Source code for pyrit.score.self_ask_scale_scorer

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

import enum
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional

import yaml

from pyrit.common.path import SCALES_PATH
from pyrit.models import PromptRequestPiece, Score, SeedPrompt, UnvalidatedScore
from pyrit.prompt_target import PromptChatTarget
from pyrit.score.scorer import Scorer

[docs] class SelfAskScaleScorer(Scorer): """ A class that represents a "self-ask" score for text scoring for a customizable numeric scale. """
[docs] class ScalePaths(enum.Enum): TREE_OF_ATTACKS_SCALE = Path(SCALES_PATH, "tree_of_attacks_scale.yaml").resolve() TASK_ACHIEVED_SCALE = Path(SCALES_PATH, "task_achieved_scale.yaml").resolve()
[docs] class SystemPaths(enum.Enum): GENERAL_SYSTEM_PROMPT = Path(SCALES_PATH, "general_system_prompt.yaml").resolve() RED_TEAMER_SYSTEM_PROMPT = Path(SCALES_PATH, "red_teamer_system_prompt.yaml").resolve()
[docs] def __init__( self, *, chat_target: PromptChatTarget, scale_arguments_path: Optional[Path], system_prompt_path: Optional[Path], ) -> None: self._prompt_target = chat_target self.scorer_type = "float_scale" if not system_prompt_path: system_prompt_path = self.SystemPaths.GENERAL_SYSTEM_PROMPT.value if not scale_arguments_path: scale_arguments_path = self.ScalePaths.TREE_OF_ATTACKS_SCALE.value scale_args = yaml.safe_load(scale_arguments_path.read_text(encoding="utf-8")) self._validate_scale_arguments_set(scale_args) self._minimum_value = scale_args["minimum_value"] self._maximum_value = scale_args["maximum_value"] self._category = scale_args["category"] scoring_instructions_template = SeedPrompt.from_yaml_file(system_prompt_path) self._system_prompt = scoring_instructions_template.render_template_value(**scale_args)
[docs] async def score_async(self, request_response: PromptRequestPiece, *, task: Optional[str] = None) -> list[Score]: """ Scores the given request_response using "self-ask" for the chat target and adds score to memory. Args: request_response (PromptRequestPiece): The prompt request piece containing the text to be scored. task (str): The task based on which the text should be scored (the original attacker model's objective). Returns: list[Score]: The request_response scored. The score_value is a value from [0,1] that is scaled based on the scorer's scale. """ self.validate(request_response, task=task) scoring_prompt = f"task: {task}\nresponse: {request_response.converted_value}" unvalidated_score: UnvalidatedScore = await self._score_value_with_llm( prompt_target=self._prompt_target, system_prompt=self._system_prompt, prompt_request_value=scoring_prompt, prompt_request_data_type=request_response.converted_value_data_type,, category=self._category, task=task, ) score = unvalidated_score.to_score( score_value=str( self.scale_value_float( float(unvalidated_score.raw_score_value), self._minimum_value, self._maximum_value ) ) ) self._memory.add_scores_to_memory(scores=[score]) return [score]
[docs] def validate(self, request_response: PromptRequestPiece, *, task: Optional[str] = None): if request_response.original_value_data_type != "text": raise ValueError("The original value data type must be text.") if not task: raise ValueError("Task must be provided.")
def _validate_scale_arguments_set(self, scale_args: dict): try: minimum_value = scale_args["minimum_value"] maximum_value = scale_args["maximum_value"] category = scale_args["category"] except KeyError as e: raise ValueError(f"Missing key in scale_args: {e.args[0]}") from None if not isinstance(minimum_value, int): raise ValueError(f"Minimum value must be an integer, got {type(minimum_value).__name__}.") if not isinstance(maximum_value, int): raise ValueError(f"Maximum value must be an integer, got {type(maximum_value).__name__}.") if minimum_value > maximum_value: raise ValueError("Minimum value must be less than or equal to the maximum value.") if not category: raise ValueError("Category must be set and cannot be empty.")