Generator information: - Generated from: /cdn/resource-manager/Microsoft.Cdn/stable/2023-05-01/afdx.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/{profileName}/customDomains/{customDomainName}
Used by: AfdCustomDomainList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | AfdCustomDomain_Spec Optional |
status | AfdCustomDomain_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
azureDnsZone | Resource reference to the Azure DNS zone | ResourceReference Optional |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
extendedProperties | Key-Value pair representing migration properties for domains. | map[string]string Optional |
hostName | The host name of the domain. Must be a domain name. | string Required |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | AfdCustomDomainOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
preValidatedCustomDomainResourceId | Resource reference to the Azure resource where custom domain ownership was prevalidated | ResourceReference Optional |
tlsSettings | The configuration specifying how to enable HTTPS for the domain - using AzureFrontDoor managed certificate or user’s own certificate. If not specified, enabling ssl uses AzureFrontDoor managed certificate by default. | AFDDomainHttpsParameters Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
azureDnsZone | Resource reference to the Azure DNS zone | ResourceReference_STATUS Optional |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
deploymentStatus | AFDDomainProperties_DeploymentStatus_STATUS Optional |
domainValidationState | Provisioning substate shows the progress of custom HTTPS enabling/disabling process step by step. DCV stands for DomainControlValidation. | AFDDomainProperties_DomainValidationState_STATUS Optional |
extendedProperties | Key-Value pair representing migration properties for domains. | map[string]string Optional |
hostName | The host name of the domain. Must be a domain name. | string Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
preValidatedCustomDomainResourceId | Resource reference to the Azure resource where custom domain ownership was prevalidated | ResourceReference_STATUS Optional |
profileName | The name of the profile which holds the domain. | string Optional |
provisioningState | Provisioning status | AFDDomainProperties_ProvisioningState_STATUS Optional |
systemData | Read only system data | SystemData_STATUS Optional |
tlsSettings | The configuration specifying how to enable HTTPS for the domain - using AzureFrontDoor managed certificate or user’s own certificate. If not specified, enabling ssl uses AzureFrontDoor managed certificate by default. | AFDDomainHttpsParameters_STATUS Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
validationProperties | Values the customer needs to validate domain ownership | DomainValidationProperties_STATUS Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /cdn/resource-manager/Microsoft.Cdn/stable/2023-05-01/afdx.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/{profileName}/customDomains/{customDomainName}
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | AfdCustomDomain[] Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /cdn/resource-manager/Microsoft.Cdn/stable/2023-05-01/afdx.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/{profileName}/afdEndpoints/{endpointName}
Used by: AfdEndpointList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | AfdEndpoint_Spec Optional |
status | AfdEndpoint_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
autoGeneratedDomainNameLabelScope | Indicates the endpoint name reuse scope. The default value is TenantReuse. | AutoGeneratedDomainNameLabelScope Optional |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
enabledState | Whether to enable use of this rule. Permitted values are ‘Enabled’ or ‘Disabled’ | AFDEndpointProperties_EnabledState Optional |
location | Resource location. | string Required |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | AfdEndpointOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
tags | Resource tags. | map[string]string Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
autoGeneratedDomainNameLabelScope | Indicates the endpoint name reuse scope. The default value is TenantReuse. | AutoGeneratedDomainNameLabelScope_STATUS Optional |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
deploymentStatus | AFDEndpointProperties_DeploymentStatus_STATUS Optional |
enabledState | Whether to enable use of this rule. Permitted values are ‘Enabled’ or ‘Disabled’ | AFDEndpointProperties_EnabledState_STATUS Optional |
hostName | The host name of the endpoint structured as {endpointName}.{DNSZone}, e.g. | string Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
location | Resource location. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
profileName | The name of the profile which holds the endpoint. | string Optional |
provisioningState | Provisioning status | AFDEndpointProperties_ProvisioningState_STATUS Optional |
systemData | Read only system data | SystemData_STATUS Optional |
tags | Resource tags. | map[string]string Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /cdn/resource-manager/Microsoft.Cdn/stable/2023-05-01/afdx.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/{profileName}/afdEndpoints/{endpointName}
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | AfdEndpoint[] Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /cdn/resource-manager/Microsoft.Cdn/stable/2023-05-01/afdx.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/{profileName}/originGroups/{originGroupName}/origins/{originName}
Used by: AfdOriginList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | AfdOrigin_Spec Optional |
status | AfdOrigin_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
azureOrigin | Resource reference to the Azure origin resource. | ResourceReference Optional |
enabledState | Whether to enable health probes to be made against backends defined under backendPools. Health probes can only be disabled if there is a single enabled backend in single enabled backend pool. | AFDOriginProperties_EnabledState Optional |
enforceCertificateNameCheck | Whether to enable certificate name check at origin level | bool Optional |
hostName | The address of the origin. Domain names, IPv4 addresses, and IPv6 addresses are supported.This should be unique across all origins in an endpoint. | string Optional |
httpPort | The value of the HTTP port. Must be between 1 and 65535. | int Optional |
httpsPort | The value of the HTTPS port. Must be between 1 and 65535. | int Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | AfdOriginOperatorSpec Optional |
originHostHeader | The host header value sent to the origin with each request. If you leave this blank, the request hostname determines this value. Azure Front Door origins, such as Web Apps, Blob Storage, and Cloud Services require this host header value to match the origin hostname by default. This overrides the host header defined at Endpoint | string Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
priority | Priority of origin in given origin group for load balancing. Higher priorities will not be used for load balancing if any lower priority origin is healthy.Must be between 1 and 5 | int Optional |
sharedPrivateLinkResource | The properties of the private link resource for private origin. | SharedPrivateLinkResourceProperties Optional |
weight | Weight of the origin in given origin group for load balancing. Must be between 1 and 1000 | int Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
azureOrigin | Resource reference to the Azure origin resource. | ResourceReference_STATUS Optional |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
deploymentStatus | AFDOriginProperties_DeploymentStatus_STATUS Optional |
enabledState | Whether to enable health probes to be made against backends defined under backendPools. Health probes can only be disabled if there is a single enabled backend in single enabled backend pool. | AFDOriginProperties_EnabledState_STATUS Optional |
enforceCertificateNameCheck | Whether to enable certificate name check at origin level | bool Optional |
hostName | The address of the origin. Domain names, IPv4 addresses, and IPv6 addresses are supported.This should be unique across all origins in an endpoint. | string Optional |
httpPort | The value of the HTTP port. Must be between 1 and 65535. | int Optional |
httpsPort | The value of the HTTPS port. Must be between 1 and 65535. | int Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
originGroupName | The name of the origin group which contains this origin. | string Optional |
originHostHeader | The host header value sent to the origin with each request. If you leave this blank, the request hostname determines this value. Azure Front Door origins, such as Web Apps, Blob Storage, and Cloud Services require this host header value to match the origin hostname by default. This overrides the host header defined at Endpoint | string Optional |
priority | Priority of origin in given origin group for load balancing. Higher priorities will not be used for load balancing if any lower priority origin is healthy.Must be between 1 and 5 | int Optional |
provisioningState | Provisioning status | AFDOriginProperties_ProvisioningState_STATUS Optional |
sharedPrivateLinkResource | The properties of the private link resource for private origin. | SharedPrivateLinkResourceProperties_STATUS Optional |
systemData | Read only system data | SystemData_STATUS Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
weight | Weight of the origin in given origin group for load balancing. Must be between 1 and 1000 | int Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /cdn/resource-manager/Microsoft.Cdn/stable/2023-05-01/afdx.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/{profileName}/originGroups/{originGroupName}
Used by: AfdOriginGroupList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | AfdOriginGroup_Spec Optional |
status | AfdOriginGroup_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
healthProbeSettings | Health probe settings to the origin that is used to determine the health of the origin. | HealthProbeParameters Optional |
loadBalancingSettings | Load balancing settings for a backend pool | LoadBalancingSettingsParameters Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | AfdOriginGroupOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
sessionAffinityState | Whether to allow session affinity on this host. Valid options are ‘Enabled’ or ‘Disabled’ | AFDOriginGroupProperties_SessionAffinityState Optional |
trafficRestorationTimeToHealedOrNewEndpointsInMinutes | Time in minutes to shift the traffic to the endpoint gradually when an unhealthy endpoint comes healthy or a new endpoint is added. Default is 10 mins. This property is currently not supported. | int Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
deploymentStatus | AFDOriginGroupProperties_DeploymentStatus_STATUS Optional |
healthProbeSettings | Health probe settings to the origin that is used to determine the health of the origin. | HealthProbeParameters_STATUS Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
loadBalancingSettings | Load balancing settings for a backend pool | LoadBalancingSettingsParameters_STATUS Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
profileName | The name of the profile which holds the origin group. | string Optional |
provisioningState | Provisioning status | AFDOriginGroupProperties_ProvisioningState_STATUS Optional |
sessionAffinityState | Whether to allow session affinity on this host. Valid options are ‘Enabled’ or ‘Disabled’ | AFDOriginGroupProperties_SessionAffinityState_STATUS Optional |
systemData | Read only system data | SystemData_STATUS Optional |
trafficRestorationTimeToHealedOrNewEndpointsInMinutes | Time in minutes to shift the traffic to the endpoint gradually when an unhealthy endpoint comes healthy or a new endpoint is added. Default is 10 mins. This property is currently not supported. | int Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /cdn/resource-manager/Microsoft.Cdn/stable/2023-05-01/afdx.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/{profileName}/originGroups/{originGroupName}
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | AfdOriginGroup[] Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /cdn/resource-manager/Microsoft.Cdn/stable/2023-05-01/afdx.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/{profileName}/originGroups/{originGroupName}/origins/{originName}
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | AfdOrigin[] Optional |
Value | Description |
“2023-05-01” |
Generator information: - Generated from: /cdn/resource-manager/Microsoft.Cdn/stable/2023-05-01/cdn.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/{profileName}
Used by: ProfileList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | Profile_Spec Optional |
status | Profile_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
identity | Managed service identity (system assigned and/or user assigned identities). | ManagedServiceIdentity Optional |
location | Resource location. | string Required |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ProfileOperatorSpec Optional |
originResponseTimeoutSeconds | Send and receive timeout on forwarding request to the origin. When timeout is reached, the request fails and returns. | int Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
sku | The pricing tier (defines Azure Front Door Standard or Premium or a CDN provider, feature list and rate) of the profile. | Sku Required |
tags | Resource tags. | map[string]string Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
extendedProperties | Key-Value pair representing additional properties for profiles. | map[string]string Optional |
frontDoorId | The Id of the frontdoor. | string Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
identity | Managed service identity (system assigned and/or user assigned identities). | ManagedServiceIdentity_STATUS Optional |
kind | Kind of the profile. Used by portal to differentiate traditional CDN profile and new AFD profile. | string Optional |
location | Resource location. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
originResponseTimeoutSeconds | Send and receive timeout on forwarding request to the origin. When timeout is reached, the request fails and returns. | int Optional |
provisioningState | Provisioning status of the profile. | ProfileProperties_ProvisioningState_STATUS Optional |
resourceState | Resource status of the profile. | ProfileProperties_ResourceState_STATUS Optional |
sku | The pricing tier (defines Azure Front Door Standard or Premium or a CDN provider, feature list and rate) of the profile. | Sku_STATUS Optional |
systemData | Read only system data | SystemData_STATUS Optional |
tags | Resource tags. | map[string]string Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /cdn/resource-manager/Microsoft.Cdn/stable/2023-05-01/cdn.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/{profileName}
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | Profile[] Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /cdn/resource-manager/Microsoft.Cdn/stable/2023-05-01/afdx.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/{profileName}/afdEndpoints/{endpointName}/routes/{routeName}
Used by: RouteList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | Route_Spec Optional |
status | Route_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
cacheConfiguration | The caching configuration for this route. To disable caching, do not provide a cacheConfiguration object. | AfdRouteCacheConfiguration Optional |
customDomains | Domains referenced by this endpoint. | ActivatedResourceReference[] Optional |
enabledState | Whether to enable use of this rule. Permitted values are ‘Enabled’ or ‘Disabled’ | RouteProperties_EnabledState Optional |
forwardingProtocol | Protocol this rule will use when forwarding traffic to backends. | RouteProperties_ForwardingProtocol Optional |
httpsRedirect | Whether to automatically redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS traffic. Note that this is a easy way to set up this rule and it will be the first rule that gets executed. | RouteProperties_HttpsRedirect Optional |
linkToDefaultDomain | whether this route will be linked to the default endpoint domain. | RouteProperties_LinkToDefaultDomain Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | RouteOperatorSpec Optional |
originGroup | A reference to the origin group. | ResourceReference Optional |
originPath | A directory path on the origin that AzureFrontDoor can use to retrieve content from, e.g. | string Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
patternsToMatch | The route patterns of the rule. | string[] Optional |
ruleSets | rule sets referenced by this endpoint. | ResourceReference[] Optional |
supportedProtocols | List of supported protocols for this route. | AFDEndpointProtocols[] Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
cacheConfiguration | The caching configuration for this route. To disable caching, do not provide a cacheConfiguration object. | AfdRouteCacheConfiguration_STATUS Optional |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
customDomains | Domains referenced by this endpoint. | ActivatedResourceReference_STATUS_Profiles_AfdEndpoints_Route_SubResourceEmbedded[] Optional |
deploymentStatus | RouteProperties_DeploymentStatus_STATUS Optional |
enabledState | Whether to enable use of this rule. Permitted values are ‘Enabled’ or ‘Disabled’ | RouteProperties_EnabledState_STATUS Optional |
endpointName | The name of the endpoint which holds the route. | string Optional |
forwardingProtocol | Protocol this rule will use when forwarding traffic to backends. | RouteProperties_ForwardingProtocol_STATUS Optional |
httpsRedirect | Whether to automatically redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS traffic. Note that this is a easy way to set up this rule and it will be the first rule that gets executed. | RouteProperties_HttpsRedirect_STATUS Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
linkToDefaultDomain | whether this route will be linked to the default endpoint domain. | RouteProperties_LinkToDefaultDomain_STATUS Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
originGroup | A reference to the origin group. | ResourceReference_STATUS Optional |
originPath | A directory path on the origin that AzureFrontDoor can use to retrieve content from, e.g. | string Optional |
patternsToMatch | The route patterns of the rule. | string[] Optional |
provisioningState | Provisioning status | RouteProperties_ProvisioningState_STATUS Optional |
ruleSets | rule sets referenced by this endpoint. | ResourceReference_STATUS[] Optional |
supportedProtocols | List of supported protocols for this route. | AFDEndpointProtocols_STATUS[] Optional |
systemData | Read only system data | SystemData_STATUS Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /cdn/resource-manager/Microsoft.Cdn/stable/2023-05-01/afdx.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/{profileName}/afdEndpoints/{endpointName}/routes/{routeName}
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | Route[] Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /cdn/resource-manager/Microsoft.Cdn/stable/2023-05-01/afdx.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/{profileName}/ruleSets/{ruleSetName}/rules/{ruleName}
Used by: RuleList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | Rule_Spec Optional |
status | Rule_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
actions | A list of actions that are executed when all the conditions of a rule are satisfied. | DeliveryRuleAction[] Optional |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
matchProcessingBehavior | If this rule is a match should the rules engine continue running the remaining rules or stop. If not present, defaults to Continue. | RuleProperties_MatchProcessingBehavior Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | RuleOperatorSpec Optional |
order | The order in which the rules are applied for the endpoint. Possible values {0,1,2,3,………}. A rule with a lesser order will be applied before a rule with a greater order. Rule with order 0 is a special rule. It does not require any condition and actions listed in it will always be applied. | int Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
ruleconditions | A list of conditions that must be matched for the actions to be executed | DeliveryRuleCondition[] Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
actions | A list of actions that are executed when all the conditions of a rule are satisfied. | DeliveryRuleAction_STATUS[] Optional |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
deploymentStatus | RuleProperties_DeploymentStatus_STATUS Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
matchProcessingBehavior | If this rule is a match should the rules engine continue running the remaining rules or stop. If not present, defaults to Continue. | RuleProperties_MatchProcessingBehavior_STATUS Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
order | The order in which the rules are applied for the endpoint. Possible values {0,1,2,3,………}. A rule with a lesser order will be applied before a rule with a greater order. Rule with order 0 is a special rule. It does not require any condition and actions listed in it will always be applied. | int Optional |
provisioningState | Provisioning status | RuleProperties_ProvisioningState_STATUS Optional |
ruleconditions | A list of conditions that must be matched for the actions to be executed | DeliveryRuleCondition_STATUS[] Optional |
ruleSetName | The name of the rule set containing the rule. | string Optional |
systemData | Read only system data | SystemData_STATUS Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /cdn/resource-manager/Microsoft.Cdn/stable/2023-05-01/afdx.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/{profileName}/ruleSets/{ruleSetName}/rules/{ruleName}
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | Rule[] Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /cdn/resource-manager/Microsoft.Cdn/stable/2023-05-01/afdx.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/{profileName}/ruleSets/{ruleSetName}
Used by: RuleSetList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | RuleSet_Spec Optional |
status | RuleSet_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | RuleSetOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
deploymentStatus | RuleSetProperties_DeploymentStatus_STATUS Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
profileName | The name of the profile which holds the rule set. | string Optional |
provisioningState | Provisioning status | RuleSetProperties_ProvisioningState_STATUS Optional |
systemData | Read only system data | SystemData_STATUS Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /cdn/resource-manager/Microsoft.Cdn/stable/2023-05-01/afdx.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/{profileName}/ruleSets/{ruleSetName}
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | RuleSet[] Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /cdn/resource-manager/Microsoft.Cdn/stable/2023-05-01/afdx.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/{profileName}/secrets/{secretName}
Used by: SecretList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | Secret_Spec Optional |
status | Secret_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | SecretOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
parameters | object which contains secret parameters | SecretParameters Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
deploymentStatus | SecretProperties_DeploymentStatus_STATUS Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
parameters | object which contains secret parameters | SecretParameters_STATUS Optional |
profileName | The name of the profile which holds the secret. | string Optional |
provisioningState | Provisioning status | SecretProperties_ProvisioningState_STATUS Optional |
systemData | Read only system data | SystemData_STATUS Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /cdn/resource-manager/Microsoft.Cdn/stable/2023-05-01/afdx.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/{profileName}/secrets/{secretName}
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | Secret[] Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /cdn/resource-manager/Microsoft.Cdn/stable/2023-05-01/afdx.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/{profileName}/securityPolicies/{securityPolicyName}
Used by: SecurityPolicyList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | SecurityPolicy_Spec Optional |
status | SecurityPolicy_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | SecurityPolicyOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
parameters | object which contains security policy parameters | SecurityPolicyPropertiesParameters Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
deploymentStatus | SecurityPolicyProperties_DeploymentStatus_STATUS Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
parameters | object which contains security policy parameters | SecurityPolicyPropertiesParameters_STATUS Optional |
profileName | The name of the profile which holds the security policy. | string Optional |
provisioningState | Provisioning status | SecurityPolicyProperties_ProvisioningState_STATUS Optional |
systemData | Read only system data | SystemData_STATUS Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /cdn/resource-manager/Microsoft.Cdn/stable/2023-05-01/afdx.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/{profileName}/securityPolicies/{securityPolicyName}
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | SecurityPolicy[] Optional |
Used by: AfdCustomDomain.
Property | Description | Type |
azureDnsZone | Resource reference to the Azure DNS zone | ResourceReference Optional |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
extendedProperties | Key-Value pair representing migration properties for domains. | map[string]string Optional |
hostName | The host name of the domain. Must be a domain name. | string Required |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | AfdCustomDomainOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
preValidatedCustomDomainResourceId | Resource reference to the Azure resource where custom domain ownership was prevalidated | ResourceReference Optional |
tlsSettings | The configuration specifying how to enable HTTPS for the domain - using AzureFrontDoor managed certificate or user’s own certificate. If not specified, enabling ssl uses AzureFrontDoor managed certificate by default. | AFDDomainHttpsParameters Optional |
Used by: AfdCustomDomain.
Property | Description | Type |
azureDnsZone | Resource reference to the Azure DNS zone | ResourceReference_STATUS Optional |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
deploymentStatus | AFDDomainProperties_DeploymentStatus_STATUS Optional |
domainValidationState | Provisioning substate shows the progress of custom HTTPS enabling/disabling process step by step. DCV stands for DomainControlValidation. | AFDDomainProperties_DomainValidationState_STATUS Optional |
extendedProperties | Key-Value pair representing migration properties for domains. | map[string]string Optional |
hostName | The host name of the domain. Must be a domain name. | string Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
preValidatedCustomDomainResourceId | Resource reference to the Azure resource where custom domain ownership was prevalidated | ResourceReference_STATUS Optional |
profileName | The name of the profile which holds the domain. | string Optional |
provisioningState | Provisioning status | AFDDomainProperties_ProvisioningState_STATUS Optional |
systemData | Read only system data | SystemData_STATUS Optional |
tlsSettings | The configuration specifying how to enable HTTPS for the domain - using AzureFrontDoor managed certificate or user’s own certificate. If not specified, enabling ssl uses AzureFrontDoor managed certificate by default. | AFDDomainHttpsParameters_STATUS Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
validationProperties | Values the customer needs to validate domain ownership | DomainValidationProperties_STATUS Optional |
Used by: AfdEndpoint.
Property | Description | Type |
autoGeneratedDomainNameLabelScope | Indicates the endpoint name reuse scope. The default value is TenantReuse. | AutoGeneratedDomainNameLabelScope Optional |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
enabledState | Whether to enable use of this rule. Permitted values are ‘Enabled’ or ‘Disabled’ | AFDEndpointProperties_EnabledState Optional |
location | Resource location. | string Required |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | AfdEndpointOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
tags | Resource tags. | map[string]string Optional |
Used by: AfdEndpoint.
Property | Description | Type |
autoGeneratedDomainNameLabelScope | Indicates the endpoint name reuse scope. The default value is TenantReuse. | AutoGeneratedDomainNameLabelScope_STATUS Optional |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
deploymentStatus | AFDEndpointProperties_DeploymentStatus_STATUS Optional |
enabledState | Whether to enable use of this rule. Permitted values are ‘Enabled’ or ‘Disabled’ | AFDEndpointProperties_EnabledState_STATUS Optional |
hostName | The host name of the endpoint structured as {endpointName}.{DNSZone}, e.g. | string Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
location | Resource location. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
profileName | The name of the profile which holds the endpoint. | string Optional |
provisioningState | Provisioning status | AFDEndpointProperties_ProvisioningState_STATUS Optional |
systemData | Read only system data | SystemData_STATUS Optional |
tags | Resource tags. | map[string]string Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Used by: AfdOrigin.
Property | Description | Type |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
azureOrigin | Resource reference to the Azure origin resource. | ResourceReference Optional |
enabledState | Whether to enable health probes to be made against backends defined under backendPools. Health probes can only be disabled if there is a single enabled backend in single enabled backend pool. | AFDOriginProperties_EnabledState Optional |
enforceCertificateNameCheck | Whether to enable certificate name check at origin level | bool Optional |
hostName | The address of the origin. Domain names, IPv4 addresses, and IPv6 addresses are supported.This should be unique across all origins in an endpoint. | string Optional |
httpPort | The value of the HTTP port. Must be between 1 and 65535. | int Optional |
httpsPort | The value of the HTTPS port. Must be between 1 and 65535. | int Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | AfdOriginOperatorSpec Optional |
originHostHeader | The host header value sent to the origin with each request. If you leave this blank, the request hostname determines this value. Azure Front Door origins, such as Web Apps, Blob Storage, and Cloud Services require this host header value to match the origin hostname by default. This overrides the host header defined at Endpoint | string Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
priority | Priority of origin in given origin group for load balancing. Higher priorities will not be used for load balancing if any lower priority origin is healthy.Must be between 1 and 5 | int Optional |
sharedPrivateLinkResource | The properties of the private link resource for private origin. | SharedPrivateLinkResourceProperties Optional |
weight | Weight of the origin in given origin group for load balancing. Must be between 1 and 1000 | int Optional |
Used by: AfdOrigin.
Property | Description | Type |
azureOrigin | Resource reference to the Azure origin resource. | ResourceReference_STATUS Optional |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
deploymentStatus | AFDOriginProperties_DeploymentStatus_STATUS Optional |
enabledState | Whether to enable health probes to be made against backends defined under backendPools. Health probes can only be disabled if there is a single enabled backend in single enabled backend pool. | AFDOriginProperties_EnabledState_STATUS Optional |
enforceCertificateNameCheck | Whether to enable certificate name check at origin level | bool Optional |
hostName | The address of the origin. Domain names, IPv4 addresses, and IPv6 addresses are supported.This should be unique across all origins in an endpoint. | string Optional |
httpPort | The value of the HTTP port. Must be between 1 and 65535. | int Optional |
httpsPort | The value of the HTTPS port. Must be between 1 and 65535. | int Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
originGroupName | The name of the origin group which contains this origin. | string Optional |
originHostHeader | The host header value sent to the origin with each request. If you leave this blank, the request hostname determines this value. Azure Front Door origins, such as Web Apps, Blob Storage, and Cloud Services require this host header value to match the origin hostname by default. This overrides the host header defined at Endpoint | string Optional |
priority | Priority of origin in given origin group for load balancing. Higher priorities will not be used for load balancing if any lower priority origin is healthy.Must be between 1 and 5 | int Optional |
provisioningState | Provisioning status | AFDOriginProperties_ProvisioningState_STATUS Optional |
sharedPrivateLinkResource | The properties of the private link resource for private origin. | SharedPrivateLinkResourceProperties_STATUS Optional |
systemData | Read only system data | SystemData_STATUS Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
weight | Weight of the origin in given origin group for load balancing. Must be between 1 and 1000 | int Optional |
Used by: AfdOriginGroup.
Property | Description | Type |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
healthProbeSettings | Health probe settings to the origin that is used to determine the health of the origin. | HealthProbeParameters Optional |
loadBalancingSettings | Load balancing settings for a backend pool | LoadBalancingSettingsParameters Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | AfdOriginGroupOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
sessionAffinityState | Whether to allow session affinity on this host. Valid options are ‘Enabled’ or ‘Disabled’ | AFDOriginGroupProperties_SessionAffinityState Optional |
trafficRestorationTimeToHealedOrNewEndpointsInMinutes | Time in minutes to shift the traffic to the endpoint gradually when an unhealthy endpoint comes healthy or a new endpoint is added. Default is 10 mins. This property is currently not supported. | int Optional |
Used by: AfdOriginGroup.
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
deploymentStatus | AFDOriginGroupProperties_DeploymentStatus_STATUS Optional |
healthProbeSettings | Health probe settings to the origin that is used to determine the health of the origin. | HealthProbeParameters_STATUS Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
loadBalancingSettings | Load balancing settings for a backend pool | LoadBalancingSettingsParameters_STATUS Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
profileName | The name of the profile which holds the origin group. | string Optional |
provisioningState | Provisioning status | AFDOriginGroupProperties_ProvisioningState_STATUS Optional |
sessionAffinityState | Whether to allow session affinity on this host. Valid options are ‘Enabled’ or ‘Disabled’ | AFDOriginGroupProperties_SessionAffinityState_STATUS Optional |
systemData | Read only system data | SystemData_STATUS Optional |
trafficRestorationTimeToHealedOrNewEndpointsInMinutes | Time in minutes to shift the traffic to the endpoint gradually when an unhealthy endpoint comes healthy or a new endpoint is added. Default is 10 mins. This property is currently not supported. | int Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Used by: Profile.
Property | Description | Type |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
identity | Managed service identity (system assigned and/or user assigned identities). | ManagedServiceIdentity Optional |
location | Resource location. | string Required |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ProfileOperatorSpec Optional |
originResponseTimeoutSeconds | Send and receive timeout on forwarding request to the origin. When timeout is reached, the request fails and returns. | int Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
sku | The pricing tier (defines Azure Front Door Standard or Premium or a CDN provider, feature list and rate) of the profile. | Sku Required |
tags | Resource tags. | map[string]string Optional |
A profile is a logical grouping of endpoints that share the same settings.
Used by: Profile.
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
extendedProperties | Key-Value pair representing additional properties for profiles. | map[string]string Optional |
frontDoorId | The Id of the frontdoor. | string Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
identity | Managed service identity (system assigned and/or user assigned identities). | ManagedServiceIdentity_STATUS Optional |
kind | Kind of the profile. Used by portal to differentiate traditional CDN profile and new AFD profile. | string Optional |
location | Resource location. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
originResponseTimeoutSeconds | Send and receive timeout on forwarding request to the origin. When timeout is reached, the request fails and returns. | int Optional |
provisioningState | Provisioning status of the profile. | ProfileProperties_ProvisioningState_STATUS Optional |
resourceState | Resource status of the profile. | ProfileProperties_ResourceState_STATUS Optional |
sku | The pricing tier (defines Azure Front Door Standard or Premium or a CDN provider, feature list and rate) of the profile. | Sku_STATUS Optional |
systemData | Read only system data | SystemData_STATUS Optional |
tags | Resource tags. | map[string]string Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Used by: Route.
Property | Description | Type |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
cacheConfiguration | The caching configuration for this route. To disable caching, do not provide a cacheConfiguration object. | AfdRouteCacheConfiguration Optional |
customDomains | Domains referenced by this endpoint. | ActivatedResourceReference[] Optional |
enabledState | Whether to enable use of this rule. Permitted values are ‘Enabled’ or ‘Disabled’ | RouteProperties_EnabledState Optional |
forwardingProtocol | Protocol this rule will use when forwarding traffic to backends. | RouteProperties_ForwardingProtocol Optional |
httpsRedirect | Whether to automatically redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS traffic. Note that this is a easy way to set up this rule and it will be the first rule that gets executed. | RouteProperties_HttpsRedirect Optional |
linkToDefaultDomain | whether this route will be linked to the default endpoint domain. | RouteProperties_LinkToDefaultDomain Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | RouteOperatorSpec Optional |
originGroup | A reference to the origin group. | ResourceReference Optional |
originPath | A directory path on the origin that AzureFrontDoor can use to retrieve content from, e.g. | string Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
patternsToMatch | The route patterns of the rule. | string[] Optional |
ruleSets | rule sets referenced by this endpoint. | ResourceReference[] Optional |
supportedProtocols | List of supported protocols for this route. | AFDEndpointProtocols[] Optional |
Used by: Route.
Property | Description | Type |
cacheConfiguration | The caching configuration for this route. To disable caching, do not provide a cacheConfiguration object. | AfdRouteCacheConfiguration_STATUS Optional |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
customDomains | Domains referenced by this endpoint. | ActivatedResourceReference_STATUS_Profiles_AfdEndpoints_Route_SubResourceEmbedded[] Optional |
deploymentStatus | RouteProperties_DeploymentStatus_STATUS Optional |
enabledState | Whether to enable use of this rule. Permitted values are ‘Enabled’ or ‘Disabled’ | RouteProperties_EnabledState_STATUS Optional |
endpointName | The name of the endpoint which holds the route. | string Optional |
forwardingProtocol | Protocol this rule will use when forwarding traffic to backends. | RouteProperties_ForwardingProtocol_STATUS Optional |
httpsRedirect | Whether to automatically redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS traffic. Note that this is a easy way to set up this rule and it will be the first rule that gets executed. | RouteProperties_HttpsRedirect_STATUS Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
linkToDefaultDomain | whether this route will be linked to the default endpoint domain. | RouteProperties_LinkToDefaultDomain_STATUS Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
originGroup | A reference to the origin group. | ResourceReference_STATUS Optional |
originPath | A directory path on the origin that AzureFrontDoor can use to retrieve content from, e.g. | string Optional |
patternsToMatch | The route patterns of the rule. | string[] Optional |
provisioningState | Provisioning status | RouteProperties_ProvisioningState_STATUS Optional |
ruleSets | rule sets referenced by this endpoint. | ResourceReference_STATUS[] Optional |
supportedProtocols | List of supported protocols for this route. | AFDEndpointProtocols_STATUS[] Optional |
systemData | Read only system data | SystemData_STATUS Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Used by: Rule.
Property | Description | Type |
actions | A list of actions that are executed when all the conditions of a rule are satisfied. | DeliveryRuleAction[] Optional |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
matchProcessingBehavior | If this rule is a match should the rules engine continue running the remaining rules or stop. If not present, defaults to Continue. | RuleProperties_MatchProcessingBehavior Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | RuleOperatorSpec Optional |
order | The order in which the rules are applied for the endpoint. Possible values {0,1,2,3,………}. A rule with a lesser order will be applied before a rule with a greater order. Rule with order 0 is a special rule. It does not require any condition and actions listed in it will always be applied. | int Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
ruleconditions | A list of conditions that must be matched for the actions to be executed | DeliveryRuleCondition[] Optional |
Used by: Rule.
Property | Description | Type |
actions | A list of actions that are executed when all the conditions of a rule are satisfied. | DeliveryRuleAction_STATUS[] Optional |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
deploymentStatus | RuleProperties_DeploymentStatus_STATUS Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
matchProcessingBehavior | If this rule is a match should the rules engine continue running the remaining rules or stop. If not present, defaults to Continue. | RuleProperties_MatchProcessingBehavior_STATUS Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
order | The order in which the rules are applied for the endpoint. Possible values {0,1,2,3,………}. A rule with a lesser order will be applied before a rule with a greater order. Rule with order 0 is a special rule. It does not require any condition and actions listed in it will always be applied. | int Optional |
provisioningState | Provisioning status | RuleProperties_ProvisioningState_STATUS Optional |
ruleconditions | A list of conditions that must be matched for the actions to be executed | DeliveryRuleCondition_STATUS[] Optional |
ruleSetName | The name of the rule set containing the rule. | string Optional |
systemData | Read only system data | SystemData_STATUS Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Used by: RuleSet.
Property | Description | Type |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | RuleSetOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
Used by: RuleSet.
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
deploymentStatus | RuleSetProperties_DeploymentStatus_STATUS Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
profileName | The name of the profile which holds the rule set. | string Optional |
provisioningState | Provisioning status | RuleSetProperties_ProvisioningState_STATUS Optional |
systemData | Read only system data | SystemData_STATUS Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Used by: Secret.
Property | Description | Type |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | SecretOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
parameters | object which contains secret parameters | SecretParameters Optional |
Used by: Secret.
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
deploymentStatus | SecretProperties_DeploymentStatus_STATUS Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
parameters | object which contains secret parameters | SecretParameters_STATUS Optional |
profileName | The name of the profile which holds the secret. | string Optional |
provisioningState | Provisioning status | SecretProperties_ProvisioningState_STATUS Optional |
systemData | Read only system data | SystemData_STATUS Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Used by: SecurityPolicy.
Property | Description | Type |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | SecurityPolicyOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
parameters | object which contains security policy parameters | SecurityPolicyPropertiesParameters Optional |
Used by: SecurityPolicy.
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
deploymentStatus | SecurityPolicyProperties_DeploymentStatus_STATUS Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
parameters | object which contains security policy parameters | SecurityPolicyPropertiesParameters_STATUS Optional |
profileName | The name of the profile which holds the security policy. | string Optional |
provisioningState | Provisioning status | SecurityPolicyProperties_ProvisioningState_STATUS Optional |
systemData | Read only system data | SystemData_STATUS Optional |
type | Resource type. | string Optional |
Reference to another resource along with its state.
Used by: Route_Spec, and SecurityPolicyWebApplicationFirewallAssociation.
Property | Description | Type |
reference | Resource ID. | genruntime.ResourceReference Optional |
Reference to another resource along with its state.
Used by: Route_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: AfdCustomDomain_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
The JSON object that contains the properties to secure a domain.
Used by: AfdCustomDomain_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
certificateType | Defines the source of the SSL certificate. | AFDDomainHttpsParameters_CertificateType Required |
minimumTlsVersion | TLS protocol version that will be used for Https | AFDDomainHttpsParameters_MinimumTlsVersion Optional |
secret | Resource reference to the secret. ie. subs/rg/profile/secret | ResourceReference Optional |
The JSON object that contains the properties to secure a domain.
Used by: AfdCustomDomain_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
certificateType | Defines the source of the SSL certificate. | AFDDomainHttpsParameters_CertificateType_STATUS Optional |
minimumTlsVersion | TLS protocol version that will be used for Https | AFDDomainHttpsParameters_MinimumTlsVersion_STATUS Optional |
secret | Resource reference to the secret. ie. subs/rg/profile/secret | ResourceReference_STATUS Optional |
Used by: AfdCustomDomain_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Failed” | |
“InProgress” | |
“NotStarted” | |
“Succeeded” |
Used by: AfdCustomDomain_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Approved” | |
“InternalError” | |
“Pending” | |
“PendingRevalidation” | |
“RefreshingValidationToken” | |
“Rejected” | |
“Submitting” | |
“TimedOut” | |
“Unknown” |
Used by: AfdCustomDomain_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Creating” | |
“Deleting” | |
“Failed” | |
“Succeeded” | |
“Updating” |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: AfdEndpoint_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
Used by: AfdEndpoint_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Failed” | |
“InProgress” | |
“NotStarted” | |
“Succeeded” |
Used by: AfdEndpoint_Spec.
Value | Description |
“Disabled” | |
“Enabled” |
Used by: AfdEndpoint_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Disabled” | |
“Enabled” |
Used by: AfdEndpoint_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Creating” | |
“Deleting” | |
“Failed” | |
“Succeeded” | |
“Updating” |
Supported protocols for the customer’s endpoint.
Used by: Route_Spec.
Value | Description |
“Http” | |
“Https” |
Supported protocols for the customer’s endpoint.
Used by: Route_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Http” | |
“Https” |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: AfdOriginGroup_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
Used by: AfdOriginGroup_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Failed” | |
“InProgress” | |
“NotStarted” | |
“Succeeded” |
Used by: AfdOriginGroup_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Creating” | |
“Deleting” | |
“Failed” | |
“Succeeded” | |
“Updating” |
Used by: AfdOriginGroup_Spec.
Value | Description |
“Disabled” | |
“Enabled” |
Used by: AfdOriginGroup_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Disabled” | |
“Enabled” |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: AfdOrigin_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
Used by: AfdOrigin_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Failed” | |
“InProgress” | |
“NotStarted” | |
“Succeeded” |
Used by: AfdOrigin_Spec.
Value | Description |
“Disabled” | |
“Enabled” |
Used by: AfdOrigin_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Disabled” | |
“Enabled” |
Used by: AfdOrigin_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Creating” | |
“Deleting” | |
“Failed” | |
“Succeeded” | |
“Updating” |
Caching settings for a caching-type route. To disable caching, do not provide a cacheConfiguration object.
Used by: Route_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
compressionSettings | compression settings. | CompressionSettings Optional |
queryParameters | query parameters to include or exclude (comma separated). | string Optional |
queryStringCachingBehavior | Defines how Frontdoor caches requests that include query strings. You can ignore any query strings when caching, ignore specific query strings, cache every request with a unique URL, or cache specific query strings. | AfdRouteCacheConfiguration_QueryStringCachingBehavior Optional |
Caching settings for a caching-type route. To disable caching, do not provide a cacheConfiguration object.
Used by: Route_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
compressionSettings | compression settings. | CompressionSettings_STATUS Optional |
queryParameters | query parameters to include or exclude (comma separated). | string Optional |
queryStringCachingBehavior | Defines how Frontdoor caches requests that include query strings. You can ignore any query strings when caching, ignore specific query strings, cache every request with a unique URL, or cache specific query strings. | AfdRouteCacheConfiguration_QueryStringCachingBehavior_STATUS Optional |
Indicates the endpoint name reuse scope. The default value is TenantReuse.
Used by: AfdEndpoint_Spec.
Value | Description |
“NoReuse” | |
“ResourceGroupReuse” | |
“SubscriptionReuse” | |
“TenantReuse” |
Indicates the endpoint name reuse scope. The default value is TenantReuse.
Used by: AfdEndpoint_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“NoReuse” | |
“ResourceGroupReuse” | |
“SubscriptionReuse” | |
“TenantReuse” |
An action for the delivery rule.
Used by: Rule_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
cacheExpiration | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | DeliveryRuleCacheExpirationAction Optional |
cacheKeyQueryString | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | DeliveryRuleCacheKeyQueryStringAction Optional |
modifyRequestHeader | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | DeliveryRuleRequestHeaderAction Optional |
modifyResponseHeader | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | DeliveryRuleResponseHeaderAction Optional |
originGroupOverride | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | OriginGroupOverrideAction Optional |
routeConfigurationOverride | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | DeliveryRuleRouteConfigurationOverrideAction Optional |
urlRedirect | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | UrlRedirectAction Optional |
urlRewrite | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | UrlRewriteAction Optional |
urlSigning | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | UrlSigningAction Optional |
An action for the delivery rule.
Used by: Rule_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
cacheExpiration | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | DeliveryRuleCacheExpirationAction_STATUS Optional |
cacheKeyQueryString | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | DeliveryRuleCacheKeyQueryStringAction_STATUS Optional |
modifyRequestHeader | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | DeliveryRuleRequestHeaderAction_STATUS Optional |
modifyResponseHeader | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | DeliveryRuleResponseHeaderAction_STATUS Optional |
originGroupOverride | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | OriginGroupOverrideAction_STATUS Optional |
routeConfigurationOverride | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | DeliveryRuleRouteConfigurationOverrideAction_STATUS Optional |
urlRedirect | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | UrlRedirectAction_STATUS Optional |
urlRewrite | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | UrlRewriteAction_STATUS Optional |
urlSigning | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | UrlSigningAction_STATUS Optional |
A condition for the delivery rule.
Used by: Rule_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
clientPort | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | DeliveryRuleClientPortCondition Optional |
cookies | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | DeliveryRuleCookiesCondition Optional |
hostName | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | DeliveryRuleHostNameCondition Optional |
httpVersion | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | DeliveryRuleHttpVersionCondition Optional |
isDevice | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | DeliveryRuleIsDeviceCondition Optional |
postArgs | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | DeliveryRulePostArgsCondition Optional |
queryString | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | DeliveryRuleQueryStringCondition Optional |
remoteAddress | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | DeliveryRuleRemoteAddressCondition Optional |
requestBody | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | DeliveryRuleRequestBodyCondition Optional |
requestHeader | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | DeliveryRuleRequestHeaderCondition Optional |
requestMethod | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | DeliveryRuleRequestMethodCondition Optional |
requestScheme | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | DeliveryRuleRequestSchemeCondition Optional |
requestUri | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | DeliveryRuleRequestUriCondition Optional |
serverPort | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | DeliveryRuleServerPortCondition Optional |
socketAddr | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | DeliveryRuleSocketAddrCondition Optional |
sslProtocol | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | DeliveryRuleSslProtocolCondition Optional |
urlFileExtension | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | DeliveryRuleUrlFileExtensionCondition Optional |
urlFileName | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | DeliveryRuleUrlFileNameCondition Optional |
urlPath | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | DeliveryRuleUrlPathCondition Optional |
A condition for the delivery rule.
Used by: Rule_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
clientPort | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | DeliveryRuleClientPortCondition_STATUS Optional |
cookies | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | DeliveryRuleCookiesCondition_STATUS Optional |
hostName | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | DeliveryRuleHostNameCondition_STATUS Optional |
httpVersion | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | DeliveryRuleHttpVersionCondition_STATUS Optional |
isDevice | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | DeliveryRuleIsDeviceCondition_STATUS Optional |
postArgs | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | DeliveryRulePostArgsCondition_STATUS Optional |
queryString | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | DeliveryRuleQueryStringCondition_STATUS Optional |
remoteAddress | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | DeliveryRuleRemoteAddressCondition_STATUS Optional |
requestBody | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | DeliveryRuleRequestBodyCondition_STATUS Optional |
requestHeader | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | DeliveryRuleRequestHeaderCondition_STATUS Optional |
requestMethod | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | DeliveryRuleRequestMethodCondition_STATUS Optional |
requestScheme | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | DeliveryRuleRequestSchemeCondition_STATUS Optional |
requestUri | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | DeliveryRuleRequestUriCondition_STATUS Optional |
serverPort | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | DeliveryRuleServerPortCondition_STATUS Optional |
socketAddr | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | DeliveryRuleSocketAddrCondition_STATUS Optional |
sslProtocol | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | DeliveryRuleSslProtocolCondition_STATUS Optional |
urlFileExtension | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | DeliveryRuleUrlFileExtensionCondition_STATUS Optional |
urlFileName | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | DeliveryRuleUrlFileNameCondition_STATUS Optional |
urlPath | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | DeliveryRuleUrlPathCondition_STATUS Optional |
The JSON object that contains the properties to validate a domain.
Used by: AfdCustomDomain_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
expirationDate | The date time that the token expires | string Optional |
validationToken | Challenge used for DNS TXT record or file based validation | string Optional |
The JSON object that contains the properties to send health probes to origin.
Used by: AfdOriginGroup_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
probeIntervalInSeconds | The number of seconds between health probes.Default is 240sec. | int Optional |
probePath | The path relative to the origin that is used to determine the health of the origin. | string Optional |
probeProtocol | Protocol to use for health probe. | HealthProbeParameters_ProbeProtocol Optional |
probeRequestType | The type of health probe request that is made. | HealthProbeParameters_ProbeRequestType Optional |
The JSON object that contains the properties to send health probes to origin.
Used by: AfdOriginGroup_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
probeIntervalInSeconds | The number of seconds between health probes.Default is 240sec. | int Optional |
probePath | The path relative to the origin that is used to determine the health of the origin. | string Optional |
probeProtocol | Protocol to use for health probe. | HealthProbeParameters_ProbeProtocol_STATUS Optional |
probeRequestType | The type of health probe request that is made. | HealthProbeParameters_ProbeRequestType_STATUS Optional |
Round-Robin load balancing settings for a backend pool
Used by: AfdOriginGroup_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
additionalLatencyInMilliseconds | The additional latency in milliseconds for probes to fall into the lowest latency bucket | int Optional |
sampleSize | The number of samples to consider for load balancing decisions | int Optional |
successfulSamplesRequired | The number of samples within the sample period that must succeed | int Optional |
Round-Robin load balancing settings for a backend pool
Used by: AfdOriginGroup_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
additionalLatencyInMilliseconds | The additional latency in milliseconds for probes to fall into the lowest latency bucket | int Optional |
sampleSize | The number of samples to consider for load balancing decisions | int Optional |
successfulSamplesRequired | The number of samples within the sample period that must succeed | int Optional |
Managed service identity (system assigned and/or user assigned identities)
Used by: Profile_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
type | Type of managed service identity (where both SystemAssigned and UserAssigned types are allowed). | ManagedServiceIdentityType Required |
userAssignedIdentities | UserAssignedIdentityDetails[] Optional |
Managed service identity (system assigned and/or user assigned identities)
Used by: Profile_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
principalId | The service principal ID of the system assigned identity. This property will only be provided for a system assigned identity. | string Optional |
tenantId | The tenant ID of the system assigned identity. This property will only be provided for a system assigned identity. | string Optional |
type | Type of managed service identity (where both SystemAssigned and UserAssigned types are allowed). | ManagedServiceIdentityType_STATUS Optional |
userAssignedIdentities | map[string]UserAssignedIdentity_STATUS Optional |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: Profile_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
Used by: Profile_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Creating” | |
“Deleting” | |
“Failed” | |
“Succeeded” | |
“Updating” |
Used by: Profile_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“AbortingMigration” | |
“Active” | |
“CommittingMigration” | |
“Creating” | |
“Deleting” | |
“Disabled” | |
“Migrated” | |
“Migrating” | |
“PendingMigrationCommit” |
Reference to another resource.
Used by: AfdCustomDomain_Spec, AfdCustomDomain_Spec, AFDDomainHttpsParameters, AfdOrigin_Spec, CustomerCertificateParameters, OriginGroupOverride, OriginGroupOverrideActionParameters, Route_Spec, Route_Spec, SecurityPolicyWebApplicationFirewallParameters, SharedPrivateLinkResourceProperties, and UrlSigningKeyParameters.
Property | Description | Type |
reference | Resource ID. | genruntime.ResourceReference Optional |
Reference to another resource.
Used by: AfdCustomDomain_STATUS, AfdCustomDomain_STATUS, AFDDomainHttpsParameters_STATUS, AfdOrigin_STATUS, AzureFirstPartyManagedCertificateParameters_STATUS, CustomerCertificateParameters_STATUS, OriginGroupOverride_STATUS, OriginGroupOverrideActionParameters_STATUS, Route_STATUS, Route_STATUS, SecurityPolicyWebApplicationFirewallParameters_STATUS, SharedPrivateLinkResourceProperties_STATUS, and UrlSigningKeyParameters_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: Route_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
Used by: Route_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Failed” | |
“InProgress” | |
“NotStarted” | |
“Succeeded” |
Used by: Route_Spec.
Value | Description |
“Disabled” | |
“Enabled” |
Used by: Route_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Disabled” | |
“Enabled” |
Used by: Route_Spec.
Value | Description |
“HttpOnly” | |
“HttpsOnly” | |
“MatchRequest” |
Used by: Route_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“HttpOnly” | |
“HttpsOnly” | |
“MatchRequest” |
Used by: Route_Spec.
Value | Description |
“Disabled” | |
“Enabled” |
Used by: Route_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Disabled” | |
“Enabled” |
Used by: Route_Spec.
Value | Description |
“Disabled” | |
“Enabled” |
Used by: Route_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Disabled” | |
“Enabled” |
Used by: Route_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Creating” | |
“Deleting” | |
“Failed” | |
“Succeeded” | |
“Updating” |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: Rule_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
Used by: Rule_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Failed” | |
“InProgress” | |
“NotStarted” | |
“Succeeded” |
Used by: Rule_Spec.
Value | Description |
“Continue” | |
“Stop” |
Used by: Rule_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Continue” | |
“Stop” |
Used by: Rule_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Creating” | |
“Deleting” | |
“Failed” | |
“Succeeded” | |
“Updating” |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: RuleSet_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
Used by: RuleSet_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Failed” | |
“InProgress” | |
“NotStarted” | |
“Succeeded” |
Used by: RuleSet_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Creating” | |
“Deleting” | |
“Failed” | |
“Succeeded” | |
“Updating” |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: Secret_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
Used by: Secret_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
azureFirstPartyManagedCertificate | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | AzureFirstPartyManagedCertificateParameters Optional |
customerCertificate | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | CustomerCertificateParameters Optional |
managedCertificate | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | ManagedCertificateParameters Optional |
urlSigningKey | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | UrlSigningKeyParameters Optional |
Used by: Secret_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
azureFirstPartyManagedCertificate | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | AzureFirstPartyManagedCertificateParameters_STATUS Optional |
customerCertificate | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | CustomerCertificateParameters_STATUS Optional |
managedCertificate | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | ManagedCertificateParameters_STATUS Optional |
urlSigningKey | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | UrlSigningKeyParameters_STATUS Optional |
Used by: Secret_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Failed” | |
“InProgress” | |
“NotStarted” | |
“Succeeded” |
Used by: Secret_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Creating” | |
“Deleting” | |
“Failed” | |
“Succeeded” | |
“Updating” |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: SecurityPolicy_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
Used by: SecurityPolicy_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Failed” | |
“InProgress” | |
“NotStarted” | |
“Succeeded” |
Used by: SecurityPolicy_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Creating” | |
“Deleting” | |
“Failed” | |
“Succeeded” | |
“Updating” |
Used by: SecurityPolicy_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
webApplicationFirewall | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | SecurityPolicyWebApplicationFirewallParameters Optional |
Used by: SecurityPolicy_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
webApplicationFirewall | Mutually exclusive with all other properties | SecurityPolicyWebApplicationFirewallParameters_STATUS Optional |
Describes the properties of an existing Shared Private Link Resource to use when connecting to a private origin.
Used by: AfdOrigin_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
groupId | The group id from the provider of resource the shared private link resource is for. | string Optional |
privateLink | The resource id of the resource the shared private link resource is for. | ResourceReference Optional |
privateLinkLocation | The location of the shared private link resource | string Optional |
requestMessage | The request message for requesting approval of the shared private link resource. | string Optional |
status | Status of the shared private link resource. Can be Pending, Approved, Rejected, Disconnected, or Timeout. | SharedPrivateLinkResourceProperties_Status Optional |
Describes the properties of an existing Shared Private Link Resource to use when connecting to a private origin.
Used by: AfdOrigin_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
groupId | The group id from the provider of resource the shared private link resource is for. | string Optional |
privateLink | The resource id of the resource the shared private link resource is for. | ResourceReference_STATUS Optional |
privateLinkLocation | The location of the shared private link resource | string Optional |
requestMessage | The request message for requesting approval of the shared private link resource. | string Optional |
status | Status of the shared private link resource. Can be Pending, Approved, Rejected, Disconnected, or Timeout. | SharedPrivateLinkResourceProperties_Status_STATUS Optional |
Standard_Verizon = The SKU name for a Standard Verizon CDN profile. Premium_Verizon = The SKU name for a Premium Verizon CDN profile. Custom_Verizon = The SKU name for a Custom Verizon CDN profile. Standard_Akamai = The SKU name for an Akamai CDN profile. Standard_ChinaCdn = The SKU name for a China CDN profile for VOD, Web and download scenarios using GB based billing model. Standard_Microsoft = The SKU name for a Standard Microsoft CDN profile. Standard_AzureFrontDoor = The SKU name for an Azure Front Door Standard profile. Premium_AzureFrontDoor = The SKU name for an Azure Front Door Premium profile. Standard_955BandWidth_ChinaCdn = The SKU name for a China CDN profile for VOD, Web and download scenarios using 95-5 peak bandwidth billing model. Standard_AvgBandWidth_ChinaCdn = The SKU name for a China CDN profile for VOD, Web and download scenarios using monthly average peak bandwidth billing model. StandardPlus_ChinaCdn = The SKU name for a China CDN profile for live-streaming using GB based billing model. StandardPlus_955BandWidth_ChinaCdn = The SKU name for a China CDN live-streaming profile using 95-5 peak bandwidth billing model. StandardPlus_AvgBandWidth_ChinaCdn = The SKU name for a China CDN live-streaming profile using monthly average peak bandwidth billing model.
Used by: Profile_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
name | Name of the pricing tier. | Sku_Name Optional |
Standard_Verizon = The SKU name for a Standard Verizon CDN profile. Premium_Verizon = The SKU name for a Premium Verizon CDN profile. Custom_Verizon = The SKU name for a Custom Verizon CDN profile. Standard_Akamai = The SKU name for an Akamai CDN profile. Standard_ChinaCdn = The SKU name for a China CDN profile for VOD, Web and download scenarios using GB based billing model. Standard_Microsoft = The SKU name for a Standard Microsoft CDN profile. Standard_AzureFrontDoor = The SKU name for an Azure Front Door Standard profile. Premium_AzureFrontDoor = The SKU name for an Azure Front Door Premium profile. Standard_955BandWidth_ChinaCdn = The SKU name for a China CDN profile for VOD, Web and download scenarios using 95-5 peak bandwidth billing model. Standard_AvgBandWidth_ChinaCdn = The SKU name for a China CDN profile for VOD, Web and download scenarios using monthly average peak bandwidth billing model. StandardPlus_ChinaCdn = The SKU name for a China CDN profile for live-streaming using GB based billing model. StandardPlus_955BandWidth_ChinaCdn = The SKU name for a China CDN live-streaming profile using 95-5 peak bandwidth billing model. StandardPlus_AvgBandWidth_ChinaCdn = The SKU name for a China CDN live-streaming profile using monthly average peak bandwidth billing model.
Used by: Profile_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
name | Name of the pricing tier. | Sku_Name_STATUS Optional |
Read only system data
Used by: AfdCustomDomain_STATUS, AfdEndpoint_STATUS, AfdOrigin_STATUS, AfdOriginGroup_STATUS, Profile_STATUS, Route_STATUS, Rule_STATUS, RuleSet_STATUS, Secret_STATUS, and SecurityPolicy_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
createdAt | The timestamp of resource creation (UTC) | string Optional |
createdBy | An identifier for the identity that created the resource | string Optional |
createdByType | The type of identity that created the resource | IdentityType_STATUS Optional |
lastModifiedAt | The timestamp of resource last modification (UTC) | string Optional |
lastModifiedBy | An identifier for the identity that last modified the resource | string Optional |
lastModifiedByType | The type of identity that last modified the resource | IdentityType_STATUS Optional |
Used by: AFDDomainHttpsParameters.
Value | Description |
“AzureFirstPartyManagedCertificate” | |
“CustomerCertificate” | |
“ManagedCertificate” |
Used by: AFDDomainHttpsParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“AzureFirstPartyManagedCertificate” | |
“CustomerCertificate” | |
“ManagedCertificate” |
Used by: AFDDomainHttpsParameters.
Value | Description |
“TLS10” | |
“TLS12” |
Used by: AFDDomainHttpsParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“TLS10” | |
“TLS12” |
Used by: AfdRouteCacheConfiguration.
Value | Description |
“IgnoreQueryString” | |
“IgnoreSpecifiedQueryStrings” | |
“IncludeSpecifiedQueryStrings” | |
“UseQueryString” |
Used by: AfdRouteCacheConfiguration_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“IgnoreQueryString” | |
“IgnoreSpecifiedQueryStrings” | |
“IncludeSpecifiedQueryStrings” | |
“UseQueryString” |
Used by: SecretParameters.
Property | Description | Type |
subjectAlternativeNames | The list of SANs. | string[] Optional |
type | AzureFirstPartyManagedCertificateParameters_Type Required |
Used by: SecretParameters_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
certificateAuthority | Certificate issuing authority. | string Optional |
expirationDate | Certificate expiration date. | string Optional |
secretSource | Resource reference to the Azure Key Vault certificate. Expected to be in format of /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/{vaultName}/secrets/{certificateName} | ResourceReference_STATUS Optional |
subject | Subject name in the certificate. | string Optional |
subjectAlternativeNames | The list of SANs. | string[] Optional |
thumbprint | Certificate thumbprint. | string Optional |
type | AzureFirstPartyManagedCertificateParameters_Type_STATUS Optional |
settings for compression.
Used by: AfdRouteCacheConfiguration.
Property | Description | Type |
contentTypesToCompress | List of content types on which compression applies. The value should be a valid MIME type. | string[] Optional |
isCompressionEnabled | Indicates whether content compression is enabled on AzureFrontDoor. Default value is false. If compression is enabled, content will be served as compressed if user requests for a compressed version. Content won’t be compressed on AzureFrontDoor when requested content is smaller than 1 byte or larger than 1 MB. | bool Optional |
settings for compression.
Used by: AfdRouteCacheConfiguration_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
contentTypesToCompress | List of content types on which compression applies. The value should be a valid MIME type. | string[] Optional |
isCompressionEnabled | Indicates whether content compression is enabled on AzureFrontDoor. Default value is false. If compression is enabled, content will be served as compressed if user requests for a compressed version. Content won’t be compressed on AzureFrontDoor when requested content is smaller than 1 byte or larger than 1 MB. | bool Optional |
Used by: SecretParameters.
Property | Description | Type |
secretSource | Resource reference to the Azure Key Vault certificate. Expected to be in format of /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/{vaultName}/secrets/{certificateName} | ResourceReference Required |
secretVersion | Version of the secret to be used | string Optional |
subjectAlternativeNames | The list of SANs. | string[] Optional |
type | CustomerCertificateParameters_Type Required |
useLatestVersion | Whether to use the latest version for the certificate | bool Optional |
Used by: SecretParameters_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
certificateAuthority | Certificate issuing authority. | string Optional |
expirationDate | Certificate expiration date. | string Optional |
secretSource | Resource reference to the Azure Key Vault certificate. Expected to be in format of /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/{vaultName}/secrets/{certificateName} | ResourceReference_STATUS Optional |
secretVersion | Version of the secret to be used | string Optional |
subject | Subject name in the certificate. | string Optional |
subjectAlternativeNames | The list of SANs. | string[] Optional |
thumbprint | Certificate thumbprint. | string Optional |
type | CustomerCertificateParameters_Type_STATUS Optional |
useLatestVersion | Whether to use the latest version for the certificate | bool Optional |
Used by: DeliveryRuleAction.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the action for the delivery rule. | DeliveryRuleCacheExpirationAction_Name Required |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the action. | CacheExpirationActionParameters Required |
Used by: DeliveryRuleAction_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the action for the delivery rule. | DeliveryRuleCacheExpirationAction_Name_STATUS Optional |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the action. | CacheExpirationActionParameters_STATUS Optional |
Used by: DeliveryRuleAction.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the action for the delivery rule. | DeliveryRuleCacheKeyQueryStringAction_Name Required |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the action. | CacheKeyQueryStringActionParameters Required |
Used by: DeliveryRuleAction_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the action for the delivery rule. | DeliveryRuleCacheKeyQueryStringAction_Name_STATUS Optional |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the action. | CacheKeyQueryStringActionParameters_STATUS Optional |
Used by: DeliveryRuleCondition.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the condition for the delivery rule. | DeliveryRuleClientPortCondition_Name Required |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the condition. | ClientPortMatchConditionParameters Required |
Used by: DeliveryRuleCondition_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the condition for the delivery rule. | DeliveryRuleClientPortCondition_Name_STATUS Optional |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the condition. | ClientPortMatchConditionParameters_STATUS Optional |
Used by: DeliveryRuleCondition.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the condition for the delivery rule. | DeliveryRuleCookiesCondition_Name Required |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the condition. | CookiesMatchConditionParameters Required |
Used by: DeliveryRuleCondition_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the condition for the delivery rule. | DeliveryRuleCookiesCondition_Name_STATUS Optional |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the condition. | CookiesMatchConditionParameters_STATUS Optional |
Used by: DeliveryRuleCondition.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the condition for the delivery rule. | DeliveryRuleHostNameCondition_Name Required |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the condition. | HostNameMatchConditionParameters Required |
Used by: DeliveryRuleCondition_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the condition for the delivery rule. | DeliveryRuleHostNameCondition_Name_STATUS Optional |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the condition. | HostNameMatchConditionParameters_STATUS Optional |
Used by: DeliveryRuleCondition.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the condition for the delivery rule. | DeliveryRuleHttpVersionCondition_Name Required |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the condition. | HttpVersionMatchConditionParameters Required |
Used by: DeliveryRuleCondition_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the condition for the delivery rule. | DeliveryRuleHttpVersionCondition_Name_STATUS Optional |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the condition. | HttpVersionMatchConditionParameters_STATUS Optional |
Used by: DeliveryRuleCondition.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the condition for the delivery rule. | DeliveryRuleIsDeviceCondition_Name Required |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the condition. | IsDeviceMatchConditionParameters Required |
Used by: DeliveryRuleCondition_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the condition for the delivery rule. | DeliveryRuleIsDeviceCondition_Name_STATUS Optional |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the condition. | IsDeviceMatchConditionParameters_STATUS Optional |
Used by: DeliveryRuleCondition.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the condition for the delivery rule. | DeliveryRulePostArgsCondition_Name Required |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the condition. | PostArgsMatchConditionParameters Required |
Used by: DeliveryRuleCondition_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the condition for the delivery rule. | DeliveryRulePostArgsCondition_Name_STATUS Optional |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the condition. | PostArgsMatchConditionParameters_STATUS Optional |
Used by: DeliveryRuleCondition.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the condition for the delivery rule. | DeliveryRuleQueryStringCondition_Name Required |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the condition. | QueryStringMatchConditionParameters Required |
Used by: DeliveryRuleCondition_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the condition for the delivery rule. | DeliveryRuleQueryStringCondition_Name_STATUS Optional |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the condition. | QueryStringMatchConditionParameters_STATUS Optional |
Used by: DeliveryRuleCondition.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the condition for the delivery rule. | DeliveryRuleRemoteAddressCondition_Name Required |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the condition. | RemoteAddressMatchConditionParameters Required |
Used by: DeliveryRuleCondition_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the condition for the delivery rule. | DeliveryRuleRemoteAddressCondition_Name_STATUS Optional |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the condition. | RemoteAddressMatchConditionParameters_STATUS Optional |
Used by: DeliveryRuleCondition.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the condition for the delivery rule. | DeliveryRuleRequestBodyCondition_Name Required |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the condition. | RequestBodyMatchConditionParameters Required |
Used by: DeliveryRuleCondition_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the condition for the delivery rule. | DeliveryRuleRequestBodyCondition_Name_STATUS Optional |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the condition. | RequestBodyMatchConditionParameters_STATUS Optional |
Used by: DeliveryRuleAction.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the action for the delivery rule. | DeliveryRuleRequestHeaderAction_Name Required |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the action. | HeaderActionParameters Required |
Used by: DeliveryRuleAction_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the action for the delivery rule. | DeliveryRuleRequestHeaderAction_Name_STATUS Optional |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the action. | HeaderActionParameters_STATUS Optional |
Used by: DeliveryRuleCondition.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the condition for the delivery rule. | DeliveryRuleRequestHeaderCondition_Name Required |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the condition. | RequestHeaderMatchConditionParameters Required |
Used by: DeliveryRuleCondition_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the condition for the delivery rule. | DeliveryRuleRequestHeaderCondition_Name_STATUS Optional |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the condition. | RequestHeaderMatchConditionParameters_STATUS Optional |
Used by: DeliveryRuleCondition.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the condition for the delivery rule. | DeliveryRuleRequestMethodCondition_Name Required |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the condition. | RequestMethodMatchConditionParameters Required |
Used by: DeliveryRuleCondition_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the condition for the delivery rule. | DeliveryRuleRequestMethodCondition_Name_STATUS Optional |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the condition. | RequestMethodMatchConditionParameters_STATUS Optional |
Used by: DeliveryRuleCondition.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the condition for the delivery rule. | DeliveryRuleRequestSchemeCondition_Name Required |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the condition. | RequestSchemeMatchConditionParameters Required |
Used by: DeliveryRuleCondition_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the condition for the delivery rule. | DeliveryRuleRequestSchemeCondition_Name_STATUS Optional |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the condition. | RequestSchemeMatchConditionParameters_STATUS Optional |
Used by: DeliveryRuleCondition.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the condition for the delivery rule. | DeliveryRuleRequestUriCondition_Name Required |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the condition. | RequestUriMatchConditionParameters Required |
Used by: DeliveryRuleCondition_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the condition for the delivery rule. | DeliveryRuleRequestUriCondition_Name_STATUS Optional |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the condition. | RequestUriMatchConditionParameters_STATUS Optional |
Used by: DeliveryRuleAction.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the action for the delivery rule. | DeliveryRuleResponseHeaderAction_Name Required |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the action. | HeaderActionParameters Required |
Used by: DeliveryRuleAction_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the action for the delivery rule. | DeliveryRuleResponseHeaderAction_Name_STATUS Optional |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the action. | HeaderActionParameters_STATUS Optional |
Used by: DeliveryRuleAction.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the action for the delivery rule. | DeliveryRuleRouteConfigurationOverrideAction_Name Required |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the action. | RouteConfigurationOverrideActionParameters Required |
Used by: DeliveryRuleAction_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the action for the delivery rule. | DeliveryRuleRouteConfigurationOverrideAction_Name_STATUS Optional |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the action. | RouteConfigurationOverrideActionParameters_STATUS Optional |
Used by: DeliveryRuleCondition.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the condition for the delivery rule. | DeliveryRuleServerPortCondition_Name Required |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the condition. | ServerPortMatchConditionParameters Required |
Used by: DeliveryRuleCondition_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the condition for the delivery rule. | DeliveryRuleServerPortCondition_Name_STATUS Optional |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the condition. | ServerPortMatchConditionParameters_STATUS Optional |
Used by: DeliveryRuleCondition.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the condition for the delivery rule. | DeliveryRuleSocketAddrCondition_Name Required |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the condition. | SocketAddrMatchConditionParameters Required |
Used by: DeliveryRuleCondition_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the condition for the delivery rule. | DeliveryRuleSocketAddrCondition_Name_STATUS Optional |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the condition. | SocketAddrMatchConditionParameters_STATUS Optional |
Used by: DeliveryRuleCondition.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the condition for the delivery rule. | DeliveryRuleSslProtocolCondition_Name Required |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the condition. | SslProtocolMatchConditionParameters Required |
Used by: DeliveryRuleCondition_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the condition for the delivery rule. | DeliveryRuleSslProtocolCondition_Name_STATUS Optional |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the condition. | SslProtocolMatchConditionParameters_STATUS Optional |
Used by: DeliveryRuleCondition.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the condition for the delivery rule. | DeliveryRuleUrlFileExtensionCondition_Name Required |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the condition. | UrlFileExtensionMatchConditionParameters Required |
Used by: DeliveryRuleCondition_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the condition for the delivery rule. | DeliveryRuleUrlFileExtensionCondition_Name_STATUS Optional |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the condition. | UrlFileExtensionMatchConditionParameters_STATUS Optional |
Used by: DeliveryRuleCondition.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the condition for the delivery rule. | DeliveryRuleUrlFileNameCondition_Name Required |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the condition. | UrlFileNameMatchConditionParameters Required |
Used by: DeliveryRuleCondition_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the condition for the delivery rule. | DeliveryRuleUrlFileNameCondition_Name_STATUS Optional |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the condition. | UrlFileNameMatchConditionParameters_STATUS Optional |
Used by: DeliveryRuleCondition.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the condition for the delivery rule. | DeliveryRuleUrlPathCondition_Name Required |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the condition. | UrlPathMatchConditionParameters Required |
Used by: DeliveryRuleCondition_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the condition for the delivery rule. | DeliveryRuleUrlPathCondition_Name_STATUS Optional |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the condition. | UrlPathMatchConditionParameters_STATUS Optional |
Used by: HealthProbeParameters.
Value | Description |
“Http” | |
“Https” | |
“NotSet” |
Used by: HealthProbeParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Http” | |
“Https” | |
“NotSet” |
Used by: HealthProbeParameters.
Value | Description |
“GET” | |
“HEAD” | |
“NotSet” |
Used by: HealthProbeParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“GET” | |
“HEAD” | |
“NotSet” |
The type of identity that creates/modifies resources
Used by: SystemData_STATUS, and SystemData_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“application” | |
“key” | |
“managedIdentity” | |
“user” |
Used by: SecretParameters.
Property | Description | Type |
type | ManagedCertificateParameters_Type Required |
Used by: SecretParameters_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
expirationDate | Certificate expiration date. | string Optional |
subject | Subject name in the certificate. | string Optional |
type | ManagedCertificateParameters_Type_STATUS Optional |
Type of managed service identity (where both SystemAssigned and UserAssigned types are allowed).
Used by: ManagedServiceIdentity.
Value | Description |
“None” | |
“SystemAssigned” | |
“SystemAssigned, UserAssigned” | |
“UserAssigned” |
Type of managed service identity (where both SystemAssigned and UserAssigned types are allowed).
Used by: ManagedServiceIdentity_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“None” | |
“SystemAssigned” | |
“SystemAssigned, UserAssigned” | |
“UserAssigned” |
Used by: DeliveryRuleAction.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the action for the delivery rule. | OriginGroupOverrideAction_Name Required |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the action. | OriginGroupOverrideActionParameters Required |
Used by: DeliveryRuleAction_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the action for the delivery rule. | OriginGroupOverrideAction_Name_STATUS Optional |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the action. | OriginGroupOverrideActionParameters_STATUS Optional |
Used by: SecurityPolicyPropertiesParameters.
Property | Description | Type |
associations | Waf associations | SecurityPolicyWebApplicationFirewallAssociation[] Optional |
type | The type of the Security policy to create. | SecurityPolicyWebApplicationFirewallParameters_Type Required |
wafPolicy | Resource ID. | ResourceReference Optional |
Used by: SecurityPolicyPropertiesParameters_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
associations | Waf associations | SecurityPolicyWebApplicationFirewallAssociation_STATUS[] Optional |
type | The type of the Security policy to create. | SecurityPolicyWebApplicationFirewallParameters_Type_STATUS Optional |
wafPolicy | Resource ID. | ResourceReference_STATUS Optional |
Used by: SharedPrivateLinkResourceProperties.
Value | Description |
“Approved” | |
“Disconnected” | |
“Pending” | |
“Rejected” | |
“Timeout” |
Used by: SharedPrivateLinkResourceProperties_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Approved” | |
“Disconnected” | |
“Pending” | |
“Rejected” | |
“Timeout” |
Used by: Sku.
Value | Description |
“Custom_Verizon” | |
“Premium_AzureFrontDoor” | |
“Premium_Verizon” | |
“StandardPlus_955BandWidth_ChinaCdn” | |
“StandardPlus_AvgBandWidth_ChinaCdn” | |
“StandardPlus_ChinaCdn” | |
“Standard_955BandWidth_ChinaCdn” | |
“Standard_Akamai” | |
“Standard_AvgBandWidth_ChinaCdn” | |
“Standard_AzureFrontDoor” | |
“Standard_ChinaCdn” | |
“Standard_Microsoft” | |
“Standard_Verizon” |
Used by: Sku_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Custom_Verizon” | |
“Premium_AzureFrontDoor” | |
“Premium_Verizon” | |
“StandardPlus_955BandWidth_ChinaCdn” | |
“StandardPlus_AvgBandWidth_ChinaCdn” | |
“StandardPlus_ChinaCdn” | |
“Standard_955BandWidth_ChinaCdn” | |
“Standard_Akamai” | |
“Standard_AvgBandWidth_ChinaCdn” | |
“Standard_AzureFrontDoor” | |
“Standard_ChinaCdn” | |
“Standard_Microsoft” | |
“Standard_Verizon” |
Used by: DeliveryRuleAction.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the action for the delivery rule. | UrlRedirectAction_Name Required |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the action. | UrlRedirectActionParameters Required |
Used by: DeliveryRuleAction_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the action for the delivery rule. | UrlRedirectAction_Name_STATUS Optional |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the action. | UrlRedirectActionParameters_STATUS Optional |
Used by: DeliveryRuleAction.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the action for the delivery rule. | UrlRewriteAction_Name Required |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the action. | UrlRewriteActionParameters Required |
Used by: DeliveryRuleAction_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the action for the delivery rule. | UrlRewriteAction_Name_STATUS Optional |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the action. | UrlRewriteActionParameters_STATUS Optional |
Used by: DeliveryRuleAction.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the action for the delivery rule. | UrlSigningAction_Name Required |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the action. | UrlSigningActionParameters Required |
Used by: DeliveryRuleAction_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The name of the action for the delivery rule. | UrlSigningAction_Name_STATUS Optional |
parameters | Defines the parameters for the action. | UrlSigningActionParameters_STATUS Optional |
Used by: SecretParameters.
Property | Description | Type |
keyId | Defines the customer defined key Id. This id will exist in the incoming request to indicate the key used to form the hash. | string Required |
secretSource | Resource reference to the Azure Key Vault secret. Expected to be in format of /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/{vaultName}/secrets/{secretName} | ResourceReference Required |
secretVersion | Version of the secret to be used | string Optional |
type | UrlSigningKeyParameters_Type Required |
Used by: SecretParameters_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
keyId | Defines the customer defined key Id. This id will exist in the incoming request to indicate the key used to form the hash. | string Optional |
secretSource | Resource reference to the Azure Key Vault secret. Expected to be in format of /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/{vaultName}/secrets/{secretName} | ResourceReference_STATUS Optional |
secretVersion | Version of the secret to be used | string Optional |
type | UrlSigningKeyParameters_Type_STATUS Optional |
User assigned identity properties
Used by: ManagedServiceIdentity_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
clientId | The client ID of the assigned identity. | string Optional |
principalId | The principal ID of the assigned identity. | string Optional |
Information about the user assigned identity for the resource
Used by: ManagedServiceIdentity.
Property | Description | Type |
reference | genruntime.ResourceReference Optional |
Used by: AzureFirstPartyManagedCertificateParameters.
Value | Description |
“AzureFirstPartyManagedCertificate” |
Used by: AzureFirstPartyManagedCertificateParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“AzureFirstPartyManagedCertificate” |
Defines the parameters for the cache expiration action.
Used by: DeliveryRuleCacheExpirationAction.
Property | Description | Type |
cacheBehavior | Caching behavior for the requests | CacheExpirationActionParameters_CacheBehavior Required |
cacheDuration | The duration for which the content needs to be cached. Allowed format is [d.]hh:mm:ss | string Optional |
cacheType | The level at which the content needs to be cached. | CacheExpirationActionParameters_CacheType Required |
typeName | CacheExpirationActionParameters_TypeName Required |
Defines the parameters for the cache expiration action.
Used by: DeliveryRuleCacheExpirationAction_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
cacheBehavior | Caching behavior for the requests | CacheExpirationActionParameters_CacheBehavior_STATUS Optional |
cacheDuration | The duration for which the content needs to be cached. Allowed format is [d.]hh:mm:ss | string Optional |
cacheType | The level at which the content needs to be cached. | CacheExpirationActionParameters_CacheType_STATUS Optional |
typeName | CacheExpirationActionParameters_TypeName_STATUS Optional |
Defines the parameters for the cache-key query string action.
Used by: DeliveryRuleCacheKeyQueryStringAction.
Property | Description | Type |
queryParameters | query parameters to include or exclude (comma separated). | string Optional |
queryStringBehavior | Caching behavior for the requests | CacheKeyQueryStringActionParameters_QueryStringBehavior Required |
typeName | CacheKeyQueryStringActionParameters_TypeName Required |
Defines the parameters for the cache-key query string action.
Used by: DeliveryRuleCacheKeyQueryStringAction_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
queryParameters | query parameters to include or exclude (comma separated). | string Optional |
queryStringBehavior | Caching behavior for the requests | CacheKeyQueryStringActionParameters_QueryStringBehavior_STATUS Optional |
typeName | CacheKeyQueryStringActionParameters_TypeName_STATUS Optional |
Defines the parameters for ClientPort match conditions
Used by: DeliveryRuleClientPortCondition.
Property | Description | Type |
matchValues | The match value for the condition of the delivery rule | string[] Optional |
negateCondition | Describes if this is negate condition or not | bool Optional |
operator | Describes operator to be matched | ClientPortMatchConditionParameters_Operator Required |
transforms | List of transforms | Transform[] Optional |
typeName | ClientPortMatchConditionParameters_TypeName Required |
Defines the parameters for ClientPort match conditions
Used by: DeliveryRuleClientPortCondition_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
matchValues | The match value for the condition of the delivery rule | string[] Optional |
negateCondition | Describes if this is negate condition or not | bool Optional |
operator | Describes operator to be matched | ClientPortMatchConditionParameters_Operator_STATUS Optional |
transforms | List of transforms | Transform_STATUS[] Optional |
typeName | ClientPortMatchConditionParameters_TypeName_STATUS Optional |
Defines the parameters for Cookies match conditions
Used by: DeliveryRuleCookiesCondition.
Property | Description | Type |
matchValues | The match value for the condition of the delivery rule | string[] Optional |
negateCondition | Describes if this is negate condition or not | bool Optional |
operator | Describes operator to be matched | CookiesMatchConditionParameters_Operator Required |
selector | Name of Cookies to be matched | string Optional |
transforms | List of transforms | Transform[] Optional |
typeName | CookiesMatchConditionParameters_TypeName Required |
Defines the parameters for Cookies match conditions
Used by: DeliveryRuleCookiesCondition_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
matchValues | The match value for the condition of the delivery rule | string[] Optional |
negateCondition | Describes if this is negate condition or not | bool Optional |
operator | Describes operator to be matched | CookiesMatchConditionParameters_Operator_STATUS Optional |
selector | Name of Cookies to be matched | string Optional |
transforms | List of transforms | Transform_STATUS[] Optional |
typeName | CookiesMatchConditionParameters_TypeName_STATUS Optional |
Used by: CustomerCertificateParameters.
Value | Description |
“CustomerCertificate” |
Used by: CustomerCertificateParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“CustomerCertificate” |
Used by: DeliveryRuleCacheExpirationAction.
Value | Description |
“CacheExpiration” |
Used by: DeliveryRuleCacheExpirationAction_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“CacheExpiration” |
Used by: DeliveryRuleCacheKeyQueryStringAction.
Value | Description |
“CacheKeyQueryString” |
Used by: DeliveryRuleCacheKeyQueryStringAction_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“CacheKeyQueryString” |
Used by: DeliveryRuleClientPortCondition.
Value | Description |
“ClientPort” |
Used by: DeliveryRuleClientPortCondition_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“ClientPort” |
Used by: DeliveryRuleCookiesCondition.
Value | Description |
“Cookies” |
Used by: DeliveryRuleCookiesCondition_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Cookies” |
Used by: DeliveryRuleHostNameCondition.
Value | Description |
“HostName” |
Used by: DeliveryRuleHostNameCondition_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“HostName” |
Used by: DeliveryRuleHttpVersionCondition.
Value | Description |
“HttpVersion” |
Used by: DeliveryRuleHttpVersionCondition_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“HttpVersion” |
Used by: DeliveryRuleIsDeviceCondition.
Value | Description |
“IsDevice” |
Used by: DeliveryRuleIsDeviceCondition_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“IsDevice” |
Used by: DeliveryRulePostArgsCondition.
Value | Description |
“PostArgs” |
Used by: DeliveryRulePostArgsCondition_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“PostArgs” |
Used by: DeliveryRuleQueryStringCondition.
Value | Description |
“QueryString” |
Used by: DeliveryRuleQueryStringCondition_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“QueryString” |
Used by: DeliveryRuleRemoteAddressCondition.
Value | Description |
“RemoteAddress” |
Used by: DeliveryRuleRemoteAddressCondition_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“RemoteAddress” |
Used by: DeliveryRuleRequestBodyCondition.
Value | Description |
“RequestBody” |
Used by: DeliveryRuleRequestBodyCondition_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“RequestBody” |
Used by: DeliveryRuleRequestHeaderAction.
Value | Description |
“ModifyRequestHeader” |
Used by: DeliveryRuleRequestHeaderAction_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“ModifyRequestHeader” |
Used by: DeliveryRuleRequestHeaderCondition.
Value | Description |
“RequestHeader” |
Used by: DeliveryRuleRequestHeaderCondition_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“RequestHeader” |
Used by: DeliveryRuleRequestMethodCondition.
Value | Description |
“RequestMethod” |
Used by: DeliveryRuleRequestMethodCondition_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“RequestMethod” |
Used by: DeliveryRuleRequestSchemeCondition.
Value | Description |
“RequestScheme” |
Used by: DeliveryRuleRequestSchemeCondition_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“RequestScheme” |
Used by: DeliveryRuleRequestUriCondition.
Value | Description |
“RequestUri” |
Used by: DeliveryRuleRequestUriCondition_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“RequestUri” |
Used by: DeliveryRuleResponseHeaderAction.
Value | Description |
“ModifyResponseHeader” |
Used by: DeliveryRuleResponseHeaderAction_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“ModifyResponseHeader” |
Used by: DeliveryRuleRouteConfigurationOverrideAction.
Value | Description |
“RouteConfigurationOverride” |
Used by: DeliveryRuleRouteConfigurationOverrideAction_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“RouteConfigurationOverride” |
Used by: DeliveryRuleServerPortCondition.
Value | Description |
“ServerPort” |
Used by: DeliveryRuleServerPortCondition_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“ServerPort” |
Used by: DeliveryRuleSocketAddrCondition.
Value | Description |
“SocketAddr” |
Used by: DeliveryRuleSocketAddrCondition_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“SocketAddr” |
Used by: DeliveryRuleSslProtocolCondition.
Value | Description |
“SslProtocol” |
Used by: DeliveryRuleSslProtocolCondition_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“SslProtocol” |
Used by: DeliveryRuleUrlFileExtensionCondition.
Value | Description |
“UrlFileExtension” |
Used by: DeliveryRuleUrlFileExtensionCondition_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“UrlFileExtension” |
Used by: DeliveryRuleUrlFileNameCondition.
Value | Description |
“UrlFileName” |
Used by: DeliveryRuleUrlFileNameCondition_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“UrlFileName” |
Used by: DeliveryRuleUrlPathCondition.
Value | Description |
“UrlPath” |
Used by: DeliveryRuleUrlPathCondition_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“UrlPath” |
Defines the parameters for the request header action.
Used by: DeliveryRuleRequestHeaderAction, and DeliveryRuleResponseHeaderAction.
Property | Description | Type |
headerAction | Action to perform | HeaderActionParameters_HeaderAction Required |
headerName | Name of the header to modify | string Required |
typeName | HeaderActionParameters_TypeName Required |
value | Value for the specified action | string Optional |
Defines the parameters for the request header action.
Used by: DeliveryRuleRequestHeaderAction_STATUS, and DeliveryRuleResponseHeaderAction_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
headerAction | Action to perform | HeaderActionParameters_HeaderAction_STATUS Optional |
headerName | Name of the header to modify | string Optional |
typeName | HeaderActionParameters_TypeName_STATUS Optional |
value | Value for the specified action | string Optional |
Defines the parameters for HostName match conditions
Used by: DeliveryRuleHostNameCondition.
Property | Description | Type |
matchValues | The match value for the condition of the delivery rule | string[] Optional |
negateCondition | Describes if this is negate condition or not | bool Optional |
operator | Describes operator to be matched | HostNameMatchConditionParameters_Operator Required |
transforms | List of transforms | Transform[] Optional |
typeName | HostNameMatchConditionParameters_TypeName Required |
Defines the parameters for HostName match conditions
Used by: DeliveryRuleHostNameCondition_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
matchValues | The match value for the condition of the delivery rule | string[] Optional |
negateCondition | Describes if this is negate condition or not | bool Optional |
operator | Describes operator to be matched | HostNameMatchConditionParameters_Operator_STATUS Optional |
transforms | List of transforms | Transform_STATUS[] Optional |
typeName | HostNameMatchConditionParameters_TypeName_STATUS Optional |
Defines the parameters for HttpVersion match conditions
Used by: DeliveryRuleHttpVersionCondition.
Property | Description | Type |
matchValues | The match value for the condition of the delivery rule | string[] Optional |
negateCondition | Describes if this is negate condition or not | bool Optional |
operator | Describes operator to be matched | HttpVersionMatchConditionParameters_Operator Required |
transforms | List of transforms | Transform[] Optional |
typeName | HttpVersionMatchConditionParameters_TypeName Required |
Defines the parameters for HttpVersion match conditions
Used by: DeliveryRuleHttpVersionCondition_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
matchValues | The match value for the condition of the delivery rule | string[] Optional |
negateCondition | Describes if this is negate condition or not | bool Optional |
operator | Describes operator to be matched | HttpVersionMatchConditionParameters_Operator_STATUS Optional |
transforms | List of transforms | Transform_STATUS[] Optional |
typeName | HttpVersionMatchConditionParameters_TypeName_STATUS Optional |
Defines the parameters for IsDevice match conditions
Used by: DeliveryRuleIsDeviceCondition.
Property | Description | Type |
matchValues | The match value for the condition of the delivery rule | IsDeviceMatchConditionParameters_MatchValues[] Optional |
negateCondition | Describes if this is negate condition or not | bool Optional |
operator | Describes operator to be matched | IsDeviceMatchConditionParameters_Operator Required |
transforms | List of transforms | Transform[] Optional |
typeName | IsDeviceMatchConditionParameters_TypeName Required |
Defines the parameters for IsDevice match conditions
Used by: DeliveryRuleIsDeviceCondition_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
matchValues | The match value for the condition of the delivery rule | IsDeviceMatchConditionParameters_MatchValues_STATUS[] Optional |
negateCondition | Describes if this is negate condition or not | bool Optional |
operator | Describes operator to be matched | IsDeviceMatchConditionParameters_Operator_STATUS Optional |
transforms | List of transforms | Transform_STATUS[] Optional |
typeName | IsDeviceMatchConditionParameters_TypeName_STATUS Optional |
Used by: ManagedCertificateParameters.
Value | Description |
“ManagedCertificate” |
Used by: ManagedCertificateParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“ManagedCertificate” |
Used by: OriginGroupOverrideAction.
Value | Description |
“OriginGroupOverride” |
Used by: OriginGroupOverrideAction_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“OriginGroupOverride” |
Defines the parameters for the origin group override action.
Used by: OriginGroupOverrideAction.
Property | Description | Type |
originGroup | defines the OriginGroup that would override the DefaultOriginGroup. | ResourceReference Required |
typeName | OriginGroupOverrideActionParameters_TypeName Required |
Defines the parameters for the origin group override action.
Used by: OriginGroupOverrideAction_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
originGroup | defines the OriginGroup that would override the DefaultOriginGroup. | ResourceReference_STATUS Optional |
typeName | OriginGroupOverrideActionParameters_TypeName_STATUS Optional |
Defines the parameters for PostArgs match conditions
Used by: DeliveryRulePostArgsCondition.
Property | Description | Type |
matchValues | The match value for the condition of the delivery rule | string[] Optional |
negateCondition | Describes if this is negate condition or not | bool Optional |
operator | Describes operator to be matched | PostArgsMatchConditionParameters_Operator Required |
selector | Name of PostArg to be matched | string Optional |
transforms | List of transforms | Transform[] Optional |
typeName | PostArgsMatchConditionParameters_TypeName Required |
Defines the parameters for PostArgs match conditions
Used by: DeliveryRulePostArgsCondition_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
matchValues | The match value for the condition of the delivery rule | string[] Optional |
negateCondition | Describes if this is negate condition or not | bool Optional |
operator | Describes operator to be matched | PostArgsMatchConditionParameters_Operator_STATUS Optional |
selector | Name of PostArg to be matched | string Optional |
transforms | List of transforms | Transform_STATUS[] Optional |
typeName | PostArgsMatchConditionParameters_TypeName_STATUS Optional |
Defines the parameters for QueryString match conditions
Used by: DeliveryRuleQueryStringCondition.
Property | Description | Type |
matchValues | The match value for the condition of the delivery rule | string[] Optional |
negateCondition | Describes if this is negate condition or not | bool Optional |
operator | Describes operator to be matched | QueryStringMatchConditionParameters_Operator Required |
transforms | List of transforms | Transform[] Optional |
typeName | QueryStringMatchConditionParameters_TypeName Required |
Defines the parameters for QueryString match conditions
Used by: DeliveryRuleQueryStringCondition_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
matchValues | The match value for the condition of the delivery rule | string[] Optional |
negateCondition | Describes if this is negate condition or not | bool Optional |
operator | Describes operator to be matched | QueryStringMatchConditionParameters_Operator_STATUS Optional |
transforms | List of transforms | Transform_STATUS[] Optional |
typeName | QueryStringMatchConditionParameters_TypeName_STATUS Optional |
Defines the parameters for RemoteAddress match conditions
Used by: DeliveryRuleRemoteAddressCondition.
Property | Description | Type |
matchValues | Match values to match against. The operator will apply to each value in here with OR semantics. If any of them match the variable with the given operator this match condition is considered a match. | string[] Optional |
negateCondition | Describes if this is negate condition or not | bool Optional |
operator | Describes operator to be matched | RemoteAddressMatchConditionParameters_Operator Required |
transforms | List of transforms | Transform[] Optional |
typeName | RemoteAddressMatchConditionParameters_TypeName Required |
Defines the parameters for RemoteAddress match conditions
Used by: DeliveryRuleRemoteAddressCondition_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
matchValues | Match values to match against. The operator will apply to each value in here with OR semantics. If any of them match the variable with the given operator this match condition is considered a match. | string[] Optional |
negateCondition | Describes if this is negate condition or not | bool Optional |
operator | Describes operator to be matched | RemoteAddressMatchConditionParameters_Operator_STATUS Optional |
transforms | List of transforms | Transform_STATUS[] Optional |
typeName | RemoteAddressMatchConditionParameters_TypeName_STATUS Optional |
Defines the parameters for RequestBody match conditions
Used by: DeliveryRuleRequestBodyCondition.
Property | Description | Type |
matchValues | The match value for the condition of the delivery rule | string[] Optional |
negateCondition | Describes if this is negate condition or not | bool Optional |
operator | Describes operator to be matched | RequestBodyMatchConditionParameters_Operator Required |
transforms | List of transforms | Transform[] Optional |
typeName | RequestBodyMatchConditionParameters_TypeName Required |
Defines the parameters for RequestBody match conditions
Used by: DeliveryRuleRequestBodyCondition_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
matchValues | The match value for the condition of the delivery rule | string[] Optional |
negateCondition | Describes if this is negate condition or not | bool Optional |
operator | Describes operator to be matched | RequestBodyMatchConditionParameters_Operator_STATUS Optional |
transforms | List of transforms | Transform_STATUS[] Optional |
typeName | RequestBodyMatchConditionParameters_TypeName_STATUS Optional |
Defines the parameters for RequestHeader match conditions
Used by: DeliveryRuleRequestHeaderCondition.
Property | Description | Type |
matchValues | The match value for the condition of the delivery rule | string[] Optional |
negateCondition | Describes if this is negate condition or not | bool Optional |
operator | Describes operator to be matched | RequestHeaderMatchConditionParameters_Operator Required |
selector | Name of Header to be matched | string Optional |
transforms | List of transforms | Transform[] Optional |
typeName | RequestHeaderMatchConditionParameters_TypeName Required |
Defines the parameters for RequestHeader match conditions
Used by: DeliveryRuleRequestHeaderCondition_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
matchValues | The match value for the condition of the delivery rule | string[] Optional |
negateCondition | Describes if this is negate condition or not | bool Optional |
operator | Describes operator to be matched | RequestHeaderMatchConditionParameters_Operator_STATUS Optional |
selector | Name of Header to be matched | string Optional |
transforms | List of transforms | Transform_STATUS[] Optional |
typeName | RequestHeaderMatchConditionParameters_TypeName_STATUS Optional |
Defines the parameters for RequestMethod match conditions
Used by: DeliveryRuleRequestMethodCondition.
Property | Description | Type |
matchValues | The match value for the condition of the delivery rule | RequestMethodMatchConditionParameters_MatchValues[] Optional |
negateCondition | Describes if this is negate condition or not | bool Optional |
operator | Describes operator to be matched | RequestMethodMatchConditionParameters_Operator Required |
transforms | List of transforms | Transform[] Optional |
typeName | RequestMethodMatchConditionParameters_TypeName Required |
Defines the parameters for RequestMethod match conditions
Used by: DeliveryRuleRequestMethodCondition_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
matchValues | The match value for the condition of the delivery rule | RequestMethodMatchConditionParameters_MatchValues_STATUS[] Optional |
negateCondition | Describes if this is negate condition or not | bool Optional |
operator | Describes operator to be matched | RequestMethodMatchConditionParameters_Operator_STATUS Optional |
transforms | List of transforms | Transform_STATUS[] Optional |
typeName | RequestMethodMatchConditionParameters_TypeName_STATUS Optional |
Defines the parameters for RequestScheme match conditions
Used by: DeliveryRuleRequestSchemeCondition.
Property | Description | Type |
matchValues | The match value for the condition of the delivery rule | RequestSchemeMatchConditionParameters_MatchValues[] Optional |
negateCondition | Describes if this is negate condition or not | bool Optional |
operator | Describes operator to be matched | RequestSchemeMatchConditionParameters_Operator Required |
transforms | List of transforms | Transform[] Optional |
typeName | RequestSchemeMatchConditionParameters_TypeName Required |
Defines the parameters for RequestScheme match conditions
Used by: DeliveryRuleRequestSchemeCondition_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
matchValues | The match value for the condition of the delivery rule | RequestSchemeMatchConditionParameters_MatchValues_STATUS[] Optional |
negateCondition | Describes if this is negate condition or not | bool Optional |
operator | Describes operator to be matched | RequestSchemeMatchConditionParameters_Operator_STATUS Optional |
transforms | List of transforms | Transform_STATUS[] Optional |
typeName | RequestSchemeMatchConditionParameters_TypeName_STATUS Optional |
Defines the parameters for RequestUri match conditions
Used by: DeliveryRuleRequestUriCondition.
Property | Description | Type |
matchValues | The match value for the condition of the delivery rule | string[] Optional |
negateCondition | Describes if this is negate condition or not | bool Optional |
operator | Describes operator to be matched | RequestUriMatchConditionParameters_Operator Required |
transforms | List of transforms | Transform[] Optional |
typeName | RequestUriMatchConditionParameters_TypeName Required |
Defines the parameters for RequestUri match conditions
Used by: DeliveryRuleRequestUriCondition_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
matchValues | The match value for the condition of the delivery rule | string[] Optional |
negateCondition | Describes if this is negate condition or not | bool Optional |
operator | Describes operator to be matched | RequestUriMatchConditionParameters_Operator_STATUS Optional |
transforms | List of transforms | Transform_STATUS[] Optional |
typeName | RequestUriMatchConditionParameters_TypeName_STATUS Optional |
Defines the parameters for the route configuration override action.
Used by: DeliveryRuleRouteConfigurationOverrideAction.
Property | Description | Type |
cacheConfiguration | The caching configuration associated with this rule. To disable caching, do not provide a cacheConfiguration object. | CacheConfiguration Optional |
originGroupOverride | A reference to the origin group override configuration. Leave empty to use the default origin group on route. | OriginGroupOverride Optional |
typeName | RouteConfigurationOverrideActionParameters_TypeName Required |
Defines the parameters for the route configuration override action.
Used by: DeliveryRuleRouteConfigurationOverrideAction_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
cacheConfiguration | The caching configuration associated with this rule. To disable caching, do not provide a cacheConfiguration object. | CacheConfiguration_STATUS Optional |
originGroupOverride | A reference to the origin group override configuration. Leave empty to use the default origin group on route. | OriginGroupOverride_STATUS Optional |
typeName | RouteConfigurationOverrideActionParameters_TypeName_STATUS Optional |
settings for security policy patterns to match
Used by: SecurityPolicyWebApplicationFirewallParameters.
Property | Description | Type |
domains | List of domains. | ActivatedResourceReference[] Optional |
patternsToMatch | List of paths | string[] Optional |
settings for security policy patterns to match
Used by: SecurityPolicyWebApplicationFirewallParameters_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
domains | List of domains. | ActivatedResourceReference_STATUS_Profiles_SecurityPolicy_SubResourceEmbedded[] Optional |
patternsToMatch | List of paths | string[] Optional |
Used by: SecurityPolicyWebApplicationFirewallParameters.
Value | Description |
“WebApplicationFirewall” |
Used by: SecurityPolicyWebApplicationFirewallParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“WebApplicationFirewall” |
Defines the parameters for ServerPort match conditions
Used by: DeliveryRuleServerPortCondition.
Property | Description | Type |
matchValues | The match value for the condition of the delivery rule | string[] Optional |
negateCondition | Describes if this is negate condition or not | bool Optional |
operator | Describes operator to be matched | ServerPortMatchConditionParameters_Operator Required |
transforms | List of transforms | Transform[] Optional |
typeName | ServerPortMatchConditionParameters_TypeName Required |
Defines the parameters for ServerPort match conditions
Used by: DeliveryRuleServerPortCondition_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
matchValues | The match value for the condition of the delivery rule | string[] Optional |
negateCondition | Describes if this is negate condition or not | bool Optional |
operator | Describes operator to be matched | ServerPortMatchConditionParameters_Operator_STATUS Optional |
transforms | List of transforms | Transform_STATUS[] Optional |
typeName | ServerPortMatchConditionParameters_TypeName_STATUS Optional |
Defines the parameters for SocketAddress match conditions
Used by: DeliveryRuleSocketAddrCondition.
Property | Description | Type |
matchValues | The match value for the condition of the delivery rule | string[] Optional |
negateCondition | Describes if this is negate condition or not | bool Optional |
operator | Describes operator to be matched | SocketAddrMatchConditionParameters_Operator Required |
transforms | List of transforms | Transform[] Optional |
typeName | SocketAddrMatchConditionParameters_TypeName Required |
Defines the parameters for SocketAddress match conditions
Used by: DeliveryRuleSocketAddrCondition_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
matchValues | The match value for the condition of the delivery rule | string[] Optional |
negateCondition | Describes if this is negate condition or not | bool Optional |
operator | Describes operator to be matched | SocketAddrMatchConditionParameters_Operator_STATUS Optional |
transforms | List of transforms | Transform_STATUS[] Optional |
typeName | SocketAddrMatchConditionParameters_TypeName_STATUS Optional |
Defines the parameters for SslProtocol match conditions
Used by: DeliveryRuleSslProtocolCondition.
Property | Description | Type |
matchValues | The match value for the condition of the delivery rule | SslProtocol[] Optional |
negateCondition | Describes if this is negate condition or not | bool Optional |
operator | Describes operator to be matched | SslProtocolMatchConditionParameters_Operator Required |
transforms | List of transforms | Transform[] Optional |
typeName | SslProtocolMatchConditionParameters_TypeName Required |
Defines the parameters for SslProtocol match conditions
Used by: DeliveryRuleSslProtocolCondition_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
matchValues | The match value for the condition of the delivery rule | SslProtocol_STATUS[] Optional |
negateCondition | Describes if this is negate condition or not | bool Optional |
operator | Describes operator to be matched | SslProtocolMatchConditionParameters_Operator_STATUS Optional |
transforms | List of transforms | Transform_STATUS[] Optional |
typeName | SslProtocolMatchConditionParameters_TypeName_STATUS Optional |
Defines the parameters for UrlFileExtension match conditions
Used by: DeliveryRuleUrlFileExtensionCondition.
Property | Description | Type |
matchValues | The match value for the condition of the delivery rule | string[] Optional |
negateCondition | Describes if this is negate condition or not | bool Optional |
operator | Describes operator to be matched | UrlFileExtensionMatchConditionParameters_Operator Required |
transforms | List of transforms | Transform[] Optional |
typeName | UrlFileExtensionMatchConditionParameters_TypeName Required |
Defines the parameters for UrlFileExtension match conditions
Used by: DeliveryRuleUrlFileExtensionCondition_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
matchValues | The match value for the condition of the delivery rule | string[] Optional |
negateCondition | Describes if this is negate condition or not | bool Optional |
operator | Describes operator to be matched | UrlFileExtensionMatchConditionParameters_Operator_STATUS Optional |
transforms | List of transforms | Transform_STATUS[] Optional |
typeName | UrlFileExtensionMatchConditionParameters_TypeName_STATUS Optional |
Defines the parameters for UrlFilename match conditions
Used by: DeliveryRuleUrlFileNameCondition.
Property | Description | Type |
matchValues | The match value for the condition of the delivery rule | string[] Optional |
negateCondition | Describes if this is negate condition or not | bool Optional |
operator | Describes operator to be matched | UrlFileNameMatchConditionParameters_Operator Required |
transforms | List of transforms | Transform[] Optional |
typeName | UrlFileNameMatchConditionParameters_TypeName Required |
Defines the parameters for UrlFilename match conditions
Used by: DeliveryRuleUrlFileNameCondition_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
matchValues | The match value for the condition of the delivery rule | string[] Optional |
negateCondition | Describes if this is negate condition or not | bool Optional |
operator | Describes operator to be matched | UrlFileNameMatchConditionParameters_Operator_STATUS Optional |
transforms | List of transforms | Transform_STATUS[] Optional |
typeName | UrlFileNameMatchConditionParameters_TypeName_STATUS Optional |
Defines the parameters for UrlPath match conditions
Used by: DeliveryRuleUrlPathCondition.
Property | Description | Type |
matchValues | The match value for the condition of the delivery rule | string[] Optional |
negateCondition | Describes if this is negate condition or not | bool Optional |
operator | Describes operator to be matched | UrlPathMatchConditionParameters_Operator Required |
transforms | List of transforms | Transform[] Optional |
typeName | UrlPathMatchConditionParameters_TypeName Required |
Defines the parameters for UrlPath match conditions
Used by: DeliveryRuleUrlPathCondition_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
matchValues | The match value for the condition of the delivery rule | string[] Optional |
negateCondition | Describes if this is negate condition or not | bool Optional |
operator | Describes operator to be matched | UrlPathMatchConditionParameters_Operator_STATUS Optional |
transforms | List of transforms | Transform_STATUS[] Optional |
typeName | UrlPathMatchConditionParameters_TypeName_STATUS Optional |
Used by: UrlRedirectAction.
Value | Description |
“UrlRedirect” |
Used by: UrlRedirectAction_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“UrlRedirect” |
Defines the parameters for the url redirect action.
Used by: UrlRedirectAction.
Property | Description | Type |
customFragment | Fragment to add to the redirect URL. Fragment is the part of the URL that comes after #. Do not include the #. | string Optional |
customHostname | Host to redirect. Leave empty to use the incoming host as the destination host. | string Optional |
customPath | The full path to redirect. Path cannot be empty and must start with /. Leave empty to use the incoming path as destination path. | string Optional |
customQueryString | The set of query strings to be placed in the redirect URL. Setting this value would replace any existing query string; leave empty to preserve the incoming query string. Query string must be in |
string Optional |
destinationProtocol | Protocol to use for the redirect. The default value is MatchRequest | UrlRedirectActionParameters_DestinationProtocol Optional |
redirectType | The redirect type the rule will use when redirecting traffic. | UrlRedirectActionParameters_RedirectType Required |
typeName | UrlRedirectActionParameters_TypeName Required |
Defines the parameters for the url redirect action.
Used by: UrlRedirectAction_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
customFragment | Fragment to add to the redirect URL. Fragment is the part of the URL that comes after #. Do not include the #. | string Optional |
customHostname | Host to redirect. Leave empty to use the incoming host as the destination host. | string Optional |
customPath | The full path to redirect. Path cannot be empty and must start with /. Leave empty to use the incoming path as destination path. | string Optional |
customQueryString | The set of query strings to be placed in the redirect URL. Setting this value would replace any existing query string; leave empty to preserve the incoming query string. Query string must be in |
string Optional |
destinationProtocol | Protocol to use for the redirect. The default value is MatchRequest | UrlRedirectActionParameters_DestinationProtocol_STATUS Optional |
redirectType | The redirect type the rule will use when redirecting traffic. | UrlRedirectActionParameters_RedirectType_STATUS Optional |
typeName | UrlRedirectActionParameters_TypeName_STATUS Optional |
Used by: UrlRewriteAction.
Value | Description |
“UrlRewrite” |
Used by: UrlRewriteAction_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“UrlRewrite” |
Defines the parameters for the url rewrite action.
Used by: UrlRewriteAction.
Property | Description | Type |
destination | Define the relative URL to which the above requests will be rewritten by. | string Required |
preserveUnmatchedPath | Whether to preserve unmatched path. Default value is true. | bool Optional |
sourcePattern | define a request URI pattern that identifies the type of requests that may be rewritten. If value is blank, all strings are matched. | string Required |
typeName | UrlRewriteActionParameters_TypeName Required |
Defines the parameters for the url rewrite action.
Used by: UrlRewriteAction_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
destination | Define the relative URL to which the above requests will be rewritten by. | string Optional |
preserveUnmatchedPath | Whether to preserve unmatched path. Default value is true. | bool Optional |
sourcePattern | define a request URI pattern that identifies the type of requests that may be rewritten. If value is blank, all strings are matched. | string Optional |
typeName | UrlRewriteActionParameters_TypeName_STATUS Optional |
Used by: UrlSigningAction.
Value | Description |
“UrlSigning” |
Used by: UrlSigningAction_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“UrlSigning” |
Defines the parameters for the Url Signing action.
Used by: UrlSigningAction.
Property | Description | Type |
algorithm | Algorithm to use for URL signing | UrlSigningActionParameters_Algorithm Optional |
parameterNameOverride | Defines which query string parameters in the url to be considered for expires, key id etc. | UrlSigningParamIdentifier[] Optional |
typeName | UrlSigningActionParameters_TypeName Required |
Defines the parameters for the Url Signing action.
Used by: UrlSigningAction_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
algorithm | Algorithm to use for URL signing | UrlSigningActionParameters_Algorithm_STATUS Optional |
parameterNameOverride | Defines which query string parameters in the url to be considered for expires, key id etc. | UrlSigningParamIdentifier_STATUS[] Optional |
typeName | UrlSigningActionParameters_TypeName_STATUS Optional |
Used by: UrlSigningKeyParameters.
Value | Description |
“UrlSigningKey” |
Used by: UrlSigningKeyParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“UrlSigningKey” |
Reference to another resource along with its state.
Used by: SecurityPolicyWebApplicationFirewallAssociation_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
Caching settings for a caching-type route. To disable caching, do not provide a cacheConfiguration object.
Used by: RouteConfigurationOverrideActionParameters.
Property | Description | Type |
cacheBehavior | Caching behavior for the requests | CacheConfiguration_CacheBehavior Optional |
cacheDuration | The duration for which the content needs to be cached. Allowed format is [d.]hh:mm:ss | string Optional |
isCompressionEnabled | Indicates whether content compression is enabled. If compression is enabled, content will be served as compressed if user requests for a compressed version. Content won’t be compressed on AzureFrontDoor when requested content is smaller than 1 byte or larger than 1 MB. | CacheConfiguration_IsCompressionEnabled Optional |
queryParameters | query parameters to include or exclude (comma separated). | string Optional |
queryStringCachingBehavior | Defines how Frontdoor caches requests that include query strings. You can ignore any query strings when caching, ignore specific query strings, cache every request with a unique URL, or cache specific query strings. | CacheConfiguration_QueryStringCachingBehavior Optional |
Caching settings for a caching-type route. To disable caching, do not provide a cacheConfiguration object.
Used by: RouteConfigurationOverrideActionParameters_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
cacheBehavior | Caching behavior for the requests | CacheConfiguration_CacheBehavior_STATUS Optional |
cacheDuration | The duration for which the content needs to be cached. Allowed format is [d.]hh:mm:ss | string Optional |
isCompressionEnabled | Indicates whether content compression is enabled. If compression is enabled, content will be served as compressed if user requests for a compressed version. Content won’t be compressed on AzureFrontDoor when requested content is smaller than 1 byte or larger than 1 MB. | CacheConfiguration_IsCompressionEnabled_STATUS Optional |
queryParameters | query parameters to include or exclude (comma separated). | string Optional |
queryStringCachingBehavior | Defines how Frontdoor caches requests that include query strings. You can ignore any query strings when caching, ignore specific query strings, cache every request with a unique URL, or cache specific query strings. | CacheConfiguration_QueryStringCachingBehavior_STATUS Optional |
Used by: CacheExpirationActionParameters.
Value | Description |
“BypassCache” | |
“Override” | |
“SetIfMissing” |
Used by: CacheExpirationActionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“BypassCache” | |
“Override” | |
“SetIfMissing” |
Used by: CacheExpirationActionParameters.
Value | Description |
“All” |
Used by: CacheExpirationActionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“All” |
Used by: CacheExpirationActionParameters.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleCacheExpirationActionParameters” |
Used by: CacheExpirationActionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleCacheExpirationActionParameters” |
Used by: CacheKeyQueryStringActionParameters.
Value | Description |
“Exclude” | |
“ExcludeAll” | |
“Include” | |
“IncludeAll” |
Used by: CacheKeyQueryStringActionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Exclude” | |
“ExcludeAll” | |
“Include” | |
“IncludeAll” |
Used by: CacheKeyQueryStringActionParameters.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleCacheKeyQueryStringBehaviorActionParameters” |
Used by: CacheKeyQueryStringActionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleCacheKeyQueryStringBehaviorActionParameters” |
Used by: ClientPortMatchConditionParameters.
Value | Description |
“Any” | |
“BeginsWith” | |
“Contains” | |
“EndsWith” | |
“Equal” | |
“GreaterThan” | |
“GreaterThanOrEqual” | |
“LessThan” | |
“LessThanOrEqual” | |
“RegEx” |
Used by: ClientPortMatchConditionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Any” | |
“BeginsWith” | |
“Contains” | |
“EndsWith” | |
“Equal” | |
“GreaterThan” | |
“GreaterThanOrEqual” | |
“LessThan” | |
“LessThanOrEqual” | |
“RegEx” |
Used by: ClientPortMatchConditionParameters.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleClientPortConditionParameters” |
Used by: ClientPortMatchConditionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleClientPortConditionParameters” |
Used by: CookiesMatchConditionParameters.
Value | Description |
“Any” | |
“BeginsWith” | |
“Contains” | |
“EndsWith” | |
“Equal” | |
“GreaterThan” | |
“GreaterThanOrEqual” | |
“LessThan” | |
“LessThanOrEqual” | |
“RegEx” |
Used by: CookiesMatchConditionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Any” | |
“BeginsWith” | |
“Contains” | |
“EndsWith” | |
“Equal” | |
“GreaterThan” | |
“GreaterThanOrEqual” | |
“LessThan” | |
“LessThanOrEqual” | |
“RegEx” |
Used by: CookiesMatchConditionParameters.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleCookiesConditionParameters” |
Used by: CookiesMatchConditionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleCookiesConditionParameters” |
Used by: HeaderActionParameters.
Value | Description |
“Append” | |
“Delete” | |
“Overwrite” |
Used by: HeaderActionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Append” | |
“Delete” | |
“Overwrite” |
Used by: HeaderActionParameters.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleHeaderActionParameters” |
Used by: HeaderActionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleHeaderActionParameters” |
Used by: HostNameMatchConditionParameters.
Value | Description |
“Any” | |
“BeginsWith” | |
“Contains” | |
“EndsWith” | |
“Equal” | |
“GreaterThan” | |
“GreaterThanOrEqual” | |
“LessThan” | |
“LessThanOrEqual” | |
“RegEx” |
Used by: HostNameMatchConditionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Any” | |
“BeginsWith” | |
“Contains” | |
“EndsWith” | |
“Equal” | |
“GreaterThan” | |
“GreaterThanOrEqual” | |
“LessThan” | |
“LessThanOrEqual” | |
“RegEx” |
Used by: HostNameMatchConditionParameters.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleHostNameConditionParameters” |
Used by: HostNameMatchConditionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleHostNameConditionParameters” |
Used by: HttpVersionMatchConditionParameters.
Value | Description |
“Equal” |
Used by: HttpVersionMatchConditionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Equal” |
Used by: HttpVersionMatchConditionParameters.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleHttpVersionConditionParameters” |
Used by: HttpVersionMatchConditionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleHttpVersionConditionParameters” |
Used by: IsDeviceMatchConditionParameters.
Value | Description |
“Desktop” | |
“Mobile” |
Used by: IsDeviceMatchConditionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Desktop” | |
“Mobile” |
Used by: IsDeviceMatchConditionParameters.
Value | Description |
“Equal” |
Used by: IsDeviceMatchConditionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Equal” |
Used by: IsDeviceMatchConditionParameters.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleIsDeviceConditionParameters” |
Used by: IsDeviceMatchConditionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleIsDeviceConditionParameters” |
Defines the parameters for the origin group override configuration.
Used by: RouteConfigurationOverrideActionParameters.
Property | Description | Type |
forwardingProtocol | Protocol this rule will use when forwarding traffic to backends. | OriginGroupOverride_ForwardingProtocol Optional |
originGroup | defines the OriginGroup that would override the DefaultOriginGroup on route. | ResourceReference Optional |
Defines the parameters for the origin group override configuration.
Used by: RouteConfigurationOverrideActionParameters_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
forwardingProtocol | Protocol this rule will use when forwarding traffic to backends. | OriginGroupOverride_ForwardingProtocol_STATUS Optional |
originGroup | defines the OriginGroup that would override the DefaultOriginGroup on route. | ResourceReference_STATUS Optional |
Used by: OriginGroupOverrideActionParameters.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleOriginGroupOverrideActionParameters” |
Used by: OriginGroupOverrideActionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleOriginGroupOverrideActionParameters” |
Used by: PostArgsMatchConditionParameters.
Value | Description |
“Any” | |
“BeginsWith” | |
“Contains” | |
“EndsWith” | |
“Equal” | |
“GreaterThan” | |
“GreaterThanOrEqual” | |
“LessThan” | |
“LessThanOrEqual” | |
“RegEx” |
Used by: PostArgsMatchConditionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Any” | |
“BeginsWith” | |
“Contains” | |
“EndsWith” | |
“Equal” | |
“GreaterThan” | |
“GreaterThanOrEqual” | |
“LessThan” | |
“LessThanOrEqual” | |
“RegEx” |
Used by: PostArgsMatchConditionParameters.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRulePostArgsConditionParameters” |
Used by: PostArgsMatchConditionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRulePostArgsConditionParameters” |
Used by: QueryStringMatchConditionParameters.
Value | Description |
“Any” | |
“BeginsWith” | |
“Contains” | |
“EndsWith” | |
“Equal” | |
“GreaterThan” | |
“GreaterThanOrEqual” | |
“LessThan” | |
“LessThanOrEqual” | |
“RegEx” |
Used by: QueryStringMatchConditionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Any” | |
“BeginsWith” | |
“Contains” | |
“EndsWith” | |
“Equal” | |
“GreaterThan” | |
“GreaterThanOrEqual” | |
“LessThan” | |
“LessThanOrEqual” | |
“RegEx” |
Used by: QueryStringMatchConditionParameters.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleQueryStringConditionParameters” |
Used by: QueryStringMatchConditionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleQueryStringConditionParameters” |
Used by: RemoteAddressMatchConditionParameters.
Value | Description |
“Any” | |
“GeoMatch” | |
“IPMatch” |
Used by: RemoteAddressMatchConditionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Any” | |
“GeoMatch” | |
“IPMatch” |
Used by: RemoteAddressMatchConditionParameters.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleRemoteAddressConditionParameters” |
Used by: RemoteAddressMatchConditionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleRemoteAddressConditionParameters” |
Used by: RequestBodyMatchConditionParameters.
Value | Description |
“Any” | |
“BeginsWith” | |
“Contains” | |
“EndsWith” | |
“Equal” | |
“GreaterThan” | |
“GreaterThanOrEqual” | |
“LessThan” | |
“LessThanOrEqual” | |
“RegEx” |
Used by: RequestBodyMatchConditionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Any” | |
“BeginsWith” | |
“Contains” | |
“EndsWith” | |
“Equal” | |
“GreaterThan” | |
“GreaterThanOrEqual” | |
“LessThan” | |
“LessThanOrEqual” | |
“RegEx” |
Used by: RequestBodyMatchConditionParameters.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleRequestBodyConditionParameters” |
Used by: RequestBodyMatchConditionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleRequestBodyConditionParameters” |
Used by: RequestHeaderMatchConditionParameters.
Value | Description |
“Any” | |
“BeginsWith” | |
“Contains” | |
“EndsWith” | |
“Equal” | |
“GreaterThan” | |
“GreaterThanOrEqual” | |
“LessThan” | |
“LessThanOrEqual” | |
“RegEx” |
Used by: RequestHeaderMatchConditionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Any” | |
“BeginsWith” | |
“Contains” | |
“EndsWith” | |
“Equal” | |
“GreaterThan” | |
“GreaterThanOrEqual” | |
“LessThan” | |
“LessThanOrEqual” | |
“RegEx” |
Used by: RequestHeaderMatchConditionParameters.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleRequestHeaderConditionParameters” |
Used by: RequestHeaderMatchConditionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleRequestHeaderConditionParameters” |
Used by: RequestMethodMatchConditionParameters.
Value | Description |
“DELETE” | |
“GET” | |
“HEAD” | |
“POST” | |
“PUT” | |
Used by: RequestMethodMatchConditionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“DELETE” | |
“GET” | |
“HEAD” | |
“POST” | |
“PUT” | |
Used by: RequestMethodMatchConditionParameters.
Value | Description |
“Equal” |
Used by: RequestMethodMatchConditionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Equal” |
Used by: RequestMethodMatchConditionParameters.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleRequestMethodConditionParameters” |
Used by: RequestMethodMatchConditionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleRequestMethodConditionParameters” |
Used by: RequestSchemeMatchConditionParameters.
Value | Description |
“HTTP” | |
Used by: RequestSchemeMatchConditionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“HTTP” | |
Used by: RequestSchemeMatchConditionParameters.
Value | Description |
“Equal” |
Used by: RequestSchemeMatchConditionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Equal” |
Used by: RequestSchemeMatchConditionParameters.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleRequestSchemeConditionParameters” |
Used by: RequestSchemeMatchConditionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleRequestSchemeConditionParameters” |
Used by: RequestUriMatchConditionParameters.
Value | Description |
“Any” | |
“BeginsWith” | |
“Contains” | |
“EndsWith” | |
“Equal” | |
“GreaterThan” | |
“GreaterThanOrEqual” | |
“LessThan” | |
“LessThanOrEqual” | |
“RegEx” |
Used by: RequestUriMatchConditionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Any” | |
“BeginsWith” | |
“Contains” | |
“EndsWith” | |
“Equal” | |
“GreaterThan” | |
“GreaterThanOrEqual” | |
“LessThan” | |
“LessThanOrEqual” | |
“RegEx” |
Used by: RequestUriMatchConditionParameters.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleRequestUriConditionParameters” |
Used by: RequestUriMatchConditionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleRequestUriConditionParameters” |
Used by: RouteConfigurationOverrideActionParameters.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleRouteConfigurationOverrideActionParameters” |
Used by: RouteConfigurationOverrideActionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleRouteConfigurationOverrideActionParameters” |
Used by: ServerPortMatchConditionParameters.
Value | Description |
“Any” | |
“BeginsWith” | |
“Contains” | |
“EndsWith” | |
“Equal” | |
“GreaterThan” | |
“GreaterThanOrEqual” | |
“LessThan” | |
“LessThanOrEqual” | |
“RegEx” |
Used by: ServerPortMatchConditionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Any” | |
“BeginsWith” | |
“Contains” | |
“EndsWith” | |
“Equal” | |
“GreaterThan” | |
“GreaterThanOrEqual” | |
“LessThan” | |
“LessThanOrEqual” | |
“RegEx” |
Used by: ServerPortMatchConditionParameters.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleServerPortConditionParameters” |
Used by: ServerPortMatchConditionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleServerPortConditionParameters” |
Used by: SocketAddrMatchConditionParameters.
Value | Description |
“Any” | |
“IPMatch” |
Used by: SocketAddrMatchConditionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Any” | |
“IPMatch” |
Used by: SocketAddrMatchConditionParameters.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleSocketAddrConditionParameters” |
Used by: SocketAddrMatchConditionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleSocketAddrConditionParameters” |
The protocol of an established TLS connection.
Used by: SslProtocolMatchConditionParameters.
Value | Description |
“TLSv1” | |
“TLSv1.1” | |
“TLSv1.2” |
The protocol of an established TLS connection.
Used by: SslProtocolMatchConditionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“TLSv1” | |
“TLSv1.1” | |
“TLSv1.2” |
Used by: SslProtocolMatchConditionParameters.
Value | Description |
“Equal” |
Used by: SslProtocolMatchConditionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Equal” |
Used by: SslProtocolMatchConditionParameters.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleSslProtocolConditionParameters” |
Used by: SslProtocolMatchConditionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleSslProtocolConditionParameters” |
Describes what transforms are applied before matching
Used by: ClientPortMatchConditionParameters, CookiesMatchConditionParameters, HostNameMatchConditionParameters, HttpVersionMatchConditionParameters, IsDeviceMatchConditionParameters, PostArgsMatchConditionParameters, QueryStringMatchConditionParameters, RemoteAddressMatchConditionParameters, RequestBodyMatchConditionParameters, RequestHeaderMatchConditionParameters, RequestMethodMatchConditionParameters, RequestSchemeMatchConditionParameters, RequestUriMatchConditionParameters, ServerPortMatchConditionParameters, SocketAddrMatchConditionParameters, SslProtocolMatchConditionParameters, UrlFileExtensionMatchConditionParameters, UrlFileNameMatchConditionParameters, and UrlPathMatchConditionParameters.
Value | Description |
“Lowercase” | |
“RemoveNulls” | |
“Trim” | |
“Uppercase” | |
“UrlDecode” | |
“UrlEncode” |
Describes what transforms are applied before matching
Used by: ClientPortMatchConditionParameters_STATUS, CookiesMatchConditionParameters_STATUS, HostNameMatchConditionParameters_STATUS, HttpVersionMatchConditionParameters_STATUS, IsDeviceMatchConditionParameters_STATUS, PostArgsMatchConditionParameters_STATUS, QueryStringMatchConditionParameters_STATUS, RemoteAddressMatchConditionParameters_STATUS, RequestBodyMatchConditionParameters_STATUS, RequestHeaderMatchConditionParameters_STATUS, RequestMethodMatchConditionParameters_STATUS, RequestSchemeMatchConditionParameters_STATUS, RequestUriMatchConditionParameters_STATUS, ServerPortMatchConditionParameters_STATUS, SocketAddrMatchConditionParameters_STATUS, SslProtocolMatchConditionParameters_STATUS, UrlFileExtensionMatchConditionParameters_STATUS, UrlFileNameMatchConditionParameters_STATUS, and UrlPathMatchConditionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Lowercase” | |
“RemoveNulls” | |
“Trim” | |
“Uppercase” | |
“UrlDecode” | |
“UrlEncode” |
Used by: UrlFileExtensionMatchConditionParameters.
Value | Description |
“Any” | |
“BeginsWith” | |
“Contains” | |
“EndsWith” | |
“Equal” | |
“GreaterThan” | |
“GreaterThanOrEqual” | |
“LessThan” | |
“LessThanOrEqual” | |
“RegEx” |
Used by: UrlFileExtensionMatchConditionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Any” | |
“BeginsWith” | |
“Contains” | |
“EndsWith” | |
“Equal” | |
“GreaterThan” | |
“GreaterThanOrEqual” | |
“LessThan” | |
“LessThanOrEqual” | |
“RegEx” |
Used by: UrlFileExtensionMatchConditionParameters.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleUrlFileExtensionMatchConditionParameters” |
Used by: UrlFileExtensionMatchConditionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleUrlFileExtensionMatchConditionParameters” |
Used by: UrlFileNameMatchConditionParameters.
Value | Description |
“Any” | |
“BeginsWith” | |
“Contains” | |
“EndsWith” | |
“Equal” | |
“GreaterThan” | |
“GreaterThanOrEqual” | |
“LessThan” | |
“LessThanOrEqual” | |
“RegEx” |
Used by: UrlFileNameMatchConditionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Any” | |
“BeginsWith” | |
“Contains” | |
“EndsWith” | |
“Equal” | |
“GreaterThan” | |
“GreaterThanOrEqual” | |
“LessThan” | |
“LessThanOrEqual” | |
“RegEx” |
Used by: UrlFileNameMatchConditionParameters.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleUrlFilenameConditionParameters” |
Used by: UrlFileNameMatchConditionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleUrlFilenameConditionParameters” |
Used by: UrlPathMatchConditionParameters.
Value | Description |
“Any” | |
“BeginsWith” | |
“Contains” | |
“EndsWith” | |
“Equal” | |
“GreaterThan” | |
“GreaterThanOrEqual” | |
“LessThan” | |
“LessThanOrEqual” | |
“RegEx” | |
“Wildcard” |
Used by: UrlPathMatchConditionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Any” | |
“BeginsWith” | |
“Contains” | |
“EndsWith” | |
“Equal” | |
“GreaterThan” | |
“GreaterThanOrEqual” | |
“LessThan” | |
“LessThanOrEqual” | |
“RegEx” | |
“Wildcard” |
Used by: UrlPathMatchConditionParameters.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleUrlPathMatchConditionParameters” |
Used by: UrlPathMatchConditionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleUrlPathMatchConditionParameters” |
Used by: UrlRedirectActionParameters.
Value | Description |
“Http” | |
“Https” | |
“MatchRequest” |
Used by: UrlRedirectActionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Http” | |
“Https” | |
“MatchRequest” |
Used by: UrlRedirectActionParameters.
Value | Description |
“Found” | |
“Moved” | |
“PermanentRedirect” | |
“TemporaryRedirect” |
Used by: UrlRedirectActionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Found” | |
“Moved” | |
“PermanentRedirect” | |
“TemporaryRedirect” |
Used by: UrlRedirectActionParameters.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleUrlRedirectActionParameters” |
Used by: UrlRedirectActionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleUrlRedirectActionParameters” |
Used by: UrlRewriteActionParameters.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleUrlRewriteActionParameters” |
Used by: UrlRewriteActionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleUrlRewriteActionParameters” |
Used by: UrlSigningActionParameters.
Value | Description |
“SHA256” |
Used by: UrlSigningActionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“SHA256” |
Used by: UrlSigningActionParameters.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleUrlSigningActionParameters” |
Used by: UrlSigningActionParameters_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“DeliveryRuleUrlSigningActionParameters” |
Defines how to identify a parameter for a specific purpose e.g. expires
Used by: UrlSigningActionParameters.
Property | Description | Type |
paramIndicator | Indicates the purpose of the parameter | UrlSigningParamIdentifier_ParamIndicator Required |
paramName | Parameter name | string Required |
Defines how to identify a parameter for a specific purpose e.g. expires
Used by: UrlSigningActionParameters_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
paramIndicator | Indicates the purpose of the parameter | UrlSigningParamIdentifier_ParamIndicator_STATUS Optional |
paramName | Parameter name | string Optional |
Used by: CacheConfiguration.
Value | Description |
“HonorOrigin” | |
“OverrideAlways” | |
“OverrideIfOriginMissing” |
Used by: CacheConfiguration_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“HonorOrigin” | |
“OverrideAlways” | |
“OverrideIfOriginMissing” |
Used by: CacheConfiguration.
Value | Description |
“Disabled” | |
“Enabled” |
Used by: CacheConfiguration_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Disabled” | |
“Enabled” |
Used by: CacheConfiguration.
Value | Description |
“IgnoreQueryString” | |
“IgnoreSpecifiedQueryStrings” | |
“IncludeSpecifiedQueryStrings” | |
“UseQueryString” |
Used by: CacheConfiguration_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“IgnoreQueryString” | |
“IgnoreSpecifiedQueryStrings” | |
“IncludeSpecifiedQueryStrings” | |
“UseQueryString” |
Used by: OriginGroupOverride.
Value | Description |
“HttpOnly” | |
“HttpsOnly” | |
“MatchRequest” |
Used by: OriginGroupOverride_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“HttpOnly” | |
“HttpsOnly” | |
“MatchRequest” |
Used by: UrlSigningParamIdentifier.
Value | Description |
“Expires” | |
“KeyId” | |
“Signature” |
Used by: UrlSigningParamIdentifier_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Expires” | |
“KeyId” | |
“Signature” |