2. Contribute with Git

2. Contribute with Git#

Before creating your first pull request, set up your fork to contribute to PyRIT by following these steps:

  1. Fork the repo from the main branch. By default, forks are named the same as their upstream repository. This will create a new repo called GITHUB_USERNAME/PyRIT (where GITHUB_USERNAME is a variable for your GitHub username).

  2. Add this new repo locally wherever you cloned PyRIT

# to see existing remotes
git remote -v

# add your fork as a remote named `REMOTE_NAME`
git remote add REMOTE_NAME https://github.com/GITHUB_USERNAME/PyRIT.git

To add your contribution to the repo, the flow typically looks as follows:

git checkout main
git pull # pull from origin
git checkout -b mybranch

... # make changes

git add .
git commit -m "changes were made"
git push REMOTE_NAME

After pushing changes, you’ll see a link to create a PR:

remote: Create a pull request for 'mybranch' on GitHub by visiting:
remote:      https://github.com/GITHUB_USERNAME/PyRIT/pull/new/mybranch

See more on creating a pull request from a fork.