoVolume_STATUS Optional |
name | The name of the volume. | string Optional |
secret | The secret volume. | map[string]string Optional |
The properties of the Azure File volume. Azure File shares are mounted as volumes.
Used by: Volume.
Property | Description | Type |
readOnly | The flag indicating whether the Azure File shared mounted as a volume is read-only. | bool Optional |
shareName | The name of the Azure File share to be mounted as a volume. | string Required |
storageAccountKey | The storage account access key used to access the Azure File share. | string Optional |
storageAccountName | The name of the storage account that contains the Azure File share. | string Required |
The properties of the Azure File volume. Azure File shares are mounted as volumes.
Used by: Volume_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
readOnly | The flag indicating whether the Azure File shared mounted as a volume is read-only. | bool Optional |
shareName | The name of the Azure File share to be mounted as a volume. | string Optional |
storageAccountKey | The storage account access key used to access the Azure File share. | string Optional |
storageAccountName | The name of the storage account that contains the Azure File share. | string Optional |
Used by: ContainerGroupIdentity.
Value | Description |
“None” | |
“SystemAssigned” | |
“SystemAssigned, UserAssigned” | |
“UserAssigned” |
Used by: ContainerGroupIdentity_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“None” | |
“SystemAssigned” | |
“SystemAssigned, UserAssigned” | |
“UserAssigned” |
The port exposed on the container instance.
Used by: Container.
Property | Description | Type |
port | The port number exposed within the container group. | int Required |
protocol | The protocol associated with the port. | ContainerPort_Protocol Optional |
The port exposed on the container instance.
Used by: Container_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
port | The port number exposed within the container group. | int Optional |
protocol | The protocol associated with the port. | ContainerPort_Protocol_STATUS Optional |
The container probe, for liveness or readiness
Used by: Container, and Container.
Property | Description | Type |
exec | The execution command to probe | ContainerExec Optional |
failureThreshold | The failure threshold. | int Optional |
httpGet | The Http Get settings to probe | ContainerHttpGet Optional |
initialDelaySeconds | The initial delay seconds. | int Optional |
periodSeconds | The period seconds. | int Optional |
successThreshold | The success threshold. | int Optional |
timeoutSeconds | The timeout seconds. | int Optional |
The container probe, for liveness or readiness
Used by: Container_STATUS, and Container_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
exec | The execution command to probe | ContainerExec_STATUS Optional |
failureThreshold | The failure threshold. | int Optional |
httpGet | The Http Get settings to probe | ContainerHttpGet_STATUS Optional |
initialDelaySeconds | The initial delay seconds. | int Optional |
periodSeconds | The period seconds. | int Optional |
successThreshold | The success threshold. | int Optional |
timeoutSeconds | The timeout seconds. | int Optional |
Used by: Container_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
currentState | Current container instance state. | ContainerState_STATUS Optional |
events | The events of the container instance. | Event_STATUS[] Optional |
previousState | Previous container instance state. | ContainerState_STATUS Optional |
restartCount | The number of times that the container instance has been restarted. | int Optional |
The environment variable to set within the container instance.
Used by: Container, and InitContainerDefinition.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the environment variable. | string Required |
secureValue | The value of the secure environment variable. | genruntime.SecretReference Optional |
value | The value of the environment variable. | string Optional |
The environment variable to set within the container instance.
Used by: Container_STATUS, and InitContainerDefinition_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the environment variable. | string Optional |
value | The value of the environment variable. | string Optional |
A container group or container instance event.
Used by: ContainerGroup_Properties_InstanceView_STATUS, ContainerProperties_InstanceView_STATUS, and InitContainerPropertiesDefinition_InstanceView_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
count | The count of the event. | int Optional |
firstTimestamp | The date-time of the earliest logged event. | string Optional |
lastTimestamp | The date-time of the latest logged event. | string Optional |
message | The event message. | string Optional |
name | The event name. | string Optional |
type | The event type. | string Optional |
Represents a volume that is populated with the contents of a git repository
Used by: Volume.
Property | Description | Type |
directory | Target directory name. Must not contain or start with ‘..’. If ‘.’ is supplied, the volume directory will be the git repository. Otherwise, if specified, the volume will contain the git repository in the subdirectory with the given name. | string Optional |
repository | Repository URL | string Required |
revision | Commit hash for the specified revision. | string Optional |
Represents a volume that is populated with the contents of a git repository
Used by: Volume_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
directory | Target directory name. Must not contain or start with ‘..’. If ‘.’ is supplied, the volume directory will be the git repository. Otherwise, if specified, the volume will contain the git repository in the subdirectory with the given name. | string Optional |
repository | Repository URL | string Optional |
revision | Commit hash for the specified revision. | string Optional |
Used by: InitContainerDefinition_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
currentState | The current state of the init container. | ContainerState_STATUS Optional |
events | The events of the init container. | Event_STATUS[] Optional |
previousState | The previous state of the init container. | ContainerState_STATUS Optional |
restartCount | The number of times that the init container has been restarted. | int Optional |
Used by: IpAddress.
Value | Description |
“Noreuse” | |
“ResourceGroupReuse” | |
“SubscriptionReuse” | |
“TenantReuse” | |
“Unsecure” |
Used by: IpAddress_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Noreuse” | |
“ResourceGroupReuse” | |
“SubscriptionReuse” | |
“TenantReuse” | |
“Unsecure” |
Used by: IpAddress.
Value | Description |
“Private” | |
“Public” |
Used by: IpAddress_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Private” | |
“Public” |
Container group log analytics information.
Used by: ContainerGroupDiagnostics.
Property | Description | Type |
logType | The log type to be used. | LogAnalytics_LogType Optional |
metadata | Metadata for log analytics. | map[string]string Optional |
workspaceId | The workspace id for log analytics | string Required |
workspaceKey | The workspace key for log analytics | genruntime.SecretReference Required |
workspaceResourceReference | The workspace resource id for log analytics | genruntime.ResourceReference Optional |
Container group log analytics information.
Used by: ContainerGroupDiagnostics_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
logType | The log type to be used. | LogAnalytics_LogType_STATUS Optional |
metadata | Metadata for log analytics. | map[string]string Optional |
workspaceId | The workspace id for log analytics | string Optional |
The port exposed on the container group.
Used by: IpAddress.
Property | Description | Type |
port | The port number. | int Required |
protocol | The protocol associated with the port. | Port_Protocol Optional |
The port exposed on the container group.
Used by: IpAddress_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
port | The port number. | int Optional |
protocol | The protocol associated with the port. | Port_Protocol_STATUS Optional |
The resource requirements.
Used by: Container.
Property | Description | Type |
limits | The resource limits of this container instance. | ResourceLimits Optional |
requests | The resource requests of this container instance. | ResourceRequests Required |
The resource requirements.
Used by: Container_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
limits | The resource limits of this container instance. | ResourceLimits_STATUS Optional |
requests | The resource requests of this container instance. | ResourceRequests_STATUS Optional |
The list of user identities associated with the container group. The user identity dictionary key references will be ARM resource ids in the form: ‘/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/{identityName}’.
Used by: ContainerGroupIdentity_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
clientId | The client id of user assigned identity. | string Optional |
principalId | The principal id of user assigned identity. | string Optional |
Information about the user assigned identity for the resource
Used by: ContainerGroupIdentity.
Property | Description | Type |
reference | genruntime.ResourceReference Optional |
The properties of the volume mount.
Used by: Container, and InitContainerDefinition.
Property | Description | Type |
mountPath | The path within the container where the volume should be mounted. Must not contain colon (:). | string Required |
name | The name of the volume mount. | string Required |
readOnly | The flag indicating whether the volume mount is read-only. | bool Optional |
The properties of the volume mount.
Used by: Container_STATUS, and InitContainerDefinition_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
mountPath | The path within the container where the volume should be mounted. Must not contain colon (:). | string Optional |
name | The name of the volume mount. | string Optional |
readOnly | The flag indicating whether the volume mount is read-only. | bool Optional |
The container execution command, for liveness or readiness probe
Used by: ContainerProbe.
Property | Description | Type |
command | The commands to execute within the container. | string[] Optional |
The container execution command, for liveness or readiness probe
Used by: ContainerProbe_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
command | The commands to execute within the container. | string[] Optional |
The container Http Get settings, for liveness or readiness probe
Used by: ContainerProbe.
Property | Description | Type |
httpHeaders | The HTTP headers. | HttpHeader[] Optional |
path | The path to probe. | string Optional |
port | The port number to probe. | int Required |
scheme | The scheme. | ContainerHttpGet_Scheme Optional |
The container Http Get settings, for liveness or readiness probe
Used by: ContainerProbe_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
httpHeaders | The HTTP headers. | HttpHeader_STATUS[] Optional |
path | The path to probe. | string Optional |
port | The port number to probe. | int Optional |
scheme | The scheme. | ContainerHttpGet_Scheme_STATUS Optional |
Used by: ContainerPort.
Value | Description |
“TCP” | |
“UDP” |
Used by: ContainerPort_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“TCP” | |
“UDP” |
The container instance state.
Used by: ContainerProperties_InstanceView_STATUS, ContainerProperties_InstanceView_STATUS, InitContainerPropertiesDefinition_InstanceView_STATUS, and InitContainerPropertiesDefinition_InstanceView_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
detailStatus | The human-readable status of the container instance state. | string Optional |
exitCode | The container instance exit codes correspond to those from the docker run command. |
int Optional |
finishTime | The date-time when the container instance state finished. | string Optional |
startTime | The date-time when the container instance state started. | string Optional |
state | The state of the container instance. | string Optional |
Used by: LogAnalytics.
Value | Description |
“ContainerInsights” | |
“ContainerInstanceLogs” |
Used by: LogAnalytics_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“ContainerInsights” | |
“ContainerInstanceLogs” |
Used by: Port.
Value | Description |
“TCP” | |
“UDP” |
Used by: Port_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“TCP” | |
“UDP” |
The resource limits.
Used by: ResourceRequirements.
Property | Description | Type |
cpu | The CPU limit of this container instance. | float64 Optional |
gpu | The GPU limit of this container instance. | GpuResource Optional |
memoryInGB | The memory limit in GB of this container instance. | float64 Optional |
The resource limits.
Used by: ResourceRequirements_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
cpu | The CPU limit of this container instance. | float64 Optional |
gpu | The GPU limit of this container instance. | GpuResource_STATUS Optional |
memoryInGB | The memory limit in GB of this container instance. | float64 Optional |
The resource requests.
Used by: ResourceRequirements.
Property | Description | Type |
cpu | The CPU request of this container instance. | float64 Required |
gpu | The GPU request of this container instance. | GpuResource Optional |
memoryInGB | The memory request in GB of this container instance. | float64 Required |
The resource requests.
Used by: ResourceRequirements_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
cpu | The CPU request of this container instance. | float64 Optional |
gpu | The GPU request of this container instance. | GpuResource_STATUS Optional |
memoryInGB | The memory request in GB of this container instance. | float64 Optional |
Used by: ContainerHttpGet.
Value | Description |
“http” | |
“https” |
Used by: ContainerHttpGet_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“http” | |
“https” |
The GPU resource.
Used by: ResourceLimits, and ResourceRequests.
Property | Description | Type |
count | The count of the GPU resource. | int Required |
sku | The SKU of the GPU resource. | GpuResource_Sku Required |
The GPU resource.
Used by: ResourceLimits_STATUS, and ResourceRequests_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
count | The count of the GPU resource. | int Optional |
sku | The SKU of the GPU resource. | GpuResource_Sku_STATUS Optional |
The HTTP header.
Used by: ContainerHttpGet.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The header name. | string Optional |
value | The header value. | string Optional |
The HTTP header.
Used by: ContainerHttpGet_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The header name. | string Optional |
value | The header value. | string Optional |
Used by: GpuResource.
Value | Description |
“K80” | |
“P100” | |
“V100” |
Used by: GpuResource_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“K80” | |
“P100” | |
“V100” |