3. Incorporating Research

3. Incorporating Research#

PyRIT is a fantastic place to both do new research or to add existing research. Here is some guidance around this.

  • Style should be consistent with PyRIT styles and naming, not with the original research. For example, if a research paper calls something a judge and we call it a scorer, it should be called a scorer. If there is consensus to rename something within PyRIT, we are very open to that, but we should do it across the board.

  • Attacks should always favor being generic. Even if a paper has a specific path, any attack should incorporate generic converters, generic scorers, multi-modal functionality, etc. This is one of the biggest strengths of PyRIT.

  • Before starting, it’s always a good idea to open an issue to discuss with the team! We can often give advice on the approach, and it can help us make changes to the framework that might make your life easier.