Generator information: - Generated from: /apimanagement/resource-manager/Microsoft.ApiManagement/stable/2022-08-01/apimapis.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/{serviceName}/apis/{apiId}
Used by: ApiList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | Api_Spec Optional |
status | Api_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
apiRevision | Describes the revision of the API. If no value is provided, default revision 1 is created | string Optional |
apiRevisionDescription | Description of the API Revision. | string Optional |
apiType | Type of API to create. * http creates a REST API * soap creates a SOAP pass-through API * websocket creates websocket API * graphql creates GraphQL API. |
ApiCreateOrUpdateProperties_ApiType Optional |
apiVersion | Indicates the version identifier of the API if the API is versioned | string Optional |
apiVersionDescription | Description of the API Version. | string Optional |
apiVersionSet | Version set details | ApiVersionSetContractDetails Optional |
apiVersionSetReference | A resource identifier for the related ApiVersionSet. | genruntime.ResourceReference Optional |
authenticationSettings | Collection of authentication settings included into this API. | AuthenticationSettingsContract Optional |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
contact | Contact information for the API. | ApiContactInformation Optional |
description | Description of the API. May include HTML formatting tags. | string Optional |
displayName | API name. Must be 1 to 300 characters long. | string Optional |
format | Format of the Content in which the API is getting imported. | ApiCreateOrUpdateProperties_Format Optional |
isCurrent | Indicates if API revision is current api revision. | bool Optional |
license | License information for the API. | ApiLicenseInformation Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ApiOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a apimanagement.azure.com/Service resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
path | Relative URL uniquely identifying this API and all of its resource paths within the API Management service instance. It is appended to the API endpoint base URL specified during the service instance creation to form a public URL for this API. | string Required |
protocols | Describes on which protocols the operations in this API can be invoked. | ApiCreateOrUpdateProperties_Protocols[] Optional |
serviceUrl | Absolute URL of the backend service implementing this API. Cannot be more than 2000 characters long. | string Optional |
sourceApiReference | API identifier of the source API. | genruntime.ResourceReference Optional |
subscriptionKeyParameterNames | Protocols over which API is made available. | SubscriptionKeyParameterNamesContract Optional |
subscriptionRequired | Specifies whether an API or Product subscription is required for accessing the API. | bool Optional |
termsOfServiceUrl | A URL to the Terms of Service for the API. MUST be in the format of a URL. | string Optional |
translateRequiredQueryParameters | Strategy of translating required query parameters to template ones. By default has value ’template’. Possible values: ’template’, ‘query’ | ApiCreateOrUpdateProperties_TranslateRequiredQueryParameters Optional |
type | Type of API. | ApiCreateOrUpdateProperties_Type Optional |
value | Content value when Importing an API. | string Optional |
wsdlSelector | Criteria to limit import of WSDL to a subset of the document. | ApiCreateOrUpdateProperties_WsdlSelector Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
apiRevision | Describes the revision of the API. If no value is provided, default revision 1 is created | string Optional |
apiRevisionDescription | Description of the API Revision. | string Optional |
apiVersion | Indicates the version identifier of the API if the API is versioned | string Optional |
apiVersionDescription | Description of the API Version. | string Optional |
apiVersionSet | Version set details | ApiVersionSetContractDetails_STATUS Optional |
apiVersionSetId | A resource identifier for the related ApiVersionSet. | string Optional |
authenticationSettings | Collection of authentication settings included into this API. | AuthenticationSettingsContract_STATUS Optional |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
contact | Contact information for the API. | ApiContactInformation_STATUS Optional |
description | Description of the API. May include HTML formatting tags. | string Optional |
displayName | API name. Must be 1 to 300 characters long. | string Optional |
id | Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName} | string Optional |
isCurrent | Indicates if API revision is current api revision. | bool Optional |
isOnline | Indicates if API revision is accessible via the gateway. | bool Optional |
license | License information for the API. | ApiLicenseInformation_STATUS Optional |
name | The name of the resource | string Optional |
path | Relative URL uniquely identifying this API and all of its resource paths within the API Management service instance. It is appended to the API endpoint base URL specified during the service instance creation to form a public URL for this API. | string Optional |
properties_type | Type of API. | ApiContractProperties_Type_STATUS Optional |
protocols | Describes on which protocols the operations in this API can be invoked. | ApiContractProperties_Protocols_STATUS[] Optional |
serviceUrl | Absolute URL of the backend service implementing this API. Cannot be more than 2000 characters long. | string Optional |
sourceApiId | API identifier of the source API. | string Optional |
subscriptionKeyParameterNames | Protocols over which API is made available. | SubscriptionKeyParameterNamesContract_STATUS Optional |
subscriptionRequired | Specifies whether an API or Product subscription is required for accessing the API. | bool Optional |
termsOfServiceUrl | A URL to the Terms of Service for the API. MUST be in the format of a URL. | string Optional |
type | The type of the resource. E.g. “Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines” or “Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts” | string Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /apimanagement/resource-manager/Microsoft.ApiManagement/stable/2022-08-01/apimapis.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/{serviceName}/apis/{apiId}
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | Api[] Optional |
Value | Description |
“2022-08-01” |
Generator information: - Generated from: /apimanagement/resource-manager/Microsoft.ApiManagement/stable/2022-08-01/apimapiversionsets.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/{serviceName}/apiVersionSets/{versionSetId}
Used by: ApiVersionSetList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | ApiVersionSet_Spec Optional |
status | ApiVersionSet_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
description | Description of API Version Set. | string Optional |
displayName | Name of API Version Set | string Required |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ApiVersionSetOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a apimanagement.azure.com/Service resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
versionHeaderName | Name of HTTP header parameter that indicates the API Version if versioningScheme is set to header . |
string Optional |
versioningScheme | An value that determines where the API Version identifier will be located in a HTTP request. | ApiVersionSetContractProperties_VersioningScheme Required |
versionQueryName | Name of query parameter that indicates the API Version if versioningScheme is set to query . |
string Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
description | Description of API Version Set. | string Optional |
displayName | Name of API Version Set | string Optional |
id | Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName} | string Optional |
name | The name of the resource | string Optional |
type | The type of the resource. E.g. “Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines” or “Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts” | string Optional |
versionHeaderName | Name of HTTP header parameter that indicates the API Version if versioningScheme is set to header . |
string Optional |
versioningScheme | An value that determines where the API Version identifier will be located in a HTTP request. | ApiVersionSetContractProperties_VersioningScheme_STATUS Optional |
versionQueryName | Name of query parameter that indicates the API Version if versioningScheme is set to query . |
string Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /apimanagement/resource-manager/Microsoft.ApiManagement/stable/2022-08-01/apimapiversionsets.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/{serviceName}/apiVersionSets/{versionSetId}
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | ApiVersionSet[] Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /apimanagement/resource-manager/Microsoft.ApiManagement/stable/2022-08-01/apimauthorizationproviders.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/{serviceName}/authorizationProviders/{authorizationProviderId}
Used by: AuthorizationProviderList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | AuthorizationProvider_Spec Optional |
status | AuthorizationProvider_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
displayName | Authorization Provider name. Must be 1 to 300 characters long. | string Optional |
identityProvider | Identity provider name. Must be 1 to 300 characters long. | string Optional |
oauth2 | OAuth2 settings | AuthorizationProviderOAuth2Settings Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | AuthorizationProviderOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a apimanagement.azure.com/Service resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
displayName | Authorization Provider name. Must be 1 to 300 characters long. | string Optional |
id | Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName} | string Optional |
identityProvider | Identity provider name. Must be 1 to 300 characters long. | string Optional |
name | The name of the resource | string Optional |
oauth2 | OAuth2 settings | AuthorizationProviderOAuth2Settings_STATUS Optional |
type | The type of the resource. E.g. “Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines” or “Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts” | string Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /apimanagement/resource-manager/Microsoft.ApiManagement/stable/2022-08-01/apimauthorizationproviders.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/{serviceName}/authorizationProviders/{authorizationProviderId}
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | AuthorizationProvider[] Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /apimanagement/resource-manager/Microsoft.ApiManagement/stable/2022-08-01/apimauthorizationproviders.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/{serviceName}/authorizationProviders/{authorizationProviderId}/authorizations/{authorizationId}
Used by: AuthorizationProvidersAuthorizationList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | AuthorizationProvidersAuthorization_Spec Optional |
status | AuthorizationProvidersAuthorization_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
authorizationType | Authorization type options | AuthorizationContractProperties_AuthorizationType Optional |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
oauth2grantType | OAuth2 grant type options | AuthorizationContractProperties_Oauth2GrantType Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | AuthorizationProvidersAuthorizationOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a apimanagement.azure.com/AuthorizationProvider resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
parameters | Authorization parameters | genruntime.SecretMapReference Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
authorizationType | Authorization type options | AuthorizationContractProperties_AuthorizationType_STATUS Optional |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
error | Authorization error details. | AuthorizationError_STATUS Optional |
id | Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName} | string Optional |
name | The name of the resource | string Optional |
oauth2grantType | OAuth2 grant type options | AuthorizationContractProperties_Oauth2GrantType_STATUS Optional |
parameters | Authorization parameters | map[string]string Optional |
status | Status of the Authorization | string Optional |
type | The type of the resource. E.g. “Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines” or “Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts” | string Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /apimanagement/resource-manager/Microsoft.ApiManagement/stable/2022-08-01/apimauthorizationproviders.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/{serviceName}/authorizationProviders/{authorizationProviderId}/authorizations/{authorizationId}
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | AuthorizationProvidersAuthorization[] Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /apimanagement/resource-manager/Microsoft.ApiManagement/stable/2022-08-01/apimauthorizationproviders.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/{serviceName}/authorizationProviders/{authorizationProviderId}/authorizations/{authorizationId}/accessPolicies/{authorizationAccessPolicyId}
Used by: AuthorizationProvidersAuthorizationsAccessPolicyList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | AuthorizationProvidersAuthorizationsAccessPolicy_Spec Optional |
status | AuthorizationProvidersAuthorizationsAccessPolicy_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
objectId | The Object Id | string Optional |
objectIdFromConfig | The Object Id | genruntime.ConfigMapReference Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | AuthorizationProvidersAuthorizationsAccessPolicyOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a apimanagement.azure.com/AuthorizationProvidersAuthorization resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
tenantId | The Tenant Id | string Optional |
tenantIdFromConfig | The Tenant Id | genruntime.ConfigMapReference Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
id | Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName} | string Optional |
name | The name of the resource | string Optional |
objectId | The Object Id | string Optional |
tenantId | The Tenant Id | string Optional |
type | The type of the resource. E.g. “Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines” or “Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts” | string Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /apimanagement/resource-manager/Microsoft.ApiManagement/stable/2022-08-01/apimauthorizationproviders.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/{serviceName}/authorizationProviders/{authorizationProviderId}/authorizations/{authorizationId}/accessPolicies/{authorizationAccessPolicyId}
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | AuthorizationProvidersAuthorizationsAccessPolicy[] Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /apimanagement/resource-manager/Microsoft.ApiManagement/stable/2022-08-01/apimbackends.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/{serviceName}/backends/{backendId}
Used by: BackendList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | Backend_Spec Optional |
status | Backend_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
credentials | Backend Credentials Contract Properties | BackendCredentialsContract Optional |
description | Backend Description. | string Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | BackendOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a apimanagement.azure.com/Service resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
properties | Backend Properties contract | BackendProperties Optional |
protocol | Backend communication protocol. | BackendContractProperties_Protocol Required |
proxy | Backend gateway Contract Properties | BackendProxyContract Optional |
resourceReference | Management Uri of the Resource in External System. This URL can be the Arm Resource Id of Logic Apps, Function Apps or API Apps. | genruntime.ResourceReference Optional |
title | Backend Title. | string Optional |
tls | Backend TLS Properties | BackendTlsProperties Optional |
url | Runtime Url of the Backend. | string Required |
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
credentials | Backend Credentials Contract Properties | BackendCredentialsContract_STATUS Optional |
description | Backend Description. | string Optional |
id | Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName} | string Optional |
name | The name of the resource | string Optional |
properties | Backend Properties contract | BackendProperties_STATUS Optional |
protocol | Backend communication protocol. | BackendContractProperties_Protocol_STATUS Optional |
proxy | Backend gateway Contract Properties | BackendProxyContract_STATUS Optional |
resourceId | Management Uri of the Resource in External System. This URL can be the Arm Resource Id of Logic Apps, Function Apps or API Apps. | string Optional |
title | Backend Title. | string Optional |
tls | Backend TLS Properties | BackendTlsProperties_STATUS Optional |
type | The type of the resource. E.g. “Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines” or “Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts” | string Optional |
url | Runtime Url of the Backend. | string Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /apimanagement/resource-manager/Microsoft.ApiManagement/stable/2022-08-01/apimbackends.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/{serviceName}/backends/{backendId}
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | Backend[] Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /apimanagement/resource-manager/Microsoft.ApiManagement/stable/2022-08-01/apimnamedvalues.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/{serviceName}/namedValues/{namedValueId}
Used by: NamedValueList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | NamedValue_Spec Optional |
status | NamedValue_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
displayName | Unique name of NamedValue. It may contain only letters, digits, period, dash, and underscore characters. | string Required |
keyVault | KeyVault location details of the namedValue. | KeyVaultContractCreateProperties Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | NamedValueOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a apimanagement.azure.com/Service resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
secret | Determines whether the value is a secret and should be encrypted or not. Default value is false. | bool Optional |
tags | Optional tags that when provided can be used to filter the NamedValue list. | string[] Optional |
value | Value of the NamedValue. Can contain policy expressions. It may not be empty or consist only of whitespace. This property will not be filled on ‘GET’ operations! Use ‘/listSecrets’ POST request to get the value. | string Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
displayName | Unique name of NamedValue. It may contain only letters, digits, period, dash, and underscore characters. | string Optional |
id | Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName} | string Optional |
keyVault | KeyVault location details of the namedValue. | KeyVaultContractProperties_STATUS Optional |
name | The name of the resource | string Optional |
secret | Determines whether the value is a secret and should be encrypted or not. Default value is false. | bool Optional |
tags | Optional tags that when provided can be used to filter the NamedValue list. | string[] Optional |
type | The type of the resource. E.g. “Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines” or “Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts” | string Optional |
value | Value of the NamedValue. Can contain policy expressions. It may not be empty or consist only of whitespace. This property will not be filled on ‘GET’ operations! Use ‘/listSecrets’ POST request to get the value. | string Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /apimanagement/resource-manager/Microsoft.ApiManagement/stable/2022-08-01/apimnamedvalues.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/{serviceName}/namedValues/{namedValueId}
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | NamedValue[] Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /apimanagement/resource-manager/Microsoft.ApiManagement/stable/2022-08-01/apimpolicies.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/{serviceName}/policies/{policyId}
Used by: PolicyList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | Policy_Spec Optional |
status | Policy_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
format | Format of the policyContent. | PolicyContractProperties_Format Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | PolicyOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a apimanagement.azure.com/Service resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
value | Contents of the Policy as defined by the format. | string Required |
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
format | Format of the policyContent. | PolicyContractProperties_Format_STATUS Optional |
id | Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName} | string Optional |
name | The name of the resource | string Optional |
type | The type of the resource. E.g. “Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines” or “Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts” | string Optional |
value | Contents of the Policy as defined by the format. | string Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /apimanagement/resource-manager/Microsoft.ApiManagement/stable/2022-08-01/apimpolicyfragments.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/{serviceName}/policyFragments/{id}
Used by: PolicyFragmentList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | PolicyFragment_Spec Optional |
status | PolicyFragment_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
description | Policy fragment description. | string Optional |
format | Format of the policy fragment content. | PolicyFragmentContractProperties_Format Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | PolicyFragmentOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a apimanagement.azure.com/Service resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
value | Contents of the policy fragment. | string Required |
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
description | Policy fragment description. | string Optional |
format | Format of the policy fragment content. | PolicyFragmentContractProperties_Format_STATUS Optional |
id | Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName} | string Optional |
name | The name of the resource | string Optional |
type | The type of the resource. E.g. “Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines” or “Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts” | string Optional |
value | Contents of the policy fragment. | string Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /apimanagement/resource-manager/Microsoft.ApiManagement/stable/2022-08-01/apimpolicyfragments.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/{serviceName}/policyFragments/{id}
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | PolicyFragment[] Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /apimanagement/resource-manager/Microsoft.ApiManagement/stable/2022-08-01/apimpolicies.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/{serviceName}/policies/{policyId}
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | Policy[] Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /apimanagement/resource-manager/Microsoft.ApiManagement/stable/2022-08-01/apimproducts.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/{serviceName}/products/{productId}
Used by: ProductList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | Product_Spec Optional |
status | Product_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
approvalRequired | whether subscription approval is required. If false, new subscriptions will be approved automatically enabling developers to call the product’s APIs immediately after subscribing. If true, administrators must manually approve the subscription before the developer can any of the product’s APIs. Can be present only if subscriptionRequired property is present and has a value of false. | bool Optional |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
description | Product description. May include HTML formatting tags. | string Optional |
displayName | Product name. | string Required |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ProductOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a apimanagement.azure.com/Service resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
state | whether product is published or not. Published products are discoverable by users of developer portal. Non published products are visible only to administrators. Default state of Product is notPublished. | ProductContractProperties_State Optional |
subscriptionRequired | Whether a product subscription is required for accessing APIs included in this product. If true, the product is referred to as “protected” and a valid subscription key is required for a request to an API included in the product to succeed. If false, the product is referred to as “open” and requests to an API included in the product can be made without a subscription key. If property is omitted when creating a new product it’s value is assumed to be true. | bool Optional |
subscriptionsLimit | Whether the number of subscriptions a user can have to this product at the same time. Set to null or omit to allow unlimited per user subscriptions. Can be present only if subscriptionRequired property is present and has a value of false. | int Optional |
terms | Product terms of use. Developers trying to subscribe to the product will be presented and required to accept these terms before they can complete the subscription process. | string Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
approvalRequired | whether subscription approval is required. If false, new subscriptions will be approved automatically enabling developers to call the product’s APIs immediately after subscribing. If true, administrators must manually approve the subscription before the developer can any of the product’s APIs. Can be present only if subscriptionRequired property is present and has a value of false. | bool Optional |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
description | Product description. May include HTML formatting tags. | string Optional |
displayName | Product name. | string Optional |
id | Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName} | string Optional |
name | The name of the resource | string Optional |
state | whether product is published or not. Published products are discoverable by users of developer portal. Non published products are visible only to administrators. Default state of Product is notPublished. | ProductContractProperties_State_STATUS Optional |
subscriptionRequired | Whether a product subscription is required for accessing APIs included in this product. If true, the product is referred to as “protected” and a valid subscription key is required for a request to an API included in the product to succeed. If false, the product is referred to as “open” and requests to an API included in the product can be made without a subscription key. If property is omitted when creating a new product it’s value is assumed to be true. | bool Optional |
subscriptionsLimit | Whether the number of subscriptions a user can have to this product at the same time. Set to null or omit to allow unlimited per user subscriptions. Can be present only if subscriptionRequired property is present and has a value of false. | int Optional |
terms | Product terms of use. Developers trying to subscribe to the product will be presented and required to accept these terms before they can complete the subscription process. | string Optional |
type | The type of the resource. E.g. “Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines” or “Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts” | string Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /apimanagement/resource-manager/Microsoft.ApiManagement/stable/2022-08-01/apimproducts.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/{serviceName}/products/{productId}/apis/{apiId}
Used by: ProductApiList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | ProductApi_Spec Optional |
status | ProductApi_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ProductApiOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a apimanagement.azure.com/Product resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /apimanagement/resource-manager/Microsoft.ApiManagement/stable/2022-08-01/apimproducts.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/{serviceName}/products/{productId}/apis/{apiId}
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | ProductApi[] Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /apimanagement/resource-manager/Microsoft.ApiManagement/stable/2022-08-01/apimproducts.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/{serviceName}/products/{productId}
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | Product[] Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /apimanagement/resource-manager/Microsoft.ApiManagement/stable/2022-08-01/apimproducts.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/{serviceName}/products/{productId}/policies/{policyId}
Used by: ProductPolicyList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | ProductPolicy_Spec Optional |
status | ProductPolicy_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
format | Format of the policyContent. | PolicyContractProperties_Format Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ProductPolicyOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a apimanagement.azure.com/Product resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
value | Contents of the Policy as defined by the format. | string Required |
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
format | Format of the policyContent. | PolicyContractProperties_Format_STATUS Optional |
id | Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName} | string Optional |
name | The name of the resource | string Optional |
type | The type of the resource. E.g. “Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines” or “Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts” | string Optional |
value | Contents of the Policy as defined by the format. | string Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /apimanagement/resource-manager/Microsoft.ApiManagement/stable/2022-08-01/apimproducts.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/{serviceName}/products/{productId}/policies/{policyId}
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | ProductPolicy[] Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /apimanagement/resource-manager/Microsoft.ApiManagement/stable/2022-08-01/apimdeployment.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/{serviceName}
Used by: ServiceList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | Service_Spec Optional |
status | Service_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
additionalLocations | Additional datacenter locations of the API Management service. | AdditionalLocation[] Optional |
apiVersionConstraint | Control Plane Apis version constraint for the API Management service. | ApiVersionConstraint Optional |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
certificates | List of Certificates that need to be installed in the API Management service. Max supported certificates that can be installed is 10. | CertificateConfiguration[] Optional |
customProperties | Custom properties of the API Management service.Setting Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Ciphers.TripleDes168 will disable the cipher TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA for all TLS(1.0, 1.1 and 1.2).Setting Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Protocols.Tls11 can be used to disable just TLS 1.1.Setting Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Protocols.Tls10 can be used to disable TLS 1.0 on an API Management service.Setting Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Backend.Protocols.Tls11 can be used to disable just TLS 1.1 for communications with backends.Setting Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Backend.Protocols.Tls10 can be used to disable TLS 1.0 for communications with backends.Setting Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Protocols.Server.Http2 can be used to enable HTTP2 protocol on an API Management service.Not specifying any of these properties on PATCH operation will reset omitted properties’ values to their defaults. For all the settings except Http2 the default value is True if the service was created on or before April 1, 2018 and False otherwise. Http2 setting’s default value is False .You can disable any of the following ciphers by using settings Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Ciphers.[cipher_name] : TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256, TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256, TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA. For example, Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Ciphers.TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 :false . The default value is true for them. Note: The following ciphers can’t be disabled since they are required by internal platform components: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384,TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 |
map[string]string Optional |
disableGateway | Property only valid for an Api Management service deployed in multiple locations. This can be used to disable the gateway in master region. | bool Optional |
enableClientCertificate | Property only meant to be used for Consumption SKU Service. This enforces a client certificate to be presented on each request to the gateway. This also enables the ability to authenticate the certificate in the policy on the gateway. | bool Optional |
hostnameConfigurations | Custom hostname configuration of the API Management service. | HostnameConfiguration[] Optional |
identity | Managed service identity of the Api Management service. | ApiManagementServiceIdentity Optional |
location | Resource location. | string Required |
natGatewayState | Property can be used to enable NAT Gateway for this API Management service. | ApiManagementServiceProperties_NatGatewayState Optional |
notificationSenderEmail | Email address from which the notification will be sent. | string Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ServiceOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a resources.azure.com/ResourceGroup resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
publicIpAddressReference | Public Standard SKU IP V4 based IP address to be associated with Virtual Network deployed service in the region. Supported only for Developer and Premium SKU being deployed in Virtual Network. | genruntime.ResourceReference Optional |
publicNetworkAccess | Whether or not public endpoint access is allowed for this API Management service. Value is optional but if passed in, must be ‘Enabled’ or ‘Disabled’. If ‘Disabled’, private endpoints are the exclusive access method. Default value is ‘Enabled’ | ApiManagementServiceProperties_PublicNetworkAccess Optional |
publisherEmail | Publisher email. | string Required |
publisherName | Publisher name. | string Required |
restore | Undelete Api Management Service if it was previously soft-deleted. If this flag is specified and set to True all other properties will be ignored. | bool Optional |
sku | SKU properties of the API Management service. | ApiManagementServiceSkuProperties Required |
tags | Resource tags. | map[string]string Optional |
virtualNetworkConfiguration | Virtual network configuration of the API Management service. | VirtualNetworkConfiguration Optional |
virtualNetworkType | The type of VPN in which API Management service needs to be configured in. None (Default Value) means the API Management service is not part of any Virtual Network, External means the API Management deployment is set up inside a Virtual Network having an Internet Facing Endpoint, and Internal means that API Management deployment is setup inside a Virtual Network having an Intranet Facing Endpoint only. | ApiManagementServiceProperties_VirtualNetworkType Optional |
zones | A list of availability zones denoting where the resource needs to come from. | string[] Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
additionalLocations | Additional datacenter locations of the API Management service. | AdditionalLocation_STATUS[] Optional |
apiVersionConstraint | Control Plane Apis version constraint for the API Management service. | ApiVersionConstraint_STATUS Optional |
certificates | List of Certificates that need to be installed in the API Management service. Max supported certificates that can be installed is 10. | CertificateConfiguration_STATUS[] Optional |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
createdAtUtc | Creation UTC date of the API Management service.The date conforms to the following format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ as specified by the ISO 8601 standard. |
string Optional |
customProperties | Custom properties of the API Management service.Setting Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Ciphers.TripleDes168 will disable the cipher TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA for all TLS(1.0, 1.1 and 1.2).Setting Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Protocols.Tls11 can be used to disable just TLS 1.1.Setting Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Protocols.Tls10 can be used to disable TLS 1.0 on an API Management service.Setting Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Backend.Protocols.Tls11 can be used to disable just TLS 1.1 for communications with backends.Setting Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Backend.Protocols.Tls10 can be used to disable TLS 1.0 for communications with backends.Setting Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Protocols.Server.Http2 can be used to enable HTTP2 protocol on an API Management service.Not specifying any of these properties on PATCH operation will reset omitted properties’ values to their defaults. For all the settings except Http2 the default value is True if the service was created on or before April 1, 2018 and False otherwise. Http2 setting’s default value is False .You can disable any of the following ciphers by using settings Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Ciphers.[cipher_name] : TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256, TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256, TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA. For example, Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Ciphers.TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 :false . The default value is true for them. Note: The following ciphers can’t be disabled since they are required by internal platform components: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384,TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 |
map[string]string Optional |
developerPortalUrl | DEveloper Portal endpoint URL of the API Management service. | string Optional |
disableGateway | Property only valid for an Api Management service deployed in multiple locations. This can be used to disable the gateway in master region. | bool Optional |
enableClientCertificate | Property only meant to be used for Consumption SKU Service. This enforces a client certificate to be presented on each request to the gateway. This also enables the ability to authenticate the certificate in the policy on the gateway. | bool Optional |
etag | ETag of the resource. | string Optional |
gatewayRegionalUrl | Gateway URL of the API Management service in the Default Region. | string Optional |
gatewayUrl | Gateway URL of the API Management service. | string Optional |
hostnameConfigurations | Custom hostname configuration of the API Management service. | HostnameConfiguration_STATUS[] Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
identity | Managed service identity of the Api Management service. | ApiManagementServiceIdentity_STATUS Optional |
location | Resource location. | string Optional |
managementApiUrl | Management API endpoint URL of the API Management service. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
natGatewayState | Property can be used to enable NAT Gateway for this API Management service. | ApiManagementServiceProperties_NatGatewayState_STATUS Optional |
notificationSenderEmail | Email address from which the notification will be sent. | string Optional |
outboundPublicIPAddresses | Outbound public IPV4 address prefixes associated with NAT Gateway deployed service. Available only for Premium SKU on stv2 platform. | string[] Optional |
platformVersion | Compute Platform Version running the service in this location. | ApiManagementServiceProperties_PlatformVersion_STATUS Optional |
portalUrl | Publisher portal endpoint Url of the API Management service. | string Optional |
privateEndpointConnections | List of Private Endpoint Connections of this service. | RemotePrivateEndpointConnectionWrapper_STATUS[] Optional |
privateIPAddresses | Private Static Load Balanced IP addresses of the API Management service in Primary region which is deployed in an Internal Virtual Network. Available only for Basic, Standard, Premium and Isolated SKU. | string[] Optional |
provisioningState | The current provisioning state of the API Management service which can be one of the following: Created/Activating/Succeeded/Updating/Failed/Stopped/Terminating/TerminationFailed/Deleted. | string Optional |
publicIPAddresses | Public Static Load Balanced IP addresses of the API Management service in Primary region. Available only for Basic, Standard, Premium and Isolated SKU. | string[] Optional |
publicIpAddressId | Public Standard SKU IP V4 based IP address to be associated with Virtual Network deployed service in the region. Supported only for Developer and Premium SKU being deployed in Virtual Network. | string Optional |
publicNetworkAccess | Whether or not public endpoint access is allowed for this API Management service. Value is optional but if passed in, must be ‘Enabled’ or ‘Disabled’. If ‘Disabled’, private endpoints are the exclusive access method. Default value is ‘Enabled’ | ApiManagementServiceProperties_PublicNetworkAccess_STATUS Optional |
publisherEmail | Publisher email. | string Optional |
publisherName | Publisher name. | string Optional |
restore | Undelete Api Management Service if it was previously soft-deleted. If this flag is specified and set to True all other properties will be ignored. | bool Optional |
scmUrl | SCM endpoint URL of the API Management service. | string Optional |
sku | SKU properties of the API Management service. | ApiManagementServiceSkuProperties_STATUS Optional |
systemData | Metadata pertaining to creation and last modification of the resource. | SystemData_STATUS Optional |
tags | Resource tags. | map[string]string Optional |
targetProvisioningState | The provisioning state of the API Management service, which is targeted by the long running operation started on the service. | string Optional |
type | Resource type for API Management resource is set to Microsoft.ApiManagement. | string Optional |
virtualNetworkConfiguration | Virtual network configuration of the API Management service. | VirtualNetworkConfiguration_STATUS Optional |
virtualNetworkType | The type of VPN in which API Management service needs to be configured in. None (Default Value) means the API Management service is not part of any Virtual Network, External means the API Management deployment is set up inside a Virtual Network having an Internet Facing Endpoint, and Internal means that API Management deployment is setup inside a Virtual Network having an Intranet Facing Endpoint only. | ApiManagementServiceProperties_VirtualNetworkType_STATUS Optional |
zones | A list of availability zones denoting where the resource needs to come from. | string[] Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /apimanagement/resource-manager/Microsoft.ApiManagement/stable/2022-08-01/apimdeployment.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/{serviceName}
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | Service[] Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /apimanagement/resource-manager/Microsoft.ApiManagement/stable/2022-08-01/apimsubscriptions.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/{serviceName}/subscriptions/{sid}
Used by: SubscriptionList.
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ObjectMeta | ||
spec | Subscription_Spec Optional |
status | Subscription_STATUS Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
allowTracing | Determines whether tracing can be enabled | bool Optional |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
displayName | Subscription name. | string Required |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | SubscriptionOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a apimanagement.azure.com/Service resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
ownerReference | User (user id path) for whom subscription is being created in form /users/{userId} | genruntime.ResourceReference Optional |
primaryKey | Primary subscription key. If not specified during request key will be generated automatically. | genruntime.SecretReference Optional |
scope | Scope like /products/{productId} or /apis or /apis/{apiId}. | string Required |
secondaryKey | Secondary subscription key. If not specified during request key will be generated automatically. | genruntime.SecretReference Optional |
state | Initial subscription state. If no value is specified, subscription is created with Submitted state. Possible states are * active – the subscription is active, * suspended – the subscription is blocked, and the subscriber cannot call any APIs of the product, * submitted – the subscription request has been made by the developer, but has not yet been approved or rejected, * rejected – the subscription request has been denied by an administrator, * cancelled – the subscription has been cancelled by the developer or administrator, * expired – the subscription reached its expiration date and was deactivated. | SubscriptionCreateParameterProperties_State Optional |
Property | Description | Type |
allowTracing | Determines whether tracing is enabled | bool Optional |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
createdDate | Subscription creation date. The date conforms to the following format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ as specified by the ISO 8601 standard. |
string Optional |
displayName | The name of the subscription, or null if the subscription has no name. | string Optional |
endDate | Date when subscription was cancelled or expired. The setting is for audit purposes only and the subscription is not automatically cancelled. The subscription lifecycle can be managed by using the state property. The date conforms to the following format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ as specified by the ISO 8601 standard. |
string Optional |
expirationDate | Subscription expiration date. The setting is for audit purposes only and the subscription is not automatically expired. The subscription lifecycle can be managed by using the state property. The date conforms to the following format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ as specified by the ISO 8601 standard. |
string Optional |
id | Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName} | string Optional |
name | The name of the resource | string Optional |
notificationDate | Upcoming subscription expiration notification date. The date conforms to the following format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ as specified by the ISO 8601 standard. |
string Optional |
ownerId | The user resource identifier of the subscription owner. The value is a valid relative URL in the format of /users/{userId} where {userId} is a user identifier. | string Optional |
scope | Scope like /products/{productId} or /apis or /apis/{apiId}. | string Optional |
startDate | Subscription activation date. The setting is for audit purposes only and the subscription is not automatically activated. The subscription lifecycle can be managed by using the state property. The date conforms to the following format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ as specified by the ISO 8601 standard. |
string Optional |
state | Subscription state. Possible states are * active – the subscription is active, * suspended – the subscription is blocked, and the subscriber cannot call any APIs of the product, * submitted – the subscription request has been made by the developer, but has not yet been approved or rejected, * rejected – the subscription request has been denied by an administrator, * cancelled – the subscription has been cancelled by the developer or administrator, * expired – the subscription reached its expiration date and was deactivated. | SubscriptionContractProperties_State_STATUS Optional |
stateComment | Optional subscription comment added by an administrator when the state is changed to the ‘rejected’. | string Optional |
type | The type of the resource. E.g. “Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines” or “Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts” | string Optional |
Generator information: - Generated from: /apimanagement/resource-manager/Microsoft.ApiManagement/stable/2022-08-01/apimsubscriptions.json - ARM URI: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/{serviceName}/subscriptions/{sid}
Property | Description | Type |
metav1.TypeMeta | ||
metav1.ListMeta | ||
items | Subscription[] Optional |
Used by: Api.
Property | Description | Type |
apiRevision | Describes the revision of the API. If no value is provided, default revision 1 is created | string Optional |
apiRevisionDescription | Description of the API Revision. | string Optional |
apiType | Type of API to create. * http creates a REST API * soap creates a SOAP pass-through API * websocket creates websocket API * graphql creates GraphQL API. |
ApiCreateOrUpdateProperties_ApiType Optional |
apiVersion | Indicates the version identifier of the API if the API is versioned | string Optional |
apiVersionDescription | Description of the API Version. | string Optional |
apiVersionSet | Version set details | ApiVersionSetContractDetails Optional |
apiVersionSetReference | A resource identifier for the related ApiVersionSet. | genruntime.ResourceReference Optional |
authenticationSettings | Collection of authentication settings included into this API. | AuthenticationSettingsContract Optional |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
contact | Contact information for the API. | ApiContactInformation Optional |
description | Description of the API. May include HTML formatting tags. | string Optional |
displayName | API name. Must be 1 to 300 characters long. | string Optional |
format | Format of the Content in which the API is getting imported. | ApiCreateOrUpdateProperties_Format Optional |
isCurrent | Indicates if API revision is current api revision. | bool Optional |
license | License information for the API. | ApiLicenseInformation Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ApiOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a apimanagement.azure.com/Service resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
path | Relative URL uniquely identifying this API and all of its resource paths within the API Management service instance. It is appended to the API endpoint base URL specified during the service instance creation to form a public URL for this API. | string Required |
protocols | Describes on which protocols the operations in this API can be invoked. | ApiCreateOrUpdateProperties_Protocols[] Optional |
serviceUrl | Absolute URL of the backend service implementing this API. Cannot be more than 2000 characters long. | string Optional |
sourceApiReference | API identifier of the source API. | genruntime.ResourceReference Optional |
subscriptionKeyParameterNames | Protocols over which API is made available. | SubscriptionKeyParameterNamesContract Optional |
subscriptionRequired | Specifies whether an API or Product subscription is required for accessing the API. | bool Optional |
termsOfServiceUrl | A URL to the Terms of Service for the API. MUST be in the format of a URL. | string Optional |
translateRequiredQueryParameters | Strategy of translating required query parameters to template ones. By default has value ’template’. Possible values: ’template’, ‘query’ | ApiCreateOrUpdateProperties_TranslateRequiredQueryParameters Optional |
type | Type of API. | ApiCreateOrUpdateProperties_Type Optional |
value | Content value when Importing an API. | string Optional |
wsdlSelector | Criteria to limit import of WSDL to a subset of the document. | ApiCreateOrUpdateProperties_WsdlSelector Optional |
Used by: Api.
Property | Description | Type |
apiRevision | Describes the revision of the API. If no value is provided, default revision 1 is created | string Optional |
apiRevisionDescription | Description of the API Revision. | string Optional |
apiVersion | Indicates the version identifier of the API if the API is versioned | string Optional |
apiVersionDescription | Description of the API Version. | string Optional |
apiVersionSet | Version set details | ApiVersionSetContractDetails_STATUS Optional |
apiVersionSetId | A resource identifier for the related ApiVersionSet. | string Optional |
authenticationSettings | Collection of authentication settings included into this API. | AuthenticationSettingsContract_STATUS Optional |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
contact | Contact information for the API. | ApiContactInformation_STATUS Optional |
description | Description of the API. May include HTML formatting tags. | string Optional |
displayName | API name. Must be 1 to 300 characters long. | string Optional |
id | Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName} | string Optional |
isCurrent | Indicates if API revision is current api revision. | bool Optional |
isOnline | Indicates if API revision is accessible via the gateway. | bool Optional |
license | License information for the API. | ApiLicenseInformation_STATUS Optional |
name | The name of the resource | string Optional |
path | Relative URL uniquely identifying this API and all of its resource paths within the API Management service instance. It is appended to the API endpoint base URL specified during the service instance creation to form a public URL for this API. | string Optional |
properties_type | Type of API. | ApiContractProperties_Type_STATUS Optional |
protocols | Describes on which protocols the operations in this API can be invoked. | ApiContractProperties_Protocols_STATUS[] Optional |
serviceUrl | Absolute URL of the backend service implementing this API. Cannot be more than 2000 characters long. | string Optional |
sourceApiId | API identifier of the source API. | string Optional |
subscriptionKeyParameterNames | Protocols over which API is made available. | SubscriptionKeyParameterNamesContract_STATUS Optional |
subscriptionRequired | Specifies whether an API or Product subscription is required for accessing the API. | bool Optional |
termsOfServiceUrl | A URL to the Terms of Service for the API. MUST be in the format of a URL. | string Optional |
type | The type of the resource. E.g. “Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines” or “Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts” | string Optional |
Used by: ApiVersionSet.
Property | Description | Type |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
description | Description of API Version Set. | string Optional |
displayName | Name of API Version Set | string Required |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ApiVersionSetOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a apimanagement.azure.com/Service resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
versionHeaderName | Name of HTTP header parameter that indicates the API Version if versioningScheme is set to header . |
string Optional |
versioningScheme | An value that determines where the API Version identifier will be located in a HTTP request. | ApiVersionSetContractProperties_VersioningScheme Required |
versionQueryName | Name of query parameter that indicates the API Version if versioningScheme is set to query . |
string Optional |
Used by: ApiVersionSet.
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
description | Description of API Version Set. | string Optional |
displayName | Name of API Version Set | string Optional |
id | Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName} | string Optional |
name | The name of the resource | string Optional |
type | The type of the resource. E.g. “Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines” or “Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts” | string Optional |
versionHeaderName | Name of HTTP header parameter that indicates the API Version if versioningScheme is set to header . |
string Optional |
versioningScheme | An value that determines where the API Version identifier will be located in a HTTP request. | ApiVersionSetContractProperties_VersioningScheme_STATUS Optional |
versionQueryName | Name of query parameter that indicates the API Version if versioningScheme is set to query . |
string Optional |
Used by: AuthorizationProvider.
Property | Description | Type |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
displayName | Authorization Provider name. Must be 1 to 300 characters long. | string Optional |
identityProvider | Identity provider name. Must be 1 to 300 characters long. | string Optional |
oauth2 | OAuth2 settings | AuthorizationProviderOAuth2Settings Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | AuthorizationProviderOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a apimanagement.azure.com/Service resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
Used by: AuthorizationProvider.
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
displayName | Authorization Provider name. Must be 1 to 300 characters long. | string Optional |
id | Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName} | string Optional |
identityProvider | Identity provider name. Must be 1 to 300 characters long. | string Optional |
name | The name of the resource | string Optional |
oauth2 | OAuth2 settings | AuthorizationProviderOAuth2Settings_STATUS Optional |
type | The type of the resource. E.g. “Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines” or “Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts” | string Optional |
Used by: AuthorizationProvidersAuthorization.
Property | Description | Type |
authorizationType | Authorization type options | AuthorizationContractProperties_AuthorizationType Optional |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
oauth2grantType | OAuth2 grant type options | AuthorizationContractProperties_Oauth2GrantType Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | AuthorizationProvidersAuthorizationOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a apimanagement.azure.com/AuthorizationProvider resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
parameters | Authorization parameters | genruntime.SecretMapReference Optional |
Used by: AuthorizationProvidersAuthorization.
Property | Description | Type |
authorizationType | Authorization type options | AuthorizationContractProperties_AuthorizationType_STATUS Optional |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
error | Authorization error details. | AuthorizationError_STATUS Optional |
id | Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName} | string Optional |
name | The name of the resource | string Optional |
oauth2grantType | OAuth2 grant type options | AuthorizationContractProperties_Oauth2GrantType_STATUS Optional |
parameters | Authorization parameters | map[string]string Optional |
status | Status of the Authorization | string Optional |
type | The type of the resource. E.g. “Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines” or “Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts” | string Optional |
Used by: AuthorizationProvidersAuthorizationsAccessPolicy.
Property | Description | Type |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
objectId | The Object Id | string Optional |
objectIdFromConfig | The Object Id | genruntime.ConfigMapReference Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | AuthorizationProvidersAuthorizationsAccessPolicyOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a apimanagement.azure.com/AuthorizationProvidersAuthorization resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
tenantId | The Tenant Id | string Optional |
tenantIdFromConfig | The Tenant Id | genruntime.ConfigMapReference Optional |
Used by: AuthorizationProvidersAuthorizationsAccessPolicy.
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
id | Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName} | string Optional |
name | The name of the resource | string Optional |
objectId | The Object Id | string Optional |
tenantId | The Tenant Id | string Optional |
type | The type of the resource. E.g. “Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines” or “Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts” | string Optional |
Used by: Backend.
Property | Description | Type |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
credentials | Backend Credentials Contract Properties | BackendCredentialsContract Optional |
description | Backend Description. | string Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | BackendOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a apimanagement.azure.com/Service resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
properties | Backend Properties contract | BackendProperties Optional |
protocol | Backend communication protocol. | BackendContractProperties_Protocol Required |
proxy | Backend gateway Contract Properties | BackendProxyContract Optional |
resourceReference | Management Uri of the Resource in External System. This URL can be the Arm Resource Id of Logic Apps, Function Apps or API Apps. | genruntime.ResourceReference Optional |
title | Backend Title. | string Optional |
tls | Backend TLS Properties | BackendTlsProperties Optional |
url | Runtime Url of the Backend. | string Required |
Used by: Backend.
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
credentials | Backend Credentials Contract Properties | BackendCredentialsContract_STATUS Optional |
description | Backend Description. | string Optional |
id | Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName} | string Optional |
name | The name of the resource | string Optional |
properties | Backend Properties contract | BackendProperties_STATUS Optional |
protocol | Backend communication protocol. | BackendContractProperties_Protocol_STATUS Optional |
proxy | Backend gateway Contract Properties | BackendProxyContract_STATUS Optional |
resourceId | Management Uri of the Resource in External System. This URL can be the Arm Resource Id of Logic Apps, Function Apps or API Apps. | string Optional |
title | Backend Title. | string Optional |
tls | Backend TLS Properties | BackendTlsProperties_STATUS Optional |
type | The type of the resource. E.g. “Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines” or “Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts” | string Optional |
url | Runtime Url of the Backend. | string Optional |
Used by: NamedValue.
Property | Description | Type |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
displayName | Unique name of NamedValue. It may contain only letters, digits, period, dash, and underscore characters. | string Required |
keyVault | KeyVault location details of the namedValue. | KeyVaultContractCreateProperties Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | NamedValueOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a apimanagement.azure.com/Service resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
secret | Determines whether the value is a secret and should be encrypted or not. Default value is false. | bool Optional |
tags | Optional tags that when provided can be used to filter the NamedValue list. | string[] Optional |
value | Value of the NamedValue. Can contain policy expressions. It may not be empty or consist only of whitespace. This property will not be filled on ‘GET’ operations! Use ‘/listSecrets’ POST request to get the value. | string Optional |
Used by: NamedValue.
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
displayName | Unique name of NamedValue. It may contain only letters, digits, period, dash, and underscore characters. | string Optional |
id | Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName} | string Optional |
keyVault | KeyVault location details of the namedValue. | KeyVaultContractProperties_STATUS Optional |
name | The name of the resource | string Optional |
secret | Determines whether the value is a secret and should be encrypted or not. Default value is false. | bool Optional |
tags | Optional tags that when provided can be used to filter the NamedValue list. | string[] Optional |
type | The type of the resource. E.g. “Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines” or “Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts” | string Optional |
value | Value of the NamedValue. Can contain policy expressions. It may not be empty or consist only of whitespace. This property will not be filled on ‘GET’ operations! Use ‘/listSecrets’ POST request to get the value. | string Optional |
Used by: Policy.
Property | Description | Type |
format | Format of the policyContent. | PolicyContractProperties_Format Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | PolicyOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a apimanagement.azure.com/Service resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
value | Contents of the Policy as defined by the format. | string Required |
Used by: Policy.
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
format | Format of the policyContent. | PolicyContractProperties_Format_STATUS Optional |
id | Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName} | string Optional |
name | The name of the resource | string Optional |
type | The type of the resource. E.g. “Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines” or “Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts” | string Optional |
value | Contents of the Policy as defined by the format. | string Optional |
Used by: PolicyFragment.
Property | Description | Type |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
description | Policy fragment description. | string Optional |
format | Format of the policy fragment content. | PolicyFragmentContractProperties_Format Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | PolicyFragmentOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a apimanagement.azure.com/Service resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
value | Contents of the policy fragment. | string Required |
Used by: PolicyFragment.
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
description | Policy fragment description. | string Optional |
format | Format of the policy fragment content. | PolicyFragmentContractProperties_Format_STATUS Optional |
id | Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName} | string Optional |
name | The name of the resource | string Optional |
type | The type of the resource. E.g. “Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines” or “Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts” | string Optional |
value | Contents of the policy fragment. | string Optional |
Used by: Product.
Property | Description | Type |
approvalRequired | whether subscription approval is required. If false, new subscriptions will be approved automatically enabling developers to call the product’s APIs immediately after subscribing. If true, administrators must manually approve the subscription before the developer can any of the product’s APIs. Can be present only if subscriptionRequired property is present and has a value of false. | bool Optional |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
description | Product description. May include HTML formatting tags. | string Optional |
displayName | Product name. | string Required |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ProductOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a apimanagement.azure.com/Service resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
state | whether product is published or not. Published products are discoverable by users of developer portal. Non published products are visible only to administrators. Default state of Product is notPublished. | ProductContractProperties_State Optional |
subscriptionRequired | Whether a product subscription is required for accessing APIs included in this product. If true, the product is referred to as “protected” and a valid subscription key is required for a request to an API included in the product to succeed. If false, the product is referred to as “open” and requests to an API included in the product can be made without a subscription key. If property is omitted when creating a new product it’s value is assumed to be true. | bool Optional |
subscriptionsLimit | Whether the number of subscriptions a user can have to this product at the same time. Set to null or omit to allow unlimited per user subscriptions. Can be present only if subscriptionRequired property is present and has a value of false. | int Optional |
terms | Product terms of use. Developers trying to subscribe to the product will be presented and required to accept these terms before they can complete the subscription process. | string Optional |
Used by: Product.
Property | Description | Type |
approvalRequired | whether subscription approval is required. If false, new subscriptions will be approved automatically enabling developers to call the product’s APIs immediately after subscribing. If true, administrators must manually approve the subscription before the developer can any of the product’s APIs. Can be present only if subscriptionRequired property is present and has a value of false. | bool Optional |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
description | Product description. May include HTML formatting tags. | string Optional |
displayName | Product name. | string Optional |
id | Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName} | string Optional |
name | The name of the resource | string Optional |
state | whether product is published or not. Published products are discoverable by users of developer portal. Non published products are visible only to administrators. Default state of Product is notPublished. | ProductContractProperties_State_STATUS Optional |
subscriptionRequired | Whether a product subscription is required for accessing APIs included in this product. If true, the product is referred to as “protected” and a valid subscription key is required for a request to an API included in the product to succeed. If false, the product is referred to as “open” and requests to an API included in the product can be made without a subscription key. If property is omitted when creating a new product it’s value is assumed to be true. | bool Optional |
subscriptionsLimit | Whether the number of subscriptions a user can have to this product at the same time. Set to null or omit to allow unlimited per user subscriptions. Can be present only if subscriptionRequired property is present and has a value of false. | int Optional |
terms | Product terms of use. Developers trying to subscribe to the product will be presented and required to accept these terms before they can complete the subscription process. | string Optional |
type | The type of the resource. E.g. “Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines” or “Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts” | string Optional |
Used by: ProductApi.
Property | Description | Type |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ProductApiOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a apimanagement.azure.com/Product resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
Used by: ProductApi.
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
Used by: ProductPolicy.
Property | Description | Type |
format | Format of the policyContent. | PolicyContractProperties_Format Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ProductPolicyOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a apimanagement.azure.com/Product resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
value | Contents of the Policy as defined by the format. | string Required |
Used by: ProductPolicy.
Property | Description | Type |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
format | Format of the policyContent. | PolicyContractProperties_Format_STATUS Optional |
id | Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName} | string Optional |
name | The name of the resource | string Optional |
type | The type of the resource. E.g. “Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines” or “Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts” | string Optional |
value | Contents of the Policy as defined by the format. | string Optional |
Used by: Service.
Property | Description | Type |
additionalLocations | Additional datacenter locations of the API Management service. | AdditionalLocation[] Optional |
apiVersionConstraint | Control Plane Apis version constraint for the API Management service. | ApiVersionConstraint Optional |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
certificates | List of Certificates that need to be installed in the API Management service. Max supported certificates that can be installed is 10. | CertificateConfiguration[] Optional |
customProperties | Custom properties of the API Management service.Setting Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Ciphers.TripleDes168 will disable the cipher TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA for all TLS(1.0, 1.1 and 1.2).Setting Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Protocols.Tls11 can be used to disable just TLS 1.1.Setting Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Protocols.Tls10 can be used to disable TLS 1.0 on an API Management service.Setting Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Backend.Protocols.Tls11 can be used to disable just TLS 1.1 for communications with backends.Setting Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Backend.Protocols.Tls10 can be used to disable TLS 1.0 for communications with backends.Setting Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Protocols.Server.Http2 can be used to enable HTTP2 protocol on an API Management service.Not specifying any of these properties on PATCH operation will reset omitted properties’ values to their defaults. For all the settings except Http2 the default value is True if the service was created on or before April 1, 2018 and False otherwise. Http2 setting’s default value is False .You can disable any of the following ciphers by using settings Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Ciphers.[cipher_name] : TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256, TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256, TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA. For example, Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Ciphers.TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 :false . The default value is true for them. Note: The following ciphers can’t be disabled since they are required by internal platform components: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384,TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 |
map[string]string Optional |
disableGateway | Property only valid for an Api Management service deployed in multiple locations. This can be used to disable the gateway in master region. | bool Optional |
enableClientCertificate | Property only meant to be used for Consumption SKU Service. This enforces a client certificate to be presented on each request to the gateway. This also enables the ability to authenticate the certificate in the policy on the gateway. | bool Optional |
hostnameConfigurations | Custom hostname configuration of the API Management service. | HostnameConfiguration[] Optional |
identity | Managed service identity of the Api Management service. | ApiManagementServiceIdentity Optional |
location | Resource location. | string Required |
natGatewayState | Property can be used to enable NAT Gateway for this API Management service. | ApiManagementServiceProperties_NatGatewayState Optional |
notificationSenderEmail | Email address from which the notification will be sent. | string Optional |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | ServiceOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a resources.azure.com/ResourceGroup resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
publicIpAddressReference | Public Standard SKU IP V4 based IP address to be associated with Virtual Network deployed service in the region. Supported only for Developer and Premium SKU being deployed in Virtual Network. | genruntime.ResourceReference Optional |
publicNetworkAccess | Whether or not public endpoint access is allowed for this API Management service. Value is optional but if passed in, must be ‘Enabled’ or ‘Disabled’. If ‘Disabled’, private endpoints are the exclusive access method. Default value is ‘Enabled’ | ApiManagementServiceProperties_PublicNetworkAccess Optional |
publisherEmail | Publisher email. | string Required |
publisherName | Publisher name. | string Required |
restore | Undelete Api Management Service if it was previously soft-deleted. If this flag is specified and set to True all other properties will be ignored. | bool Optional |
sku | SKU properties of the API Management service. | ApiManagementServiceSkuProperties Required |
tags | Resource tags. | map[string]string Optional |
virtualNetworkConfiguration | Virtual network configuration of the API Management service. | VirtualNetworkConfiguration Optional |
virtualNetworkType | The type of VPN in which API Management service needs to be configured in. None (Default Value) means the API Management service is not part of any Virtual Network, External means the API Management deployment is set up inside a Virtual Network having an Internet Facing Endpoint, and Internal means that API Management deployment is setup inside a Virtual Network having an Intranet Facing Endpoint only. | ApiManagementServiceProperties_VirtualNetworkType Optional |
zones | A list of availability zones denoting where the resource needs to come from. | string[] Optional |
Used by: Service.
Property | Description | Type |
additionalLocations | Additional datacenter locations of the API Management service. | AdditionalLocation_STATUS[] Optional |
apiVersionConstraint | Control Plane Apis version constraint for the API Management service. | ApiVersionConstraint_STATUS Optional |
certificates | List of Certificates that need to be installed in the API Management service. Max supported certificates that can be installed is 10. | CertificateConfiguration_STATUS[] Optional |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
createdAtUtc | Creation UTC date of the API Management service.The date conforms to the following format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ as specified by the ISO 8601 standard. |
string Optional |
customProperties | Custom properties of the API Management service.Setting Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Ciphers.TripleDes168 will disable the cipher TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA for all TLS(1.0, 1.1 and 1.2).Setting Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Protocols.Tls11 can be used to disable just TLS 1.1.Setting Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Protocols.Tls10 can be used to disable TLS 1.0 on an API Management service.Setting Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Backend.Protocols.Tls11 can be used to disable just TLS 1.1 for communications with backends.Setting Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Backend.Protocols.Tls10 can be used to disable TLS 1.0 for communications with backends.Setting Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Protocols.Server.Http2 can be used to enable HTTP2 protocol on an API Management service.Not specifying any of these properties on PATCH operation will reset omitted properties’ values to their defaults. For all the settings except Http2 the default value is True if the service was created on or before April 1, 2018 and False otherwise. Http2 setting’s default value is False .You can disable any of the following ciphers by using settings Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Ciphers.[cipher_name] : TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256, TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256, TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA. For example, Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Ciphers.TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 :false . The default value is true for them. Note: The following ciphers can’t be disabled since they are required by internal platform components: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384,TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 |
map[string]string Optional |
developerPortalUrl | DEveloper Portal endpoint URL of the API Management service. | string Optional |
disableGateway | Property only valid for an Api Management service deployed in multiple locations. This can be used to disable the gateway in master region. | bool Optional |
enableClientCertificate | Property only meant to be used for Consumption SKU Service. This enforces a client certificate to be presented on each request to the gateway. This also enables the ability to authenticate the certificate in the policy on the gateway. | bool Optional |
etag | ETag of the resource. | string Optional |
gatewayRegionalUrl | Gateway URL of the API Management service in the Default Region. | string Optional |
gatewayUrl | Gateway URL of the API Management service. | string Optional |
hostnameConfigurations | Custom hostname configuration of the API Management service. | HostnameConfiguration_STATUS[] Optional |
id | Resource ID. | string Optional |
identity | Managed service identity of the Api Management service. | ApiManagementServiceIdentity_STATUS Optional |
location | Resource location. | string Optional |
managementApiUrl | Management API endpoint URL of the API Management service. | string Optional |
name | Resource name. | string Optional |
natGatewayState | Property can be used to enable NAT Gateway for this API Management service. | ApiManagementServiceProperties_NatGatewayState_STATUS Optional |
notificationSenderEmail | Email address from which the notification will be sent. | string Optional |
outboundPublicIPAddresses | Outbound public IPV4 address prefixes associated with NAT Gateway deployed service. Available only for Premium SKU on stv2 platform. | string[] Optional |
platformVersion | Compute Platform Version running the service in this location. | ApiManagementServiceProperties_PlatformVersion_STATUS Optional |
portalUrl | Publisher portal endpoint Url of the API Management service. | string Optional |
privateEndpointConnections | List of Private Endpoint Connections of this service. | RemotePrivateEndpointConnectionWrapper_STATUS[] Optional |
privateIPAddresses | Private Static Load Balanced IP addresses of the API Management service in Primary region which is deployed in an Internal Virtual Network. Available only for Basic, Standard, Premium and Isolated SKU. | string[] Optional |
provisioningState | The current provisioning state of the API Management service which can be one of the following: Created/Activating/Succeeded/Updating/Failed/Stopped/Terminating/TerminationFailed/Deleted. | string Optional |
publicIPAddresses | Public Static Load Balanced IP addresses of the API Management service in Primary region. Available only for Basic, Standard, Premium and Isolated SKU. | string[] Optional |
publicIpAddressId | Public Standard SKU IP V4 based IP address to be associated with Virtual Network deployed service in the region. Supported only for Developer and Premium SKU being deployed in Virtual Network. | string Optional |
publicNetworkAccess | Whether or not public endpoint access is allowed for this API Management service. Value is optional but if passed in, must be ‘Enabled’ or ‘Disabled’. If ‘Disabled’, private endpoints are the exclusive access method. Default value is ‘Enabled’ | ApiManagementServiceProperties_PublicNetworkAccess_STATUS Optional |
publisherEmail | Publisher email. | string Optional |
publisherName | Publisher name. | string Optional |
restore | Undelete Api Management Service if it was previously soft-deleted. If this flag is specified and set to True all other properties will be ignored. | bool Optional |
scmUrl | SCM endpoint URL of the API Management service. | string Optional |
sku | SKU properties of the API Management service. | ApiManagementServiceSkuProperties_STATUS Optional |
systemData | Metadata pertaining to creation and last modification of the resource. | SystemData_STATUS Optional |
tags | Resource tags. | map[string]string Optional |
targetProvisioningState | The provisioning state of the API Management service, which is targeted by the long running operation started on the service. | string Optional |
type | Resource type for API Management resource is set to Microsoft.ApiManagement. | string Optional |
virtualNetworkConfiguration | Virtual network configuration of the API Management service. | VirtualNetworkConfiguration_STATUS Optional |
virtualNetworkType | The type of VPN in which API Management service needs to be configured in. None (Default Value) means the API Management service is not part of any Virtual Network, External means the API Management deployment is set up inside a Virtual Network having an Internet Facing Endpoint, and Internal means that API Management deployment is setup inside a Virtual Network having an Intranet Facing Endpoint only. | ApiManagementServiceProperties_VirtualNetworkType_STATUS Optional |
zones | A list of availability zones denoting where the resource needs to come from. | string[] Optional |
Used by: Subscription.
Property | Description | Type |
allowTracing | Determines whether tracing can be enabled | bool Optional |
azureName | The name of the resource in Azure. This is often the same as the name of the resource in Kubernetes but it doesn’t have to be. | string Optional |
displayName | Subscription name. | string Required |
operatorSpec | The specification for configuring operator behavior. This field is interpreted by the operator and not passed directly to Azure | SubscriptionOperatorSpec Optional |
owner | The owner of the resource. The owner controls where the resource goes when it is deployed. The owner also controls the resources lifecycle. When the owner is deleted the resource will also be deleted. Owner is expected to be a reference to a apimanagement.azure.com/Service resource | genruntime.KnownResourceReference Required |
ownerReference | User (user id path) for whom subscription is being created in form /users/{userId} | genruntime.ResourceReference Optional |
primaryKey | Primary subscription key. If not specified during request key will be generated automatically. | genruntime.SecretReference Optional |
scope | Scope like /products/{productId} or /apis or /apis/{apiId}. | string Required |
secondaryKey | Secondary subscription key. If not specified during request key will be generated automatically. | genruntime.SecretReference Optional |
state | Initial subscription state. If no value is specified, subscription is created with Submitted state. Possible states are * active – the subscription is active, * suspended – the subscription is blocked, and the subscriber cannot call any APIs of the product, * submitted – the subscription request has been made by the developer, but has not yet been approved or rejected, * rejected – the subscription request has been denied by an administrator, * cancelled – the subscription has been cancelled by the developer or administrator, * expired – the subscription reached its expiration date and was deactivated. | SubscriptionCreateParameterProperties_State Optional |
Used by: Subscription.
Property | Description | Type |
allowTracing | Determines whether tracing is enabled | bool Optional |
conditions | The observed state of the resource | conditions.Condition[] Optional |
createdDate | Subscription creation date. The date conforms to the following format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ as specified by the ISO 8601 standard. |
string Optional |
displayName | The name of the subscription, or null if the subscription has no name. | string Optional |
endDate | Date when subscription was cancelled or expired. The setting is for audit purposes only and the subscription is not automatically cancelled. The subscription lifecycle can be managed by using the state property. The date conforms to the following format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ as specified by the ISO 8601 standard. |
string Optional |
expirationDate | Subscription expiration date. The setting is for audit purposes only and the subscription is not automatically expired. The subscription lifecycle can be managed by using the state property. The date conforms to the following format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ as specified by the ISO 8601 standard. |
string Optional |
id | Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName} | string Optional |
name | The name of the resource | string Optional |
notificationDate | Upcoming subscription expiration notification date. The date conforms to the following format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ as specified by the ISO 8601 standard. |
string Optional |
ownerId | The user resource identifier of the subscription owner. The value is a valid relative URL in the format of /users/{userId} where {userId} is a user identifier. | string Optional |
scope | Scope like /products/{productId} or /apis or /apis/{apiId}. | string Optional |
startDate | Subscription activation date. The setting is for audit purposes only and the subscription is not automatically activated. The subscription lifecycle can be managed by using the state property. The date conforms to the following format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ as specified by the ISO 8601 standard. |
string Optional |
state | Subscription state. Possible states are * active – the subscription is active, * suspended – the subscription is blocked, and the subscriber cannot call any APIs of the product, * submitted – the subscription request has been made by the developer, but has not yet been approved or rejected, * rejected – the subscription request has been denied by an administrator, * cancelled – the subscription has been cancelled by the developer or administrator, * expired – the subscription reached its expiration date and was deactivated. | SubscriptionContractProperties_State_STATUS Optional |
stateComment | Optional subscription comment added by an administrator when the state is changed to the ‘rejected’. | string Optional |
type | The type of the resource. E.g. “Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines” or “Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts” | string Optional |
Description of an additional API Management resource location.
Used by: Service_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
disableGateway | Property only valid for an Api Management service deployed in multiple locations. This can be used to disable the gateway in this additional location. | bool Optional |
location | The location name of the additional region among Azure Data center regions. | string Required |
natGatewayState | Property can be used to enable NAT Gateway for this API Management service. | AdditionalLocation_NatGatewayState Optional |
publicIpAddressReference | Public Standard SKU IP V4 based IP address to be associated with Virtual Network deployed service in the location. Supported only for Premium SKU being deployed in Virtual Network. | genruntime.ResourceReference Optional |
sku | SKU properties of the API Management service. | ApiManagementServiceSkuProperties Required |
virtualNetworkConfiguration | Virtual network configuration for the location. | VirtualNetworkConfiguration Optional |
zones | A list of availability zones denoting where the resource needs to come from. | string[] Optional |
Description of an additional API Management resource location.
Used by: Service_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
disableGateway | Property only valid for an Api Management service deployed in multiple locations. This can be used to disable the gateway in this additional location. | bool Optional |
gatewayRegionalUrl | Gateway URL of the API Management service in the Region. | string Optional |
location | The location name of the additional region among Azure Data center regions. | string Optional |
natGatewayState | Property can be used to enable NAT Gateway for this API Management service. | AdditionalLocation_NatGatewayState_STATUS Optional |
outboundPublicIPAddresses | Outbound public IPV4 address prefixes associated with NAT Gateway deployed service. Available only for Premium SKU on stv2 platform. | string[] Optional |
platformVersion | Compute Platform Version running the service. | AdditionalLocation_PlatformVersion_STATUS Optional |
privateIPAddresses | Private Static Load Balanced IP addresses of the API Management service which is deployed in an Internal Virtual Network in a particular additional location. Available only for Basic, Standard, Premium and Isolated SKU. | string[] Optional |
publicIPAddresses | Public Static Load Balanced IP addresses of the API Management service in the additional location. Available only for Basic, Standard, Premium and Isolated SKU. | string[] Optional |
publicIpAddressId | Public Standard SKU IP V4 based IP address to be associated with Virtual Network deployed service in the location. Supported only for Premium SKU being deployed in Virtual Network. | string Optional |
sku | SKU properties of the API Management service. | ApiManagementServiceSkuProperties_STATUS Optional |
virtualNetworkConfiguration | Virtual network configuration for the location. | VirtualNetworkConfiguration_STATUS Optional |
zones | A list of availability zones denoting where the resource needs to come from. | string[] Optional |
API contact information
Used by: Api_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
The email address of the contact person/organization. MUST be in the format of an email address | string Optional |
name | The identifying name of the contact person/organization | string Optional |
url | The URL pointing to the contact information. MUST be in the format of a URL | string Optional |
API contact information
Used by: Api_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
The email address of the contact person/organization. MUST be in the format of an email address | string Optional |
name | The identifying name of the contact person/organization | string Optional |
url | The URL pointing to the contact information. MUST be in the format of a URL | string Optional |
Used by: Api_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“http” | |
“https” | |
“ws” | |
“wss” |
Used by: Api_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“graphql” | |
“http” | |
“soap” | |
“websocket” |
Used by: Api_Spec.
Value | Description |
“graphql” | |
“http” | |
“soap” | |
“websocket” |
Used by: Api_Spec.
Value | Description |
“graphql-link” | |
“openapi” | |
“openapi+json” | |
“openapi+json-link” | |
“openapi-link” | |
“swagger-json” | |
“swagger-link-json” | |
“wadl-link-json” | |
“wadl-xml” | |
“wsdl” | |
“wsdl-link” |
Used by: Api_Spec.
Value | Description |
“http” | |
“https” | |
“ws” | |
“wss” |
Used by: Api_Spec.
Value | Description |
“query” | |
“template” |
Used by: Api_Spec.
Value | Description |
“graphql” | |
“http” | |
“soap” | |
“websocket” |
Used by: Api_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
wsdlEndpointName | Name of endpoint(port) to import from WSDL | string Optional |
wsdlServiceName | Name of service to import from WSDL | string Optional |
API license information
Used by: Api_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The license name used for the API | string Optional |
url | A URL to the license used for the API. MUST be in the format of a URL | string Optional |
API license information
Used by: Api_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
name | The license name used for the API | string Optional |
url | A URL to the license used for the API. MUST be in the format of a URL | string Optional |
Identity properties of the Api Management service resource.
Used by: Service_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
type | The type of identity used for the resource. The type ‘SystemAssigned, UserAssigned’ includes both an implicitly created identity and a set of user assigned identities. The type ‘None’ will remove any identities from the service. | ApiManagementServiceIdentity_Type Required |
userAssignedIdentities | The list of user identities associated with the resource. The user identity dictionary key references will be ARM resource ids in the form: ‘/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/ providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/{identityName}’. | UserAssignedIdentityDetails[] Optional |
Identity properties of the Api Management service resource.
Used by: Service_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
principalId | The principal id of the identity. | string Optional |
tenantId | The client tenant id of the identity. | string Optional |
type | The type of identity used for the resource. The type ‘SystemAssigned, UserAssigned’ includes both an implicitly created identity and a set of user assigned identities. The type ‘None’ will remove any identities from the service. | ApiManagementServiceIdentity_Type_STATUS Optional |
userAssignedIdentities | The list of user identities associated with the resource. The user identity dictionary key references will be ARM resource ids in the form: ‘/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/ providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/{identityName}’. | map[string]UserIdentityProperties_STATUS Optional |
Used by: Service_Spec.
Value | Description |
“Disabled” | |
“Enabled” |
Used by: Service_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Disabled” | |
“Enabled” |
Used by: Service_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“mtv1” | |
“stv1” | |
“stv2” | |
“undetermined” |
Used by: Service_Spec.
Value | Description |
“Disabled” | |
“Enabled” |
Used by: Service_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Disabled” | |
“Enabled” |
Used by: Service_Spec.
Value | Description |
“External” | |
“Internal” | |
“None” |
Used by: Service_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“External” | |
“Internal” | |
“None” |
API Management service resource SKU properties.
Used by: AdditionalLocation, and Service_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
capacity | Capacity of the SKU (number of deployed units of the SKU). For Consumption SKU capacity must be specified as 0. | int Required |
name | Name of the Sku. | ApiManagementServiceSkuProperties_Name Required |
API Management service resource SKU properties.
Used by: AdditionalLocation_STATUS, and Service_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
capacity | Capacity of the SKU (number of deployed units of the SKU). For Consumption SKU capacity must be specified as 0. | int Optional |
name | Name of the Sku. | ApiManagementServiceSkuProperties_Name_STATUS Optional |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: Api_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
Control Plane Apis version constraint for the API Management service.
Used by: Service_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
minApiVersion | Limit control plane API calls to API Management service with version equal to or newer than this value. | string Optional |
Control Plane Apis version constraint for the API Management service.
Used by: Service_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
minApiVersion | Limit control plane API calls to API Management service with version equal to or newer than this value. | string Optional |
An API Version Set contains the common configuration for a set of API Versions relating
Used by: Api_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
description | Description of API Version Set. | string Optional |
name | The display Name of the API Version Set. | string Optional |
reference | Identifier for existing API Version Set. Omit this value to create a new Version Set. | genruntime.ResourceReference Optional |
versionHeaderName | Name of HTTP header parameter that indicates the API Version if versioningScheme is set to header . |
string Optional |
versioningScheme | An value that determines where the API Version identifier will be located in a HTTP request. | ApiVersionSetContractDetails_VersioningScheme Optional |
versionQueryName | Name of query parameter that indicates the API Version if versioningScheme is set to query . |
string Optional |
An API Version Set contains the common configuration for a set of API Versions relating
Used by: Api_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
description | Description of API Version Set. | string Optional |
id | Identifier for existing API Version Set. Omit this value to create a new Version Set. | string Optional |
name | The display Name of the API Version Set. | string Optional |
versionHeaderName | Name of HTTP header parameter that indicates the API Version if versioningScheme is set to header . |
string Optional |
versioningScheme | An value that determines where the API Version identifier will be located in a HTTP request. | ApiVersionSetContractDetails_VersioningScheme_STATUS Optional |
versionQueryName | Name of query parameter that indicates the API Version if versioningScheme is set to query . |
string Optional |
Used by: ApiVersionSet_Spec.
Value | Description |
“Header” | |
“Query” | |
“Segment” |
Used by: ApiVersionSet_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Header” | |
“Query” | |
“Segment” |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: ApiVersionSet_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
API Authentication Settings.
Used by: Api_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
oAuth2 | OAuth2 Authentication settings | OAuth2AuthenticationSettingsContract Optional |
oAuth2AuthenticationSettings | Collection of OAuth2 authentication settings included into this API. | OAuth2AuthenticationSettingsContract[] Optional |
openid | OpenID Connect Authentication Settings | OpenIdAuthenticationSettingsContract Optional |
openidAuthenticationSettings | Collection of Open ID Connect authentication settings included into this API. | OpenIdAuthenticationSettingsContract[] Optional |
API Authentication Settings.
Used by: Api_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
oAuth2 | OAuth2 Authentication settings | OAuth2AuthenticationSettingsContract_STATUS Optional |
oAuth2AuthenticationSettings | Collection of OAuth2 authentication settings included into this API. | OAuth2AuthenticationSettingsContract_STATUS[] Optional |
openid | OpenID Connect Authentication Settings | OpenIdAuthenticationSettingsContract_STATUS Optional |
openidAuthenticationSettings | Collection of Open ID Connect authentication settings included into this API. | OpenIdAuthenticationSettingsContract_STATUS[] Optional |
Used by: AuthorizationProvidersAuthorization_Spec.
Value | Description |
“OAuth2” |
Used by: AuthorizationProvidersAuthorization_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“OAuth2” |
Used by: AuthorizationProvidersAuthorization_Spec.
Value | Description |
“AuthorizationCode” | |
“ClientCredentials” |
Used by: AuthorizationProvidersAuthorization_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“AuthorizationCode” | |
“ClientCredentials” |
Authorization error details.
Used by: AuthorizationProvidersAuthorization_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
code | Error code | string Optional |
message | Error message | string Optional |
OAuth2 settings details
Used by: AuthorizationProvider_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
grantTypes | OAuth2 settings | AuthorizationProviderOAuth2GrantTypes Optional |
redirectUrl | Redirect URL to be set in the OAuth application. | string Optional |
OAuth2 settings details
Used by: AuthorizationProvider_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
grantTypes | OAuth2 settings | AuthorizationProviderOAuth2GrantTypes_STATUS Optional |
redirectUrl | Redirect URL to be set in the OAuth application. | string Optional |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: AuthorizationProvider_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: AuthorizationProvidersAuthorization_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: AuthorizationProvidersAuthorizationsAccessPolicy_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
Used by: Backend_Spec.
Value | Description |
“http” | |
“soap” |
Used by: Backend_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“http” | |
“soap” |
Details of the Credentials used to connect to Backend.
Used by: Backend_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
authorization | Authorization header authentication | BackendAuthorizationHeaderCredentials Optional |
certificate | List of Client Certificate Thumbprints. Will be ignored if certificatesIds are provided. | string[] Optional |
certificateIds | List of Client Certificate Ids. | string[] Optional |
header | Header Parameter description. | map[string]string[] Optional |
query | Query Parameter description. | map[string]string[] Optional |
Details of the Credentials used to connect to Backend.
Used by: Backend_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
authorization | Authorization header authentication | BackendAuthorizationHeaderCredentials_STATUS Optional |
certificate | List of Client Certificate Thumbprints. Will be ignored if certificatesIds are provided. | string[] Optional |
certificateIds | List of Client Certificate Ids. | string[] Optional |
header | Header Parameter description. | map[string]string[] Optional |
query | Query Parameter description. | map[string]string[] Optional |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: Backend_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
Properties specific to the Backend Type.
Used by: Backend_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
serviceFabricCluster | Backend Service Fabric Cluster Properties | BackendServiceFabricClusterProperties Optional |
Properties specific to the Backend Type.
Used by: Backend_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
serviceFabricCluster | Backend Service Fabric Cluster Properties | BackendServiceFabricClusterProperties_STATUS Optional |
Details of the Backend WebProxy Server to use in the Request to Backend.
Used by: Backend_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
password | Password to connect to the WebProxy Server | genruntime.SecretReference Optional |
url | WebProxy Server AbsoluteUri property which includes the entire URI stored in the Uri instance, including all fragments and query strings. | string Required |
username | Username to connect to the WebProxy server | string Optional |
Details of the Backend WebProxy Server to use in the Request to Backend.
Used by: Backend_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
url | WebProxy Server AbsoluteUri property which includes the entire URI stored in the Uri instance, including all fragments and query strings. | string Optional |
username | Username to connect to the WebProxy server | string Optional |
Properties controlling TLS Certificate Validation.
Used by: Backend_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
validateCertificateChain | Flag indicating whether SSL certificate chain validation should be done when using self-signed certificates for this backend host. | bool Optional |
validateCertificateName | Flag indicating whether SSL certificate name validation should be done when using self-signed certificates for this backend host. | bool Optional |
Properties controlling TLS Certificate Validation.
Used by: Backend_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
validateCertificateChain | Flag indicating whether SSL certificate chain validation should be done when using self-signed certificates for this backend host. | bool Optional |
validateCertificateName | Flag indicating whether SSL certificate name validation should be done when using self-signed certificates for this backend host. | bool Optional |
Certificate configuration which consist of non-trusted intermediates and root certificates.
Used by: Service_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
certificate | Certificate information. | CertificateInformation Optional |
certificatePassword | Certificate Password. | genruntime.SecretReference Optional |
encodedCertificate | Base64 Encoded certificate. | string Optional |
storeName | The System.Security.Cryptography.x509certificates.StoreName certificate store location. Only Root and CertificateAuthority are valid locations. | CertificateConfiguration_StoreName Required |
Certificate configuration which consist of non-trusted intermediates and root certificates.
Used by: Service_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
certificate | Certificate information. | CertificateInformation_STATUS Optional |
encodedCertificate | Base64 Encoded certificate. | string Optional |
storeName | The System.Security.Cryptography.x509certificates.StoreName certificate store location. Only Root and CertificateAuthority are valid locations. | CertificateConfiguration_StoreName_STATUS Optional |
Custom hostname configuration.
Used by: Service_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
certificate | Certificate information. | CertificateInformation Optional |
certificatePassword | Certificate Password. | genruntime.SecretReference Optional |
certificateSource | Certificate Source. | HostnameConfiguration_CertificateSource Optional |
certificateStatus | Certificate Status. | HostnameConfiguration_CertificateStatus Optional |
defaultSslBinding | Specify true to setup the certificate associated with this Hostname as the Default SSL Certificate. If a client does not send the SNI header, then this will be the certificate that will be challenged. The property is useful if a service has multiple custom hostname enabled and it needs to decide on the default ssl certificate. The setting only applied to gateway Hostname Type. | bool Optional |
encodedCertificate | Base64 Encoded certificate. | string Optional |
hostName | Hostname to configure on the Api Management service. | string Required |
identityClientId | System or User Assigned Managed identity clientId as generated by Azure AD, which has GET access to the keyVault containing the SSL certificate. | string Optional |
identityClientIdFromConfig | System or User Assigned Managed identity clientId as generated by Azure AD, which has GET access to the keyVault containing the SSL certificate. | genruntime.ConfigMapReference Optional |
keyVaultId | Url to the KeyVault Secret containing the Ssl Certificate. If absolute Url containing version is provided, auto-update of ssl certificate will not work. This requires Api Management service to be configured with aka.ms/apimmsi. The secret should be of type application/x-pkcs12 | string Optional |
negotiateClientCertificate | Specify true to always negotiate client certificate on the hostname. Default Value is false. | bool Optional |
type | Hostname type. | HostnameConfiguration_Type Required |
Custom hostname configuration.
Used by: Service_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
certificate | Certificate information. | CertificateInformation_STATUS Optional |
certificateSource | Certificate Source. | HostnameConfiguration_CertificateSource_STATUS Optional |
certificateStatus | Certificate Status. | HostnameConfiguration_CertificateStatus_STATUS Optional |
defaultSslBinding | Specify true to setup the certificate associated with this Hostname as the Default SSL Certificate. If a client does not send the SNI header, then this will be the certificate that will be challenged. The property is useful if a service has multiple custom hostname enabled and it needs to decide on the default ssl certificate. The setting only applied to gateway Hostname Type. | bool Optional |
encodedCertificate | Base64 Encoded certificate. | string Optional |
hostName | Hostname to configure on the Api Management service. | string Optional |
identityClientId | System or User Assigned Managed identity clientId as generated by Azure AD, which has GET access to the keyVault containing the SSL certificate. | string Optional |
keyVaultId | Url to the KeyVault Secret containing the Ssl Certificate. If absolute Url containing version is provided, auto-update of ssl certificate will not work. This requires Api Management service to be configured with aka.ms/apimmsi. The secret should be of type application/x-pkcs12 | string Optional |
negotiateClientCertificate | Specify true to always negotiate client certificate on the hostname. Default Value is false. | bool Optional |
type | Hostname type. | HostnameConfiguration_Type_STATUS Optional |
Create keyVault contract details.
Used by: NamedValue_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
identityClientId | Null for SystemAssignedIdentity or Client Id for UserAssignedIdentity , which will be used to access key vault secret. | string Optional |
identityClientIdFromConfig | Null for SystemAssignedIdentity or Client Id for UserAssignedIdentity , which will be used to access key vault secret. | genruntime.ConfigMapReference Optional |
secretIdentifier | Key vault secret identifier for fetching secret. Providing a versioned secret will prevent auto-refresh. This requires API Management service to be configured with aka.ms/apimmsi | string Optional |
KeyVault contract details.
Used by: NamedValue_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
identityClientId | Null for SystemAssignedIdentity or Client Id for UserAssignedIdentity , which will be used to access key vault secret. | string Optional |
lastStatus | Last time sync and refresh status of secret from key vault. | KeyVaultLastAccessStatusContractProperties_STATUS Optional |
secretIdentifier | Key vault secret identifier for fetching secret. Providing a versioned secret will prevent auto-refresh. This requires API Management service to be configured with aka.ms/apimmsi | string Optional |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: NamedValue_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
Used by: Policy_Spec, and ProductPolicy_Spec.
Value | Description |
“rawxml” | |
“rawxml-link” | |
“xml” | |
“xml-link” |
Used by: Policy_STATUS, and ProductPolicy_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“rawxml” | |
“rawxml-link” | |
“xml” | |
“xml-link” |
Used by: PolicyFragment_Spec.
Value | Description |
“rawxml” | |
“xml” |
Used by: PolicyFragment_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“rawxml” | |
“xml” |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: PolicyFragment_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: Policy_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: ProductApi_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
Used by: Product_Spec.
Value | Description |
“notPublished” | |
“published” |
Used by: Product_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“notPublished” | |
“published” |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: Product_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: ProductPolicy_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
Remote Private Endpoint Connection resource.
Used by: Service_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
groupIds | All the Group ids. | string[] Optional |
id | Private Endpoint connection resource id | string Optional |
name | Private Endpoint Connection Name | string Optional |
privateEndpoint | The resource of private end point. | ArmIdWrapper_STATUS Optional |
privateLinkServiceConnectionState | A collection of information about the state of the connection between service consumer and provider. | PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState_STATUS Optional |
provisioningState | The provisioning state of the private endpoint connection resource. | string Optional |
type | Private Endpoint Connection Resource Type | string Optional |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: Service_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
Used by: Subscription_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“active” | |
“cancelled” | |
“expired” | |
“rejected” | |
“submitted” | |
“suspended” |
Used by: Subscription_Spec.
Value | Description |
“active” | |
“cancelled” | |
“expired” | |
“rejected” | |
“submitted” | |
“suspended” |
Subscription key parameter names details.
Used by: Api_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
header | Subscription key header name. | string Optional |
query | Subscription key query string parameter name. | string Optional |
Subscription key parameter names details.
Used by: Api_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
header | Subscription key header name. | string Optional |
query | Subscription key query string parameter name. | string Optional |
Details for configuring operator behavior. Fields in this struct are interpreted by the operator directly rather than being passed to Azure
Used by: Subscription_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
configMapExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic ConfigMaps (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secretExpressions | configures where to place operator written dynamic secrets (created with CEL expressions). | core.DestinationExpression[] Optional |
secrets | configures where to place Azure generated secrets. | SubscriptionOperatorSecrets Optional |
Metadata pertaining to creation and last modification of the resource.
Used by: Service_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
createdAt | The timestamp of resource creation (UTC). | string Optional |
createdBy | The identity that created the resource. | string Optional |
createdByType | The type of identity that created the resource. | SystemData_CreatedByType_STATUS Optional |
lastModifiedAt | The timestamp of resource last modification (UTC) | string Optional |
lastModifiedBy | The identity that last modified the resource. | string Optional |
lastModifiedByType | The type of identity that last modified the resource. | SystemData_LastModifiedByType_STATUS Optional |
Configuration of a virtual network to which API Management service is deployed.
Used by: AdditionalLocation, and Service_Spec.
Property | Description | Type |
subnetResourceReference | The full resource ID of a subnet in a virtual network to deploy the API Management service in. | genruntime.ResourceReference Optional |
Configuration of a virtual network to which API Management service is deployed.
Used by: AdditionalLocation_STATUS, and Service_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
subnetname | The name of the subnet. | string Optional |
subnetResourceId | The full resource ID of a subnet in a virtual network to deploy the API Management service in. | string Optional |
vnetid | The virtual network ID. This is typically a GUID. Expect a null GUID by default. | string Optional |
Used by: AdditionalLocation.
Value | Description |
“Disabled” | |
“Enabled” |
Used by: AdditionalLocation_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Disabled” | |
“Enabled” |
Used by: AdditionalLocation_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“mtv1” | |
“stv1” | |
“stv2” | |
“undetermined” |
Used by: ApiManagementServiceIdentity.
Value | Description |
“None” | |
“SystemAssigned” | |
“SystemAssigned, UserAssigned” | |
“UserAssigned” |
Used by: ApiManagementServiceIdentity_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“None” | |
“SystemAssigned” | |
“SystemAssigned, UserAssigned” | |
“UserAssigned” |
Used by: ApiManagementServiceSkuProperties.
Value | Description |
“Basic” | |
“Consumption” | |
“Developer” | |
“Isolated” | |
“Premium” | |
“Standard” |
Used by: ApiManagementServiceSkuProperties_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Basic” | |
“Consumption” | |
“Developer” | |
“Isolated” | |
“Premium” | |
“Standard” |
Used by: ApiVersionSetContractDetails.
Value | Description |
“Header” | |
“Query” | |
“Segment” |
Used by: ApiVersionSetContractDetails_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Header” | |
“Query” | |
“Segment” |
A wrapper for an ARM resource id
Used by: RemotePrivateEndpointConnectionWrapper_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
id | string Optional |
Authorization Provider oauth2 grant types settings
Used by: AuthorizationProviderOAuth2Settings.
Property | Description | Type |
authorizationCode | OAuth2 authorization code grant parameters | genruntime.SecretMapReference Optional |
clientCredentials | OAuth2 client credential grant parameters | genruntime.SecretMapReference Optional |
Authorization Provider oauth2 grant types settings
Used by: AuthorizationProviderOAuth2Settings_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
authorizationCode | OAuth2 authorization code grant parameters | map[string]string Optional |
clientCredentials | OAuth2 client credential grant parameters | map[string]string Optional |
Authorization header information.
Used by: BackendCredentialsContract.
Property | Description | Type |
parameter | Authentication Parameter value. | string Required |
scheme | Authentication Scheme name. | string Required |
Authorization header information.
Used by: BackendCredentialsContract_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
parameter | Authentication Parameter value. | string Optional |
scheme | Authentication Scheme name. | string Optional |
Properties of the Service Fabric Type Backend.
Used by: BackendProperties.
Property | Description | Type |
clientCertificateId | The client certificate id for the management endpoint. | string Optional |
clientCertificatethumbprint | The client certificate thumbprint for the management endpoint. Will be ignored if certificatesIds are provided | string Optional |
managementEndpoints | The cluster management endpoint. | string[] Required |
maxPartitionResolutionRetries | Maximum number of retries while attempting resolve the partition. | int Optional |
serverCertificateThumbprints | Thumbprints of certificates cluster management service uses for tls communication | string[] Optional |
serverX509Names | Server X509 Certificate Names Collection | X509CertificateName[] Optional |
Properties of the Service Fabric Type Backend.
Used by: BackendProperties_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
clientCertificateId | The client certificate id for the management endpoint. | string Optional |
clientCertificatethumbprint | The client certificate thumbprint for the management endpoint. Will be ignored if certificatesIds are provided | string Optional |
managementEndpoints | The cluster management endpoint. | string[] Optional |
maxPartitionResolutionRetries | Maximum number of retries while attempting resolve the partition. | int Optional |
serverCertificateThumbprints | Thumbprints of certificates cluster management service uses for tls communication | string[] Optional |
serverX509Names | Server X509 Certificate Names Collection | X509CertificateName_STATUS[] Optional |
Used by: CertificateConfiguration.
Value | Description |
“CertificateAuthority” | |
“Root” |
Used by: CertificateConfiguration_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“CertificateAuthority” | |
“Root” |
SSL certificate information.
Used by: CertificateConfiguration, and HostnameConfiguration.
Property | Description | Type |
expiry | Expiration date of the certificate. The date conforms to the following format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ as specified by the ISO 8601 standard. |
string Optional |
expiryFromConfig | Expiration date of the certificate. The date conforms to the following format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ as specified by the ISO 8601 standard. |
genruntime.ConfigMapReference Optional |
subject | Subject of the certificate. | string Optional |
subjectFromConfig | Subject of the certificate. | genruntime.ConfigMapReference Optional |
thumbprint | Thumbprint of the certificate. | string Optional |
thumbprintFromConfig | Thumbprint of the certificate. | genruntime.ConfigMapReference Optional |
SSL certificate information.
Used by: CertificateConfiguration_STATUS, and HostnameConfiguration_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
expiry | Expiration date of the certificate. The date conforms to the following format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ as specified by the ISO 8601 standard. |
string Optional |
subject | Subject of the certificate. | string Optional |
thumbprint | Thumbprint of the certificate. | string Optional |
Used by: HostnameConfiguration.
Value | Description |
“BuiltIn” | |
“Custom” | |
“KeyVault” | |
“Managed” |
Used by: HostnameConfiguration_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“BuiltIn” | |
“Custom” | |
“KeyVault” | |
“Managed” |
Used by: HostnameConfiguration.
Value | Description |
“Completed” | |
“Failed” | |
“InProgress” |
Used by: HostnameConfiguration_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Completed” | |
“Failed” | |
“InProgress” |
Used by: HostnameConfiguration.
Value | Description |
“DeveloperPortal” | |
“Management” | |
“Portal” | |
“Proxy” | |
“Scm” |
Used by: HostnameConfiguration_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“DeveloperPortal” | |
“Management” | |
“Portal” | |
“Proxy” | |
“Scm” |
Issue contract Update Properties.
Used by: KeyVaultContractProperties_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
code | Last status code for sync and refresh of secret from key vault. | string Optional |
message | Details of the error else empty. | string Optional |
timeStampUtc | Last time secret was accessed. The date conforms to the following format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ as specified by the ISO 8601 standard. |
string Optional |
API OAuth2 Authentication settings details.
Used by: AuthenticationSettingsContract, and AuthenticationSettingsContract.
Property | Description | Type |
authorizationServerId | OAuth authorization server identifier. | string Optional |
scope | operations scope. | string Optional |
API OAuth2 Authentication settings details.
Used by: AuthenticationSettingsContract_STATUS, and AuthenticationSettingsContract_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
authorizationServerId | OAuth authorization server identifier. | string Optional |
scope | operations scope. | string Optional |
API OAuth2 Authentication settings details.
Used by: AuthenticationSettingsContract, and AuthenticationSettingsContract.
Property | Description | Type |
bearerTokenSendingMethods | How to send token to the server. | BearerTokenSendingMethodsContract[] Optional |
openidProviderId | OAuth authorization server identifier. | string Optional |
API OAuth2 Authentication settings details.
Used by: AuthenticationSettingsContract_STATUS, and AuthenticationSettingsContract_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
bearerTokenSendingMethods | How to send token to the server. | BearerTokenSendingMethodsContract_STATUS[] Optional |
openidProviderId | OAuth authorization server identifier. | string Optional |
A collection of information about the state of the connection between service consumer and provider.
Used by: RemotePrivateEndpointConnectionWrapper_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
actionsRequired | A message indicating if changes on the service provider require any updates on the consumer. | string Optional |
description | The reason for approval/rejection of the connection. | string Optional |
status | Indicates whether the connection has been Approved/Rejected/Removed by the owner of the service. | PrivateEndpointServiceConnectionStatus_STATUS Optional |
Used by: SubscriptionOperatorSpec.
Property | Description | Type |
primaryKey | indicates where the PrimaryKey secret should be placed. If omitted, the secret will not be retrieved from Azure. | genruntime.SecretDestination Optional |
secondaryKey | indicates where the SecondaryKey secret should be placed. If omitted, the secret will not be retrieved from Azure. | genruntime.SecretDestination Optional |
Used by: SystemData_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Application” | |
“Key” | |
“ManagedIdentity” | |
“User” |
Used by: SystemData_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Application” | |
“Key” | |
“ManagedIdentity” | |
“User” |
Information about the user assigned identity for the resource
Used by: ApiManagementServiceIdentity.
Property | Description | Type |
reference | genruntime.ResourceReference Optional |
Used by: ApiManagementServiceIdentity_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
clientId | The client id of user assigned identity. | string Optional |
principalId | The principal id of user assigned identity. | string Optional |
Form of an authorization grant, which the client uses to request the access token.
Used by: OpenIdAuthenticationSettingsContract.
Value | Description |
“authorizationHeader” | |
“query” |
Form of an authorization grant, which the client uses to request the access token.
Used by: OpenIdAuthenticationSettingsContract_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“authorizationHeader” | |
“query” |
The private endpoint connection status.
Used by: PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState_STATUS.
Value | Description |
“Approved” | |
“Pending” | |
“Rejected” |
Properties of server X509Names.
Used by: BackendServiceFabricClusterProperties.
Property | Description | Type |
issuerCertificateThumbprint | Thumbprint for the Issuer of the Certificate. | string Optional |
name | Common Name of the Certificate. | string Optional |
Properties of server X509Names.
Used by: BackendServiceFabricClusterProperties_STATUS.
Property | Description | Type |
issuerCertificateThumbprint | Thumbprint for the Issuer of the Certificate. | string Optional |
name | Common Name of the Certificate. | string Optional |