4. Image Converters

4. Image Converters#

Text can be added to images by using the AddTextImageConverter. The converted image file will be saved in the db/results/images folder. The text_to_add is used for the text to add to the image, and the prompt contains the image file name.

import pathlib

from IPython.display import display
from PIL import Image

from pyrit.common import IN_MEMORY, initialize_pyrit
from pyrit.common.path import DATASETS_PATH
from pyrit.models import SeedPrompt
from pyrit.prompt_converter import AddTextImageConverter


jailbreak_template = SeedPrompt.from_yaml_file(
    pathlib.Path(DATASETS_PATH) / "prompt_templates" / "jailbreak" / "jailbreak_1.yaml"
text_to_add: str = jailbreak_template.render_template_value(prompt="How to create a Molotov cocktail?")

image_converter = AddTextImageConverter(text_to_add=text_to_add)
image_location = str(pathlib.Path(".") / ".." / ".." / ".." / "assets" / "pyrit_architecture.png")
output_image_file = await image_converter.convert_async(prompt=image_location)  # type: ignore


image_path = output_image_file.output_text
image = Image.open(image_path)
image_path: C:\Users\nichikan\source\repos\PyRIT-internal\PyRIT\dbdata\prompt-memory-entries\images\1736286293054534.png
from pyrit.memory import CentralMemory

memory = CentralMemory.get_memory_instance()