Type References & ownership

  • ASO: Azure Service Operator
  • k8s-infra: The handcrafted precurser to the code generation tool being designed.


  • Provide a way for customers to express relationships between Azure resources in an idiomatic Kubernetes way.
  • Provide automatic ownership and garbage collection (using Kubernetes garbage collection) where appropriate (e.g. ResourceGroup as an owner of all the resources inside of it)
    • Ideally ResourceGroup is handled the same as other owners and isn’t special cased.
  • Define how Kubernetes interacts with Azure resources not created/managed by Kubernetes, for example resources which were created prior to the customer onboarding to the Azure Service Operator.
  • References should be extensible to work across multiple Azure subscriptions, although initially we may not support that.


  • Managing ownership for resources/resource hierarchies that were not created by the service operator. While this proposal allows references to point to external resources not managed by the service operator, the operator is not watching/monitoring the resource in question and as such cannot propagate deletes. Put another way: for the operator to manage ownership/object lifecycles, the entire resource hierarchy must exist within Kubernetes. If only part of the resource hierarchy is managed by the service operator, only those parts can have their lifecycles managed.

Different kinds of resource relationships in Azure

Related/linked resources

Two resources are related to one another (“has-a” relationship), but there is no ownership. Example: VMSS → Subnet (json schema).

This relationship is always one-way (a VMSS refers to a Subnet, but a Subnet does not refer to a VMSS).

Owner and dependent

Two resources have a relationship where one is owned by the other.


A relationship like those shown here tells us two things:

  • Where to create/manage the dependent resource (this Route goes in that particular RouteTable, this RouteTable has that Route)
  • That the dependent resource should be deleted when the parent resource is deleted. There are theoretically two cases here:
    • The dependent resource must be deleted before the parent can be deleted.
    • Deletion of the parent automatically cascades to all dependent resources. Due to how Azure ARM resources express ownership (via id which is part of the URL, with dependent resources being a subdirectory under the owning resources URL) all ARM resources should fall into this case.

Note that sometimes an owning resource has its dependent resources embedded directly (for example: RouteTable has the property RouteTablePropertiesFormat). Most types do not embed the dependent resource directly in the owning resource. We will need to cater for both the embedded and non-embedded cases.

What do these relationships look like in existing solutions?

This section examines how other operator solutions have tackled these problems. We look at:

  • ARM templates
  • Azure Service Operator (ASO)
  • k8s-infra

Related/Linked resources

What does ARM do?

These are just properties (often but not always called id) which refer to the fully qualified ARM ID of another resource. For example see a sample deployment template for a VMSS refering to an existing vnet.

"properties": { "subnet": { "id": "[resourceId(parameters('existingVnetResourceGroupName'), 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets', parameters('existingVnetName'), parameters('existingSubNetName'))]" }, }

What does ASO do?

Similar to how ARM templates behave, ASO uses the decomposition of fully qualified resource id to reference another resource, as seen here for VMSS → VNet

type AzureVMScaleSetSpec struct { ... Location string `json:"location"` ResourceGroup string `json:"resourceGroup"` VirtualNetworkName string `json:"virtualNetworkName"` SubnetName string `json:"subnetName"` ... }

These properties are combined into a fully qualified ARM ID like so:

subnetIDInput := helpers.MakeResourceID( client.SubscriptionID, resourceGroupName, "Microsoft.Network", "virtualNetworks", vnetName, "subnets", subnetName, )

This produces a resource ID: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroup}/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/{vnetName}/subnets/{subnetName}.

Currently ASO does not support cross-subscription references (and some of the resources such as VMSS don’t allow cross-resource group references), but it in theory could by adding parameters.

What does k8s-infra do?

k8s-infra is a bit different in that resource references are in Kubernetes style (namespace + name) and not Azure style (resource-group + resource-name). All resource references are done using the special type KnownTypeReference which contains the fully qualified Kubernetes name for the resource.

Dependent Resources

What does ARM do?

ARM template deployments support two different ways of deploying dependent resources:

  • Deploy the resources in the same ARM template with dependent resources embedded inside owning resources using the resources property.
    • The dependent resource need not specify which resource is its owner, because it is implied by embedded structure.
    • The owning resource and the dependent resource must be created at the same time.
  • Deploy the resources separately.
    • The dependent resource must specify which resource is its owner by including in its name field both the owning resource name and the dependent resource name separated by a /. Each segment of the name corresponds to an owning resource. For example creating a Batch Pool foo in Batch account account would have name = account/foo.
    • The dependent resource can be created after the owning resource has already been created, or can be created at the same time as the owning resource. If created at the same time, the dependsOn field must be used to inform ARM of the order to perform resource creation.

What does ASO do?

Dependent resources in ASO have properties which map to the name/path to their owner. For example MySQLFirewallRuleSpec looks like this:

type MySQLFirewallRuleSpec struct { ResourceGroup string `json:"resourceGroup"` Server string `json:"server"` StartIPAddress string `json:"startIpAddress"` EndIPAddress string `json:"endIpAddress"` }

The ResourceGroup and Server are references to the owners of this type.

What does k8s-infra do?

k8s-infra uses the same KnownTypeReference type mentioned above for ownership references too. There are two patterns for ownership in k8s-infra today.

One pattern is used for ResourceGroup, where top level resources have a link to the resource group they are in.

type VirtualMachineScaleSetSpec struct { // +kubebuilder:validation:Required ResourceGroupRef *azcorev1.KnownTypeReference `json:"resourceGroupRef" group:"microsoft.resources.infra.azure.com" kind:"ResourceGroup"` ... }

The other pattern is where the owning resource has links to the dependent resources it is expecting to have:

type RouteTableSpecProperties struct { DisableBGPRoutePropagation bool `json:"disableBgpRoutePropagation,omitempty"` RouteRefs []azcorev1.KnownTypeReference `json:"routeRefs,omitempty" group:"microsoft.network.infra.azure.com" kind:"Route" owned:"true"` }

If the dependent resources aren’t there, the status of the owning resource reflects an error explaining that.


A note on names before we get started

In Kubernetes each resource must have a unique name for its group-kind. For example, if we had a RouteTable CRD, each RouteTable object would need to have a unique name. In ARM, resources do not need to be uniquely named. There can be two RouteTable resources with the same name provided they are in different resource groups. The owner-dependent resource relationship impacts uniqueness in Azure in a way that it doesn’t in Kubernetes.

Proposed solution

All Kubernetes resources will have two fields which are used in combination to build the Azure name: Metadata.Name and Spec.AzureName. When Spec.AzureName is empty, Metadata.Name is used as the resource name. When Spec.AzureName is provided, it takes precedence and is used when interacting with ARM, but the resource in Kubernetes is still called by its Metadata.Name.


We propose the following high-level solution:

  • All references will be via Kubernetes group, kind, and name.
  • If a resource not managed by Kubernetes must be referenced, that resource must be imported into Kubernetes as an Unmanaged resource.
  • Dependent resources will refer to their parent via an Owner property.
  • The Owner property will automatically detect group and kind, making specifying an owner as simple as providing the Kubernetes resource name.
  • Dependent resources with the Owner property set will automatically have their ownerReferences configured so that Kubernetes garbage collection will delete the dependent resources when the owner is deleted.
  • References to related resources will be automatically detected by the code generator and transformed into the correct reference type.
  • At serialization time, the controller will transform the Kubernetes types (including related resource references and owner references) into the correct Azure resource definitions (including fully qualified ARM IDs).

More specific details about how this will be achieved are in the following sections.

How to represent references

There are two kinds of references we need to represent: References to a resource whose type we know statically at compile time, and references to a resource whose type we do not know at compile time.

We could use the same type for both kinds of references, but that has the downside of allowing a situation where we know the group and version statically at compile time, but the customer has also provided it and it doesn’t match. Two types allows us to clearly express what we’re expecting for each reference. The resulting YAMLs look basically the same to the customer, and the required-ness of the fields will give push-back when customers need to specify a group or kind and have not.

// KnownResourceReference is a resource reference to a known type. type KnownResourceReference struct { // This is the name of the Kubernetes resource to reference. Name string `json:"name"` // References across namespaces are not supported. // Note that ownership across namespaces in Kubernetes is not allowed, but technically resource // references are. There are RBAC considerations here though so probably easier to just start by // disallowing cross-namespace references for now } type ResourceReference struct { // The group of the referenced resource. Group string `json:"group"` // The kind of the referenced resource. Kind string `json:"kind"` // The name of the referenced resource. Name string `json:"name"` // Note: Version is not required here because references are all about linking one Kubernetes // resource to another, and Kubernetes resources are uniquely identified by group, kind, (optionally namespace) and // name - the versions are just giving a different view on the same resource }

How to represent ownership and dependent resources

We will use the same KnownResourceReference type as an additional Owner field on dependent resource specifications.

When we determine that a resource is a dependent resource of another resource kind, we will code-generate an Owner property in the dependent resource Spec. This will also include an annotation about the expected type of the resource (group and kind) so that the customer doesn’t have to specify that in the YAML.

type SubnetSpec struct { Owner KnownResourceReference `json:"owner" group:"microsoft.network.infra.azure.com" kind:"VirtualNetwork"` ... }

When users submit a dependent object we will validate that the provided owner reference is present. This can be accomplished by making the property required in the CRD.

A YAML snippet showing how this will look from the customer’s perspective:

... spec: owner: name: my-vnet ...

One major advantage of this approach is that the customer cannot really get the owning type wrong, because we’ve autogenerated the expected group/kind information all names they supply must point to the right kind of resource.

How to represent a resource generically

In addition to representing references generically, we will need the ability to reference ARM resources generically, so that the generic controller can act on them without needing to cast to their specific type.

// TODO: There may be more in this interface, or it may get rolled into MetaObject depending on yet to be determined implementation details type ArmResource interface { // Name returns the ARM resource name Name() string // Owner returns the ResourceReference so that we can extract the Group/Kind for easier lookups Owner() *ResourceReference }

How to identify resource relationships

For related (not owned) resources we must find each field that represents a resource reference and transform its type to ResourceReference. There is no specific marker which means: “This field is a reference” - most are called id but that’s not a guarantee. For example on the VirtualMachineScaleSetIPConfigurationProperties the subnet field is of custom type ApiEntityReference, which has an id field where you put the ARM ID for a subnet. This may require some manual work. One thing we can investigate doing long term is see if there’s a way to get teams to annotate “links” in their Swagger somehow.

For dependent resources we must identify all of the owner to dependent relationships between resources. As discussed in what ARM does, this can be done using the resources property in the ARM deployment templates. These are much easier to automatically detect than related resources as the dependent types are called out in the resources property explicitly.

How to choose the right reference type (ResourceReference vs KnownResourceReference) at generation time

Because we are code-generating all of the Owner fields based on the resources property in the JSON schema, and each ARM resource can be owned by at most 1 other resource, we can always supply the annotations for group and kind automatically for the Owner field. This is not the case for abitrary references (id’s) to other resources. We do not actually know programmatically what type those references are. In some cases it may actually be allowed to point to multiple different types (for example: custom image vs shared image gallery).

In the KnownResourceReference case, we know the type we’re looking for and can fail fast if the customer specifies the wrong type. In the ResourceReference case, we cannot know the type we’re looking for, so we must accept what the customer has provided and ensure that we have good error messages if they have provided a link to an invalid resource (usually the error from Azure should suffice).

ResourceLifeCycle and unmanaged resources

In order to keep references Kubernetes-native, allow a “single pane of glass” for customers looking at their Azure resources through Kubernetes, and allow references to resources that were created before the customer onboarded to the operator, we introduce a new mode to each resource: ResourceLifeCycle.

ResourceLifeCycle can be either Managed or Unmanaged.

ResourceLifeCycle is not specified by the customer explicitly in the Spec, instead it is inferred based on how the resource was created in Kubernetes. If a resource is created as just a reference (id, name, no spec details) then it is Unmanaged. If a resource is created with a populated spec, then the resource is Managed.

RouteTable + Routes issue (multiple routes of the same name are allowed)

Options for this: Note that all of these options share this restriction: Each resource must be imported, e.g. to import a VNET you may need to import the resource group the VNET is in, and then the VNET (with an Owner reference pointing to the imported ResourceGroup).

Option 1: Users must create a valid resource with the same name as the resource they want to track. If this resource’s spec differs from what is in Azure, an error is logged but we never actually apply any state to Azure (i.e. we don’t try to sync to the spec). A tag in the metadata must be added to inform the operator not to sync.


  • Swapping from unmanaged to managed is super easy, just remove the tag blocking the reconciliation loop.


  • There is possibly a significant amount of extra effort required to re-specify a resource whose shape we really just want to “import” from ARM. Worse for large trees of objects or deeply nested objects.
  • If the tag is forgotten (or has a typo) we will try to manage a resource which we shouldn’t be managing. This could be very problematic depending on how different the specification is from what exists in Azure.
  • The existence of a spec may suggest we are actually seeking towards it – which we are not. ASO does have a similar feature though so maybe not that big of a problem.

Option 2: Users create an entity with just the “identifying fields” set: Metadata.Name, Owner, and optionally Spec.AzureName. When an entity is created like this, the controller knows to treat it specially (optionally may also add a tag automatically?). These entities will only be watched by the controller, no mutating update will be sent to ARM.


  • Relatively easy to import even complex object hierarchies.


  • This screws up the “required-ness” of non-identifying fields in a spec. For example: a Virtual Network requires a Properties VirtualNetworkProperties field to be set, but since we have to allow that field to be nil when importing a Virtual Network we can’t set the Properties field with a required annotation for Kubebuilder.

Option 3: Same as option 2, but use anyOf to specify two valid structures:

spec: type: object properties: owner: properties: name: type: string azureName: type: string foo: type: integer anyOf: - required: ["owner"] - required: ["owner", "foo"]

Note that it has to be anyOf because oneOf disallows multiple matches, and owner + foo matches both sets in the example above.


  • Represents what we want and maintains better automatic validation.


  • Kubebuilder doesn’t support generating this, so we would have to come up with another way to do it, or possibly upstream changes to Kubebuilder to support it.

Option 4: Other ideas… Do away with Kubebuilder validation entirely and use our own (including our own validating webhooks). Use Kustomize and our own code-generator/parser to generate amendments to Kubebuilder’s generated CRDs to get the anyOf shape we want above.

How to transform Kubernetes objects to ARM objects (and back)

In the case of resource ownership, the proposed Owner property exists on dependent resources in the CRD but must not go to Azure as Azure doesn’t understand it. In the case of a generic resource reference, the ResourceReference in the CRD must become an id (with fully-qualified ARM ID) when serialized to ARM. In both cases, we need two representations of the entity: one to Kubernetes as the CRD, and one to Azure. These two types are structurally similar but not identical. We cannot just override JSON serialization to solve this problem due to the fact that there are actually two distinct JSON representations we need.

The proposed solution is that the code generator intelligently generates 2 types for cases where we know the CRD shape differs from ARM. We will add an interface which types can optionally implement which allows them to transform themselves to another type prior to serialization to/from ARM. This is also a useful hook for any manual customization for serialization we may need.

The interface will look something like this:

type ARMTransformer interface { ToArm(owningName string) (interface{}, error) FromArm(owner KnownResourceReference, input interface{}) error }

Here’s an example of how it will be implemented:

func CreateArmResourceNameForDeployment(owningName string, name string) string { result := owningName + "/" + name return result } // +kubebuilder:object:root=true // +kubebuilder:storageversion type VirtualNetworksSubnets struct { metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"` metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"` Spec VirtualNetworksSubnetsSpec `json:"spec,omitempty"` } var _ ArmResource = &VirtualNetworksSubnets{} func (resource *VirtualNetworksSubnets) Owner() *ResourceReference { r := reflect.TypeOf(resource.Spec) ownerField, found := r.FieldByName("Owner") if !found { return nil } group := ownerField.Tag.Get("group") kind := ownerField.Tag.Get("kind") return &ResourceReference { group: group, kind: kind, name: resource.Spec.Owner.Name } } func (resource *VirtualNetworksSubnets) Name() string { return resource.Spec.Name } type VirtualNetworksSubnetsSpec struct { // +kubebuilder:validation:Required ApiVersion VirtualNetworksSubnetsSpecApiVersion `json:"apiVersion"` // +kubebuilder:validation:Required Name string `json:"name"` // +kubebuilder:validation:Required Owner genruntime.KnownResourceReference `json:"owner" group:"microsoft.network" kind:"VirtualNetworks"` // +kubebuilder:validation:Required //Properties: Properties of the subnet. Properties SubnetPropertiesFormat `json:"properties"` // +kubebuilder:validation:Required Type VirtualNetworksSubnetsSpecType `json:"type"` } // No KubeBuilder comments required here because not ever used to generate CRD type VirtualNetworksSubnetsSpecArm struct { ApiVersion VirtualNetworksSubnetsSpecApiVersion `json:"apiVersion"` Name string `json:"name"` //Properties: Properties of the subnet. Properties SubnetPropertiesFormat `json:"properties"` Type VirtualNetworksSubnetsSpecType `json:"type"` } // This interface implementation would be autogenerated for ARM resources with references var _ genruntime.ArmTransformer = &VirtualNetworksSubnetsSpec{} func (transformer *VirtualNetworksSubnetsSpec) ToArm(owningName string) (interface{}, error) { result = VirtualNetworksSubnetsSpecArm{} result.ApiVersion = transformer.ApiVersion result.Name = CreateArmResourceNameForDeployment(owningName, transformer.Name) result.Properties = transformer.Properties result.Type = transformer.Type return result, nil } func (transformer *VirtualNetworksSubnetsSpec) FromArm(owner genruntime.KnownResourceReference, input interface{}) error { typedInput, ok := input.(VirtualNetworksSubnetsSpecArm) if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("unexepected type supplied for FromArm function. Expected VirtualNetworksSubnetsSpecArm, got %T", input) } transformer.ApiVersion = typedInput.ApiVersion transformer.Name = ExtractKubernetesResourceNameFromArmName(typedInput.Name) transformer.Owner = owner transformer.Properties = typedInput.Properties transformer.Type = typedInput.Type return nil }

Controller example

Putting it all together, here’s what a generic controller reconciliation loop would look like using the interfaces discussed previously.

// Example usage -- error handling elided for brevity func (gr *GenericReconciler) Reconcile(req ctrl.Request) (ctrl.Result, error) { scheme := ... gvk := ... client := ... // Load the object from etcd obj := scheme.New(gvk) resource := client.Get(req.NamespacedName, obj) // Get the owner details armResource := obj.(ARMResource) ownerRef := armResource.Owner() // Perform a get from Azure to see current resource state armId := helpers.GetArmId(resource) objFromAzure := scheme.new(gvk) // We need to provide the empty type to deserialize into // Somehow construct a new object of type etcdObject if armTransformer, ok := objFromAzure.(ARMTransformer); ok { result := armTransformer.ToArm("") // This just converts from an empty kube shape to an empty arm shape armClient.GetIt(armId, result) armTransformer.FromArm(ownerRef, result) } // Perform a put to update resource state // Walk the owner hierarchy (assuming owner has no owner here for simplicity) to build owner name ownerGvk := ownerRef.ToGvk() owner := scheme.New(ownerGvk) ownerArmResource := owner.(ARMResource) ownerId := owner.Name() var toSerialize interface{} toSerialize = resource if armTransformer, ok := toSerialize.(ARMTransformer); ok { toSerialize = armTransformer.ToArm(ownerArmId) } json := json.Marshal(toSerialize) armClient.SendIt(json) }


What happens when a dependent resource specifies an Owner that doesn’t exist?

The dependent resource will be stuck in an unprovisioned state with an error stating that the owner doesn’t exist. If the owner is created, the dependent resource will then be created by the reconciliation loop automatically.

The resource with the link will be stuck in an unprovisioned state with an error stating that the linked resource doesn’t exist. This behavior is the same as for a dependent resource with a non-existent owner.

How are the CRD entities going to be rendered as ARM deployments?

There are a few different ways to perform ARM deployments as discussed in Dependent Resources. Due to the nature of Kubernetes CRDs, each resource is managed separately and has its own reconcilation loop. It doesn’t make sense to try to deploy a single ARM template with the entire resource graph. Each resource will be done in its own deployment (with a dependsOn specified if required).

Aren’t there going to be races in resource creation?

Yes. If you have a complex hierarchy of resources (where resources have involved relationships between one another) and submit all of their YAMLs to the operator at the same time it is likely that some requests when sent to ARM will fail because of missing dependencies. Those resources that failed to deploy initially will be in an unprovisioned state in Kubernetes, and eventually all the resources will be created through multiple iterations of the reconciliation loop.

Aren’t there going to be races in resource deletion?

Yes. Owner as discussed in this specification is informing Kubernetes how Azure behaves. The fact that a ResourceGroup is the owner of a VirtualMachineScaleSet means that when the ResourceGroup is deleted in Azure, the VirtualMachineScaleSet will be too.

This means that practically speaking, we don’t need Kubernetes garbage collection to perform deletion of resources in Azure. Azure is already going to do that automatically. We need Kubernetes garbage collection to easily maintain sync with Azure.

As far as implementation goes this just means that when we are performing deletes in the generic controller and the resource is already deleted in Azure we just swallow that error and allow the Kubernetes object to be deleted.

What exactly happens when a resource with an Owner is created?

Once the resource has been accepted by the various admissions controllers and has been cofirmed to match the structural schema defined in the CRD, the generic controller will attempt to look up the owning resource in etcd (or in ARM if it’s an AzureReference).

If the generic controller finds the owning resource, it updates the ownerReference in the object metadata to include the uid of the owning resource and then submits an ARM template to ARM using the name of the owner and the name of the resource to build the name specified in the ARM template. It will include the name of the owner in the dependsOn field.

What happens if an owning resource is deleted and immediately recreated?

Kubernetes garbage collection is based on object uid’s. As discussed above, we bind to that uid on dependent resource creation. If a resource is deleted and then recreated Kubernetes will still understand that the new resource is fundamentally different than the old resource and garbage collection will happen as expected. The result will be that there is a new owning resource but all of its dependent resources were deleted (in Azure and in k8s).


  • How can we allow customers to easily find all dependents for a particular owner (i.e. all subnets of a vnet) using kubectl?
  • Cross subscription refs? Note that these are supported by a few Azure resources (VNET for example), but aren’t supported in most places.


These are questions I am posing to the group - I don’t expect to have an answer without input from the group.

  • What to do with awkward resources where the owner requires at least 1 dependent to also be created with it? David Justice pointed out this one
  • Do we want to use the same type for ownership relationships and “related” relationships? Ownership has other angles such as how deletes propagate which in theory don’t apply for other kinds of relationships.
  • Do we need to worry about letting customers choose between foreground cascading deletion and background cascading deletion or do we just pick one behavior which is best for our case?

The road not travelled

Shape of Azure References

We considered avoiding the complexity of ResourceLifecycle (Managed vs Unmanaged), instead allowing references to Azure resources directly by ARM ID.

References would look like this:

type KnownResourceReference struct { Kubernetes KnownKubernetesReference `json:"kubernetes"` Azure string `json:"azure"` } type ResourceReference struct { Kubernetes KubernetesReference `json:"kubernetes"` Azure string `json:"azure"` } type KnownKubernetesReference struct { // This is the name of the Kubernetes resource to reference. Name string `json:"name"` // References across namespaces are not supported. // Note that ownership across namespaces in Kubernetes is not allowed, but technically resource // references are. There are RBAC considerations here though so probably easier to just start by // disallowing cross-namespace references for now } type KubernetesReference struct { // The group of the referenced resource. Group string `json:"group"` // The kind of the referenced resource. Kind string `json:"kind"` // The name of the referenced resource. Name string `json:"name"` // Note: Version is not required here because references are all about linking one Kubernetes // resource to another, and Kubernetes resources are uniquely identified by group, kind, (optionally namespace) and // name - the versions are just giving a different view on the same resource }

Advantages compared to what we chose

  • Can track resources which are not tracked by Kubernetes.
  • Doesn’t need to introduce ResourceLifeCycle. ResourceLifeCycle complicates the mental model of individual resources as now apply on a resource can fail due to ResourceLifeCycle being Unmanaged.
  • Can support references to resource types which the operator doesn’t yet support. It’s likely that we can work around this in the chosen architecture if it becomes a big problem though.

Disadvantages compared to what we chose

  • References are not always Kubernetes-native looking.
  • The reference structure is a more complex nested type, which makes references (which are common) more complicated.
  • Moving from a resource link being to Azure directly to that same resource being managed/tracked by Kubernetes requires sweeping updates across all types referencing the migrated resource.
  • Doesn’t allow for a “single pane of glass” experience where customers can easily view all of their resources in a Kubernetes native way.

How to represent references

Use fully qualified ARM ID (a single string) for all references


  • Super simple to implement, because it’s what ARM expects at the end of the day anyway.


  • You can’t easily transplant your YAML between subscriptions/resource groups because those IDs are in the YAML - you need templates and variables so that you can easily move between different resource groups or Subscriptions.
  • Customers can’t stay in Kubernetes-land, they have to move their mental model to an “Azure” model.

Use built-in OwnerReference for owner references (customer setting these directly)


  • Basically none - customers are not supposed to set this directly.


  • OwnerReference requires the object UID, which cannot be known at template authoring time.
  • OwnerReference only works for ownership relationships, not for references.

Where ownership references are specified

Ownership is from owner to dependent


  • It makes getting a list of all resources under a particular owner very easy.


  • Adding/deleting a new dependent resource requires an update to the owner.
  • The owner can be in a failed state because dependent resources are missing. It feels like we’re repeating our intent here: On the one hand, we told the owner that it should have 3 dependents, while on the other hand we only created 2 of those 3. It feels like the state of the resources in kubernetes (i.e. how many dependents there actually are) is already expressing the intent for how many we want, so having that also on the owner seems duplicate.